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  1. Maternal environmental effects create lagged population responses to past environments. Although they are ubiquitous and vary in expression across taxa, it remains unclear if and how their presence alters competitive interactions in ecological communities.
  2. Here, we use a discrete‐time competition model to simulate how maternal effects alter competitive dynamics in fluctuating and constant environments. Further, we explore how omitting maternal effects alter estimates of known model parameters from observational time series data.
  3. Our simulations demonstrate that (i) maternal effects change competitive outcomes, regardless of whether competitors otherwise interact neutrally or exhibit non‐neutral competitive differences, (ii) the consequences of maternal effects for competitive outcomes are mediated by the temporal structure of environmental variation, (iii) even in constant conditions, competitive outcomes are influenced by species'' maternal effects strategies, and (iv) in observational time series data, omitting maternal effects reduces variation explained by models and biases parameter estimates, including competition coefficients.
  4. Our findings demonstrate that the ecological consequences of maternal effects hinge on the competitive environment. Evolutionary biologists have long recognized that maternal effects can be an important but often overlooked strategy buffering populations from environmental change. We suggest that maternal effects are similarly critical to ecology and call for research into maternal effects as drivers of dynamics in populations and communities.

There is increasing evidence that interspecific competition has set important constraints on the distribution, abundance and evolution of island lizards. This is surprising not because competition is rare but because for a biogeographic pattern caused by species interactions to be detectable, it must be strong enough to override the many physical and historical differences that exist among real islands. Moreover, the direct pairwise links between species, once embedded in the complicated network of species interactions in entire communities, may become diluted and confused by the indirect interactions of still other species, particularly predators. Nevertheless, if competition is strong and if communities are simple (as they are on many species-poor islands), competition leaves its fingerprint on the ecological and evolutionary trajectories taken by island lizards.  相似文献   

种间竞争在实蝇入侵中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实蝇是一类危害热带、亚热带水果蔬菜的重要害虫.调查表明,实蝇由入侵引起的种间竞争,一个突出现象就足实蝇种间的入侵具有显著的等级特征,种间竞争性替代具有强烈的方向性,其竞争作用可导致入侵实蝇种群的火绝或者数量的巨大改变.目前有关实蝇种问竞争的等级性模式既未得到进一步研究验证,也未明确其中隐含的作用机制.深入研究实蝇种间竞争的作用机制为检疫性实蝇的风险评估和管理提供参考,同时也为认识农林害虫群落的演替规律提供理论依据.  相似文献   

Evolutionary disarmament in interspecific competition.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Competitive asymmetry, which is the advantage of having a larger body or stronger weaponry than a contestant, drives spectacular evolutionary arms races in intraspecific competition. Similar asymmetries are well documented in interspecific competition, yet they seldom lead to exaggerated traits. Here we demonstrate that two species with substantially different size may undergo parallel coevolution towards a smaller size under the same ecological conditions where a single species would exhibit an evolutionary arms race. We show that disarmament occurs for a wide range of parameters in an ecologically explicit model of competition for a single shared resource; disarmament also occurs in a simple Lotka-Volterra competition model. A key property of both models is the interplay between evolutionary dynamics and population density. The mechanism does not rely on very specific features of the model. Thus, evolutionary disarmament may be widespread and may help to explain the lack of interspecific arms races.  相似文献   

In myrmecophytes, plants with structures in which ants establish colonies, there is strong competition among ant queens for access to host plants. However, our knowledge of how queens of different partner species interact when attempting to colonize plants remains limited. The Amazonian myrmecophyte Maieta guianensis is colonized by queens of two ant species: Crematogaster laevis and Pheidole minutula. We elucidated the competitive ranking of queens of these species and tested the hypothesis that cooperative colony founding (pleometrosis) by P. minutula queens could alter this ranking. We found that C. laevis queens are behaviorally dominant to P. minutula when individual queens encounter each other. Despite being inferior in combat, however, P. minutula queens successfully colonized seedlings at similar rates whether they were placed alone or in concert with a C. laevis queen. This may have occurred because the smaller P. minutula queens frequently entered domatia before the more robust C. laevis queens. Although C. laevis queens can evict P. minutula queens that had previously colonized domatia, this was an infrequent phenomenon—perhaps because while not fatal, conflicts often resulted in serious injury. Furthermore, by colonizing the same plant cooperative P. minutula queens dramatically reduce the probability that C. laevis colonizes host-plants without reducing their own per capita rates of colonization success. To our knowledge, this is a novel benefit of pleometrosis, whose primary advantages have primarily been thought to occur after the critical stage of colony establishment. Given the decreased likelihood of colonization when faced with multiple P. minutula, it may be that C. laevis’ persistence at the landscape level is enhanced by such factors as priority effects, superior dispersal ability, or niche partitioning.  相似文献   

