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Once a month, from June 1992 to May 1993, collections of tabanids on horse were conducted in the Nhecolandia, Pantanal State of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. Tabanid catches using hand nets were conducted from sunrise to sunset at grassland and cerrad?o (dense savanna) habitats. A total of 3,442 tabanids from 21 species,12 genera, and 3 subfamilies were collected. Although species abundance varied seasonally depending on habitat, no habitat specificity was observed for the most abundant species. In the grassland, 1,625 (47.2%) tabanids belonging to 19 species were collected, while 1,817 (52.8%) tabanids from 17 species were caught in the cerrad?o. The number of tabanid species varied from 7 during winter (July/August) to 15 in the spring (October). Tabanus importunus (56%) was the most abundant species, followed by T. occidentalis (8.2%), and T. claripennis (8.1%). The tabanid peak, in October, coincided with the beginning of the rainy season. The population peak of most species, including those with higher vector potential, suggests that the rainy season can be considered as the period of potentially higher risk of mechanical transmission of pathogens by tabanids to horses in the region.  相似文献   

Thus far the life cycle of Trypanosoma (Megatrypanum) theileri has not been studied. We collected tabanids during the mass hatching, when only few tabanids are infected with trypanosomes. Tabanids were caught immediately after attacking a bait cow to serve as controls or after they had been allowed to engorge on the Trypanosoma (M.) theileri-infected cow. Tabanids were kept in the laboratory and used to study the developmental cycle of T. (M.) theileri in the tabanid gut. From day 1 to day 10 the presumably unfed controls and the engorged tabanids were dissected and cytological smears made from the mid- and hindgut. In total 2.6% (1/38) of the controls and 39% (23/59) of the engorged tabanids were positive for trypanosomes in the 1991 season. From day 1 to day 4 after engorgement trypanosomes were found in the midgut. Epimastigotes with a length of 29 μm on day 1 after infection multiplied by inequal division to form smaller epimastigotes of 26 μm on day 3. On day 4 morphologically indistinguishable trypanosomes of 21 μm total length were found in both mid- and hindgut. From day 5 to day 10 trypanosomes were found only in the hindgut in which the transformation to metacyclics was demonstrated, i.e. epimastigotes transformed to amastigote stages of 5 μm in total length.  相似文献   

The abundance and species diversity of tabanids were evaluated by trapping of insects using Vavoua traps, during the rainy season, from October 4 to November 30, 2009, in three different habitats: primary forest, secondary forest and village, in the biosphere reserve Ipassa-IRET Makokou in Gabon. Eight species belonging to three genera of tabanids have been identified for a total of 402 specimens caught. The tabanid species numerically the most abundant were: Tabanus secedens Walker, 1854 (55.2%), Tabanus obscurehirtus Ricardo, 1908 (13.9%), Chrysops dimidiatus Wulp, 1885 (11.2%) and Chrysops silaceus Austen, 1907 (10.7%). The less abundant species were Tabanus par Walker, 1854 (3.2%), Tabanus besti arbucklei Austen, 1912 (3%), Tabanus marmorosus congoicola Bequaert, 1930 (1%) and Ancala fasciata fasciata (Fabricius, 1775) (0.5%). Specimens of the genera Tabanus and Chrysops could not be identified, these insects represented respectively 0.7% and 0.5% of the insects trapped. The highest proportion of tabanids was trapped in secondary forest (75.1%) and the lower in primary forest (4.5%).  相似文献   

The ability to monitor the abundance and diversity of tabanid flies over wide areas requires effective and low-cost surveillance methods. Such monitoring activities help to quantify the risk of transmission of pathogens by tabanids. Here we examine the effectiveness and practicality of two types of trap (canopy traps and Nzi traps) and two types of attractant (octenol and carbon dioxide) for monitoring tabanid flies in tropical Australia. The Nzi trap consistently caught more tabanids and more species of tabanids than the canopy trap. It was also more robust and therefore required less maintenance in remote locations. The use of attractants substantially increased capture rates, both of individuals and species, and traps using both attractants were consistently the most effective. However, in remote locations, where it is not possible to check traps frequently, the use of attractants may not be feasible. When attractants were not used, the canopy trap caught very few tabanids, but the Nzi trap remained effective enough to be useful as a monitoring device. In addition, the number of tabanid species caught by the Nzi traps remained high, and included those that were most abundant. We therefore conclude that, in this region, Nzi traps are preferable for tabanid monitoring and that attractants greatly improve their effectiveness. However, for longterm monitoring, especially in remote locations, Nzi traps without attractants are a satisfactory option.  相似文献   

