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Anolis lizards in the Greater Antilles are thought to have diversified through natural selection on body size and shape, presumably due to interspecific competition and variation in locomotor performance. Here we measure natural selection on body size over three years and across seven replicate populations of the brown anole, A. sagrei. We experimentally manipulated an important component of the environment (population density) on several small islands to test the role of density in driving natural selection. Results indicate that the strength of natural selection was proportional to population density (r2 = 0.81), and favored larger body sizes at higher density, presumably owing to the enhanced competitive ability afforded by large size. Changes in the distribution of body size by selective releases of lizards to islands show that this effect did not arise by pure density dependence, since smaller individuals were disproportionately selected against at higher densities. We measured significant broad sense heritability for body size in the laboratory (h2 = 0.55) indicating that selection in the wild could have an evolutionary response. Our results suggest an important effect of population density on natural selection in Anolis lizards.  相似文献   

Natural selection is an important driver of microevolution. Yet, despite significant theoretical debate, we still have a poor understanding of how selection operates on interacting traits (i.e., morphology, performance, habitat use). Locomotor performance is often assumed to impact survival because of its key role in foraging, predator escape, and social interactions, and shows strong links with morphology and habitat use within and among species. In particular, decades of study suggest, but have not yet demonstrated, that natural selection on locomotor performance has shaped the diversification of Anolis lizards in the Greater Antilles. Here, we estimate natural selection on sprinting speed and endurance in small replicate island populations of Anolis sagrei. Consistent with past correlational studies, long-limbed lizards ran faster on broad surfaces but also had increased sprint sensitivity on narrow surfaces. Moreover, performance differences were adaptive in the wild. Selection favored long-limbed lizards that were fast on broad surfaces, and preferred broad substrates in nature, and also short-limbed lizards that were less sprint sensitive on narrow surfaces, and preferred narrow perches in nature. This finding is unique in showing that selection does not act on performance alone, but rather on unique combinations of performance, morphology, and habitat use. Our results support the long-standing hypothesis that correlated selection on locomotor performance, morphology, and habitat use drives the evolution of ecomorphological correlations within Caribbean Anolis lizards, potentially providing a microevolutionary mechanism for their remarkable adaptive radiation.  相似文献   

Long-term monitoring of life-history traits and the effects of density upon them were studied in an island population of the lizardEumeces okadae. Although life-history traits such as clutch size, egg size and the proportion of mature reproductive females varied little over 7 years in the intact population, manipulation of density to simulate decreased population density enhanced juvenile growth rate, age at first reproduction, frequency of female reproduction and size-specific clutch mass. In particular, the proportion of mature females reproducing annually increased almost 10 times from 5.6% to 53.8% after the removal of some lizards. However, body size at first reproduction and egg size were almost identical under both high and low density conditions. This study suggests that there were strong density-dependent effects on several life-history traits and thatE. okadae attained a density close to the carrying capacity of the environment.  相似文献   

Abstract.— Species of Anolis lizards that use broad substrates have long legs, which provide enhanced maximal sprint speed, whereas species that use narrow surfaces have short legs, which permit careful movements. We raised hatchling A. sagrei in terraria provided with only broad or only narrow surfaces. At the end of the experiment, lizards in the broad treatment had relatively longer hindlimbs than lizards in the narrow treatment. These results indicate that not only is hindlimb length a plastic trait in these lizards, but that this plasticity leads to the production of phenotypes appropriate to particular environments. Comparison to hindlimb lengths of other Anolis species indicates that the range of plasticity is limited compared to the diversity shown throughout the anole radiation. Nonetheless, this plasticity potentially could have played an important role in the early stages of the Caribbean anole radiation.  相似文献   

