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Tams Zakr  Mikls Tth 《Steroids》1977,30(6):751-764
Postmitochondrial supernatant (PMS) (1) has been prepared from the homogenate of rat seminal vesicles and the characteristics of the binding reaction of 5-dihydrotestosterone (DHT) to the cytoplasmic androgen receptor have been studied using a charcoal adsorption procedure.

At 0°C apparent equilibrium of binding is reached between 60 and 90 min of incubation but no exchange of bound (3H)DHT can be observed in the presence of a 100-fold excess of unlabelled DHT.

Saturation analysis shows a single class of independent binding sites for DHT with an apparent dissociation constant of 1 nM at 0°C and 2 nM at 25°C. Concentration of binding sites is in the range of 25–80 fmoles/mg protein.

When not occupied by DHT the receptor molecules are inactivated spontaneously following first order reaction kinetics. A rate constant of 0.27 hours−1 at 0°C was determined for the inactivation reaction.

In the (3H)DHT-binding reaction testosterone and 19-nortestosterone are even more efficient competitors than unlabelled DHT, while hydrocortisone does not compete at all. On the other hand significant binding of (3H) testosterone could not be demonstrated.

The (3H)DHT-receptor complex is precipitated from the cytosol by 0 to 33% saturation of ammonium sulphate and sediments as a single, 3.1 S peak in sucrose gradients prepared in 0.4 M NaCl.  相似文献   

Location of the androgen receptor (AR) before and after dihydrotestosterone (DHT) administration was studied in 6 castrated and 2 normal male rats, as well as in MG-63 human osteosarcoma cell culture. Two days after castration, rats were injected with DHT and sacrificed 0, 6 and 24 h later. Cryosections of ventral prostate and seminal vesicle were stained with a polyclonal anti-AR antibody. Cultured MG-63 cells were also stained similarly. The intensity of immunoreaction was measured semiquantitatively by computer-assisted image analysis. In both normal and castrated rats, a positive reaction was seen mainly in the nuclei of epithelial cells and stromal cells of the prostate and seminal vesicle, as well as in those of smooth muscle cells of the seminal vesicle. AR immunoreactivity was up-regulated by DHT, it decreased clearly in both organs after castration. Nuclear AR and its up-regulation by androgen were also seen in MG-63 cells. At the immunoelectron microscopy, silver enhanced gold particles were predominantly found in the heterochromatin of cell nuclei. Treatment with DHT caused a decondensation of the heterochromatin and AR was more dispersed. Thus, AR appears to be nuclear independently of the ligand.  相似文献   

The effects of androgen withdrawal and replacement on the concentrations of androgen receptor (AR) protein and AR mRNA were investigated in rat ventral prostate and seminal vesicles and in cultured human hepatoma (HepG2) cells. AR mRNA concentrations were determined by Northern blotting with single stranded AR cRNA as the hybridization probe, whereas antibodies raised against two synthetic 17-amino acid long peptides corresponding to the N-terminal and steroid-binding regions of the AR were employed in immunological receptor assays. AR mRNA levels in both prostate and seminal vesicles increased about 2-fold within 24 h after castration and continued to rise within the next 48 h to values that were 9- to 11-fold higher than those in intact controls. Administration of pharmacological doses of testosterone (400 micrograms steroid/day) to 1-day castrated animals for 24-48 h brought about a decrease in AR mRNA levels in accessory sex organs to levels in intact controls. Similar results were obtained in cultured HepG2 cells where a switch to serum- and steroid-free medium elicited a rapid increase (approximately 4-fold in 10 h) in the AR mRNA level, which was prevented by inclusion of 10(-7) M testosterone in culture medium. Similar, but quantitatively less marked, changes occurred in the AR protein concentration in prostate, seminal vesicles, and HepG2 cells, as determined by immunoblotting using antibodies against AR peptides. In addition, immunohistochemical studies showed that AR is a nuclear protein of the prostatic epithelial cells in both intact and castrated rats, and suggested that short term castration increases the concentration of nuclear AR in the prostate. Taken together, these data indicate that androgens down-regulate the concentration of AR protein and AR mRNA in a variety of target tissues.  相似文献   

