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Concentric-tube airlift bioreactors   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Gas holdup investigations were performed in three concentric-tube airlift reactors of different scales of operation (RIMP: 0.070 m3; RIS-1: 2.5 m3; RIS-2: 5.2 m3; nominal volumes). The influences of the top and bottom clearances and the flow resistances at the downcomer entrance were studied using tap water as liquid phase and air as gaseous phase, at atmospheric pressure. It was found that the gas holdup in the individual zone of the reactor: riser, downcomer and gas-separator, as well as that in the overall reactor is affected by the analyzed geometrical parameters in different ways, depending on their effects on liquid circulation velocity. Gas holdup was satisfactorily correlated with Fr, Ga, bottom spatial ratio (B), top spatial ratio (T), gas separation ratio (Y) and downcomer flow resistance ratio (A d /A R ). Correlations are presented for gas holdup in riser, downcomer, gas separator and for the total gas holdup in the reactor. All the above stressed the importance of the geometry in dynamic behaviour of airlift reactors.  相似文献   

Liquid circulation velocity was investigated in three concentric-tube airlift reactors of different scales (RIMP, V L =0.07 m3; RIS-1, V L =2.5 m3; RIS-2, V L =5.20 m3). The effects of top and bottom clearance and resistance in flow pathway at downcomer entrance on the riser liquid superficial velocity, the circulation time, the friction coefficient and flow radial profiles of the gas holdup and the liquid superficial velocity in riser, using water-air as a biphasic system, were studied. It was found that the riser liquid superficial velocity is affected by the analyzed geometrical parameters in different ways, depending on their effects on the pressure loss. The riser liquid superficial velocity, the friction coefficient and the parameters of the drift-flux model were satisfactorily correlated with the bottom spatial ratio (B), gas separation ratio (Y) and downcomer flow resistance ratio (A d /A D ), resulting empirical models, with correlation coefficients greater than 0.85.  相似文献   

A simple model for prediction of liquid velocity in external-loop airlift bioreactors has been developed. Theoretical correlations for friction factor of gas-non-Newtonian two-phase flows and for liquid velocity in the riser were derived using the concept of an eddy diffusivity. The predictions of the proposed model were compared with the available experimental data for the friction factor and the liquid velocity in the riser of external-loop airlift contactors. Satisfactory agreement was obtained.  相似文献   

A new model of gas hold-up is proposed for external-loop airlift bioreactors. It is based on the similarity between the liquid circulation due to the local variation of gas hold-up in airlift bioreactors and the natural convection due to temperature difference. The model is developed to include the case of non-Newtonian fermentation media which are involved in many industrially bioprocesses. The capability of the model is examined using a wide range of experimental results including the present data. Reasonable agreement is obtained between the proposed model and the experimental data both for Newtonian and non-Newtonian media.  相似文献   

Axial dispersion of the liquid phase was investigated in a concentric-tube airlift bioreactor (RIMP: V L=0.70?m3) as a whole and in the separate zones (riser, downcomer, gas-separator) using the axial dispersion model. The axial dispersion number Bo and the axial dispersion coefficient, D ax were determined from the output curves to an initial Dirac pulse, using the tracer response technique. They were analyzed in relation to process and geometrical parameters, such as: gas superficial velocity, νSGR; top clearance, h S; bottom clearance, h B, and resistances at downcomer entrance expressed as A d/A R ratio. Correlations between Bodenstein numbers in the overall bioreactor and riser and downcomer sections (BoT,BoR,BoD) and the geometrical and process parameters were developed, which can allow to assess the complex influence of these parameters on liquid axial dispersion.  相似文献   

