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We studied the pattern of variation in the spectral properties of male advertisement calls and female preference functions for these same properties in the Italian treefrog (Hyla intermedia). The call spectral properties (fundamental and dominant frequencies) were highly negatively correlated with body size, they showed low within‐individual variation, and, at the population level, they were found to be under weak stabilizing selection. In two‐choice discrimination tests, females did not show preferences between calls with fundamental and dominant frequencies within two standard deviations from the population mean, whereas females significantly discriminated against calls when their frequencies were three (or more) standard deviations above or below the population mean. Consistent with the observed permissiveness in female preference over the call spectral structure, in the natural population, we found no evidence either of directional selection on male body size or of a size‐assortative mating pattern. The pattern of preferences observed at the population level did not mirror the preferences of individual females. In fact, in a multi‐trial discrimination experiment, females showed significant differences in their choice between the average frequency call and a two standard deviation lower than average frequency alternative, for which no significant preferences were observed at the population level. Variations in preference were not found to correlate with female body size.  相似文献   

Although females in numerous species generally prefer males with larger, brighter and more elaborate sexual traits, there is nonetheless considerable intra‐ and interpopulation variation in mating preferences amongst females that requires explanation. Such variation exists in the Trinidadian guppy, Poecilia reticulata, an important model organism for the study of sexual selection and mate choice. While female guppies tend to prefer more ornamented males as mates, particularly those with greater amounts of orange coloration, there remains variation both in male traits and female mating preferences within and between populations. Male body size is another trait that is sexually selected through female mate choice in some species, but has not been examined as extensively as body coloration in the guppy despite known intra‐ and interpopulation variation in this trait among adult males and its importance for survivorship in this species. In this study, we used a dichotomous‐choice test to quantify the mating preferences of female guppies, originating from a low‐predation population in Trinidad, for two male traits, body length and area of the body covered with orange and black pigmentation, independently of each other. We expected strong female mating preferences for both male body length and coloration in this population, given relaxation from predation and presumably relatively low cost of choice. Females indeed exhibited a strong preference for larger males as expected, but surprisingly a weaker (but nonetheless significant) preference for orange and black coloration. Interestingly, larger females demonstrated stronger preferences for larger males than did smaller females, which could potentially lead to size‐assortative mating in nature.  相似文献   

Among the factors that can influence female mate choice decisions is the degree to which females differentiate among similar displays: as differences decrease, females are expected to eventually stop discriminating. This discrimination threshold, in conjunction with the magnitude of male trait variation females regularly encounter while making mate choice decisions, may have important consequences for sexual selection. If local display variation is above the discrimination threshold, female preferences should translate into higher mating success for the more attractive male. But if display variation is frequently below the threshold, the resulting increased pattern of random mating may obscure the existence of female mate choice. I investigated the interplay between female discrimination and male display variation in green treefrogs (Hyla cinerea) and found that call trait differences between nearest neighbour males were frequently smaller than what females are expected to discriminate. This finding has two important consequences for our understanding of sexual selection in the wild: first, low display variation should weaken the strength of selection on male display traits, but the direction of selection should mirror the one predicted from females choice trials. Second, caution is needed when interpreting data on realized mating success in the wild: a pattern of random mating with respect to male display traits does not always mean that female preferences are weak or that conditions are too challenging for females to express their preferences. Rather, insufficient display variation can generate the same pattern.  相似文献   