Perinatal exposure to the synthetic estrogen, diethylstilbestrol (DES), affects the structure of both male and female reproductive systems. Changes may also occur in the levels of steroid hormone receptors. Cytosolic and nuclear androgen and estrogen receptor levels (expressed per mg DNA) from the sex accessory glands of male BALB/c mice exposed neonatally to DES were analyzed by exchange assays. Neonatal DES exposure caused significant decreases in: (1) cytosolic androgen and cytosolic and nuclear estrogen receptor levels in the anterior prostate and (2) cytosolic estrogen receptor levels in the ventral prostate. A significant increase was seen in the cytosolic estrogen receptor levels in the seminal vesicle. Significant decreases in cytosolic protein levels occurred in all DES-exposed glands.  相似文献   

Adult rats were treated with ethane dimethane sulphonate (EDS), an agent that destroys Leydig cells. Within 5 days after EDS treatment, the levels of testosterone (T) in the circulation and in the testis were decreased to very low values, which makes it possible to manipulate the testicular T concentration through administration of exogenous T. Spermatogenesis was not markedly affected within 5 days after EDS treatment, also not in the absence of T administration. In testes of EDS-treated rats, the androgen receptor mRNA (ARmRNA) level remained unaltered for 5 days. In ventral prostate, however, this treatment caused a pronounced upregulation of the level of ARmRNA, which could be counteracted by implantation of silastic T implants immediately after EDS treatment. In EDS-treated rats carrying a T implant and in untreated rats, the same number of specific [3H]R1881 binding sites was observed using a total testis nuclear fraction (Scatchard analysis). In testes from EDS-treated rats without T implants, androgen receptors (AR) did not fractionate into the nuclear fraction; however, the total testicular AR content in these animals (measured by nuclear [3H]R1881 binding after receptor transformation through injection of a high dose of T, 2 h before killing the rats) remained unaltered. Immunoprecipitation and Western blotting using anti N-terminal antibodies seemed to indicate that the total testicular amount of AR protein in the EDS-treated rats was very low as compared to that in EDS-treated rats carrying T implants and in untreated rats. Even after receptor retransformation (by injection of a high dose of T) the receptors were not quantitatively detected by immunoprecipitation and Western blotting. This may point to a structural modification of the AR that occurs in the prolonged absence of androgens.  相似文献   

Fertile female Wistar rats were immunised against rat and mouse seminal vesicle secretion (SVS) to test the production of allo-antibodies and the effect of the antibodies elicited on fertility. Twenty-six per cent of the rat and mouse SVS-immunised females were infertile after the treatment. The sera were titrated by ELISA and used in Western blots to detect the proteins recognised. Although neither the antibody titres nor the proteins recognised by the sera showed a close relation with the degree of fertility, in all females the highest antibody titre in the fluids from the genital tract was found in the oviductal fluid and during the night of oestrus. This fact suggested that the site of action of the antibody could be the oviduct. Similar results were obtained using mouse SVS as immunogen--a fact that can be related to the antigenic similarity between the SVS of the two species. The antibodies react with the spermatozoa but not with eggs or embryos. Analyses performed on embryos collected from sterile females showed that there was a delay in fertilisation and normal embryogenesis. Our results suggest that SVS proteins are antigenic and that these antigens are bound to the spermatozoa and could take part in early pre-fertilisation events such as capacitation or sperm transport.  相似文献   

Autoregulation of androgen receptor mRNA and protein was investigated by immunohistochemical and in situ hybridization techniques. In both mouse and rat prostate, the epithelial cell nuclei were stained with the monoclonal or polyclonal antibodies raised against human androgen receptor. It was observed that 3 days after castration, nuclear staining of the epithelium was greatly reduced, while androgen treatment restored the staining intensity to a normal level. In situ hybridization using an androgen receptor cDNA fragment as probe demonstrated that the change in androgen receptor mRNA level correlated with the change in antibody staining intensity. These data suggested an up-regulation of androgen receptor expression by androgen.  相似文献   

