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L L Ilag  D Jahn  G Eggertsson    D Sll 《Journal of bacteriology》1991,173(11):3408-3413
delta-Aminolevulinic acid (ALA), the first committed precursor of porphyrin biosynthesis, is formed in Escherichia coli by the C5 pathway in a three-step, tRNA-dependent transformation from glutamate. The first two enzymes of this pathway, glutamyl-tRNA synthetase and Glu-tRNA reductase, are known in E. coli (J. Lapointe and D. Söll, J. Biol. Chem. 247:4966-4974, 1972; D. Jahn, U. Michelsen, and D. Söll, J. Biol. Chem. 266:2542-2548, 1991). Here we present the mapping and cloning of the gene for the third enzyme, glutamate 1-semialdehyde (GSA) aminotransferase, and an initial characterization of the purified enzyme. Ethylmethane sulfonate-induced mutants of E. coli AB354 which required ALA for growth were isolated by selection for respiration-defective strains resistant to the aminoglycoside antibiotic kanamycin. Two mutations were mapped to min 4 at a locus named hemL. Map positions and resulting phenotypes suggest that hemL may be identical with the earlier described porphyrin biosynthesis mutation popC. Complementation of the auxotrophic phenotype by wild-type DNA from the corresponding clone pLC4-43 of the Clarke-Carbon bank (L. Clarke and J. Carbon, Cell 9:91-99, 1976) allowed the isolation of the gene. Physical mapping showed that hemL mapped clockwise next to fhuB. The hemL gene product was overexpressed and purified to apparent homogeneity. The pure protein efficiently converted GSA to ALA. The reaction was stimulated by the addition of pyridoxal 5' -phosphate or pyridoxamine 5' -phosphate and inhibited by gabaculine or aminooxyacetic acid. The molecular mass of the purified GSA aminotransferase under denaturing conditions was 40,000 Da, as determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The enzyme has apparent native molecular mass of approximately 80,000 Da, as determined by rate zonal sedimentation on glycerol gradients and molecular sieving through Superose 12, which indicates a homodimeric alpha2, structure of the protein.  相似文献   

Summary In bacteria 5-aminolevulinate, the universal precursor in the biosynthesis of the porphyrin nucleus of hemes, chlorophylls and bilins is synthesised by two different pathways: in non-sulphur purple bacteria (Rhodobacter) or Rhizobium 5-aminolevulinate synthase condenses glycine and succinyl-CoA into 5-aminolevulinate as is the case in mammalian cells and yeast. In cyanobacteria, green and purple sulphur bacteria, as in chloroplasts of higher plants and algae a three step pathway converts glutamate into 5-aminolevulinate. The last step is the conversion of glutamate 1-semialdehyde into 5-aminolevulinate. Using a cDNA clone encoding glutamate 1-semialdehyde aminotransferase from barley, genes for this enzyme were cloned from Synechococcus PCC6301 and Escherichia coli and sequenced. The popC gene of E. coli, previously considered to encode 5-aminolevulinate synthase, appears to be a structural gene for glutamate 1-semialdehyde aminotransferase. Domains with identical amino acid sequences comprise 48% of the primary structure of the barley, cyanobacterial and putative E. coli glutamate 1-semialdehyde aminotransferases. The cyanobacterial and barley enzymes share 72% identical residues. The peptide containing a likely pyridoxamine phosphate binding lysine is conserved in all three protein sequences.  相似文献   

M A Smith  B Grimm 《Biochemistry》1992,31(16):4122-4127
Glutamate 1-semialdehyde aminotransferase (GSA-AT) catalyzes the transfer of the C2 amino group of glutamate 1-semialdehyde (GSA) to the C1 position. Nucleic acid sequences encoding this enzyme from wild type and a gabaculine (GAB) resistant strain of Synechococcus have been cloned and overexpressed in Escherichia coli. Tolerance to GAB of the mutant GSA-AT resulted from a point mutation, Met-248-Ile, in the middle of the polypeptide chain accompanied by a deletion of three amino acids close to the NH2 terminus but can also be effected by the point mutation alone. Purified enzymes from these two strains contain vitamin B6 and use a typical ping-pong Bi-Bi mechanism, in which 4,5-diaminovalerate (DAVA) is a likely intermediate. The catalytic efficiency (Kcat/Km) of wild-type GSA-AT for GSA is about 3 times larger than that of the mutant enzyme. Comparison of substrate specificities (kmax/Km) for GSA and various analogues reveals that wild-type GSA-AT has values that are about 2-20 times larger than those of the mutant enzyme, except in the case of GAB for which the specificity is 2-3 orders of magnitude larger. These differences are attributed to impaired prototropic rearrangement and transaldimination by mutant GSA-AT. They lead to accumulation of quinonoid and other intermediates upon addition of various substrates such as ALA and DOVA, as well as to instability of their aldimines (418 nm) upon Sephadex gel filtration.  相似文献   

