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Inter-subunit rotation and elastic power transmission in F0F1-ATPase   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
ATP synthase (F-ATPase) produces ATP at the expense of ion-motive force or vice versa. It is composed from two motor/generators, the ATPase (F1) and the ion translocator (F0), which both are rotary steppers. They are mechanically coupled by 360 degrees rotary motion of subunits against each other. The rotor, subunits gamma(epsilon)C10-14, moves against the stator, (alphabeta)3delta(ab2). The enzyme copes with symmetry mismatch (C3 versus C10-14) between its two motors, and it operates robustly in chimeric constructs or with drastically modified subunits. We scrutinized whether an elastic power transmission accounts for these properties. We used the curvature of fluorescent actin filaments, attached to the rotating c ring, as a spring balance (flexural rigidity of 8.10(-26) N x m2) to gauge the angular profile of the output torque at F0 during ATP hydrolysis by F1. The large average output torque (56 pN nm) proved the absence of any slip. Angular variations of the torque were small, so that the output free energy of the loaded enzyme decayed almost linearly over the angular reaction coordinate. Considering the three-fold stepping and high activation barrier (>40 kJ/mol) of the driving motor (F1) itself, the rather constant output torque seen by F0 implied a soft elastic power transmission between F1 and F0. It is considered as essential, not only for the robust operation of this ubiquitous enzyme under symmetry mismatch, but also for a high turnover rate under load of the two counteracting and stepping motors/generators.  相似文献   

Bovine heart submitochondrial particles in suspension were heated at a designated temperature for 3 min, then cooled for biochemical assays at 30 degrees C. By enzyme activity measurements and polarographic assay of oxygen consumption, it is shown that the thermal denaturation of the respiratory chain takes place in at least four stages and each stage is irreversible. The first stage occurs at 51.0 +/- 1.0 degrees C, with the inactivation of NADH-linked respiration, ATP-driven reverse electron transport, F0F1 catalyzed ATP/Pi exchange, NADH and succinate-driven ATP synthesis. The second stage occurs at 56.0 +/- 1.0 degrees C, with the inactivation of succinate-linked proton pumping and respiration. The third stage occurs at 59.0 +/- 1.0 degrees C, with the inactivation of electron transfer from cytochrome c to cytochrome oxidase and ATP-dependent proton pumping. The ATP hydrolysis activity of F0F1 persists to 61.0 +/- 1.0 degrees C. An additional transition, detectable by differential scanning calorimetry, occurring around 70.0 +/- 2.0 degrees C, is probably associated with thermal denaturation of cytochrome c and other stable membrane proteins. In the presence of either mitochondrial matrix fluid or 2 mM mercaptoethanol, all five stages give rise to endothermic effects, with the absorption of approx. 25 J/g protein. Under aerobic conditions, however, the first four transitions become strongly exothermic, and release a total of approx. 105 J/g protein. Solubilized and reconstituted F0F1 vesicles also exhibit different inactivation temperatures for the ATP/Pi exchange, proton pumping and ATP hydrolysis activities. The first two activities are abolished at 49.0 +/- 1.0 degrees C, but the latter at 58.0 +/- 2.0 degrees C. Differential scanning calorimetry also detects biphasic transitions of F0F1, with similar temperatures of denaturation (49.0 and 54.0 degrees C). From these and other results presented in this communication, the following is concluded. (1) A selective inactivation, by the temperature treatment, of various functions of the electron-transport chain and of the F0F1 complex can be done. (2) The ATP synthesis activity of the F0F1 complex involves either a catalytic or a regulation subunit(s) which is not essential for ATP hydrolysis and the proton translocation. This subunit is 10 degrees C less stable than the hydrolytic site. Micromolar ADP stabilizes it from thermal denaturation by 4-5 degrees C, although ADP up to millimolar concentration does not protect the hydrolytic site and the proton-translocation site.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

F1-ATPase is a rotary molecular motor powered by the torque generated by another rotary motor F0 to synthesize ATP in vivo. Therefore elucidation of the behavior of F1 under external torque is very important. Here, we applied controlled external torque by electrorotation and investigated the ATP-driven rotation for the first time. The rotation was accelerated by assisting torque and decelerated by hindering torque, but F1 rarely showed rotations in the ATP synthesis direction. This is consistent with the prediction by models based on the assumption that the rotation is tightly coupled to ATP hydrolysis and synthesis. At low ATP concentrations (2 and 5 μM), 120° stepwise rotation was observed. Due to the temperature rise during experiment, quantitative interpretation of the data is difficult, but we found that the apparent rate constant of ATP binding clearly decreased by hindering torque and increased by assisting torque.  相似文献   