Variation in temperature can affect the expression of a variety of important fitness‐related behaviours, including those involved with mate attraction and selection, with consequences for the coordination of mating across variable environments. We examined how temperature influences the expression of male mating signals and female mate preferences—as well as the relationship between how male signals and female mate preferences change across temperatures (signal–preference temperature coupling)—in Enchenopa binotata treehoppers. These small plant‐feeding insects communicate using plantborne vibrations, and our field surveys indicate they experience significant natural variation in temperature during the mating season. We tested for signal–preference temperature coupling in four populations of E. binotata by manipulating temperature in a controlled laboratory environment. We measured the frequency of male signals—the trait for which females show strongest preference—and female peak preference—the signal frequency most preferred by females—across a range of biologically relevant temperatures (18°C–36°C). We found a strong effect of temperature on both male signals and female preferences, which generated signal–preference temperature coupling within each population. Even in a population in which male signals mismatched female preferences, the temperature coupling reinforces predicted directional selection across all temperatures. Additionally, we found similar thermal sensitivity in signals and preferences across populations even though populations varied in the mean frequency of male signals and female peak preference. Together, these results suggest that temperature variation should not affect the action of sexual selection via female choice, but rather should reinforce stabilizing selection in populations with signal–preference matches, and directional selection in those with signal–preference mismatches. Finally, we do not predict that thermal variation will disrupt the coordination of mating in this species by generating signal–preference mismatches at thermal extremes.  相似文献   

Sexual selection takes place in complex environments where females evaluating male mating signals are confronted with stimuli from multiple sources and modalities. The pattern of expression of female preferences may be influenced by interactions between modalities, changing the shape of female preference functions, and thus ultimately altering the selective landscape acting on male signal evolution. We tested the hypothesis that the responses of female gray treefrogs, Hyla versicolor, to acoustic male advertisement calls are affected by interactions with visual stimuli. We measured preference functions for several call traits under two experimental conditions: unimodal (only acoustic signals presented), and multimodal (acoustic signals presented along with a video‐animated calling male). We found that females were more responsive to multimodal stimulus presentations and, compared to unimodal playbacks, had weaker preferences for temporal call characteristics. We compared the preference functions obtained in these two treatments to the distribution of male call characteristics to make inferences on the strength and direction of selection expected to act on male calls. Modality interactions have the potential to influence the course of signal evolution and thus are an important consideration in sexual selection studies.  相似文献   

Understanding the variation within and between populations in important male mating traits and female preferences is crucial to theories concerning the origin of sexual isolation by coevolution or other processes. There have been surprisingly few studies on the extent of variation and covariation within and between populations, especially where the evolutionary relationships between populations are understood. Here we examine variation in female preferences and a sexually selected male song trait, the carrier frequency of the song, within and between populations from different phylogeographic clusters of Drosophila montana. Song is obligatory for successful mating in this species, and both playback and field studies implicate song carrier frequency as the most important parameter in male song. Carrier frequency varied among three recently collected populations from Oulanka (Finland), Vancouver (Canada), and Colorado (central United States), which represent the main phylogeographic groups in D. montana. Males from Colorado had the most distinct song frequency, which did not follow patterns of genetic differentiation. There was considerable variation in preference functions within, and some variation between, populations. Surprisingly, females from three lines from Colorado seem to have preferences disfavoring the extreme male trait found in this population. We discuss sources of selection on male song and female preference.  相似文献   

The unique aspects of speciation and divergence in peripheral populations have long sparked much research. Unidirectional migration, received by some peripheral populations, can hinder the evolution of distinct differences from their founding populations. Here, we explore the effects that sexual selection, long hypothesized to drive the divergence of distinct traits used in mate choice, can play in the evolution of such traits in a partially isolated peripheral population. Using population genetic continent‐island models, we show that with phenotype matching, sexual selection increases the frequency of an island‐specific mating trait only when female preferences are of intermediate strength. We identify regions of preference strength for which sexual selection can instead cause an island‐specific trait to be lost, even when it would have otherwise been maintained at migration‐selection balance. When there are instead separate preference and trait loci, we find that sexual selection can lead to low trait frequencies or trait loss when female preferences are weak to intermediate, but that sexual selection can increase trait frequencies when preferences are strong. We also show that novel preference strengths almost universally cannot increase, under either mating mechanism, precluding the evolution of premating isolation in peripheral populations at the early stages of species divergence.  相似文献   

