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Ciliates contain two types of nuclei: a micronucleus and a macronucleus. The micronucleus serves as the germ line nucleus but does not express its genes. The macronucleus provides the nuclear RNA for vegetative growth. Mating cells exchange haploid micronuclei, and a new macronucleus develops from a new diploid micronucleus. The old macronucleus is destroyed. This conversion consists of amplification, elimination, fragmentation, and splicing of DNA sequences on a massive scale. Fragmentation produces subchromosomal molecules in Tetrahymena and Paramecium cells and much smaller, gene-sized molecules in hypotrichous ciliates to which telomere sequences are added. These molecules are then amplified, some to higher copy numbers than others. rDNA is differentially amplified to thousands of copies per macronucleus. Eliminated sequences include transposonlike elements and sequences called internal eliminated sequences that interrupt gene coding regions in the micronuclear genome. Some, perhaps all, of these are excised as circular molecules and destroyed. In at least some hypotrichs, segments of some micronuclear genes are scrambled in a nonfunctional order and are recorded during macronuclear development. Vegetatively growing ciliates appear to possess a mechanism for adjusting copy numbers of individual genes, which corrects gene imbalances resulting from random distribution of DNA molecules during amitosis of the macronucleus. Other distinctive features of ciliate DNA include an altered use of the conventional stop codons.  相似文献   

DNA of ciliated protozoa   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
DNA was isolated from macronuclei and micronuclei of the ciliated protozoan, Stylonychia mytilus under conditions that minimize the possibility of DNA degradation. Macronuclear DNA has an S value of 10 to 11 in sucrose gradients. Macronuclear DNA has an average molecular weight of 1.15×106 daltons and a range of molecular weights of 1.0×106 to 1.95×106 daltons. The average length of macronuclear DNA, measured by electron microscopy, is 0.80 microns and the range is 0.2 to 2.2 microns. Almost all micronuclear DNA pieces are too long to be measured by electron microscopy. The shortest piece of micronuclear DNA found was 15.0 microns in length.  相似文献   

Ruminal ciliated protozoa in bison.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
G Towne  T G Nagaraja    K K Kemp 《Applied microbiology》1988,54(11):2733-2736
Ruminal contents from 79 slaughtered bison and 2 ruminally cannulated bison were collected to obtain information on total numbers and species distribution of ciliated protozoa. The bison originated from numerous herds throughout the Great Plains and were grouped into three dietary categories: (i) only forage; (ii) forage with moderate levels of supplementation; and (iii) feedlot concentrate-silage diet. Total ciliate counts were highest in bison receiving grain supplementation (210.1 x 10(4)/g) and lowest in bison consuming only forage (27.1 x 10(4)/g). All protozoan species found in bison have been reported in domestic livestock, although Ophryoscolex sp., a relatively common protozoan in cattle, was detected at low concentrations in only eight bison. The uncommon holotrich Microcetus lappus was present in five bison in concentrations reaching 8.4% of the total ciliate population. Charonina ventriculi, another infrequently observed species, was present in 18 bison, with the highest concentrations in forage-fed animals. Thirty bison possessed a type B protozoan population, characterized by Epidinium sp., Eudiplodinium maggii, and Eudiplodinium bovis. Thirty-eight bison possessed a mixed A-B population, characterized by Polyplastron sp. coexisting with low numbers of Eudiplodinium maggii or Epidinium sp. or both. Thirteen bison possessed populations lacking any remnant type B ciliate species. At least 29 of the bison possessing Polyplastron sp. were known to have been in contact with cattle, whereas all bison isolated from cattle had type B populations. The reduction of type B populations in bison becomes increasingly likely as bison production expands into areas inhabited by domestic livestock.  相似文献   

We have measured the reassociation kinetics of DNA from the micronucleus and from the macronucleus of the hypotrichous cillate Oxytricha. The micronuclear DNA reassociates with at least a two-component reaction, indicating the presence of both repeated and non-repeated sequences. The kinetic complexity of micronuclear non-repeated DNA is in the range of 2 to 15 × 1011 daltons; the haploid DNA content of the micronucleus is 4 × 1011 daltons (0.66 pg), measured microspectrophotometrically. The DNA of the macronucleus reassociates as a single second-order reaction, with a kinetic complexity of 3.6 × 1010 daltons. A comparison of the kinetic complexities of micronuclear and macronuclear DNAs suggest a 5 to 30 fold reduction in DNA sequence complexity during the formation of a macronucleus from a micronucleus. Macronuclear DNA is in pleces with an average molecular weight of 2.1 × 106 daltons. Since the kinetic complexity of macronuclear DNA is 3.6 × 1010 daltons, the macronucleus must contain about 17,000 different kinds of DNA pieces.Each macronucleus contains 3.5 × 1013 daltons (58 pg) of DNA, indicating that each sequence must be present about 1000 times per macronucleus or 2000 times per cell.  相似文献   

