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Manifestations of myocardial infarctions have been recognized as one of the major killers in the Western world. Therefore, advancing and developing novel cardiac tissue repair and replacement therapeutics have great implications to our health sciences and well-being. There are several approaches for forming cardiac tissues, non-jet-based and jet-based methodologies. A unique advantage of jet-based approaches is the possibility to handle living cells with a matrix for cell distribution and deposition in suspension, either as single or heterogeneous cell populations. Our previous studies on bio-electrospraying of cardiac cells have shown great promise. Here, we show for the first time the ability to bio-electrospray the three major cell types of the myocardium, both independently and simultaneously, for forming a fully functional cardiac tissue. Several samples are characterized in vitro and found to be indistinguishable in comparison to controls. Thus, we are describing a swiftly emerging novel biotechnique for direct cardiac tissue generation. Moreover, the present investigations pave the way for the development and optimization of a bio-patterning approach for the fabrication of biologically viable cardiac tissue grafts for the potential treatment of severe heart failure after myocardial infarction.  相似文献   

The development of cytotoxic lymphocytes (CL) in in vitro mixed lymphocyte culture (MLC) was investigated in young (14 weeks), middle (40 weeks), and aged (80 weeks) NZB mice. Cytotoxic activity against H-2B alloantigens was measured by using the 51Cr release assay. The antigen dose to elicit the optimum development of CL in vitro was the same for all ages of NZB mice, but the level of the development of CL was consistently low and could be delayed by up to 24 hr in aged mice. This decline in the frequency of autoantibody against red blood cells nor to the decrease of the frequency of omega-positive cells in aged NZB mice. Aged (83 weeks) DBA/2 mice showed a similar decline in the development of CL. This decline of T cell function in aged NZB mice might be related to a physiologic aging process rather than to autoimmune disease.  相似文献   

Murine lupus is characterized by the production of numerous autoantibodies and immune complex glomerulonephritis. Anti-DNA antibodies are the hallmark of this disorder and may be associated pathogenetically with the glomerulonephritis. The cellular mechanisms underlying the regulation of the production of anti-DNA antibodies may prove to be the fundamental abnormalities responsible for the lupus syndrome seen in these mice. By using a system of spontaneous anti-DNA antibody production in vitro, we have determined that such production is characteristic of autoimmune NZB and MRL-lpr/lpr mice but not of the nonautoimmune control strains. Additional examination of the cellular mechanisms involved in the regulation of this response in NZB mice revealed: 1) this response is markedly T cell dependent, 2) NZB T cells are essential for maximal production of this autoantibody, and 3) NZB T cells actively interfere with normal immune regulatory mechanisms that lead to the production of anti-DNA antibodies spontaneously in vitro by nonautoimmune syngeneic B lymphocytes. Although these studies of anti-DNA antibody production in vitro disagree with previous work by others they successfully reproduce the results obtained earlier in experiments performed in vivo.  相似文献   

Short-term (15 min) sodium periodate (NaIO4) treatment of mouse spleen cells previously primed in vivo or in vitro against alloantigens induced the formation of secondary (2 degree) cytolytic T lymphocytes (CTL) specific for the priming antigens. CTL formation was readily demonstrable within 24 hr after treatment.This early CTL response occurred equally well in the presence or absence of cytosine arabinoside (Ara C), indicating that NaIO4 could induce CTL independently of DNA synthesis. Forty-eight hours after periodate treatment, the lytic activity was similar to that observed in parallel cultures stimulated with irradiated allogeneic spleen cells, although the peak activity was reached earlier (day 4) and was somewhat lower than that induced by alloantigen. The addition of irradiated NaIO4-treated unprimed syngeneic spleen cells to cultures of untreated alloimmune spleen cells also led to CTL formation, which suggests an indirect mechanism of activation. In contrast to alloimmune spleen cells, normal spleen cells treated with NaIO4 developed only very low levels of cytotoxicity after 4 days of incubation. However, in the presence of PHA, such cells were capable of lysing syngeneic and allogeneic target cells.  相似文献   

The role of asialo GM1+ (ASGM1+) cells and exogenous IL-2 in the age-related decline in allospecific CTL activity was evaluated. Primary CTL were generated in mixed leukocyte culture (MLC) [BALB/cANN (H-2d) anti C57BL/6N (H-2b)] and tested for allospecific lytic activity against the EL-4 (H-2b) cell culture line, and for non-MHC-restricted activity against WEHI-3 (H-2d) and YAC-1 (H-2a). Cultures included responder cell populations which had been treated with antibody to ASGM1 plus complement or complement alone, and irradiated stimulator cells, in the presence or absence of rIL-2 or crude IL-2-containing supernatants. The amount of rIL-2 used to accommodate the age-related decline in IL-2 production was determined empirically to be 500 U by assessing IL-2 production in MLCs containing responder cells from young versus old animals. rIL-2 appeared to restore the allospecific CTL activity generated by spleen cells of old mice to the level of that of young. However, treatment with anti-ASGM1 antibody revealed that this restoration was due to an effect of the IL-2 on ASGM1+ cells. The allospecific target cells, EL-4, were not sensitive to lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) cells induced by IL-2 alone under the conditions used. It is suggested that the apparent restoration was due to increased LAK-like (or MHC-nonrestricted) activity mediated by an ASGM1+ cell in the CTL precursor population.  相似文献   