In many sexually reproducing organisms, females choose mates based on multiple male traits. This study examined how two temporal components of the male mating call – chirp rate and chirp duration – affect female mating preference in five populations of a widely distributed North American cricket, Allonemobius socius (Orthoptera, Gryllidae). Chirp rate and chirp duration of the A. socius mating call were varied independently, and the responses of virgin females to these experimentally manipulated calls were repeatedly measured using a sequential single-stimulus design. Significant among- and within-population variation in chirp-duration preferences of females were found. Contrary to many previous studies, call chirp rate had no effect on female phonotaxis. Also there was no evidence of an interaction between chirp rate and chirp duration on female response to male mating calls. Moreover, female responsiveness to average and above-average chirp duration appeared to decline with female (adult) age. Overall, these results suggest evolved differences among populations in chirp-duration preferences, and that selection can act within populations on female chirp-duration preference.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 83 , 461–472.  相似文献   

Variation among females in mate choice may influence evolution by sexual selection. The genetic basis of this variation is of interest because the elaboration of mating preferences requires additive genetic variation in these traits. Here we measure the repeatability and heritability of two components of female choosiness (responsiveness and discrimination) and of female preference functions for the multiple ornaments borne by male guppies (Poecilia reticulata). We show that there is significant repeatable variation in both components of choosiness and in some preference functions but not in others. There appear to be several male ornaments that females find uniformly attractive and others for which females differ in preference. One consequence is that there is no universally attractive male phenotype. Only responsiveness shows significant additive genetic variation. Variation in responsiveness appears to mask variation in discrimination and some preference functions and may be the most biologically relevant source of phenotypic and genetic variation in mate-choice behavior. To test the potential evolutionary importance of the phenotypic variation in mate choice that we report, we estimated the opportunity for and the intensity of sexual selection under models of mate choice that excluded and that incorporated individual female variation. We then compared these estimates with estimates based on measured mating success. Incorporating individual variation in mate choice generally did not predict the outcome of sexual selection any better than models that ignored such variation.  相似文献   

Preference functions, which quantify preference strength relativeto variation in male traits or signals, are central to understandingmechanisms and consequences of female choice. Female tree frogs(Hyla versicolor) choose mates on the basis of advertisementcalls and prefer long calls to short calls. Here we show, intwo experimental designs, that preference strength increasedsignificantly as the difference in call duration was increasedonly if the absolute durations of alternative stimuli were below average. Hence preference strength was a non-linear functionof duration, and females did not base preferences solely onthe percentage difference in duration. In experiments simulatingcostly choice (unequal playback levels), non-linear effectswere more pronounced than in the conventional design (equal playback levels). Repeated estimates of preference strengthusing the unequal-playback design revealed significant among-femalevariation. These patterns of preference suggest that selectionby female choice for males producing calls of average durationover males producing very short calls is stronger than selectionfor males producing very long calls over males producing callsof average duration. Female preferences, especially in tests simulating a potentially costly choice, could reflect differencesin the net benefits to females of mating with males producingcalls of different duration.  相似文献   

Male mate choice has evolved in many species in which female fecundity increases with body size. In these species, males are thought to have been selected to favour mating with large females over smaller ones, thereby potentially increasing their reproductive success. While male mate choice is known to occur, it is less well studied than female mate choice and little is known about variation in mating preference among individual males. Here, we presented individual male eastern mosquitofish ( Gambusia holbrooki ) with paired females that differed in body size, and we quantified their mate preference on two consecutive days, allowing us to assess repeatability of preferences expressed. When males were allowed to view paired stimulus females, but not to acquire chemical or tactile cues from them, they exhibited a strong preference for large females over smaller ones. However, individual males were not consistent in the strength of their preference and repeatability was not significant. When individual males were allowed to fully interact with pairs of females, the males again exhibited a preference for large females over smaller ones, as revealed by a greater number of attempted copulations with large females than with smaller ones. In the latter social context, individual male preference was significantly repeatable. These results indicate that male eastern mosquitofish from our Florida study population possess, on average, a mating preference for larger females and that this preference is repeatable when males socially interact freely with females. The significant repeatability for mating preference, based on female body size, obtained for male mosquitofish in the current study is consistent with the presence of additive genetic variation for such preferences in our study population and thus with the opportunity for the further evolution of large body size in female mosquitofish through male mate choice.  相似文献   

