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Gap junction redistribution and reduced expression, a phenomenon termed gap junction remodeling (GJR), is often seen in diseased hearts and may predispose toward arrhythmias. We have recently shown that short-term pacing in the mouse is associated with changes in connexin43 (Cx43) expression and localization but not with increased inducibility into sustained arrhythmias. We hypothesized that short-term pacing, if imposed on murine hearts with decreased Cx43 abundance, could serve as a model for evaluating the electrophysiological effects of GJR. We paced wild-type (normal Cx43 abundance) and heterozygous Cx43 knockout (Cx43+/-; 66% mean reduction in Cx43) mice for 6 h at 10-15% above their average sinus rate. We investigated the electrophysiological effects of pacing on the whole animal using programmed electrical stimulation and in isolated ventricular myocytes with patch-clamp studies. Cx43+/- myocytes had significantly shorter action potential durations (APD) and increased steady-state (Iss) and inward rectifier (I(K1)) potassium currents compared with those of wild-type littermate cells. In Cx43+/- hearts, pacing resulted in a significant prolongation of ventricular effective refractory period and APD and significant diminution of Iss compared with unpaced Cx43+/- hearts. However, these changes were not seen in paced wild-type mice. These data suggest that Cx43 abundance plays a critical role in regulating currents involved in myocardial repolarization and their response to pacing. Our study may aid in understanding how dyssynchronous activation of diseased, Cx43-deficient myocardial tissue can lead to electrophysiological changes, which may contribute to the worsened prognosis often associated with pacing in the failing heart.  相似文献   

Weinvestigated the contribution of sialic acid residues to theK+ currents involved in the repolarization of mouseventricular myocytes. Ventricular K+ currents had a rapidlyinactivating component followed by slowly decaying and sustainedcomponents. This current was produced by the summation of threedistinct currents: Ito, which contributed to thetransient component; Iss, which contributed tothe sustained component; and IK,slow, whichcontributed to both components. Incubation of ventricular myocytes withthe sialidase neuraminidase reduced the amplitude ofIto without alteringIK,slow and Iss. We foundthat the reduction in Ito amplitude resultedfrom a depolarizing shift in the voltage of activation and a reductionin the conductance of Ito. Expression of Kv4.3channels, a major contributor to Ito in theventricle, in a sialylation-deficient Chinese hamster ovary cell line(lec2) mimicked the effects of neuraminidase on the ventricularIto. Furthermore, we showed that sialylatedglycolipids have little effect on the voltage dependence ofIto. Finally, consistent with its actions onIto, neuraminidase produced an increase in theduration of the action potential of ventricular myocytes and thefrequency of early afterdepolarizations. We conclude that sialylationof the proteins forming Kv4 channels is important in determining thevoltage dependence and conductance of Ito and that incomplete glycosylation of these channels could lead to arrhythmias.


Summary The whole-cell voltage clamp technique was used to study the slow inward currents and K+ outward currents in single heart cells of embryonic chick and in rabbit aortic cells. In single heart cells of 3-day-old chick embryo three types of slow inward Na+ currents were found. The kinetics and the pharmacology of the slow INa, were different from those of the slow Ica in older embryos. Two types of slow inward currents were found in aortic single cells of rabbit; angiotensin 11 increased the sustained type and d-cAMP and d-cGMP decreased the slow transient component. Two types of outward K+ currents were found in both aortic and heart cells. Single channel analysis demonstrated the presence of a high single K+ channel conductance in aortic cells. In cardiac and vascular smooth muscles, slow inward currents do share some pharmacological properties, although the regulation of these channels by cyclic nucleotides and several drugs seems to be different.  相似文献   

The whole-cell voltage clamp technique was used to study the slow inward currents and K+ outward currents in single heart cells of embryonic chick and in rabbit aortic cells. In single heart cells of 3-day-old chick embryo three types of slow inward Na+ currents were found. The kinetics and the pharmacology of the slow INa were different from those of the slow ICa in older embryos. Two types of slow inward currents were found in aortic single cells of rabbit; angiotensin II increased the sustained type and d-cAMP and d-cGMP decreased the slow transient component. Two types of outward K+ currents were found in both aortic and heart cells. Single channel analysis demonstrated the presence of a high single K+ channel conductance in aortic cells. In cardiac and vascular smooth muscles, slow inward currents do share some pharmacological properties, although the regulation of these channels by cyclic nucleotides and several drugs seems to be different.  相似文献   

