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Summary In several preparations of intestinal musculature of mammals and other vertebrates, the smooth muscle cells showed distinct transverse striations. Their distribution was irregular, but they were often in register in adjacent cells. They were studied by light and electron microscopy, and it was concluded that they represent areas where the muscle cells had been crumpled, probably during or after fixation, especially in muscles that are curved and arranged in concentric arrays. A characteristic disruption in the arrangement of myofilaments was observed. These striations were not seen in control preparations of the guinea-pig taenia coli; however, when the taenia was wound around a rod after partial or complete fixation, transverse striations became apparent in the concave part of the coiled-up strip of muscle. The longitudinal compression of the muscle cells, which were made somewhat rigid by the fixation, is the most likely explanation of the transverse bands.  相似文献   

Parvalbumin-immunoreactive structures in the hippocampus of the human adult   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary Parvalbumin-immunoreactive structures in the fascia dentata and Ammon's horn of the adult human brain were studied using the avidin-biotin-peroxidase technique. Thin fibres (probably axons) were found to form dense networks throughout the cellular layers. Parvalbumin immunoreactivity is observed in even distal portions of nerve cell processes. The excellent quality of the immunoreaction renders the distinction of a large number of possible neuronal types. All parvalbumin-immunoreactive neurons belong to the class of non-granule cells in the fascia dentata and non-pyramidal neurons in Ammon's horn. The fascia dentata harbours four types of neurons in the molecular layer, one type within the granule cell layer and four types in the plexi-form layer. The frequently described basket cells are contained in the group of immunoreactive non-granule cells in the plexiform layer. In field CA4 two neuronal types can be distinguished. Field CA3 reveals a slender cell type in the stratum radiatum, three types in the pyramidal cell layer and three types in the stratum oriens. In field CA2 three neuronal types can be differentiated in the stratum pyramidale. The extended field CA1 is endowed with two types of nerve cells within the stratum moleculare, two types in the stratum radiatum, five neuronal types in the stratum pyramidale, and one spindle-shaped type in the stratum oriens. The morphological features of parvalbumin-immunoreactive neuronal types in the adult human brain are compared with those found in Golgi-studies of mostly young animals or in labelling experiments. This study serves as a basis for further analyzes involving specific diseases such as Alzheimer's disease or epilepsy, where it needs to be clarified to which extent certain neuronal types are afflicted.  相似文献   

Medium spiny projection neurons (MSNs) are the main neuronal population in the neostriatum. MSNs are inhibitory and GABAergic. MSNs connect with other MSNs via local axon collaterals that produce lateral inhibition, which is thought to select cell assemblies for motor action. MSNs also receive inhibitory inputs from GABAergic local interneurons. This work shows, through the use of the paired pulse protocol, that somatostatin (SST) acts presynaptically to regulate GABA release from the terminals interconnecting MSNs. This SST action is reversible and not mediated through the release of dopamine. It is blocked by the SST receptor (SSTR) antagonist ciclosomatostatin (cicloSST). In contrast, SST does not regulate inhibition coming from interneurons. Because, SST is released by a class of local interneuron, it is concluded that this neuron helps to regulate the selection of motor acts. Special issue article in honor of Dr. Ricardo Tapia.  相似文献   

Somatostatin (somatotropin release inhibitory factor; SRIF) is an endogenous peptide produced at sites of inflammation, making the SRIF a candidate in regulating vascular inflammation. We have used primary human coronary artery endothelial cells (hCAEC) as a model to study SRIF's vascular actions. RT-PCR analysis of hCAEC total mRNA demonstrated the presence of the sst(4) receptor subtype, providing a target for SRIF intracellular signaling. Western blotting with phospho-specific ERK1/2 antibodies showed that SRIF-14 acutely inhibited basal phosphorylation of the extracellular regulated kinases (ERK1/2) by 80%. In addition, SRIF-14 treated hCAEC cell lysates showed a 2.6-fold increase in phosphatase activity, which was inhibited by sodium vanadate. Furthermore, SRIF-14 appeared to be anti-inflammatory in hCAEC as IL-1beta-induced adhesion molecule expression was reduced by 50%. Together, these results show that the coronary artery endothelium is a direct target of SRIF action.  相似文献   