Although it is often assumed that males and females have mating preferences for larger individuals of the other sex, potential underlying differences between male and female preferences for body size are not commonly investigated. Here, sexual differences in body size preferences are examined in the poeciliid fish, Brachyrhaphis rhabdophora. Females preferred larger males to smaller males, but preference did not appear to be affected by female size. One population-level analysis for males did not indicate an overall preference for larger females. A closer examination, however, revealed an effect of male size on preference; larger males preferred larger females, while smaller males preferred smaller females. It appears then that females, regardless of size, share a preference for large males, but males differ in their behaviour, depending on their body size. In addition, while the degree of difference in size between paired females did not appear to affect male preference, the degree of difference in size between paired males strongly affected female preference; the greater the difference, the more strongly females preferred the larger male. Thus, intersexual selection is found to operate in both sexes, but how it operates appears to differ. Intrasexual and intersexual differences in mating behaviour may be missed when evaluating population-wide preferences. That is, there can be underlying differences in how the sexes respond and the consequences of such differences should be considered when investigating mate choice. The results are considered in terms of the evolution of mating preferences, alternative mating strategies, assortative mating, the maintenance of trait variation in a population, and current methods to evaluate mating preferences.  相似文献   

Females of many species are frequently courted by promiscuous males of their own and other closely related species. Such mating interactions may impose strong selection on female mating preferences to favor trait values in conspecific males that allow females to discriminate them from their heterospecific rivals. We explore the consequences of such selection in models of the evolution of female mating preferences when females must interact with heterospecific males from which they are completely postreproductively isolated. Specifically, we allow the values of both the most preferred male trait and the tolerance of females for males that deviate from this most preferred trait to evolve. Also, we consider situations in which females base their mating decisions on multiple male traits and must interact with males of multiple species. Females will rapidly differentiate in preference when they sometimes mistake heterospecific males for suitable mates, and the differentiation of female preference will select for conspecific male traits to differentiate as well. In most circumstances, this differentiation continues indefinitely, but slows substantially once females are differentiated enough to make mistakes rare. Populations of females with broader preference functions (i.e., broader tolerance for males with trait values that deviate from females' most preferred values) will evolve further to differentiate if the shape of the function cannot evolve. Also, the magnitude of separation that evolves is larger and achieved faster when conspecific males have lower relative abundance. The direction of differentiation is also very sensitive to initial conditions if females base their mate choices on multiple male traits. We discuss how these selection pressures on female mate choice may lead to speciation by generating differentiation among populations of a progenitor species that experiences different assemblages of heterospecifics. Opportunities for differentiation increase as the number of traits involved in mate choice increase and as the number of species involved increases. We suggest that this mode of speciation may have been particularly prevalent in response to the cycles of climatic change throughout the Quaternary that forced the assembly and disassembly of entire communities on a continentwide basis.  相似文献   

