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We have examined the chromosomal radiosensitivities of an ionizing-radiation- and MMS-sensitive mutant (M10), and a UV- and 4NQO-sensitive mutant (Q31), isolated from mouse lymphoma L5178Y cells, with regard to killing effects. In the first mitoses after 100 R γ-irradiations, it was found that M10 cells were highly radiosensitive in terms of chromosomal aberrations accompanying longer mitotic delay (3 h); the frequencies of both chromatid-type and chromosome-type aberrations were, respectively, about 7 and 4 times higher than that of wild-type L5178Y cells. Furthermore, chromatid exchanges, particularly triradials, isochromatid breaks with sister union, and chromatid gaps and breaks were markedly enhanced at G1 phase of M10 cells. In contrast, the chromosomal radiosensitivity of Q31 cells after 100 R irradiation was similar to that of L5178Y cells. On the other hand, spontaneous aberration frequencies (overall breaks per cell) of M10 and Q31 cells were, respectively, 5.1 and 2.2 times higher than that of wild-type L5178Y cells. The chromosomal hypersensitivity to γ-rays in M10 cells is discussed in the light of knowledge obtained from ataxia telangiectasia cells.  相似文献   

To determine the mutual relationships between cell survival and induction of sister-chromatid exchanges (SCEs) as well as chromosomal aberrations (CAs), mutagen-induced SCEs and CAs were analyzed in an ionizing radiation-sensitive mutant (M10) and an alkylating agent-sensitive mutant (MS 1) isolated from mouse lymphoma L5178Y cells. The levels of CA induction in both mutants strictly corresponded to the sensitivity to lethal effects of mutagens, except that caffeine-induced CAs in M10 are considerably lower than those in L5178Y. The results clearly indicate that except for caffeine-induced CAs in M10, mutagen-induced lethal lesions are responsible for CA induction. In contrast, SCE induction in mutants was complicated. In M10, hypersensitive to killing by gamma-rays, methyl methanesulfonate (MMS), and 4-nitroquinoline 1-oxide (4NQO), but not sensitive to UV or caffeine, the frequency of SCEs induced by gamma-rays was barely higher than that in L5178Y, and the frequencies of MMS- and UV-induced SCEs were similar to those in L5178Y, but 4NQO- and caffeine-induced SCEs were markedly lower than those in L5178Y. MS 1, which is hypersensitive to MMS and caffeine, but not sensitive to UV or 4NQO, responded to caffeine with an enhanced frequency of SCEs and had a normal frequency of MMS-induced SCEs, but a reduced frequency of UV- and 4NQO-induced SCEs. Thus, susceptibility to SCE induction by mutagens is not necessarily correlated with sensitivity of mutants to cell killing and/or CA induction by mutagens. Furthermore, the spontaneous levels of SCEs are lower in M10 and higher in MS 1 than that in L5178Y (Tsuji et al., 1987). Based on these results, we speculate that M10 may be partially defective in the processes for the formation of SCEs caused by mutagens. On the other hand, MS 1 may modify SCE formation-related lesions induced by UV and 4NQO to some repair intermediates that do not cause SCE formation. In addition, MMS-induced lethal lesions in MS 1 may not be responsible for SCE induction whereas caffeine-induced lethal lesions are closely correlated with SCE induction. Thus, the lesions or mechanisms involved in SCE production are in part different from those responsible for cell lethality or CA production.  相似文献   

Three mutagen-sensitive mutants, MS-1, M10 and Q31, have been isolated from mouse L5178Y cells. MS-1 cells are sensitive to methyl methanesulfonate (MMS), M10 cells are cross-sensitive to X-rays, MMS and 4-nitroquinoline 1-oxide (4NQO), and Q31 cells are cross-sensitive to UV and 4NQO. Lines resistant to 6-thioguanine (TGr) and 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine (BUr) were isolated from L5178Y and these three mutagen -sensitive mutants. All the TGr lines were sensitive to 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine and HAT medium and all the BUr lines were sensitive to 6-thioguanine and HAT medium. The hybrids homozygous for the mutagen-sensitive markers showed nearly the same sensitivity to UV, 4NQO, X-rays and MMS as their parental TGr and BUr lines. The hybrids constructed by fusing L5178Y BUr and TGr lines from each of MS-1, M10 and Q31 displayed the normal UV, X-ray and MMS resistancy of L5178Y cells. Thus the UV-, X-ray- and MMS-sensitive markers in MS-1, M10 and Q31 were recessive in somatic cell hybrids. The 4NQO-sensitive phenotype, however, behaved codominantly in somatic cell hybrids.  相似文献   

