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African green monkey cells (CV1 line) were infected with UV-irradiated simian virus 40 (SV40), and permissive lines of stably transformed cells were established. These cell lines display the SV40 T-antigen and the growth characteristics typical of nonpermissive transformed cells (e.g., reduced cell density inhibition, reduced serum dependence, ability to overgrow normal cells, and colony formation in soft agar). The level of permissiveness to superinfecting SV40 is fully comparable with that of nontransformed CV1 and BSC-1 lines. The transformed monkey lines also support SV40 plaque production under agar. By Cot analysis, the transformed permissive cells contain, on an average, 1 to 2 SV40 genome equivalents, and the majority of the viral sequences are associated with the high-molecular-weight cellular DNA. No spontaneous production of infectious SV40 has been observed. The transformed permissive monkey cells failed to support the replication of SV40 tsA mutants at the restrictive temperature. To account for this, it is suggested that the gene A product has separate functions for transformation and initiation of viral DNA synthesis, and only the former function is expressed in the transformed permissive monkey cells.  相似文献   

A E Smith  R Smith  E Paucha 《Cell》1979,18(2):335-346
In addition to large T and small t antigens, cells transformed by simian virus 40 (SV40) commonly contain other proteins which specifically immunoprecipitate with SV40 anti-T serum and which are not detected in untransformed cells. The additional tumor antigens (T-Ags) fall into two groups: those having a close structural relationship with normal SV40 T-Ags, and those unrelated to large T and small t. The latter are probably nonviral T-Ags (NVT-Ags). The NVT-Ags comprise a family of proteins of molecular weight 50,000-55,000. Fingerprint analysis shows that NVT-Ags have few if any peptides in common with large T or small t, and that they lack the amino terminal tryptic peptide and the peptides unique to small t. NVT-Ags from different species have different fingerprints, but those isolated from different transformants of the same cell line are identical. The size of NVT is unaltered in cells transformed by mutants of SV40 with deletions in the region 0.60-0.55 map units. The mRNA for NVT does not hybridize to SV40 DNA. The other forms of T-Ag isolated from transformed cells fall into three classes: shortened forms of large T (truncated large T); multiple species of T-Ag with molecular weights very similar to, but distinct from, those of normal large T (large T doublets and triplets); and elongated forms of large T (super T). These proteins all contain the normal amino terminus of SV40 T-Ags, and the truncated forms of large T lack peptides from the carboxy terminal half of large T. One species of super T (molecular weight 130,000) contains only those methionine tryptic peptides present in normal large T, although it may contain some peptides in more than one copy.  相似文献   

Simian virus 40 (SV40)-mediated transformation of human diploid fibroblasts has provided an effective experimental system for studies of both "senescence" in cell culture and carcinogenesis. Previous interpretations may have been complicated, however, by the semipermissive virus-cell interaction. In earlier studies, we previously demonstrated that the human diploid fibroblast line HS74 can be efficiently transformed by DNA from replication-defective mutants of SV40 containing a deletion in the viral origin for DNA synthesis (SVori-). In the current study, we found that such SVori- transformants show a significantly increased life span in culture, as compared with either HS74 or an independent transformant containing an intact viral genome, but they nonetheless undergo senescence. We have clonally isolated six immortalized derivatives of one such transformant (SV/HF-5). Growth studies indicate that the immortalized cell lines do not invariably grow better than SV/HF-5 or HS74. Genetic studies involving karyotypic analysis and Southern analysis of integrated viral sequences demonstrated both random and nonrandom alterations. All immortalized derivatives conserved one of the two copies of SV40 sequences which expressed a truncated T antigen. These cloned SV40-transformed cell lines, pre- and postimmortalization, should be useful in defining molecular changes associated with immortalization.  相似文献   

The organization of viral DNA sequences in several cell lines derived from a primary colony of simian virus 40 (SV40)-transformed mouse cells was analyzed to examine the origin of the various distinctive patterns of SV40 sequence arrangement present in transformed cells. This analysis revealed a complex arrangement of viral sequences in the uncloned transformed cells but simplified arrangements in cloned derivatives of the primary transformant. The cell lines studied had certain SV40 sequence arrangements in common, but the cloned lines had lost some parental arrangements and acquired new arrangements. These results indicate that the arrangement of viral sequences in some SV40-transformed cells is not fixed but that alterations occur after integration, creating a heterogeneous population of transformants. In the process, expression of viral genes may be altered. Possible causes for and implications of this genetic instability are discussed.  相似文献   

