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The founding member of the inhibitor of apoptosis protein (IAP) family was originally identified as a cell death inhibitor. However, recent evidence suggests that IAPs are multifunctional signaling devices that influence diverse biological processes. To investigate the in vivo function of Drosophila melanogaster IAP2, we have generated diap2 null alleles. diap2 mutant animals develop normally and are fully viable, suggesting that diap2 is dispensable for proper development. However, these animals were acutely sensitive to infection by gram-negative bacteria. In Drosophila, infection by gram-negative bacteria triggers the innate immune response by activating the immune deficiency (imd) signaling cascade, a NF-kappaB-dependent pathway that shares striking similarities with the pathway of mammalian tumor necrosis factor receptor 1 (TNFR1). diap2 mutant flies failed to activate NF-kappaB-mediated expression of antibacterial peptide genes and, consequently, rapidly succumbed to bacterial infection. Our genetic epistasis analysis places diap2 downstream of or in parallel to imd, Dredd, Tak1, and Relish. Therefore, DIAP2 functions in the host immune response to gram-negative bacteria. In contrast, we find that the Drosophila TNFR-associated factor (Traf) family member Traf2 is dispensable in resistance to gram-negative bacterial infection. Taken together, our genetic data identify DIAP2 as an essential component of the Imd signaling cascade, protecting the organism from infiltrating microbes.  相似文献   

A G Fraser  N J McCarthy    G I Evan 《The EMBO journal》1997,16(20):6192-6199
Caspases are involved in the execution of cell death in all multicellular organisms so far studied, including the nematode worm, fruit fly and vertebrates. While Caenorhabditis elegans has only a single identified caspase, CED-3, whose activity is absolutely required for all developmental programmed cell deaths, most mammalian cell types express multiple caspases with varying specificities. The fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster is genetically tractable, less complex than vertebrates and possesses two known caspases, DCP-1 and drICE. The fly may therefore provide a good model system for examining the hierarchy and relative roles of individual caspases in the execution of apoptosis. We have examined the role of drICE in in vitro apoptosis of the D.melanogaster cell line S2. We show that cytoplasmic lysates made from S2 cells undergoing apoptosis induced by either reaper (rpr) expression or cycloheximide treatment contain a caspase activity with DEVD specificity which can cleave p35, lamin DmO, drICE and DCP-1 in vitro, and which can trigger chromatin condensation in isolated nuclei. Using antibodies specific to drICE, we show that immunodepletion of drICE from these lysates is sufficient to remove most measurable in vitro apoptotic activity, and that re-addition of exogenous drICE to such immunodepleted lysates restores apoptotic activity. We conclude that, at least in S2 cells, drICE can be the sole caspase effector of apoptosis.  相似文献   

Proteases of the caspase family play key roles in the execution of apoptosis. In Drosophila there are seven caspases, but their roles in cell death have not been studied in detail due to a lack of availability of specific mutants. Here, we describe the generation of a specific mutant of the Drosophila gene encoding DRONC, the only caspase recruitment domain (CARD) containing apical caspase in the fly. dronc mutants are pupal lethal and our studies show that DRONC is required for many forms of developmental cell deaths and apoptosis induced by DNA damage. Furthermore, we demonstrate that DRONC is required for the autophagic death of larval salivary glands during metamorphosis, but not for histolysis of larval midguts. Our results indicate that DRONC is involved in specific developmental cell death pathways and that in some tissues, effector caspase activation and cell death can occur independently of DRONC.  相似文献   

