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Dr. Jens Lehmann 《Facies》1999,40(1):25-69
Summary The present study provides an integrated stratigraphy of the Lower Cenomanian-Lower Turonian of the northwestern Münsterland Basin, Westphalia. This is important to establish a standard section allowing an interregional correlation as well as an interpretation of single environmental conditions, their changes through time and their geographical extent. Numerous sections have been investigated in northern Westphalia, in addition to data from other profiles in North Germany. Macrofossils and thin-sections have been sampled, stable isotope and gamma ray data have been obtained from a part of the sections. Investigation of the sedimentary sequence is based on a analysis of events. Many events are diachronous, whereas others are difficult to define and do not show a wide geographic distribution. For ecological or sedimentological reasons, correlation is not possible. The discussion of events leads to a compound picture of the evolution of the depositional sequence, allowing the reconstruction of palaeo-environmental changes. Sea-level changes and their influence on the fauna is discussed. During maximal sea-level rising, macrofossils occur more frequently for ecological reasons, however, some macrofossil accumulations are lag deposits. Some biostratigraphical problems find their origin in a tectonic separation leading to different habitats. The local tectonics was caused by the intial phase of transpression of the Osning Zone, that can be traced down to the Lower Cenomanian. A correlation of the Cenomanian-Turonian Boundary Event (CTBE) in Westphalia (Lengerich), Colorado (USA) and England (Eastbourne), is possible due to very dense sampling of carbon-isotopes (δ13C). In Westphalia, definition of the stage boundary is possible by correlation of carbon isotope curves only. A sequence from the upper Middle Cenomanian, up to the lower Upper Cenomanian, is investigated concerning the controlling factors of biogenic sedimentation. The cyclicity of lithology is investigated by Fast Fourier Trans-formation. It can be shown that sedimentation is forced by orbital cycles, mainly by the precession cycle of the Milankovitch band (P1 and P2, 18 500 and 22 300 years, respectively). This confirms the primary origin of the marlstone-limestone couplets that are obvious in the field. Calculation of sedimentation rates is based on these data. There is a high variability of sedimentation rates, maybe due to a strong variation of productivity in this epicontinental environment. Dedicated to the memory of Jost Wiedmann (1931–1993) 相似文献
Oncoid-dwelling foraminifera from Late Jurassic shallow-water carbonates of the Northern Calcareous Alps (Austria and Germany) 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Oncoidal limestones with different oncoid types are ubiquitous in back-reef open-lagoonal and, to a minor amount, in closed-lagoonal facies of the Late Jurassic Plassen Carbonate Platform of the Northern Calcareous Alps. A common feature of the oncoids from moderately to well-agitated open-lagoonal habitats are incorporated small trochospiral benthic foraminifers, tentatively assigned to trochamminids, switched between individual micritic layers. Their life style is discussed concluding a specialized feeding on cyanophytes on the outer side of the oncoids and later becoming biomurated by successive sheet formations due to oncoid growing. 相似文献
Dr. Luca Martire 《Facies》1996,35(1):209-236
Summary The red, pelagic limestones of the Rosso Ammonitico Veronese (Upper Bajocian-Tithonian) of the Altopiano di Asiago area can
be subdivided into eight facies. They differ from each other in structure (bedding style, presence and type of nodularity)
and texture (nature of components, grain-vs mud-support, compactional features). Several discontinuities could be recognized,
based on sedimentological or biostratigraphic evidence. In the context of a drowned platform, where sediments essentially
consist of skeletal remains of both planktonic and benthic organism, the different facies are interpreted as reflecting a
varying influence of currents on the winnowing of micrite and on triggering early cementation. Early cementation in turn,
controlled the patterns of bioturbation and the response of sediments to later compaction and pressure-dissolution. At times,
microbial mats, of unidentified nature, were important in trapping and binding sediment, giving rise to early lithified nodules
and layers of stromatolitic aspect.
The Rosso Ammonitico Veronese can be subdivided into three units: lower Rosso Ammonitico (RAI: Upper Bajocian-Lower Callovian),
middle Rosso Ammonitico (RAM: Upper Callovian-Middle Oxfordian), and upper Rosso Ammonitico (RAS: Lower Kimmeridgian-Tithonian).
