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Liver lesions in hepatitis B viral infection   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A review is made of the various histological lesions observed in hepatitis B virus-related liver diseases, including different forms of acute and chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, and hepatocellular carcinoma. The elementary lesions discussed include acidophil necrosis (apoptosis), confluent lytic necrosis in its different patterns, piecemeal necrosis, focal necrosis, and dysplastic hepatocytes. Their pathogenesis is explained in the framework of recent developments in the immunopathology of hepatitis B viral infections.  相似文献   

Of many viral causes of human cancer, few are of greater global importance than the hepatitis B virus (HBV). Over 250 million people worldwide are persistently infected with HBV. A significant minority of these develop severe pathologic consequences, including chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Earlier epidemiological evidence suggested a link between chronic HBV infection and HCC. Further, the existence of related animal viruses that induce acute and chronic infections of the liver, and eventually HCC, confirms the concept that HBV belongs to one of the few human oncogenic viruses. Although it is clear that chronic HBV infections are major risk factors, relatively little is understood about how the viral factors contribute to hepatocarcinogenesis. This review will introduce molecular aspects of the viral infection, and highlight recent findings on the viral contribution to hepatocarcinogenesis.  相似文献   

The susceptibility of the tree shrew Tupaia belangeri to human hepatitis B virus (HBV) has been demonstrated both in vivo and in vitro. In this study, we show that purified HBV infects primary T. belangeri hepatocyte cultures in a very specific manner, as detected by HBV covalently closed circular DNA, mRNA, HBV e antigen, and HBsAg production. A monoclonal antibody (MAb), MA18/7, directed against the pre-S1 domain of the large HBs protein, which has been shown to neutralize infectivity of HBV for primary human hepatocytes, also blocked infection of primary Tupaia hepatocytes. MAbs against the pre-S2 domain of HBs inhibited infection only partially, whereas an S MAb and polyvalent anti-HBs antibodies neutralized infection completely. Thus, both pre-S1 and S antigens are necessary for infection in the tupaia. Using subviral particles, >70% of primary Tupaia hepatocytes are capable of specific binding of pre-S1-rich HBsAg, showing localization in distinct membrane areas. The data show that the early steps of HBV infection in Tupaia hepatocyte cultures are comparable to those in the human system.  相似文献   

Monthly fluctuations in the number of registered cases of acute viral hepatitis B and HBsAg carriership have been studied. The study has revealed that, similarly to other infectious diseases, viral hepatitis is characterized by monthly fluctuations in the intensity of the epidemic process. Such fluctuations are characteristic of all known clinical forms of this infection; they are determined by the specific pathogenetic features of the process and by the ways of the transfer of the virus. The vernal rise of the infection is explained by activation of the manifest and asymptomatic chronic variants of the infectious process and, as the consequence of a rise in the number of asymptomatic cases, by a higher incidence rate of post-transfusion hepatitis infection. The autumnal rise of the infection results from the action of natural factors contributing to the transfer of the virus. Both rises are interrelated and interdependent. The seasonal fluctuations of the epidemic process should be taken into consideration when planning and implementing prophylactic and epidemic-control measures.  相似文献   

Worldwide, viral hepatitis chronic infections are a serious health problem and a very interesting topic for both clinicians and researchers. Viral hepatitis has a variety of clinical forms: mild, inactive or severe and with a slow evolution, whose architectural structure of the hepatic tissue evolves towards cirrhosis or hepatocellular carcinoma. Sometimes, the virally induced hepatic injury evolves spectacularly and rapidly leads to exitus. The factors that generate this evolution pattern depend on the immune response of the host and equally on the viral survival and immune surveillance avoidance strategies. This paper aims to resume new discoveries in the field of immunology of the B and C viral hepatitis infection, from the perspective of the complex interactions between virus and host.  相似文献   

Rich dynamics of a ratio-dependent one-prey two-predators model   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The objective of this paper is to systematically study the qualitative properties of a ratio-dependent one-prey two-predator model. We show that the dynamics outcome of the interactions are very sensitive to parameter values and initial data. Specifically, we show the interactions can lead to all the following possible outcomes: 1) competitive exclusion; 2) total extinction, i.e., collapse of the whole system; 3) coexistence in the form of positive steady state; 4) coexistence in the form of oscillatory solutions; and 5) introducing a friendly and better competitor can save a otherwise doomed prey species. These results reveal far richer dynamics compared to similar prey dependent models. Biological implications of these results are discussed. Received: 14 November 2000 / Revised version: 18 February 2001 / Published online: 19 September 2001  相似文献   