We have isolated the recently identified Drosophila caspase DRONC through its interaction with the effector caspase drICE. Ectopic expression of DRONC induces cell death in Schizosaccharomyces pombe, mammalian fibroblasts and the developing Drosophila eye. The caspase inhibitor p35 fails to rescue DRONC-induced cell death in vivo and is not cleaved by DRONC in vitro, making DRONC the first identified p35-resistant caspase. The DRONC pro-domain interacts with Drosphila inhibitor of apoptosis protein 1 (DIAP1), and co-expression of DIAP1 in the developing Drosophila eye completely reverts the eye ablation phenotype induced by pro-DRONC expression. In contrast, DIAP1 fails to rescue eye ablation induced by DRONC lacking the pro-domain, indicating that interaction of DIAP1 with the pro-domain of DRONC is required for suppression of DRONC-mediated cell death. Heterozygosity at the diap1 locus enhances the pro-DRONC eye phenotype, consistent with a role for endogenous DIAP1 in suppression of DRONC activation. Both heterozygosity at the dronc locus and expression of dominant-negative DRONC mutants suppress the eye phenotype caused by reaper (RPR) and head involution defective (HID), consistent with the idea that DRONC functions in the RPR and HID pathway.  相似文献   

Although loss of the inhibitor of apoptosis (IAP) protein DIAP1 has been shown to result in caspase activation and spontaneous cell death in Drosophila cells and embryos, the point at which DIAP1 normally functions to inhibit caspase activation is unknown. Depletion of the DIAP1 protein in Drosophila S2 cells or the Sf-IAP protein in Spodoptera frugiperda Sf21 cells by RNA interference (RNAi) or cycloheximide treatment resulted in rapid and widespread caspase-dependent apoptosis. Co-silencing of dronc or dark largely suppressed this apoptosis, indicating that DIAP1 is normally required to inhibit an activity dependent on these proteins. Silencing of dronc also inhibited DRICE processing following stimulation of apoptosis, demonstrating that DRONC functions as an apical caspase in S2 cells. Silencing of diap1 or treatment with UV light induced DRONC processing, which occurred in two steps. The first step appeared to occur continuously even in the absence of an apoptotic signal and to be dependent on DARK, because full-length DRONC accumulated when dark was silenced in non-apoptotic cells. In addition, treatment with the proteasome inhibitor MG132 resulted in accumulation of this initially processed form of DRONC, but not full-length DRONC, in non-apoptotic cells. The second step in DRONC processing was observed only in apoptotic cells. These results indicate that the initial step in DRONC processing occurs continuously via a DARK-dependent mechanism in Drosophila cells and that DIAP1 is required to prevent excess accumulation of this first form of processed DRONC, presumably through its ability to act as a ubiquitin-protein ligase.  相似文献   

Stathmin, or Oncoprotein 18 (Op18), is the founding member of a phosphoprotein family that can regulate the microtubule cytoskeleton by sequestering tubulin and promoting microtubule catastrophe. Stathmin is subject to spatially and temporally controlled regulatory phosphorylation, which inhibits its interaction with tubulin. Drosophila Stathmin has similar properties to the mammalian proteins. We find that Drosophila Stathmin is required for specific microtubule-dependent processes: maintenance of oocyte identity within a germline cyst and localization of polarity determinants. Unexpectedly, microtubules are less abundant in stathmin mutant cells compared to normal cells, showing that a key function of Stathmin in vivo is the long-term maintenance of the microtubule cytoskeleton. The microtubule network re-forms more slowly after coldshock in stathmin mutant follicle cells. Surprisingly, stathmin mutant animals and tissues show a marked decrease in total tubulin-protein levels, and this might explain the effect on the microtubule cytoskeleton. Stathmin overexpression also increases tubulin protein. Free alpha- and beta-tubulin have been shown to negatively autoregulate their own synthesis. We suggest that Stathmin serves to maintain a noninhibitory, soluble, and releasable tubulin pool.  相似文献   

