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Abstract Caytoniales are an important group of seed plants, and the nature of their female reproductive organ may influence interpretations of the seed plant phylogeny and the origin of angiosperms. Although not convincingly demonstrated by clear evidence, cupules on previously described specimens were interpreted as being distichously arranged, implying that the cupule‐bearing organ in Caytoniales was a pinnate megasporophyll. Here a female reproductive organ of Paracaytonia hongtaoi gen. et sp. nov. (Caytoniales) is reported from Liaoning, China. The well preserved specimen clearly shows a spiral arrangement of cupules along the reproductive axis, suggesting that the cupule‐bearing organ in Caytoniales is not a megasporophyll but a branch. This new information on the axial nature of the cupule‐bearing organ in Caytoniales has significant implications on the placement of Caytoniales in the seed plant phylogeny and interpretation of the relationship between Caytoniales and angiosperms.  相似文献   

Five orders of late Paleozoic-Mesozoic seed ferns have, at one time or another, figured in discussions on the origin of angiosperms, even before the application of phylogenetic systematics. These are the Glossopteridales, Peltaspermales, Corystospermales, Caytoniales, and Petriellales. Although vegetative features have been used to suggest homologies, most discussion has focused on ovulate structures, which are generally interpreted as megasporophylls bearing seeds, with the seeds partially to almost completely enclosed by the megasporophyll (or cupule). Here we discuss current information about the reproductive parts of these plants. Since most specimens are impression-compression remains, homologizing the ovulate organs, deriving angiospermous homologues, and defining synapomorphies remain somewhat speculative. Although new specimens have increased the known diversity in these groups, a reconstruction of an entire plant is available only for the corystosperms, and thus hypotheses about phylogenetic position are of limited value. We conclude that, in the case of these seed plants, phylogenetic analysis techniques have surpassed the hard data needed to formulate meaningful phylogenetic hypotheses. Speculation on angiosperm origins and transitional stages in these fossils provides for interesting discussion, but currently it is still speculation, as the role of these groups in the origin of angiospermy continues to be cloaked in Darwin's mystery.  相似文献   

Recent finds of remarkable fossil plants from the Upper Triassic Yangcaogou Formation in Liaoning Province, PR China include branched, cupule-bearing structures referable to the corystosperm ovulate organ Umkomasia. This material is described and assigned to the proposed new species Umkomasia asiatica. The collection includes numerous isolated cupules and fragments of ultimate cupule-bearing axes. Two specimens consisting of portions of the main axis with attached, cupulate lateral axes have also been found. The main axis was at least 6.5 cm long, with each lateral axis bearing one to at least three pairs of stalked, ovoid cupules. The new Umkomasia is similar to U. franconica from the Jurassic of Germany, which is the only other known laurasian species, but the cupules are smaller and more elongated. It is also similar to many gondwanan forms, including the type species U. macleanii. Leaves associated with the Chinese Umkomasia species are tentatively referred to Thinnfeldia, and may have been produced by the same plant. Associated ovoid seeds with elongated, curved micropyles are similar to those of gondwanan species of Umkomasia. The fossils described here are, therefore, significant in representing the first report of corystosperm reproductive structures from Asia, and only the second report of Umkomasia from the entire northern hemisphere. The new Chinese fossils also support leaf-based evidence that the Corystospermales were present in Laurasia as early as the Late Triassic.  相似文献   

A short history of MADS-box genes in plants   总被引:47,自引:0,他引:47  
Evolutionary developmental genetics (evodevotics) is a novel scientific endeavor which assumes that changes in developmental control genes are a major aspect of evolutionary changes in morphology. Understanding the phylogeny of developmental control genes may thus help us to understand the evolution of plant and animal form. The principles of evodevotics are exemplified by outlining the role of MADS-box genes in the evolution of plant reproductive structures. In extant eudicotyledonous flowering plants, MADS-box genes act as homeotic selector genes determining floral organ identity and as floral meristem identity genes. By reviewing current knowledge about MADS-box genes in ferns, gymnosperms and different types of angiosperms, we demonstrate that the phylogeny of MADS-box genes was strongly correlated with the origin and evolution of plant reproductive structures such as ovules and flowers. It seems likely, therefore, that changes in MADS-box gene structure, expression and function have been a major cause for innovations in reproductive development during land plant evolution, such as seed, flower and fruit formation.  相似文献   

