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Her C  Vo AT  Wu X 《DNA Repair》2002,1(9):719-729
In both mitotic and meiotic processes, cellular surveillance of the integrity of genetic information transmission from parental cells to their subsequent generations is carried out by a network of proteins primarily involved in cell-cycle regulation, DNA replication, DNA repair, and chromosome segregation. Within this context, the mammalian MRE11 represents an essential multifunctional protein that promotes repair of DNA double-strand breaks and plays a role in the signaling of DNA damage response. Mutations in human hMRE11 gene could contribute to the rare "AT-like" disorder. However, at present time the functional roles of hMRE11 in these cellular processes are elusive. In the current study, we provide evidence that hMRE11 interacts physically with the mismatch repair protein hMLH1 through yeast two-hybrid analysis. In addition, we show that recombinant hMRE11 and hMLH1 proteins interact when these two proteins are coexpressed in bacterial cells, and both proteins can be co-immunoprecipitated from human cell extracts. Furthermore, hMRE11 and hMLH1 display similar expression patterns when examined with a human normal/tumor DNA array. Together, these data suggest that hMRE11 and hMLH1 might act in a co-operative fashion during DNA damage detection, signaling, and repair.  相似文献   

The involvement of MLH1 in several mismatch repair‐independent cellular processes has been reported. In an attempt to gain further insight into the protein's cellular functions, we screened for novel interacting partners of MLH1 utilizing a bacterial two‐hybrid system. Numerous unknown interacting proteins were identified, suggesting novel biological roles of MLH1. The network of MLH1 and its partner proteins involves a multitude of cellular processes. Integration of our data with the “General Repository for Interaction Datasets” highlighted that MLH1 exhibits relationships to three interacting pairs of proteins involved in cytoskeletal and filament organization: Thymosin β 4 and Actin γ, Cathepsin B and Annexin A2 as well as Spectrin α and Desmin. Coimmunoprecipitation and colocalization experiments validated the interaction of MLH1 with these proteins. Differential mRNA levels of many of the identified proteins, detected by microarray analysis comparing MLH1‐deficient and ‐proficient cell lines, support the assumed interplay of MLH1 and the identified candidate proteins. By siRNA knock down of MLH1, we demonstrated the functional impact of MLH1–Actin interaction on filament organization and propose that dysregulation of MLH1 plays an essential role in cytoskeleton dynamics. Our data suggest novel roles of MLH1 in cellular organization and colorectal cancerogenesis.  相似文献   

The MutL family of mismatch repair proteins belongs to the GHKL class of ATPases, which contains also type II topoisomerases, HSP90, and histidine kinases. The nucleotide binding domains of these polypeptides are highly conserved, but this similarity has failed to help us understand the biological role of the ATPase activity of the MutL proteins in mismatch repair. hMutLalpha is a heterodimer of the human MutL homologues hMLH1 and hPMS2, and we decided to exploit its asymmetry to study this function. We now show that although the two subunits contribute differently to the ATPase activity of the heterodimer, hMutLalpha variants in which one subunit was able to bind but not hydrolyze ATP displayed similarly reduced mismatch repair activities in vitro. In contrast, variants in which either subunit was unable to bind the nucleotide were inactive. Mutation of the catalytic sites of both subunits abolished repair without altering the ability of these peptides to interact with one another. Since the binding of the nucleotide in hMutLalpha was not required for the formation of ternary complexes with the mismatch recognition factor hMutSalpha bound to a heteroduplex substrate, we propose that the ATPase activity of hMutLalpha is required downstream from this process.  相似文献   

Exonucleolytic degradation of DNA is an essential part of many DNA metabolic processes including DNA mismatch repair (MMR) and recombination. Human exonuclease I (hExoI) is a member of a family of conserved 5' --> 3' exonucleases, which are implicated in these processes by genetic studies. Here, we demonstrate that hExoI binds strongly to hMLH1, and we describe interaction regions between hExoI and the MMR proteins hMSH2, hMSH3, and hMLH1. In addition, hExoI forms an immunoprecipitable complex with hMLH1/hPMS2 in vivo. The study of interaction regions suggests a biochemical mechanism of the involvement of hExoI as a downstream effector in MMR and/or DNA recombination.  相似文献   