L-Glutamate, N-methyl-D-aspartic acid (NMDA), quisqualate, and kainate were found to increase endogenous somatostatin release from primary cultures of rat cortical neurons in a dose-dependent manner. The rank order of potency calculated from the dose-response curves was quisqualate greater than glutamate = NMDA greater than kainate, with EC50 values of 0.4, 20, and 40 microM, respectively. Alanine, glutamine, and glycine did not modify the release of somatostatin. The stimulation of somatostatin release elicited by L-glutamate was Ca2+ dependent, was decreased by Mg2+, and was blocked by DL-amino-5-phosphonovaleric acid (APV) and thienylphencyclidine (TCP), two specific antagonists of NMDA receptors. The NMDA stimulatory effect was strongly inhibited by APV in a competitive manner (IC50 = 50 microM) and by TCP in a noncompetitive manner (IC50 = 90 nM). The release of somatostatin induced by the excitatory amino acid agonists was not blocked by tetrodotoxin (1 microM), a result suggesting that tetrodotoxin-sensitive, sodium-dependent action potentials are not involved in the effect. Somatostatin release in response to NMDA was potentiated by glycine, but the inhibitory strychnine-sensitive glycine receptor did not appear to be involved. Our data suggest that glutamate exerts its stimulatory action on somatostatin release essentially through an NMDA receptor subtype.  相似文献   

Summary Galanin immunoreactivity was observed in nerve cell bodies and nerve fibres, but not in enteroendocrine cells, in the small intestine of the guinea-pig. Nerve terminals were found in the myenteric plexus, in the circular muscle, in submucous ganglia, around submucous arterioles, and in the mucosa. Lesion studies showed that all terminals were intrinsic to the intestine; those in myenteric ganglia arose from cell bodies in more orally placed ganglia. Myenteric nerve cells were also the source of terminals in the circular muscle. Galanin (GAL) was located in a population of submucous nerve cell bodies that also showed immunoreactivity for vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) and in a separate population that was immunoreactive for neuropeptide Y (NPY). Processes of the GAL/VIP neurons supplied submucous arterioles and the mucosal epithelium. Processes of GAL/NPY neurons ran to the mucosa. It is concluded that galanin immunoreactivity occurs in several functionally distinct classes of enteric neurons, amongst which are neurons controlling (i) motility, (ii) intestinal blood flow, and (iii) mucosal water and electrolyte transport.  相似文献   

Summary The rat hypothalamus was studied at the light microscopic level with the use of single and double immunocytochemical staining methods. It was shown that the rat supraoptic and paraventricular hypothalamic nuclei, and their accessory neurosecretory nuclei, do not contain magnocellular somatostatin neurons. The distribution of the hypothalamic parvocellular somatostatin cells is described. The parvocellular component of the rat hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus is, at least partly, composed of somatostatin cells: they form a fairly well circumscribed periventricular cell mass. The rat suprachiasmatic nuclei contain separate somatostatin neurons and vasopressin neurons. Scattered somatostatin cells are present in the entire arcuate nucleus. In addition to the periventricular somatostatin cells located in the preopticanterior hypothalamic area and in the arcuate nucleus, the rat hypothalamus also contains numerous scattered somatostatin cells located distant from the third ventricle.This investigation was supported by a grant from the Belgian Nationaal Fonds voor Geneeskundig Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek  相似文献   