Recently, two areas of plant phylogeny have developed in ways that could not have been anticipated, even a few years ago. Among extant seed plants, new phylogenetic hypotheses suggest that Gnetales, a group of nonflowering seed plants widely hypothesized to be the closest extant relatives of angiosperms, may be less closely related to angiosperms than was believed. In addition, recent phylogenetic analyses of angiosperms have, for the first time, clearly identified the earliest lineages of flowering plants: Amborella, Nymphaeales, and a clade that includes Illiciales/ Trimeniaceae/Austrobaileyaceae. Together, the new seed plant and angiosperm phylogenetic hypotheses have major implications for interpretation of homology and character evolution associated with the origin and early history of flowering plants. As an example of the complex and often unpredictable interplay of phylogenetic and comparative biology, we analyze the evolution of double fertilization, a process that forms a diploid embryo and a triploid endosperm, the embryo-nourishing tissue unique to flowering plants. We demonstrate how the new phylogenetic hypotheses for seed plants and angiosperms can significantly alter previous interpretations of evolutionary homology and firmly entrenched assumptions about what is synapomorphic of flowering plants. In the case of endosperm, a solution to the century-old question of its potential homology with an embryo or a female gametophyte (the haploid egg-producing generation within the life cycle of a seed plant) remains complex and elusive. Too little is known of the comparative reproductive biology of extant nonflowering seed plants (Gnetales, conifers, cycads, and Ginkgo) to analyze definitively the potential homology of endosperm with antecedent structures. Remarkably, the new angiosperm phylogenies reveal that a second fertilization event to yield a biparental endosperm, long assumed to be an important synapomorphy of flowering plants, cannot be conclusively resolved as ancestral for flowering plants. Although substantive progress has been made in the analysis of phylogenetic relationships of seed plants and angiosperms, these efforts have not been matched by comparable levels of activity in comparative biology. The consequence of inadequate comparative biological information in an age of phylogenetic biology is a severe limitation on the potential to reconstruct key evolutionary historical events.  相似文献   