Molecular basis of ATP-sensitive K+ channels in rat vascular smooth muscles   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
ATP-sensitive K+ (K(ATP)) channels couple metabolic changes to membrane excitability in vascular smooth muscle cells (SMCs). While the electrophysiological properties of K(ATP) channels have been examined, little is known about the molecular basis of K(ATP) complex in vascular SMCs. We identified and cloned four K(ATP) subunit genes from rat mesenteric artery, namely rvKir6.1, rvKir6.2, rvKirSUR1, and rvSUR2B. These clones showed over 99.6% amino acid sequence identity with other previously reported isoforms. The mRNA expression patterns of the K(ATP) subunits varied among rat aorta, mesenteric artery, pulmonary artery, tail artery, hepatic artery, and portal vein. Heterologous co-expression of rvKir6.1 and rvSUR2B yielded functional K(ATP) channels that were inhibited by glibenclamide, and opened by pinacidil. Our results for the first time reported the expression of four K(ATP) subunits in same vascular tissues, unmasking the diversity of native K(ATP) channels in vascular SMCs.  相似文献   

In the experiments here, the developmental expression of the functional Ca(2+)-independent, depolarization-activated K+ channel currents, Ito and IK, and of the voltage-gated K+ channel (Kv) alpha subunits, Kv1.2, Kv1.4, Kv1.5, Kv2.1, and Kv4.2 in rat ventricular myocytes were examined quantitatively. Using the whole-cell patch clamp recording method, the properties and the densities of Ito and IK in ventricular myocytes isolated from postnatal day 5 (P5), 10 (P10), 15 (P15), 20 (P20), 25 (P25), 30 (P30), and adult (8-12 wk) rats were characterized and compared. These experiments revealed that mean Ito densities increase fourfold between birth and P30, whereas IK densities vary only slightly. Neither the time- nor the voltage-dependent properties of the currents vary measurably, suggesting that the subunits underlying functional Ito and IK channels are the same throughout postnatal development. In parallel experiments, the developmental expression of each of the voltage-gated K+ channel alpha subunits, Kv1.2, Kv1.4, Kv1.5, Kv2.1, and Kv4.2, was examined quantitatively at the mRNA and protein levels using subunit-specific probes. RNase protection assays revealed that Kv1.4 message levels are high at birth, increase between P0 and P10, and subsequently decrease to very low levels in adult rat ventricles. The decrease in message is accompanied by a marked reduction in Kv1.4 protein, consistent with our previous suggestion that Kv1.4 does not contribute to the formation of functional K+ channels in adult rat ventricular myocytes. In contrast to Kv1.4, the mRNA levels of Kv1.2, Kv1.5, Kv2.1, and Kv4.2 increase (three- to five- fold) between birth and adult. Western analyses, however, revealed that the expression patterns of these subunits proteins vary in distinct ways: Kv1.2 and Kv4.2, for example, increase between P5 and adult, whereas Kv1.5 remains constant and Kv2.1 decreases. Throughout development, therefore, there is a mismatch between the numbers of Kv alpha subunits expressed and the functional voltage-gated K+ channel currents distinguished electrophysiologically in rat ventricular myocytes. Alternative experimental approaches will be required to define directly the Kv alpha subunits that underlie functional voltage- gated K+ channels in these (and other) cells. In addition, the finding that Kv alpha subunit protein expression levels do not necessarily mirror mRNA levels suggests that caution should be exercised in attempting functional interpretations of observed changes in mRNA levels alone.  相似文献   

