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Summary The hypothalamic hormones arginine-vasopressin (AVP), oxytocin (OXT), somatostatin (SOM), and luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) were localized in the rat neurohypophysis by the use of semithin serial sections and the unlabeled antibody enzyme method. Clusters of AVP fibres are present within the central region of the neural lobe, clusters of OXT fibres mainly in the peripheral part. The AVP fibres enter bilaterally into the neural lobe.The results call into question previous reports on the presence of AVP on receptors in the pars intermedia cells, since incubation with anti-AVP resulted in similar staining in the pars intermedia of the Wistar and homozygous Brattleboro rat, a mutant strain deficient in AVP. The same intermediate lobe cells are stained after incubation of serial sections with anti-AVP and anti--melanocyte-stimulating hormone (-MSH). This staining of anti-AVP could be removed by solid phase absorption to -MSH and is thus most probably due to cross reaction with -MSH. SOM fibres appear to be present in the peripheral parts of the proximal neurohypophysial stalk and mainly lateral in its more distal parts. In the neural lobe they rapidly decrease in number, although some fibres continue into the distal part of the neural lobe, running bilaterally and situated adjacent to the pars intermedia. The SOM staining within magnocellular elements, which has been reported in the literature, can most probably be explained by cross reaction of anti-SOM with neurophysins. LHRH fibres are very scarce in the neurohypophysial stalk and absent in the neural lobe.Supported by the Foundation for Medical Research FUNGOThe authors wish to thank Drs. J. De Mey (Beerse, Belgium), A. Arimura (New Orleans, U.S.A.), M.P. Dubois (Nouzilly, France), B.L. Baker (Ann Arbor, U.S.A.) and A.G.E. Pearse (London, U.K.) for their gifts of anti-somatostatin serum, Dr. B. Kerdelhué (Gif-sur-Yvette, France) for anti-LHRH serum, and Dr. F. Vandesande (Ghent, Belgium) for anti-neurophysin I and II serum and bovine neurophysin I and II. Dr. J.G. Streefkerk (Free University, Amsterdam) is acknowledged for critical comments and Mr. A.T. Potjer and Miss J. van der Velden for their skilled assistance  相似文献   

Summary Immunoreactive luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH)-like material has been demonstrated in the pineal gland of the adult rat. The objective of the present study was to examine the ontogenetic development of this LHRH-like substance in the rat pineal with the peroxidase-antiperoxidase (PAP) method of Sternberger. LHRH-like immunoreactive material was not observed in pineal glands of newborn rats. The amount of material increased progressively from the 6th–12th day of postnatal development. On day 12, the amount of LHRH-like immunoreactivity was consistent and comparable in all pineal glands of male and female animals examined.Supported by NIH Grant 1 R01 HD-12956  相似文献   

It has been inferred that ethanol suppresses the secretion of luteinizing hormone (LH) in the male by depressing the release of LH-releasing hormone (LH-RH) from the hypothalamus. Direct support for this inference has been difficult to obtain, however, because of significant technical difficulties in measuring LH-RH release under in vivo conditions. To circumvent these problems, we made use of the opiate antagonist naloxone, as a neuroendocrine probe, to elicit the release of LH-RH under in vivo conditions. We found that ethanol was a potent suppressor of the increase in serum LH levels evoked by naloxone at extremely low blood ethanol concentrations ( less than 60 mg/dl). Furthermore, we observed that the antagonism between ethanol and naloxone appeared to be competitive in nature since a fixed dose of ethanol (1 g/kg, blood ethanol concentration 60 mg/dl) shifted the naloxone dose-response curve significantly to the right and high doses of the antagonist overcame ethanol's effects. Finally, we found that the interaction between ethanol and naloxone took place at the level of the hypothalamus. Our results, therefore, seem to provide the first in vivo evidence supporting the widely-held hypothesis that ethanol reduces serum LH levels by depressing the hypothalamically-medicated release of LH-RH. The mechanisms underlying ethanol's depression of naloxone-induced increases in the release of LH-RH are not fully understood at this time, but one prominent possibility is that ethanol enhances the synthesis or release of endogenous opioids which in turn override naloxone's effects.  相似文献   