The evolutionary outcome of interspecific hybridization, i.e. collapse of species into a hybrid swarm, persistence or even divergence with reinforcement, depends on the balance between gene flow and selection against hybrids. If female mating preferences are open-ended but sign-inversed between species, they can theoretically be a source of such selection. Cichlid fish in African lakes have sustained high rates of speciation despite evidence for widespread hybridization, and sexual selection by female choice has been proposed as important in the origin and maintenance of species boundaries. However, it had never been tested whether hybridizing species have open-ended preference rules. Here we report the first experimental test using Pundamilia pundamilia, Pundamilia nyererei and their hybrids in three-way choice experiments. Hybrid males are phenotypically intermediate. Wild-caught females of both species have strong preferences for conspecific over heterospecific males. Their responses to F1 hybrid males are intermediate, but more similar to responses to conspecifics in one species and more similar to responses to heterospecifics in the other. We suggest that their mate choice mechanism may predispose haplochromine cichlids to maintain and perhaps undergo phenotypic diversification despite hybridization, and that species differences in female preference functions may predict the potential for adaptive trait transfer between hybridizing species.  相似文献   

Although mate choice by males does occur in nature, our understanding of its importance in driving evolutionary change remains limited compared with that for female mate choice. Recent theoretical models have shown that the evolution of male mate choice is more likely when individual variation in male mating effort and mating preferences exist and positively covary within populations. However, relatively little is known about the nature of such variation and its maintenance within natural populations. Here, using the Trinidadian guppy (Poecilia reticulata) as a model study system, we report that mating effort and mating preferences in males, based on female body length (a strong correlate of fecundity), positively covary and are significantly variable among subjects. Individual males are thus consistent, but not unanimous, in their mate choice. Both individual mating effort (including courtship effort) and mating preference were significantly repeatable. These novel findings support the assumptions and predictions of recent evolutionary models of male mate choice, and are consistent with the presence of additive genetic variation for male mate choice based on female size in our study population and thus with the opportunity for selection and further evolution of large female body size through male mate choice.  相似文献   

Runaway sexual selection when female preferences are directly selected   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We introduce models for the runaway coevolution of female mating preferences and male display traits. The models generalize earlier results by allowing for direct natural selection on the preference, arbitrary forms of mate choice, and fairly general assumptions about the underlying genetics. Results show that a runaway is less likely when there is direct selection on the preference, but that it is still possible if there is a sufficiently large phenotypic correlation between the female's preference and the male's trait among mated pairs. Comparison of three preference functions introduced by Lande (1981) shows that open-ended preferences are particularly prone to a runaway, and that absolute preferences require very large differences between females in their preferences. We analyze the causes of the runaway seen in a model developed by Iwasa and Pomiankowski (1995).  相似文献   

We assessed the potential for several acoustic properties ofthe advertisement calls of male gray tree frogs to affect relativemating success by relating patterns of variation in these propertiesto minimum differences required to elicit female choice. Dynamicproperties (pulse number, PN; call rate, CR; and duty cycle,DC, the ratio of call duration to call period) varied much morewithin bouts of calling than a static property (dominant frequency,DF) but nevertheless exhibited significant between male variationin three of four breeding seasons. Many multiply recorded malesconsistently produced calls with values substantially aboveor below mean values of males recorded on the same nights. Nightlyranges of variation in PN and CR were often greater than theminimum differences required to elicit female preferences inthe laboratory. In most experiments, females chose high-PN orfast-CR calls over low-PN or slow-CR alternatives, respectively,even if the preferred stimuli were farther away or 6-10 dB lowerin sound pressure level (SPL), provided that differences inPN or CR were 100%. Consistent with these results, females didnot always choose the closer of two calling males in the field.Nightly ranges of variation in DF rarely equaled the minimumdifference required to elicit SPL independent preferences. Femalespreferred a stimulus of high-PN and slow-CR over an alternativeof low-PN or fast-CR with the same acoustic on-time; in twoexperiments, females chose calls of high-PN over low-PN alternativeseven though the playback of the high-PN call was interruptedand the low-PN call was broadcast continuously. Thus, femalepreferences were not merely based on the total time of acousticstimulation. Responses of females tested twice in the same experimentsuggest that phenotypic variation in preference was limitedin our study populations.  相似文献   

