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In man, increase of renin and aldosterone levels in sera resulting from a brief and heavy muscular exercise on bicyle ergometer is notably reduced but not abolished by massive hydration.  相似文献   

The authors examined 34 patients with arterial hypertension, whose glomerular filtration rate ranged from normal to renal failure. The peripheral plasma renin activity (PRA) values were determined before and 30 and 90 min after injecting furosemide. In 17 patients with chronic renal failure treated by haemodialysis and with arterial hypertension, PRA was likewise determined before and after injecting furosemide. In 18 patients, including 13 from this latter group, PRA was determined before and after dialysis. It was found that: 1) In the group of non-dialysed patients, mean PRA rose significantly after the injection of furosemide. In dialysed patients it was not affected either by furosemide or by dialysis. 2) In non-dialysed patients, the ability of PRA to be stimulated by furosemide fell together with inulin clearance (Cin) in a significant hyperbolic relationship. 3) PRA changes in dialysed patients were indistinct and variable. A significant direct correlation was found between the absolute change in PRA after furosemide and after dialysis. These findings show that the degree of damage to the renal parenchyma must be taken into account when evaluating the response of PRA to furosemide stimulation.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of furosemide on plasma renin and plasma aldosterone in 8 patients with mild to moderate congestive heart failure. In particular, we tried to correlate these effects with changes in plasma electrolyte concentrations and with the diuretic response on furosemide. We concluded that the diuretic response in patients with congestive heart failure is not dependent on the initial serum renin nor on the initial serum aldosterone concentration. The diuretic response did not correlate either with the changes in serum renin and/or serum aldosterone concentration. Serum renin and serum aldosterone correlated mutually before and after intravenous furosemide. We confirmed the inverse correlation between serum sodium and serum renin. SeNa and SeK correlated at all times with serum aldosterone; SeCl correlated with serum aldosterone only before intravenous furosemide administration. Indirect evidence could be provided that in patients with congestive heart failure a decreased renal blood flow is present, using the urinary beta 2-microglobulin concentration. Aldosterone has again, indirectly, proved to be integrated in the renal magnesium handling.  相似文献   

The effects of somatostatin on plasma renin activity (PRA) and blood pressure were evaluated in patients with essential hypertension (EH) and in normotensive subjects. All subjects examined were hospitalized and placed on a diet containing 7-8 g/day sodium chloride and received an intravenous infusion of somatostatin (500 microgram/20 ml of saline, for 60 min) in the basal condition. During somatostatin infusion, the mean blood pressure (MBP) remained unaffected in all patients with EH and the normotensive subjects, while the PRA decreased slightly in the EH group. When the patients with EH were classified according to their renin levels (low, normal and high), parallel significant decreases in MBP and PRA were found only in the high renin group during the somatostatin infusion. No significant change in MBP and PRA was observed in the other groups including the normotensive subjects. To assess the activity of synthetic somatostatin, the plasma levels of growth hormone (GH) and cyclic AMP were measured. These levels were lowered significantly during the infusion and the GH levels showed a rebound 15 min after cessation of the infusion. The cyclic AMP returned to the basal levels, but no rebound was observed. The above data indicate that the fall in blood pressure in the high renin group in the basal condition was probably due in part to reduced renin release by somatostatin, and the maintenance of high blood pressure especially in high renin EH.  相似文献   

1. Plasma renin activity was measured in non pregnant rabbits and guinea pigs under Ketamine-induced general anesthesia after pretreatment either with Propranolol or with a Placebo. Study was performed using a radio-immunoassay for angiotensin I. 2. Twenty minutes after the beginning of the observation period, renin activity in rabbits who had received Placebo alone (11.47 +/- 2.35 ng/ml/h) or associated with Ketamine (11.36 +/- 2.54 ng/ml/h) was similar. However, enzyme activity was significantly lower (P less than 0.001) when Propranolol was associated with Ketamine (3.97 +/- 0.58 ng/ml/h) or with Placebo (4.10 +/- 0.55 ng/ml/h). 3. In the same way, renin activity was significantly higher (P less than 0.001) in guinea pigs without Propranolol than in those who had received this drug. 4. These findings indicate that stress induced by general anesthesia with Ketamine or by simple manipulation of animals (Placebo) was accompanied by an excessive increase in plasma renin activity. Propranolol maintained the level of this enzyme activity within normal limits.  相似文献   