The ultrastructural appearance of luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) immunoreactive elements was studied in the medial preoptic area (MPOA) of adult male Fischer 344 rats. The purpose of the study was to determine the distribution and morphology of innervation of the LHRH neuron. Although not numerous, both axo-somatic and axo-dendritic synapses were present and generally of the asymmetric (Gray's II) category. Analyses of 56 profiles of 11 separate perikarya revealed only 7 axo-somatic terminals. The synaptic input to LHRH dendrites was a fraction of that to non-identified dendrites in the same electron micrographic fields; 0.4% of LHRH dendritic membrane was in synaptic contact compared to 6.6% of nonidentified dendritic membrane. In addition to receiving an input, LHRH processes were also seen to make synapses onto non-immunoreactive elements. Close examination of this material for evidence of contact between LHRH elements revealed two clear examples of synaptic interaction and several instances of close association in which no other elements intervened.  相似文献   

Summary Monoamine fluorescence was examined in the ventral hypothalamus of the Japanese quail, Coturnix coturnix japonica after medial basal hypothalamic deafferentation. In sham-operated control birds, numerous yellow-green fluorescent fibers were observed in the median eminence and the nucleus tuberis. In the area of the paraventricular organ, a number of fluorescent fibers and cell bodies were observed. In birds with deafferented hypothalami, fluorescence disappeared both in the median eminence and the nucleus tuberis. In the area of the paraventricular organ, which was within the area of deafferentation, fluorescence of neuronal perikarya did not change, but fluorescent fibers decreased markedly in number. Disappearance of monoamine fluorescence in the median eminence and the nucleus tuberis is discussed in relation to the tanycyte absorptive function and gonadal development.Supported by Grants from the Ministry of Education to Professors T. Bando and H. Kobayashi, and a Grant from the Ford Foundation to Prof. H. Kobayashi.  相似文献   

Using an in vitro perifusion system, the present study investigated the possibility that alterations in catecholamine and luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) secretion from the male rat mediobasal hypothalamus are present during the period of middle-age. The results indicate that, while tissue concentrations and baseline secretion of norepinephrine, dopamine and LHRH were similar between age groups, the patterns of dopamine and LHRH release in response to a series of depolarizing stimuli was different in the older animals. After all challenges, dopamine concentrations in the perifusate declined much more sharply for the middle-aged group, a finding that may be associated with a decrease with age in the pool of transmitter available for ready release. Also, tissue fragments from young adult rats were able to maintain the release of LHRH to a greater extent than tissue from the middle-aged animals, but only for the initial challenge period. The typical episodic pattern of LHRH release appeared to be disrupted in the older group following a second stimulus. It is possible that these age-related changes are early components of a dysruption in the hypothalamic mechanisms governing gonadotropin secretion.The research described in this article has been reviewed by the Health Effects Research Laboratory, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and approved for publication. Approval does not signify that the contents necessarily reflect the views and policies of the Agency, nor does mention of trade name or commercial products constitute endorsement or recommendation for use.  相似文献   

Observations of proton nuclear Overhauser effects in the molecule Luteinizing Hormone-Releasing Hormone indicate that a high population of a particular set of conformers exists in water solution. The results can be interpreted as two distinct conformers in which the pGlu1 ring is in close proximity to aromatic residues further along the sequence of the linear structure. The observed nuclear Overhauser effects were in agreement with the enhancements calculated from models obtained by conformational energy calculations.  相似文献   

Summary A vasopressin anti-idiotype antibody was generated by immunization with purified IgG of a primary vasopressin antiserum. The anti-idiotype antibody immunostained neurons in the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei of the hypothalamus of normal and Brattleboro rats. The distribution of immunostained perikarya in these hypothalamic nuclei together with the staining of fibers in median eminence and neural lobe was similar to that observed in normal rats with anti-vasopressin and suggests strongly that vasopressinergic neurons are being stained. Absorption studies with vasopressin and a vasopressin-binding receptor protein further indicate that a receptor associated with vasopressinergic neurons is recognized by the anti-idiotype antibody.Supported by NIH grants ES03239, NS18626 and NSF grant BNS-8310914. D.T.P. is the receipient of RCDA award NS00869  相似文献   