A new monotypic gymnosperm family, Nageiaceae D. Z. Fu, is separated from Podocarpaceae. It is characterized by having multinerved leaves without costae, and primitive shoot-like female reproductive organs (female strobili). The new family contains a single genus consisting of 2 sections, 5 species and is distributed along the western coast of the Pacific, from low coastal mountains of eastern and southern Asia to the Phillipines and Papua New Guinea. The first species in the Nageiaceae was described as an angiosperm, Myrica nagi Thunb. (1784), but it was soon recognized to be a gymnosperm belonging to a new genus, and was renamed as Nageia japonica Gaert. (1788). The generic name, Nageia, however, has seldom been used, and the members of Nageia have generally been treated as an isolated section of Podocarpus in the Podocarpaceae. When revising the Podocarpaceae, De Laubenfels (1969) established a new genus Decussocarpus based on Nageia, but several years later (1987) he revived the old generic name, Nageia. Page ( 1988,1990)considered Nageia to be a valid generic name and redefined it as a natural genus. The distinctive,broadly lanceolate, multinerved leaves (without costae) of Nageia are rather unusual in gymnosperms,only being similar to those of Agathis in the Araucariaceae, their leaves are also similar to each other in anatomy. For example, there are many single vascular bundles arranged parallelly, between which occur sclerenchyma cells in the mesophyll. Apparently,leaves in Nageia are rather similar both externally and internally to paleogymnosperm cordaitean leaves, and sclerenchyma cells found in Nageia might be the remains of straps between veins in cordaitean leaves. In addition to leaf characters, the large and nearly round pith of the young shoot in Nageia appears to be a reminiscent of the large pith in cordaitean stem. The female reproductive organs (female strobili ) in Nageia are shoot-like. The female strobilus has a sterile terminal bud, and several opposite or subopposite sterile scaly bracts on its axis; two opposite megasporophylls are found near the axis apex and both have an anatropous ovule which is almost entirely covered by the megasporophyll; a bract is partly adnate to the lower back of the megasporophyll;mature arillate seeds are 1-2 or occasionally 3 in number; the axis becomes woody when the seeds mature, but in some species (N. wallichiana) the upper part of the axis becomes fleshy (in the shape of a receptacle), in which no distinct boundary was found between the fleshy receptacle and the woody part, and both have the same scaly bracts or traces. Many characters in Nageia are distinctly different from those in Podocarpus. Leaves in the Podocarpaceae have distinct midribs; in Podocarpus, the reproductive organ, which was generally thought to be similar to that in Nageia, has no terminal bud, and its bract is entirely free from the lower back of the megasporophyll, the fleshy receptacle is derived from both the axis and the sterile bracts (except the lowest two), and the female strobilus at the seed stage has a secondary stalk. The multinerved leaf in Nageia can rarely be found in most of the living gymnosperms except in some rather isolated groups, such as Araucariaceae, Ephedraceae,Ginkgoaceae and Welwitschiaceae. Paleobotanical evidence shows that multinerved leaves have been found in all of the geological ages from the Paleozoic to the present, and such a shoot-like female reproductive organ as in Nageia was found in some paleogymnosperms. It is very difficult to determine the systematic positions of these fossil plants because of lacks adequate material of reproductive organs or even lack of complete vegetative organs. The vascular system and leaf characters of gymnosperms are considered to be very conservative, and the fact that the common leaf shape and venation exist in both fossil and living gymnosperms could imply that there exists a multinerved-leaved evolutionary line ( M-line ) in gymnosperms, which could be traced back to the paleogymnosperm cordaitean plants or even older ones with multinerved leaves. The different types of the female strobili (female reproductive organs) of living gymnosperms, regardless of having one or only several seeds without a typical cone or many seeds with a cone, might have been derived from shoot-like or spikelike female reproductive organs possessed by their common ancestor.The fossil eviden ce shows that the typical cone similar to those of living gymnosperms first appeared in the Jurassic, much later than the single-seeded fossil plant without cones. The seed fossil appeared in the late Devonian Period. It is very difficult to infer the relationships among living gymnosperms, which are hardly derived from one another. But an analysis of the strobili, including the axis structure and position, number, morphology and degree of adnation of the phyllomes on them, would be helpful to the study of their phylogeny. It is evident, therefore, that the gymnosperms with leaves having a midrib might also have a rather long evolutionary course,but no transition between the midrib and multinerved patterns of leaf venation has so far been found in both living and fossil plants. Finally, it is noteworthy that the Nageiaceae are distributed along the western coast of the Pacific, where many primitive representatives, both in gymnosperms and angiosperms, still survive. This would be advantageous to the consideration of Nageiaceae as a primitive representative, or a descendant of fhe paleogymnos-perm cordaitean plants.  相似文献   

Morphological analyses of seed plant phylogeny agree that Gnetales are the closest living relatives of angiosperms, but some studies indicate that both groups are monophyletic, while others indicate that angiosperms are nested within Gnetales. Molecular analyses of several genes agree that both groups are monophyletic, but differ on whether they are related. Conflicts among morphological trees depend on the interpretation of certain characters; when these are analyzed critically, both groups are found to be monophyletic. Conflicts among molecular trees may reflect the rapid Paleozoic radiation of seed plant lines, aggravated by the long branches leading to extant taxa. Trees in which angiosperms are not related to Gnetales conflict more with the stratigraphic record. Even if molecular data resolve the relationships among living seed plant groups, understanding of the origin of angiosperm organs will require integration of fossil taxa, necessarily using morphology.  相似文献   