Populations of the Caribbean lizard, Anolis roquet, are thought to have experienced long periods of allopatry before recent secondary contact. To elucidate the effects of past allopatry on population divergence in A. roquet, we surveyed parallel transects across a secondary contact zone in northeastern Martinique. We used diagnostic molecular mitochondrial DNA markers to test fine‐scale association of mitochondrial DNA lineage and geological region, multivariate statistical techniques to explore quantitative trait pattern, and cline fitting techniques to model trait variation across the zone of secondary contact. We found that lineages were strongly associated with geological regions along both transects, but quantitative trait patterns were remarkably different. Patterns of morphological and mitochondrial DNA variation were consistent with a strong barrier to gene flow on the coast, whereas there were no indications of barriers to gene flow in the transitional forest. Hence, the coastal populations behaved as would be predicted by an allopatric model of divergence in this complex, while those in the transitional forest did not, despite the close proximity of the transects and their shared geological history. Patterns of geographical variation in this species complex, together with environmental data, suggest that on balance, selection regimes on either side of the secondary contact zone in the transitional forest may be more convergent, while those either side of the secondary contact zone on the coast are more divergent. Hence, the evolutionary consequences of allopatry may be strongly influenced by local natural selection regimes.  相似文献   

The form of Darwinian selection has important ecological and management implications. Negative effects of harvesting are often ascribed to size truncation (i.e. strictly directional selection against large individuals) and resultant decrease in trait variability, which depresses capacity to buffer environmental change, hinders evolutionary rebound and ultimately impairs population recovery. However, the exact form of harvest-induced selection is generally unknown and the effects of harvest on trait variability remain unexplored. Here we use unique data from the Windermere (UK) long-term ecological experiment to show in a top predator (pike, Esox lucius) that the fishery does not induce size truncation but disruptive (diversifying) selection, and does not decrease but rather increases variability in pike somatic growth rate and size at age. This result is supported by complementary modelling approaches removing the effects of catch selectivity, selection prior to the catch and environmental variation. Therefore, fishing most likely increased genetic variability for somatic growth in pike and presumably favoured an observed rapid evolutionary rebound after fishery relaxation. Inference about the mechanisms through which harvesting negatively affects population numbers and recovery should systematically be based on a measure of the exact form of selection. From a management perspective, disruptive harvesting necessitates combining a preservation of large individuals with moderate exploitation rates, and thus provides a comprehensive tool for sustainable exploitation of natural resources.  相似文献   

Lizards in the genus Anolis have experienced adaptive radiation in the Greater Antilles, producing a suite of species morphologically adapted to use different parts of the environment. In the Lesser Antilles, adaptive radiation has not occurred, but on some islands, interpopulational variation is high and represents adaptation to different habitats. We compared the extent of morphological differentiation among Greater Antillean habitat specialists with that exhibited among populations of two species, Anolis marmoratus and A. oculatus, from the Lesser Antillean islands of Guadeloupe and Dominica. Although extensive, intraspecific divergence in the Lesser Antilles is substantially less in magnitude than the differences among habitat specialists in the Greater Antilles. All populations of A. marmoratus are most similar to Greater Antillean trunk‐crown habitat specialists, but populations of A. oculatus differ in their affinities: some are similar to trunk‐crown anoles, but others are more similar to trunk‐ground habitat specialists.  相似文献   

We investigate how the intensity of competition for resources affects the strength of disruptive selection on a resource acquisition trait. This is done by analyzing several consumer–resource models in which consumers use a linear array of resources. We show that disruptive selection can be diminished under both strong and weak competition, making disruptive selection a unimodal function of the strength of competition. Weak selection under strong competition arises when competition causes the extinction (for self-reproducing resources) or depletion (for abiotic resources) of the most rapidly caught resources. Weak selection under weak competition is a consequence of minimal effects of consumers on resources. The precise relationship between intensity of competition and strength of disruptive selection is sensitive to the shape of the consumer's resource utilization curve and the nature of resource growth. The most strongly unimodal competition–selection relationships result from utilization curves with long tails. Our results show that a simple comparison of the width of the resource abundance distribution and the consumer's utilization function is not sufficient to determine whether selection is disruptive. The results may explain some contradictory experimental findings regarding the effect of consumer mortality on the strength of disruptive selection.  相似文献   