Summary Prolonged thirst provokes an activation of the LHRH system which enables the visualization of fiber connections not seen in untreated control animals. This type of experimental stress situation increases the number of LHRH-containing fibers in the organum vasculosum laminae terminalis and in the median eminence. The number of LHRH-producing cells in the preoptic nucleus is increased and the fiber connection between this area and the median eminence can be observed. The tanycytes and the perikarya of the arcuate nucleus do not react with the antibody against LHRH. Moreover, during thirst, a network of LHRH-containing fibers is observed in the medial mammillary nucleus. The results obtained at the light microscopic level have been confirmed and supplemented by electron microscopic immunocytochemical observations.Supported by the Stiftung Volkswagenwerk and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Grant No. Kr 569/1) Acknowledgements. The author is greatly indebted to Dr. M. Dubois (Lab. de Physiol. de la Reprod., Nouzilly/France) for the generous gift of the LHRH antibody, and to Dr. L.A. Sternberger (Edgewood Arsenal, Maryland/USA) for supplying the peroxidase-antiperoxidase-complex. The skillful technical assistance of Mrs. H. Prien is thankfully acknowledged  相似文献   

Abstract: A role for copper in the release of luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (LHRH) from hypothalamic neurons has been previously proposed. To elucidate further the mechanism of action of copper, we addressed two questions: (a) what is the active form of copper that interacts with the LHRH granule (ionic or chelated)? and (b) is copper-stimulated LHRH release a result of an interaction of copper with thiol groups and, if so, does it require oxygen? Granules were isolated from hypothalami of adult male rats and were then incubated at 37°C for 3–5 min in a buffered medium. When granules were incubated with various copper complexes, CuATP stimulated LHRH release by 45 ± 4% (mean ± SE), copper tartrate by 44 ± 4%, CuBSA by 27 ± 7%, and copper histidine by 16 ± 6%. Neither CuEDTA nor CuCl2 stimulated LHRH release. CuATP-stimulated LHRH release from granules incubated under N2 was 50% of that incubated under air. Furthermore, the CuATP-stimulated release of LHRH was completely inhibited by dithiothreitol or glutathione (10?3M each), partially (40–50%) by iodoacetate or 5,5-dithiobis-(2-nitrobenzoic acid), and not at all by oxidized dithiothreitol. Thus, chelated copper, rather than ionic copper, is the active form of the metal, and the action of copper involves an oxidation reaction and granule thiol groups. The precise mechanism of action of copper, however, has yet to be elucidated. We propose that copper may affect LHRH release as follows: copper, bound to an intracellular chelator (protein, peptide, or amino acid), oxidizes thiols of the LHRH granule, leading to a change in granule-membrane permeability and hence to LHRH release.  相似文献   

The pathway of LH-RH degradation by two subcellular fractions (a soluble fraction and a 25 000 X g particulate fraction) of rat hypothalamus, pituitary and cerebral cortex has been studied using high performance liquid chromatography and amino acid analysis to identify the breakdown products. The primary cleavage point in the Tyr5-Gly6 bond giving [1-5] LH-RH and [6-10] LH-RH. In the presence of dithiothreitol, cleavage of LH-RH also occurred at the Pro9-Gly10 bond giving [1-9] LH-RH. The fragment [1-5] LH-RH is further degraded sequentially from the C-terminus and [1-4] LH-RH, [1-3] LH-RH, tyrosine and tryptophan were identified. The other major fragment, [6-10] LH-RH, is rapidly broken down, the only intermediate product positively identified being Arg-Pro.  相似文献   

The LHRH precursor is known to contain the decapeptide and a 56 amino acid peptide termed gonadotropin-releasing hormone-associated peptide (GAP). The purpose of our study was to characterize the proLHRH and its processed products from the cell body and fiber region and from the nerve terminal region of LHRH neurons. The median eminence (ME) and a tissue block containing the preoptic area and hypothalamus (POH) were dissected separately. Tissues were homogenized and peptides were separated according to mol wt. Three different LHRH antisera bound to one immunoreactive (IR) substance which eluted at approximately 1200 mol wt. Subsequently, this material coeluted with synthetic LHRH on a reversed-phase column as a single peak. There was approximately 1.6-fold more LHRH-like IR in the ME than in the POH. The four different GAP antisera recognized multiple mol wt forms of GAP-like IR at approximately 16,000 to 14,000, 8,200, 6,500, 3,500, and 2,800 mol wt. There were more of the high mol wt materials and less of the 6500 and lower mol wt materials in the POH than in the ME. The most abundant species in both regions was the 6500 mol wt form. This IR substance coeluted with synthetic rat GAP1-56 on a reversed-phase column as a single peak. These experiments demonstrate 1) that multiple IR forms of the LHRH prohormone exist in the POH of the rat and 2) that nerve terminals of the LHRH neurons contain LHRH, GAP1-56, and some lower mol wt GAP-like substances. These results provide the first information concerning the processing scheme for the LHRH prohormone in the rat brain.  相似文献   

