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Cortical dysplasia is the most common etiology of intractable epilepsy. Both excitability changes in cortical neurons and neural network reconstitution play a role in cortical dysplasia epileptogenesis. Recent research shows that the axon initial segment, a subcompartment of the neuron important to the shaping of action potentials, adjusts its position in response to changes in input, which contributes to neuronal excitability and local circuit balance. It is unknown whether axon initial segment plasticity occurs in neurons involved in seizure susceptibility in cortical dysplasia. Here, we developed a “Carmustine”- “pilocarpine” rat model of cortical dysplasia and show that it exhibits a lower seizure threshold, as indicated by behavior studies and electroencephalogram monitoring. Using immunofluorescence, we measured the axon initial segment positions of deep L5 somatosensory neurons and show that it is positioned closer to the soma after acute seizure, and that this displacement is sustained in the chronic phase. We then show that Nifedipine has a dose-dependent protective effect against axon initial segment displacement and increased seizure susceptibility. These findings further our understanding of the pathophysiology of seizures in cortical dysplasia and suggests Nifedipine as a potential therapeutic agent.  相似文献   

The axon of the pyramidal neuron in the cerebral cortex arises either directly from the perikaryon or as a branch from a basal dendrite. When it arises from the perikaryon, an axon hillock is present. The hillock is a region in which there is a transition between the cytological features of the perikaryon and those of the initial segment of the axon. Thus, in the hillock there is a diminution in the number of ribosomes and a beginning of the fasciculation of microtubules that characterize the initial segment. Not all of the microtubules entering the hillock from the perikaryon continue into the initial segment. Distally, the axon hillock ends where the dense undercoating of the plasma membrane of the initial segment commences. Dense material also appears in the extracellular space surrounding the initial segment. The initial segment of the pyramidal cell axon contains a cisternal organelle consisting of stacks of flattened cisternae alternating with plates of dense granular material. These cisternal organelles resemble the spine apparatuses that occur in the dendritic spines of this same neuron. Axo-axonal synapses are formed between the initial segment and surrounding axon terminals. The axon terminals contain clear synaptic vesicles and, at the synaptic junctions, both synaptic complexes and puncta adhaerentia are present.  相似文献   

Extracellular recordings were made from a directionally selective neuron in the ventral nerve cord of mantises. The neuron’s preferred direction of motion was forward and upward over the compound eye contralateral to its axon at the cervical connective. The neuron was sensitive to wide-field motion stimuli, resistant to habituation, and showed transient excitation in response to light ON and OFF stimuli. Its responses to drifting gratings depended on the temporal frequency and contrast of the stimulus. These results suggest that the neuron receives input from correlation-type motion detectors.  相似文献   

神经元能够将不同时空模式的突触输入转化为时序精确的动作电位输出,这种灵活、可靠的信息编码方式是神经集群在动态环境或特定任务下产生所需活动模式的重要基础。动作电位的产生遵循全或无规律,只有当细胞膜电压达到放电阈值时,神经元才产生动作电位。放电阈值在细胞内和细胞间具有高度可变性,具体动态依赖于刺激输入和放电历史。特别是,放电阈值对动作电位起始前的膜电压变化十分敏感,这种状态依赖性产生的生物物理根源包括Na+失活和K+激活。在绝大多数神经元中,动作电位的触发位置是轴突起始端,这个位置处的阈值可变性是决定神经元对时空输入转化规律的关键因素。但是,电生理实验中动作电位的记录位置却通常是胞体或近端树突,此处的阈值可变性高于轴突起始端,而其产生的重要根源是轴突动作电位的反向传播。基于胞体测量的相关研究显示,放电阈值动态能够增强神经元的时间编码、特征选择、增益调控和同时侦测能力本文首先介绍放电阈值的概念及量化方法,然后详细梳理近年来国内外关于放电阈值可变性及产生根源的研究进展,在此基础上归纳总结放电阈值可变性对神经元编码的重要性,最后对未来放电阈值的研究方向进行展望。  相似文献   

