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培养海马神经元网络学习模型的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对于培养的神经元网络而言,学习是外界刺激与网络响应之间联系建立和调控的过程.为构建合适的神经元网络学习模型,采用闭环低频(1 Hz)成对电极的电刺激模拟认知任务,在多通道微电极阵列系统中对培养的海马神经元网络进行训练,使其发生网络层次上的学习行为.经过训练后,神经元网络在刺激后20~80ms内的早期突触后响应明显增加,响应/刺激比(在闭环训练中,电极上任一阶段连续10次刺激的早期突触后响应的个数/10)增大,响应时延减小,并且响应具有选择性,即表明,神经元网络与外界刺激之间已建立可调控的联系,该可调控联系是通过网络的响应来表现的,建立神经元网络与外界刺激之间的可调控联系即网络层次的学习.  相似文献   

利用多通道微电极阵列上培养的海马神经元网络,通过分析28~41℃范围内不同温度时网络自发放电频率.幅度和相邻峰电位时间间隔(interspike interval,ISI)的变化,探讨了温度对网络活动的影响。发现温度升高过程中放电频率、幅度呈不同程度增大的趋势,峰电位数目的变化程度随其间隔的增大呈减小趋势。结果表明体外培养的胎鼠海马神经元的网络活动具有温度敏感性。  相似文献   

神经元网络是大脑执行高级认知行为的结构基础,研究证明学习记忆及神经退行性疾病与神经元网络可塑性密切相关。因此,揭示调控和改变神经元网络可塑性的机制对理解神经系统信息交互以及疾病治疗具有重大意义。目前,基于微电极阵列(microelectrode array, MEA)培养的神经元网络是体外探究学习和记忆机制的理想模型,同时针对该模型的研究为预防和治疗神经退行性疾病提供了独特的视角。本文综述了基于MEA采集体外培养神经元网络的放电信号来构建功能网络的相关研究,分别从二维神经元网络和三维脑类器官发育,以及开环和闭环电刺激对神经元网络可塑性影响的角度,总结了体外培养神经元网络可塑性的相关研究,最后对该方向的应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

本文采用电极阵列检测技术,在大鼠海马脑切片上诱导出稳定的癫痫样放电,分析、研究130 Hz的高频电刺激(high-frequency stimulation,HFS) CA3区时,海马切片在癫痫发作间期放电(inter-ictal discharges,IID)和发作期放电(ictal discharges,ID)的各项参数、癫痫样放电地起始位点、传播方向和传输速率以及各频段的功率谱密度.结果显示:高频电刺激可以有效地降低癫痫发作期的幅值、减少持续时间、增长潜伏时间、抑制癫痫样放电由IID向ID的转变等.提示高频电刺激抑制癫痫的作用机制是通过促进神经元之间的抑制性传输系统,并且抑制海马神经元之间的兴奋性连接,从而达到抑制效果.  相似文献   

目的:探讨双侧海马细胞癫痫相关性单位放电特征。方法:双玻璃微电极同步记录大鼠44对双侧海马神经元单位放电,每隔5-10min重复强直电刺激右背海马(0.6-0.4mA60Hz2s)一次,共施加10-12个刺激串。结果:强直电刺激可以诱发双侧海马神经元单位放电的原发性和继发性后放,呈现明显的双侧非对称性和动态发展特征,甚至出现双侧交互性改变,与人类颞叶癫痫的病理生理特征相吻合;进行性发展、跨大脑半球扩布和动态变化,强直电刺激对海马细胞单位自发放电具有易化或抑制、调制或解调作用,并取决于这些细胞的基础单位放电,东莨菪碱可以调电刺激引起的海马细胞爆发式单位放电成为紧张性放电,诱导强直电刺激后单位放电频率的抑制效应。结论:强直电刺激右背海马后,双侧海马细胞特征性癫痫相关性单位电活动很可能是颞叶癫痫跨半球脑损伤的病理生理学机制之一。  相似文献   