Structure of integrated simian virus 40 DNA in transformed mouse cells   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The structure of integrated viral DNA sequences in four lines of simian virus 40 (SV40)-transformed Balb/c 3T3 cells has been probed using restriction endonucleases and the Southern (1975) transfer method. By considering data from a large number of restriction digests of DNA from each line, and by using a novel method of handling the data, we have constructed fairly detailed physical maps of the integrated DNA in each line. The most striking of the features of the maps described here is that none is easily explained by the integration of a single SV40 genome into the DNA of the host cell. Three of the lines contain at least two distinct integrated segments and the fourth contains a single segment longer than the viral DNA. Considered individually, only two of the seven segments that we have mapped might be unit length. Of the remaining five, two are longer and three are shorter than the viral genome. It seems likely, therefore, that at least in SV40-transformed Balb/c 3T3 cells simple, single integrations are rare.The endpoints of these seven segments of integrated DNA fall at many positions distributed over the entire genome, confirming earlier studies (Ketner &; Kelly, 1976; Botchan et al., 1976), which indicated that SV40 integration is not absolutely site-specific.Finally, one of the lines mapped here (SVB209) does not possess an intact SV40 early region, an observation that suggests the possibility that a normal viral large T polypeptide is not synthesized by this line.  相似文献   

Chinese hamster embryo cells transformed by simian virus 40 temperature-sensitive T-antigen mutants replicated when confluent at 40.5 degrees C, regardless of the selection method, selection temperature, or virus strain used.  相似文献   

The phosphorylation sites of simian virus 40 (SV40) large tumor (T) antigens have been analyzed by partial proteolysis peptide mapping and phosphoamino acid analysis of the resulting products. At least four sites were found to be phosphorylated. An amino-terminal part of the molecule contained both phosphoserine and phosphothreonine. One phosphothreonine residue was located in the proline-rich carboxy-terminal end of the molecule, either at position 701 or at position 708. The mutant dl 1265, which is defective in adenovirus helper function, lacked this phosphorylation site. In addition, the carboxy-terminal part of the molecule contained phosphoserine at a more central position. T-antigen-associated proteins of SV40-transformed cell (nonviral T; 51,000 to 55,000 daltons) also contained multiple phosphorylation sites involving at least two serine residues in mouse antigens and an additional threonine residue in rat, human, and monkey antigens. The latter residue and at least one phosphoserine residue were located near one terminus of the human NVT molecule. We did not find any evidence for phosphorylation of tyrosine residues in any of the multiple species of either large T or nonviral T molecules. Several forms of large T antigens were extracted from both SV40-transformed and SV40-infected permissive and nonpermissive cells, and their phosphorylation patterns were compared. No evidence was found for a different phosphorylation pattern of T antigen in transformed cells.  相似文献   

The arrangement of simian virus 40 sequences in the DNA of transformed cells.   总被引:156,自引:0,他引:156  
M Botchan  W Topp  J Sambrook 《Cell》1976,9(2):269-287
High molecular weight DNA, isolated from eleven cloned lines of rat cells independently transformed by SV40, was cleaved with various restriction endonucleases. The DNA was fractionated by electrophoresis through agarose gels, denatured in situ, transferred directly to sheets of nitrocellulose as described by Southern (1975), and hybridized to SV40 DNA labeled in vitro to high specific activity. The location of viral sequences among the fragments of transformed cell DNA was determined by autoradiography. The DNAs of seven of the cell lines contained viral sequences in fragments of many different sizes. The remaining four cell lines each contain a single insertion of viral DNA at a different chromosomal location. The junctions between viral and cellular sequences map at different places on the viral genome.  相似文献   

Glycoconjugates have been analyzed from a family of closely related mouse cells: a parent clone and three daughter subclones, two of which expressed the simian virus 40 (SV40) T-antigen. The experimental procedure involved the simultaneous comparison by DEAE-cellulose chromatography of papain-digested macromolecules from the parent, labeled with [3H]glucosamine, and one of the daughter subclones, labeled with [14C]-glucosamine. Three cultures compartments (the medium, the cell surface trypsinate, and the cells) from the paired cell lines were combined at the earliest time during the harvesting of the cells. Heparan sulfate on the surface of cells and secreted into the medium from T-antigen-positive subclones was eluted at lower salt concentrations from the anion exchange column than that from the parent clone. In the viable trypsinized cells a marked reduction of heparan sulfate was detected in the T-antigen-positive subclones. These changes were highly reproducible, were observed during both logarithmic and stationary phase of growth, and neither change was observed in the T-antigen-negative sister subclone. The elution point of heparan sulfate from Sepharose 6B was unaltered. Ratios of 35S to 3H for heparan sulfate obtained from cells doubly labeled with [35S]sulfate and [3H]glucosamine were lower in the T-antigen-positive subclones. Similar changes for the 35S to 3H ratio of chondroitin sulfate were associated with only small alterations in elution from anion exchange columns. Kinetic experiments suggested a reduced rate of incorporation of [35S]sulfate with no change in turnover rate. A substantial portion of the labeled heparan sulfate was associated with the cell surface; in contrast most of the hyaluronic acid and a large proportion of the chondroitin sulfate was apparently secreted. Quantitative changes in hyaluronic acid labeling did not correlate with expression of T-antigen. Glycosaminoglycans left on the dish after detaching cells with ethylene glycol bis(beta-aminoethyl ether)-N,N'-tetraacetic acid were nearly completely released by subsequent trypsinization. Cell detachment by trypsinization left an insignificant amount of labeled glycosaminoglycan on the dish surface. The alterations in heparan sulfate metabolism correlated with the expression of T-antigen and with the cells' ability to grow to high densities in monolayer culture, but not with growth in suspension in viscous medium. Tumorigenicity of the subclones was essentially the same as that of the parent clone.  相似文献   

