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Cotyledons of resting kidney beans ( Phaseolus vulgaris , L., cv. "Processor") contain high activities of two alkaline peptidases, an aminopeptidase (EC 3.4.11) acting on Leu-Tyr and Leu-Gly-Gly and a dipeptidase (EC 3.4.13) hydrolysing Ala-Gly together with low activities of neutral naphthyiamidases (marker substrate Leu-β-NA) and of acid carboxypeptidases (EC 3.4.16; marker substrate Z-Phe-Ala). The intracellular localisation of these peptidases and that of α-mannosidase (EC was studied by subcellular fractionations in different media. In density gradient centrifugations in non-aqueous glycerol-potassium iodide media the alkaline peptidases remained mainly in the application zone suggesting localisation in the cytosol. The carboxypeptidase and α-mannosidase activities banded mainly in the protein body zone, but about 15–30% of each activity was found in the cell wall zone. Results obtained by short centrifugation in glycerol or high-density sucrose solutions (65/70%) and by the isolation of essentially pure cell wall fractions confirmed these assignments. The results are in accordance with previous suggestions that the abundant alkaline peptidases may play a role in the mobilization of reserve proteins in germinated seeds by hydrolysing peptides which are produced initially within the protein bodies by acid proteinases and carboxypeptidases and which subsequently leak out or are transported from the autolyzing protein bodies to the cytosol.  相似文献   

A leucine aminopeptidase (EC 3,4,11.1) was purified from cotyledons of resting kidney beans ( Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Processor) by acidic extraction, ammonium sulfate fractionation and chromatography on DEAE-Sephacel, Sephacryl S-300, Mono Q HPLC and Superose HPLC columns. The yield of the 317-fold purified enzyme was 9%. On gel filtrations on Sephacryl S-300 and Superose HPLC the elution volumes of the enzyme corresponded to an M, of 360 000. The enzyme gave one band on native gel electrophoresis and an electrophoretic titration in an immobilized pH gradient gave a single curve with a pI of 4.8. Two bands were observed in an SDS-gel electrophoresis with Mr values of 58 000 and 60 000 both with and without reduction by 2-mercaptoethanol, indicating that subunits of the enzyme are not linked by disulphide bridges. The purified enzyme most rapidly liberated Leu and Ala of the N-termini of di-and oligopeptides, optimally at pH 9.0 ± 0.5. The enzyme was stable in the presence of glycerol, dithiothreitol and Mg2+, while the latter also had an activating effect. Bestatin inhibited the enzyme competitively with Leu-Gly-Gly with a Ki-value of 1.5 nM . These observations indicate that the purified aminopeptidase from the cotyledons of resting kidney beans corresponds to the cytosolic leucine aminopeptidase of mammalian tissues (EC 3.4, 11.1). The high enzyme activity observed suggests that this aminopeptidase has an important role in the production of free amino acids during germination.  相似文献   

The activities of aminopeptidase (EC 3.4.11), dipeptidase (EC 3.4.13), carboxypeptidase (EC 3.4.16), naphthylamidase (EC 3.4.11) and proteinases (EC 3.4.21) were assayed in extracts from the cotyledons and the axial tissues of resting and germinating kidney beans ( Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Processor).
The activities of the alkaline peptidases (aminopeptidase hydrolyzing Leu-Tyr at pH 9.2 and dipeptidase acting on Ala-Gly at pH 8.5) and naphthylamidases (hydrolyzing Leu-β-naphthylamide at pH 6.4) were high in the cotyledons of resting seeds, but decreased during germination. This decrease was faster than the loss of the total nitrogen. On the contrary, the activities of carboxypeptidase (hydrolyzing carbobenzoxy-Phe-Ala at pH 5.9) and proteinases (acting on haemoglobin at pH 3.7 and on casein at pH 5.4 and 7.0) were low in the resting seeds, but increased during germination reaching their maximal values when the mobilization of nitrogen was highest. It has been suggested that the breakdown of storage proteins is initiated inside the protein bodies by acid proteinases and carboxypeptidases. Although the activities of the alkaline peptidases and naphthylamidases decreased during germination, these were still relatively high and enough for the completion of the proteolytic breakdown. Thus, it is suggested that, as a final step in a chain of events, the main role for the alkaline peptidases in the cotyledons of germinating seeds is to provide amino acids for the growth of the seedling.  相似文献   