目的 :急性强直电刺激右侧后背HPC诱导双侧HPC癫痫电网络形成的细胞机制。方法 :强直电刺激 (6 0Hz,2s,0 .4~ 0 .6mA)大鼠右后背HPCCA1基树突区 ,每隔 10min刺激一次 ,施加 10个刺激串。结果 :①分别抑制双侧CA1神经元单位放电频率 ,对侧的抑制效应更明显 (对侧 :6 2 .94 %± 3.6 8% ;同侧 :36 .6 1%± 3.14 % ,P <0 .0 1) ,出现抑制后爆发式放电。随着刺激串数的增加 ,抑制作用逐渐减弱。②同步原发性网络和单位后放电 ,以同侧CA1多见 (P<0 .0 1)。③ 90Hz或 12 0Hz原发性或继发性网络后放电仅仅累及同侧CA1。④对侧CA3基树突区网络与下托神经元单位放电出现同步继发性后放电 ,反复发作 ,持续约数小时。结论 :电刺激诱导的对侧HPC抑制后爆发式放电和长时程、反复发作的网络与单个神经元同步继发性后放电可能是跨半球癫痫网络形成的重要表现形式。  相似文献   

Wang WT  Han D  Zou ZY  Zeng J 《生理学报》2003,55(3):339-348
本文旨在探讨单侧海马(hippocampus,HPC)内神经网络与HPC癫痫发生的关系及其细胞机制。实验在45只SSprague-Dawley大鼠上完成。急性强直电刺激大鼠右侧后背HPC CAl基树突区(acute tetanizatio of the posterior dorsal hippocampus,ATPDH;60Hz,2s,0.4-0.6mA)诱发HPC癫痫模型,同步记录同侧前背HPC CAl顶树突区单位放电和基树突区深部电图。结果,ATPDH可以沿长铀向前1.8mm处对前背MIC神经网络产生下述效应:(1)同步或非同步原发性单位与深部电图后放电,在同步性后放电锁时(time-lock)关系明显。非同步性后放电的深部电图癫痫样电活动具有宽频带特征(5-90Hz);(2)原发性单位后放-后抑制效应可以引发低频原发性电图后放电,长时程爆发式单位放电可以诱发高频原发性电图后放电;(3)短束原发性电图后放电也可以诱发原发性单位后放电;(4)原发性电图后放电和神经元单位放电的抑制效应具有明显可塑性特征。以上结果提示,重复施加ATPDH可以引起前背HPC癫痫相关性病理生理性神经网络的重建;而单个神经元与神经网络的异常电活动之间具有明显的互动作用和突触传递可塑性特征;沿HPC长铀内在抑制性通路的过度活动也可以诱发电图癫痫样电活动,导致HPC网络癫痫的发生。  相似文献   

目的:观察强直电刺激大鼠右侧尾壳核(CPu)时,CPu-海马(HPC)网络癫痫的神经信息编码特征。方法:雄性SD大鼠59只。急性或慢性强直电刺激CPu(acute tetanization of the right CPu or chronic tetanization of the right CPu,ATRC or CTRC)(60Hz.0.4~0.6mA,2s)诱导大鼠癫痫模型。结果:①ATRC可以诱导双侧HPC神经元出现非对称性癫痫相关性单位电活动.增加对侧HPC单位放电时间间隔(Interspike interval,ISI)点分布的分岔角度。②CTRC可以诱导双侧CPu网络出现尖波样连续发放,同侧振荡样网络发作具有明显的相位移动特征;频率变化顺序为70Hz、110Hz、35Hz以及30Hz.与时间呈显著的负相关;振荡波波峰间隔(Interpeak interval,IPI)和波峰振幅逐渐增大,与时间呈显著正相关。③CTRC后加ATRC可以分别诱导双侧CPu网络出现原发性后放电。结论:激活CPu可以跨大脑半球重建双侧CPu—HPC癫痫电网络.其神经信息编码特征可能成为癫痫发生的神经信息学基础。  相似文献   