The extent to which interspecific interference competition has contributed to character evolution is one of the most neglected problems in evolutionary biology. When formerly allopatric species come into secondary contact, aggressive interactions between the species can cause selection on traits that affect interspecific encounter rates (e.g. habitat preferences, activity schedules), competitor recognition (e.g. colouration, song), and fighting ability (e.g. weaponry, body size). We define agonistic character displacement (ACD) as the process of phenotypic evolution in a population caused by interference competition with one or more sympatric species and which results in shifts in traits that affect the rate, intensity or outcome of interspecific aggression. After clarifying the relationships between ACD and other evolutionary processes that may occur when species come into secondary contact, we develop an individual‐based, quantitative genetic model to examine how traits involved in competitor recognition would be expected to evolve under different secondary contact scenarios. Our simulation results show that both divergence and convergence are possible outcomes, depending on the intensity of interspecific exploitative competition, the costs associated with mutual versus unilateral recognition, and the extent of phenotypic differences prior to secondary contact. We then devise a set of eight criteria for evaluating putative examples of ACD and review the empirical literature to assess the strength of existing evidence and to identify promising avenues for future research. Our literature search revealed 33 putative examples of ACD across insects, fishes, bats, birds, lizards, and amphibians (15 divergence examples; 18 convergence examples). Only one example satisfies all eight criteria for demonstrating ACD, but most case studies satisfy four or more criteria. The current state of the evidence for ACD is similar to the state of the evidence for ecological character displacement just 10 years ago. We conclude by offering suggestions for further theoretical and empirical research on ACD.  相似文献   

A A Revazov 《Genetika》1983,19(9):1560-1565
The dynamics of the lethal equivalents in two rural populations of Archangelsk regions during the periods from 1930 to 1953 and from 1954 to 1970 was investigated. The outcomes of 1617 pregnancies for 500 couples were analysed. The coefficient of inbreeding varied fo these couples from 0.001 to 0.08. For computing the genetic load, we followed the the methodology suggested by Morton, Crow and Muller in S. Smith's modification. The importance of comprehensive determination of inbreeding coefficient for reliable estimation of the genetic load was demonstrated. By comparing the two groups, it was shown that the coefficient B diminished approximately twice and the B/A ratio increased in both populations also by the factor of two. It is supposed that the diminishing of the number of lethal equivalents can be explained by a decrease in natural selection pressure. It is also supposed, that the segregational load is more sensitive to the decrease in natural selection pressure.'  相似文献   

The vitamin D receptor (VDR) is an essential protein related to bone metabolism. Some VDR alleles are differentially distributed among ethnic populations and display variable patterns of linkage disequilibrium (LD). In this study, 200 unrelated Brazilians were genotyped using 21 VDR single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and 28 ancestry informative markers. The patterns of LD and haplotype distribution were compared among Brazilian and the HapMap populations of African (YRI), European (CEU) and Asian (JPT+CHB) origins. Conditional regression and haplotype-specific analysis were performed using estimates of individual genetic ancestry in Brazilians as a quantitative trait. Similar patterns of LD were observed in the 5' and 3' gene regions. However, the frequency distribution of haplotype blocks varied among populations. Conditional regression analysis identified haplotypes associated with European and Amerindian ancestry, but not with the proportion of African ancestry. Individual ancestry estimates were associated with VDR haplotypes. These findings reinforce the need to correct for population stratification when performing genetic association studies in admixed populations.  相似文献   

The role that interspecific interactions play in shaping parasite communities is uncertain. To date, models of competition between helminth species have assumed that interaction occurs through parasite-induced host death. To our knowledge, there has been no theoretical exploration of other forms of competition. We examine models in which competition acts at the point of establishment within the host, and at the time of egg production by the adult worm. The models used are stochastic and we allow hosts to vary in their rate of exposure to infective larvae. We derive the Lotka-Volterra model of competition when exposure is homogenous and thus demonstrate that two helminth species cannot coexist on a single limiting resource. We show that coexistence of species is promoted by heterogeneity in host exposure provided that the rates of exposure to the two species are not perfectly correlated, and, if they are positively correlated, provided that the degree of heterogeneity in host exposure is similar for the two competing helminth species. These results are robust to the mechanism of competition.  相似文献   