The mixing behaviour of the liquid phase in concentric-tube airlift bioreactors of different scale (RIMP: VL=0.070 m3; RIS-1: VL=2.50 m3; RIS-2: VL=5.20 m3) in terms of mixing time was investigated. This mixing parameter was determined from the output curves to an initial Dirac pulse, using the classical tracer response technique, and analyzed in relation to process and geometrical parameters, such as: gas superficial velocity, xSGR; top clearance, hS; bottom clearance, hB, and ratio of the resistances at downcomer entrance, Ad/AR. A correlation between the mixing time and the specified operating and geometrical parameters was developed, which was particularized for two flow regimes: bubbly and transition (xSGRА.08 m/s) and churn turbulent flow (xSGR> 0.08 m/s) respectively. The correlation was applied in bioreactors of different scale with a maximum error of ᆲ%.  相似文献   

The specific interfacial areas in two external-loop airlift bioreactors of laboratory and pilot scale were determined, mainly by the chemical reaction method (sulphite oxidation). The parameter studied in water/salt and starch/salt solutions was greately affected by gas superficial velocity, A D /A R ratio, by H R ?H D /H D ratio and η ap , respectively. Correlations for the specific interfacial area in the two systems, considering the effects of the above-mentioned parameters, were proposed.  相似文献   

Gas holdup investigation was performed in two external-loop airlift bioreactors of laboratory (V L =1.189·10?3? 1.880·10?3 m3; H R =1.16 ? 1.56 m; H D = 1.10 m; A D /A R = 0.111 ? 1.000) and pilot scale (V L =0.157?0.170 m3; H R =4.3?4.7 m; H D =4.0?4.4 m;A D /A R =0.04?0.1225), respectively, using as liquid phase non-Newtonian starch solutions of different concentration with K=0.061?3.518 Pa sn and n=0.86?0.39 and fermentation broths of P. chrysogenum, S. griseus, S. erythreus, B. licheniformis and C. acremonium at different hours since inoculation and from different batches. The influence of bioreactor geometry, liquid properties and the amount of introduced compressed air was investigated. The effect of sparger design on gas holdup was found to be negligible. It was found that gas holdup depends on the flow media index, ?GR decreasing with the increase of liquid pseudoplasticity, A D /A R ratio and H R /H D ratio. The experimental data are in agreement with those presented in literature by Popovic and Robinson, which take into account liquid properties, geometric parameters and gas superficial velocity, with a maximum error of ±30%. It was obtained a correlation for gas holdup estimation taking into account the non-Newtonian behaviour of the fermentation broths and the dry weight of the solid phase, as well. The concordance between the experimental data and those calculated with the proposed correlation was good, with a maximum error of ±17%. Also, a dimensionless correlation for gas holdup involving superficial velocities of gas and liquid, cross sectional areas ratio, dispersion height to riser diameter ratio, as well as Froude and Morton numbers, was obtained.  相似文献   

In order to obtain further information on the behaviour and optimal design of external-circulation-loop airlift bioreactors, the liquid circulating velocity was studied using highly viscous pseudoplastic solutions of starch and antibiotic biosynthesis liquids of Penicillium chrysogenum, Streptomyces griseus, Streptomyces erythreus, Bacillus licheniformis and Cephalosporium acremonium. Measurements of liquid circulation velocity were made in laboratory and pilot plant external-loop airlift bioreactors, under various conditions concerning gas flow rate, riser liquid height at constant downcomer height, A D /A R ratio, using the impulse-response technique. It has been found that these parameters had a significant effect on liquid circulation velocity together with the apparent viscosity and dry weight of the solid phase in the biosynthesis liquids. For the tested liquids, the superficial liquid velocity in the riser section of an external-loop airlift bioreactor may be described by the following equation: where the exponents and the constant c take different values depending on the liquid phase properties and flow regime.  相似文献   