Glutamate 1-semialdehyde aminotransferase (GSA-AT) is a key regulatory enzyme, which converts glutamate 1-semialdehyde (GSA) to 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) in chlorophyll biosynthesis. ALA is the universal precursor for the synthesis of chlorophyll, heme, and other tetrapyrroles. To study the regulation of chlorophyll biosynthesis in Brassica napus, two cDNA clones of GSA-AT were isolated for genetic manipulation. A SalI-XbaI fragment from one of the two cDNA clones of GSA-AT was used for recombinant protein expression by inserting it at the 3' end of a calmodulin-binding-peptide (CBP) tag of the pCaln vector. The CBP tagged recombinant protein, expressed in Escherichia coli, was purified to apparent homogeneity in a one step purification process using a calmodulin affinity column. The purified CBP tagged GSA-AT is biologically active and has a specific activity of 16.6 nmol/min/mg. Cleavage of the CBP tag from the recombinant protein with thrombin resulted in 9.2% loss of specific activity. However, removal of the cleaved CBP tag from the recombinant protein solution resulted in 60% loss of specific activity, suggesting possible interactions between the recombinant protein and the CBP tag. The enzyme activity of the CBP tagless recombinant protein, referred as TR-GSA-AT hereafter, was not affected by the addition of pyridoxamine 5' phosphate (PMP). Addition of glutamate and pyridoxal 5' phosphate (PLP) to the TR-GSA-AT enhanced the enzyme activity by 3-fold and 3.6-fold, respectively. Addition of both glutamate and PLP increased the enzyme activity by 4.6-fold. Similar to the GSA-AT of B. napus, the active TR-GSA-AT is a dimeric protein of 88 kDa with 45.5 kDa subunits. As the SalI-XbaI fragment encodes a biologically active GSA-AT that has the same molecular mass as the native GSA-AT, it is concluded that the SalI-XbaI fragment is the coding sequence of GSA-AT. The highly active polyclonal antibodies generated from TR-GSA-AT were used for the detection of GSA-AT of B. napus.  相似文献   

Glutamate-1-semialdehyde (GSA) aminotransferase catalyzes transfer of the C2 amino group of glutamate 1-semialdehyde to the C1 position to yield the tetrapyrrole precursor 5-aminolevulinate. Based on spectrophotometric and steady-state data, GSA aminotransferase is a B6-containing enzyme which uses a ping-pong bi-bi mechanism described for other aminotransferases. A putative active-site lysine at position 272 of Synechococcus GSA aminotransferase was replaced by Arg, Ile or Glu, and genes encoding the corresponding three site directed mutants were expressed in Escherichia coli. The catalytic competence of the resulting enzymes was determined. The similarity of the absorbance spectra of pyridoxal-P-treated forms of Lys272----Arg, Lys272----Ile, Lys272----Glu with free pyridoxal-P indicates that enzyme-bound pyridoxal-P does not form an internal aldimine in in these three site-directed mutants. Whereas Lys----Ile and Lys----Glu form only stable ketimines and aldimines with GSA and its analogues, addition of these compounds to the pyridoxamine-P and pyridoxal-P forms of Lys----Arg induces slow spectral changes, indicating the catalysis of a half-reaction with GSA, 4,5-dioxovalerate and 4,5-diaminovalerate. 5-Aminolevulinate apparently binds with both coenzyme forms of Lys272----Arg, however significant tautomeric rearrangement is only observed with the pyridoxal-P form. It is suggested that Lys272 is the covalent pyridoxal-P-binding site and that this catalytically active lysine residue channels the overall transamination reaction towards 5-aminolevulinate. The second-half reaction (4,5-diaminovalerate in equilibrium with 5-aminolevulinate) is possibly supported by the formation of an internal aldimine which correctly positions the C4 amino group of 4,5-diaminovalerate relative to the enzyme-bound pyridoxal-P.  相似文献   