Ruminal contents from 79 slaughtered bison and 2 ruminally cannulated bison were collected to obtain information on total numbers and species distribution of ciliated protozoa. The bison originated from numerous herds throughout the Great Plains and were grouped into three dietary categories: (i) only forage; (ii) forage with moderate levels of supplementation; and (iii) feedlot concentrate-silage diet. Total ciliate counts were highest in bison receiving grain supplementation (210.1 x 10(4)/g) and lowest in bison consuming only forage (27.1 x 10(4)/g). All protozoan species found in bison have been reported in domestic livestock, although Ophryoscolex sp., a relatively common protozoan in cattle, was detected at low concentrations in only eight bison. The uncommon holotrich Microcetus lappus was present in five bison in concentrations reaching 8.4% of the total ciliate population. Charonina ventriculi, another infrequently observed species, was present in 18 bison, with the highest concentrations in forage-fed animals. Thirty bison possessed a type B protozoan population, characterized by Epidinium sp., Eudiplodinium maggii, and Eudiplodinium bovis. Thirty-eight bison possessed a mixed A-B population, characterized by Polyplastron sp. coexisting with low numbers of Eudiplodinium maggii or Epidinium sp. or both. Thirteen bison possessed populations lacking any remnant type B ciliate species. At least 29 of the bison possessing Polyplastron sp. were known to have been in contact with cattle, whereas all bison isolated from cattle had type B populations. The reduction of type B populations in bison becomes increasingly likely as bison production expands into areas inhabited by domestic livestock.  相似文献   

The main features of an interstitial ciliate community, living in the coastal sand of the Mediterranean sea, were analyzed during a one-year survey, carried out on 113 samples. The community was composed of 56 species, 31 of which belong to 8 resident genera. Total density varied from 0 to 410 individuals cm–3 and followed a Spring-Summer and an Autumn-Winter trend, not related to temperature or to any single abiotic variable (interstitial dissolved O2, grain sand size, salinity), although the density of some taxa was related to one abiotic factor. During Spring, diversity increased by a synchronous bloom involving the whole community. Some taxa, such as the predator Lacrymaria and its prey Frontonia, were significantly associated. The finding of the simultaneous bloom of congeneric species, like that of the genus Remanella suggests that they respond to the same environmental factors, and avoid interspecific competition.  相似文献   

Reasonable recovery after exposure to ?196 °C and after storage in liquid nitrogen refrigeration for as long as 4 years has been achieved with Tetrahymena pyriformis and with syngens 1 and 4 of Paramecium aurelia, although the percentage of cells surviving has usually been low. A procedure evolved with one stock may have to be altered for other stocks, which is not surprising, since the “species” T. pyriformis includes organisms probably more distantly separated evolutionarily than are fish and man. Attempts to explain the ability of relatively few cells to survive these conditions by resistance to salt, age of the cultures, etc. have so far been inconclusive and suggest interaction among the many variables.  相似文献   