Liang HW  Shen YL  Chen ZX  Xia Q 《生理学报》2002,54(5):431-434
在大鼠海马脑片上使用双电极在CA1区进行细胞外记录 ,观察低频刺激 (LFS)诱发同突触长时程抑制 (LTD)时场兴奋性突触后电位 (fEPSP)的斜率 (S EPSP)和群体锋电位 (PS)的幅值 (A PS)的变化。给予 90 0脉冲 1HzLFS后 ,S EPSP和A PS降低的幅度分别是 35 4± 5 3%和 6 8 0± 7 2 % ;而给予 4 5 0脉冲 1HzLFS后 ,S EPSP和A PS分别降低 14 3± 2 3%和 36 8± 6 7%。上述两组中A PS的变化率均显著大于S EPSP (P <0 0 1) ,而 90 0脉冲数组中两个指标的变化率均大于 4 5 0脉冲数组 (P <0 0 5 )。高Mg2 + (4mmol/L)使突触的传递活动减弱 ,但不影响LTD的诱发 ,在高Mg2 + 介质中 ,LFS引起的A PS变化率仍显著大于S EPSP (P <0 0 1)。结果表明 ,由LFS诱发同突触LTD的水平不仅与LFS的脉冲数有关 ,还与评价指标的选择有关  相似文献   

本研究采用多电极记录技术,在离体条件下研究外源性锌离子(Zn2+)对无镁人工脑脊液诱导的Sprague-Dawley大鼠海马切片癫痫样放电的起源、传播与频率特性的调节作用。结果表明:1μmol/L和100μmol/L的Zn2+作用于海马切片,不改变海马切片上癫痫样放电的起始位置,但能够降低癫痫样放电顺行和逆行两个方向的传播速度,并改变癫痫样放电不同频率范围成分所占的比例。以上结果提示,1μmol/L和100μmol/L的Zn2+可以对海马切片上的癫痫样放电起到调节作用,减慢癫痫样放电在网络中的传播速度,同时,可能对神经元放电活动起到去同步化的作用。  相似文献   

Collective rhythmic dynamics from neurons is vital for cognitive functions such as memory formation but how neurons self-organize to produce such activity is not well understood. Attractor-based computational models have been successfully implemented as a theoretical framework for memory storage in networks of neurons. Additionally, activity-dependent modification of synaptic transmission is thought to be the physiological basis of learning and memory. The goal of this study is to demonstrate that using a pharmacological treatment that has been shown to increase synaptic strength within in vitro networks of hippocampal neurons follows the dynamical postulates theorized by attractor models. We use a grid of extracellular electrodes to study changes in network activity after this perturbation and show that there is a persistent increase in overall spiking and bursting activity after treatment. This increase in activity appears to recruit more “errant” spikes into bursts. Phase plots indicate a conserved activity pattern suggesting that a synaptic potentiation perturbation to the attractor leaves it unchanged. Lastly, we construct a computational model to demonstrate that these synaptic perturbations can account for the dynamical changes seen within the network.  相似文献   

