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We report on the progress of a project funded by the Wellcome Trust to produce over 100 recombinant inbred mouse lines as part of the Collaborative Cross (CC) genetic reference panel. These new strains of mice are being derived from a set of eight genetically diverse founders. The genomes of the finished strains will be mosaics of the founder strains’ genomes with a high density of independent recombination breakpoints. The CC mice will be available for distribution free of any intellectual property constraints to serve as a community resource for systems genetics studies.  相似文献   

An important objective of studies of workers exposed occupationally to chronic low doses of ionizing radiation is to provide a direct assessment of health risks resulting from this exposure. This objective is most effectively accomplished by conducting combined analyses that allow evaluation of the totality of evidence from all study populations. In this paper, combined analyses of mortality in workers at the Hanford Site, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and Rocky Flats Nuclear Weapons Plant are presented. These combined analyses provide no evidence of a correlation between radiation exposure and mortality from all cancer or from leukemia. Of 11 other specific types of cancer analyzed, multiple myeloma was the only cancer found to exhibit a statistically significant correlation with radiation exposure. Estimates of the excess risk of all cancer and of leukemia, based on the combined data, were negative. Upper confidence limits based on the combined data were lower than for any single population, and were similar to estimates obtained from recent analyses of A-bomb survivor data. These results strengthen support for the conclusion that estimates obtained through extrapolation from high-dose data do not seriously underestimate risks of low-dose exposure, but leave open the possibility that extrapolation may overestimate risks.  相似文献   

Radiological benchmarks for aquatic biota were developed for use at the U.S. Department of Energy's Oak Ridge Reservation as screening values to determine the spatial extent of potential ecological effects and to identify the need for additional site-specific investigation. The Point Source Dose Distribution approach was used to calculate water and sediment activities for selected radionuclides that result in a total dose rate to small and large fish of 1 Rad d?1, which is the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements recommended acceptable dose rate to natural populations of aquatic biota. These screening values incorporate internal and external exposures from parent isotopes and all short-lived daughter products. They also include exposures from all major alpha, beta, and gamma emissions for each isotope. Unlike exposures to chemicals, exposures to radionuclides are expressed as the dose rate received by the organism. Dose rates that account for the biological effects to the organism are additive. If the total dose rate from all radionuclides and pathways exceeds a recommended acceptable dose rate, further analysis is needed to determine the hazards posed by radionuclides. If, however, the total dose rate falls below an acceptable dose rate, radionuclides may be eliminated from further study.  相似文献   

The results of long-term studies of coevolution in the Hordeum vulgare-Rhynchosporium secalis pathosystem are summarized. The genetic systems of barley (host) and R. secalis (pathogen) are complementary: Gene-for-gene interactions among loci affect many traits, leading to self-regulating adjustments over generations between host and pathogen populations. Different pathotypes differ widely in their ability to damage the host, and different host-resistance alleles differ widely in their ability to protect the host from the pathogen. Among 29 resistance loci in the specific host population studied, several played major roles in providing stable resistance, but many had net detrimental effects on the yield and reproductive ability of the host. Resistance alleles that protected against the most damaging pathotypes increased sharply in frequency in the host populations. It is concluded that the evolutionary processes that take place in genetically variable populations propagated under conditions of cultivation can be highly effective in increasing the frequency of desirable alleles and useful multilocus genotypes. This enhances the value of the evolving populations as sources of genetic variability in breeding for disease resistance and other characters that affect adaptedness.  相似文献   

The historical origins of classical laboratory mouse strains have led to a relatively limited range of genetic and phenotypic variation, particularly for the study of behavior. Many recent efforts have resulted in improved diversity and precision of mouse genetic resources for behavioral research, including the Collaborative Cross and Diversity Outcross population. These two populations, derived from an eight way cross of common and wild-derived strains, have high precision and allelic diversity. Behavioral variation in the population is expanded, both qualitatively and quantitatively. Variation that had once been canalized among the various inbred lines has been made amenable to genetic dissection. The genetic attributes of these complementary populations, along with advances in genetic and genomic technologies, makes a systems genetic analyses of behavior more readily tractable, enabling discovery of a greater range of neurobiological phenomena underlying behavioral variation.  相似文献   