Muñoz F  Fuentealba P 《PloS one》2012,7(1):e30154
Understanding the neural mechanisms of action potential generation is critical to establish the way neural circuits generate and coordinate activity. Accordingly, we investigated the dynamics of action potential initiation in the GABAergic thalamic reticular nucleus (TRN) using in vivo intracellular recordings in cats in order to preserve anatomically-intact axo-dendritic distributions and naturally-occurring spatiotemporal patterns of synaptic activity in this structure that regulates the thalamic relay to neocortex. We found a wide operational range of voltage thresholds for action potentials, mostly due to intrinsic voltage-gated conductances and not synaptic activity driven by network oscillations. Varying levels of synchronous synaptic inputs produced fast rates of membrane potential depolarization preceding the action potential onset that were associated with lower thresholds and increased excitability, consistent with TRN neurons performing as coincidence detectors. On the other hand the presence of action potentials preceding any given spike was associated with more depolarized thresholds. The phase-plane trajectory of the action potential showed somato-dendritic propagation, but no obvious axon initial segment component, prominent in other neuronal classes and allegedly responsible for the high onset speed. Overall, our results suggest that TRN neurons could flexibly integrate synaptic inputs to discharge action potentials over wide voltage ranges, and perform as coincidence detectors and temporal integrators, supported by a dynamic action potential threshold.  相似文献   

The release of a quantum of neurotransmitter from an active zone of a bouton is accompanied by the flow of extracellular current that creates a potential field about the site of transmitter action beneath the bouton. It is shown theoretically that the density of the field at the peak of the quantal current gives rise to an extracellular potential that declines to values of less than 5 microV at 1.3 microm distance in the circumferential direction around the neuron and equally rapidly in the radial direction away from the neuron. A loose-patch electrode placed over a bouton distorts the quantal field about the bouton and calculations show that under current-clamp conditions, potentials of over 40 microV can be recorded with an electrode of tip diameter 2 microm, provided the separation between the tip and the neuron's surface is about 0.1 microm. Quantal release recorded from visualized boutons on rat monopolar pelvic ganglion cells with loose-patch electrodes is in agreement with the properties of the quantal potential field given in the theoretical analysis.  相似文献   

The development of morphological neuronal polarity starts by the formation and elongation of an axon. At the same time the axon initial segment (AIS) is generated and creates a diffusion barrier which differentiate axon and somatodendritic compartment. Different structural and functional proteins that contribute to the generation of neuronal action potential are concentrated at the axon initial segment. While axonal elongation is controlled by signalling pathways that regulate cytoskeleton through microtubule associated proteins and tubulin modifications, the microtubule cytoskeleton under the AIS is mostly unknown. Thus, understanding which proteins modify tubulin, where in the neuron and at which developmental stage is crucial to understanding how morphological and functional neuronal polarity is achieved. In this study performed in mice and using a well established model of murine cultured hippocampal neurons, we report that the tubulin deacetylase HDAC6 is localized at the distal region of the axon, and its inhibition with TSA or tubacin slows down axonal growth. Suppression of HDAC6 expression with HDAC6 shRNAs or expression of a non-active mutant of HDAC6 also reduces axonal length. Furthermore, HDAC6 inhibition or suppression avoids the concentration of ankyrinG and sodium channels at the axon initial segment (AIS). Moreover, treatment of mouse cultured hippocampal neurons with detergents to eliminate the soluble pool of microtubules identified a pool of detergent resistant acetylated microtubules at the AIS, not present at the rest of the axon. Inhibition or suppression of HDAC6 increases acetylation all along the axon and disrupts the specificity of AIS cytoskeleton, modifying the axonal distal gradient localization of KIF5C to a somatodendritic and axonal localization. In conclusion, our results reveal a new role of HDAC6 tubulin deacetylase as a regulator of microtubule characteristics in the axon distal region where axonal elongation takes place, and allowing the development of acetylated microtubules microdomains where HDAC6 is not concentrated, such as the axon initial segment.  相似文献   