Liquid circulation superficial velocity and gas holdup behaviours were investigated in an external-loop airlift bioreactor of 0.170?m3 liquid volume in gas-induced and forced-circulation-loop operation modes, in the presence of static mixers made of corrugated stainless steel pieces, resulting in packets with the height-to-diameter ratio equal to unity and using non-Newtonian starch solutions as liquid phase. The static mixers were disposed in the riser in three blocks, each with three mixing packets, successively turned 90° to the adjacent mixing element. It was found that in the presence of static mixers and forced-loop operation mode, liquid circulation superficial velocity in the riser section was significantly diminished, while gas holdup increased in a great measure. It was considered that static mixers split the fluid into individual streams and break up the bubbles, resulting in small bubble sizes with a relative homogeneous bubble distribution over riser cross section. They act as supplementary resistances in liquid flow, reducing riser cross sectional area, equivalent with A D /A R area ratio diminishing.  相似文献   

For dynamic behaviors of continuous airlift bioreactors, a mathematical model based on a tanks-in-series model with backflow has been developed. The equations describing the dynamics of airlift bioreactors are material balances for micro-organism, substrate, dissolved oxygen and oxygen in gas-phase and heat balances. Non-ideal mixing of liquid and gas phases is taken into account using a tanks-in-series model with backflow. The batch operation, startup operation and the consequence of plant failure were simulated and the effects of design and operating parameters for an airlift bioreactor on its dynamic behaviors were discussed. The concentration profiles of micro-organism, substrate, dissolved oxygen and oxygen in gas-phase and the temperature profile in an airlift bioreactors and their dynamics were obtained. The computational results indicate that the transients of a chemostat in the case of bubble column bioreactor are slower compared with those in the case of airlift bioreactor. The proposed simulator is more precise as compared with models published previously in the literature and therefore provides more reliable and rational examination of continuous airlift bioreactor performance.  相似文献   

Gas holdup, mixing, liquid circulation and gas–liquid oxygen transfer were characterized in a large (∼1.5 m3) draft-tube airlift bioreactor agitated with Prochem® hydrofoil impellers placed in the draft-tube. Measurements were made in water and in cellulose fiber slurries that resembled broths of mycelial microfungi. Use of mechanical agitation generally enhanced mixing performance and the oxygen transfer capability relative to when mechanical agitation was not used; however, the oxygen transfer efficiency was reduced by mechanical agitation. The overall volumetric gas–liquid mass transfer coefficient declined with the increasing concentration of the cellulose fiber solids; however, the mixing time in these strongly shear thinning slurries was independent of the solids contents (0–4% w/v). Surface aeration never contributed more than 12% to the total mass transfer in air–water.  相似文献   

The paper presents a model of the motion of a particle subjected to several transport processes in connection with mixing in two phase flow. A residence time distribution technique coupled with a one-dimensional dispersion model was used to obtain the axial dispersion coefficient in the liquid phase, Dax. The proposed model of Dax for an external-loop airlift bioreactor is based on the stochastic analysis of the two-phase flow in a cocurrent bubble column and modified for the specific flow in the airlift reactor. The model takes into account the riser gas superficial velocity, the riser liquid superficial velocity, the Sauter bubble diameter, the riser gas hold-up, the downcomer-to-riser cross sectional area ratio. The proposed model can be applied with an average error of ᆨ.  相似文献   

