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We describe a computer-controlled 10 microns spot size laser scanning cytometer for making multiple wavelength fluorescence and scatter measurements of unconstrained cells on a surface such as a microscope slide. Designated areas of slides placed on a microscope stage are automatically scanned, and cells which generate above-threshold scatter or fluorescence values are found and individually processed to determine a list of measurement parameters. For each fluorescence or scatter measurement parameter, this list contains the integrated and peak values and bit pattern images of a scan window centered on the cell. The measurement time, the position of the cell on the slide, and two segmentation indices are also included in the list. Measurement time, cell position, and properties derived from the bit patterns are used interchangeably with integrated or peak measurement values as coordinates of multiproperty displays. Cells may be selected for counting, data display in various forms, or visual observation based on their meeting complex criteria among a chain of two property screens. Cells with selected properties may be viewed during an experiment or retrospectively. A designated specimen field may be repeatedly remeasured to perform kinetic cell studies. An argon ion and a HeNe- based laser instrument have been constructed and software has been written and evaluated with the specific goal of increasing the precision of propidium iodide-stained cellular DNA measurements. Some of the capabilities of the instrument and its current performance are described.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Use of synthetic short interfering RNAs (siRNAs) to study gene function has been limited by an inability to selectively analyze subsets of cells in complex populations, low and variable transfection efficiencies, and semiquantitative assays for measuring protein down-regulation. Intracellular flow cytometry can overcome these limitations by analyzing populations at the single-cell level in a high-throughput and quantitative fashion. Individual cells displaying a knockdown phenotype can be selectively interrogated for functional responses using multiparameter analysis. METHODS: Lck-specific siRNA was delivered into Jurkat T cells or peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) to suppress endogenous Lck expression. Transfected cells were fluorescently stained for intracellular Lck and analyzed using multiparameter flow cytometry. The Lck(lo) Jurkat subpopulation was selectively analyzed for CD69 up-regulation and phospho-states of signaling proteins following T-cell receptor (TCR) stimulation. Surface expression levels of CD4 and CD8 on transfected CD3+ gated PBMCs were correlated with intracellular Lck levels. RESULTS: A subpopulation of Jurkat cells with reduced levels of Lck was clearly resolved from cells with wildtype levels of Lck. Both CD69 up-regulation and ZAP70 phosphorylation were suppressed in Lck(lo) cells when compared with those in Lck(hi) cells upon TCR stimulation. Knockdown of intracellular Lck in primary T lymphocytes reduced surface expression of CD4 in a dose-dependent manner. CONCLUSIONS: Multiparameter flow cytometry is a powerful technique for the quantitative analysis of siRNA-mediated protein knockdown in complex hard-to-transfect cell populations.  相似文献   

Characterization of bacteria by multiparameter flow cytometry   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
An arc-lamp based flow cytometer was used to obtain high resolution measurements of the light scattering characteristics and DNA contents of eight different bacteria. Light scatter profiles of bacteria are a useful first step when flow cytometry is used to characterize organisms. Scanning and transmission electron microscopy of the bacterial samples demonstrate that the structural basis of the light scattering profiles is not always clear, i.e. some organisms appear to have anomalous light scattering characteristics. The use of a third measurement parameter, DNA content, allowed much better discrimination of the organisms. Flow cytometry shows great promise as a method for the rapid discrimination and identification of bacterial populations.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Recent advances in flow cytometry have resulted in the development of reliable techniques for performing polychromatic (5-17 color) flow cytometry analysis. However, the data reduction and analysis involved in the resolution of hundreds of possible cellular subphenotypes identified, using a single polychromatic flow cytometry staining panel, presents a major obstacle to the successful application of this technology. METHODS: To generate two distinct collections of T cell populations with differentially expressed surface markers, cryopreserved lymph node cells from 5 melanoma patients vaccinated with the modified gp100(209-2M) melanoma peptide were stimulated with cognate peptide and cultured in either IL-21 + low-dose IL-2 or IL-15 + low-dose IL-2. In vitro stimulated (IVS) cells were interrogated using 8-color flow cytometry. Data were analyzed using Winlist Hyperlog and FCOM software, and 32 T cell subsets were resolved for each culture condition. Hierarchical clustering analysis was applied to the relative percentages of each subphenotype for both IVS conditions to determine if unique cell surface marker expression signatures were produced for each IVS culture. RESULTS: Sequential data analysis using Hyperlog and FCOM demonstrated that lymphocytes cultured in IL-21 + IL-2 had a distinctively different set of subphenotype signatures compared to cells grown in IL-15 + IL-2 for all 5 patients. Importantly, subsequent cluster analysis of all 32 subphenotype frequencies in each IVS test condition for all 5 patients reproducibly demonstrated that cellular subphenotypes produced after IL-21 + IL-2 IVS partitioned separately from subphenotypes produced by IL-15 + IL-2 IVS. CONCLUSIONS: The integrated sequential use of Hyperlog and FCOM software with cluster analysis algorithms for the reduction and analysis of polychromatic flow cytometry data produces an effective, rapid technique for the assessment of complex patterns of subphenotype expression between and within multiple test samples. This approach to data analysis may enhance the use of polychromatic flow cytometry for both research and clinical applications.  相似文献   