The ovuliferous structure of Ginkgo biloba L. has been variously interpreted morphologically. As a result the systematic position and the relationship with other gymnosperms of this ancestral gymnosperm have long been under dispute. In the present paper, a brief survey of the main views as to the nature of the ovuliferous structure is givcn. Based on morphological and teratological data previously reported, a new interpretation is proposed. The essential points are summarized as follows: 1. In morphological essence, a fertile dwarf shoot with some ovuliferous structures in Ginkgo biloba L. might as a whole be nothing but a megasporophyll strobilus (female cone), which is shared actually by all the conifers in the gymnosperms. The fertile dwarf shoot has appearance extremely similar to that of the vegetative dwarf shoot, suggesting that in Ginkgo biloba L. the vegetative organs and the reproductive organs have not been yet well differentiated, and thus its megasporophyll strobilus might represent one of the most primitive compound strobilus types. 2. In Ginkgo biloba, the ovuliferous structure borne in the axil of a scale leaf (sometimes a normal leaf) on the dwarf shoot, together with the scale leaf itself, might be the homogenous organ corresponding to the bract-scale and seed-scale complex of the compound female strobilus of the typical conifers. The complex is a relatively isolated reproductive unit on the strobilus. The normal leaves and the scale leaves on the dwarf shoot might be equivalent to the bract-scales in the typical cones, though the normal leaves still retain the vegetative nature as the foliage leaves on the vegetative shoot. The stalk hearing ovules at its top might be equivalent to a seed-scale of the typical cones. 3. The megasporophyll strobilus in Ginkgo biloba, namely a whole fertile dwarf shoot as mentioned above, seems to show much more primitive characteristics than those of typical conifers. In this plant it is very difficult to distinguish the fertile dwarf shoot from the common vegetative dwarf shoot before reproduction time. Moreover, its megasporophyll strobilus often exhibits more atavistic abnormalities than those of other conifers. All the evidence indicates that the primitive ancestor of conifers might have had the fertile organs which might be of basically identical morphology as vegetative shoots, except that in the fertile organs there might exist numerous fertile leaves bearing one or many ovules. 4. The longer stalk of the ovuliferous structure in Ginkgo biloba might have come from mainly a secondary elongation growth of the seed scale, and only a little part of it might be the remains of the original shoot. The fork structure bearing ovules at the top of the stalk might be the rudementary part of the petioles of the only two extremely reduced megasporophylls. The collar around the base of the ovule might be a secondary protective structure. 5. A correct morphological interpretation of the female strobilus in Ginkgo biloba is doubtless of important significance for our better understanding of the evolution of the female reproductive organs in conifers. According to our interpretation mentioned above, together with the concept of the bractscale and seed-scale complex proposed in the present paper, which is mainly based on the concept of the seed-scale complex propose by Florin, here we put forward an evolutionary theory of the bract-scale and seed-scale complex. According to this theory, the female reproductive organs of the ancestral conifers should be very similar, as mentioned above, to the sterile foliage shoot except that the former might have some fertile leaves which could produce ovules at reproduction time. This ancestral female reproductive organ type might have had evolved towards two directions and thus formed two main evolutionary lines. One is represented by the genus Cycas and we may call it the Cycas Evolutionary Line (C-line), in which the megasporophyll strobilus is monopodial, with the fertile leaves and sterile bracts occurring directly on the main axis. The Cycadaceae is the only living gymnosperm member along this evolutionary line. The second line is represented by all the conifers including Ginkgo, which all have the structure of the bract-scale and seed-scale complex, and thus we called it the "Bract-scale and Seed-scale Complex Evolutionary Line" (BS-line). The members along this line have multipodial female strobilus, i.e. compound strobilus. On the main axis occur some sterile vegetative bracts. In the axils of some or most of the bracts occur the seed-scales. The seed-scales are actually the remains of the extremely, or smetimes completely reduced fertile shoots. Each part of the bractt-scale and seed-scale complex and the main axis of the strobilus could have undergone independent or correlated changes, and thus have had formed various types of strobilus which are found in the living conifers. 6. Our theory on the evolution of the bract-scale and seed-scale complex seems to support the division of all the gymnosperms into two major groups as proposed by Chamberlain, and is also in favour of the placement of Ginkgo biloba into the conifers as the most primitive member along BS-line. 7. Based on their similar morphological characters, it can be considered that Ginkgo biloba might have close relationships with the Nageiaceae, Ephedraceae, Welwitschiaceae and Araucariaceae. All these groups have multinerved leaves without costa. These living gymnosperms might have a more direct relationship withthe ancestral cordaites.  相似文献   