The enzyme F1-adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) is a molecular motor that converts the chemical energy stored in the molecule adenosine triphosphate (ATP) into mechanical rotation of its gamma-subunit. During steady-state catalysis, the three catalytic sites of F1 operate in a cooperative fashion such that at every instant each site is in a different conformation corresponding to a different stage along the catalytic cycle. Notwithstanding a large amount of biochemical and, recently, structural data, we still lack an understanding of how ATP hydrolysis in F1 is coupled to mechanical motion and how the catalytic sites achieve cooperativity during rotatory catalysis. In this publication, we report combined quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical simulations of ATP hydrolysis in the betaTP and betaDP catalytic sites of F1-ATPase. Our simulations reveal a dramatic change in the reaction energetics from strongly endothermic in betaTP to approximately equienergetic in betaDP. The simulations identify the responsible protein residues, the arginine finger alphaR373 being the most important one. Similar to our earlier study of betaTP, we find a multicenter proton relay mechanism to be the energetically most favorable hydrolysis pathway. The results elucidate how cooperativity between catalytic sites might be achieved by this remarkable molecular motor.  相似文献   

The ATP synthase of the thermoalkaliphilic Bacillus sp. TA2.A1 operates exclusively in ATP synthesis direction. In the crystal structure of the nucleotide-free alpha(3)beta(3)gamma epsilon subcomplex (TA2F(1)) at 3.1 A resolution, all three beta subunits adopt the open beta(E) conformation. The structure shows salt bridges between the helix-turn-helix motif of the C-terminal domain of the beta(E) subunit (residues Asp372 and Asp375) and the N-terminal helix of the gamma subunit (residues Arg9 and Arg10). These electrostatic forces pull the gamma shaft out of the rotational center and impede rotation through steric interference with the beta(E) subunit. Replacement of Arg9 and Arg10 with glutamines eliminates the salt bridges and results in an activation of ATP hydrolysis activity, suggesting that these salt bridges prevent the native enzyme from rotating in ATP hydrolysis direction. A similar bending of the gamma shaft as in the TA2F(1) structure was observed by single-particle analysis of the TA2F(1)F(o) holoenzyme.  相似文献   

Spetzler D  York J  Daniel D  Fromme R  Lowry D  Frasch W 《Biochemistry》2006,45(10):3117-3124
A novel method for detecting F(1)-ATPase rotation in a manner sufficiently sensitive to achieve acquisition rates with a time resolution of 2.5 micros (equivalent to 400,000 fps) is reported. This is sufficient for resolving the rate at which the gamma-subunit travels from one dwell state to another (transition time). Rotation is detected via a gold nanorod attached to the rotating gamma-subunit of an immobilized F(1)-ATPase. Variations in scattered light intensity allow precise measurement of changes in the angular position of the rod below the diffraction limit of light. Using this approach, the transition time of Escherichia coli F(1)-ATPase gamma-subunit rotation was determined to be 7.62 +/- 0.15 (standard deviation) rad/ms. The average rate-limiting dwell time between rotation events observed at the saturating substrate concentration was 8.03 ms, comparable to the observed Mg(2+)-ATPase k(cat) of 130 s(-)(1) (7.7 ms). Histograms of scattered light intensity from ATP-dependent nanorod rotation as a function of polarization angle allowed the determination of the nanorod orientation with respect to the axis of rotation and plane of polarization. This information allowed the drag coefficient to be determined, which implied that the instantaneous torque generated by F(1) was 63.3 +/- 2.9 pN nm. The high temporal resolution of rotation allowed the measurement of the instantaneous torque of F(1), resulting in direct implications for its rotational mechanism.  相似文献   

Gao YQ  Yang W  Karplus M 《Cell》2005,123(2):195-205
Many essential functions of living cells are performed by nanoscale protein motors. The best characterized of these is F(o)F1-ATP synthase, the smallest rotary motor. This rotary motor catalyzes the synthesis of ATP with high efficiency under conditions where the reactants (ADP, H2PO4(-)) and the product (ATP) are present in the cell at similar concentrations. We present a detailed structure-based kinetic model for the mechanism of action of F1-ATPase and demonstrate the role of different protein conformations for substrate binding during ATP synthesis and ATP hydrolysis. The model shows that the pathway for ATP hydrolysis is not simply the pathway for ATP synthesis in reverse. The findings of the model also explain why the cellular concentration of ATP does not inhibit ATP synthesis.  相似文献   

