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Summary The temperature-sensitive dnaA46 mutation in Escherichia coli can be phenotypically suppressed at 42° C by oversupply of GroELS proteins, and the suppressed cells grow extremely slowly at 30° C. We found that the phenotype of dnaA46 showing this cold sensitivity was dominant over the phenotype of dnaA +, and could not be rescued by introduction of oriC-independent replication systems. These results suggest that the cold sensitivity was not caused by a simple defect in replication. When a growing culture of a dnaA46 strain with a GroELS-overproducing plasmid was shifted from 42° to 30° C in the presence of chloramphenicol, the chromosomal DNA replicated excessively. Initiation of replication occurred at the site of oriC repeatedly four or five times during a 4 h incubation period without concomitant protein synthesis, indicating an excessive capacity for initiation. Such overreplication did not take place at 42° C in the suppressed dnaA46 strain, or at either temperature in GroELS-oversupplied dnaA + cells. No significant difference was detected between the cellular content of DnaA protein in suppressed cells where the initiation capacity was abnormally high, and that in wild-type cells in which the initiation capacity was normal. Thus, DnaA protein might function in vivo through some phase control mechanism for initiation, apart from a simple regulation by its total amount. A possible mechanism is proposed based on the participation of GroELS proteins in protein folding.A preliminary account of this work was presented at the Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan in 1989.  相似文献   

Summary Escherichia coli K12 Hfr H Tsxs Strs and F- Pro- Tsxr His- Arg- Strr bacteria were conjugated in the absence of arginine with or without glucose. The efficiency of conjugation, measured by the frequency of Pro+ and His+ recombinants was not affected. Arginine starvation alone did not affect the tsx s gene expression which occurred in all the zygotes which had received the gene. In contrast, argine and glucose starvation allows tsx s expression only in those zygotes in which the donor gene had been integrated in the genome. As the glucose starvation brings on a destabilization of the messenger RNA synthesized by the F- cells in absence of arginine, the results can be interpreted as follows: the transferred tsx s genes are transitorily expressed in all the zygotes at the unintegrated state. After this transient period, only those genes integrated in the chromosomes of the zygotes continue to be expressed.  相似文献   

Summary The photoreversibility of UV-induced mutations to Trp+ in strain Escherichia coli WP2 uvrA trp (unable to excise pyrimidine dimers) was lost at different rates during incubation in different media. In Casamino acids medium after a short initial lag, photoreversibility was lost over about one generation time; in minimal medium with tryptophan, photoreversibility persisted for more than two generations; in Casamino acids medium with pantoyl lactone photoreversibility was lost extremely slowly. The rate of loss of photoreversibility was unaffected by UV dose in either Casamino acids medium or in minimal medium. The same eventual number of induced mutants was obtained when cells were incubated for two generations in any of the three media before being transferred to selective plates supplemented with Casamino acids. Thus in each the proportion of cells capable of giving rise to a mutant was the same and only the rate at which these cells did so during post-irradiation growth varied, suggesting that there might be a specific fraction of pyrimidine dimers at a given site capable of initiating a mutagenic repair event, and that the size of this fraction is dose dependent. Segregation experiments have shown that error-prone repair appears to occur once only and is not repeated in subsequent replication cycles, in contrast to (presumed error-free) recombination repair.The results are discussed in the light of current models of UV mutagenesis.  相似文献   

Summary Autoradiography was used to study the termination of replication of the circular chromosome of Escherichia coli. The experiments were conducted with cells in which termination occurred with a moderate amount of synchrony. Grain tracks were observed that demonstrated the approach at the replication terminus of the two replication forks involved in bidirectional replication. Other grain tracks were formed by replication forks that had met at the replication terminus. The frequency at which these patterns were observed indicates that most, if not all, terminations occur with both replication forks reaching the terminus at approximately the same time.  相似文献   