[This corrects the article on p. 2734 in vol. 54.].  相似文献   

G Towne  T G Nagaraja  R T Brandt  Jr    K E Kemp 《Applied microbiology》1990,56(10):3174-3178
Fluctuations in ciliated protozoan concentrations were monitored in 40 individually fed crossbred heifers that were stepped up to an 85% concentrate diet either slowly (12 days) or rapidly (3 days), with or without monensin (30 ppm). Ruminal fluid was withdrawn from all animals by stomach tube at the start of the study, after each group reached full feed, and at 14-day intervals thereafter throughout the finishing period until termination (day 119). Neither monensin nor speed of step-up affected (P greater than 0.10) total protozoan concentrations, ruminal pH, or lactic acid concentrations. Average protozoan concentrations peaked on day 5, progressively declined until day 56, and then increased (P less than 0.05), suggesting an adaptation to ruminal conditions. Concentrations of Isotricha spp. were higher (P less than 0.05) on the final two sampling dates than at any other time. After day 28, Entodinium, Isotricha, and Polyplastron were the only surviving genera. Protozoa were not detected in 11 heifers on day 42 and day 56, but only two animals were defaunated on day 119, indicating either exogenous or endogenous refaunation. Average protozoan concentrations were not different (P greater than 0.25) between ruminal samples collected by stomach tube the day before slaughter (2.8 x 10(5)/g) and digesta samples collected the next day (1.6 x 10(5)/g). In feedlot cattle, defaunation apparently is transitory and individual animals harbor a dynamic protozoan population that fluctuates in response to changing ruminal conditions.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequences of 5S rRNAs from three ciliated protozoa.   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
The nucleotide sequences of 5S rRNAs from three ciliated protozoa, Paramecium tetraurelia, Tetrahymena thermophila and Blepharisma japonicum have been determined. All of them are 120 nucleotides long and the sequence of probable tRNA binding site of position 41-44 is GAAC which is characteristic of the plant 5S rRNAs. The sequence similarity percents are 87% (Paramecium/Tetrahymena), 86% (Paramecium/Blepharisma) and 79% (Tetrahymena/Blepharisma), suggesting a close relationship of these three ciliates.  相似文献   

Here we demonstrate that ciliated protozoa can jettison mitochondria as intact organelles, releasing their contents to the extracellular space either in a soluble form, or in association with membrane vesicles at the cell periphery. The response is triggered by lateral clustering of GPI-anchored surface antigens, or by heat shock. In the first instance, extrusion is accompanied by elevated levels of intracellular calcium and is inhibited by Verapamil and BAPTA-AM arguing strongly for the involvement of calcium in triggering the response. Cells survive mitochondrial discharge raising the interesting possibility that extrusion is an early evolutionary adaptation to cell stress.  相似文献   

The role of ciliated protozoa in pelagic freshwater ecosystems   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The abundance and biomass of ciliates are both strongly related to lake trophic status as measured by chlorophylla concentrations. Taxonomic replacements occur with increasing eutrophication such that large-bodied forms (predominantly oligotrichs) are progressively replaced by smaller-bodied ciliates (mainly scuticociliates). Highly acidic lakes display a more pronounced dominance of large-bodied forms when contrasted with less acidic lakes of comparable trophy. Community structure of ciliate populations is determined largely by lake trophy with acidic oligotrophic systems being characterized by reduced diversity and species richness compared with hypereutrophic systems. The temporal and spatial distribution of small (< 100m) ciliate populations is ascribed to lake thermal regimes which provide localized concentrations of food resources. Likewise, in extremely productive lakes, very large (> 100m) meroplanktonic ciliates enter the water column during midsummer after the development of thermal stratification and associated profundal deoxygenation. Laboratory studies indicate that large zooplankton (crustaceans) are capable of utilizing ciliates as a food source, but there is little direct evidence from field studies documenting this trophic link. Ciliates can be voracious grazers of both bacterioplankton and phytoplankton, and each species has a distinct range of preferred particle size which is a function of both mouth size and morphology. Myxotrophic ciliates may be important components in some plankton communities, particularly during periods of nutrient limitation or after their displacement from the benthos of eutrophic lakes. Evidence regarding the importance of planktonic ciliated protozoa in nutrient regeneration and as intermediaries in energy flow is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary— In ciliates, the basic pattern of ciliature consists of longitudinal polarized ciliary rows. This basic pattern is expected to be retained through successive binary fissions by means of the so-called cytotactic mechanisms, as a consequence of autogenetic proliferation of basal bodies within each row. This idea is supported by the hereditary transmission of 180° rotated rows in Tetrahymena and Paramecium. These mechanisms should theoretically ensure intraclonal homogeneity for ciliary row number. In fact, some alterations are responsible for either loss or addition of rows. Such alterations are not strictly random processes, since they have been shown to be controlled by nuclear genes. Cytotaxis does not account for exact positioning of primordia for complex structures (buccal ciliature, for instance): the sites of basal body proliferation are determined by certain “positional information” which, in turn, is controlled by chromosomal genetic material more or less independently of pre-existing structures, as illustrated by many spontaneous or induced mutations. All deviations from the wild-type phenotype seem to be associated with very reduced fitness, at least in laboratory conditions. On the other hand, the currently known variants cannot account for intraspecific diversity. Thus, the evolutionary significance of these phenomena remains somewhat obscure.  相似文献   