Potassium ion channels are generally believed to have current-voltage (IV) relations which are linearly related to driving force ( V - E(K)), where V is membrane potential and E(K) is the potassium ion equilibrium potential. Consequently, activation curves for K+ channels have often been measured by normalizing voltage-clamp families of macroscopic K+ currents with (V - E(K)), where V is the potential of each successive step in the voltage clamp sequence. However, the IV relation for many types of K+ channels actually has a non-linear dependence upon driving force which is well described by the Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz relation. When the GHK dependence on (V - E(K)) is used in the normalization procedure, a very different voltage dependence of the activation curve is obtained which may more accurately reflect this feature of channel gating. Novel insights into the voltage dependence of the rapidly inactivating I(A) channels Kv1.4 and Kv4.2 have been obtained when this procedure was applied to recently published results.  相似文献   

Properties of the whole-cell K+ currents and voltage-dependent activation and inactivation properties of single K+ channels in clonal pheochromocytoma (PC-12) cells were studied using the patch-clamp recording technique. Depolarizing pulses elicited slowly inactivating whole-cell K+ currents, which were blocked by external application of tetraethylammonium+, 4-aminopyridine, and quinidine. The amplitudes and time courses of these K+ currents were largely independent of the prepulse voltage. Although pharmacological agents and manipulation of the voltage-clamp pulse protocol failed to reveal any additional separable whole-cell currents in a majority of the cells examined, single-channel recordings showed that, in addition to the large Ca++-dependent K+ channels described previously in many other preparations, PC-12 cells had at least four distinct types of K+ channels activated by depolarization. These four types of K+ channels differed in the open-channel current-voltage relation, time course of activation and inactivation, and voltage dependence of activation and inactivation. These K+ channels were designated the Kw, Kz, Ky, and Kx channels. The typical chord conductances of these channels were 18, 12, 7, and 7 pS in the excised configuration using Na+-free saline solutions. These four types of K+ channels opened in the presence of low concentrations of internal Ca++ (1 nM). Their voltage-dependent gating properties can account for the properties of the whole-cell K+ currents in PC-12 cells.  相似文献   

The hypoxia-induced membrane depolarization and subsequent constriction of small resistance pulmonary arteries occurs, in part, via inhibition of vascular smooth muscle cell voltage-gated K+ (KV) channels open at the resting membrane potential. Pulmonary arterial smooth muscle cell KV channel expression, antibody-based dissection of the pulmonary arterial smooth muscle cell K+ current, and the O2 sensitivity of cloned KV channels expressed in heterologous expression systems have all been examined to identify the molecular components of the pulmonary arterial O2-sensitive KV current. Likely components include Kv2.1/Kv9.3 and Kv1.2/Kv1.5 heteromeric channels and the Kv3.1b alpha-subunit. Although the mechanism of KV channel inhibition by hypoxia is unknown, it appears that KV alpha-subunits do not sense O2 directly. Rather, they are most likely inhibited through interaction with an unidentified O2 sensor and/or beta-subunit. This review summarizes the role of KV channels in hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction, the recent progress toward the identification of KV channel subunits involved in this response, and the possible mechanisms of KV channel regulation by hypoxia.  相似文献   

Alternans of cardiac repolarization is associated with arrhythmias and sudden death. At the cellular level, alternans involves beat-to-beat oscillation of the action potential (AP) and possibly Ca(2+) transient (CaT). Because of experimental difficulty in independently controlling the Ca(2+) and electrical subsystems, mathematical modeling provides additional insights into mechanisms and causality. Pacing protocols were conducted in a canine ventricular myocyte model with the following results: 1) CaT alternans results from refractoriness of the sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+) release system; alternation of the L-type calcium current has a negligible effect; 2) CaT-AP coupling during late AP occurs through the sodium-calcium exchanger and underlies AP duration (APD) alternans; 3) increased Ca(2+)/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII) activity extends the range of CaT and APD alternans to slower frequencies and increases alternans magnitude; its decrease suppresses CaT and APD alternans, exerting an antiarrhythmic effect; and 4) increase of the rapid delayed rectifier current (I(Kr)) also suppresses APD alternans but without suppressing CaT alternans. Thus CaMKII inhibition eliminates APD alternans by eliminating its cause (CaT alternans) while I(Kr) enhancement does so by weakening CaT-APD coupling. The simulations identify combined CaMKII inhibition and I(Kr) enhancement as a possible antiarrhythmic intervention.  相似文献   