H. Masai  K. Arai 《Biochimie》1996,78(11-12)
In DNA replication, DNA chains are generally initiated from small pieces of ribonucleotides attached to DNA templates. These ‘primers’ are synthesized by various enzymatic mechanisms in Escherichia coli. Studies on primer RNA synthesis on single-stranded DNA templates containing specific ‘priming signals’ revealed the presence of two distinct modes, ie immobile and mobile priming. The former includes primer RNA synthesis by primase encoded by dnaG and by RNA polymerase containing a σ70 subunit. Priming is initiated at a specific site in immobile priming. Novel immobile priming signals were identified from various plasmid replicaons, some of which function in initiation of the leading strand synthesis. The latter, on the other hand, involves a protein complex, primosome, which contains DnaB, the replicative helicase for E coli chromosomal replication. Utilizing the energy fueled by ATP hydrolysis of DnaB protein, primosomes are able to translocate on a template DNA and primase synthesizes primer RNAs at multiple sites. Two distinct primosomes. DnaA-dependent primosome supports normal chromosomal identified, which are differentially utilized for E coli chromosomal replication. Whereas DnaA-dependent primosome supports normal chromosomal replication from oriC, the PriA-dependent primosome functions in oriC-independent chromosomal replication observed in DNA-damaged cells or cells lacking RNaseH activity. In oriC-independent replication, PriA protein may recognize the D- or R-loop structure, respectively, to initiate assembly of a primosome which mediates primer RNA synthesis and replication fork progression.  相似文献   

Summary Escherichia coli rnh mutants lacking ribonuclease H (RNase H) activity can tolerate deletion of the origin of DNA Replication (oriC) and transposon-insertional inactivation of an initiator gene (dnaA:Tn10). Introduction of the recA200 allele encoding a thermolabile RecA protein intornh dnaA: Tn10 and rnh oriC mutants strains rendered DNA synthesis and colony formation of these mutants temperature sensitive. The temperature sensitivity and the broth sensitivity (Srm) of the rnh dnaA: Tn10 recA200 strain was suppressed by the presenceof plasmids (pBR322 derivatives) carrying dnaA +only when the intact oriC site was present on the chromosome. Lack of RNase H activity neither promoted replication of minichromosomes (pOC24 and pasn20) in the absence of required DnaA+ protein nor inhibited dnaA +–dependent minichromosome replication. These results led to the conclusion that RNase H is not directly involved in the events leading to initiation of DNA replication at oriC. Rather, it functions as a specificity factor by eliminating certain forms of RNA-DNA hybrids which could otherwise be used to prime DNA replication at sites other than oriC.  相似文献   

Summary Infectivity of Mu DNA was demonstrated in Ca++-treated Escherichia coli cells that lacked the nucleases Exo V and Endo I. The efficiency of transfection is about 10-7 per phage equivalent. Infectivity is destroyed by denaturation of Mu DNA, and cannot be restored by renaturation.  相似文献   

Summary A series of mutants of E. coli temperature-sensitive for DNA synthesis has been studied. The temperature-sensitive DNA mutations map in seven distinct genetic loci most of which have not been previously reported. Mutations in dnaA and in dnaC affect the initiation of DNA replication; those at the remaining loci affect chain elongation. A temperature-sensitive Flac is shown to suppress a group A mutant with somewhat less efficiency than other F factors previously reported by others. The gene products rendered temperaturesensitive by the mutations have not been identified for any of the loci.  相似文献   

Summary It has been found that strains carrying mutations in the dnaA gene are unusually sensitive to COU, NAL or NOV, which are known to inhibit DNA gyrase activities. The delay in the initiation of chromosome replication after COU treatment has been observed in cells with chromosomes synchronized by amino acid starvation or by temperature shift-up (dnaA46). The unusual sensitivity of growth to COU of the initiation mutant runs parallel to a higher sensitivity to the drug of the initiation of chromosome replication.The double mutant, dnaA46 cou-110 has been isolated and mutation cou-110 conferring resistance of growth, initiation and elongation of chromosome replication to COU was mapped in the gene coding for the subunit of DNA gyrase. The reduced frequency of appearance of the mutants resistant to COU, NAL or NOV in the initiation mutant suggests that some mutations in genes coding for DNA gyrase subunits cannot coexist with the dnaA46 mutation. The possible mechanisms of the requirement of DNA gyrase for dnaA-dependent initiation of E. coli chromosome are discussed.Abbreviations used COU coumermycin A1 - NAL nalidixic acid - NOV novobiocin  相似文献   

