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Ventilatory regulation by brainstem sites rostral to the midpontile level was assessed in decerebrate cats by comparing the effects of punctate pneumotaxic center lesions with those of midpontile transection. After either procedure, PACO2 was significantly elevated. Moreover an equal suppression of hypercapnia-induced minute volumes and maintenance, at some PACO2 levels, of minute volume responses to hypoxia was observed. Tidal volume elevations accounted for the maintenance of hypoxia-induced minute volumes. Following pneumotaxic center lesions, hypercapnia-induced tidal volumes were higher than those exhibited subsequent to midpontile transection. After carotid sinus nerve section, PACO2 was elevated and hypoxia-induced alterations were abolished. Bilateral vagotomy resulted in apneusis. These data demonstrate that, in the brainstem area examined, only the pneumotaxic center influences the PACO2 level or set point for respiratory activity. A locus of tidal volume generation is ascribed to rostral brainstem sites outside this pneumotaxic center. Data obtained support the hypothesis of a differential brainstem integration of peripheral and central chemoreceptor afferent stimuli.  相似文献   

Stimulation of laryngeal afferent fibers evokes a profound reflex inhibition of central respiratory drive. The interaction of this airway reflex with chemoreceptive ventilatory control mechanisms is poorly understood. The present study was undertaken to determine whether there is significant interaction between the effects of central chemoreceptor and laryngeal afferent stimulation on central inspiratory activity and, if so, to also determine the nature of the interaction. The effect of electrical stimulation of the superior laryngeal nerve (SLN) on the timing and intensity of central inspiratory activity was determined from the rectified and filtered phrenic neurogram in 10 dogs. Each dogs was decerebrated, artificially ventilated, vagotomized, and had the carotid bodies denervated. In each case, stimulation of the right SLN at 3 and 10 Hz caused a frequency-dependent slowing or arrest of central inspiratory activity. Increases in arterial PCO2 (PaCO2) attenuated the absolute level of inhibition of central inspiratory activity recorded during both SLN stimulation and control periods. Tp clarify the nature of the interaction between chemoreceptor and laryngeal afferent stimulation, the relationship between PaCO2 and central inspiratory activity was investigated during stimulation of the SLN at 0, 3, and 10 Hz. Control central inspiratory activity increased as a sigmoidal function of PaCO2. This sigmoidal relationship was greatly depressed during SLN stimulation but did not appear to be shifted along the PaCO2 axis. The results of this study therefore suggest that the interaction between central chemoreceptor and laryngeal afferent stimulation is multiplicative: the inhibition of the central inspiratory activity is mediated by an attenuation and not a resetting of central chemoreflexes.  相似文献   

The role of afferent feedback from arterial chemoreceptors in the maintenance of rhythmic respiration during early development was studied by section of carotid sinus and aortic nerves of rat pups at different ages from 3 days to 3 weeks postnatally. This deafferentation produced a severe, episodic respiratory disturbance, limited to pups younger than 21 days and associated with mortality rates near 50% during the 2 weeks following surgery. These findings may have implications for the role of peripheral chemoreceptors in the periodic apneas of premature infants and in the Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to determine whether stimulation of the carotid and aortic bodies (cb and ab) could affect the pulmonary vasculature. Our hypothesis was that each promoted vasodilation and thus could modulate the pulmonary vasoconstrictor response to hypoxia. The experimental design of the first set of experiments took advantage of the facts that 1) the ab, but not the cb, increases its neural output in response to CO, whereas both respond to a decreased arterial PO2 (hypoxic hypoxia, HH) and 2) the aortic nerves in cats are easily transected. Hence, both cb and ab sent neural activity to the brain stem when the intact cat was exposed to 10% O2 in N2. Only the ab sent information during CO hypoxia (COH intact). Only the cb did so during HH in the cat in which the aortic nerves had been transected, removing the aortic body (HH abr); neither ab nor cb did so during COH abr. Fifteen anesthetized paralyzed artificially ventilated cats were fit with catheters in the femoral artery and vein, right and left atria, left ventricle, and pulmonary artery and with an aortic flow probe. In the HH intact and HH abr conditions, there was a significant rise in cardiac output, whereas pulmonary arterial pressure (Ppa) rose initially but then leveled off while cardiac output continued to rise. During the 15-min exposure to HH, pulmonary vascular resistance [PVR = (Ppa - Pla)/cardiac output, where Pla is left atrial pressure] rose initially and then decreased significantly at 2-3 min. In response to COH, PVR showed only a significant decrease. In the second set of experiments, seven cats were instrumented as above and had loops placed in the common carotid arteries for selectively perfusing the cbs. In response to a brief infusion of venous blood mixed with 0.3-0.5 micrograms NaCN, which selectively stimulated only the cb, aortic flow remained relatively constant while heart rate and Ppa - alveolar pressure difference decreased significantly; so also did PVR. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that stimulation of the ab and cb singly or together can provoke a significant pulmonary vasodilation in the anesthetized paralyzed artificially ventilated cat.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES--To determine the prevalence, clinical correlates, and outcome of hypoxaemia in acutely ill children with respiratory symptoms. DESIGN--Prospective observational study. SETTING--Paediatric casualty ward of a referral hospital at 1670 m altitude in Nairobi, Kenya. SUBJECTS--256 Infants and children under 3 years of age with symptoms of respiratory infection. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Prevalence of hypoxaemia, defined as arterial oxygen saturation < 90% determined by pulse oximetry, and condition of patient on the fifth day after admission. RESULTS--Over half (151) of the children were hypoxaemic, and short term mortality was 4.3 times greater in these children. In contrast, the relative risk of a fatal outcome in children with radiographic pneumonia was only 1.03 times that of children without radiographic pneumonia. A logistic regression model showed that in 3-11 month old infants a respiratory rate > or = 70/min, grunting, and retractions were the best independent clinical signs for the prediction of hypoxaemia. In the older children a respiratory rate of > or = 60/min was the single best clinical predictor of hypoxaemia. The presence of hypoxaemia predicted radiographic pneumonia with a sensitivity of 71% and specificity of 55%. CONCLUSIONS--Over half the children presenting to this referral hospital with respiratory symptoms were hypoxaemic. A group of specific clinical signs seem useful in predicting hypoxaemia. The clear association of hypoxaemia with mortality suggests that the detection and effective treatment of hypoxaemia are important aspects of the clinical management of acute infections of the lower respiratory tract in children in hospital in developing regions.  相似文献   