Molecular basis for species-specific sensitivity to "hot" chili peppers   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
Jordt SE  Julius D 《Cell》2002,108(3):421-430
Chili peppers produce the pungent vanilloid compound capsaicin, which offers protection from predatory mammals. Birds are indifferent to the pain-producing effects of capsaicin and therefore serve as vectors for seed dispersal. Here, we determine the molecular basis for this species-specific behavioral response by identifying a domain of the rat vanilloid receptor that confers sensitivity to capsaicin to the normally insensitive chicken ortholog. Like its mammalian counterpart, the chicken receptor is activated by heat or protons, consistent with the fact that both mammals and birds detect noxious heat and experience thermal hypersensitivity. Our findings provide a molecular basis for the ecological phenomenon of directed deterence and suggest that the capacity to detect capsaicin-like inflammatory substances is a recent acquisition of mammalian vanilloid receptors.  相似文献   

Ether-à-go-go-related gene (ERG) K channels have been implicated in the generation of pacemaker activities in the heart. To study the presence and function of ERG K channels in the pacemaker cells of the small intestine [the interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC)], a combination of patch-clamp techniques, tissue and live cell immunohistochemistry, RT-PCR, and in vitro functional studies were performed. Nonenzymatically isolated ICC in culture were identified by vital staining and presence of rhythmic inward currents. RT-PCR showed the presence of ERG mRNA in the intestinal musculature, and immunohistochemistry on tissue and cultured cells demonstrated that protein similar to human ERG was concentrated on ICC in the Auerbach's plexus region. Whole cell ERG K+ currents were evoked on hyperpolarization from 0 mV (but not from -70 mV) up to -120 mV and showed strong inward rectification. The currents were inhibited by E-4031, cisapride, La3+, and Gd3+ but not by 50 microM Ba2+. The ERG K+ inward current had a typical transient component with fast activation and inactivation kinetics followed by significant steady-state current. E-4031 also inhibited tetraethylammonium (TEA)-insensitive outward current indicating that the ERG K+ current is operating at depolarizing potentials. In contrast to TEA, blockers of the ERG K+ currents caused marked increase in tissue excitability as reflected by an increase in slow-wave duration and an increase in superimposed action potential activity. In summary, ERG K channels in ICC contribute to the membrane potential and play a role in regulation of pacemaker activity of the small intestine.  相似文献   

K+ currents activated by depolarization in cardiac fibroblasts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
K(+) currents expressed in freshly dispersed rat ventricular fibroblasts have been studied using whole-cell patch-clamp recordings. Depolarizing voltage steps from a holding potential of -90 mV activated time- and voltage-dependent outward currents at membrane potentials positive to approximately -30 mV. The relatively slow activation kinetics exhibited strong dependence on the membrane potential. Selected changes in extracellular K(+) concentration ([K(+)](o)) revealed that the reversal potentials of the tail currents changed as expected for a K(+) equilibrium potential. The activation and inactivation kinetics of this K(+) current, as well as its recovery from inactivation, were well-fitted by single exponential functions. The steady-state inactivation was well described by a Boltzmann function with a half-maximal inactivation potential (V(0.5)) of -24 mV. Increasing [K(+)](o) (from 5 to 100 mM) shifted this V(0.5) in the hyperpolarizing direction by -11 mV. Inactivation was slowed by increasing [K(+)](o) to 100 mM, and the rate of recovery from inactivation was decreased after increasing [K(+)](o). Block of this K(+) current by extracellular tetraethylammonium also slowed inactivation. These [K(+)](o)-induced changes and tetraethylammonium effects suggest an important role for a C-type inactivation mechanism. This K(+) current was sensitive to dendrotoxin-I (100 nM) and rTityustoxin Kalpha (50 nM).  相似文献   