Summary This report concerns a light and electron microscopic investigation of the median eminence and dorsal infundibular stem of the rat following surgical isolation (deafferentation). Using a modification of the Halász technique, the basal hypothalamus, including the arcuate nucleus and median eminence were surgically isolated from surrounding structures. Special attention was directed to the contact (external) zone of the median eminence and rostral infundibulum where tuberohypophyseal axons as well as ependymal cell processes abut upon the abluminal basement membrane of the portal perivascular space. The results of this study to date suggest that 9, 20, and 40 days following surgical isolation, there is a distinct increase in the population of tuberohypophyseal dense core vesicles. It is suggested that deafferentation abolishes inhibitory and excitatory input that serves to modify the cellular dynamics of tuberohypophyseal neurosecretory elements. Comments are also made on the presence of cistern-like structures in the lateral median eminence; the presence of vesicle-like inclusions in terminal ependymal processes is discussed in relationship to the role that ependyma may play in linking the third ventricle with the adenohypophysis.This research was supported by USPHS Grants NB 08171 and AM 10002. The authors are indebted to the excellent technical assistance provided by G. Krobisch Dudley. Further, the authors wish to express their thanks to Dr. Adolph Weindl for his valuable advice and criticism, and to Matilde Holzwarth for her helpful assistance.  相似文献   

Summary By use of the peroxidase-antiperoxidase-complex (PAP) immunohistological method, the preoptico-infundibular LHRH-tract was studied in adult female rats in which frontal hypothalamic deafferentation was performed at the third or tenth postnatal day. In the former group, this LHRH-tract appeared to be similar to that of the intact controls; the animals showed regular vaginal cycles and ova were present in their oviducts. In the latter group, however, marked reduction in the number of the LHRH-nerve fibers was observed behind the sites of the deafferentation in the mediobasal hypothalamus (MBH), whereas LHRH-immunoreactive perikarya and nerve fibers containing the immunoreactive material were seen rostral to the plane of severance. In these animals reduction of LHRH-fibers in the MBH was accompanied by an anovulatory syndrome characterized by constant vaginal cornification and polyfollicular ovaries. Comparing the glial scar formation induced by the cut, significant differences were detected between the two experimental groups. In the animals deafferented on the 3rd day of life, reduction of nerve cells was seen along the cut, but LHRH-fibers crossing the thin glial scar were detectable in large numbers. On the other hand, in the animals deafferented on the 10th postnatal day, extensive glial scar tissue appeared to interrupt the LHRH-fibers rostral to the cut.  相似文献   

In ruminant species photoperiod regulates prolactin (PRL) secretion. It is hypothesized that the inhibition of PRL secretion resides in dopaminergic neurons of the medial basal hypothalamus (MBH). To test this hypothesis, anterior (AHD), posterior (PHD) and complete (CHD) hypothalamic deafferentation and sham operation control (SOC) surgeries were carried out during May (long-day photoperiod) in beef heifer calves (6-8 mo old) to measure basal PRL secretion and PRL secretion as affected by intravenous secretagogues. On the day of surgery (day 0), PRL secretion reflected stress of anesthesia and surgery in all groups. Thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH), alpha-methyl-rho-tyrosine (alphaMrhoT), and haloperidol (HAL) was iv injected on days 11, 13 and 15, respectively. AHD, PHD, CHD, and SOC calves responded to TRH (100 microg) with an acute increase in PRL that peaked within 20 min. All heifers responded to alphaMrhoT (10 mg/kg BW) with an acute elevation in PRL within 10 min and remaining elevated for 3 h. HAL (0.1 mg/kg BW) induced an acute increase in PRL secretion in all groups, peaking within 15-30 min. Seven months later (December, short-day photoperiod) these heifers were ovariectomized. Basal plasma PRL levels were seasonally low, PRL secretion in AHD, PHD and CHD animals abruptly increased within 15 min to iv injection of 100 microg TRH to a greater amount than seen in SOC heifers. Although a biphasic effect on PRL secretion entrains under long-day and short-day photoperiods, hypothalamic deafferentation in cattle did not affect the pituitary gland's responsiveness to secretagogues.  相似文献   