Maltose chemoreceptor of Escherichia coli.   总被引:9,自引:24,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
Strains carrying mutations in the maltose system of Escherichia coli were assayed for maltose taxis, maltose uptake at 1 and 10 muM maltose, and maltose-binding activity released by osmotic shock. An earlier conclusion that the metabolism of maltose is not necessary for chemoreception is extended to include the functioning of maltodextrin phosphorylase, the product of malP, and the genetic control of the maltose receptor by the product of malT is confirmed. Mutants in malF and malK are defective in maltose transport at low concentrations as well as high concentrations, as previously shown, but are essentially normal in maltose taxis. The product of malE has been previously shown to be the maltose-binding protein and was implicated in maltose transport. Most malE mutants are defective in maltose taxis, and all those tested are defective in maltose transport at low concentrations. Thus, as previously suggested, the maltose-binding protein probably serves as the recognition component of the maltose receptor, as well as a component of the transport system. tsome malE mutants release maltose-binding activity and are tactic toward maltose, although defective in maltose transport, implying that the binding protein has separate sites for interaction with the chemotaxis and transport systems. Some mutations in lamB, whose product is the receptor for the bacteriophage lamba, cause defects in maltose taxis, indicating some involvement of that product in maltose reception.  相似文献   

1.  The self-adapting effects of chemical backgrounds on the response of primary chemoreceptor cells to superimposed stimuli were studied using lobster (Homarus americanus) NH4 receptor cells.
2.  These receptors responded for several seconds to the onset of the backgrounds, and then returned to their initial level of spontaneous activity (usually zero). The strongest response always occurred only during the steepest concentration change; the response then decayed back to zero or to the earlier spontaneous firing level, while the background concentration was still rising, and remained silent during the entire time that the background was maintained constant (20–30 min) (Fig. 2).
3.  Exposure to constant self-adapting backgrounds eliminated the responses of NH4 receptor cells to stimuli of concentration lower than the background, and reduced the responses to all higher stimulus concentrations tested by a nearly equal amount. This resulted in a parallel shift of the stimulus-response function to the right along the abscissa (Figs. 3 and 4).
4.  Since the response threshold was completely re-set by adaptation to backgrounds, NH4 receptors seem to function mostly as detectors of relative rather than absolute stimulus intensity across their entire dynamic range: the response to a given stimulus-to-background ratio remained the same over 3 log step increases of background concentration (Fig. 6).
5.  As in other sensory modalities, a parallel shift of response functions appears to be an important property of chemoreceptor cells, allowing for this sensory system to function over a wider stimulus intensity range than the instantaneous dynamic range of individual receptor cells.

1.  The cross-adapting effects of chemical backgrounds on the response of primary chemoreceptor cells to superimposed stimuli were studied using NH4 receptor cells, of known spectral tuning, from the lobster (Homarus americanus).
2.  Spectrum experiments: The spectral tuning of NH4 receptor cells was investigated using NH4Cl and 7 other compounds selected as the most stimulatory non-best compounds for NH4 cells from a longer list of compounds tested in previous studies. Based on their responses to the compounds tested, 3 spectral subpopulations of NH4 cells were revealed: NH4-Glu cells which responded second-best to Glutamate (Glu); NH4- Bet cells which responded second-best to Betaine (Bet); and pure NH4 cells, which responded to NH4C1 only (Fig. 1).
3.  Cross-adaptation experiments: Overall, cross-adaptation with Glu and Bet backgrounds caused suppression of response of NH4 receptor cells to various concentrations of NH4Cl. However, the different subpopulations of NH4 cells were affected differently: (a) The stimulus-response functions of NH4-Glu cells were significantly suppressed by both a 3 M (G3) and 300 M (G300) Glu backgrounds, (b) The stimulus-response functions of NH4-Bet cells was not affected by a 3 M (B3), but significantly suppressed by a 300M (B300) Bet background. (c) The stimulus-response functions of pure NH4 cells were not affected by any of the Glu or Bet backgrounds (Figs. 3, 4).
4.  The stimulus-response functions of 5 cells from all different subpopulations were enhanced by cross-adaptation with the G300 and B300 backgrounds (Fig. 4, Table 1).
5.  Whereas self-adaptation caused parallel shifts in stimulus-response functions (Borroni and Atema 1988), cross-adaptation caused a decrease in slope of stimulus-response functions. Implications of the results from cross- and self-adaptation experiments on NH4 receptor cells, for a receptor cell model are discussed.

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