Caprolactam was tested for the induction of chromosomal aberrations in cultured human lymphocytes from one male donor and one female donor. At 7.5 mg/ml, caprolactam-treated cells from the male showed a small but significant increase in the frequency of aberrations. No effect was observed in cells from the female if gaps are excluded.  相似文献   

Irradiated cells obtained from MLC at the peak of the CTL response caused profound suppression of generation of CTL when added in small numbers at the initiation of primary MLC prepared with normal spleen cells. The inhibitory activity of the MLC cells was not affected by irradiation (1000 rads) but was abolished by treatment with anti-theta serum and complement. The suppression was immunologically specific. The response of A (H-2a) spleen cells toward C3H (H-2k) alloantigens was suppressed by irradiated MLC cells obtained from MLC prepared with A spleen cells and irradiated C3H-stimulating cells, whereas the response of A spleen cells toward DBA/2 (H-2d) alloantigens was affected relatively little. However, if irradiated C3H X DBA/2 F1 hybrid spleen cells were used to stimulate A spleen cells in MLC, addition of irradiated MLC cells having cytotoxic activity toward C3H antigens abolished the response to both C3H and DBA/2 antigens. The response to DBA/2 antigens was much less affected when a mixture of irradiated C3H and DBA/2 spleen cells was used as stimulating cells. Thus, the presence of MLC cells having cytotoxic activity toward one alloantigen abolished the response to another non-cross reacting antigen only when both antigens were present on the same F1 hybrid-stimulating cells. This suppression of generation of CTL by irradiated MLC cells apparently involves inactivation of alloantigen-bearing stimulating cells as a result of residual cytotoxic activity of the irradiated MLC cells. This mechanism may be active during the decline in CTL activity noted in the normal immune response in vivo and in vitro.  相似文献   

Cells recovered from bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) and tissue sections from transbronchial lung biopsies were studied in 16 patients with symptomatic hypersensitivity pneumonitis (HP) and in six subjects with a similar history of exposure but without features of disease by using a series of monoclonal antibodies (MoAb) detecting different lymphocyte subpopulations, including T and T subsets, B lymphocytes, and natural killer (NK) cells. Their functional activities in cytotoxic and suppressor assays and the microenvironment in the lung by using immunohistological techniques were also evaluated. It has been demonstrated that the majority of cells recovered from BAL of HP patients are represented by T8 lymphocytes, with a relevant imbalance of the T4/T8 ratio (p less than 0.001). HNK-1+ cells were markedly increased (p less than 0.001), whereas the frequency of cells bearing other NK-related markers (NK-15, VEP 13, Ab8.28, T10, M1, and Fc gamma R) were not significantly increased with respect to controls. Immunohistological study confirmed that the majority of cells infiltrating lung parenchyma are T8+ lymphocytes. The number of HNK-1+ cells detected on lung biopsies was very low in all cases, even in patients with the highest values on BAL suspensions. The evidence of cells bearing the proliferation-associated markers (Tac and T9 antigens) seems to support the hypothesis of a local proliferation in the lung. In terms of phenotypic analysis, the results observed in the group of asymptomatic individuals are qualitatively superimposable on those observed in the HP group, but the magnitude of the phenomenon is less prominent and therefore the data are not as statistically significant as that produced by the comparison between HP patients and the same controls. Functional analysis of BAL T cells from both HP patients and asymptomatic individuals showed suppressor activity in vitro, as determined by the ability to influence a pokeweed mitogen (PWM)-driven B cell differentiation assay. BAL cells from HP patients were also able to display a definite cytotoxic function in vitro, whereas BAL lymphocytes from asymptomatic subjects did not. Taken together, these data demonstrated that cells responsible for the alveolitis in patients with HP are characterized by the expansion of T cells with the phenotype and functions of both suppressor and/or cytotoxic lymphocytes. This expansion is likely to be related to a local immunologic response to the antigenic stimulus and may provide new insights into the pathogenetic mechanisms of this disease, its pathological pattern, and its management.  相似文献   