The appropriate regulation of neutrophil activation is critical for maintaining host defense and limiting inflammation. Polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMNs) express a number of cytoplasmic tyrosine kinases that regulate signaling pathways leading to activation. One of the most highly expressed, but least studied, kinases in PMNs is proline rich kinase 2 (Pyk2). By analogy to the related focal adhesion kinase, Pyk2 has been implicated in regulating PMN adhesion and migration; however, its physiologic function has yet to be described. Using pyk2(-/-) mice, we found that this kinase was required for integrin-mediated degranulation responses, but was not involved in adhesion-induced cell spreading or activation of superoxide production. Pyk2-deficient PMNs also manifested reduced migration on fibrinogen-coated surfaces. The absence of Pyk2 resulted in a severe reduction in paxillin and Vav phosphorylation following integrin ligation, which likely accounts for the poor degranulation and cell migration. Pyk2(-/-) mice were unable to efficiently clear infection with Staphylococcus aureus in a skin abscess model, owing in part to the poor release of granule contents at the site of infection. However, Pyk2-deficient PMNs responded normally to soluble agonists, demonstrating that this kinase functions mainly in the integrin pathway. These data demonstrate the unrealized physiologic role of this kinase in regulating the adhesion-mediated release of PMN granule contents.  相似文献   

In Drosophila, the response against various microorganisms involves different recognition and signaling pathways, as well as distinct antimicrobial effectors. On the one hand, the immune deficiency pathway regulates the expression of antimicrobial peptides that are active against Gram-negative bacteria. On the other hand, the Toll pathway is involved in the defense against filamentous fungi and controls the expression of antifungal peptide genes. The gene coding for the only known peptide with high activity against Gram-positive bacteria, Defensin, is regulated by both pathways. So far, survival experiments to Gram-positive bacteria have been performed with Micrococcus luteus and have failed to reveal the involvement of one or the other pathway in host defense against such infections. In this study, we report that the Toll pathway, but not that of immune deficiency, is required for resistance to other Gram-positive bacteria and that this response does not involve Defensin.  相似文献   

Mutations in the human transmembrane protein CRB1 are associated with severe forms of retinal dystrophy, retinitis pigmentosa 12 (RP12), and Leber's congenital amaurosis (LCA). The Drosophila homolog, crumbs, is required for polarity and adhesion in embryonic epithelia and for correct formation of adherens junctions and proper morphogenesis of photoreceptor cells. Here, we show that mutations in Drosophila crumbs result in progressive, light-induced retinal degeneration. Degeneration is prevented by expression of p35, an inhibitor of apoptosis, or by reduction of rhodopsin levels through a vitamin A-deficient diet. In the dark, rhabdomeres survive but exhibit morphogenetic defects. We demonstrate that it is the extracellular portion of the Crumbs protein that is essential to suppress light-induced programmed cell death, while proper morphogenesis depends on the intracellular part. We conclude that human and Drosophila Crumbs proteins are functionally conserved to prevent light-dependent photoreceptor degeneration. This experimental system is now ideally suited to study the genetic and molecular basis of RP12- and LCA-related retinal degeneration.  相似文献   

The Drosophila immune deficiency (IMD) pathway mobilizes c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK), caspase, and nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) modules to counter infection with gram-negative bacteria. Dredd is an essential caspase in the IMD pathway, and it is widely established that NF-κB activation depends on Dredd. More recent cell culture studies suggested a role for Dredd in the activation of dJNK (Drosophila JNK). However, there are no epistatic or mechanistic data on the involvement of Dredd in dJNK activation. More importantly, there is no in vivo evidence to demonstrate a physiological requirement for Dredd in the IMD/dJNK pathway. We performed a comprehensive analysis of the role of Dredd in the IMD/dJNK pathway, and we demonstrated that Dredd is essential for the activation of IMD/dJNK in cell culture. We positioned Dredd activity at an early point of the IMD/dJNK pathway and uncovered a series of interactions between Dredd and additional proximal IMD pathway molecules. Mechanistically, we showed that the caspase activity inhibitor p35 blocked dJNK activation and the induction of dJNK-dependent genes in cell culture and in vivo. Most importantly, we demonstrated that dredd mutant flies are completely inhibited in their ability to activate dJNK or express dJNK-responsive target genes after bacterial infection in vivo. In conclusion, we established Dredd as an essential component of the IMD pathway required for the full activation of IMD/dJNK in cell culture and in vivo. Our data enhance our appreciation of Dredd-dependent IMD signal transduction events.  相似文献   