D G Baskin  J W Ensinck 《Peptides》1984,5(3):615-621
Region-specific antisera to [Tyr14]-SS28(1-14) were used to identify cells containing immunoreactivity to the SS28(1-14) fragment of somatostatin 28 (SS28) in gastric and intestinal mucosal epithelium and in pancreatic islets by immunoperoxidase staining. Radioimmunoassay with iodinated [Tyr14]-SS28(1-14) identified one antiserum (F4) to SS28(1-14) that cross-reacted equally with SS28(1-12), SS28(1-14) and SS28. Two other antisera (F3 and F8) to SS28(1-14) did not cross-react with SS28(1-12) and showed insignificant cross-reactivity to SS28. Immunostaining results showed that F4 stained the same cells that reacted with antiserum AS-10, which is specific for the cyclic tetradecapeptide somatostatin, SS28(15-28). Antisera F3, F4, and F8 all reacted with islet D cells and with somatostatin cells in the antral mucosa. However, only antiserum F4 detected immunoreactivity in mucosal epithelial cells; F3 and F8 did not bind to these cells. After sections of intestine were exposed to trypsin, however, epithelial cells containing immunoreactivity to SS28(1-14) were detected in intestinal mucosa with antisera F3 and F8. These results were obtained for duodenum, jejunum, ileum, and colon, but most of the epithelial cells with immunoreactivity to SS28(1-14) were in the duodenum. Both radioimmunoassay and immunostaining results suggest that F3 and F8 bind to a region of SS28(1-14) that is unavailable to antibodies in the intact SS28 molecule.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Furness  J. B.  Keast  J. R.  Pompolo  S.  Bornstein  J. C.  Costa  M.  Emson  P. C.  Lawson  D. E. M. 《Cell and tissue research》1988,252(1):79-87
Summary Immunoreactivity for vitamin D-dependent calcium-binding protein (CaBP) has been localized in nerve cell bodies and nerve fibres in the gastrointestinal tracts of guinea-pig, rat and man. CaBP immunoreactivity was found in a high proportion of nerve cell bodies of the myenteric plexus, particularly in the small intestine. It was also found in submucous neurons of the small and large intestines. Immunoreactive nerve fibres were numerous in the myenteric ganglia, and were also common in the submucous ganglia and in the intestinal mucosa. Immunoreactive fibres were rare in the circular and longitudinal muscle coats. In the myenteric ganglia of the guinea-pig small intestine the immunoreactivity is restricted to one class of nerve cell bodies, type-II neurons of Dogiel, which display calcium action potentials in their cell bodies. These neurons were also immunoreactive with antibodies to spot 35 protein, a calcium-binding protein from the cerebellum. From the distribution of their terminals and the electrophysiological properties of these neurons it is suggested they might be sensory neurons, or perhaps interneurons. The discovery of CaBP in restricted sub-groups of enteric neurons may provide an important key for the analysis of their functions.  相似文献   