Summary The tight-seal whole-cell recording method has been used to studyNecturus choroid plexus epithelium. A cell potential of –59±2 mV and a whole cell resistance of 56±6 M were measured using this technique. Application of depolarizing step potentials activated voltage-dependent outward currents that developed with time. For example, when the cell was bathed in 110mm NaCl Ringer solution and the interior of the cell contained a solution of 110mm KCl and 5nm Ca2+, stepping the membrane potential from a holding value of –50 to –10 mV evoked outward currents which, after a delay of greater than 50 msec, increased to a steady state in 500 msec. The voltage dependence of the delayed currents suggests that they may be currents through Ca2+-activated K_ channels. Based on the voltage dependence of the activation of Ca2+-activated K+ channels, we have devised a general method to isolate the delayed currents. The delayed currents were highly selective for K+ as their reversal potential at different K+ concentration gradients followed the Nernst potential for K+. These currents were reduced by the addition of TEA+ to the bath solution and were eliminated when Cs+ or Na+ replaced intracellular K+. Increasing the membrane potential to more positive values decreased both the delay and the half-times (t 1/2) to the steady value. Increasing the pipette Ca2+ also decreased the delay and decreasedt 1/2. For instance, when pipette Ca2+ was increased from 5 to 500nm, the delay andt 1/2 decreased from values greater than 50 and 150 msec to values less than 10 and 50 msec. We conclude that the delayed currents are K+ currents through Ca2+-activated K+ channels.At the resting membrane potential of –60 mV, Ca2+-activated K+ channels contribute between 13 to 25% of the total conductance of the cell. The contribution of these channels to cell conductance nearly doubles with membrane depolarization of 20–30 mV. Such depolarizations have been observed when cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) secretion is stimulated by cAMP and with intracellular Ca2+. Thus the Ca2+-activated K+ channels may play a specific role in maintaining intracellular K+ concentrations during CSF secretion.  相似文献   

Tamoxifen is an estrogen receptor antagonist used in the treatment of breast cancer. However, tamoxifen has been shown to induce QT prolongation of the electrocardiogram, thereby potentially causing life-threatening polymorphic ventricular arrhythmias. The purpose of the present study was to elucidate the electrophysiological mechanism(s) that underlie the arrhythmogenic effects of tamoxifen. We used standard ruptured whole cell and perforated patch-clamping techniques on rat ventricular myocytes to investigate the effects of tamoxifen on cardiac action potential (AP) waveforms and the underlying K+ currents. Tamoxifen (3 micromol/l) markedly prolonged AP duration, decreased maximal rate of depolarization, and decreased resting membrane potential. At this concentration, tamoxifen significantly depressed the Ca2+-independent transient outward K+ current (Ito), sustained outward delayed rectifier K+ current (Isus), inward rectifier K+ current (IK1), and Na+ current (INa) in the myocytes. Lower concentrations of tamoxifen (1 micromol/l) also decreased the resting membrane potential and significantly depressed IK1 to 79 +/- 5% (n = 5; at -120 mV) of pretreatment values. The results of this study indicate that inhibition of Ito, Isus, and IK1 by tamoxifen may underlie AP prolongation in cardiac myocytes and thereby contribute to prolonged QT interval observed in patients.  相似文献   

The (Na+ + K+)-ATPase (sodium pump) is an ouabain-sensitive, electrogenic ion pump responsible for maintaining the balance of sodium and potassium ions in almost all animal cells. Robust, ouabain-sensitive rubidium uptake, indicative of the sodium pump, was found in tissue-cultured Drosophila cells, and both larvae and adults die when fed a diet containing ouabain. A monoclonal antibody to the avian sodium pump alpha-subunit was found to cross-react with the Drosophila sodium pump alpha-subunit. Immunofluorescence microscopy was used to obtain a semi-quantitative view of the expression of the sodium pump in Drosophila tissues: high levels of the sodium pump were detected in malpighian tubules, indirect flight muscles and tubular muscles, and throughout the nervous system. The cDNA encoding this sodium pump alpha-subunit in Drosophila melanogaster was cloned, sequenced and expressed in mouse L cells. At the amino acid level, its deduced sequence of 1038 residues (the first such sequence for an invertebrate) is approximately 80% similar to alpha-subunit sequences reported for vertebrates. Only one gene was found in Drosophila, located on the third chromosome at position 93B. A restriction site polymorphism has been found, and several mutations exist that may involve the alpha-subunit gene.  相似文献   