Frequent ammonite moulds allow the precise dating of the base and top of each unit, and the documentation of facies heteropies
and hiatusses in the more fossiliferous RAS. The lower unit (RAM) is massive and essentially nodular; the middle unit (RAM)
is well bedded, non-nodular, and cherty; the upper unit (RAS) is richer in clay and typically nodular. The RAI and the RAS
are present everywhere, though significant facies and thickness changes affect particularly the RAS; the RAM is much more
variable, ranging from 0 to 10 metres. These variations, that may be gradual or abrupt, are inter-preted as the result of
Middle-Late Callovian block-faulting which generated an irregular sea floor topography where the swells were more exposed
to currents that continuously removed sediments, inducing long-lasting periods of nondeposition. Sediments preferentially
accumulated in the adjacent lows. A confirmation of this hypothesis is provided by evidence of synsedimentary tectonics, described
for the first time in the Rosso Ammonitico Veronese. Neptunian dykes, both vertical and horizontal, are developed at the top
of the RAI and are filled with laminated sediments or collapse breccias. Glides of metre-size blocks and slumps are present
at the top of the RAI and at the base of the RAM, respectively. Cm-thick layers of mud supported breccias are intercalated
in the upper part of the RAI and within the RAM: they are interpreted as seismites. All these features document a tensional
regime that generated fractures in more or less lithified sediments and failure along steep fault scarps or gently dipping
slopes of tilted fault blocks. Recognition of this Callovian-Oxfordian tectonic activity shows that, after the Bajocian drowning,
the Trento Plateau did not simply experience a uniform and general foundering: a small-scale block-faulting was still active
and affected the pattern of facies distribution. 相似文献
Dr. Jacek Matyszkiewicz 《Facies》1993,28(1):87-95
Summary The Middle Oxfordian strata in the southern part of the Cracow-Wielun Upland consist of platy and bedded limestones (‘normal
facies’), of massive limestones as well as locally of mass flow sediments. Massive limestones, prevailing in the Upper Oxfordian,
form commonly carbonate buildups, which are made up predominantly of cyanobacterial allochems and to a minor amount of siliceous
Stromatactis can be best observed in the Mlynka quarry. They occurs in the uppermost part of slope sediments close to a cyanobacterial-sponge
buildup. The bedding-plane of the slope sediments is directly overlain by debris-flow and grain-flow sediments.
Fragments of a primary laminar framework rich in growth-cavities occur in the uppermost part of the slope sediments as precondition
for the formation of stromatactis. The stromatactis cavities were formed by internal reworking and erosion within these organic
growth cavities, caused by strong bottom currents due to mass transport from higher parts of the buildup. 相似文献
Microencrusters and microtaphonomic features of the Oxfordian spongiolithic limestones of the External Prebetic were studied using thin-section analysis. The spongiolithic limestone is a bioclastic-rich packstone with common echinoderm, mollusc and brachiopod remains. The bioclasts show a high fragmentation index and frequent microborings. The encrustation index (E i) is higher for fragments of serpulids, ammonoids and bivalves, and increases with the initial grain-size of bioclasts. The main microencrusters consist of benthic microbial communities (BMC) and nubeculariids, as well as subordinate calcareous and siliceous agglutinated foraminifera, serpulids and bryozoans. BMC are usually the first colonizers, and encrusting foraminifera mainly appear on bioclasts larger than 2 mm. BMC dominate in well-developed encrustations on upward facing surfaces of larger bioclasts that are also colonized by foraminifera (nubeculariids and Subdelloidina). Bullopora, serpulids and bryozoans are more common on lower surfaces. The fact that the values of encrustation index, encrustation thickness and diversity of the microencrusters increase with the size of bioclasts is related to a higher stability and exposure time of the available bioclastic substrate. The microencruster distribution on upper and lower surfaces of large bioclasts may be related to photic control, space competition and/or predation avoidance. 相似文献
Elisabete Malafaia Francisco Ortega Fernando Escaso Bruno Silva 《Historical Biology》2013,25(7):938-946