Competition is one of the most important biotic factors determining the structure of ecological communities. In this study, we show that there is variation in competitive ability between two clones of the pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum, both of which out-compete a clone of the vetch aphid, Megoura viciae, in the laboratory. We tested whether this variation in competitive ability would alter the outcome of interspecific competition in the field. While one pea aphid clone followed the pattern set in the laboratory, out-competing the Megoura viciae clone, another showed the reverse effect with Megoura viciae dominating. These differences appear to be the result of variation in early population growth rate between the pea aphid clones, rather than predation, although predation did lead to the eventual extinction of colonies. We also questioned whether intra- and interspecific differences in predator escape behaviour could affect the outcome of competition in the field. All three clones responded similarly to the presence of foraging hoverfly larvae (Episyrphus balteatus), but the Megoura viciae clone dropped from the plant significantly less often in response to the presence of a foraging two-spot ladybird (Adalia bipunctata). This work provides evidence that intraspecific variation in competitive ability can alter the outcome of interspecific competitive interactions in nature and suggests that species–specific behavioural traits may have the potential to modify the outcome of these interactions.  相似文献   

小果油茶与普通油茶居群遗传结构及种间杂交渐渗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄勇 《应用生态学报》2013,24(8):2345-2352
利用11对SSR引物对5个同域分布的小果油茶和普通油茶居群进行了遗传多样性、居群遗传结构,以及种间杂交渐渗的研究.结果表明:两物种的共有等位基因数为57个,占总数的96.6%;在普通油茶中仅检测到2个特异等位基因,而在小果油茶中没有检测到特异等位基因,但两物种的等位基因频率存在一定的差别.两物种的遗传多样性均较高.在物种和居群层次上,两物种的多态信息含量的变化幅度均为0.25 ~0.50,属于中度多态性.同域分布的两物种间的平均遗传分化系数为0.057,明显低于物种内异域居群间的遗传分化系数的平均值(小果油茶0.332,普通油茶0.201),也低于木本被子植物种内居群间平均水平(0.102).5个同域分布物种间基因流的平均值为10.072,明显高于物种内异域间基因流的平均值(小果油茶1.006,普通油茶1.990).UPGMA聚类结果显示,小果油茶和普通油茶之间的亲缘关系非常接近,明显存在着因杂交而产生的基因渐渗.小果油茶或许是普通油茶的一个变种.  相似文献   

Habitat orientation has recently been demonstrated to affect the foraging behavior, growth, and production of plankton grazers. Because the orientation effect may vary with species, we hypothesize that habitat orientation may alter interspecific interactions between animal species. We experimentally investigated how habitat orientation (placing cuboid chambers in three orientations with long, medium, and small side as the chamber height) affected the interaction between two common cladoceran species, Daphnia magna and Moina micrura, which competitively exploited green algae of Chlorella pyrenoidosa at two volume scales (64 and 512 ml). Results show that chamber orientation and volume additively affected the behavior and species performance of the grazers. Specifically, both grazer species generally decreased their average swimming velocity, grazing rate (on algal cells), body size, and survival and reproduction rates with increasing chamber height for both chamber volumes and with decreasing chamber volume regardless of chamber orientation. Nevertheless, the decrease magnitude was greater for M. micrura with increasing chamber height but was greater for D. magna with decreasing chamber volume. Correspondingly, when cocultured, the density ratio of D. magna to M. micrura increased with increasing chamber height but decreased with decreasing chamber volume. At the end of the experiment, none of D. magna individuals survived in the small and short (large‐based) chambers, and few M. micrura individuals survived in large and tall (small‐based) chambers. These results indicate that both habitat orientation and size affect the outcome of interspecific competition between grazer species. We suggest that variation in habitat orientation may improve community coexistence and species diversity in nature.  相似文献   

起始生物量比对3种海洋微藻种间竞争的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
魏杰  赵文  杨为东  葛玉 《生态学报》2012,32(4):1124-1132
为深入了解饵料微藻与赤潮微藻间的种间竞争关系,通过微藻共培养的方法,研究了起始生物量比(1:4、1:1和4:1)对3种海洋微藻(塔玛亚历山大藻、蛋白核小球藻和湛江等鞭金藻)两两之间种间竞争的影响,并对其作用机制进行了探讨。结果表明:①3种海洋微藻表现出种间竞争的相互抑制效应;②在与塔玛亚历山大藻(简称A)的种间竞争中,蛋白核小球藻(简称C)和湛江等鞭金藻(简称I)均在竞争中占优势,蛋白核小球藻随自身起始生物量比的提高,其竞争优势越加明显,湛江等鞭金藻在A:I=1:1时竞争优势最为明显;在蛋白核小球藻和湛江等鞭金藻的种间竞争中,当C:I=1:4时,湛江等鞭金藻在竞争中占优势,C:I=1:1时,初期湛江等鞭金藻占竞争优势,随蛋白核小球藻的迅速生长,后期蛋白核小球藻占竞争优势,C:I=4:1时,蛋白核小球藻占绝对竞争优势;③由种间竞争抑制参数比较得出:3种微藻的种间竞争强弱依次为蛋白核小球藻>湛江等鞭金藻>塔玛亚历山大藻。蛋白核小球藻和湛江等鞭金藻在起始比例C:I=1:1时,可共培养利用,在海产经济动物育苗中可对其进行适时采收投喂;两种饵料藻对塔玛亚历山大藻具有明显的抑制作用,可为开发利用饵料藻进行赤潮生物防控提供一定的科学依据。  相似文献   