Duck hepatitis B virus (DHBV) obtained from the serum of congenitally infected ducks was used to infect primary duck hepatocyte cultures 1 to 4 days after plating. Virus replication was demonstrated by the appearance, beginning at 2 days after infection, of intracellular covalently closed-circular and single-stranded DHBV DNA replicative intermediates which were not present in the inoculating virus preparation. With increasing time after infection there was further amplification of intracellular relaxed circular, covalently closed-circular, and single-stranded DHBV DNA. Cultures of primary duck hepatocytes are competent for infection with DHBV only during the first 4 days of culture. Synthesis of DHBV core antigen and DHBV surface antigen was detected by immunofluorescence in 10% of the hepatocytes in culture. De novo synthesis and release of infectious virus was also demonstrated. Therefore, all stages of viral replication were carried out by these experimentally infected primary hepatocyte cultures. This system makes it possible to study DHBV replication in vitro.  相似文献   

The existing models of hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection dynamics are based on the assumption that the populations of viruses and cells are uniformly mixed. However, the real virus infection system is actually not homogeneous and some spatial factors might play a nontrivial role in governing the development of HBV infection and its outcome. For instance, the localized populations of dead cells might adversely affect the spread of infection. To consider this kind of inhomogeneous feature, a simple 2D (dimensional) probability Cellular Automaton model was introduced to study the dynamic process of HBV infection. The model took into account the existence of different types of HBV infectious and non-infectious particles. The simulation results thus obtained showed that the Cellular Automaton model could successfully account for some important features of the disease, such as its wide variety in manifestation and its age dependency. Meanwhile, the effects of the model's parameters on the dynamical process of the infection were also investigated. It is anticipated that the Cellular Automaton model may be extended to serve as a useful vehicle for studying, among many other complicated dynamic biological systems, various persistent infections with replicating parasites.  相似文献   

We formulate and systematically study the global dynamics of a simple model of hepatitis B virus in terms of delay differential equations. This model has two important and novel features compared to the well-known basic virus model in the literature. Specifically, it makes use of the more realistic standard incidence function and explicitly incorporates a time delay in virus production. As a result, the infection reproduction number is no longer dependent on the patient liver size (number of initial healthy liver cells). For this model, the existence and the component values of the endemic steady state are explicitly dependent on the time delay. In certain biologically interesting limiting scenarios, a globally attractive endemic equilibrium can exist regardless of the time delay length.  相似文献   

Dynamic observation on 126 foci of infection formed by patients with manifest forms of chronic hepatitis B, 41 foci of chronic hepatitis of unknown etiology, and 37 foci formed by chronic "healthy" carriers was made. In the foci of type 1 the epidemic process developed intensively and was manifested mainly by HBsAg carriership in persons having had contacts with the patients. During the period of observation 43.0% of new cases of infection were detected. In the foci of types 2 and 3 the frequency of contacting infection was not different from that in the control group of the population.  相似文献   

The current paradigm for modeling viral kinetics and resistance evolution after treatment initiation considers only the level of circulating virus and cellular infection (CI model), while the intra-cellular level is disregarded. This model was successfully used to explain HIV dynamics and Hepatitis C virus (HCV) dynamics during interferon-based therapy. However, in the new era of direct-acting antiviral agents (DAAs) against HCV, viral kinetics is characterized by a more rapid decline of the wild-type virus as well as an early emergence of resistant strains that jeopardize the treatment outcome. Although the CI model can be extended to describe these new kinetic patterns, this approach has qualitative and quantitative limitations. Instead, we suggest that a more appropriate approach would consider viral dynamics at the cell infection level, as done currently, as well as at the intracellular level. Indeed, whereas in HIV integrated DNA serves as a static replication unit and mutations occur only once per infected cell, HCV replication is deeply affected by DAAs and furthermore processes of resistance evolution can occur at the intra-cellular level with a faster time-scale.We propose a comprehensive model of HCV dynamics that considers both extracellular and intracellular levels of infection (ICCI model). Intracellular viral genomic units are used to form replication units, which in turn synthesize genomic units that are packaged and secreted as virions infecting more target cells. Resistance evolution is modeled intra-cellularly, by different genomic- and replication-unit strains with particular relative-fitness and drug sensitivity properties, allowing for a rapid resistance takeover.Using the ICCI model, we show that the rapid decline of wild-type virus results from the ability of DAAs to destabilize the intracellular replication. On the other hand, this ability also favors the rapid emergence, intracellularly, of resistant virus. By considering the interaction between intracellular and extracellular infection we show that resistant virus, able to maintain a high level of intracellular replication, may nevertheless be unable to maintain rapid enough de novo infection rate at the extracellular level. Hence this model predicts that in HCV, and contrary to our experience with HIV, the emergence of productively resistant virus may not systematically prevent from a viral decline in the long-term. Thus, the ICCI model can explain the transient viral rebounds observed with DAA treatment as well as the viral resistance found in most patients with viral relapse at the end of DAA combination therapy.  相似文献   