A theropod assigned to Ceratosaurus was previously reported from the Portuguese Lusitanian Basin based on a limited number of elements of a single individual. Here, we describe newly discovered elements that likely pertain to same, earlier described, specimen. The new elements provide additional evidence that the range of Ceratosaurus spanned from what is now North America into Europe. Previously, some differences were noted between the Portuguese specimens and the North American Ceratosaurus. We consider these differences to be trivial and attribute them to individual variation and/or ontogeny. The following set of features (lesser trochanter positioned low on the femur; crista tibiofibularis obliquely oriented with respect to the axis of the femoral shaft; infrapopliteal ridge present posteriorly on the femur; large cnemial crest; and medial condyle of the tibia continuous with proximal end) indicate that the Portuguese specimen is assignable to Ceratosaurus. This record constitutes one of the scarce evidence of basal ceratosaurian theropods in the Late Jurassic of Europe. Despite the abundance, diversity and wide geographical distribution of ceratosaurs during the Late Cretaceous, its early evolutionary history remains poorly understood. The Portuguese specimens constitute an important evidence for the knowledge of the paleobiogeographic evolution of the clade during the Late Jurassic. 相似文献
Sharks, Rays and A Chimaeroid from the Kimmeridgian (Late Jurassic) of Ringstead, Southern England 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0
Charlie J. Underwood 《Palaeontology》2002,45(2):297-325
Sampling of a lenticular concentration of vertebrate debris and associated sediments from the lower Kimmeridgian of southern England has allowed the study of a diverse and abundant assemblage of chondrichthyan remains. A number of previously undescribed species are recorded, of which three new species are named; Squatina? frequens, Synechodus plicatus and Protospinax planus. Additional diagnosis of the genus Paracestracion Koken is given to allow its identification from dental remains. Several nominal batoid species are synonymised with Spathobatis bugesiacus Thiolliere. This assemblage is considered to be typical of Middle–Late Jurassic neritic environments, and is compared to other contemporaneous selachian faunas. 相似文献
A new specimen of the widespread Middle Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous Asian gonipholidid crocodilian genus Sunosuchus is described on the basis of a partial skeleton from the Upper Toutunhe Formation (Middle Jurassic, ?Bathonian-Callovian) of Liuhonggou, SW of Urumqi, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, People’s Republic of China. The specimen is represented by a partial mandible, teeth, vertebrae, limb and girdle bones and osteoderms. It can be distinguished from other nominal species of the genus by a unique combination of characters: slightly heterodontous dentition, strongly sculptured posteroventral part of the mandible, short fenestra mandibularis, convex dorsal surface of the retroarticular process, keeled cervical vertebral centra and ventral osteoderms with a distinctive sculpture of wide pits and narrow ridges. The heterodontous dentition is a potential autapomorphy of this form. The new specimen is closest in morphology to material described recently from the Callovian of Kirghisia as Sunosuchus sp. It represents the second Middle Jurassic record of the genus, the first crocodile from the Toutunhe Formation, the first substantial crocodile find from the Mesozoic of the Southern Junggar Basin, and the first Middle Jurassic record of Sunosuchus from China. This extends both the paleobiogeographical distribution of the genus in Asia and its stratigraphic distribution in China considerably. 相似文献