The alkylating agent MMS was toxic to mouse lymphoma L5178Y cells and decreased their growth rate. A dose-dependent induction of thioguanine- and thymidine- but not ouabain-resistant variants was observed. The prolonged period for expression of thioguanine-resistant variants observed with other mutagens was also found in these studies. A comparison of MMS and EMS showed that MMS on a molar basis was approximately 10 times more toxic than EMS. With mutation, however, when evaluated at equal levels of cell killing MMS and EMS induced the same number of thymidine-resistant variants. For thioguanine-resistant variants MMS was approximately 10-fold less efficient than EMS, while for ouabain-resistance MMS, unlike EMBS, produced no variants at all. The ouabain results were further compared with positive results obtained using a modified Luria--Delbrück fluctuation test.  相似文献   

Genotoxicity of gamma-irradiation in L5178Y mouse lymphoma cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The ability of gamma-irradiation to induce gene mutation at the thymidine kinase locus and gross chromosome aberrations in L5178Y TK+/- 3.7.2C mouse lymphoma cells was evaluated. Positive results were obtained for both end-points. The majority of mutants were found to be small-colony mutants which correlated with the induction of gross chromosome aberrations.  相似文献   

D Clive  R Krehl 《Mutation research》1991,260(4):409-413
The phenotypic stability of over 2000 large- and small-colony trifluorothymidine-resistant (TFTres) variants of L5178Y/tk(+/-)-3.7.2C cells has been examined. All except 4 of 488 spontaneously arising small-colony variants analyzed (0.8%) retained the TFTres phenotype when rechallenged with TFT after growth for several generations in its absence. All of 558 spontaneous large-colony variants, and 440 small-colony or 487 large-colony variants arising from 13 different mutagens showed similar stability. These results attest to the completeness of TFT selection in the mouse-lymphoma assay when used at 1 microgram/ml in Fischer's medium supplemented with heat-inactivated serum and, together with previous cytogenetic and molecular studies, justify considering essentially all such TFTres variants as stable mutants. The implications of these results for those versions of the mouse lymphoma assay that fail to optimize the recovery and scoring of small-colony mutants is discussed.  相似文献   

Three mutagen-sensitive mutants, MS-1, M10 and Q31, were isolated from mouse L5178Y cells. MS-1 cells are sensitive to methyl methanesulfonate (MMS), M10 cells are cross-sensitive to X-rays, MMS and 4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide (4NQO); and Q31 cells are cross-sensitive to UV and 4NQO. MMS-, X-ray- and UV-sensitive markers in these mutants behaved recessively in hybrids between pairs of these mutants as in hybrids between L5178Y and these mutants as reported before (Shiomi et al., 1982b). Complementation analyses were carried out by forming hybrids between two MMS-sensitive mutants (MS-1 and M10) and between two 4NQO-sensitive mutants (M10 and Q31). MMS and 4NQO survivals were measured in these hybrid cells. MS-1 and M10 were found to belong to different complementation groups for MMS-sensitive phenotypes. The hybrid clones between M10 and Q31 were as sensitive to 4NQO as each of the mutants, indicating codominance of 4NQO sensitivity in these mutants. The hybrids constructed with L5178Y and three mutants were stable as to their chromosome constitution for 100 days of cultivation without selective pressure. From the segregation studies on these hybrids, it is concluded that neither the X-ray-sensitive mutation in M10 nor the UV-sensitive mutation in Q31 is located on the X chromosome.  相似文献   

Chinese hamster cells (CHO line) were treated in vitro for 30--39 h with hexavalent chromium compounds (K2Cr2O7 and Na2CrO7), at concentrations ranging from 0.1 to 1.0 microgram of Cr6+ per ml, in medium containing BUdr. Chromosomal aberrations and sister-chromatid exchanges were scored on BUdr-labelled 2nd division metaphases, collected at the end of treatment and stained with Giemsa. Treatment with mitomycin C 0.009--0.030 microgram/ml) was carried out as a control for the responsiveness of the cell system to chromosomal damage. Both chromium compounds induced marked mitotic delays. Chromosomal aberrations were increased about 10-fold by exposure to Cr6+ (1.0 microgram/ml). The principal aberrations observed were single chromatid gaps, breaks and interchanges, whose frequencies increased proportionally to the concentration of chromium. Dicentric chromosomes, isochromatid breaks, chromosome and chromatid rings were also induced. The frequenyc of sister-chromatid exchanges was hardly doubled 30 h after exposure to Cr6+ at 0.3 microgram/ml, whereas it was trebled 39 h after treatment, in the cells whose division cycle had been slowed down by chromium.  相似文献   