Molecular alterations in the mismatch repair system suggest that this mechanism may be important in the evolution of cutaneous melanoma. Our current study evaluated the expression of two mismatch repair proteins, hMLH1 and hMSH2, in dysplastic nevi (DN) and cutaneous melanoma (CM). Immunohistochemical staining of these proteins was performed on 55 CM and 30 DN specimens. The staining results were divided into three groups: negative, partially positive and strongly positive. Normal adjacent skin cells served as an internal control for positive immunostaining. Altered immunoreactivity of one of the proteins was found in four (13.4%) DN and seven (12.7%) CM. Lack of staining for hMLH1 was observed in two (6.7%) cases of DN and five (9.1%) cases of CM; staining for hMSH2 was absent in two (6.7%) of the DN and two (3.6%) of the CM specimens. Partially positive staining was found in 33.3% and 53.3% for hMLH1 and hMSH2, respectively, in DN, and in 54.5% and 69.1%, respectively, in CMM. Our study shows that complete or partial loss of MMR protein expression occurs in a subset of both DN and CM and may represent a distinct pathway in the development of some DN and CM.  相似文献   

The human DNA mismatch repair (MMR) protein MLH1 has essential roles in the correction of replication errors and the activation of cell cycle checkpoints and cytotoxic responses to DNA damage that contribute to suppression of cancer risk. MLH1 functions as a heterodimer with the PMS2 protein, and steady state levels of PMS2 are very low in MLH1-deficient cells. Unique to MLH1 among MutL-homolog proteins, and conserved in identified eukaryotic MLH1 proteins, is the so-called C-terminal homology domain (CTH). The function of these C-terminal 20-30 amino acids is not known. We investigated the effect of a C-terminal truncation of human MLH1 (MLH1-L749X) on mammalian MMR by testing its activity in MLH1-deficient cells. We found the CTH to be essential for suppression of spontaneous mutation, activation of a cytotoxic response to 6-thioguanine, and maintenance of normal steady state levels of PMS2. Co-expression in doubly mutant Mlh1-/-; Pms2-/- fibroblasts showed that MLH1-L749X was unable to stabilize PMS2. Over-expression of MLH1-L749X did not reduce stabilization of PMS2 mediated by wild-type MLH1, indicating that truncation of the CTH reduces the ability to compete with wild-type MLH1 for interaction with PMS2. Lack of PMS2 stabilization also was observed with a previously reported pathogenic truncation (MLH1-Y750X), but not with two different point mutations in the CTH. Biochemical assays demonstrated that truncation of the CTH reduced the stability of heterodimers, although MLH1-L749X retained significant capacity for interaction with PMS2. Thus, the CTH of human MLH1 is necessary for error correction, checkpoint signaling, and for promoting interaction with, and the stability of, PMS2. Analysis of the CTH role in stabilizing PMS2 was facilitated by a novel intracellular assay for MLH1-PMS2 interaction. This assay should prove useful for identifying additional amino acids in MLH1 and PMS2 necessary for interaction in cells, and for determining the functional consequences of MLH1 mutations identified in human cancers.  相似文献   