Observing and characterizing dynamic cellular processes can yield important information about cellular activity that cannot be gained from static images. Vital fluorescent probes, particularly green fluorescent protein (GFP) have revolutionized cell biology stemming from the ability to label specific intracellular compartments and cellular structures. For example, the live imaging of GFP (and its spectral variants) chimeras have allowed for a dynamic analysis of the cytoskeleton, organelle transport, and membrane dynamics in a multitude of organisms and cell types [1-3]. Although live imaging has become prevalent, this approach still poses many technical challenges, particularly in primary cultured neurons. One challenge is the expression of GFP-tagged proteins in post-mitotic neurons; the other is the ability to capture fluorescent images while minimizing phototoxicity, photobleaching, and maintaining general cell health. Here we provide a protocol that describes a lipid-based transfection method that yields a relatively low transfection rate (~0.5%), however is ideal for the imaging of fully polarized neurons. A low transfection rate is essential so that single axons and dendrites can be characterized as to their orientation to the cell body to confirm directionality of transport, i.e., anterograde v. retrograde. Our approach to imaging GFP expressing neurons relies on a standard wide-field fluorescent microscope outfitted with a CCD camera, image capture software, and a heated imaging chamber. We have imaged a wide variety of organelles or structures, for example, dense-core vesicles, mitochondria, growth cones, and actin without any special optics or excitation requirements other than a fluorescent light source. Additionally, spectrally-distinct, fluorescently labeled proteins, e.g., GFP and dsRed-tagged proteins, can be visualized near simultaneously to characterize co-transport or other coordinated cellular events. The imaging approach described here is flexible for a variety of imaging applications and can be adopted by a laboratory for relatively little cost provided a microscope is available.  相似文献   

Perampanel is an aryl substituted 2-pyridone AMPA receptor antagonist that was recently approved as a treatment for epilepsy. The drug potently inhibits AMPA receptor responses but the mode of block has not been characterized. Here the action of perampanel on AMPA receptors was investigated by whole-cell voltage-clamp recording in cultured rat hippocampal neurons. Perampanel caused a slow (τ∼1 s at 3 µM), concentration-dependent inhibition of AMPA receptor currents evoked by AMPA and kainate. The rates of block and unblock of AMPA receptor currents were 1.5×105 M−1 s−1 and 0.58 s−1, respectively. Perampanel did not affect NMDA receptor currents. The extent of block of non-desensitizing kainate-evoked currents (IC50, 0.56 µM) was similar at all kainate concentrations (3–100 µM), demonstrating a noncompetitive blocking action. Parampanel did not alter the trajectory of AMPA evoked currents indicating that it does not influence AMPA receptor desensitization. Perampanel is a selective negative allosteric AMPA receptor antagonist of high-affinity and slow blocking kinetics.  相似文献   

We create a framework based on Fisher information for determining the most effective population coding scheme for representing a continuous-valued stimulus attribute over its entire range. Using this scheme, we derive optimal single- and multi-neuron rate codes for homogeneous populations using several statistical models frequently used to describe neural data. We show that each neuron's discharge rate should increase quadratically with the stimulus and that statistically independent neural outputs provides optimal coding. Only cooperative populations can achieve this condition in an informationally effective way.  相似文献   

Abstract: Corticosterone, a steroid secreted during stress, increases hippocampal neuronal vulnerability to excitotoxins, hypoxia-ischemia, and antimetabolites. Energy supplementation and N -methyl-d-aspartate receptor antagonists prevent this corticosterone-enhanced neurotoxicity. Because neuronal calcium regulation is energy dependent and a large calcium influx accompanies N -methyl-d-aspartate receptor activation, we investigated whether corticosterone exacerbates the elevation of hippocampal neuronal calcium induced by the glutamatergic excitotoxin kainic acid. Corticosterone caused a 23-fold increase in the magnitude of the calcium response to kainic acid, a sevenfold increase in the peak magnitude of the calcium response, and a twofold increase in calcium recovery time. This corticosterone effect may be energetic in nature as corticosterone decreases hippocampal neuronal glucose transport. Glucose supplementation reduced the corticosterone effect on the magnitude and peak magnitude of the calcium response to kainic acid. Glucose reduction, by the approximate magnitude by which corticosterone inhibits glucose transport, mimicked the corticosterone effect on the peak magnitude of the calcium response to kainic acid. Thus, corticosterone increases calcium after kainic acid exposure in hippocampal neurons in an energy-dependent manner. Elevated calcium is strongly implicated in stimulating neurotoxic cascades during other energetic insults and may be the mechanism for the corticosterone-induced hippocampal neuronal vulnerability and toxicity.  相似文献   

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