The consequences of active site mutations of the Escherichia coli D-xylose isomerase (E.C. on substrate binding were examined by fluorescence spectroscopy. Site-directed mutagenesis of conserved tryptophan residues in the E. coli enzyme (Trp49 and Trp188) reveals that fluorescence quenching of these residues occurs during the binding of xylose by the wild-type enzyme. The fluorescent properties of additional active site substitutions at His101 were also examined. Substitutions of His101 which inactivate the enzyme were shown to have altered spectral characteristics, which preclude detection of substrate binding. In the case of H101S, a mutant protein with measurable isomerizing activity, substrate binding with novel fluorescent properties was observed, possibly the bound pyranose form of xylose under steady-state conditions.  相似文献   

The E. coli isozyme of gamma-aminobutyrate aminotransferase (GABA-AT) is a tetrameric pyridoxal phosphate-dependent enzyme that catalyzes transamination between primary amines and alpha-keto acids. The roles of the active site residues V241, E211, and I50 in the GABA-AT mechanism have been probed by site-directed mutagenesis. The beta-branched side chain of V241 facilitates formation of external aldimine intermediates with primary amine substrates, while E211 provides charge compensation of R398 selectively in the primary amine half-reaction and I50 forms a hydrophobic lid at the top of the substrate binding site. The structures of the I50Q, V241A, and E211S mutants were solved by X-ray crystallography to resolutions of 2.1, 2.5, and 2.52 A, respectively. The structure of GABA-AT is similar in overall fold and active site structure to that of dialkylglycine decarboxylase, which catalyzes both transamination and decarboxylation half-reactions in its normal catalytic cycle. Therefore, an attempt was made to convert GABA-AT into a decarboxylation-dependent aminotransferase similar to dialkylglycine decarboxylase by systematic mutation of E. coli GABA-AT active site residues. Two of the twelve mutants presented, E211S/I50G/C77K and E211S/I50H/V80D, have approximately 10-fold higher decarboxylation activities than the wild-type enzyme, and the E211S/I50H/V80D has formally changed the reaction specificity to that of a decarboxylase.  相似文献   

Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC) - New selection systems are required to extend plastid transformation to a more significant number of plant species. After demonstrating that a...  相似文献   

A simple and convenient procedure is described for the isolation in good yield of two amino-transferases from various strains of Escherichia coli. On the basis of their substrate specificities one of the enzymes has been classified as an aromatic amino acid aminotransferase and the other as an aspartate aminotransferase, but both act on a wide range of substrates. Pyridoxal phosphate is bound more strongly to the aspartate aminotransferase than to the aromatic amino transferase which cannot be fully re-activated after removal of the prosthetic group. Both enzymes are composed of two subunits which appear to be identical.  相似文献   

In Escherichia coli, dihydrofolate reductase is required for both the de novo synthesis of tetrahydrofolate and the recycling of dihydrofolate produced during the synthesis of thymidylate. The coding region of the dihydrofolate reductase gene, folA, was replaced with a kanamycin resistance determinant. Unlike earlier deletions, this mutation did not disrupt flanking genes. When the mutation was transferred into a wild-type strain and a thymidine-(thy) requiring strain, the resulting strains were viable but slow growing on rich medium. Both synthesized less folate than their parents, as judged by the incorporation of radioactive para-aminobenzoic acid. The derivative of the wild-type strain did not grow on any defined minimal media tested. In contrast, the derivative of the thy-requiring strain grew slowly on minimal medium with thy but exhibited auxotrophies on some combinations of supplements. These results suggest that when folates are limited, they can be distributed appropriately to folate-dependent biosynthetic reactions only under some conditions.  相似文献   

Arginine-386, the active-site residue of Escherichia coli aspartate aminotransferase (EC that binds the substrate alpha-carboxylate, was replaced with tyrosine and phenylalanine by site-directed mutagenesis. This experiment was undertaken to elucidate the roles of particular enzyme-substrate interactions in triggering the substrate-induced conformational change in the enzyme. The activity and crystal structure of the resulting mutants were examined. The apparent second-order rate constants of both of these mutants are reduced by more than 5 orders of magnitude as compared to that of wild-type enzyme, though R386Y is slightly more active than R386F. The 2.5-A resolution structure of R386F in its native state was determined by using difference Fourier methods. The overall structure is very similar to that of the wild-type enzyme in the open conformation. The position of the Phe-386 side chain, however, appears to shift with respect to that of Arg-386 in the wild-type enzyme and to form new contacts with neighboring residues.  相似文献   