Hepatitis B virus infection is associated with hepatocellular carcinoma, claiming 1 million lives annually worldwide. To understand the carcinogenic mechanism of hepatitis B virus-encoded oncoprotein HBx, we explored the function of HBx interaction with its cellular target HBXIP. Previously, we demonstrated that viral HBx and cellular HBXIP control mitotic spindle formation, regulating centrosome splitting. By using various fragments of HBx, we determined that residues (137)CRHK(140) within HBx are necessary for binding HBXIP. Mutation of the (137)CRHK(140) motif in HBx abolished its ability to bind HBXIP and to dysregulate centrosome dynamics in HeLa and immortal diploid RPE-1 cells. Unlike wild-type HBx, which targets to centrosomes as determined by subcellular fractionation and immunofluorescence microscopy, HBx mutants failed to localize to centrosomes. Overexpression of viral HBx wild-type protein and knockdown of endogenous HBXIP altered centrosome assembly and induced modifications of pericentrin and centrin-2, two essential proteins required for centrosome formation and function, whereas HBXIP nonbinding mutants of HBx did not. Overexpression of HBXIP or fragments of HBXIP that bind HBx neutralized the effects of viral HBx on centrosome dynamics and spindle formation. These results suggest that HBXIP is a critical target of viral HBx for promoting genetic instability through formation of defective spindles and subsequent aberrant chromosome segregation.  相似文献   

We propose an integrative, mechanistic model that integrates in vitro virology data, pharmacokinetics, and viral response to a combination regimen of a direct-acting antiviral (telaprevir, an HCV NS3-4A protease inhibitor) and peginterferon alfa-2a/ribavirin (PR) in patients with genotype 1 chronic hepatitis C (CHC). This model, which was parameterized with on-treatment data from early phase clinical studies in treatment-naïve patients, prospectively predicted sustained virologic response (SVR) rates that were comparable to observed rates in subsequent clinical trials of regimens with different treatment durations in treatment-naïve and treatment-experienced populations. The model explains the clinically-observed responses, taking into account the IC50, fitness, and prevalence prior to treatment of viral resistant variants and patient diversity in treatment responses, which result in different eradication times of each variant. The proposed model provides a framework to optimize treatment strategies and to integrate multifaceted mechanistic information and give insight into novel CHC treatments that include direct-acting antiviral agents.  相似文献   

Cholestasis, an impairment of bile outflux, frequently occurs in liver diseases. In this process, an overaccumulation of bile acids causes hepatocyte necrosis and apoptosis, leading to advanced hepatitis. Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) is mitogenic toward hepatocytes, but it is still unclear whether HGF has physiological and therapeutic functions during the progression of cholestasis. Using anti-HGF IgG or recombinant HGF in mice that had undergone bile duct ligation (BDL), we investigated the involvement of HGF in cholestasis-induced hepatitis. After the BDL surgery, HGF and c-Met mRNA levels transiently increased in livers during the progression of cholestatic hepatitis. When c-Met tyrosine phosphorylation was blocked in the livers of BDL-treated mice by anti-HGF IgG, hepatic dysfunction became evident, associated with the acceleration of hepatocyte necrosis and apoptosis. Inversely, administration of recombinant HGF into the mice led to the prevention of cholestasis-induced inflammation: HGF suppressed the hepatic expression of intracellular adhesion molecule-1 and neutrophil infiltration in BDL-treated mice. As a result, parenchymal necrosis was suppressed in the HGF-injected BDL mice. In addition, HGF supplement therapy reduced the number of apoptotic hepatocytes in cholestatic mice, associated with the early induction of Bcl-xL. The administration of HGF enhanced hepatic repair, via accelerating G1/S progression in hepatocytes. Our study showed that 1) upregulation of HGF production is required for protective mechanisms against cholestatic hepatitis and 2) enhancement of the intrinsic defense system by adding HGF may be a reasonable strategy to attenuate hepatic inflammation, necrosis, and apoptosis under bile-congestive conditions.  相似文献   

Viral hepatitis A is still common in Italy, especially in Southern regions. In this study, a metapopulation model for hepatitis A virus (HAV) transmission is proposed and analyzed. Analytical results on the asymptotic and transient behaviors of the system are carried out. Based on the available Italian movement data, a national spatial contact matrix at the regional level, which could be used for new studies on the transmission dynamics of other infectious diseases, is derived for modeling fluxes of individuals. Despite the small number of fitted parameters, model simulations are in good agreement with the observed average HAV incidence in all regions. Our results suggest that the mass vaccination program introduced in one Italian region only (Puglia, the one with the highest endemicity level) could have played a role in the decline of HAV incidence in the country as a whole. The only notable exception is represented by Campania, a Southern region showing a high endemicity level, which is not substantially affected by HAV dynamics in Puglia. Finally, our results highlight that the continuation of the vaccination campaign in Puglia would have a relevant impact in decreasing long-term HAV prevalence, especially in Southern Italy.  相似文献   

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