Brooks R 《Genetica》2002,116(2-3):343-358
The evolutionary significance of variation in mate choice behaviour is currently a subject of some debate and considerable empirical study. Here, I review recent work on variation within and among guppy (Poecilia reticulata) populations in female mate choice and mating preferences. Empirical results demonstrate that there is substantial variation within and among populations in female responsiveness and choosiness, and much of this variation is genetic. Evidence for variation in preference functions also exists, but this appears to be more equivocal and the relative importance of genetic variation is less clear cut. In the second half of this review I discuss the potential significance of this variation to three important evolutionary issues: the presence of multiple male ornaments, the maintenance of polymorphism and divergence in mate recognition among populations. Studies of genetic variation in mate choice within populations indicate that females have complex, multivariate preferences that are able to evolve independently to some extent. These findings suggest that the presence of multiple male ornaments may be due to multiple female mating preferences. The extreme polymorphism in male guppy colour patterns demands explanation, yet no single satisfactory explanation has yet emerged. I review several old ideas and a few new ones in order to identify the most promising potential explanations for future empirical testing. Among these are negative frequency dependent selection, environmental heterogeneity coupled with gene flow, and genetic constraints. Last, I review the relative extent of within and among-population variation in mate choice and mating preferences in order to assess why guppies have not speciated despite a history of isolation and divergence. I argue that variation within guppy populations in mate choice and enhanced mating success of new immigrants to a pool are major impediments to population divergence of the magnitude that would be required for speciation to occur.  相似文献   

Local adaptation can be strengthened through a diversity of mechanisms that reduce gene flow between contrasting environments. Recent work revealed that mate choice could enhance local adaptation when females preferentially mate with locally adapted males and that such female preferences readily evolve, but the opposing effects of recombination, migration and costs of female preferences remain relatively unexplored. To investigate these effects, we develop a two‐patch model with two genes, one influencing an ecological trait and one influencing female preferences, where both male signals and female preferences are allowed to depend on the match between an individual's ecological trait and the local environment (condition). Because trait variation is limited when migration is rare and the benefits of preferential mating are short‐lived when migration is frequent, we find that female preferences for males in high condition spread most rapidly with intermediate levels of migration. Surprisingly, we find that preferences for locally adapted males spread fastest with higher recombination rates, which contrasts with earlier studies. This is because a stronger preference allele for locally adapted males can only get uncoupled from maladapted ecological alleles following migration through recombination. The effects of migration and recombination depend strongly on the condition of the males being chosen by females, but only weakly on the condition of the females doing the choosing, except when it comes to the costs of preference. Although costs always impede the spread of female preferences for locally adapted males, the impact is substantially lessened if costs are borne primarily by females in poor condition. The abundance of empirical examples of condition‐dependent mate choice combined with our theoretical results suggests that the evolution of mate choice could commonly facilitate local adaptation in nature.  相似文献   

Abstract. Female mating behavior plays a fundamental role in the divergent evolution of mate recognition systems that may lead to speciation. Despite this important role, the phenotypic and genetic bases of female mating behavior remain poorly understood. In this study, I examine the shape of the female acoustic preference function and estimate values for pulse rate preference in two species of Hawaiian crickets, Laupala kohalensis and L. paranigra . In addition, I examine how preference differences are inherited in hybrid crosses between these species. Females expressed unimodal preference functions and were generally more attracted to pulse rates characterizing their own species. Unimodal preference functions also characterized F1 and backcross generations, with hybrid females expressing preferences for intermediate pulse rates. Pulse rate preferences segregated in the backcross generation. Mean pulse rate preference matched mean pulse rate in both parental and hybrid generations. Based on F1 hybrids and segregation patterns in backcross females, I show that changes in both signal and receiver components of the mate recognition system are consistent with a multilocus model of change through incremental steps. The results therefore suggest that ancestors of the current species also expressed unimodal preference functions and that changes in acoustic communication signals occurred through shifts in mean pulse rates and pulse rate preferences among populations.  相似文献   

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