Three classes of TFTr variants of L5178Y/TK+/- -3.7.2C mouse lymphoma cells can be identified--large colony (lambda), small colony (sigma), and tiny colony (tau). The sigma and lambda mutants are detectable in the routine mutagenesis assay using soft agar cloning. The tau mutants are extremely slow growing and are quantitated only in suspension cloning in microwells. Variants of all three classes have been analyzed in the process of evaluating the usefulness of the thymidine kinase locus in L5178Y/TK+/- mouse lymphoma cells for detecting induced mutational damage. 150 of 152 variants from mutagen treated cultures and 163 of 168 spontaneous mutants were TFTr when rechallenged approximately 1 week after isolation (3 weeks after induction). All of the 41 mutants assayed for enzyme activity were TK-deficient. The sigma and tau phenotypes were found to correlate with slow cellular growth rates (doubling time greater than 12 h), rather than from effects of the TFT selection or mutagen toxicity. Cytogenetic analysis of sigma mutants approximately 3 weeks after induction shows an association between the sigma phenotype and readily observable (at the 230-300 band level) chromosomal abnormalities (primarily translocations involving that chromosome 11 carrying the functional TK gene) in 30 of 51 induced mutants studied. Using an early clonal analysis of mutants (approximately 2 weeks after induction) 28 of 30 sigma mutants showed chromosome 11 rearrangements. All lambda mutants studied (17 of 17 evaluated 3 weeks after induction and 8 of 8 evaluated 2 weeks after induction) showed normal karyotypes (at the 230-300 band resolution level), including the chromosome 11s. These observations support the hypothesis that sigma (and likely tau) mutants represent chromosomal mutations and lambda mutants represent less extensive mutations affecting the TK locus. The inclusion of sigma mutants in the total induced mutant frequency, as well as distinguishing them as a separate subpopulation of TK-deficient mutants, is, therefore, essential in obtaining maximum utility of the information provided by the L5178Y/TK+/- mouse lymphoma assay.  相似文献   

To evaluate the possible genetic consequences of the industrial exposure among the vulcanizers of a rubber plant we measured the in vivo levels of chromosomal aberrations and sister-chromatid exchanges in peripheral lymphocytes of 34 vulcanizers and in an adequate control population. The observed chromosomal aberration frequencies were 1.9 +/- 1.4 aberrations/100 cells in the exposed group and 2.1 +/- 1.5 aberrations/100 cells in the controls. No difference was found between the two groups for the mean value of sister-chromatid exchanges (5.2 +/- 1.3 in the exposed, 5.2 +/- 0.7 in the control group). Cigarette-smoking was clearly associated with increased sister-chromatid exchange frequencies both in the exposed and in the control groups, while chromosomal aberration frequencies were not correlated with smoking habits.  相似文献   

TFT is an effective selective agent for TK-deficient mutants of L5178Y TK+/- -3.7.2C mouse lymphoma cells. Mutants can be classified by colony size into small colonies (many of which show readily observable chromosome abnormalities associated with chromosome 11--the location of the TK gene) and large colonies (which may represent events affecting only the expression of the TK gene). The precise nature of the induced damage causing the loss of the TK-enzyme activity for both mutant type is not known and is currently under investigation. The hypomethylating agent 5-azacytidine can be utilized to investigate the possibility that mutants might be the result of a suppressed rather than an altered TK gene. Mutant cell lines are treated with 5-azacytidine and then evaluated for re-expression of the TK enzyme as measured by resistance to THMG. In these studies, 11 mutants have been evaluated. None of the 11, including 10 small-colony mutants (6 with chromosome 11 translocations) and 1 large-colony mutant, show a high conversion to TK competency following 5-azacytidine treatment.  相似文献   

The level of topoisomerase I mRNA was measured in cells of two mouse lymphoma (LY) sublines treated with db-cAMP. A transient increase of the level was observed to be of about 60% of the basic level and to have maximum after the 3 h treatment of LY-S cells. The increase in LY-R subline was two-fold lower. The activity of PKA in a cytosol fraction of LY-S cells was 1.75 times higher than that in LY-R cells. The activity of PKA in membranes and nuclear fraction did not differ significantly in both cell types. When the activity of PKA in LY-S cells was inhibited with H8, no increase of the level of topoisomerase I mRNA was observed upon db-cAMP treatment of cells. We suggest that the activity of PKA in the cytosol controls the expression of topoisomerase I gene in LY cells at high concentration of cAMP.Abbreviations db-cAMP dibutyryl-cAMP - H8 N-[2-(methylamino)ethyl]-5-isoquinolinesulfonamide - LY mouse L5178Y lymphoma - PKA protein kinase A - topo I topoisomerase I  相似文献   