A new species of an atoposaurid crocodilian, Theriosuchus guimarotae, is described from the Late Jurassic (Kimmeridgian) of Portugal. Theriosuchus guimarotae can be distinguished from other species of Theriosuchus by a lateral surface of squamosal bevelled ventrally; a rounded, caudally projecting and dorsally sculptured caudolateral corner of the squamosal; a premaxillomaxillary suture aligned caudomedially in dorsal aspect; a minimum space between the supratemporal foramina that comprises one third of the total width of the cranial table; a minimum width of the frontal between the orbits that comprises one third of the maximum width of the skull at the orbits; a dentition that comprises only pseudocaniniform and lanceolate-shaped teeth; the presence of an external mandibular fenestra and all vertebral bodies amphicoelous. Its osteology also sheds light on the diagnosis of Theriosuchus within Atoposauridae. The material additionally includes specimens representative of several ontogenetic stages, each of which is discussed here. With its Late Jurassic age, T. guimarotae represents the oldest well-preserved material of Theriosuchus and reveals further knowledge about the palaeobiogeography of the genus in western Europe. 相似文献
Summary A carbonate buildup near the top of the Upper Jurassic limestone sequence in the Cracow area with a rigid framework built
ofTubiphytes and thrombolites, and some fragments of encrusted siliceous sponges and serpules is described. The limestones form a dome-like
elevation at the eastern wall of a 15 m high quarry flanked on both sides by stratified limestones with cherts. Six microfacies
have been distinguished within the buildup: (1)Tubiphytes/thrombolite boundstone and (2) bioclasticTubiphytes/thrombolite wackestone dominate in the central and bottom part of the buildup. They gradually replace the cyanobacterial
crusts and siliceous sponges (3. sponge-algal boundstone), which are sporadically the rock-forming elements in the basal part
of the buildup as well as the top. Serpules randomly distributed within the buildup also form small cm-sized structures with
a rigid framework (4. serpula-peloid boundstone). (5) tuberoid-peloid wackestone/floatstone and (6) ooid intraclastic grainstone
exhibit no significant distributional pattern. Bioclastic-peloidal packstone comprising material derived from the destruction
of the buildup occurs in the highest part of the outcrop, overlying the buildup.
The sediments of the buildup were subject to rapid lithification, evidence by borings and neptunian microdykes filled with
internal sediments, as well as by fracturedTubiphytes. Numerous petrographic features indicate probable episodic emergence of the buildup during its growth; these include asymmetric
dissolution textures, asymmetric cements, vadose crystal silt and calcite pseudomorphs after gypsum.
Upper Oxfordian carbonate buildups in the Cracow area display various stages of evolution. The carbonate buildup in Mydlniki
most closely resembles classical Upper Jurassic reefs. 相似文献
New paleontological data on Sestrosphaera liasina (Pia) based on material collected in the type-locality, Malga Mandrielle (Italian Southern Alps) are supplied. All the features of the alga are reexamined; the occurrence in the stalk region of an unusual primary lateral inner swelling is confirmed. The structure formed by the inner enlarged portion of the laterals is here indicated as inner pseudocortex. A new diagnosis of S. liasina is proposed and a lectotype is chosen from Pia's material. Finally, a paleontological reconstruction is supplied taking into account all the main biometrical values. 相似文献
Dr. Jacek Matyszkiewicz 《Facies》1996,34(1):23-40
Summary In the top section of the Upper Jurassic profile in the S part of the Cracow-Wielun upland there occur deposits with numerous
fragments of the plantonic crinoidsSaccocoma. Sedimentary structures indicate that these deposits are calciturbidites with domination of the redeposited pelagic material.
TheSaccocoma-calciturbidites rest on the slope beds of Oxfordian cyanobacterial-sponge carbonate buildups formed in the Polish epicontinental
basin, bordering the Tethys ocean in the north. The occurrence of the planktonicSaccocoma seems to be connected with a short deepening the S part of the Polish epicontinental basin in the Late Jurassic. This deepening
caused the change within biocoenoses thriving in carbonate buildups and was mainly expressed in reducingTubiphytes. ‘Tubiphytes-reefs’, representing the last stage in the development of the carbonate buildups in the S part of the Cracow-Wielun upland,
marked the most shallow sedimentation environment. With deepending of the basin,Tubiphytes and other benthonic forms disappeared, and, simultaneously, the dominant fauna became planktonic. The abundance of planktonic
crinoidsSaccocoma (=Lombardia), as well as the presence of planktonic foraminifers, nannoplankton cf.Schizosphaerella, coccoliths and radiolarians indicates a pelagic, open-sea depositional environment.