Transplasma membrane electron transport activity by fetal rat liver cells (RLA209-15) infected with a temperature-sensitive strain of SV40 has been measured with cells grown at the restrictive temperature (40°C) and permissive temperature (33°C). The transformed cells grown at 33°C had only one-half the rate of external ferricyanide reduction as the nontransformed cells held at 40°C. Both theK m andV max for ferricyanide reduction were changed in the transformed state. The change inV max can be based on a decrease of NADH in the transformed cells. The change in rate with ferricyanide does not depend on change in surface charge. Reduction of external ferricyanide was accompanied by release of protons from the cells. The ratio of protons released to ferricyanide reduced was higher in the transformed cells than in the non-transformed cells. Since the transplasma membrane electron transport has been shown to stimulate cell growth under limiting serum, the changes in the plasma membrane electron transport and proton release in transformed cells may relate to modification of growth control.  相似文献   

We have increased the copy number of Epstein-Barr virus vectors that also carry the origin of replication of simian virus 40 (SV40) by providing a transient dose of SV40 T antigen. T antigen was supplied in trans by transfection of a nonreplicating plasmid which expresses T antigen into cells carrying Epstein-Barr virus-SV40 vectors. A significant increase in vector copy number occurred over the next few days. We also observed a high frequency of intramolecular recombination when the vector carried a repeat segment in direct orientation, but not when the repeat was in inverted orientation or absent. Furthermore, by following the mutation frequency for a marker on the vector after induction of SV40 replication, it was determined that SV40 replication generates a detectable increase in the deletion frequency but no measurable increase in the frequency of point mutations.  相似文献   

Mouse embryo fibroblasts and 3T3 cells were transformed by wild-type, tsB4, tsA7, tsA58, and tsA209 simian virus 40. Clones of transformants were generated both in soft agar and in liquid medium by focus formation and at both high and relatively low multiplicities of infection. All transformants were assayed for three phenotypes of transformation: (i) the ability to form highly multinucleated cells in cytochalasin B-supplemented medium, i.e., uncontrolled nuclear division; (ii) the capacity to continue DNA synthesis at increasing cell density; and (iii) the ability to form colonies in soft agar. The great majority of mouse embryo fibroblast transformants generated with tsA mutant virus were temperature sensitive for transformation in all three assays, regardless of the input multiplicity or whether they were generated in liquid medium or soft agar. These transformants exhibited a normal or near-normal phenotype at the nonpermissive temperature of 40 degrees C. All but one of the transformants which appeared transformed at both temperatures were in the A209 group. In contrast to mouse embryo fibroblasts, transformants generated with 3T3 cells and tsA virus were often not temperature sensitive, exhibiting the transformation phenotypes at both temperatures. This phenomenon was more often observed when 3T3 transformants were generated in soft agar. These results, along with other published data, suggest that uncontrolled nuclear division and uncontrolled DNA synthesis are a function of the simian virus 40 A gene. Finally, with the 3T3 transformants, there was often discordance in the expression of transformation among the three phenotypes. Some tsA transformants were temperature sensitive in one of two assays but were transformed at both 33 and 40 degrees C in the remaining assay(s). Other transformants exhibited a normal cytochalasin B response at either temperature but were temperature sensitive in the other assays.  相似文献   