Striatal atrophy in Huntington's disease (HD) is characterized by selective preservation of a subclass of neurons colocalizing NADPH-diaphorase (NADPH-d), somatostatin (SS), and neuropeptide Y (NPY), which have been reported to show three- to fivefold increases in SS-like immunoreactivity (SSLI) and NPY content. Since HD brain is capable of producing excessive quantities of the excitotoxin quinolinic acid (Quin), an N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor agonist, and since experimental Quin lesions show neuronal loss with sparing of NADPH-d/SS/NPY neurons, it has been suggested that Quin may be important in the pathogenesis of HD. In the present study we determined whether Quin stimulates SS gene function in cultured cortical cells known to be rich in NADPH-d/SS/NPY neurons. Cultures of dispersed fetal rat cortical cells were exposed to Quin (1 and 10 mM) with or without (-)-2-amino-5-phosphonovaleric acid (APV; 0.5 mM), an NMDA receptor antagonist, NMDA (0.2 and 0.5 mM), and glutamate (Glu; 0.5 mM). Medium and cellular SSLI was determined by radioimmunoassay and SS mRNA by Northern analysis with a cRNA probe. Quin induced significant (p less than 0.01) 1.6- and 2.5-4 fold increases in SSLI and SS mRNA accumulation, respectively, which were abolished by APV. Release of SSLI into the culture medium was stimulated two- to fivefold by Quin over a 2- to 20-h period. The increase in SS mRNA produced by Quin was time and dose dependent. A similar dose-dependent increase in SS mRNA comparable with that observed with Quin was induced by NMDA.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of nerve cells with immunoreactivity for the calcium-binding protein, calbindin, has been studied in the small intestine of the guinea-pig, and the projections of these neurons have been analysed by tracing their processes and by examining the consequences of nerve lesions. The immunoreactive neurons were numerous in the myenteric ganglia; there were 3500±100 reactive nerve cells per cm2 of undistended intestine, which is 30% of all nerve cells. In contrast, reactive nerve cells were extremely rare in submucous ganglia. The myenteric nerve cells were oval in outline and gave rise to several long processes; this morphology corresponds to Dogiel's type-II classification. Processes from the cell bodies were traced through the circular muscle in perforating nerve fibre bundles. Other processes ran circumferentially in the myenteric plexus. Removal of the myenteric plexus, allowing time for subsequent fibre degeneration, showed that reactive nerve fibres in the submucous ganglia and mucosa came from the myenteric cell bodies. Operations to sever longitudinal or circumferential pathways in the myenteric plexus indicated that most reactive nerve terminals in myenteric ganglia arise from myenteric cell bodies whose processes run circumferentially for 1.5 mm, on average. It is deduced that the calbindin-reactive neurons are multipolar sensory neurons, with the sensitive processes in the mucosa and with other processes innervating neurons of the myenteric plexus.  相似文献   

Summary In several animal species, galanin occurs in pancreatic nerves and inhibits insulin secretion. However, the presence and action of galanin in the human pancreas have not been established. Therefore, we examined the presence and nature of human pancreatic galanin-like immunoreactive material (GLIR) and the effects of galanin on glucose-stimulated insulin secretion from isolated human islets. Immunofluorescent staining of human pancreas revealed GLIR in fine varicose fibers in both islets and exocrine parenchyma. Furthermore, acid extracts of pancreas (n=3) and isolated islets (n=3) contained 0.17±0.06 and 0.23±0.11 pmol GLIR/mg protein. Human pancreatic GLIR coeluted with synthetic porcine galanin from Sephadex G-50. Moreover, synthetic porcine galanin inhibited glucose-stimulated insulin secretion from collagenase-isolated human islets at dose rates >10-8 M. Thus, (1) human pancreas is innervated by galanin-containing nerves, (2) human pancreatic GLIR is of similar size as synthetic porcine galanin, and (3) porcine galanin inhibits glucose-stimulated insulin secretion from human islets. Therefore, galanin could be an important local regulator of insulin secretion in man.  相似文献   