Dispersal is a key component of an organism's life history and differences in dispersal between sexes appear to be widespread in vertebrates. However, most predictions of sex-biased dispersal have been based on observations of social structure in birds and mammals and more data are needed on other taxa to test whether these predictions apply in other organisms. Caribbean anole lizards are important model organisms in various biological disciplines, including evolutionary biology. However, very little is known about their dispersal strategies despite the importance of dispersal for population structure and dynamics. Here we use nine microsatellite markers to assess signatures of sex-biased dispersal on two spatial sampling scales in Anolis roquet, an anole endemic to the island of Martinique. Significantly higher gene diversity (H(S)) and lower mean assignment value (mAIC) was found in males on the larger spatial sampling scale. Significant heterozygote deficit (F(IS)), lower population differentiation (F(ST)), mAIC and variance of assignment index (vAIC) was found in males on the smaller spatial scale. The observation of male biased dispersal conform with expectations based on the polygynous mating system of Anolis roquet, and contributes to an explanation of the contrasting patterns of genetic structure between maternal and biparental markers that have been reported previously in this, and other anoline, species.  相似文献   



Floral traits are frequently under pollinator-mediated selection, especially in taxa subject to strong pollen-limitation, such as those reliant on pollinators. However, antagonists can be agents of selection on floral traits as well. The causes of selection acting on spring ephemerals are understudied though these species can experience particularly strong pollen-limitation. I examined pollinator- and antagonist-mediated selection in a narrowly endemic spring ephemeral, Trillium discolor.


I measured pollen limitation in T. discolor across two years and evaluated its breeding system. I compared selection on floral traits (display height, petal size, petal color, flowering time) between open-pollinated, and pollen-supplemented plants to measure the strength and mode of pollinator-mediated selection. I assessed whether natural levels of antagonism impacted selection on floral traits.


Trillium discolor was self-incompatible and experienced pollen limitation in both years of the study. Pollinators exerted negative disruptive selection on display height and petals size. In one year, pollinator-mediated selection favored lighter petals but in the second year pollinators favored darker petals. Antagonist damage did not alter selection on floral traits.


Results demonstrate that pollinators mediate the strength and mode of selection on floral traits in T. discolor. Interannual variation in the strength, mode, and direction of pollinator-mediated selection on floral traits could be important for maintaining of floral diversity in this system. Observed levels of antagonism were weak agents of selection on floral traits.  相似文献   

Vertebrate developmental biologists typically rely on a limited number of model organisms to understand the evolutionary bases of morphological change. Unfortunately, a typical model system for squamates (lizards and snakes) has not yet been developed leaving many fundamental questions about morphological evolution unaddressed. New model systems would ideally include clades, rather than single species, that are amenable to both laboratory studies of development and field-based analyses of ecology and evolution. Combining an understanding of development with an understanding of ecology and evolution within and between closely related species has the potential to create a seamless understanding of how genetic variation underlies ecologically and evolutionarily relevant variation within populations and between species. Here we briefly introduce a new model system for the integration of development, evolution, and ecology, the lizard genus Anolis, a diverse group of lizards whose ecology and evolution is well understood, and whose genome has recently been sequenced. We present a developmental staging series for Anolis lizards that can act as a baseline for later comparative and experimental studies within this genus.  相似文献   

Recent studies have demonstrated that changes in scale number are correlated with ecological variables such as precipitation, and this suggests that scale number may be under selection to maintain water balance in reptiles. Here, we present new evidence that variation in scale numbers within and among species of Anolis lizards is under ecologically based natural selection. We measured scalation of the brown anole, Anolis sagrei, in two habitat types on each of five islands in the Bahamas. We also measured scalation for 12 species of anole representing six different ecomorphs from the Greater Antilles. Within populations of A. sagrei, scale numbers increased with increasing precipitation and with decreasing temperature in open arid habitats. Variation measured among species of Anolis from the Greater Antilles showed similar patterns with temperature, precipitation, and elevation. Independent contrasts using scale count data indicated that variation in scale number was congruent within and between species, even after accounting for the influence of phylogeny. We measured natural selection (survival to maturity) on scale number in A. sagrei over two different habitat types in the Bahamas. Patterns of natural selection were congruent with the correlational results described. Finally, results from a breeding experiment in the laboratory provide preliminary evidence that variation in scale number is heritable, and suggests a mechanism for generating these correlations. Our results provide new evidence that the diversification of anoles has been shaped by natural selection and that ecologically based selection pressures help explain diversification at both the population and species levels. Co-ordinating editor: M. Klaassen  相似文献   

