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Fifteen microsatellites were isolated from a beluga whale Delphinapterus leucas , genomic library. The microsatellites were amplified in 100 beluga obtained from two widely separated locations. An average of 8.6 alleles per locus were detected and the average heterozygosity was 0.65 with a range of 0.27–0.86. All microsatellites were polymorphic and 13 of the genotype distributions observed were in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. It was possible with these microsatellites to assign correctly individual whales to their stock-of-origin 98% of the time. Microsatellites were amplified in 15 other cetaceans with these beluga-derived primers.  相似文献   

Samples of milk from a Bryde's whale and a Sei whale contained 2.7 g/100 mL and 1.7 g/100 mL of hexose, respectively. Both contained lactose as the dominant saccharide along with small amounts of Neu5Ac(alpha2-3)Gal(beta1-4)Glc (3'-N-acetylneuraminyllactose), Neu5Ac(alpha2-6)Gal(beta1-4)Glc (6'-N-acetylneuraminyllactose) and Neu5Ac(alpha2-6)Gal(beta1-4)GlcNAc(beta1-3)Gal(beta1-4)Glc (LST c). The dominance of lactose in the carbohydrate of these milks is similar to that of Minke whale milk and bottlenose dolphin colostrum, but the oligosaccharide patterns are different from those of these two species, illustrating the heterogeneity of milk oligosaccharides among the Cetacea.  相似文献   

Approximately 3.5 mo following its capture, a beluga whale (Delphinapterus leucas) developed focal pale gray skin lesions. These lesions persisted for at least 8 mo. A biopsy from one of these sites revealed epithelial intranuclear inclusions. Herpes-like viral particles were seen by transmission electron microscopy. The eventual regression of skin lesions and lack of other clinical signs suggests the virus was only mildly pathogenic in this animal.  相似文献   

Anatomy of the heart of the beluga whale (Delphinapterus leucas)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The heart of the beluga whale (Delphinapterus leucas) is described from the dissection of seven specimens. As in most whales the heart is characterized by a transverse broadness and a flatness of the ventricles from one surface to the other and by an apex formed by both ventricles. Heart size parameters are used for comparison with parameters of other marine and land mammals. The heart width index (heart height/heart circumference) averages 31.3 in comparison to 28.7 for the Weddell seal and 39.0 for the felids. The right ventricle is relatively long and narrow with a mean length index (TS/heart height) of 64.7 and a mean breadth index (TP/heart height) of 38.7. These heart parameters are discussed in functional terms.  相似文献   

The parental behavior of beluga whales observed in a summer reproductive gathering (near Solovetsky Island, Onega Bay, White Sea) is described, including the parturition process. A tight association between the female and its newborn infant has been traced by the case study of a stillborn calf. Individual behavioral patterns of a mother and calves observable only in natural habitats are detailed.  相似文献   

Xu N  Shiraki T  Yamada T  Nakajima M  Gauthier JM  Pfeiffer CJ  Sato S 《Gene》2002,288(1-2):159-166
The cDNA (DNA complementary to RNA) of the p53 gene of the beluga whale (Delphinapterus leucas) was sequenced by the method of 5'- and 3'-rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) with the cDNA made for the RNA obtained from fresh peripheral blood leukocytes isolated from two animals. Primers for the RACE method were synthesized based on the sequence of the DNA of beluga whale corresponding to exon 5 of the human p53 gene, which was determined after amplification of the DNA isolated from the liver from a beluga whale by using a pair of primers for the human sequence. The sequenced cDNA had a 2150-nucleotide length and contained the whole region corresponding to human exons 1 through 11. The reading frame was 1164 bp (base pair) long and began in exon 2 and ended in exon 11, coding for a 387-amino acid protein. The nucleotide sequence of the reading frame showed high similarity over 85% with pig, sheep, cow, and human genes. The similarities with the former two animals at the amino acid level were also more than 85%. Lower similarity of the beluga whale p53 gene was also found with those of lower tetrapods, fish and invertebrates.  相似文献   

The arteries and veins of the heart of the beluga whale (Delphinapterus leucas) are described from the dissection of nine specimens. The arterial distribution is composed of the basic mammalian pattern of two major vessels, the left and right coronary arteries, which supply the cardiac tissue. The venous drainage is provided by three major systems which are the great, middle, and small cardiac veins. The vascular characteristics of the heart of the beluga whale are the marked sinuosity of both coronary arteries and their main branches, the numerous large interarterial anastomoses between major vessels, and the duplication of vessels in parallel branches. These characteristics are discussed in functional terms and correlated with the diving ability of the species.  相似文献   