A long-lasting birefringence change (the delayed response) was found to be produced in a tetanically stimulated squid giant axon. The change was independent of the concurrent membrane potential change, summated on repetitive stimulation, and always had a sign representing a decrease in resting birefringence. The axons was placed between a polarizer and an analyzer with their polarizing axes crossed, making an angle of 45 degrees with the longitudinal direction of the axon. The light beam that passed through the axon and the other optical elements was received by a photodiode. The change in light intensity evoked by repetitive stimulation was composed of brief initial responses, which took place in response to individual stimuli, and a delayed response, which developed gradually and lasted for several hundred msec. It was necessary to differentiate the effect of birefringence change from that of turbidity change. Formulas were derived on the assumption that the optical properties of the axon could be represented by a model of a uniaxial crystal that was not only birefringent but also dichroic, its extinction coefficients and the angle of retardation being changed independently on excitation. Calculations with them yielded the resting retardation, which agreed well with those obtained by the Senarmont's method, and the change in birefringence, which agreed well with the other calculated value derived from experiments using a quarter-wave plate. The results of the calculation confirmed the existence of the long-lasting birefringence change in the tetanically stimulated axon.  相似文献   

Neurons are an extremely diverse group of excitable cells with a wide variety of morphologies including complex dendritic trees and very long axons. The electrical properties of neurons depend not only on the types of ion channels and receptors expressed, but also on where these channels are located in the cell. Two extreme examples that illustrate the subcellular polarized nature of neurons and the tight regulation of ion channel localization can be seen at the axon initial segment and the node of Ranvier. The axon initial segment is important for initiation of action potentials in the axon, whereas the node of Ranvier is required for the rapid, faithful and efficient propagation of action potentials along the axon. Given the similarity of their functions it is not surprising that nearly every protein component of the axon initial segment is also found at the node. However, there is one very important difference between these two sites: nodes require extrinsic, glial-derived factors in order to form, whereas the axon initial segment is intrinsically determined by the neuron. This mini-review discusses recent results that have begun to clarify the intrinsic and extrinsic mechanisms underlying formation of nodes and axon initial segments, and poses several important unanswered questions regarding their unique mechanisms of formation.  相似文献   

A long-lasting birefringence change (the delayed response) was found to be produced in a tetanically stimulated squid giant axon. The change was independent of the concurrent membrane potential change, summated on repetitive stimulation, and always had a sign representing a decrease in resting birefringence. The axon was placed between a polarizer and an analyzer with their polarizing axes crossed, making an angle of 45° with the longitudinal direction of the axon. The light beam that passed through the axon and the other optical elements was received by a photodiode. The change in light intensity evoked by repetitive stimulation was composed of brief initial responses, which took place in response to individual stimuli, and a delayed response, which developed gradually and lasted for several hundred msec. It was necessary to differentiate the effect of birefringence change from that of turbidity change. Formulas were derived on the assumption that the optical properties of the axon could be represented by a model of a uniaxial crystal that was not only birefringent but also dichroic, its extinction coefficients and the angle of retardation being changed independently on excitation. Calculations with them yielded the resting retardation, which agreed well with those obtained by the Sénarmont's method, and the change in birefringence, which agreed well with the other calculated value derived from experiments using a quarter-wave plate. The results of the calculation confirmed the existence of the long-lasting birefringence change in the tetanically stimulated axon.  相似文献   

To facilitate the computation of field potentials generated by a population of neurons a discrete formalism of the physical laws governing propagation of current in a conductive medium (volume conductor theory) is proposed. The formalism is used in combination with the compartmental model of Rall, which models the membrane activity of a neuron taking into account the electrical as well as the geometrical properties of a neuronal membrane. The direct objective is to use computer programs based on this combination in order to simulate field potentials caused by synchronous excitation of the granule cells of the fascia dentata of the hippocampus stimulated by means of the afferent fibers (perforant path) from the entorhinal cortex. To demonstrate the validity of the formalism the extracellular field of an action potential propagating in an axon has been modelled. The extracellular action potential shows a two or threephasic character which is dependent on the direction of propagation of the membrane activity.  相似文献   