A total of 10,539 tabanid horse flies from 22 species and five genera was collected in the Tikves forest within the Kopacki rit Nature Park in eastern Croatia. Seasonal abundance was analyzed for the six most abundant species. Tabanus maculicornis, Tabanus tergestinus, and Haematopota pluvialis reached their highest peak abundance in the fourth week of June. Atylotus loewianus and Tabanus bromius reached their highest peak of abundance in the first week of August, whereas Tabanus sudeticus reached its maximum abundance in the third week of July. Horse flies also were collected once a week on the pasture at Petrijevci from mid-May to mid-September during 1993. Paired collections were made from a Malaise trap and from a horse by using a sweep net. A total of 2,867 tabanids belonging to 26 species was collected. The number of tabanids collected on horses was much higher than the total captured with Malaise traps. On their natural host (horse), 2.6 times more tabanids were collected than in the traps. Seasonal abundance was analyzed only for the eight most abundant species. Chrysops paralellogrammus, Tabanus autumnalis, Tabanus bromius, Tabanus tergestinus, Haematopota pluvialis, and Haematopota subcylindrica all reached their highest peak of abundance in the second week of July, whereas Tabanus maculicornis reached the maximal peak of abundance in the third week of June. Seasonal meteorological variability that occurs periodically from one year to another has a significant influence on the maximal peaks of tabanid abundance.  相似文献   

Tabanid flies were captured in a sheep pasture in Hungary using black plastic boards (30 × 30 cm), coated with an adhesive sheet, which were either unbaited or baited with ethane-ethiol or Swormlure-4. Five species of tabanid were caught, of which Tabanus tergestinus was caught in the greatest number (87% of 192). The sex ratio of T. tergestinus on unbaited boards was not statistically significantly different to equality. However, on baited boards, males were significantly more numerous, probably due to a repellent effect of the odours on female tabanids. Because of the importance of repellents in tabanid control, this result encourages the exploration of a wider range of compounds as tabanid repellents than are used at present. Sticky boards offer a simple technique for trapping both sexes of tabanids, especially males, which are poorly represented in many tabanid traps.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to adapt the cloth Nzi trap to a format suitable for fixed applications in biting fly sampling or control. Catches of tabanids [Tabanus L., Chrysops (Meigen), and Hybomitra Enderlein], and stable flies [Stomoxys calcitrans (L.)] in painted plywood traps were compared with those in standard phthalogen blue cloth traps, and in similarly painted cloth traps. The Manitoba horse fly trap and the Tabanus nigrovittatus Macquart "greenhead" box trap were used as additional standards during one tabanid season. Shiny features of traps reduced catches, e.g., paint on cloth instead of wood, or use of aluminum screening instead of netting. Nevertheless, appropriately painted plywood Nzi traps caught as many biting flies as did standard cloth Nzi traps, if paint finishes were matte, and with the use of phthalogen blue colorants. Nzi traps collected about the same tabanid fauna as the Manitoba and T. nigrovittatus traps, but with improved catches of Chrysops and Tabanus. Recommendations are provided on appropriate color matching, and selection of readily-available materials for trap construction.  相似文献   