Summary Seven mutants of E. coli with temperature-sensitive synthesis of DNA have been isolated. Synthesis of RNA, protein and DNA precursors does not appear to be directly affected. The mutants can be divided into at least two groups on the basis of their pattern of DNA synthesis, their ability to support phage growth at 41° and their genetic mapping.Mutants of the first group are heterogeneous in their pattern of DNA synthesis at 40°. Some mutants cease DNA synthesis abruptly upon transfer to 40° and any residual DNA synthesis is barely detectable. In others there is substantial residual synthesis at 40°. All these Group 1 mutants are alike, however, in that they support the growth of phage T4 but not Lambda at 41°. Two mutants with barely detectable residual DNA synthesis carry DNA mutations which have been mapped by P1 transduction and show about 72% linkage to the malB locus. It has not yet proved possible to map accurately the mutants showing substantial residual synthesis, and the possibility that these mutations are in a different gene(s) has not been excluded.A single mutant has been placed in a second group. Like some Group 1 mutants it synthesizes substantial amounts of DNA at 40° before synthesis stops. However, unlike them it supports the growth of T4 and Lambda at 41°. The DNA mutation maps near the leu locus. Certain properties of this mutant are consistent with the idea that initiation of DNA synthesis is temperature-sensitive in this strain.Adapted from a dissertation presented in partial fulfillment of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. This investigation was supported in part by U.S. Public Health Services Grant 5-TO1-GM00829 from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences and in part by U.S.P.H.S. research grant GM12524.  相似文献   

Summary Growth of a culture of E. coli strain B or 15 in medium containing caffeine resulted in the accumulation of inviable cells in the population. A caffeine concentration of 8 mM caused the death of between 30% and 50% of the cells in 12 independent populations grown for 15 generations or more. The thymine dimer excision-defective strains Bs-1, Bs-8 and Bs-12 and the exr mutant Bs-2 were resistant to this lethal effect. The reckless, hcr + mutant Bs-11 was more sensitive than the parental B strain. Although 100mM caffeine did not impair DNA synthesis in vitro, concentrations of the drug 8 mM caused a significant decline in DNA synthesis in vivo in E. coli B cells. From the fit of an experimental growth curve to an algebraic model of growth in which a proportion of cells are inactivated at each replication it is suggested that caffeine does not affect the replication rate of the viable cells. The observed impairment of DNA synthesis in vivo is equated with this cell death (caffeine-death). For E. coli 15 or B, 8 mM caffeine induced caffeine-death at a rate of 18% per cell generation. Caffeine-resistant mutants of E. coli B and E. coli 15 were isolated. Of those studied in detail a substantial proportion proved to be U.V. and X-ray sensitive and excision-defective. Others were more U.V. and X-ray resistant than strain B. Yet another class proved highly unstable. A chromosome breakage model of caffeine-death implicating enzymes of the excision-repair process is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The properties of minicell producing mutants of Escherichia coli deficient in gentic recombination were examined. Experiments were designed to test recombinant formation in conjugal crosses, survival following UV-irradiation in cells, and the state of DNA metabolism in minicells. The REC- phenotypes are unaffected by min +/- genotypes in whole cells. In contrast to minicells produced by rec + parental cells, minicells from a recB21 strain have limited capacity to degrade linear, Hfr transferred DNA. The lack of a functional recA gene product, presumably involved in inhibiting the recBC nuclease action(s), permits unrestricted Hfr DNA breakdown in minicells produced by a recA1 strain. This results in an increase in TCA soluble products and in the formation of small DNA molecules that sediment near the top of an alkaline sucrose gradient. Unlike the linear DNA, circular duplex DNA from plasmids R64-11 or dv, segregated into the minicells, is resistant to breakdown. By using in vitro criteria, and [32P]-labelled linear DNA from bacteriophage T7 for substrate, we found that the ATP-dependent exonuclease of the recBC complex (exo V) is present in rec + and recA- minicells, and is lacking in the recB21 mutant. In fact, the absence of a functional exo V in recBC- minicells results in isolation of larger than average Hfr DNA from minicells. We suggest that recombination (REC) enzymes segregate into the polar minicells at the time of minicell biogenesis. This system should be useful for studies on DNA metabolism and functions of the recBC and recA gene products.Paper 1 in series, see Khachatourians et al., 1974.  相似文献   

This paper describes the DNA sequence analysis of 729 independent spontaneous lacI mutation This total is comprised of 478 novel mutations and 251 previously described events, and therefore should allow a more comprehensive view of spontaneous mutation in Escherichia coli. The spectrum is dominated by a hotspot (71% of all events). Mutations at this site consist of related addition and deletion events involving a number of repetitive sequences. Here we discuss how the frequency and proportion of these events vary in different DNA repair-deficient genetic backgrounds. The distribution of non-hotspot events includes base substitutions (38%), deletions (35%), frameshifts (14%), duplications (4%) and insertion elements (4%). G:C → A:T events dominate among base substitutions, while G:C → C:G events are the least common; the remaining types of base substitution are equally represented. Among deletions, a significant number do not display repeated sequences at their endpoints (26/72). However, almost all multiply recovered events (15/17) possess repeated sequences capable of accounting for the deletion endpoints. Similarily, over of all duplications recovered (5/7) display repeated endpoints. Single-base frameshifts are equally divided between A:T and G:C sites, in each case (−) 1 events occur 3-fold more frequently that (+)1 events. A comparative analysis of each mutational class recovered to lacI spectra available in a variety of DNA repair/metabolism-deficient strains is presented here in an attempt to assess possible contributions from chemical, physical and enzymic sources of damage.  相似文献   