Crystallography shows that aspartate aminotransferase binds dicarboxylate substrate analogues by bonds to Arg292 and Arg386, respectively [Jager, J, Moser, M. Sauder, U. & Jansonius, J. N. (1994) J. Mol. Biol., 239, 285-305]. The contribution of each interaction to the conformational change that the enzyme undergoes when it binds ligands via these residues, is assessed by probing mutant forms of the enzyme lacking either or both arginines. The probes used are NaH(3)BCN which reduces the cofactor imine, the reactive substrate analogue, cysteine sulfinate and proteolysis by trypsin. The unreactive substrate analogue, maleate, is used to induce closure. Each single mutant reacted only 2.5-fold more slowly with NaH(3)BCN than the wild-type indicating that charge repulsion by the arginines contributes little to maintaining the open conformation. Maleate lowered the rate of reduction of the wild-type enzyme more than 300-fold but had little effect on the reaction of the mutant enzymes indicating that the ability of this dicarboxylate analogue to bridge the arginines precisely makes the major contribution to closure. The R292L mutant reacted 20 times more rapidly with cysteine sulfinate than R386L but 5 x 10(4) times more slowly than the wild-type enzyme, consistent with the proposal that enzyme's catalytic abilities are not developed unless closure is induced by bridging of the arginines. Proteolysis of the mutants with trypsin showed that, in the wild-type enzyme, the bonds most susceptible to trypsin are those contributed by Arg292 and Arg386. Proteolysis of the next most susceptible bond, at Arg25 in the double mutant, was protected by maleate demonstrating the presence of an additional site on the enzyme for binding dicarboxylates.  相似文献   

Lys-258 of aspartate aminotransferase forms a Schiff base with pyridoxal phosphate and is responsible for catalysis of the 1,3-prototropic shift central to the transamination reaction sequence. Substitution of arginine for Lys-258 stabilizes the otherwise elusive quinonoid intermediate, as assessed by the long wavelength absorption bands observed in the reactions of this mutant with several amino acid substrates. The external aldimine intermediate is not detectable during reactions of this mutant with amino acids, although the inhibitor alpha-methylaspartate does slowly and stably form this species. These results suggest that external aldimine formation is one of the rate-determining steps of the reaction. The pyridoxamine-5'-phosphate-like enzyme form (330-nm absorption maximum) is unreactive toward keto acid substrates, and the coenzyme bound to this species is not dissociable from the protein.  相似文献   

Glutamate decarboxylase is a pyridoxal 5'-phosphate-dependent enzyme responsible for the irreversible alpha-decarboxylation of glutamate to yield 4-aminobutyrate. In Escherichia coli, as well as in other pathogenic and nonpathogenic enteric bacteria, this enzyme is a structural component of the glutamate-based acid resistance system responsible for cell survival in extremely acidic conditions (pH < 2.5). The contribution of the active-site lysine residue (Lys276) to the catalytic mechanism of E. coli glutamate decarboxylase has been determined. Mutation of Lys276 into alanine or histidine causes alterations in the conformational properties of the protein, which becomes less flexible and more stable. The purified mutants contain very little (K276A) or no (K276H) cofactor at all. However, apoenzyme preparations can be reconstituted with a full complement of coenzyme, which binds tightly but slowly. The observed spectral changes suggest that the cofactor is present at the active site in its hydrated form. Binding of glutamate, as detected by external aldimine formation, occurs at a very slow rate, 400-fold less than that of the reaction between glutamate and pyridoxal 5'-phosphate in solution. Both Lys276 mutants are unable to decarboxylate the substrate, thus preventing detailed investigation of the role of this residue on the catalytic mechanism. Several lines of evidence show that mutation of Lys276 makes the protein less flexible and its active site less accessible to substrate and cofactor.  相似文献   

Chlorophyll reduction in the seed of Brassica can be achieved by downregulating its synthesis. To reduce chlorophyll synthesis, we have used a cDNA clone of Brassica napus encoding glutamate 1-semialdehyde aminotransferase (GSA-AT) to make an antisense construct for gene manipulation. Antisense glutamate 1-semialdehyde aminotransferase gene (Gsa) expression, directed by a Brassica napin promoter, was targeted specifically to the embryo of the developing seed. Transformants expressing antisense Gsa showed varying degrees of inhibition resulting in a range of chlorophyll reduction in the seeds. Seed growth and development were not affected by reduction of chlorophyll. Seeds from selfed transgenic plants germinated with high efficiency and growth of seedlings was vigorous. Seedlings from T2 transgenic lines segregated into three distinctive phenotypes: dark green, light green and yellow, indicating the dominant inheritance of Gsa antisense gene. These transgenic lines have provided useful materials for the development of a low chlorophyll seed variety of B. napus.  相似文献   