Matrices of correlation coefficients between the abundances or intensities of all pairs of helminth species, across all individual hosts in a sample, are regularly used to detect possible cases of interspecific competition in parasite communities. In these matrices, however, the range of possible values that any correlation coefficient can take is not -1 to 1, contrary to what is generally assumed. The number and magnitude of other correlation coefficients in a matrix will constrain the values that any given correlation can achieve. This property of matrices, and of inter-related natural variables, is explained and illustrated with 2 examples from real helminth communities. As a rule, the presence of many negative correlations in a matrix raises the lower value that any of them can possibly achieve. This has important but previously overlooked implications for the interpretation of correlation coefficients, and the detection of competition in natural parasite communities.  相似文献   

The genetic architecture of interspecific variation in mimulus   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Macnair MR  Cumbes QJ 《Genetics》1989,122(1):211-222
The genetic architecture of various floral and morphological differences between Mimulus cupriphilus and Mimulus guttatus is investigated. M. cupriphilus is believed to have speciated from M. guttatus in the recent past. The two parent species, the F(1) and F(2), and two backcrosses were grown and scored for 23 different characters. The analysis of means revealed significant epistasis for a number of the floral characters, particularly those involving the length of parts. Dominance was generally toward M. guttatus, except for the characters related to flowering time. Analysis of the genetic correlations between characters revealed that there were at least four different polygenic genetic systems, governing flowering time, size of flower, number of spots on the corolla, and general size. An analysis of minimum gene number suggested that there were at least 3-7 genes controlling floral size, and a different three controlling floral spot number. Two other characters, corolla lobe shape and stem color, were produced by independent major gene differences. Annuality was also shown to be heritable. The two species appear to utilize the same gene for copper tolerance. The results are discussed in the light of current theories of speciation.  相似文献   

Biotic interactions, such as interspecific competition, are potentially important in determining whether introduced species succeed or fail to establish wild populations. Such effects may be difficult to detect, however, because the outcome of interspecific competition may depend on historical and largely unpredictable circumstances such as the timing of introductions and the number of individuals of each species introduced. I used a stochastic birth-death model to explore the effects of interspecific competition, the timing of introductions and the numbers of individuals of each species introduced, on invasion success in a two-species competitive system. I then compared the model predictions with actual data on establishment outcomes for passerine birds introduced to New Zealand, for which we have data on the timing of introductions, the size of release populations, and a measure of the strength of per capita competition (the degree of morphological similarity among species). The model and data agree well, suggesting that interspecific competition was an important determinant of invasion success in this assemblage, but that the outcome of competition depended critically on circumstances such as the timing of introductions and number of individuals released. Hence, while there is a deterministic component to invasion success in this assemblage (morphologically similar species are less likely to establish), historical circumstances played a critical role in mediating the outcomes.  相似文献   

Two-locus population genetic models are analyzed to evaluate the utility of restriction fragment length polymorphisms for purposes of genetic counseling. It is shown that the linkage disequilibrium between a neutral marker and a tightly linked overdominant mutant will increase rapidly as the mutant moves to its polymorphic equilibrium. The linkage disequilibrium decays for deleterious recessive mutants. Two measures involving the linkage disequilibrium are investigated to determine how much information the transmission of the neutral marker provides about the transmission of the selected gene. In certain kinds of matings, where the parental two-locus genotypes and linkage phases are known, it is possible to determine whether or not a progeny is homozygous for the selected gene on the basis of the fetal genotype at the marker locus. A quantity of primary interest is the fraction of matings between individuals heterozygous for the selected gene in which exact diagnosis can be made in this way. The expected proportion of such matings, taken over all two-locus matings involving heterozygotes at the selected locus, is calculated as a function of the gene frequencies at the two loci and the linkage disequilibrium between them. This expected value is maximized when the linkage disequilibrium is at its maximum in absolute value. Fewer than half of all matings are informative if the linkage disequilibrium is small in magnitude or if the gene frequencies at the two loci are quite different. Consideration is also given to various conditional measures of association that may be useful when the parental two-locus genotypes are unknown. The results suggest that the utility of tightly linked neutral marker genes in predicting the transmission of a selected gene is generally less when selection acts against a recessive gene than for overdominant selection.  相似文献   

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