The chloroplast-type F(1) ATPase is the key enzyme of energy conversion in chloroplasts, and is regulated by the endogenous inhibitor epsilon, tightly bound ADP, the membrane potential and the redox state of the gamma subunit. In order to understand the molecular mechanism of epsilon inhibition, we constructed an expression system for the alpha(3)beta(3)gamma subcomplex in thermophilic cyanobacteria allowing thorough investigation of epsilon inhibition. epsilon Inhibition was found to be ATP-independent, and different to that observed for bacterial F(1)-ATPase. The role of the additional region on the gamma subunit of chloroplast-type F(1)-ATPase in epsilon inhibition was also determined. By single molecule rotation analysis, we succeeded in assigning the pausing angular position of gamma in epsilon inhibition, which was found to be identical to that observed for ATP hydrolysis, product release and ADP inhibition, but distinctly different from the waiting position for ATP binding. These results suggest that the epsilon subunit of chloroplast-type ATP synthase plays an important regulator for the rotary motor enzyme, thus preventing wasteful ATP hydrolysis.  相似文献   

F(1)-ATP synthase (F(1)-ATPase) is equipped with a special mechanism that prevents the wasteful reverse reaction, ATP hydrolysis, when there is insufficient proton motive force to drive ATP synthesis. Chloroplast F(1)-ATPase is subject to redox regulation, whereby ATP hydrolysis activity is regulated by formation and reduction of the disulfide bond located on the γ subunit. To understand the molecular mechanism of this redox regulation, we constructed a chimeric F(1) complex (α(3)β(3)γ(redox)) using cyanobacterial F(1), which mimics the regulatory properties of the chloroplast F(1)-ATPase, allowing the study of its regulation at the single molecule level. The redox state of the γ subunit did not affect the ATP binding rate to the catalytic site(s) and the torque for rotation. However, the long pauses caused by ADP inhibition were frequently observed in the oxidized state. In addition, the duration of continuous rotation was relatively shorter in the oxidized α(3)β(3)γ(redox) complex. These findings lead us to conclude that redox regulation of CF(1)-ATPase is achieved by controlling the probability of ADP inhibition via the γ subunit inserted region, a sequence feature observed in both cyanobacterial and chloroplast ATPase γ subunits, which is important for ADP inhibition (Sunamura, E., Konno, H., Imashimizu-Kobayashi, M., Sugano, Y., and Hisabori, T. (2010) Plant Cell Physiol. 51, 855-865).  相似文献   

Malyan  A.N. 《Photosynthetica》2018,56(4):1365-1369
Photosynthetica - Dependence of ATP hydrolysis kinetics by the chloroplast coupling factor (CF1) on medium viscosity was studied at varying temperatures. For samples with oxidized and reduced CF1...  相似文献   

The aurovertin-F1 complex was used to monitor fluorescence changes of the mitochondrial adenosine triphosphatase during multi- and uni-site ATP hydrolysis. It is known that the fluorescence intensity of the complex is partially quenched by addition of ATP or Mg2+ and enhanced by ADP (Chang, T., and Penefsky, H. S. (1973) J. Biol. Chem. 248, 2746-2754). In the present study low concentrations of ATP (0.03 mM) induced a marked fluorescence quenching which was followed by a fast fluorescence recovery. This recovery could be prevented by EDTA or an ATP regenerating system. The rate of ATP hydrolysis by the aurovertin-F1 complex and the reversal of the ATP-induced fluorescence quenching were determined in these various conditions. ITP hydrolysis also resulted in fluorescence quenching that was followed by a recovery of fluorescence intensity. Under conditions for single site catalysis, fluorescence quenching was observed upon the addition of ATP. This strongly indicates that fluorescence changes in the aurovertin-F1 complex are due to the binding and hydrolysis of ATP at a catalytic site. Therefore the resulting ADP molecule bound at this catalytic site possibly induces the fluorescence recovery observed.  相似文献   

The hydrolysis of 0.3 microM [alpha,gamma-32P]ATP by 1 microM F1-ATPase isolated from the plasma membranes of Escherichia coli has been examined in the presence and absence of inorganic phosphate. The rate of binding of substoichiometric substrate to the ATPase is attenuated by 2 mM phosphate and further attenuated by 50 mM phosphate. Under all conditions examined, only 10-20% of the [alpha,gamma-32P]ATP that bound to the enzyme was hydrolyzed sufficiently slowly to be examined in cold chase experiments with physiological concentrations of non-radioactive ATP. These features differ from those observed with the mitochondrial F1-ATPase. The amount of bound substrate in equilibrium with bound products observed in the slow phase which was subject to promoted hydrolysis by excess ATP was not affected by the presence of phosphate. Comparison of the fluxes of enzyme-bound species detected experimentally in the presence of 2 mM phosphate with those predicted by computer simulation of published rate constants determined for uni-site catalysis (Al-Shawi, M.D., Parsonage, D. and Senior, A.E. (1989) J. Biol. Chem. 264, 15376-15383) showed that hydrolysis of substoichiometric ATP observed experimentally was clearly biphasic. Less than 20% of the substoichiometric ATP added to the enzyme was hydrolyzed according to the published rate constants which were calculated from the slow phase of product release in the presence of 1 mM phosphate. The majority of the substoichiometric ATP added to the enzyme was hydrolyzed with product release that was too rapid to be detected by the methods employed in this study, indicating again that the F1-ATPase from E. coli and bovine heart mitochondria hydrolyze substoichiometric ATP differently.  相似文献   