Class B floral homeotic genes play a key role in specifying the identity of male reproductive organs (stamens) and petals during the development of flowers. Recently, close relatives (orthologues) of these genes have been found in diverse gymnosperms, the sister group of the flowering plants (angiosperms). The fact that such genes have not been found so far, despite considerable efforts, in mosses, ferns or algae, has been taken as evidence to suggest that B genes originated 300–400 million years ago in a lineage that led to extant seed plants. Gymnosperms do not develop petals, and their male reproductive organs deviate considerably from angiosperm stamens. So what is the function of gymnosperm B genes? Recent experiments revealed that B genes from diverse extant gymnosperms are exclusively expressed in male reproductive organs (microsporophylls). At least for some of these genes it has been shown that they can partially substitute for the Arabidopsis B genes AP3 and PI in ectopic expression experiments, or even partially substitute these genes in different class B floral organ identity gene mutants. This functional complementation, however, is restricted to male organ development. These findings strongly suggest that gymnosperm and angiosperm B genes have highly related interaction partners and equivalent functions in the male organs of their different host species. It seems likely that in extant gymnosperms B genes have a function in specifying male reproductive organs. This function was probably established already in the most recent common ancestor of extant gymnosperms and angiosperms (seed plants) 300 million years ago and thus represents the ancestral function of seed plant B genes, from which other functions (e.g., in specifying petal identity) might have been derived. This suggests that the B gene function is part of an ancestral sex determination system in which B gene expression specifies male reproductive organ development, while the absence of B gene expression leads to the formation of female reproductive organs. Such a simple switch mechanism suggests that B genes might have played a central role during the origin of flowers. In the out-of-male and out-of-female hypotheses changes in B gene expression led to the origin of hermaphroditic flower precursors out of male or female gymnosperm reproductive cones, respectively. We compare these hypotheses with other recent molecular hypotheses on the origin of flowers, in which C/D and FLORICAULA/LEAFY-like genes is given a more prominent role, and we suggest how these hypotheses might be tested in the future.  相似文献   

The discovery of a second fertilization event that initiates endosperm in flowering plants, just over a century ago, stimulated intense interest in the evolutionary history and homology of endosperm, the genetically biparental embryo-nourishing tissue that is found only in angiosperms. Two alternative hypotheses for the origin of double fertilization and endosperm have been invoked to explain the origin of the angiosperm reproductive syndrome from a typical non-flowering seed plant reproductive syndrome. Endosperm may have arisen from a developmental transformation of a supernumerary embryo derived from a rudimentary second fertilization event that first evolved in the ancestors of angiosperms (endosperm homologous with an embryo). Conversely, endosperm may represent the developmental transformation of the cellular phase of non-flowering seed plant female gametophyte ontogeny that was later sexualized by the addition of a second fertilization event in a strongly progenetic female gametophyte (endosperm homologous with a female gametophyte). For the first time, explicit developmental and evolutionary transitions for both of these hypotheses are examined and compared. In addition, current data that may be congruent with either of these hypotheses are discussed. It is clear that much remains to be accomplished if the evolutionary significance of the process of double fertilization and the formation of endosperm is to be fully understood.  相似文献   

