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Rat experiments have revealed the relationship between the liver pathomorphosis and the small-intestinal fistulae situated at various levels (high, low, or medium-height). Vacuolar dystrophy of the hepatocytes was found to be the major pathology in fistulae of the small intestine.  相似文献   

The structure of the nerve fibres in the intact and neurally isolated intestine of the cat was studied after 6-OHDA treatment by fluorescence and electron microscopy. A gradual disappearance of green fluorescence in the monoaminergic fibers was observed. Degeneration of nerve fibres containing 30--60 nm agranular and 30--60 nm densecore (granular) vesicles could be seen in all layers of the small intestine. Sporadically, degeneration of the presynaptic elements occurred also in the synapses of myenteric ganglia. A large number of degenerating fibres could be observed in close relation to blood vessels. These were thought to be monoaminergic because 6-OHDA selectively affected their terminals. In the chronically isolated small intestine degenerated nerve processes could not be observed following 6-OHDA treatment. It is concluded that the intrinsic nerve elements do not contain monoamines. Accordingly, the previously observed yellow fluorescence of the nerve elements of the isolated small intestine might be due to some other kind of neurotransmitter, possibly tryptamine.  相似文献   

Neurogenic pulmonary edema (NPE) may develop in individuals with head trauma or seizures and is generally thought to have a hydrostatic basis in the severe degree of pulmonary hypertension that occurs. Recently, it has been suggested that vascular pressures may rise to levels that damage the vessels, leaving the patient at risk for further edema development. The objective of this study was to determine if pulmonary vascular protein permeability is increased in a canine isolated perfused left lower lung lobe (LLL) preparation by pressure transients that may occur in NPE. Venous pressure (Pv) was transiently raised to values ranging from 8 to 102 Torr in 19 LLL. One Pv transient was studied per LLL. After Pv was returned to normal, the osmotic reflection coefficient (sigma d) for total proteins was determined by the hematocrit-protein double indicator technique. No reduction in sigma d was observed until microvascular pressure exceeded 70 Torr. The average sigma d for the 11 LLL in which the peak microvascular pressure was less than 70 Torr was 0.74 +/- 0.03 (SE). Above this level sigma d fell linearly with increasing Pv, with a value of 0.26 being observed after the highest Pv transient. These results suggest that protein permeability may increase in patients with NPE who develop very large increases in pulmonary vascular pressures but may not be a universal occurrence in this disorder.  相似文献   

The purpose of these experiments was to determine whether there are changes in intestinal Ca and P uptake with age and whether the regulation of Ca and P uptake changes with age. Experiments were performed in male Fischer 344 rats aged 2-3 months (young), 12-14 months (adult) and 22-24 months (old). Ca and P uptake were measured simultaneously by incubating everted intestinal sacs in a buffered salt solution containing radiolabeled 0.25 mM Ca and 1.0 mM P for 15 min. Ca uptake declined by over 50% with age in the duodenum, and P uptake showed a similar decline in both the duodenum and jejunum. The biggest decrease was seen between the young and adult age groups. These decreases in uptake were paralleled by decreases in serum 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D with age. Administration of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D-3 increased Ca uptake by 50-65% in the duodenum and increased P uptake by 85-120% in the duodenum and jejunum of both young and adult rats. Although 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D-3 increased uptake by about the same percentage in each age group, the maximal uptake was much greater in the young than in the adult. Feeding a low-Ca diet increased duodenal Ca uptake by 68% and increased serum 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D over 2-fold in young rats. There was no significant increase in either parameter in adult rats fed a low-Ca diet. However, duodenal P uptake was stimulated by a low-Ca diet by 87% in young rats and by 51% in adult rats. These results demonstrate that there is an age-related decline in Ca and P uptake by the intestinal mucosa. In addition, there is decreased capacity of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D-3 and a low-Ca diet to stimulate intestinal uptake in the adult.  相似文献   

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