Summary Ganglia of the myenteric plexus from the newborn guinea-pig, isolated by microdissection, were dissociated by a combination of enzymatic and mechanical methods. The neurones and glial cells in the resulting cell suspension were cultured for up to 21 days in vitro. The growth of the enteric ganglion cells in serum-free, hormone-supplemented (N1) medium and in serum-supplemented medium containing a mitotic inhibitor was compared over a period of 14 days in vitro. Enteric neurones were outnumbered by glia in both culture media, although glial cell proliferation was inhibited in both media compared with that in serum-supplemented medium without mitotic inhibitors. Glial cell numbers appeared to decline in serum-free medium after the first week in vitro. Neurites tended to be more varicose in the serum-free medium, and the morphology of the enteric glial cells also differed markedly in the two media. This is the first report of the dissociation and subsequent culture of myenteric ganglia that had previously been completely isolated from the remainder of the gut wall.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of somatostatin-immunoreactive cells and processes throughout the human entorhinal region and subjacent white matter was examined either by the unlabelled antibody-enzyme method or by the avidin-biotin method. The brain slices were obtained at autopsy with a short post-mortem delay. The majority of somatostatin immunoreactive nerve cells was found in the inner principal layer and subjacent white matter. In addition, individually scattered immunoreactive neurons were observed in both the outer principal layer and lamina dissecans. The immunoreactive perikarya varied in shape and ranged in size from 10 to 30 m. Without exception the neurons could be classified as belonging to the group of non-pyramidal neurons. Each neuron gave rise to a few thick dendrites and a thin axon with a beaded appearance. In the adult human brain, the pattern formed by lipofuscin granules deposited in the nerve cells can be considered characteristic for the type of the neuron. Therefore, immunoreactive perikarya were documented, destained of chromogen and restained to demonstrate lipofuscin pigment and basophilic substance. It became evident from these studies that the previously immunoreactive cells were characterized by a large rounded and eccentrically located nucleus, sparse basophilic substance and, in most cases, a lack of lipofuscin granules. A few of the immunoreactive cells were laden with coarse pigment granules. The findings permit classification of entorhinal somatostatin-immunoreactive neurons as either non-pigmented or pigment-laden non-pyramidal neurons.Dedicated to Prof. Dr. J. Lang, Würzburg, on the occasion of his 65th birthdayA portion of the results has been presented at the annual meeting of the European Neuroscience Association 1986 in Marseille, France (Friederich-Ecsy et al. 1986)  相似文献   

Summary In the hypothalamus of the adult domestic mallard, small to medium-sized perikarya are stained specifically with rabbit antiserum against cyclic somatostatin (PAP technique of Sternberger). The somatostatin-immunoreactive material is located in neurons different from those containing immunoreactive LHRH, vasotocin or mesotocin. Somatostatin-containing perikarya are observed 1) in a chain-like arrangement extending from the area of the median division of the supraoptic nucleus to the caudal end of the paraventricular nucleus; 2) as single cells in the preoptic region; and 3) as a conspicuous formation in the optic tract division of the supraoptic nucleus. In the rostral portion of the median eminence, somatostatin-immunoreactive axons penetrate into the external zone. Fine accessory fiber bundles project to the neural lobe.  相似文献   

Summary With the use of immunocytochemistry, it was shown that both the supraoptic and paraventricular hypothalamic nuclei in humans contain at least two different neurophysins. These two human neurophysins are immunologically related to bovine neurophysin I and neurophysin II, respectively. One human neurophysin is associated with vasopressin, the other with oxytocin. Human vasopressin-neurophysin and oxytocin-neurophysin are located separately in two different types of neurons, which correspond respectively to the vasopressinergic and oxytocinergic neurons of both the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei. The neurophysin of the human vasopressinergic suprachiasmatic neurons appears to be closely related to or identical with neurophysin of the vasopressinergic neurons of the human magnocellular hypothalamic nuclei.This investigation was supported by a grant from the Belgian Nationaal Fonds voor Geneeskundig Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek  相似文献   

Summary The peptides cholecystokinin (CCK), neuropeptide Y (NPY), somatostatin (SOM), substance P (SP) and vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP), and the synthesizing enzyme for acetylcholine, choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) were localized immunohistochemically in nerve cell bodies of the submucous ganglia in the small intestine of the guinea-pig. VIP-like immunoreactivity was found in 45% of submucous neurons. ChAT immunoreactivity was observed in a separate group of nerve cells, which made up 54% of the total population. There were three subsets of neurons immunoreactive for ChAT: (1) ChAT neurons that also contained immunoreactivity for each of the peptides CCK, SOM and NPY, representing 29% of all submucous neurons; (2) ChAT neurons that also contained SP-like immunoreactivity, representing 11% of all submucous neurons, and (3) ChAT cells that did not contain any detectable amount of the peptides that were localized in this study.  相似文献   