Liquid circulation velocity was studied in externalloop air-lift bioreactors of laboratory and pilot scale, respectively for different gas input rates, downcomer-to-riser cross-sectional area ratio, A D/AR and liquid phase apparent viscosities.It was found that, up to a gas superficial velocity in the riser v SGR 0.04 m/s the dependency of v SLR on v SGR is in the following form: v SLR = a v SGR b , with the exponent b being 0.40. Over this value of v SGR, only a small increase in liquid superficial velocity, v SLR is produced by an increase in v SGR. A D/AR ratio affects the liquid superficial velocity due to the resistance in flow and overall friction.For non-Newtonian viscous liquids, the circulation liquid velocity in the riser section of the pilot external-loop airlift bioreactor is shown to be dependent mainly on the downcomer-to-riser cross-sectional area ratio, A D/AR, the effective (apparent) liquid viscosity, eff and the superficial gas velocity, v SGR.The equation proposed by Popovic and Robinson [11] was fitted well, with an error of ± 20%.List of Symbols A D m2 downcomer cross-sectional area - A Rm2 riser cross-sectional area - a = coefficient in Eq. (7) - b = exponent in Eq. (7) - c s m–1 Coefficient in Eq. (3) - D D m downcomer diameter - D R m riser diameter - g m2/s gravitational acceleration - H D m dispersion height - H L m ungassed liquid height - K Pa s n consistency index - K B = friction factor at the bioreactor bottom - K F = friction factor - K T = friction factor at the bioreactor top - V L m3 liquid volume in the bioreactor - V D m3 liquid volume in downcomer - V R m3 liquid volume in riser - v LDm/s downcomer linear liquid velocity - v LR m/s riser linear liquid velocity - v SGR m/s riser superficial liquid velocity - v SLR m/s riser superficial liquid velocity - s–1 shear rate - GD = downcomer gas holdup - GR = riser gas holdup - eff Pa s effective (apparent) viscosity - Pa shear stress The authors wish to thank Mrs. Rodica Roman for the help in experimental data collection and to Dr. Stefanluca for the financial support.  相似文献   

Rice straw is a by-product of rice production, and a great bioresource as raw biomass material for manufacturing value-adding protein for animal feedstock, which has been paid more and more attention. In the present work, utilizing rice straw hydrolysate as a substrate for microbial biomass production in 11.5L external-loop airlift bioreactors was investigated. Rice straw hydrolysate obtained through acid-hydrolyzing rice straw was used for the culture of yeast Candida arborea AS1.257. The influences of gas flow rate, initial liquid volume, hole diameter of gas sparger and numbers of sieve plates on microbial biomass production were examined. The best results in the external-loop airlift bioreactor were obtained under 9.0 L initial liquid volume, 1.1 (v/v)/min gas flow rate during culture time of 0-24 h and 1.4 (v/v)/min gas flow rate of 24-48 h at 29+/-1 degrees C. The addition of the sieve plates in the riser of the external-loop airlift bioreactor increased productivity. After 48 h, under optimized operation conditions, crude protein productivity with one sieve and two sieves were 13.6 mg/mL and 13.7 mg/mL, respectively, comparing 12.7 mg/mL without sieves in the airlift bioreactor and 11.7 mg/mL in the in the 10-L mechanically stirred tank bioreactor. It is feasible to operate the external-loop airlift bioreactors and possible to reduce the production cost for microbial biomass production from the rice straw hydrolysate.  相似文献   

Maximum activities of manganese-dependent peroxidase (MnP) and lignin peroxidase (LiP) in free cultures of Phanerochaete chrysosporium (ATCC 24725) were 258 U l–1 and 103 U l–1, respectively, in an airlift bioreactor. Immobilisation of the fungus on an inert carrier as well as several design modifications of the bioreactor employed gave MnP activities around 500–600 U l–1 during 9 days' operation. The continuous operation of the latter led to MnP and LiP activities about 140 U l–1 and 100 U l–1, respectively, for two months, without operational problems. Furthermore, the extracellular liquid secreted decolourised the polymeric dye Poly R-478 about 56%.  相似文献   