Presence of Salmonella spp. was evaluated in yacare caiman (Caiman yacare) and broad-snouted caiman (Caiman latirostris) from a ranching facility in the Argentine Chaco. Crocodilian ranching programs are based on captive breeding of wild-harvested eggs and release of excess hatchlings into the wild. Samples for bacterial isolation were collected from 102 captive (35 C. yacare and 67 C. latirostris) and seven free-ranging caiman (four C. yacare and three C. latirositris) between 2001 and 2005 and from three artificially incubated C. yacare wild eggs. Two Salmonella spp. of known zoonotic potential, S. infantis and S. nottingham, were isolated from captive caiman in 2001 and 2002, respectively. This is the first report for S. nottingham in reptiles and of S. infantis in caiman. Salmonella spp. prevalence varied significantly between years, with a 77% prevalence peak in 2002. Although the cause of this increase was not confirmed, we found no correlation with the type of enclosure, caiman species, or body weight. Deteriorated physical condition of caiman hatchlings due to dietary changes in 2002 could have influenced Salmonella spp. shedding. However, external sources such as food, water, or enclosures could not be ruled out. Pathogenic Salmonella spp. present a risk for human infection. Inadvertent introduction of Salmonella spp. or other bacteria into the environment when caiman are released could pose a threat to wild caiman populations. Prophylactic measures to detect and decrease Salmonella spp. presence in caiman ranching facilities are recommended to reduce risk to humans and make caiman-ranching a sound conservation strategy for crocodilian species.  相似文献   

杨超  佐佐木均 《昆虫学报》2019,62(10):1212-1227
【目的】利用日本北海道虻类评估和验证外生殖器在分类学上的意义。【方法】将虻类成虫标本浸渍在生理盐水中并置于双目显微镜下通过针和镊子在培养皿中进行解剖并绘图,观察第9背板、第10背板、尾叶、第8腹板、受精囊、受精囊管及生殖叉器的形态特征。【结果】在日本北海道共记录了虻科(Tabanidae) 3亚科7属38种。我们观察并描述了3亚科其中的6属24种的雌性外生殖器的主要特征。亚科之间存在明显差异;然而在一般情况下属之间很难建立一种方法来确定共同点;种之间只有在斑虻属Chrysops中有相似之处,其他属中则比较多样化。因此,亚科鉴定根据第9背板、第8腹板及受精囊足以进行区分,属及种鉴定需要结合第9背板、第10背板、尾叶、第8腹板、受精囊、受精囊管及生殖叉器各自的特征组合在一起才能区分开来。我们也制作了虻类外生殖器的检索表。【结论】和许多其他昆虫一样,外生殖器是虻科的重要分类特征,对于促进分类学和系统学的发展具有重要意义。本研究首次对分布在日本北海道的虻科雌性外生殖器进行了系统研究。  相似文献   

During blood-sucking, female members of the family Tabanidae transmit pathogens of serious diseases and annoy their host animals so strongly that they cannot graze, thus the health of the hosts is drastically reduced. Consequently, a tabanid-resistant coat with appropriate brightness, colour and pattern is advantageous for the host. Spotty coats are widespread among mammals, especially in cattle (Bos primigenius). In field experiments we studied the influence of the size and number of spots on the attractiveness of test surfaces to tabanids that are attracted to linearly polarized light. We measured the reflection-polarization characteristics of living cattle, spotty cattle coats and the used test surfaces. We show here that the smaller and the more numerous the spots, the less attractive the target (host) is to tabanids. We demonstrate that the attractiveness of spotty patterns to tabanids is also reduced if the target exhibits spottiness only in the angle of polarization pattern, while being homogeneous grey with a constant high degree of polarization. Tabanid flies respond strongly to linearly polarized light, and we show that bright and dark parts of cattle coats reflect light with different degrees and angles of polarization that in combination with dark spots on a bright coat surface disrupt the attractiveness to tabanids. This could be one of the possible evolutionary benefits that explains why spotty coat patterns are so widespread in mammals, especially in ungulates, many species of which are tabanid hosts.  相似文献   

The distribution, cytological organization and differentiationof non-articulated laticifers in the primary and mature tissuesof Calotropis gigantea (Linn.) R.Br., were studied by the useof optical and electron microscopy. Laticifers occur in thecortex, vascular bundle and pith of the plant axis. At the earliestdetectable stage a laticifer is a cell which undergoes rapidelongation and nuclear division. This results in a multinucleateelongated cell which undergoes further increase in length withgradual degeneration of the cytoplasm. At the electron microscopiclevel the presumptive laticifer cell shows increasing vacuolationwhich forms a large central vacuole. Simultaneously the cytoplasmicorganelles undergo degeneration by autophagic processes. Laternumerous vesicles can be observed in the large central vacuole,the remaining cytoplasm being pushed to a thin layer. Maturelaticifers show three types of spherical structures of whichthe highly electron dense globules are the latex particles. Calotropis gigantea (Linn.), R.Br., laticifers, ultrastructure, differentiation  相似文献   