Summary Enteroendocrine cells containing glucagon-, substance P-, neurotensin- and VIP-like substances have been demonstrated immunocytochemically in the gut of Barbus conchonius. Mainly based on the distribution of the immunoreactive endocrine cells in this and a previous* study, at least eight different enteroendocrine cell types appear to be present in this stomachless fish: 1. C-terminal-gastrinimmunoreactive cells*, predominantly present in the upper parts of the folds of the proximal part of the intestinal bulb. 2. Metenkephalin-immunoreactive cells*, basally located in the folds of the first segment. 3. Pancreatic polypeptide (PP)-immunoreactive cells*, mainly present in the first half of the first segment. 4. Glucagon-like-immunoreactive (GLI) cells that are basally located in the folds of the first segment and that contain a different polypeptide (possibly glicentin) than pancreatic glucagon cells. 5. Substance P-immunoreactive cells, present in the upper parts of the folds throughout the gut. 6. C-terminal-neurotensin-immunoreactive cells, basally located in the folds throughout the first segment. 7. Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP)-immunoreactive cells, present in small numbers in the proximal part of the intestinal bulb. 8. Nonspecifically-immunoreactive cells*, found throughout the intestinal bulb. Many VIP-immunoreactive nerves have been demonstrated in the smooth muscle layer and myenteric plexus of the gut; furthermore some of them are peptide histidineisoleucine (PHI)-immunoreactive. Substance P-, somatostatin-, neurotensin- and met-enkephalin-immunoreactive nerves are also found. Thus, at least partial sequences of four different mammalian neuropeptide hormones (VIP, substance P, neurotensin, met-enkephalin) occur both in endocrine cells and enteric nerves of the gut of B. conchonius.  相似文献   

The architecture and neurochemistry of the enteric nervous system was studied by use of whole-mount preparations obtained by microdissection of the horse jejunum. A myenteric plexus and two plexuses within the submucosa were identified. The external submucosal plexus lying in the outermost region of the submucosa had both neural and vascular connections with the inner submucosal plexus situated closer to the mucosa. Counts of neurones stained for NADH-diaphorase demonstrated the wide variation in size, shape and neurone content of individual ganglia in both the external and internal submucosal plexuses. The average number of cells/ganglion was similar in each plexus (about 25 cells). Immunoreactivities for galanin, vasoactive intestinal peptide and neuropeptide Y were observed in nerve cell bodies and fibres of each of the plexuses. Immunoreactivity for substance P was extensive and strong in nerve fibres of all plexuses but was weaker in cell bodies of the submucosal neurones and absent in the cell bodies of the myenteric plexus. Comparative quantitative analysis of immunoreactive cell populations with total cell numbers (enzyme staining) was indicative of neuropeptide colocalization in the external submucosal plexus.  相似文献   

Immunohistochemical double labelling of the enteric nervous system of the guinea pig ileum was performed with a monoclonal antibody (anti-MYC 033) directed against a peptide sequence of the human c-Myc protein together with antibodies directed against either the neuron-specific antigens neuron-specific enolase or PGP 9.5 or the glia-specific marker S-100 to demonstrate that anti-MYC 033 labelled the nuclei of all enteric neurons but not glia. This strategy was also employed to demonstrate that another anti-c-Myc monoclonal anti-body, anti-MYC 070, labelled the nuclei of all neurons and glia, as well as perhaps all other cells in these preparations. A polyclonal antiserum raised against a peptide sequence of the human c-Fos protein (anti-FOS 4) was shown to label the identical nuclei as anti-MYC 033. The ganglionic density of nuclei labelled by anti-FOS 4 was found to be similar to previous measures of the ganglionic density of neurons. Double labelling with anti-MYC 033 and an antiserum directed against vasoactive intestinal polypeptide was performed to reexamine the ganglionic density of neurons that express this neuropeptide. Our results suggest that the ganglionic density of these neurons might be less than previously determined.  相似文献   

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