Morphogenesis of the rod-shaped Escherichia coli is determined by controlled growth of an exoskeleton made of murein (peptidoglycan). Recent insights in the growth strategy of the stress-bearing murein sacculus has contributed to our understanding of how the required concerted action of murein polymerizing and hydrolyzing enzymes is achieved. The proteins involved are coordinated by the formation of multienzyme complexes. In this review, we summarize the recent results on murein structure and metabolism. On the basis of these findings, we present a model that explains maintenance of the specific rod shape of E. coli.  相似文献   

Summary DNA synthesis in a thymine-requiring Escherichia coli K12 strain was studied by exploiting deoxyguanosine, so simulating the behaviour of Thy+ strains. DNA synthesis is inhibited during the first 25 min after a nutritional shift-up. The new DNA/mass is lower than that predicted by current models for initiation control.Dedicated to the memory of Shmuel Zabrovitz, whose high spirits and good humor enabled him to complete the work while struggling with his lethal diseaseDeceased  相似文献   

Summary The directions of replication of several prophages integrated with a known orientation in the vicinity of the terminus (tre) of chromosome replication (trp::Mu, min 27; rev integrated within rac, min 31, man::Mu, min 35), have been established by determining the molecular polarity of Okazaki pieces specific to these prophages. The results obtained strongly suggest that the site tre is located between rac and man, an otherwise genetically silent region.  相似文献   

Summary The 1400 base pair repeat produced by digestion of calf satellite I DNA (=1.714 g/cm3) with EcoRI, was cloned in E. coli. The hybrid plasmid (pGM 214) which contains the ColE1-Ap vector (pSF 2124) and the 1400 base pair fragment replicates stably in E. coli and can be amplified by chloramphenicol treatment.No clone was found in which more than one repeat unit of the satellite I DNA was present in the chimaera plasmid.Digestion of the original satellite I and the plasmid pGM 214 with R · SmaI shows that the satellite DNA replicated in E. coli is cleaved by the restriction endonuclease SmaI whereas the original satellite I DNA from calf thymus is not, suggesting that the satellite I contains a large amount of modified cytosine or guanosine, probably 5-methyl-cytosine.R · EcoRI* produces a number of fragments with the satellite I in the range of 300 base pairs to 1400 base pairs.A physical map of pGM 214 (and pSF 2124) with R · EcoRI, R · HincII, HindIII, R · SmaI, R · BamI and R · EclI was constructed.The 1400 base pair repeat unit in the pGM 214 is efficiently transcribed in vitro by purified RNA polymerase, starting from a pSF 2124 promoter.The restriction enzyme EclI produces a 350 base pair repeat with calf satellite II (=1,722 g/cm3), whereas the satellite I is not cut by this enzyme.  相似文献   

Summary Comparative analyses were made between plasmid pSa17, a deletion derivative of pSa that is capable of replicating efficiently in Escherichia coli and plasmid pSa3, a derivative that is defective for replication. By comparing the restriction maps of these two derivatives, the regions essential for replication and for stable maintenance of the plasmid were determined. A 2.5 kb DNA segment bearing the origin of DNA replication of pSa17 was sequenced. A 36 kDa RepA protein was encoded in the region essential for replication. Downstream of the RepA coding region was a characteristic sequence including six 17 bp direct repeats, the possible binding sites of RepA protein, followed by AT-rich and GC-rich sequences. Furthermore, an 8 bp incomplete copy of the 17 bp repeat was found in the promoter region of the repA gene. Based on the hypothesis that RepA protein binds to this partial sequence as well as to intact 17 bp sequences, an autoregulatory system for the synthesis of RepA protein may be operative. Another open reading frame (ORF) was found in the region required for the stability of the plasmid. The putative protein encoded in this ORF showed significant homology to several site-specific recombination proteins. A possible role of this putative protein in stable maintenance of the plasmid is discussed.  相似文献   

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