An arc-lamp based flow cytometer was used to obtain high resolution measurements of the light scattering characteristics and DNA contents of eight different bacteria. Light scatter profiles of bacteria are a useful first step when flow cytometry is used to characterize organisms. Scanning and transmission electron microscopy of the bacterial samples demonstrate that the structural basis of the light scattering profiles is not always clear, i.e. some organisms appear to have anomalous light scattering characteristics. The use of a third measurement parameter, DNA content, allowed much better discrimination of the organisms. Flow cytometry shows great promise as a method for the rapid discrimination and identification of bacterial populations.  相似文献   

Battye F 《Cytometry》2001,43(2):143-149
BACKGROUND: The obvious benefits of centralized data storage notwithstanding, the size of modern flow cytometry data files discourages their transmission over commonly used telephone modem connections. The proposed solution is to install at the central location a web servlet that can extract compact data arrays, of a form dependent on the requested display type, from the stored files and transmit them to a remote client computer program for display. METHODS: A client program and a web servlet, both written in the Java programming language, were designed to communicate over standard network connections. The client program creates familiar numerical and graphical display types and allows the creation of gates from combinations of user-defined regions. Data compression techniques further reduce transmission times for data arrays that are already much smaller than the data file itself. RESULTS: For typical data files, network transmission times were reduced more than 700-fold for extraction of one-dimensional (1-D) histograms, between 18 and 120-fold for 2-D histograms, and 6-fold for color-coded dot plots. Numerous display formats are possible without further access to the data file. CONCLUSIONS: This scheme enables telephone modem access to centrally stored data without restricting flexibility of display format or preventing comparisons with locally stored files.  相似文献   

Multistation multiparameter flow cytometry: a critical review and rationale   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
H M Shapiro 《Cytometry》1983,3(4):227-243
The capacity for fluorescence excitation by beams of different wavelengths at separate points along the sample stream, and the capacity for computer analysis of multiparameter data thus obtained, are now available in flow cytometer/sorter systems from commercial producers. It is now readily apparent to most experienced users of flow cytometers that such multiparameter analysis offers the most convenient solution to the problem of characterizing subpopulations of cells within a mixed population. The use of multiple beams facilitates resolution of fluorescence signals from several probes within or upon a single cell and widens the range of analytical alternatives available to experimenters. This critical review discusses the history of the instrumentation, the parameters now measurable and the probes used for their measurement, and the methods for data analysis. Required sensitivity and precision are discussed, leading to the conclusion that many of the advantages of multistation, multiparameter flow cytometry can be made available in less complex and less costly instruments using less powerful sources and less elaborate computer hardware than are presently incorporated in commercial apparatus.  相似文献   