Information on the daily activity patterns of tabanid flies is important in the development of strategies that decrease the risk of pathogens transmitted by them. In addition, this information is useful to maximize numbers of tabanids trapped during short‐term studies and to target feeding behavior studies of certain tabanid species to their times of peak activity. The current study examined the effects of various meteorological factors on the daily activity patterns of common tropical species of tabanids in north Queensland. Each species studied responded differently to weather factors. Tabanus townsvilli Ricardo (Diptera: Tabanidae) was most active during late morning and early afternoon, whereas Pseudotabanus silvester (Bergroth) and Tabanus pallipennis Macquart were most active in the late afternoon. Tabanus dorsobimaculatus Macquart was most active in the morning and early afternoon. Data on daily activity patterns of tabanid flies indicates that in an area such as Townsville, North Queensland, where several species of tabanid are present concurrently in high numbers, the overlapping periods of high activity for these species indicate a high risk of pathogen transmission for most of the day (10.00–19.00 hours). Similarly, because each species responds differently to weather variables, only extreme weather conditions are likely to inhibit activity of all species. These data also indicate that for maximal results, trapping and feeding behavior studies should be tailored to the preferred activity period of the species under investigation.  相似文献   

The following chaetognaths were found in the Atlantic Ocean between 34 to 40 degrees S and 52 degrees 20' to 62 degrees 00' W: Sagitta friderici, S. tasmanica, S. minima, S. gazellae, and S. enflata (in order of abundance). Of these, only S. friderici was parasitised by unencysted metacercariae of the families Derogenidae (Derogenes sp.), Hemiuridae (Ectenurus sp.) and Fellodistomidae (Monascus filiformis), and encysted metacercariae of Lepocreadiidae. The percentage of infection for each sampling station varied from 0.033 to 0.001 in August and from 0.02 to 0.001 in October 1996, with the highest values occurring at stations closer to the coast. The intensity of infection (worms per host) varied from 1 to 3 for Ectenurus sp. and was 1 for Derogenes sp., Monascus filiformis and Lepocreadiidae. Unencysted metacercariae were found in mature developmental stages of chaetognaths, whereas encysted ones occurred mainly in juveniles. The size and length of the ovaries of parasitised and unparasitised chaetognaths did not differ significantly. This is the first report of encysted Lepocreadiidae metacercariae and a progenetic metacercaria of Ectenurus sp. in Chaetognatha from the SW Atlantic Ocean.  相似文献   

Traditionally, isolation, maintenance, and testing of Spiroplasma species (Mollicutes: Entomoplasmatales) from horse flies (Tabanus spp.) and deer flies (Chrysops spp.) (Diptera: Tabanidae) have been accomplished in the complex M1D medium. A relatively inexpensive, simplified medium for tabanid spiroplasmas could expedite procedures that require large quantities of growth medium. Nine strains of spiroplasmas, eight from tabanids and one from mosquitoes, were cultured in three simplified broth media, R2, R8-1, and C-3G, and in M1D. There was no significant difference in the rate of spiroplasma growth in M1D and the three simplified media. R2 medium supported the growth of tabanid spiroplasmas more consistently and with better morphology through 10 subcultures than did the other simplified media. Primary isolations were made in R2 medium from tabanids collected (i) in Georgia, U.S.A., with 10 isolations from 10 flies and (ii) in coastal Costa Rica, with isolation rates of 70% (28/40) and 73% (27/37), respectively, for R2 and M1D. Of the seven group VIII field isolates from Costa Rica, four were capable of sustained growth in R2, and three were triply cloned in this simplified medium. These results suggest that the simplified medium R2 is suitable for many procedures with tabanid spiroplasmas.  相似文献   