HOAP (HP1/ORC-associated protein) has recently been isolated from Drosophila melanogaster embryos as part of a cytoplasmic complex that contains heterochromatin protein 1 (HP1) and the origin recognition complex subunit 2 (ORC2). Here, we show that caravaggio, a mutation in the HOAP-encoding gene, causes extensive telomere-telomere fusions in larval brain cells, indicating that HOAP is required for telomere capping. Our analyses indicate that HOAP is specifically enriched at mitotic chromosome telomeres, and strongly suggest that HP1 and HOAP form a telomere-capping complex that does not contain ORC2.  相似文献   

A transient state of tolerance to microbial molecules accompanies many infectious diseases. Such tolerance is thought to minimize inflammation-induced injury, but it may also alter host defenses. Here we report that recovery from the tolerant state induced by Gram-negative bacteria is greatly delayed in mice that lack acyloxyacyl hydrolase (AOAH), a lipase that partially deacylates the bacterial cell-wall lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Whereas wild-type mice regained normal responsiveness within 14 days after they received an intraperitoneal injection of LPS or Gram-negative bacteria, AOAH-deficient mice had greatly reduced proinflammatory responses to a second LPS injection for at least 3 weeks. In contrast, LPS-primed Aoah- knockout mice maintained an anti-inflammatory response, evident from their plasma levels of interleukin-10 (IL-10). LPS-primed Aoah-knockout mice experiencing prolonged tolerance were highly susceptible to virulent E. coli challenge. Inactivating LPS, an immunostimulatory microbial molecule, is thus important for restoring effective host defenses following Gram-negative bacterial infection in animals.  相似文献   

Huh JR  Vernooy SY  Yu H  Yan N  Shi Y  Guo M  Hay BA 《PLoS biology》2004,2(1):E15
Spermatozoa are generated and mature within a germline syncytium. Differentiation of haploid syncytial spermatids into single motile sperm requires the encapsulation of each spermatid by an independent plasma membrane and the elimination of most sperm cytoplasm, a process known as individualization. Apoptosis is mediated by caspase family proteases. Many apoptotic cell deaths in Drosophila utilize the REAPER/HID/GRIM family proapoptotic proteins. These proteins promote cell death, at least in part, by disrupting interactions between the caspase inhibitor DIAP1 and the apical caspase DRONC, which is continually activated in many viable cells through interactions with ARK, the Drosophila homolog of the mammalian death-activating adaptor APAF-1. This leads to unrestrained activity of DRONC and other DIAP1-inhibitable caspases activated by DRONC. Here we demonstrate that ARK- and HID-dependent activation of DRONC occurs at sites of spermatid individualization and that all three proteins are required for this process. dFADD, the Drosophila homolog of mammalian FADD, an adaptor that mediates recruitment of apical caspases to ligand-bound death receptors, and its target caspase DREDD are also required. A third apoptotic caspase, DRICE, is activated throughout the length of individualizing spermatids in a process that requires the product of the driceless locus, which also participates in individualization. Our results demonstrate that multiple caspases and caspase regulators, likely acting at distinct points in time and space, are required for spermatid individualization, a nonapoptotic process.  相似文献   

We have identified EMS-induced mutations in Drosophila Miro (dMiro), an atypical mitochondrial GTPase that is orthologous to human Miro (hMiro). Mutant dmiro animals exhibit defects in locomotion and die prematurely. Mitochondria in dmiro mutant muscles and neurons are abnormally distributed. Instead of being transported into axons and dendrites, mitochondria accumulate in parallel rows in neuronal somata. Mutant neuromuscular junctions (NMJs) lack presynaptic mitochondria, but neurotransmitter release and acute Ca2+ buffering is only impaired during prolonged stimulation. Neuronal, but not muscular, expression of dMiro in dmiro mutants restored viability, transport of mitochondria to NMJs, the structure of synaptic boutons, the organization of presynaptic microtubules, and the size of postsynaptic muscles. In addition, gain of dMiro function causes an abnormal accumulation of mitochondria in distal synaptic boutons of NMJs. Together, our findings suggest that dMiro is required for controlling anterograde transport of mitochondria and their proper distribution within nerve terminals.  相似文献   

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