A 20-year-old male beluga whale (Delphinapterus leucas) was diagnosed with suspected acute septicemic erysipelas. Physical examination was unremarkable and no skin lesions were evident. Hematologic and serum biochemical abnormalities included mild anemia, a marked leukocytosis, an increase in the erythrocyte sedimentation rate, and moderate elevations of total protein, gamma globulins, blood urea nitrogen, and creatinine. Microtitration agglutination testing for Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae antibodies revealed seroconversion and elevated antibody titers associated with the clinical illness, presumptive evidence of an active E. rhusiopathiae infection. Treatment consisted of oral fluids, cimetidine, and a 25-day course of ciprofloxacin hydrochloride. The whale made a rapid and uneventful recovery. None of the three female beluga whales that shared the pool with the ill male, nor male and female beluga whales maintained in a separate pool, became ill or showed serologic evidence of E. rhusiopathiae exposure. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Fifteen minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata: Mysticeti) and three bottlenose whale (Hyperoodon ampullatus: Odontoceti) hearts were obtained from Norway. Only the ventricular mass and the base of the great arteries were available for study. The shape of the heart, the double apex, the narrowness of the interventricular septum in the dorsiventral plane, the side-to-side position of the ventricles, the relative thickness of the wall of the right ventricle, and the heavy trabeculation agree with other, brief reports of whale heart morphology. Coronary artery tortuosity, which has been described in sperm whales by others, was found in the bottlenose but not in the minke whales. It is suggested that the shape of the heart is associated with depth and duration of dives and that the pattern of trabeculation may be related to the size of the animal.  相似文献   

General cytological and ultrastructural features of cells found in the peripheral blood of three captive beluga whales (Delphinapterus leucas) are described. We noted all major peripheral cell types common to the circulation of mammalian species, including polymorphonuclear neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils, lymphocytes, and monocytes, as well as myelocytes, erythroblasts, and plasma cells. Platelets and two populations (normal and hypochromic) of red blood corpuscles were observed.  相似文献   

Previously, we reported the isolation of Bartonella henselae from the blood of harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) and loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) from the North Carolina coast. Hematologic, pathologic, and microbiologic findings surrounding the death of a juvenile captive beluga in Vancouver initiated an outbreak investigation designed to define the molecular prevalence of Bartonella infection in belugas. Using polymerase chain reaction analyses targeting the intergenic spacer region (ITS), two B. henselae ITS strains were identified in 78% of captive and free-ranging hunter-harvested belugas. These findings may have public health implications and may influence aquarium management procedures for captive marine mammals.  相似文献   

Normal values and ranges for 31 clinical hematology and serum chemistry tests are reported for the beluga or white whale (Delphinapterus leucas). The values were collected over a 6-yr period from eight belugas maintained for display at Sea World (San Diego, California, USA) facilities and represent long-term evaluations for each animal in a controlled environment. They represent the first report for a number of serum chemistry values for the beluga. Normal values such as these provide an important data base from which to detect diagnostically important changes in health status for belugas in a zoological setting. They also establish a baseline from which to evaluate differences in normal values in free-ranging belugas and from which to diagnose disease problems in wild populations.  相似文献   

The nursing behaviors of two beluga whale calves were observed for the first 55 days postpartum. For both calves, the total time spent nursing in a given period peaked around 7–10 days postpartum and then declined over time. One calf, however, was found to have an unusual decline in nursing at day 35 postpartum. Ten days later, this calf was diagnosed as having a bacterial infection and given antibiotics. This suggests that early detection of health problems may be possible by observing calves' nursing behavior. For both calves, their general nursing patterns were similar, although one calf consistently nursed more than the other. Both calves nursed roughly every half hour, neither showed any signs of a circadian pattern, and carryover effects for both calves were found, indicating that there was a relationship in the overall nursing pattern from one interval to the next. That is, if nursing dropped off during one interval, it was typically made up in the next interval. Zoo Biol 16:247–262, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A dead whale was found by local fishermen on the coast of Zhangzi Island, Changhai County, Dalian, Liaoning on April 16, 2019. According to the following information (1) discovery location, (2) prominent ridges on head, 256 pairs of white baleen in the mouth and the white transverse band on the fin limb, (3) characteristics of Cytochrome b (Cyt b) gene sequence, the whale was identified as the North Pacific minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata acutorostrata). It was found that the whale was in pregnancy. The results showed that the body length of minke whale was 640.0 cm and the body weight was 3350.0 kg. The fetus was a 7-8 months old male, with its body length 123.0 cm and body weight 26.3 kg. The body length of dead minke whale was less than the minimum value of the previous recorded pregnant minke whale. Our study is to record the morphological characteristics of the dead minke whale samples and enrich the basic biological data of large cetaceans in China.  相似文献   

Observations of suckling activities of a beluga cow and calf were carried out during five 24-h watches from 3 to 38 days of age, and six 12-h watches from 52 to 109 days of age. The calf died at 111 days. No clear circadian pattern of suckling was seen in the first month. At 3 and 52 days of age, the calf intensively suckled another sub-adult female in the pool. Suckling patterns were irregular during the first month and then stabilised. The number of separate suckling attempts fluctuated considerably between ages but the number of suckling bouts were relatively constant.Tail flexing and rubbing of the mammaries on the bottom of the pool indicated that milk can be expelled from the beluga mammary by pressure external to the gland and in the absence of suckling.  相似文献   

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