Decoding of the genome information in terms of regulation and function will be the next great challenge in the life sciences in this millennium and indeed, today we are experiencing a rapid explosion of technology for the high throughput expression analysis of genes and their products (functional genomics). In particular, the field of proteomics is booming as proteins are often the functional molecules and represent important targets for the pharmaceutical industry. The proteomic technology is complex, and comprises a plethora of state-of-the-art techniques to resolve, identify and detect their interacting partners, as well as to store and communicate protein information in comprehensive two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2D PAGE) databases. Besides annotating the genome, these databases will offer a global approach to the study of gene expression both in health and disease. Here, we review the current status of human 2D PAGE databases that we are systematically constructing for the study of bladder cancer and skin ageing.  相似文献   

Complex traits, like the susceptibility to common diseases, are controlled by numerous genomic regions which individual effect is generally weak. These observations led geneticists to develop an experimental system to dissect the genetic of complex traits in the mouse. The Collaborative Cross (CC) is a genetic reference population of over 300 inbred lines derived from eight inbred strains of three Mus musculus sub-species that captures 90% of the genetic variation known in the mouse genome. We present here the generation and the characteristics of the CC and we report the results of the first experiments with partially inbred CC lines.  相似文献   

Analysis of several mutations in the mouse is providing useful insights into the nature of the genes required for the establishment of the left-right axis during early development. Here we describe a new targeted allele of the mouse Tg737 gene, Tg737(Delta)2-3(beta)Gal), which causes defects in left-right asymmetry and other abnormalities during embryogenesis. The Tg737 gene was originally identified based on its association with the mouse Oak Ridge Polycystic Kidney (orpk) insertional mutation, which causes polycystic kidney disease and other defects. Complementation tests between the original orpk mutation and the new targeted knock-out mutation demonstrate that Tg737(Delta)2-3(beta)Gal) behaves as an allele of Tg737. The differences in the phenotype between the two mutations suggest that the orpk mutation is a hypomorphic allele of the Tg737 gene. Unlike the orpk allele, where all homozygotes survive to birth, embryos homozygous for the Tg737(Delta)2-3(beta)Gal) mutation arrest in development at mid-gestation and exhibit neural tube defects, enlargement of the pericardial sac and, most notably, left-right asymmetry defects. At mid-gestation the direction of heart looping is randomized, and at earlier stages in development lefty-2 and nodal, which are normally expressed asymmetrically, exhibit symmetrical expression in the mutant embryos. Additionally, we determined that the ventral node cells in mutant embryos fail to express the central cilium, which is a characteristic and potentially functional feature of these cells. The expression of both Shh and Hnf3(beta) is downregulated in the midline at E8.0, indicating that there are significant alterations in midline development in the Tg737(Delta)2-3(beta)Gal) homozygous embryos. We propose that the failure of ventral node cells to fully mature alters their ability to undergo differentiation as they migrate out of the node to contribute to the developing midline structures. Analysis of this new knockout allele allows us to define a critical role for the Tg737 gene during early embryogenesis. We have named the product of the Tg737 gene Polaris, which is based on the various polarity related defects associated with the different alleles of the Tg737 gene.  相似文献   