A new type of haem-deficient mutant was isolated in Escherichia coli K12 by neomycin selection. The mutant was deficient in uroporphyrinogen III cosynthase activity as indicated by the accumulation of uroporphyrin I and coproporphyrin. The mapping of the corresponding hemD gene by P1-mediated transduction showed that the new gene was located between ilv and cya, at min 83 on the chromosomal map of Escherichia coli K12.  相似文献   

Thioredoxin is a small oxidation-reduction (redox) mediator protein. Its reduction by NADPH is catalyzed by the flavoenzyme thioredoxin reductase. Site-directed mutagenesis has provided forms of the reductase in which Cys135 and Cys138 have each been changed to a serine residue (Prongay, A. J., Engelke, D. R., and Williams, C. H., Jr. (1989) J. Biol. Chem. 264, 2656-2664). Cys135 and Cys138 form the redox-active disulfide in the oxidized enzyme. The redox properties of the two altered forms of Escherichia coli thioredoxin reductase have been determined from pH 6.0 to 9.0. Photoreduction of TRR(Ser135,Cys138) produces the blue, neutral semiquinone species, which disproportionates (Kf = 0.73) to an apparent maximum of 29% of the total enzyme as the semiquinone. In contrast, the semiquinone formed on TRR(Cys135,Ser138) during a photoreductive titration does not disproportionate and 70% of the enzyme is stabilized as the semiquinione. Reductive titrations have demonstrated that 1 mol of sodium dithionite (2 electrons)/mol of FAD is required to fully reduce TRR(Ser135,Cys138) whereas 2 mol of dithionite/mol of FAD are required to fully reduce TRR(Cys135,Ser138). The oxidation-reduction midpoint potentials for the 1-electron and 2-electron reductions of TRR(Ser135,Cys138) have been determined by NADH/NAD+ titrations in the presence of a mediator, benzyl viologen. The midpoint potential for the 2-electron reduction of TRR(Ser135,Cys138) is -280 mV, at pH 7.0 and 20 degrees C. Thus, the redox potential is similar to that of the FAD/FADH2 couple in the dithiol form of wild type enzyme, -270 mV (corrected to 20 degrees C) (O'Donnell, M. E., and Williams, C. H., Jr. (1983) J. Biol. Chem. 258, 13795-13805). The delta Em/delta pH is -57.1 mV, which corresponds to a proton stoichiometry of 2 H+/2 e-.A maximum of 19% of the enzyme forms a stable semiquinone species during the titration, and the potentials for the oxidized enzyme/semiquinone couple, E2, and the semiquinone/reduced enzyme couple, E1, are -306 and -256 mV, respectively, at pH 7.0 and 20 degrees C. These studies provide evidence that the residue at position 138 exerts a greater effect on the FAD than does the residue at position 135.  相似文献   

Summary A pleiotropic mutant of Escherichia coli K 12 lacking reduced NAD: nitrate oxidoreductase, soluble formate dehydrogenase and membrane-bound formate:ferricytochrome b1 oxidoreductase is described. Levels of several other enzymes and cytochromes have been measured and found to differ little from those normally present in the wild type with the exceptions of cytochrome c522, reduced NAD:cytochrome c oxidoreductase and reduced NAD:nitrite oxidoreductase which are very high. Although the affected gene maps in a different position from that reported for chl A by other workers it seems likely that the two loci are identical.  相似文献   

Hybrids between the antibiotic resistance plasmid R6K and RSF2124, a derivative of plasmid ColEl were constructed in vetro. These hybrids exhibit the replication properties of both parents in Escherichia coli, including the use of either the R6K or the ColEl origin of replication during logarithmic phase growth. Incompatibility properties of both parental plasmids also are expressed by the hybrid plasmids. Analysis of replicative intermediates showed that the asymmetric terminus of R6K was functional in the hybrids. In the absence of protein synthesis where replication of the hybrid plasmid is initiated only from the ColE1 origin, the R6K terminus either prevents or severely impedes the progress of the replication fork. The activity of the R6K terminus region is expressed independent of the direction of DNA replication and in the absence of the R6K replication origin.  相似文献   

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