The novel calcium indicator fura red and the oxidative burst indicator dihydrorhodamine (both excited at 488 nm) were used in combination with multiparameter flow cytometry to allow simultaneous kinetic measurements of calcium fluxes and oxidative bursts in monocytes and granulocytes. Using this method it was possible to obtain direct evidence for the following cell type- and stimulus-specific differences in signal transduction pathways: 1) n-formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine (FMLP)/cytochalasin B-induced oxidative burst is several-fold higher in granulocytes than in monocytes although the calcium fluxes have similar amplitudes in the two cell types; 2) stimulus-induced calcium fluxes in granulocytes are mainly due to release from intracellular stores, whereas monocytes mobilize calcium mainly by influx from the medium; 3) the FMLP/cytochalasin B-induced calcium flux in monocytes is less sensitive to the G-protein inhibitor pertussis toxin than the flux in granulocytes; 4) in contrast to FMLP/cytochalasin B, the protein kinase C activator phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) induces an oxidative burst that is not preceded by a cytoplasmic calcium flux; 5) the PMA-induced oxidative burst can be triggered in monocytes and granulocytes that are depleted of intracellular calcium ions, whereas that induced by FMLP/cytochalasin B can not; 6) the G-protein inhibitor pertussis toxin blocks an early event in the signal transduction pathway of FMLP/cytochalasin B, as shown by inhibition of both calcium fluxes and oxidative burst; and 7) 100 nM of the protein kinase inhibitor staurosporine blocks the FMLP/cytochalasin B-induced respiratory burst by interfering with a step downstream to cytoplasmic calcium fluxes, whereas only 10-20 nM is necessary to block PMA-induced oxidative burst.  相似文献   

The bionconversion of indene to cis-(1S,2R)-indandiol, a potential key intermediate in the synthesis of Merck's HIV protease inhibitor, CRIXIVAN trade mark, can be achieved using Rhodococcus, Pseudomonas putida, and Escherichia coli strains. This study reports on the application of multiparameter flow cytometry for the measurement of cytoplasmic membrane integrity and membrane depolarization as indicators of toxic effects of the substrate, product, and by-products using each of these strains. Measurements of oxygen uptake rate (OUR) and optical density (OD) as indicators of metabolic activity and biomass growth, respectively, were also made. Measurements of the cytoplasmic membrane potential, cell viability, and respiratory activity provided a sensitive set of parameters to assess toxicity in the indene bioconversion and provided the basis for process improvements and strain selection. The toxic concentrations of the substrate, product, and by-products for each strain have been determined. The results show that it is possible to accumulate cis-(1S,2R)-indandiol and cis-1-amino-2-indanol up to 20 g/L without significant negative effects on cell physiology using any of the strains tested. The Gram-negative P. putida (421-5 and GM 730) and E. coli strains were more resistant to indene and the isolated chemicals of the biotransformation than the Gram-positive Rhodoccoccus I24 strain, possibly due to the presence of the outer membrane and efflux pump mechanisms. P. putida GM 730 and the E. coli TDO 123 strains responded similarly to toxic effects, and the E. coli TDO 123 strain was more resistant than the P. putida 421-5 strain. In addition to the recommendations for strain selection, the identified targets for bioprocess improvement include a combination of genetic as well as process engineering approaches.  相似文献   

Multiparameter flow cytometry was used to identify and sort subpopulations of cells from pleural cell populations harvested from the rat without employing special stains or fluorochrome-labeled monoclonal antibodies. Cell parameters measured included electronic volume, axial light loss, 90 degrees light scatter, and blue autofluorescence. Various bivariate combinations of these parameters were used to distinctly resolve pleural macrophages, eosinophils, mast cells, and lymphocytes. These subpopulations were separately sorted viably according to their unique electrooptical phenotypic characteristics in greater than 90% purity. Our multiparameter flow cytometric approach, accordingly, provides a means by which pleural cell subpopulations may be easily obtained for subsequent in vitro study. Moreover, the general strategy for identifying and isolating these subpopulations may be usefully extended to the identification and isolation of subpopulations of cells occurring in other complex cell mixtures.  相似文献   

A recently developed class of models incorporating the cyton model of population generation structure into a conservation-based model of intracellular label dynamics is reviewed. Statistical aspects of the data collection process are quantified and incorporated into a parameter estimation scheme. This scheme is then applied to experimental data for PHA-stimulated CD4+T and CD8+T cells collected from two healthy donors. This novel mathematical and statistical framework is shown to form the basis for accurate, meaningful analysis of cellular behaviour for a population of cells labelled with the dye carboxyfluorescein succinimidyl ester and stimulated to divide.  相似文献   