Fluctuations in ciliated protozoan concentrations were monitored in 40 individually fed crossbred heifers that were stepped up to an 85% concentrate diet either slowly (12 days) or rapidly (3 days), with or without monensin (30 ppm). Ruminal fluid was withdrawn from all animals by stomach tube at the start of the study, after each group reached full feed, and at 14-day intervals thereafter throughout the finishing period until termination (day 119). Neither monensin nor speed of step-up affected (P greater than 0.10) total protozoan concentrations, ruminal pH, or lactic acid concentrations. Average protozoan concentrations peaked on day 5, progressively declined until day 56, and then increased (P less than 0.05), suggesting an adaptation to ruminal conditions. Concentrations of Isotricha spp. were higher (P less than 0.05) on the final two sampling dates than at any other time. After day 28, Entodinium, Isotricha, and Polyplastron were the only surviving genera. Protozoa were not detected in 11 heifers on day 42 and day 56, but only two animals were defaunated on day 119, indicating either exogenous or endogenous refaunation. Average protozoan concentrations were not different (P greater than 0.25) between ruminal samples collected by stomach tube the day before slaughter (2.8 x 10(5)/g) and digesta samples collected the next day (1.6 x 10(5)/g). In feedlot cattle, defaunation apparently is transitory and individual animals harbor a dynamic protozoan population that fluctuates in response to changing ruminal conditions.  相似文献   

Omasal ciliated protozoa in cattle, bison, and sheep.   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Omasal contents were collected from slaughtered cattle (n = 54), bison (n = 15), and sheep (n = 40) to determine numbers and generic distribution of ciliated protozoa. Total protozoan numbers were significantly lower in omasal contents than in ruminal contents of all three species, but the percent composition of all protozoan genera was similar between omasal and ruminal populations. The highest numbers of omasal protozoa found were 7.61 X 10(5)/g in cattle, 7.01 X 10(5)/g in bison, and 1.29 X 10(6)/g in sheep. Omasal dry matter was significantly higher than ruminal dry matter in all species and ranged up to 51.5% in cattle fed high-concentrate diets. The omasal pH was similar to the ruminal pH in all species. The number of omasal laminae averaged 149, 145, and 74 for cattle, bison, and sheep, respectively. Although protozoan concentrations in omasal contents were approximately 80% lower than those in ruminal contents, the omasum harbored relatively high numbers of ciliated protozoa. The resident omasal protozoa are extremely difficult to remove, particularly in cattle, and apparently are responsible for reinoculating transiently defaunated rumens.  相似文献   

The cytotoxic effect of four mycotoxins (patulin, diacetoxyscirpenol, roquefortine and T-2 toxin) has been tested on the ciliate Tetrahymena thermophila. This ciliate has been shown to be a very sensitive biosensor to patulin, diacetoxyscirpenol and T-2 toxin. With respect to the roquefortine, this is the first reported bioassay using eukaryotic cells, and results show a lower sensitivity than tests using bacteria. Results are compared with those obtained using other biosensors.  相似文献   

我国海洋纤毛虫原生动物的研究进展   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
介绍了海洋纤毛虫原生动物学研究的主要意义、基本内容,扼要阐述了我国海洋纤毛虫原生动物的研究现状与进展。  相似文献   

A technique for the enumeration of benthic ciliated protozoa   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary A technique is described for the enumeration of benthic ciliated protozoa based on counts taken of uniform-sized drops of diluted sediment. Variation due to different observers and to replicate series of counts was not significant.  相似文献   

The complete sequences of four TBE1 transposons from Oxytricha fallax and O. trifallax are presented and analyzed. Although two TBE1s are 98% identical to each other at the nucleotide level, the remaining two TBE1s are only 90% identical both to each other and to the other two. This large evolutionary divergence allows us to identify conserved TBE1 features. TBE1 transposons are 4.1 kbp long and are flanked by 3 bp target-site repeats. The elements consist of 78 bp inverted terminal repeats, of which the 17 terminal base pairs are Oxytricha telomere repeats; a central conserved section of 550 bp that includes a set of nested direct and inverted sequence repeats; and 3 open reading frames conserved for encoded amino acid sequence. The three open reading frames encode a 22 kDa basic protein of unknown function, a 42 kDa ‘D,D35E’ transposase, and a 57 kDa chimeric C 2 H 2 zinc finger/protein kinase. The protein kinase domain of the 57 kDa protein is unusual, lacking a conserved ATP-binding motif. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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