TheSaccocoma-dominated sediments, which had been primarily deposited from a suspension on a sea floor with a distinct relief, became subsequently
transported by turbidity currents. A limited extent and thickness of theSaccocoma-calciturbidites was caused by a relatively small amount of the primary material which could be transferred by the turbidity
currents because the period of pelagic sedimentation was short. TheSaccocoma-calciturbidites indicate a distinct shift in conditions of sedimentation resulting from over-regional changes and, despite
the lack of index fossils, seem to represent a local lithostratigraphic horizon. These sediments probably mark a sedimentation
event which caused a minor levelling of the sea floor relief. Then, after a sedimentation break, wide-spread destruction of
the tops of carbonate buildups and formation of debris flows in the shallowing Late Jurassic sea took place.
TheSaccocoma-calciturbidites in the S part of the Cracow-Wielun upland can be found near edges of horsts. This suggests that the foundations
of these horsts are probably of sedimentary origin, dating back at least to the Late Jurassic. TheSaccocoma-calciturbidites in the S part of the Polish epicontinental basin seem to result from local, synsedimentary tectonic movements,
which probably reflect over-regional events on the one hand, and oscillations of the sea level-on the other. 相似文献
Günter Schweigert Dieter B. Seegis Alexander Fels Reinhold R. Leinfelder 《Pal?ontologische Zeitschrift》1997,71(1-2):51-69
Fossil faecal pellets with internal structures are described from non-marine environments for the first time. In the Late Triassic Lehrberg Beds (Middle Keuper, Carnian) of Germany, the oldest stratigraphic record of the form genusHelicerina Brönnimann &Masse,Helicerina keuperina Seegis n. sp., occurs.Favreina kalankyra Ebli from the Norian Hauptdolomit Formation is also attributed to this genus. Another new speciesof Helicerina, H. ruttei Schweigert n. sp., is described from the Early Miocene calcareous freshwater tufas of Southern Germany. It is attributed to the brachyuran freshwater crabProballaya quenstedti (Zittel) which occurs abundantly at the same locality. Hence, the coprolite genusHelicerina is the product of brachyuran decapods or their Triassic ancestors, and not of anomuran decapods as thought before. From younger Early to Middle Jurassic pelagic ferrugineous limestones of the Subbetic area (Southern Spain), the new speciesFavreina belandoi Fels n. sp. is described besidesHelicerina siciliana Senowbari-Daryan, Schäfer &Catalano, and the better known speciesPalaxius salataensis Brönnimann, Cros &Zaninetti. The number of canals withinFavreina belandoi varies but is clearly correlated with different ontogenetic stages of the same producer. From the Late Jurassic of Portugal, the new speciesPetalina hexalunulata Leinfelder n. gen. n. sp. is reported. It co-occurs withFavreina prusensis (Paréjas). The new genusPetalina is distinct fromFavreina by its hemispherical cross sections of the canals. In Portugal, both species are restricted to intrajurassic marine karstic fissures of the reefal Ota Limestone. 相似文献
Adam M. Yates 《Palaeontology》2003,46(2):317-337
The species taxonomy of the sauropodomorph dinosaurs from the Löwenstein Formation of Germany is examined. Previous work has classified these into two taxa: Sellosaurus gracilis from a number of localities and the widespread Plateosaurus engelhardti from a single monospecific accumulation in the Löwenstein Formation, near the town of Trossingen. The current hypodigm of Sellosaurus gracilis is found to contain a substantial amount of variation. This includes differences in the dentition, structure of the skull, composition of the sacrum and the structure of the caudal vertebrae and pelvis. This variation was analysed using a specimen–based parsimony analysis of the sauropodomorphs from the Löwenstein Formation. It was found that two discrete taxa comprise the current hypodigm of Sellosaurus . The more common of these two is a plesiomorphic form for which the correct name is Efraasia minor comb. nov. The less common form (which includes the holotype of Sellosaurus gracilis ) is found to share a number of synapomorphies with Plateosaurus engelhardti and is placed in this genus as Plateosaurus gracilis 相似文献
Redeposited loess sediments from a Pleistocene crater filling in the Neuwied Basin (western Germany) yielded a small mammal fauna mainly composed of arvicoline rodents. The occurrence of rare faunal elements such as Sorex minutissimus, Sicista subtilis, and a species of Microtus (Terricola) is remarkable. Based on the evolutionary level of Arvicola terrestris, the biostratigraphic age of the fossiliferous horizon is transitional between late Eemian and early Weichselian. This conclusion is partly supported by the generalized ecological requirements of a few dominant rodent species. The fauna contributes to the knowledge of this time period, which is poorly documented in western Germany. A new character of the m1 is proposed for the discrimination of Sicista betulina and S. subtilis. To avoid further confusion in the specific assignment of transitional Arvicola specimens from the late Middle Pleistocene to early Late Pleistocene, we propose the formal taxonomic boundary between chronospecies A. mosbachensis and A. terrestris to be shifted from SDQ value 100 to SDQ value 120. 相似文献