Hydrodynamic characteristics of suspensions of microcarriers used for culturing anchorage dependent animal cells are reported in split-cylinder internal-loop airlift bioreactors. Cell culture media are simulated using salt solutions that duplicate the ionic strengths of typical media. Effects of solids loading (0–30 kg·m–3), microcarrier particle size (150–300×10–6 m diameter) and density (1030–1050 kg·m–3) on gas induced circulation of the slurry, mixing time, gas holdup and gas velocity requirements to attain complete suspension of solids are discussed for two reactors with aspect ratios of 7.6 and 14.5, but equal riser-to-downcomer cross-sectional area ratios of 1.0, aerated at low air flow rates (0–8×10–6 m3·s–1) through a sintered glass sparger with 110×10–6 m diameter pores. The study covers the ranges of solids concentrations, types, densities, particle sizes and aeration rates that are of relevance in animal cell culture applications.Airlift bioreactors displayed suitable hydrodynamic characteristics for potentially supporting anchorage dependent cell cultures on microcarriers at carrier loadings similar to those that are currently used in stirred tank bioreactors. The minimum gas flow rates and the induced liquid circulation rates necessary to achieve and maintain suspension of the heaviest and the largest microcarriers were well within practicable limits, limits which have been shown to be withstood by animal cells in non-anchorage dependent suspension culture in airlift bioreactors. No floatation problems were encountered with the carriers, nor was sedimentation a problem so long as the identified minimum suspension criteria were met. Chisti's liquid circulation equation, originally intended for two-phase flow, applied to the three-phase gas-liquid-microcarrier systems.  相似文献   

An airlift draft-tube fluidized bioreactor has been designed and tested for applications in protein bioseparation. Operating parameters and geometrical dimensions of the bioreactor were optimized to ensure fluid circulation in a defined cyclic pattern between the riser and the downcomer. The overall directionality of liquid flow generates homogeneous field of low shear and achieves good mixing efficiency. Bioseparation of proteins was achieved from solutions containing both BSA and BHb at different initial concentrations and at pH 7. Similar adsorption capacities of both proteins were observed in single protein adsorption experiments at pH 7. Compressibility of BHb allowed for high adsorption capacity, in addition to the hydrophobic interaction forces. Apparently the homogeneous and lower shear generated by the airlift bioreactor reduces the compressibility of adsorbed BHb. This allowed for higher BSA adsorption from solutions containing BSA and BHb mixtures. Conventional batch adsorption experiments showed more adsorption of BHb, which reduces bioseparation efficiency.  相似文献   

In a 60 l airlift tower reactor with outer loop fluiddynamical measurements were carried out in presence of three motionless mixer modules (Type SMV, Sulzer) in water, 0.6%, 0.9% and 1.2% CMC solutions. The global mixing properties were determined in the liquid and gas phases by tracers. Detailed local measurements revealed differences of local flow patterns and mixing properties in the unhindered riser and in the immediate wake of the mixer module. The local liquid velocities were measured by the pseudorandom heat pulse technique. The local bubble velocities were determined by the ultrasound Doppler technique. The dependence of liquid velocity, gas velocity and gas holdup on the superficial gas velocity were determined. The radial profiles of the mean liquid velocities and their standard deviations were evaluated in water and CMC solutions upstream and downstream of the motionless mixer modules. The radial profiles of the mean large-bubble velocities and mean small-bubble velocities and their standard deviations were determined as well. The influence of the presence of the motionless mixers in the riser on these properties was evaluated.List of Symbols Bo L w L L/D L liquid Bo number - Bo G w G L/D G ,gas Bo number - c tracer concentration - CMC carboxymelthylcellulose - D G gas dispersion coefficient - D 1 local liquid dispersion coefficient - D L liquid dispersion coefficient - D r riser diameter - d distance between transmitter and detector of the heat pulse probe - E G gas holdup - HBV horizontal bubble velocity - HLBV horizontal large-bubble velocity - HSBV horizontal small-bubble velocity - L length of the column - l relative distance of the detector position from the tracer injection with respect to L - LBV large-bubble velocity - n number of circulations - OHBV overall horizontal bubble velocity - OVBV overall vertical bubble velocity - P power input - Pe 1 w 1d/D1, local liquid Peclet number - SBV small-bubble-velocity - V L liquid volume - VBV vertical bubble velocity - VLBV vertical large-bubble velocity - VSBV vertical small-bubble velocity - w G gas velocity - w 1 local liquid velocity - w L liquid velocity - w SG superficial gas velocity - w SL superficial liquid velocity - mean residence time of the liquid in the riser H.M.R. thank the Verband der Chemischen Industrie for a Fund der Chemie scholarship  相似文献   

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