《Process Biochemistry》2007,42(10):1436-1442
The bioactive properties of lectins obtained from raw and canned red kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) were studied to determine the changes in their bioactivity during the canning process. Phytohaemagglutinin (PHA) was extracted using Affi-gel Blue gel and thyroglobulin-Sepharose and had a molecular weight of 32 kDa. Both the raw and the canned kidney beans possessed the ability to agglutinate red blood cells and inhibit α-glucosidase. The activity found in the canned beans was similar to that from the in the raw kidney beans. However, the amount of lectin that could be extracted from thyroglobulin-Sepharose was much less in the canned samples than in the raw kidney bean samples. The extracted lectin from the raw kidney beans was also subjected to a heating and cooling treatment using a differential scanning calorimeter. The lectin had a nonset denaturation temperature of 77.76 °C and it did not renature upon cooling. In this study, we demonstrated that extracts from raw red kidney bean and canned red kidney bean contain bioactive compounds capable of inhibiting HIV-1 RT in vitro.  相似文献   

Inhibitory activity directed against metalloenzymes has been highly purified from extracts of red kidney beans (Phaseolus vulgaris). The inhibitor is a substance of small molecular weight and appears to be a chelator of Zn2+. One milligram of the preparation inhibited 23 milligrams carboxypeptidase A. The inhibitor also strongly inhibited carboxypeptidase B and alkaline phosphatase and could activate phosphoglucomutase that had previously been inactivated with Zn2+. The isoelectric point of the inhibitor is 4.7. The inhibitor activity was abolished by preincubation with Zn2+, Ni2+, Co2+, or Cu2+. The mechanism of inhibition of carboxypeptidases and alkaline phosphatase by the bean inhibitor is apparently due to the complexing and complete removal of Zn2+ from the enzymes.  相似文献   

The purification and separation of two electrophoretically distinct and chemically different alkaline phosphatases from Serratia marcescens is described.  相似文献   

Two DNA-dependent RNA polymerases (ribonucleoside triphosphate:RNA nucleotidyl transferase, EC have been isolated from pea (Pisum sativum) seedlings. The enzymes were solubilized by sonication in high salt buffer and were separated by chromatography on diethylaminoethyl cellulose using a linear salt gradient. Polymerase I eluted at 0.10 m (NH4)2SO4, accounted for about 10% of the recovered activity and was completely insensitive to α-amanitin. Polymerase II eluted at 0.14 m (NH4)2SO4, accounted for the remaining 90% of recovered activity and was strongly inhibited by α-amanitin. Both enzymes preferred denatured to native DNA as template, both showed an absolute requirement of divalent cation, and both were sensitive to the ionic strength of the assay medium. The developing pea seedling seems a promising system for studies of possible changes in relative activities and roles of multiple RNA polymerases during eukaryotic development.  相似文献   

Using five different steps, beta-Galactosidase has been purified from kidney beans to apparent electrophoretic homogeneity with approximately 90-fold purification with a specific activity of 281 units mg-1 protein. A single band was observed in native PAGE. Activity staining of the native gel with 5-bromo 4-chloro 3-indoxyl beta-D-galactopyranoside (X-Gal) at pH 4.0 also produced a single band. Analytical gel filtration in Superdex G-75 revealed the molecular mass of the native protein to be approximately 75 kD. 10% SDS-PAGE under reducing conditions showed two subunits of molecular masses, 45 and 30 kD, respectively. Hence, beta-galactosidase from kidney beans is a heterodimer. A typical protein profile with lambda max at 280 nm was observed and A280/A260 ratio was 1.52. The N-terminal sequence of the 45 kD band showed 86% sequence homology with an Arabidopsis thaliana and 85% with Lycopersicon esculentum putative beta-galactosidase sequences. The Electrospray Mass Spectrometric analysis of this band also revealed a peptide fragment that had 90% sequence homology with an Arabidopsis thaliana putative beta-galactosidase sequence. The N-terminal sequencing of the 30 kD band as well as mass spectrometric analysis both by MALDI-TOF and ES MS revealed certain sequences that matched with phytohemagglutinin of kidney beans. The optimum pH of the enzyme was 4.0 and it hydrolysed o- and p-nitrophenyl beta-D galactopyranoside with a Km value of 0.63 mmol/L and 0.74 mmol/L, respectively. The energy of activation calculated from the Arrhenius equation was 14.8 kcal/mol enzyme site. The enzyme was found to be comparatively thermostable showing maximum activity at 67 degrees C. Thermal denaturation of the enzyme at 65 degrees C obeys single exponential decay with first order-rate constant 0.105 min-1. Galactose, a hydrolytic product of this enzyme was a competitive inhibitor with a Ki of 2.7 mmol/L.  相似文献   

Abstract. A leucine aminopeptidase was found in the midgut of the human body louse, Pediculus humanus humanus L. (Anoplura: Pediculidae). The enzyme is activated by the bloodmeal with a pH optimum at 8. The enzyme is soluble in both aqueous and detergent-containing solutions. The two forms of the enzyme had the same Km but exhibited different catalytic activities with regard to Vmax values in these solutions. The enzyme is inhibited competitively by a substrate analogue 1,10-phenanthroline and by Mn2+ ions in the presence and absence of detergent.  相似文献   