Stable, tandem dicentric chromosomes were discovered in two mutant cell colonies resulting from exposure of L5178Y mouse lymphoma cells to chemical mutagens. These unusual dicentrics were present in all metaphase cells examined from these colonies, even after approximately 65 cell generations in culture. Observation of cells in metaphase and anaphase suggests that the interstitial centromere in these dicentrics is non-functional, and that the terminal centromere is solely responsible for their orderly anaphase segregation.  相似文献   

TFTr mutants of L5178Y/TK+/- mouse lymphoma cells are analyzed as they appear in situ following cloning and incubation for 9-11 days in soft agar cloning medium. These TFTr mutants can be divided by colony size into sigma, small colony, and lambda, large colony, mutants. The use of a size discriminator on an automatic colony counter allows the production of histograms to evaluate the size distribution of colonies on a plate. The evaluation of these size distribution curves provides insight into the properties of sigma and lambda mutants. From these analyses several conclusions may be drawn. The sigma phenotype is preferentially associated with the TFTr subpopulation of a treated culture. The sigma phenotype is not an artifact of delayed toxicity following treatment. The frequency of quantifiable sigma mutants is not affected by agar concentrations between 0.20% and 0.45% in the cloning medium. TFTr sigma mutants are produced spontaneously and can be induced by a variety of mutagens. The decline in overall detectable mutants frequency observed for some mutagens with increasing time after treatment is due to the decline in sigma mutant frequency. The quantitation of both sigma and lambda mutants is thus useful in obtaining maximum utility of the information provided by the L5178Y/TK+/- mouse lymphoma assay.  相似文献   

In testing the hypothesis that the small-colony thymidine kinase-deficient mutants of L5178Y/TK+/- -3.7.2C mouse lymphoma cells represent an estimate of the clastogenicity of test chemicals, we have been performing gross aberration analysis. The present study was initiated to determine if the cytokinesis block method of micronucleus analysis could be performed in mouse lymphoma cells and to compare 3 different endpoints of clastogenicity: the number of metaphases with aberrations, number of binucleates with micronuclei, and small-colony TK mutant frequency. In this study, 12 compounds having varying clastogenic potencies were evaluated. As would be expected, the 3 endpoints vary in the relative magnitude of the quantitated response. This difference likely results from the types of clastogenic damage detected by each endpoint. Of the 3 endpoints tested, only the small-colony TK mutant frequency measures events compatible with long-term cell survival.  相似文献   

K Krell  E D Jacobson  K Selby 《In vitro》1979,15(5):326-328
The mutation frequency of L5178Y mouse lymphoma cells to resistance to 5'-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine increased 6- to 14-fold after growth in ethylene oxide-sterilized polycarbonate culture flasks compared to growth in glass flasks. No comparable increase was observed when L5178Y cells were grown in identical polycarbonate culture flasks sterilized by autoclaving.  相似文献   

We have systematically evaluated the mouse lymphoma TK+/- leads to TK-/- mutagenesis assay to determine if this somatic-cell test system would be a useful addition to the routine screening battery already used in our laboratory for the detection of chemical mutagens. During these investigations we observed that, with certain modifications of the basic assay, mutagenicity data could be obtained in as little as 9 days once the relative cytotoxic properties of the test substance were known. By improving the culturing conditions, we were able to reduce the serum requirements by as much as 50--75% without appreciably altering either cell viability or the recovery of chemically-induced mutants. Phenotypic stability of test-derived trifluorothymidine resistant (TFTR) mutants was confirmed by demonstrating cross-resistance to bromodeoxyuridine and concomitant sensitivity to methotrexate (THMG) in TFTR cells grown for 20 generations under non-selective conditions. While reduced growth rates resulting from temporary cell-division delay in treated cells is probably not a contributing factor to the observed mutation frequencies, only TFTR colonies which formed large distinct colonies in the presence of trifluorothymidine were clearly phenotypically stable mutants when spontaneous mutants were isolated and verified. When a non-mutagen, a weak mutagen, and a well-established mutagen were compared at equitoxic doses under these modified conditions, clear quantitative differences were seen in the respective mutation frequencies induced by these 3 types of agents. With these technical modifications, we feel this assay is both reliable and amenable to the screening of diverse chemical compounds for point-mutational activity in a mammalian cell.  相似文献   

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