A model is presented for the subthreshold polarization of a neuron by an applied electric field. It gives insight into how morphological features of a neuron affect its polarizability. The neuronal model consists of one or more extensively branched dendritic trees, a lumped somatic impedance, and a myelinated axon with nodes of Ranvier. The dendritic trees branch according to the 3/2-power rule of Rall, so that each tree has an equivalent cylinder representation. Equations for the membrane potential at the soma and at the nodes of Ranvier, given an arbitrary specified external potential, are derived. The solutions determine the contributions made by the dendritic tree and the axon to the net polarization at the soma. In the case of a spatially constant electric field, both the magnitude and sign of the polarization depend on simple combinations of parameters describing the neuron. One important combination is given by the ratio of internal resistances for longitudinal current spread along the dendritic tree trunk and along the axon. A second is given by the ratio between the DC space constant for the dendritic tree trunk and the distance between nodes of Ranvier in the axon. A third is given by the product of the electric field and the space constant for the trunk of the dendritic tree. When a neuron with a straight axon is subjected to a constant field, the membrane potential decays exponentially with distance from the soma. Thus, the soma seems to be a likely site for action potential initiation when the field is strong enough to elicit suprathreshold polarization. In a simple example, the way in which orientation of the various parts of the neuron affects its polarization is examined. When an axon with a bend is subjected to a spatially constant field, polarization is focused at the bend, and this is another likely site for action potential initiation.  相似文献   

Myosin II is an intracellular force-generating enzyme with no known extracellular action. In the course of experiments involving trituration loading of skeletal myosin II into embryonic sensory neurons we observed that extracellular application of myosin II to neurons resulted in a robust increase in the number of axons initiated by each neuron, but did not alter the rate of axon extension. Substratum bound myosin II in the presence of laminin was sufficient to elicit increases in axon formation. However, in the absence of laminin, extracellular myosin II alone was not sufficient to promote axon formation, although it allowed neuron survival in the presence of neurotrophin. Myosin II promoted the attachment of neurons to the substratum in the absence or presence of laminin. In addition to promoting the initiation of axons, extracellular myosin II also increased the frequency of axon collateral branching. Finally, extracellular myosin II did not affect growth cone collapse in response to semaphorin-IIIA, but attenuated the inhibitory action of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans on axon extension. Surprisingly, these results demonstrate that extracellular myosin II promotes attachment of neurons and increases axon formation and branching. The potential significance of these observations is discussed in the context of myosin II release from injured muscle and a previous demonstration of extracellular myosin II association with the extracellular matrix.  相似文献   

To investigate how extracellular electric field modulates neuron activity, a reduced two-compartment neuron model in the presence of electric field is introduced in this study. Depending on neuronal geometric and internal coupling parameters, the behaviors of the model have been studied extensively. The neuron model can exist in quiescent state or repetitive spiking state in response to electric field stimulus. Negative electric field mainly acts as inhibitory stimulus to the neuron, positive weak electric field could modulate spiking frequency and spike timing when the neuron is already active, and positive electric fields with sufficient intensity could directly trigger neuronal spiking in the absence of other stimulations. By bifurcation analysis, it is observed that there is saddle-node on invariant circle bifurcation, supercritical Hopf bifurcation and subcritical Hopf bifurcation appearing in the obtained two parameter bifurcation diagrams. The bifurcation structures and electric field thresholds for triggering neuron firing are determined by neuronal geometric and coupling parameters. The model predicts that the neurons with a nonsymmetric morphology between soma and dendrite, are more sensitive to electric field stimulus than those with the spherical structure. These findings suggest that neuronal geometric features play a crucial role in electric field effects on the polarization of neuronal compartments. Moreover, by determining the electric field threshold of our biophysical model, we could accurately distinguish between suprathreshold and subthreshold electric fields. Our study highlights the effects of extracellular electric field on neuronal activity from the biophysical modeling point of view. These insights into the dynamical mechanism of electric field may contribute to the investigation and development of electromagnetic therapies, and the model in our study could be further extended to a neuronal network in which the effects of electric fields on network activity may be investigated.  相似文献   

The excitation of the thallus of Conocephalum conicum L. produced by a tissue damaging stimulus (incision of thallus edge) was investigated. Changes in potential were measured with extracellular contact electrodes applied at various points of the thallus surface. Non-stimulated plants showed no electrical activity. After stimulation a series of impulses occurred and were propagated all over the thallus. This plant electrical activity (PEA) depends on the magnitude of the stimulus. PEA is characterized by changes of frequency, time of duration and changes in the values of the amplitude. A similar phenomenon is well known in animal organisms as frequency coding. The general character of PEA does not depend on the kind of damaging stimulus (burn, puncture). PEA may also be induced by an electrical stimulus which does not damage the tissue.  相似文献   