Deficiencies of MutL DNA mismatch repair-complex proteins (hMLH1, hPMS2, and hPMS1) typically result in microsatellite instability in human cancers. We examined the association patterns of MutL proteins in human epithelial cancer cell lines with (HCT-116, N87, SNU-1, and SNU-638) and without microsatellite instability (HeLa, AGS, KATO-III, and SNU-16). The analysis of hMLH1, hPMS2, and hPMS1 was performed using Northern blot, Western blot, and co-immunoprecipitation studies. Our data provide evidence that MutL proteins form two different complexes, MutL-alpha (hPMS2 and hMLH1) and MutL-beta (hPMS1 and hMLH1). Gastric and colorectal cancer cells lines with microsatellite instability lacked detectable hMLH1. Decreased levels of hMLH1 protein were associated with markedly reduced levels of hPMS2 and hPMS1 proteins, but the RNA levels of hPMS1 and hPMS2 were normal. In this study, we describe the association of hPMS1 with hMLH1 as a heterodimer, in human cells. Furthermore, normal levels of hMLH1 protein appear to be important in maintaining normal levels of hPMS1 and hPMS2 proteins.  相似文献   

Evidence for involvement of HMGB1 protein in human DNA mismatch repair   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Defects in human DNA mismatch repair predispose to cancer, but many components of the pathway have not been identified. We report here the identification and characterization of a novel component required for mismatch repair in human cells. A 30-kDa protein was purified to homogeneity by virtue of its ability to complement a depleted HeLa extract in repair of mismatched heteroduplexes. The complementing activity was identified as HMGB1 (the high mobility group box 1 protein), a non-histone chromatin protein that facilitates protein-protein interactions and recognizes DNA damage. Evidence is also presented that HMGB1 physically interacts with MutSalpha and is required at a step prior to the excision of mispaired nucleotide in mismatch repair.  相似文献   

Human exonuclease 1 (hEXO1) is implicated in DNA mismatch repair (MMR) and mutations in hEXO1 may be associated with hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC). Since the subcellular localization of MMR proteins is essential for proper MMR function, we characterized possible nuclear localization signals (NLSs) in hEXO1. Using fluorescent fusion proteins, we show that the sequence 418KRPR421, which exhibit strong homology to other monopartite NLS sequences, is responsible for correct nuclear localization of hEXO1. This NLS sequence is located in a region that is also required for hEXO1 interaction with hMLH1 and we show that defective nuclear localization of hEXO1 mutant proteins could be rescued by hMLH1 or hMSH2. Both hEXO1 and hMLH1 form complexes with the nuclear import factors importin β/α1,3,7 whereas hMSH2 specifically recognizes importin β/α3. Taken together, we infer that hEXO1, hMLH1 and hMSH2 form complexes and are imported to the nucleus together, and that redundant NLS import signals in the proteins may safeguard nuclear import and thereby MMR activity.  相似文献   

Human exonuclease 1 (hEXO1) acts directly in diverse DNA processing events, including replication, mismatch repair (MMR), and double strand break repair (DSBR), and it was also recently described to function as damage sensor and apoptosis inducer following DNA damage. In contrast, 14-3-3 proteins are regulatory phosphorserine/threonine binding proteins involved in the control of diverse cellular events, including cell cycle checkpoint and apoptosis signaling. hEXO1 is regulated by post-translation Ser/Thr phosphorylation in a yet not fully clarified manner, but evidently three phosphorylation sites are specifically induced by replication inhibition leading to protein ubiquitination and degradation. We demonstrate direct and robust interaction between hEXO1 and six of the seven 14-3-3 isoforms in vitro, suggestive of a novel protein interaction network between DNA repair and cell cycle control. Binding experiments reveal weak affinity of the more selective isoform 14-3-3σ but both 14-3-3 isoforms η and σ significantly stimulate hEXO1 activity, indicating that these regulatory proteins exert a common regulation mode on hEXO1. Results demonstrate that binding involves the phosphorable amino acid S746 in hEXO1 and most likely a second unidentified binding motif. 14-3-3 associations do not appear to directly influence hEXO1 in vitro nuclease activity or in vitro DNA replication initiation. Moreover, specific phosphorylation variants, including hEXO1 S746A, are efficiently imported to the nucleus; to associate with PCNA in distinct replication foci and respond to DNA double strand breaks (DSBs), indicating that 14-3-3 binding does not involve regulating the subcellular distribution of hEXO1. Altogether, these results suggest that association may be related to regulation of hEXO1 availability during the DNA damage response to plausibly prevent extensive DNA resection at the damage site, as supported by recent studies.  相似文献   