Na+ channels from lobster nerve membranes stored frozen in sucrose were incorporated into artificial liposomes. Crude soybean phospholipids or mixtures of purified phospholipids were suitable for reconstitution provided the latter included phosphatidylserine or another acidic phospholipid. The 22Na flux into the reconstituted vesicles was increased (2 to 3-fold) by veratridine (0.25 – 1 mM) or grayanotoxin I (50 –150 μM) and the increment was abolished by 10 nM tetrodotoxin (Ki = 2 nM). The reconstituted vesicles were inactivated after incubation for 15 min at 40° and exposure to 20 μM dicyclohexylcardobiimide inhibited by 80% the response to the drugs.  相似文献   

mRNA extracted from a variety of simian virus 40 (SV40)-infected monkey cell lines directs the cell-free synthesis of viral T-antigen polypeptides with molecular weights estimated as 90,000 and 17,000. However, the size, abundance, and distribution of these T-antigens synthesized in vivo vary greatly over a range of permissive and transformed cell lines. To establish whether differences in the size of T-antigen polypeptides can be correlated with the transformed or lytic state, recently developed lines of SV40-transformed monkey cells that are permissive to lytic superinfection were analyzed for T-antigen. In these cells, regardless of the state of viral infection, the size and pattern of T-antigen are the same. However, species differences in the largest size of T-antigen are the same. However, species differences in the largest size of T-antigen do exist. In addition to the 90,000 T-antigen, mouse SV3T3 cells contain a 94,000 T-antigen polypeptide as well. Unlike the size variations in monkey cells, which are due to modification of T-antigen polypeptides, the 94,000 SV3T3 T-antigen results from an altered mRNA, since the cell-free products of SV3T3 mRNA also contains the 94,000 T-antigen polypeptide.  相似文献   

Seven lines derived from primary African green monkey kidney cells, which had survived lytic infection by wild-type simian virus 40 (SV40) or temperature-sensitive mutants belonging to the A and B complementation groups, were established. These cultures synthesize SV40 tumor (T) antigen constitutively and have been passaged more than 60 times in vitro. The cells released small amounts of virus even at high passage levels but eventually became negative for the spontaneous release of virus. Virus rescued from such "nonproducer" cells by the transfection technique exhibited the growth properties of the original inoculum virus. Four of the cell lines were tested for the presence of altered growth patterns commonly associated with SV40-induced transformation. Although each of the cell lines was greater than 99% positive for T antigen, none of the cultures could be distinguished from primary or stable lines of normal simian cells on the basis of morphology, saturation density in high or low serum concentrations, colony formation on plastic or in soft agar, hexose transport, or concanavalin A agglutinability. However, the cells could be distinguished from the parental green monkey kidney cells by a prolonged life span, the presence of T antigen, a resistance to the replication of superinfecting SV40 virus or SV40 viral DNA, and, with three of the four lines, an ability to complement the growth of human adenovirus type 7. These properties were expressed independent of the temperature of incubation. These results indicate that the presence of an immunologically reactive SV40 T antigen is not sufficient to ensure induction of phenotypic transformation and suggest that a specific interaction between viral and cellular genes and/or gene products may be a necessary requirement.  相似文献   

Primary in vitro sensitization of murine lymphocytes to isogeneic and allogeneic cells transformed by simian virus 40 (SV40) is described. The results of specificity studies utilizing cytotoxic effector lymphocytes obtained by in vitro immunization indicate that SV40 transformation results in the expression of tumor-specific antigens which are recognized by cytotoxic effector cells. Moreover, the studies demonstrate that expression of tumor-specific antigens on transformed cells is associated with a reduction in the functional expression of normal histocompatibility antigens.  相似文献   

W I Li  H Wu  M P Chin  G Wu 《Life sciences》1992,51(25):1969-1979
The purpose of this study was to immortalize porcine endometrial cells and to characterize the transformed cells. Primary porcine endometrial cells were transfected with the plasmid vector (pmk16) containing SV40 DNA using a liposome-mediated method. The viral DNA was from a replication-defective, origin-minus, temperature-sensitive mutant strain (A58). One clone, designated PE-1, has been propagated for over 120 passages. PE-1 cells grown at 33C (33C cells) exhibit spindle-shaped morphology; when cultured at 40C (40C cells), they took on a polygonal or spherical shape. Morphology of 40C cells returned to the spindle shape after culture flasks were shifted back to 33C. During a 2-week period, 33C cells propagated approximately 30-fold faster than 40C cells, whereas protein concentration was higher in 40C cells. Southern blot analysis of PE-1 cells demonstrated successful integration of the ts-SV40 DNA sequence into the porcine endometrial cells, possibly at multiple sites. The presence of cytokeratin on PE-1 cell membranes was shown by immunocytochemical studies, suggesting that the PE-1 cell clone was of epithelial origin. Reverse phase (RP)-HPLC analysis of PE-1 cell extract indicated that the majority of immunoreactive beta-endorphin (ir-BEND) eluted with a hydrophobicity similar to that of synthetic BEND and alpha-N-acetylated BEND (Nac-BEND). These results demonstrate that a porcine endometrial cell line has been established, and that this cell line possesses characteristics of temperature sensitivity in cell morphology, growth rate, and protein synthesis.  相似文献   

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