Kole MH  Letzkus JJ  Stuart GJ 《Neuron》2007,55(4):633-647
Action potentials are binary signals that transmit information via their rate and temporal pattern. In this context, the axon is thought of as a transmission line, devoid of a role in neuronal computation. Here, we show a highly localized role of axonal Kv1 potassium channels in shaping the action potential waveform in the axon initial segment (AIS) of layer 5 pyramidal neurons independent of the soma. Cell-attached recordings revealed a 10-fold increase in Kv1 channel density over the first 50 microm of the AIS. Inactivation of AIS and proximal axonal Kv1 channels, as occurs during slow subthreshold somatodendritic depolarizations, led to a distance-dependent broadening of axonal action potentials, as well as an increase in synaptic strength at proximal axonal terminals. Thus, Kv1 channels are strategically positioned to integrate slow subthreshold signals, providing control of the presynaptic action potential waveform and synaptic coupling in local cortical circuits.  相似文献   

Nakada et al. revisit the controversial question of whether membrane lipids are able to diffuse from the axon of a neuron into the soma. Using single molecule imaging of a fluorescent phospholipid, the authors show that a diffusion barrier in the axon initial segment blocks the diffusion of lipids.  相似文献   

The axon initial segment is an excitable membrane highly enriched in voltage-gated sodium channels that integrates neuronal inputs and initiates action potentials. This study identifies Nav1.6 as the voltage-gated sodium channel isoform at mature Purkinje neuron initial segments and reports an essential role for ankyrin-G in coordinating the physiological assembly of Nav1.6, betaIV spectrin, and the L1 cell adhesion molecules (L1 CAMs) neurofascin and NrCAM at initial segments of cerebellar Purkinje neurons. Ankyrin-G and betaIV spectrin appear at axon initial segments by postnatal day 2, whereas L1 CAMs and Nav1.6 are not fully assembled at continuous high density along axon initial segments until postnatal day 9. L1 CAMs and Nav1.6 therefore do not initiate protein assembly at initial segments. betaIV spectrin, Nav1.6, and L1 CAMs are not clustered in adult Purkinje neuron initial segments of mice lacking cerebellar ankyrin-G. These results support the conclusion that ankyrin-G coordinates the physiological assembly of a protein complex containing transmembrane adhesion molecules, voltage-gated sodium channels, and the spectrin membrane skeleton at axon initial segments.  相似文献   

The cable model of a passive, unmyelinated fiber in an applied extracellular field is derived. The solution is valid for an arbitrary, time-varying, applied field, which may be determined analytically or numerically. Simple analytical computations are presented. They explain a variety of known phenomena and predict some previously undescribed properties of extracellular electrical stimulation. The polarization of a fiber in an applied field behaves like the output of a spatial high-pass and temporal low-pass filter of the stimulus. High-frequency stimulation results in a more spatially restricted region of fiber excitation, effectively reducing current spread relative to that produced by low-frequency stimulation. Chronaxie measured extracellularly is a function of electrode position relative to the stimulated fiber, and its value may differ substantially from that obtained intracellularly. Frequency dependence of psychophysical threshold obtained by electrical stimulation of the macaque cochlea closely follows the frequency dependence of single-fiber passive response.  相似文献   

The ability of the soma of a spinal dorsal horn neuron, a spinal ventral horn neuron (presumably a motoneuron), and a hippocampal pyramidal neuron to generate action potentials was studied using patch-clamp recordings from rat spinal cord slices, the "entire soma isolation" method, and computer simulations. By comparing original recordings from an isolated soma of a dorsal horn neuron with simulated responses, it was shown that computer models can be adequate for the study of somatic excitability. The modeled somata of both spinal neurons were unable to generate action potentials, showing only passive and local responses to current injections. A four- to eightfold increase in the original density of Na(+) channels was necessary to make the modeled somata of both spinal neurons excitable. In contrast to spinal neurons, the modeled soma of the hippocampal pyramidal neuron generated spikes with an overshoot of +9 mV. It is concluded that the somata of spinal neurons cannot generate action potentials and seem to resist their propagation from the axon to dendrites. In contrast, the soma of the hippocampal pyramidal neuron is able to generate spikes. It cannot initiate action potentials in the intact neurons, but it can support their back-propagation from the axon initial segment to dendrites.  相似文献   

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