A characteristic microfacies of the Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous allodapic Barmstein Limestone of the Northern Calcareous
Alps are clasts of wackestones with numerous fragments of calcareous algae (“algal debris-facies”). According to dasycladale
palaeocoenoses, several subtypes comprising different associations can be distinguished. One association is characterized
by the debris of an unknown large dasycladalean alga reported as dasycladalean alga indet. sp. 1 from different localities
in the Northern Calcareous Alps, typically forming a monospecific assemblage. Another microfacies type contains star-like
calcitic bodies tentatively referred to the morphospecies Coptocampylodon pantici Ljubović-Obradović and Radoičić, originally described as being from the Turonian of NW-Serbia. Other Coptocampylodon-like bodies represent the calcified tufts of the laterals of Selliporella neocomiensis (Radoičić). The occurrence of Coptocampylodon pantici-like microfossils in the Late Tithonian to Early Berriasian, shows that obviously different species of dasycladaleans display
identical to similar shaped tufts of laterals in transverse sections when becoming fragmented. Coptocampylodon pantici Ljubović-Obradović and Radoičić was observed only from different occurrences of Barmstein Limestone, but not from the autochthonous
platform carbonates of the Plassen carbonate platform. The Coptocampylodon algal debris-facies is also reported from the Late Jurassic of Albania, Mirdita zone. Occurrences of different types of algal
debris-facies in components of mass-flow deposits can be used as a tool to reconstruct eroded carbonate platforms and tectonics,
as demonstrated in the Northern Calcareous Alps and the Albanides. Finally, the general occurrences of algal debris-facies
in both settings—intra-Tethyan mostly isolated platforms (Alps, Albanides) vs. extended epeiric platforms (Middle East)—are
compared and discussed. 相似文献
Daniela Schwarz Takehito Ikejiri Brent H. Breithaupt P. Martin Sander Nicole Klein 《Historical Biology》2013,25(3):225-253
A nearly complete skeleton of a juvenile sauropod from the Lower Morrison Formation (Late Jurassic, Kimmeridgian) of the Howe Ranch in Bighorn County, Wyoming is described. The specimen consists of articulated mid-cervical to mid-caudal vertebrae and most appendicular bones, but cranial and mandibular elements are missing. The shoulder height is approximately 67 cm, and the total body length is estimated to be less than 200 cm. Besides the body size, the following morphological features indicate that this specimen is an early juvenile; (1) unfused centra and neural arches in presacral, sacral and first to ninth caudal vertebrae, (2) unfused coracoid and scapula, (3) open coracoid foramen, and (4) relatively smooth articular surfaces on the limb, wrist, and ankle bones. A large scapula, short neck and tail and elongate forelimb bones relative to overall body size demonstrate relative growth. A thin-section of the mid-shaft of a femur shows a lack of annual growth lines, indicating an early juvenile individual possibly younger than a few years old. Pneumatic structures in the vertebral column of the specimen SMA 0009 show that pneumatisation of the postcranial skeleton had already started in this individual, giving new insights in the early ontogenetic development of vertebral pneumaticity in sauropods. The specimen exhibits a number of diplodocid features (e.g., very elongate slender scapular blade with a gradually dorsoventrally expanded distal end, a total of nine dorsal vertebrae, presence of the posterior centroparapophyseal lamina in the posterior dorsal vertebrae). Although a few diplodocid taxa, Diplodocus, cf. Apatosaurus, and cf. Barosaurus, are known from several fossil sites near the Howe Ranch, identification of this specimen, even at a generic level, is difficult due to a large degree of ontogenetic variation. 相似文献
Summary The Bombaso Formation and basal Meledis Formation in the central Carnic Alps near Straniger Alm and Zollnersee (Austria/Italy)
unconformably overlie the folded Variscan basement and consist of shallow marine clastic and carbonate sediments which are
arranged to form two fining and deepening upward sequences. Particularly limestones and even breccias of the Bombaso Formation
yielded a rich fusulinid fauna composed of 34 species which are attributed to the following zones:Quasifusulinoides quasifusulinoides-Protriticites ovatus; Protriticites pseudomontiparus, andMontiparus montiparus.