The effects of changes in brain serotonin content after injections of p-chlorophenylalanine (p-CPA), L-5-hydroxytryptophan (L-5HTP) and 5-6-dihydroxytryptamine (5-6DHT) on the mean arterial pressure (MAP), plasma renin activity (PRA) and peripheral levels of atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) have been studied in normal and hypertensive (2K:1C model) male Wistar rats. The p-CPA (250 mg/kg) and L-5HTP (200 mg/kg) were injected i.p., while 5-6 DHT (15 micrograms/animal in 10 mu/animal vehicle) was injected into lateral brain ventricles. The effects were studied 24 h after the p-CPA injection, 2 h after L-5HTP and 10 or 20 days after 5-6DHT administration. The fall in brain serotonin produced by p-CPA and 5-6DHT did not modify the MAP values in the normal and hypertensive rat model, whereas the increase induced after L-5HTP injection only caused a slight decrease in arterial pressure in normotensive animals. The ARP experimented remarkable rises in the normal and hypertensive rats, these values increasing after L-5HTP and falling after p-CPA and 5-6 DHT injections. Similar changes are detected in the normal group after administration of these substances related to serotoninergic brain activity. The ANP levels rose after renal artery constriction, and they are not affected by the above mentioned substances. Only p-CPA and 5-6DHT reduced a low decrease in the ANP levels 10 days after their administration.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The effects of changes in arterial pressure and in circulating volume on Plasma Renin Activity (PRA) in the intact rat were compared by two experimental procedures. Gradual volume depletion was induced by intraperitoneal injection of a hyperoncotic polyethyleneglycol solution (PEG) in absence of acute changes in Systolic Arterial Pressure (SAP). SAP was measured in the conscious state by the tail cuff technique. Plasma Protein Concentration (PPC) and Hematocrit (Hct) increases after PEG injection were compared as the index for measuring the Plasma Volume Reduction (PVR). PRA showed a significant (p less than 0.001) linear relationship with PPC, suggesting a direct dependence of renin secretion on volume depletion. Acute changes in the circulating volume were induced by controlled hemorrhages of 5.0, 10.0, 15.0 and 20.0 ml of blood/kg body weight. The increase in PRA showed a significant relationship with the changes in circulating volume, but it did not show any dependence on the changes in Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP). Our results suggest that, in the intact and conscious rat, renin secretion responds to the information from the cardiopulmonary volume receptors rather than to that from the high pressure receptors.  相似文献   

Sodium ions outflow rate through lymphocyte membranes, serum sodium, potassium, aldosterone, total catecholamines and 6-keto-PGE alpha levels, and plasma renin activity were studied in patients with mild hypertension associated with low and hugh plasma renin activity treated with captopril in a single dose of 12.3 mg and after the treatment with daily doses of 12.5 mg and 25 mg for 3 days. It was found, that captopril in hypertensive patients with high plasma renin activity decreases both systolic and diastolic blood pressure, decelerates heart rate, and decreases serum total catecholamines and plasma renin activity. Sodium ions outflow rate and serum sodium, potassium, aldosterone, and 6-keto-PGE alpha remain unchanged. Captopril in hypertensive patients with low plasma renin activity. The remaining parameters are unchanged. Moreover, it was noted that serum 6-keto-PGE alpha levels are lower in hypertensive patients with low plasma renin activity.  相似文献   

The effect of TRH induced secretion of TSH and prolactin (hPrl) on plasma renin activity (PRA), water and electrolyte excretion, was studied in 7 normal males before and after an intravenous injection of 2 ml normal saline or 200 microgram TRH. Plasma hPrl and TSH rose significantly (p less than 0.01) in all 7 subjects after TRH but not after saline injection. No significant differences in the hourly excretion of sodium, potassium and free water clearance were noted before and after either saline or TRH injection. Mean PRA values of the 7 subjects were similar after either the 2 ml saline of TRH injection. Our results indicate that despite a correlation between basal hPrl and sodium excretion as well as free water clearance, acute TRH induced elevation of hPrl is not associated with changes of urinary sodium and potassium excretion, free water clearance and PRA in normal males. These findings provide some evidence against a direct osmoregulatory role of hPrl in man.  相似文献   

Water and electrolyte excretion after a large water load and a small Na load was studied in a group of healthy volunteers (C) and in patients with renal arterial stenosis (S) and essential hypertension (EH). It was found that both groups of hypertensive patients reacted to this stimulus by higher Na, Cl, Ca and Mg excretion tan group C. In the two hypertension groups, cumulative Na excretion was comparable in size, but cumulative water excretion was significantly greater in group EH than in group S. The results indicate that these differences can be attributed to different localization of reduced Na reabsorption in the nephron. Signs of a decrease in Na resorption were found in the distal part of the nephron in both hypertension groups, but in the EH group they were also found in the proximal part.  相似文献   

Blood pressure, plasma renin activity, and serum aldosterone, adrenaline and noradrenaline were investigated in healthy individuals and patients with the primary moderate hypertension following a single oral dose of 10 mg nifedipine. It was found that the drug is hypotensive in both healthy individuals and hypertensive patients. It does not affect the effective plasma flow throughout the kidneys as well as serum aldosterone and adrenaline whereas serum noradrenaline and plasma renin activity are increased.  相似文献   

S.A. Malayan  Ian A. Reid 《Life sciences》1982,31(24):2757-2763
The object of this study was to determine the importance of vasoconstrictor activity in the suppression of renin secretion by vasopressin. Arginine vasopressin (AVP) (0.05 and 0.1 ng/kg/min) and a nonpressor analogue of vasopressin, 1-deamino-[4-threonine, 8-D-arginine]-vasopressin (dTDAVP) (0.01 and 0.05 ng/kg/min), were infused intravenously in anesthetized hypophysectomized dogs. Neither dTDAVP nor AVP influenced arterial pressure or heart rate but both suppressed plasma renin activity. Infusion of dTDAVP at 0.01 and 0.05 ng/kg/min suppressed plasma renin activity to 86±4% (p<0.05) and 63±6% (p<0.01) of the control values respectively. Infusion of AVP at 0.05 and 0.1 ng/kg/min suppressed plasma renin activity to 60±8% (p<0.01) and 59±12% (p<0.05) of the central values respectively. dTDAVP and AVP both produced significant increases in sodium excretion. These data demonstrate that vasoconstrictor activity is not required for the effects of vasopressin on renin secretion and sodium excretion.  相似文献   

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