An aminopeptidase (EC 3.4.11.-) was purified to homogeneity, as judged by SDS-PAGE. from mung bean ( Vigna radiata ) cotyledons. The molecular mass of this peptidase was estimated as 75 kDa by gel filtration. When an oligopeptide consisting of 5 amino acid residues was used as substrate, amino acids were released in the order of the N-terminal sequence of the oligopeptide chain. This enzyme apparently requires free sulfhydryl for its activity, as judged by the effects of various proteinase inhibitors. Among aminoacyl- p -nitroanilides examined for the availability as substrates of the enzyme, p -nitroanilides with hydrophobic amino acids were preferred substrates. According to western immunoblot profiles, the enzyme level in cotyledons was high at the early stage of imbibition and declined rapidly after germination.  相似文献   

Two proteinase inhibitors, designated as inhibitors I and II, were purified from adzuki beans (Phaseolus angularis) by chromatographies on DEAE- and CM-cellulose, and gel filtration on a Sephadex G-100 column. Each inhibitor shows unique inhibitory activities. Inhibitor I was a powerful inhibitor of trypsin [EC], but essentially not of chymotrypsin ]EC]. On the other hand, inhibitor II inhibited chymotrypsin more strongly than trypsin. The molecular weights estimated from the enzyme inhibition were 3,750 and 9,700 for inhibitors I and II, respectively, assuming that the inhibitions were stoichiometric and in 1 : 1 molar ratio. The amino acid compositions of both inhibitors closely resemble those of low molecular weight inhibitors of other leguminous seeds: they contain large amounts of half-cystine, aspartic acid and serine, and little or no hydrophobic and aromatic amino acids. Inhibitor I lacks both tyrosine and tryptophan residues. The molecular weights were calculated to be 7,894 and 8,620 for inhibitors I and II, respectively. The reliability of these molecular weights was confirmed by the sedimentation equilibrium and 6 M guanidine gel filtration methods. On comparison with the values obtained from enzyme inhibition, it was concluded that inhibitor I and two trypsin inhibitory sites on the molecule, whereas inhibitor II had one chymotrypsin and one trypsin inhibitory sites on the molecule.  相似文献   

The separation and partial characterization of two deoxyribonucleic acid polymerases from Spiroplasma citri have been achieved. The two enzymes had different elution properties on diethylaminoethyl (DEAE) cellulose and differed in their sensitivity to N-ethylmaleimide (NEM), preference for different template-primers, and sedimentation velocity in linear glycerol gradients. The first enzyme activity, ScA, was retained on DEAE-cellulose and was not inhibited by NEM. Activated deoxyribonucleic acid and poly(dA)-oligo(dT12) were the preferred template-primers. Arabinosyl-cytidine triphosphate had no effect. The sedimentation coefficient of ScA was 6.3s. The second activity, ScB, was not retained on DEAE-cellulose and was inhibited by NEM. Poly(dA)-oligo(dT12) was the preferred template-primer, whereas activated DNA was only poorly utilized. ScB was not affected by arabinosyl-cytidine triphosphate, and its sedimentation coefficient was 4.4s. The polymerization activities of the two enzymes were maximum at 37 to 40 degrees C.  相似文献   

Aims: Aspartyl aminopeptidase (DAP) has a high degree of substrate specificity, degrading only amino-terminal acidic amino acids from peptides. Therefore, attention is focused here on the efficient production of this enzyme by a recombinant Aspergillus oryzae and characterization of its biochemical properties. Methods and Results: The gene encoding DAP was overexpressed under a taka-amylase gene promoter, with His-tag linker in A. oryzae, during cultivation in a Co2+-containing medium. The enzyme was extracted from the mycelia and purified with immobilized nickel ion absorption chromatography using a buffer containing cobalt ion and imidazole. The active fraction was further purified with gel filtration chromatography. The resultant, electrophoretically pure enzyme displayed a molecular mass of 520 kDa. This enzyme displayed high reactivity towards peptide substrate rather than synthetic substrates. Conclusions: Recombinant A. oryzae DAP was purified to homogeneity with an increased specific activity, when cultivated in a Co2+-rich medium. Moreover, the use of suitable metal ions in microbial cultivation and purification processes may help in increasing the specific activity of other metalloproteases and their functional analysis. Significance and Impact of the Study: Recombinant DAP produced using a cobalt ion in culture media of A. oryzae and purification process allow high yield of the enzyme activity.  相似文献   