We present a numerical cladistic (parsimony) analysis of seed plants plus progymnosperms, using characters from all parts of the plant body, outgroup comparison, and a method of character coding that avoids biases for or against alternative morphological theories. The robustness of the results was tested by construction of alternative trees and analysis of subsets of the data. These experiments show that although some clades are strongly supported, they can often be related to each other in very different but nearly equally parsimonious ways, apparently because of extensive homoplasy. Our results support Rothwell’s idea that coniferopsids are derived fromCallistophyton- like platyspermic seed ferns with saccate pollen, but the hypothesis that they evolved fromArchaeopteris- like progymnosperms and the seed arose twice is nearly as parsimonious. Meyen’s division of seed plants into radiospermic and primarily and secondarily platyspermic lines is highly unparsimonious, but his suggestion that ginkgos are related to peltasperms deserves attention. Angiosperms belong among the platyspermic groups, as the sister group of Bennettitales,Pentoxylon, and Gnetales, and this “anthophyte” clade is best related toCaytonia and glossopterids, although relationships with other combinations of Mesozoic seed fern taxa are nearly as parsimonious. These results imply that the angiosperm carpel can be interpreted as a modified pinnate sporophyll bearing anatropous cupules (=bitegmic ovules), while gnetalian strobili are best interpreted as aggregations of highly reduced bennettitalian flowers, as anticipated by Arber and Parkin and Crane. Our most parsimonious trees imply that the angiosperm line (though not necessarily all its modern features) extended back to the Triassic, but a later derivation of angiosperms from some species ofCaytonia or Bennettitales, which would be nearly as parsimonious, should also be considered. These results raise the possibility that many features considered key adaptations in the origin and rise of angiosperms (insectpollinated flowers, rapid reproduction, drought tolerance) were actually inherited from their gymnospermous precursors. The explosive diversification of angiosperms may instead have been a consequence of carpel closure, resulting in increased speciation rates due to potential for stigmatic isolating mechanisms and/or new means of dispersal. DNA sequencing of extant plants and better information on anatomy, chemistry, sporophyll morphology, and embryology of Bennettitales and Caytoniales and the morphological diversity of Mesozoic anthophytes could provide critical tests of relationships.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe the first anatomically preserved Mesozoic seed fern cupule–Petriellaea. The multiovulate cupules were produced singly at the end of a short dichotomizing axis. Cupules are bilateral with a dorsal groove and transverse narrow ventral opening. The vascular system of the cupule consists of a series of traces that extend up the dorsal surface of the cupule and down the ventral face. Ovules are orthotropus, sessile, and borne on the adaxial surface of the leaflike cupule either singly or in multiple rows. They are up to 1.5 mm long, triangular in transverse section, and characterized by a multilayered integument. Nucellus and integument are fused throughout their length, but no pollen chamber is present. In the chalaza is a small vascular disc of transfusion tracheids that represents the extent of the ovule vascular system. Ovules are interpreted as being fossilized at a prepollination stage, although a few possess some evidence of a cellularized megagametophyte. These permineralized cupules indicate that in at least one Mesozoic seed fern group, ovule enclosure resulted from the transverse folding (tip to petiole) of a megasporophyll bearing adaxial ovules. Cupule morphology and ovule enclosure in other Late Paleozoic and Mesozoic seed ferns is discussed.  相似文献   

The claim of monophyletic origin of angiosperms arose from the confusion of phylogenetic and taxonomic concepts. Unpreconceived studies of extant angiosperms point to more than one archetype. Several lines of angiosperms have simultaneously entered the fossil record; the monocotyledons, proto-Hamamelidales, proto-Laurales and “proteophylls” (possibly ancestral to the Rosidae) are recognized among them. Three groups of Mesozoic seed plants — the Caytoniales, Czekanowskiales and Dirhopalostachyaceae — are distinguished as major sources of angiosperm characters (proangiosperms). Other Mesozoic lineages probably also contributed to the angiosperm character pool. Angiospermization is related to Mammalization and other processes involved in development of the Cenozoic lithosphere and biosphere.  相似文献   

The specification of floral organ identity during development depends on the function of a limited number of homeotic genes grouped into three classes: A, B, and C. Pairs of paralogous B class genes, such as DEF and GLO in Antirrhinum, and AP3 and PI in Arabidopsis, are required for establishing petal and stamen identity. To gain a better understanding of the evolutionary origin of petals and stamens, we have looked for orthologs of B class genes in conifers. Here we report cDNA cloning of PrDGL (Pinus radiata DEF/GLO-like gene) from radiata pine. We provide phylogenetic evidence that PrDGL is closely related to both DEF- and GLO-like genes of angiosperms, and is thus among the first putative orthologs of floral homeotic B function genes ever reported from a gymnosperm. Expression of PrDGL is restricted to the pollen strobili (male cones) and was not detected in female cones. PrDGL expression was first detected in emergent male cone primordia and persisted through the early stages of pollen cone bud differentiation. Based on the results of our phylogeny reconstructions and expression studies, we suggest that PrDGL could play a role in distinguishing between male (where expression is on) and female reproductive structures (where expression is off) in radiata pine. We speculate that this could be the general function of DEF/GLO-like genes in gymnosperms that may have been recruited for the distinction between stamens and carpels, the male and female reproductive organs of flowering plants, during the evolution of angiosperms out of gymnosperm-like ancestors.  相似文献   