Bloom's syndrome (BS) is a rare autosomal recessive disorder characterized by pre- and postnatal growth deficiency, immunodeficiency, and a tremendous predisposition to a wide variety of cancers. Cells from BS individuals are characterized by a high incidence of chromosomal gaps and breaks, elevated sister chromatid exchange, quadriradial formations, and locus-specific mutations. BS is the consequence of mutations that lead to loss of function of BLM, a gene encoding a helicase with homology to the RecQ helicase family. To delineate the role of BLM in DNA replication, recombination, and repair we used a yeast two-hybrid screen to identify potential protein partners of the BLM helicase. The C terminus of BLM interacts directly with MLH1 in the yeast-two hybrid assay; far Western analysis and co-immunoprecipitations confirmed the interaction. Cell extracts deficient in BLM were competent for DNA mismatch repair. These data suggest that the BLM helicase and MLH1 function together in replication, recombination, or DNA repair events independent of single base mismatch repair.  相似文献   

Bloom's syndrome (BS) is a rare genetic disorder characterised by genome instability and cancer susceptibility. BLM, the BS gene product, belongs to the highly-conserved RecQ family of DNA helicases. Although the exact function of BLM in human cells remains to be defined, it seems likely that BLM eliminates some form of homologous recombination (HR) intermediate that arises during DNA replication. Similarly, the mismatch repair (MMR) system also plays a crucial role in the maintenance of genomic stability, by correcting DNA errors generated during DNA replication. Recent evidence implicates components of the MMR system also in HR repair. We now show that hMSH6, a component of the heterodimeric mismatch recognition complex hMSH2/hMSH6 (hMutS(alpha)), interacts with the BLM protein both in vivo and in vitro. In agreement with these findings, BLM and hMSH6 co-localise to discrete nuclear foci following exposure of the cells to ionising radiation. However, the purified recombinant MutS(alpha) complex does not affect the helicase activity of BLM in vitro. As BLM has previously been shown to interact with the hMLH1 component of the hMLH1/hPMS2 (hMutL(alpha)) heterodimeric MMR complex, our present findings further strengthen the link between BLM and processes involving correction of DNA mismatches, such as in the regulation of the fidelity of homologous recombination events.  相似文献   

Blank and Goodman [(1997): Bioelectromagnetics 18:111–115] suggest that weak extremely low frequency (ELF) electric and magnetic fields affect intracellular DNA directly. We show that such a conclusion is not in accord with physical principles. Bioelectromagnetics 19: 136–137, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Homologous recombination (HR) repairs DNA double-strand breaks using intact homologous sequences as template DNA. Broken DNA and intact homologous sequences form joint molecules (JMs), including Holliday junctions (HJs), as HR intermediates. HJs are resolved to form crossover and noncrossover products. A mismatch repair factor, MLH3 endonuclease, produces the majority of crossovers during meiotic HR, but it remains elusive whether mismatch repair factors promote HR in nonmeiotic cells. We disrupted genes encoding the MLH3 and PMS2 endonucleases in the human B cell line, TK6, generating null MLH3−/− and PMS2−/− mutant cells. We also inserted point mutations into the endonuclease motif of MLH3 and PMS2 genes, generating endonuclease death MLH3DN/DN and PMS2EK/EK cells. MLH3−/− and MLH3DN/DN cells showed a very similar phenotype, a 2.5-fold decrease in the frequency of heteroallelic HR-dependent repair of restriction enzyme–induced double-strand breaks. PMS2−/− and PMS2EK/EK cells showed a phenotype very similar to that of the MLH3 mutants. These data indicate that MLH3 and PMS2 promote HR as an endonuclease. The MLH3DN/DN and PMS2EK/EK mutations had an additive effect on the heteroallelic HR. MLH3DN/DN/PMS2EK/EK cells showed normal kinetics of γ-irradiation–induced Rad51 foci but a significant delay in the resolution of Rad51 foci and a 3-fold decrease in the number of cisplatin-induced sister chromatid exchanges. The ectopic expression of the Gen1 HJ re-solvase partially reversed the defective heteroallelic HR of MLH3DN/DN/PMS2EK/EK cells. Taken together, we propose that MLH3 and PMS2 promote HR as endonucleases, most likely by processing JMs in mammalian somatic cells.  相似文献   