Single channel K+ currents from HeLa cells   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The extracellular patch-clamp technique was used in order to investigate the presence of ionic channels in HeLa cells, a well-known cultured cell type obtained from an epidermoid carcinoma of the cervix. Under Gigohm-seal conditions, discrete current jumps could be observed with patch electrodes containing KCl. These channels were found to be mainly permeable to K+ and showed multiple levels of conductance. From single-channel I-V curve measurements, a strong rectification effect, characterized by a large inward and no detectable outward current, was observed. For negative membrane potentials (0 to -90 mV), the measured current-voltage relationship was found to be mostly linear, corresponding to a single-channel conductance of 40 pS. An analysis of some selected time records has revealed in addition that the probability of the channel to be in the open state was a function of the KCl concentration in the patch pipette.  相似文献   

Thyroid hormones play an important role in cardiac electrophysiology through both genomic and nongenomic mechanisms of action. The effects of triiodothyronine (T(3)) on the electrophysiological properties of ventricular myocytes isolated from euthyroid and hypothyroid rats were studied using whole cell patch clamp techniques. Hypothyroid ventricular myocytes showed significantly prolonged action potential duration (APD(90)) compared with euthyroid myocytes, APD(90) of 151 +/- 5 vs. 51 +/- 8 ms, respectively. Treatment of hypothyroid ventricular myocytes with T(3) (0.1 microM) for 5 min significantly shortened APD by 24% to 115 +/- 10 ms. T(3) similarly shortened APD in euthyroid ventricular myocytes, but only in the presence of 4-aminopyridine (4-AP), an inhibitor of the transient outward current (I(to)), which prolonged the APD by threefold. Transient outward current (I(to)) was not affected by the acute application of T(3) to either euthyroid or hypothyroid myocytes; however, I(to) density was significantly reduced in hypothyroid compared with euthyroid ventricular myocytes.  相似文献   

Action potentials (APs) of the epicardial border zone (EBZ) cells from the day 5 infarcted heart continue to be altered by day 14 postocclusion, namely, they shortened. However, by 2 mo, EBZ APs appear "normal," yet conduction of wave fronts remains abnormal. We hypothesize that the changes in transmembrane APs are due to a change in the distribution of ion channels in either density or function. Thus we focused on the changes in Ca2+ and K+ currents in cells isolated from the 14-day (IZ14d) and 2-mo (IZ2m) EBZ and compared them with those occurring in cells from the same hearts but remote (Rem) from the EBZ. Whole cell voltage-clamp techniques were used to measure and compare Ca2+ and K+ currents in cells from the different groups. Ca2+ current densities remain reduced in cells of the 14-day and 2-mo infarcted heart and the kinetic changes previously identified in the 5-day heart begin to, but do not recover to, cells from noninfarcted epicardium (NZ) values. Importantly, I(Ca,L) in both the EBZ and Rem regions still show a slowed recovery from inactivation. Furthermore, during the remodeling process, there is an increased expression of T-type Ca2+ currents, but only regionally, and only within a specific time window postmyocardial infarction (MI). Regional heterogeneity in beta-adrenergic responsiveness of I(Ca,L) exists between EBZ and remote cells of the 14-day hearts, but this regional heterogeneity is gone in the healed infarcted heart. In IZ14d, the transient outward K+ current (Ito) begins to reemerge and is accompanied by an upregulated tetraethylammonium-sensitive outward current. By 2-mo postocclusion, Ito and sustained outward K+ current have completed the reverse remodeling process. During the healing process post-MI, canine epicardial cells downregulate the fast Ito but compensate by upregulating a K+ current that in normal cells is minimally functional. For recovering I(Ca,L) of the 14-day and 2-mo EBZ cells, voltage-dependent processes appear to be reset, such that I(Ca,L) "window" current occurs at hyperpolarized potentials. Thus dynamic changes in both Ca2+ and K+ currents contribute to the altered AP observed in 14-day fibers and may account for return of APs of 2 mo EBZ fibers.  相似文献   

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