Breccias of the Bombaso Formation west of Straniger Alm contain the oldest fusulinid fauna of the Carnic Alps, belonging to
theQuasifusulinoides quasifusulinoides —Protriticites ovatus zone. The fauna is composed ofQuasifusulinoides quasifusulinoides, Q. fallax, Q. intermedius, Protriticites cf.ovoides, andPr. ovatus. This assemblage is most similar to that of the Peskovskaya Formation of the Myachkovian Horizon in the Moscow Basin indicating
uppermost Moscovian age. Limestones from depositional sequence 1 at Zollnersee also contain fusulinids of the uppermost Moscovian
which are characterized by a more diverse assemblage:Schubertella donetzica, Fusiella lancetiformis, Beedeina ulitinensis, B. consobrina, B. nytvica, B. siviniensis, Quasifusulinoides
pakhrensis, Q. fallax, Q. kljasmicus, Q. quasifusulinoides, Fusulinella rara, andProtriticites ovatus. Limestones and calcareous sandstones-siltstones of the basal Meledis Formation of depositional sequence 2 near Zollnersee
and at Cima Val di Puartis are characterized by fusulinids of theProtriticites pseudomontiparus zone (Protriticites globulus, Pr. pseudomontiparus, Pr. sphaericus, Pr. rotundatus, Pr. ovoides, Pr. lamellosus, andPraeobsoletes burkemensis) and byMontiparus paramontiparus zone (Praeobsoletes pauper, P. burkemensis, Obsoletes timanicus, O. obsoletes, Montiparus paramontiparus, M. umbonoplicatus, M.
montiparus, M. likharevi, M. rhombiformis andM. priscus) indicating lower to middle Kasimovian age (Krevyakinskian and Khamovnicheskian Horizons of the Russian Platform).
In memoriam FranzKahler (1900–1995) 相似文献
Prof. Dr. Erik Flügel 《Facies》1999,41(1):197-208
Summary Microfacies-based provenance analysis of Roman mosaics found in Southern Bavaria near Augsburg indicates the use of Mesozoic
carbonates and sandstones occurring as boulders within Pleistocene and Holocene deposits near to the mosaic sites. In addition,
local allochthonous Late Jurassic ooid-peloid grainstones were used for the fabrication of white tesserae. Microfacies criteria
provide a means for evaluating the original location of sculptures as demonstrated by the study of the head of a Roman Goddess
made of Alpine Late Triassic limestone. 相似文献
Late Jurassic reefs are generally assumed to lack “cement crusts”. In the present paper, microencruster frameworks with variable amounts of cement are described from Late Jurassic to Earliest Cretaceous shallow-water carbonates of the Northern Calcareous Alps of Austria. The boundstones are characterized by a specialized and highly diverse community of microencrusters, partly occupying cryptic habitats. Volumetrically of minor importance compared to similar Permo-Triassic examples, Late Jurassic to Earliest Cretaceous microframeworks here reported compare well with cement reefs or cement-supported counterparts of other time intervals. The assumed depositional setting is that of a fore-reef slope environment. Generally, this peculiar microfacies can be integrated in current concepts of Late Jurassic reef classifications. Although more details are still needed for comparison, Late Jurassic microencruster-cement frameworks seem to be typical, but not restricted to the margins of Neotethyan isolated platforms. This work is dedicated to Erik Flügel, former professor of the University of Erlangen, for his fundamental pioneer research on various aspects of microfacies, including poorly known phenomena of ancient cement reefs. 相似文献