The Anolis lizards of the eastern Caribbean islands are parasitized by several species of malaria parasites (Plasmodium). Here I focus on two species of Plasmodium, using molecular data (mitochondrial cytochrome b sequences) to recover the phylogeography of the parasites throughout the Lesser Antilles and Puerto Rico. The two parasites were originally described as a single species, P. azurophilum, which infects both red and white blood cells. Here the two species are termed P. azurophilum Red and P. azurophilum White based on their host cell type. Six haplotypes were found in 100 infections sequenced of P. azurophilum Red and six in 45 infections of P. azurophilum White. Nested clade analysis revealed a significant association of geographical location and clades as well as a pattern of past fragmentation of parasite populations. This is consistent with the hypothesis that vector‐borne parasites such as malaria may be subject to frequent local extinctions and recolonizations. Comparison of the phylogeography of the lizard and parasites shows only weak concordance; that is, the parasites colonized the lizards in the islands, but dispersal events between islands via vectors or failed lizard colonizations were present. The two parasites had different histories, P. azurophilum Red colonized the islands from both the north and south, and P. azurophilum White originated in the central Lesser Antilles, probably from P. azurophilum Red, then moved to both north and south. This is the first study to examine the biogeography of a pair of sibling species of vector‐borne parasites within an island archipelago system.  相似文献   

The equilibrium structure of an additive, diallelic multilocus model of a quantitative trait under frequency- and density-dependent selection is derived. The trait is under stabilizing selection and mediates intraspecific competition as induced, for instance, by differential resource utilization. It is assumed that stabilizing selection is weak, but the strength of competition may be arbitrary relative to it. Density dependence is caused by population regulation, which may be of a very general kind. The number and effects of loci are arbitrary, and stabilizing selection is not necessarily symmetric with respect to the range of phenotypic values. All previously studied models of intraspecific competition for a continuum of resources known to the author reduce to a special case of the present model if overall selection is weak. Therefore, in this case our results are applicable as approximations to all these models. Our central result is the (nearly) complete characterization of the equilibrium and stability structure in terms of all parameters. It is derived under the sole assumption that selection is weak enough relative to recombination to ignore linkage disequilibrium. In particular, necessary and sufficient conditions on the strength of competition relative to stabilizing selection are found that ensure the maintenance of multilocus polymorphism and the occurrence of disruptive selection. In this case, explicit formulas for the number of polymorphic loci at equilibrium, the allele frequencies, the genetic variance, and the strength of disruptive selection are obtained. For two loci, the effects of linkage are investigated analytically; for several loci, they are studied numerically.  相似文献   

Anolis lizards from Puerto Rico (five species from one site), Curaçao and Aruba in the southern Caribbean (2 populations), and 22 populations from 14 islands in the eastern Caribbean were surveyed for blood parasites (two species of Plasmodium and haemogregarines). Literature records for gut helminths from nine of these populations were added to the data set. Dorsal body color and dewlap color of males were also observed and classified into objective classes with no subjective view of showiness. These data were used to test the among-species prediction of the Hamilton-Zuk hypothesis which states that species harboring more harmful parasites over their evolutionary history will be more likely to evolve extravagant sexually dimorphic traits. Critics have noted important shortcomings in previous tests of the prediction; here we corrected for these errors. Parasite loads (prevalence and number of species) and dorsal and dewlap color varied substantially among the populations sampled. However, there was no association of parasite load with color either in a broad analysis or when correcting for phylogenetic relationships among the lizard species.  相似文献   

Two general models for the transspecific evolution of butterfly colour patterns are advanced: directional selection acting equally on both sexes, and disruptive selection involving periods of polymorphism. To consider possible outcomes of me latter process, a morphism notation based on an integrated classification for polymorphism and sexual dimorphism is developed. This notation is used to examine the properties of all morphism transformations possible from the minimal expressions of the nine morphism categories, as reached through defined minimum step changes. The significance of such pathway models is analysed in terms of general properties of butterfly polymorphism. The potential use of pathway models in evolutionary studies is briefly discussed, mainly with respect to phylogenetics, and ideas on the evolution of genetic dominance.  相似文献   

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