In Central Amazon, Brazil, the tabanid Phorcotabanus cinereus (Wiedemann) was recorded attacking the native duck Cairina moschata (Linnaeus) (Anseriformes, Anatidae). The flight and behavior of the tabanid during the attacks and the host's defenses were videotaped and analyzed in slow motion. The tabanid was recorded flying rapidly around the heads of the ducks before landing. Landing always took place on the beak, and then the tabanid walked to the fleshy caruncle on the basal part of the beak to bite and feed. Firstly the duck defends itself through lateral harsh head movements, and then, when it is being bitten, it defends itself by rubbing its head on the body, or dipping the head into water, when swimming. If disturbed, the fly resumed the same pattern of flight as before and would generally try to land again on the same host and bite in the same place. This feeding activity was observed predominantly between 9:30 am and 4:30 pm and always in open areas, near aquatic environments, from June 1996 to January 1997, the dry season in Central Amazon. To test the attractiveness of other animals to P. cinereus, mammals, caimans and domestic and wild birds were placed in suitable habitat and the response of P. cinereus observed. P. cinereus did not attack these animals, suggesting that this species has a preference for ducks, which are plentiful in the region.  相似文献   

A discussion of the known fossil tabanids (Diptera Tabanidae) is presented based on fossil evidence. This includes the origin of the hemathophagy in the Brachycera, more specifically for tabanids. Several tabanid species in the extant fauna are vectors for disease-producing organisms that affect humans and animals. Bacteria, viruses, rickettsiae, protozoa, and filarial worms can be transmitted by them, causing such diseases as anthrax, tularemia, anaplasmosis, various forms of trypanosomiasis, Q fever, and filariasis. However, if tabanids are directly responsible for all of these diseases is not consensual and the known fossil evidence is presented here.  相似文献   

A D-galactose-binding lectin agglutinating human erythrocytes has been purified from the seeds of the Indian coral tree (Erythrina variegata (Linn.) var. orientalis (Linn.) Merrill] by affinity chromatography on acid-treated Sepharose-6B gel. It has a higher reactivity for O-group erythrocytes. The lectin is a glycoprotein having a leucoagglutinating property.  相似文献   

The distribution of third-stage D. roemeri in its tabanid intermediate host was observed in histological sections of naturally infected Dasybasis oculata and Tabanus parvicallosus. Larvae invade the brain, eye, nerve cord, muscles of the mouthparts, horizontal and indirect flight muscles, fat body, hind gut and gonad of flies. Third-stage D. roemeri migrate from the abdomen via the haemocoelic spaces of the thorax to the head of the fly. Evidence suggests that larvae escape from the intermediate host by rupturing the tip of the labrum or the labro-epipharyngeal membranes. Injury was observed in the eye, nerve cord and musculature. There was no evidence that the parasite had a detrimental effect on the host and tabanids showed no response to the presence of filarioids. Species of Dasybasis and Tabanus acting as intermediate host of D. roemeri in nature epitomize the concept of a ‘good’ host.  相似文献   

The distribution of the blackfly larval taxocenoses of different altitudes in the Itatiaia National Park (located in the southeast of Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil 44 degrees 34' - 44 degrees 42' W, 22 degrees 16' - 22 degrees 28' S) was investigated on four campaigns, one in each season of 2003. On each campaign 60 samples were collected, using 30 x 30 cm wooden quadrats, distributed at four sites: Taquaral, Véu da Noiva, Três Picos and Brejo da Lapa. The winter and spring campaigns included two additional sampling sites: Alsene and Agulhas Negras. A total of 3578 larvae and 292 pupae were sampled, representative of six species: Simulium clavibranchium Lutz, S. subnigrum Lutz, S. rappae Py-Daniel, S. incrustatum Lutz, S. stellatum Gil-Azevedo, Figueiró & Maia-Herzog and Lutzsimulium pernigrum Lutz 1910. The highest larvae abundance and diversity were reported at the intermediate altitude site, Brejo da Lapa. Principal Components Analysis (PCA) revealed that L. pernigrum, S. stellatum and S. incrustatum were associated with the smaller breeding sites, the first two species being associated with sunny sites, while S. incrustatum occurred in sites with little sunlight.  相似文献   

Twenty-one species of Tabanidae from four genera were recorded. Where samples were large enough, the preferred alighting sites were determined for the tabanids, and differences in such sites were found for species in three genera. The lower legs of the bait ox were the preferred alighting site for 61.8% of the flies. In the season of peak fly numbers, the bait ox was under stress from the tabanids.  相似文献   

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