MutLalpha, a heterodimer composed of Mlh1 and Pms2, is the major MutL activity in mammalian DNA mismatch repair. Highly conserved motifs in the N termini of both subunits predict that the protein is an ATPase. To study the significance of these motifs to mismatch repair, we have expressed in insect cells wild type human MutLalpha and forms altered in conserved glutamic acid residues, predicted to catalyze ATP hydrolysis of Mlh1, Pms2, or both. Using an in vitro assay, we showed that MutLalpha proteins altered in either glutamic acid residue were each partially defective in mismatch repair, whereas the double mutant showed no detectable mismatch repair. Neither strand specificity nor directionality of repair was affected in the single mutant proteins. Limited proteolysis studies of MutLalpha demonstrated that both Mlh1 and Pms2 N-terminal domains undergo ATP-induced conformational changes, but the extent of the conformational change for Mlh1 was more apparent than for Pms2. Furthermore, Mlh1 was protected at lower ATP concentrations than Pms2, suggesting Mlh1 binds ATP with higher affinity. These findings imply that ATP hydrolysis is required for MutLalpha activity in mismatch repair and that this activity is associated with differential conformational changes in Mlh1 and Pms2.  相似文献   

Adenines mismatched with guanines or 7,8-dihydro-8-oxo-deoxyguanines that arise through DNA replication errors can be repaired by either base excision repair or mismatch repair. The human MutY homolog (hMYH), a DNA glycosylase, removes adenines from these mismatches. Human MutS homologs, hMSH2/hMSH6 (hMutSalpha), bind to the mismatches and initiate the repair on the daughter DNA strands. Human MYH is physically associated with hMSH2/hMSH6 via the hMSH6 subunit. The interaction of hMutSalpha and hMYH is not observed in several mismatch repair-defective cell lines. The hMutSalpha binding site is mapped to amino acid residues 232-254 of hMYH, a region conserved in the MutY family. Moreover, the binding and glycosylase activities of hMYH with an A/7,8-dihydro-8-oxo-deoxyguanine mismatch are enhanced by hMutSalpha. These results suggest that protein-protein interactions may be a means by which hMYH repair and mismatch repair cooperate in reducing replicative errors caused by oxidized bases.  相似文献   

Human exonuclease 1 (hEXO1) is implicated in DNA metabolism, including replication, recombination and repair, substantiated by its interactions with PCNA, DNA helicases BLM and WRN, and several DNA mismatch repair (MMR) proteins. We investigated the sub-nuclear localization of hEXO1 during S-phase progression and in response to laser-induced DNA double strand breaks (DSBs). We show that hEXO1 and PCNA co-localize in replication foci. This apparent interaction is sustained throughout S-phase. We also demonstrate that hEXO1 is rapidly recruited to DNA DSBs. We have identified a PCNA interacting protein (PIP-box) region on hEXO1 located in its COOH-terminal ((788)QIKLNELW(795)). This motif is essential for PCNA binding and co-localization during S-phase. Recruitment of hEXO1 to DNA DSB sites is dependent on the MMR protein hMLH1. We show that two distinct hMLH1 interaction regions of hEXO1 (residues 390-490 and 787-846) are required to direct the protein to the DNA damage site. Our results reveal that protein domains in hEXO1 in conjunction with specific protein interactions control bi-directional routing of hEXO1 between on-going DNA replication and repair processes in living cells.  相似文献   

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