The content and distribution of vasopressin and oxytocin were determined during fetal development in the rat brain and pituitary by means of radioimmunoassay and immunocytochemistry. The vasopressin content in the fetal brain showed a gradual rise from day 16 of pregnancy onwards, while pituitary vasopressin rapidly increased from fetal day 19 until birth. The oxytocin content in the fetal brain was considerably lower than the vasopressin content. A decrease in oxytocin content was seen between day 16 and day 18 while from day 18 of pregnancy onwards a slight increase was found. The pituitary oxytocin content starts to rise between day 17 and 18 of pregnancy, but at term the pituitary oxytocin content was only 1/20 of the vasopressin value. Immunocytochemistry revealed that vasopressin levels in the fetal rat brain were not only due to the presence of the classical hypothalamoneurohypophyseal system, but also to the early development of exohypothalamic fibers. Vasopressin containing cells were seen from fetal day 16 in the supraoptic nucleus, and from fetal day 18 in the paraventricular nucleus. The fiber outgrowth of these cells towards the pituitary and extrahypothalamic brain sites seems to be well synchronized, as on day 17 vasopressin containing fibers could be demonstrated in the olfactory bulb as well as in the median eminence. No positive staining for oxytocin could be obtained in the fetal rat, while during the entire fetal period no positive staining was found in cell bodies in the region of the suprachiasmatic nucleus. The early peptidergic innervation of the brain, which enabled the tracing of the source of some exohypothalamic fibers, might be related to several central processes among which brain development itself is included.  相似文献   

The content and distribution of vasopressin and oxytocin were determined during fetal development in the rat brain and pituitary by means of radioimmunoassay and immunocytochemistry. The vasopressin content in the fetal brain showed a gradual rise from day 16 of pregnancy onwards, while pituitary vasopressin rapidly increased from fetal day 19 until birth. The oxytocin content in the fetal brain was considerably lower than the vasopressin content. A decrease in oxytocin content was seen between day 16 and day 18 while from day 18 of pregnancy onwards a slight increase was found. The pituitary oxytocin content starts to rise between day 17 and 18 of pregnancy, but at term the pituitary oxytocin content was only of the vasopressin value. Immunocytochemistry revealed that vasopressin levels in the fetal rat brain were not only due to the presence of the classical hypothalamoneurohypophyseal system, but also to the early development of exohypothalamic fibers. Vasopressin containing cells were seen from fetal day 16 in the supraoptic nucleus, and from fetal day 18 in the paraventricular nucleus. The fiber outgrowth of these cells towards the pituitary and extrahypothalamic brain sites seems to be well synchronized, as on day 17 vasopressin containing fibers could be demonstrated in the olfactory bulb as well as in the median eminence. No positive staining for oxytocin could be obtained in the fetal rat, while during the entire fetal period no positive staining was found in cell bodies in the region of the suprachiasmatic nucleus. The early peptidergic innervation of the brain, which enabled the tracing of the source of some exohypothalamic fibers, might be related to several central processes among which brain development itself is included.  相似文献   

Summary Using the labeled and unlabeled immunoperoxidase methods, the distribution and concentration (1) of immunoreactive LHRH-material in the hypothalamus, and (2) of gonadotropic hormones in the adenohypophysis of the ewe were determined during various reproductive stages, including two phases of the estrous cycle, anestrus, lactation, and the state after ovariectomy. The concentration of LHRH-immunoreactive material varied in particular regions of the median eminence (ME) and was closely dependent on the physiological state. The immunoreactive material was most abundant in hypothalami of lactating animals, exceeding gradually the corresponding deposits in ovariectomized animals, in ewes during the 16th day of the estrous cycle (before ovulation), and in anestrous ewes. A severe depletion of LHRH from the rostral and central parts of the ME was observed 24h after ovulation. This depletion was accompanied by a degranulation of LH-and prolactin-producing cells in the adenohypophysis. It is postulated that LHRH is stored in the ME of the sheep in all examined endocrine stages. Only circumscribed regions of the ME take part in the cyclic release of LHRH during the ovulatory phase; this suggests a functional differentiation of the nerve terminals in this neurohemal area.  相似文献   

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