A new Triassic corystosperm is described from the Shackleton Glacier region of Antarctica. The compression fossils include cupulate organs (Umkomasia uniramia) and leaves (Dicroidium odontopteroides) attached to short shoot-bearing branches. The cupulate organs occur in groups near the apices of the short shoots, and each consists of a single axis with a pair of bracts and a subapical whorl of five to eight ovoid cupules. This unique architecture indicates that the cupules are individual megasporophylls rather than leaflets of a compound megasporophyll. A branch bearing an attached D. odontopteroides leaf provides the first unequivocal evidence that Umkomasia cupulate organs and Dicroidium leaves were produced by the same plants. Although this had previously been assumed based on organ associations, the new specimens are important in demonstrating that a single species of corystosperm produced the unique cupulate organs described here and the geographically and stratigraphically widespread and common D. odontopteroides leaf. Therefore, biostratigraphic, paleoecological, and phylogenetic studies that treat Dicroidium leaf morphospecies as proxies for biological species of entire plants should be reconsidered. Phylogenetic analysis suggests that the corystosperm cupule is an unlikely homologue for the angiosperm carpel or outer integument.  相似文献   

Angiosperms and gymnosperms are two well-separated groups in seed plants according to the current understanding. The huge gap between these two groups constitutes a serious threat against the Darwinism, which expects a continuous transitional series between them. The Lower Cretaceous Yixian Formation of Liaoning, China is famous for its megafossil angiosperms, including some early angiosperms and putative gnetalean plants. Here we document another Ephedra-like fossil plant, Pseudoephedra n. gen. n. sp., from the Yixian Formation on the basis of light microscopic (LM) and scanning electron microscopic (SEM) observations. Although its general morphology demonstrates a great resemblance to Ephedra, the expected micropylar tube characteristic of Ephedra is missing in Pseudoephedra. Instead a solid projection is seen on the top of the female parts. Such a puzzling character combination makes Pseudoephedra perplexing in seed plant phylogeny. If put in Ephedraceae (Gnetales), Pseudoephedra would destroy the only synapomorphy (micropylar tube) of the BEG clade. If put in angiosperms, Pseudoephedra would bridge the formerly huge gap between gymnosperms and angiosperms. Apparently, further investigation is needed to clarify the uncertain position of Pseudoephedra.  相似文献   

Spatial separation between sexes within hermaphrodite flowers (herkogamy) is widespread among angiosperms and is traditionally viewed as an adaptation that reduces the likelihood of self-pollination. While different degrees of herkogamy have been reported for Crocus, the relationship between sexual organ positions and reproductive fitness has not been explored yet, and studies of the breeding system within natural populations remain scarce within the genus. We analyzed the effects of different breeding systems (spontaneous self-pollination, facilitated self-pollination and cross-pollination) and of herkogamy degree on female reproductive success of the Tuscan endemic Crocus etruscus. Results showed that C. etruscus is monomorphic for style length and self-incompatible (SCI = 0.29). We also detected a significant negative effect of herkogamy on seed set of open-pollinated flowers. Thus, we conclude that the species avoids self-fertilization by self-incompatibility, but interestingly shows also a certain degree of spatial separation of male and female reproductive structures within the same flower. This floral trait could be useful to avoid self-interference thus reducing ovule discounting and pollen loss on its own stigma.  相似文献   

Wood density is an important trait in trees indicative of their life history and mechanical and physiological strategies. The following examines the evolutionary ecology of wood density using a large database for seed plants. In particular, we focused on the geographic and phylogenetic variation in wood density for both gymnosperms and angiosperms. A phylogenetic supertree was constructed for over 4600 taxa, allowing for comprehensive analyses of divergences across the seed plant phylogeny. Community-wide means and variances for wood densities were quantified for 171 standardized forest communities. Wood density was generally highly conserved across the entire seed plant phylogeny, yet large divergences were found within the rosid clade. Geographic and community variation in wood density, however, was significantly lower in temperate and high elevation communities, dominated by gymnosperms, than in tropical lowland communities, dominated by angiosperms, suggesting an increase in trait and, to some extent, clade filtering with latitude and elevation. Together, our results support the notion that both biotic and abiotic forces have been important in the evolution of wood density as well as in controlling the observed trait mean and variance across geographic gradients.  相似文献   

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