F(1)-ATPase catalyses ATP hydrolysis and converts the cellular chemical energy into mechanical rotation. The hydrolysis reaction in F(1)-ATPase does not follow the widely believed Michaelis-Menten mechanism. Instead, the hydrolysis mechanism behaves in an ATP-dependent manner. We develop a model for enzyme kinetics and hydrolysis cooperativity of F(1)-ATPase which involves the binding-state changes to the coupling catalytic reactions. The quantitative analysis and modeling suggest the existence of complex cooperative hydrolysis between three different catalysis sites of F(1)-ATPase. This complexity may be taken into account to resolve the arguments on the binding change mechanism in F(1)-ATPase.  相似文献   

The binding change model for the F(1)-ATPase predicts that its rotation is intimately correlated with the changes in the affinities of the three catalytic sites for nucleotides. If so, subtle differences in the nucleotide structure may have pronounced effects on rotation. Here we show by single-molecule imaging that purine nucleotides ATP, GTP, and ITP support rotation but pyrimidine nucleotides UTP and CTP do not, suggesting that the extra ring in purine is indispensable for proper operation of this molecular motor. Although the three purine nucleotides were bound to the enzyme at different rates, all showed similar rotational characteristics: counterclockwise rotation, 120 degrees steps each driven by hydrolysis of one nucleotide molecule, occasional back steps, rotary torque of approximately 40 piconewtons (pN).nm, and mechanical work done in a step of approximately 80 pN.nm. These latter characteristics are likely to be determined by the rotational mechanism built in the protein structure, which purine nucleotides can energize. With ATP and GTP, rotation was observed even when the free energy of hydrolysis was -80 pN.nm/molecule, indicating approximately 100% efficiency. Reconstituted F(o)F(1)-ATPase actively translocated protons by hydrolyzing ATP, GTP, and ITP, but CTP and UTP were not even hydrolyzed. Isolated F(1) very slowly hydrolyzed UTP (but not CTP), suggesting possible uncoupling from rotation.  相似文献   

Kaim G  Prummer M  Sick B  Zumofen G  Renn A  Wild UP  Dimroth P 《FEBS letters》2002,525(1-3):156-163
F0F1 ATP synthases are the smallest rotary motors in nature and work as ATP factories in bacteria, plants and animals. Here we report on the first observation of intersubunit rotation in fully coupled single F0F1 molecules during ATP synthesis or hydrolysis. We investigate the Na+-translocating ATP synthase of Propionigenium modestum specifically labeled by a single fluorophore at one c subunit using polarization-resolved confocal microscopy. Rotation during ATP synthesis was observed with the immobilized enzyme reconstituted into proteoliposomes after applying a diffusion potential, but not with a Na+ concentration gradient alone. During ATP hydrolysis, stepwise rotation of the labeled c subunit was found in the presence of 2 mM NaCl, but not without the addition of Na+ ions. Moreover, upon the incubation with the F0-specific inhibitor dicyclohexylcarbodiimide the rotation was severely inhibited.  相似文献   

F(1)-ATPase is a rotary motor protein, and ATP hydrolysis generates torque at the interface between the gamma subunit, a rotor shaft, and the alpha(3)beta(3) substructure, a stator ring. The region of conserved acidic "DELSEED" motif of the beta subunit has a contact with gamma subunit and has been assumed to be involved in torque generation. Using the thermophilic alpha(3)beta(3)gamma complex in which the corresponding sequence is DELSDED, we replaced each residue and all five acidic residues in this sequence with alanine. In addition, each of two conserved residues at the counterpart contact position of gamma subunit was also replaced. Surprisingly, all of these mutants rotated with as much torque as the wild-type. We conclude that side chains of the DELSEED motif of the beta subunit do not have a direct role in torque generation.  相似文献   

A Robinson  B Austen 《FEBS letters》1987,212(1):63-67
Under the conditions of ATP regeneration and molar excess of nucleotide-depleted F1-ATPase the enzyme catalyses steady-state ATP hydrolysis by the single catalytic site. Values of Km = 10(-8) M and Vm = 0.05 s-1 for the single-site catalysis have been determined. ADP release limits single-site ATP hydrolysis under steady-state conditions. The equilibrium constant for ATP hydrolysis at the F1-ATPase catalytic site is less than or equal to 0.7.  相似文献   

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