Recently, Lowry et al. addressed the ability of RADseq approaches to detect loci under selection in genome scans. While the authors raise important considerations, such as accounting for the extent of linkage disequilibrium in a study system, we strongly disagree with their overall view of the ability of RADseq to inform our understanding of the genetic basis of adaptation. The family of RADseq protocols has radically improved the field of population genomics, expanding by several orders of magnitude the number of markers available while substantially reducing the cost per marker. Researchers whose goal is to identify regions of the genome under selection must consider the LD of the experimental system; however, there is no magical LD cutoff below which researchers should refuse to use RADseq. Lowry et al. further made two major arguments: a theoretical argument that modeled the likelihood of detecting selective sweeps with RAD markers, and gross summaries based on an anecdotal collection of RAD studies. Unfortunately, their simulations were off by two orders of magnitude in the worst case, while their anecdotes merely showed that it is possible to get widely divergent densities of RAD tags for any particular experiment, either by design or due to experimental efficacy. We strongly argue that RADseq remains a powerful and efficient approach that provides sufficient marker density for studying selection in many natural populations. Given limited resources, we argue that researchers should consider a wide range of trade‐offs among genomic techniques, in light of their study question and the power of different techniques to answer it.  相似文献   

Mutagenesis with ethylmethanesulfonate (EMS) has been the standard for traditional genetic screens, and in recent years has been applied to reverse genetics. However, reverse-genetic strategies require maintaining a viable germline library so that mutations that are discovered can subsequently be recovered. In applying our TILLING (Targeting Induced Local Lesions IN Genomes) method to establish a Drosophila reverse-genetic service (Fly-TILL), we chose to screen the Zuker lines, a large collection of EMS-mutagenized second- and third-chromosome balanced lines that had been established for forward-genetic screening. For the past four years, our Fly-TILL service has screened this collection to provide ~150 allelic series of point mutations for the fly community. Our analysis of >2000 point mutations and indels has provided a glimpse into the population dynamics of this valuable genetic resource. We found evidence for selection and differential recovery of mutations, depending on distance from balancer breakpoints. Although this process led to variable mutational densities, we have nevertheless been able to deliver valuable mutations in genes selected by Fly-TILL users. We anticipate that our findings will help guide the future implementation of point-mutation resources for the Drosophila community.  相似文献   

Monkey research in China: developing a natural resource   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hao X 《Cell》2007,129(6):1033-1036
China's contribution to primate research is no longer limited to supplying monkeys to scientists abroad. With an abundance of wild rhesus macaques, low labor costs, and a nonhostile environment for animal research, scientists are finding that China is the place to be for research using macaques as models of human disease.  相似文献   

Technological and scientific advances, stemming in large part from the Human Genome and HapMap projects, have made large-scale, genome-wide investigations feasible and cost effective. These advances have the potential to dramatically impact drug discovery and development by identifying genetic factors that contribute to variation in disease risk as well as drug pharmacokinetics, treatment efficacy, and adverse drug reactions. In spite of the technological advancements, successful application in biomedical research would be limited without access to suitable sample collections. To facilitate exploratory genetics research, we have assembled a DNA resource from a large number of subjects participating in multiple studies throughout the world. This growing resource was initially genotyped with a commercially available genome-wide 500,000 single-nucleotide polymorphism panel. This project includes nearly 6,000 subjects of African-American, East Asian, South Asian, Mexican, and European origin. Seven informative axes of variation identified via principal-component analysis (PCA) of these data confirm the overall integrity of the data and highlight important features of the genetic structure of diverse populations. The potential value of such extensively genotyped collections is illustrated by selection of genetically matched population controls in a genome-wide analysis of abacavir-associated hypersensitivity reaction. We find that matching based on country of origin, identity-by-state distance, and multidimensional PCA do similarly well to control the type I error rate. The genotype and demographic data from this reference sample are freely available through the NCBI database of Genotypes and Phenotypes (dbGaP).  相似文献   

The first scientific meeting of the newly established European SYSGENET network took place at the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research (HZI) in Braunschweig, April 7-9, 2010. About 50 researchers working in the field of systems genetics using mouse genetic reference populations (GRP) participated in the meeting and exchanged their results, phenotyping approaches, and data analysis tools for studying systems genetics. In addition, the future of GRP resources and phenotyping in Europe was discussed.  相似文献   

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