Multiparameter flow cytometry was used to identify and sort subpopulations of cells from pleural cell populations harvested from the rat without employing special stains or fluorochrome-labeled monoclonal antibodies. Cell parameters measured included electronic volume, axial light loss, 90° light scatter, and blue autofluorescence. Various bivariate combinations of these parameters were used to distinctly resolve pleural macrophages, eosinophils, mast cells, and lymphocytes. These subpopulations were separately sorted viably according to their unique electrooptical phenotypic characteristics in>90% purity. Our multiparameter flow cytometric approach, accordingly, provides a means by which pleural cell subpopulations may be easily obtained for subsequent in vitro study. Moreover, the general strategy for identifying and isolating these subpopulations may be usefully extended to the identification and isolation of subpopulations of cells occurring in other complex cell mixtures.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Acanthamoebae, in common with other protozoa, readily endocytose particulate material, which in turn may lead to the spread of infectious disease. METHODS: Evaluation and quantification of plain and carboxylate FITC-microsphere association with acanthamoebal trophzoites was undertaken using a combination of flow cytometry and confocal microscopy. Trophozoites from strains and species of Acanthamoeba were exposed to plain and carboxylate FITC-microspheres. Microsphere size and aspects such as trophozoite starvation, maturity, and exposure to metabolic inhibitors were assessed. RESULTS: All species and strains of Acanthamoeba readily endocytosed plain and carboxylate microspheres. Starving trophozoites significantly increased binding and potential ingestion of microspheres, whereas trophozoites of increasing maturity lost such abilities. Trophozoites showed a significant preference for 2.0- and 3.0-microm-diameter microspheres when compared with other sizes, which in turn could occupy much of the cytoplasm. The physiological inhibitors sodium azide, 2,4-dinitrophenol, and cytochalasin B reduced microsphere association with trophozoites; however, some microspheres still bound and associated with trophozoites after inhibitor exposure, a manifestation of both active and inactive agent involvement in microsphere endocytosis. CONCLUSIONS: Even though the origins of microsphere binding by acanthamoebal trophozoite remains shrouded, the combination of flow cytometry and confocal microscopy supported synergistic quantification and qualification of trophozoite-microsphere endocytosis.  相似文献   

Modified histogram subtraction technique for analysis of flow cytometry data   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
W R Overton 《Cytometry》1988,9(6):619-626
Analysis of flow cytometry histogram data by the subjective selection of an integration window can be a tedious and time-consuming task and is often inaccurate. A new method for automated calculation of the percent positive from immunofluorescence histograms is presented. This new method is a modification of the currently used method of channel-by-channel histogram subtraction. Its accuracy is compared to that of the channel-by-channel histogram subtraction method and to another currently used automated method, which selects an integration window by finding the channels that contain the most fluorescent 2% of a control histogram. The new histogram subtraction method is objective, easy to use, and is more accurate than other currently used automated analysis methods. PASCAL source code is given for each method of analysis.  相似文献   

A new program is described for the analysis of DNA histograms from flow cytometry. The fundamental model representing the cell population is similar to one described previously. It assumes the population is grouped into compartments, each consisting of cells having approximately the same DNA content. After staining the cells with an appropriate fluorochrome, the fluorescence distribution of cells within each compartment is assumed to be Gaussian. In the present algorithm, the parameters of the model can either be computed directly by the program from the data, or can be specified as input by the user. When synchronous cell populations lacking distinct G1 and G2/M phases are analyzed, the parameter values must first be obtained using an appropriate control. Percentages of cells in the various compartments are computed using a gradient search method described by Bevington.  相似文献   

Spontaneously proliferating human leucocytes have been characterized and enumerated using multiparameter flow cytometry. The frequency of spontaneously proliferating cells amongst human peripheral blood mononuclear cells, was determined on the basis of BrdUrd incorporation and total DNA content in samples of cells incubated in medium without added mitogen for several days. The frequency of proliferating cells decreased from an initial level of ≈ 6 × 10–4 to 3 × 10–4 after 30 h of incubation, and then rose to ≈ 2 × 10–2 after 100 h of incubation. In one reference person, the frequency showed only minor variation in this pattern over a 1.5 year interval. Simultaneous measurement of proliferation and determination of immuno-logical subclass, as indicated with Hoechst 33342 staining and surface markers, showed an over-representation of CD19-positive cells, compared with CD2-positive cells and subsets of CD2-positive cells (CD4-positives and CD8-positives). This method can be used as an indicator of exposure to agents when results from animal tests are to be compared with results from human populations. The advantages are that no cell culturing is needed to perform the test, it provides the possibility of further characterizing proliferating cells, and the rapid flow-cytometric enumeration.  相似文献   

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