Two glycopeptide hydrolases, an endo-beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase and peptide:N-glycanase (amidase), have been isolated from defatted jack bean meal by standard procedures involving differential solubility and column chromatography. The purified products appear to be free of contaminating proteases and exoglycosidases, and their substrate specificity has been explored with regard to both glycan and peptide structure of the substrates. The endoglycosidase appears to be specific for high mannose glycans; no hydrolysis of either hybrid or complex glycans has been observed. It shows limited activity with two intact glycoproteins, ribonuclease B and yeast invertase, and gives optimal rate with glycopeptides. Free glycan-Asn derivatives are poor substrates in comparison with glycopeptides or glycan-Asn derivatives where the alpha-amino group has been dansylated. The amidase will liberate both high mannose, hybrid, and asialo-complex glycans from both proteins and peptides, but many glycans in intact proteins or in long peptides are resistant to the amidase and become active as substrates only after further proteolytic cleavage. The best substrates appear to be those with the glycosylated asparagine no more than 4-5 residues in from either the NH2- or COOH-terminal end of the peptide. Sialylated glycans do not appear to be released by the amidase.  相似文献   

The two most common variants of placental alkaline phosphatase, the F and S variants, were purified to homogeneity and characterized. Their molecular weights were determined by equilibrium ultracentrifugation and sodium dodecylsulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, which gave almost identical values for the two variants, 118,000 (F) and 119,000 (S). The amino acid compositions of the F and S variants presented here are found to be very similar. Differences between the two variants were found in specific activity (160 U/mg for F and 250 U/mg for S), isoelectric point (IP=4.5 for F and 4.7 for S), sedimentation coefficient (6.5×10?13 sec for F and 6.4×10?13 sec for S). Thus the structural differences observed for these enzyme variants seem to affect both the active site and the protein conformation.  相似文献   

The tyrosyl-tRNA synthetases located in cytoplasm and chloroplasts of soybean cotyledons were purified to near homogeneity by ammonium sulfate precipitation, DEAE-cellulose chromatography, hydroxylapatite chromatography, and DEAE-Sephadex A-25 chromatography. Purified cytoplasmic tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase shows only a single band in acrylamide gel electrophoresis which corresponds to a MW of 126000. In SDS-acrylamide gel electrophoresis the enzyme again shows only a single band which corresponds to a MW of 61 000. Chloroplast tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase shows only one band in both acrylamide and SDS-acrylamide gel electrophoresis with MWs being 98 000 and 43 000, respectively. For cytoplasmic tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase the apparent Kms determined are 6.8 μM L-tyrosine, 49 μM ATP, and 8.9 × 10?8 M tRNA (as total tRNA). Apparent Kms for chloroplast tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase are 4.9 μM L-tyrosine, 214 μM ATP and 2.2 × 10?8 M tRNA (as BDC-ethanol fraction tRNA). Fractionation of soybean cotyledon-tRNA on RPC-5 columns gives 4 tyrosyl-tRNA species, the first two species (tRNA1 and 2Tyr) are acylated only by cytoplasmic tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase while the last two species (tRNA3 and 4Tyr) are acylated only by chloroplast tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase.  相似文献   

Tripeptide aminopeptidase (EC was purified from bovine dental follicles by a series of chromatographies. Purified enzyme had a specific activity of 59.5 units per mg protein with L-prolyl-glycylglycine as substrate. The pH optimum was 8.0. The purified native enzyme had a Mr of 230,000 and was shown to be a tetramer of subunit Mr of 58,000. The isoelectric point was pH 7.0. The enzyme was inhibited 5-5-dithio-bis (2-nitrobenzoic acid),o-phenanthroline, and bestatin. Substrate specificity studies indicated that the enzyme specifically hydrolyzes the N-terminal amino acid residue from tripeptides only.  相似文献   

Pleurotus eryngii serine aminopeptidase that has peptide bond formation activity, redesignated as eryngase, was cloned and expressed. Eryngase has a family S9 peptidase unit in the C-terminal region having a catalytic triad of Ser, Asp, and His. In the phylogenetic relations among the subfamilies of family S9 peptidase (S9A, prolyl oligopeptidase; S9B, dipeptidyl peptidase; S9C, acylaminoacyl peptidase; S9D, glutamyl endopeptidase), eryngase existed alone in the neighbor of S9C subfamily. Mutation of the active site Ser524 of the eryngase with Ala eliminated its catalytic activity. In contrast, S524C mutant maintained low catalytic activity. Investigation of aminolysis activity using l-Phe-NH2 as a substrate showed that S524C mutant exhibited no hydrolysis reaction but synthesized a small amount of l-Phe-l-Phe-NH2 by the catalysis of aminolysis. In contrast, wild-type eryngase hydrolyzed the product of aminolysis l-Phe-l-Phe-NH2. Results show that the S524C mutant preferentially catalyzed aminolysis when on an l-Phe-NH2 substrate.  相似文献   

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