Low folate intake is associated with colon cancer. We combined a proteomics and biochemical approach to identify proteins and pathways affected by folate deficiency in human colonocytes. Folate differentially altered activity and expression of proteins involved in proliferation [e.g., PCNA], DNA repair [e.g., XRCC5, MSH2], apoptosis [e.g., BAG family chaperone protein, DIABLO and porin], cytoskeletal organization [e.g., actin, ezrin, elfin], and expression of proteins implicated in malignant transformation [COMT, Nit2].  相似文献   

The presence of hyperdiploidy was studied in New Zealand black (NZB) mice and the progeny of NZB X DBA/2 crosses and backcrosses. Hyperdiploidy was observed in the spleens of a majority of NZB mice but not in DBA/2 mice at 1 year of age. In crosses of NZB with the DBA/2 strain, hyperploidy was observed only in backcrosses to NZB. Hyperdiploidy appeared to be determined by a recessivley inherited trait and was not related to the presence of other immunological abnormalities, including splenomegaly, hypergammaglobulinemia, and spontaneous antibodies cytotoxic for T cells and reactive with single-stranded DNA. Abnormal cells were not present in Concanavalin A-stimulated 48-h spleen cultures. There was no difference in the in vitro sister chromatid exchange rate between the autoimmune NZB strain and the non-autoimmune DBA/2 strain. Identification of NZB chromosomes by banding analysis showed that chromosomes 15 and 17 were frequently present in more than two copies in hyperdiploid spleen cells. NZB chromsomes also had reduced C-banding in an autosomal pair. These studies indicate that chromosomal abnormalities which occur in NZB mice may be useful as genetic and cytogenetic markers.  相似文献   

The specificities of cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) were studied for the analysis of CTL against tumor-specific cell surface antigen(s) (TSSA) of non-virus-producing tumor cells induced by the Schmidt-Ruppin strain of Rous sarcoma virus (SR-RSV) in B10 congenic and recombinant mice. Eight CTL clones were established from immune spleen cells of B10.A(5R) mice. These clones demonstrated six patterns of cytotoxic reactivity in vitro: Two clones showed H-2 restriction in tumor cell lysis. Two other clones had the capacity to lyse syngeneic, H-2K-compatible B10 and H-2-incompatible B10.A(4R) tumor cells, but not YAC-1 cells. One clone had cytotoxic activity against syngeneic, H-2D-compatible B10.D2 tumor cells and YAC-1 cells, but not against H-2-incompatible tumor cells. One clone had cytotoxic activity against syngeneic and YAC-1 tumor cells, but not against either H-2-compatible or H-2-incompatible tumor cells. One clone had lytic activity to syngeneic, H-2-compatible, H-2-incompatible, and YAC-1 tumor cells. Another clone killed H-2-incompatible B10.A(4R) tumor and YAC-1 cells, but not syngeneic or H-2-compatible tumor cells. All these clones strongly expressed surface Thy-1.2 antigens, whereas the expression of Lyt-1.2 and Lyt-2.2 antigens was different from clone to clone. These results demonstrate heterogeneity of both lytic specificity and phenotype of CTL against RSV-induced mouse tumor cells, suggesting the existence of multiple antigenic sites on the RSV TSSA recognized by CTL populations.  相似文献   

The secretion and the specificity of cytotoxic mediators from H-2-restricted cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) were examined using non-virus-producing target tumor cells induced by the Schmidt-Ruppin strain of Rous sarcoma virus (SR-RSV) in B10 congenic and recombinant mice. By using rat concanavalin A supernatant, two H-2-restricted CTL clones were established from cytotoxic effector cells of B10.A(5R) mice primed with SR-RSV-induced syngeneic tumor Cell-free supernatants from the H-2-restricted CTL clones cocultured with syngeneic tumor cells had selectively high cytotoxic activity for syngeneic and H-2-compatible tumor cells, but not for H-2-incompatible tumor cells. YAC-1 cells, and B10.A(5R) blasts as defined in the 5-hr 51Cr-release assay. The cytotoxic activity was detected in the cell-free supernatants from the CTL clones cocultured with the CTL-sensitive syngeneic and H-2-compatible tumor cells, but not with the CTL-insensitive tumor cells and YAC-1 cells. The cytotoxic activity of the cell-free supernatant could be adsorbed by the syngeneic tumor cells, but not by YAC-1 and L(s) cells. Thus, the H-2-restricted CTL clones against SR-RSV-induced tumor cells were capable of releasing cytotoxic mediators by coculturing with syngeneic or H-2-compatible tumor cells, and the cytotoxic mediators showed a certain H-2-restricted manner in killing the target cells. These results suggest that the lysis of RSV-induced tumor cells by H-2-restricted CTL can at least in part be mediated by cytotoxic factors.  相似文献   

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