Metallothionein (MT), a cysteine-rich heavy metal-binding protein, has been considered to play a role in the homeostatic control and detoxification of heavy metals, such as zinc, copper, and cadmium. In the present study, we have utilized a digoxigenin-labeled riboprobe to localize MT mRNA only by bright-field optics in the testis and prostate of the rat. In the rat testis, MT mRNA was found predominantly in primary spermatocytes and also in secondary spermatocytes and spermatids, but not in the spermatogonia, Sertoli cells, and Leydig cells. On the other hand, MT protein was present in these spermatogenic cells as well as in spermatozoa and Sertoli cells. In the prostate, MT mRNA was found predominantly in the epithelium of the dorsolateral lobes, but not in the ventral lobe, which is in agreement with the observed localization of MT protein. The utilization of both in situ hybridization and immunohistochemical staining on the same tissue specimens show MT gene expression in specific cell types in the male genital organs.  相似文献   

We have developed in situ hybridization methodology for nonisotopically labeled oligonucleotide probes to detect cellular mRNA with improved speed, convenience, and resolution over previous techniques. Previous work using isotopically labeled oligonucleotide probes characterized important parameters for in situ hybridization (Anal Biochem 166:389, 1987). Eleven oligonucleotide probes were made to coding and noncoding regions of chick beta-actin mRNA and one oligonucleotide probe to chick alpha-cardiac actin mRNA. All the probes were 3' end-labeled with bio-11-dUTP using terminal transferase, and the labeled probes were hybridized to chicken myoblast and myotube cultures. The hybridized probe was detected using a streptavidin-alkaline phosphatase conjugate. Our assay for the success of probe hybridization and detection was the demonstration of beta-actin mRNA highly localized in the lamellipodia of single cells (Lawrence and Singer, Cell 45:407, 1986) as well as the expression of alpha-cardiac actin mRNA and the repression of beta-actin mRNA in differentiating myoblasts and in myotubes. With the alpha-cardiac probe, we found that this mRNA was distributed all over the cytoplasm of myotubes and differentiated (bipolar) single cells and negative in undifferentiated single cells and at the ends of myotubes. When beta-actin probes were used, two of 11 probes were highly sensitive, and, in pooling them together, the localization of beta-actin mRNA in fibroblastic single cells was evident at the leading edge of the motile cells, the lamellipodium. beta-Actin mRNA was not detected in myotubes except at the ends where contact was made with substrate. This indicates that both beta and cardiac actin mRNA can coexist in the same myotube cytoplasm but at different locations.  相似文献   

The effects of castration and androgen-replacement on adrenergic receptors in membranes from the rat seminal vesicle were studied. Membranes from seminal vesicles showed saturable and high-affinity binding sites for the beta-adrenergic receptor antagonist, [3H]dihydroalprenolol ([3H]DHA), and the alpha 1-adrenergic receptor antagonist, [3H]prazosin. Castration markedly reduced beta-adrenergic receptors with decreasing the effect of GTP modulating the receptor-ligand affinity, suggesting defects in both the receptor per se and the guanine-nucleotides-regulating mechanism after castration. In contrast, castration increased alpha 1-adrenergic receptors and androgen-replacement reversed this change. The effects of GTP decreasing the alpha 1-receptor binding affinity to the radioligand were observed to a similar extent in the castrated and control membranes. These results demonstrate an inverse regulation by androgen on beta- and alpha 1-adrenergic receptors in membranes of the rat seminal vesicle.  相似文献   

In situ hybridization studies with [32P] and [3H] labelled antisense RNA probes were undertaken to determine optimal methods of tissue fixation, tissue sectioning, and conditions of hybridization, and to compare the relative merits of the two different radioactive labels. The distribution of somatostatin mRNA in neurons of rat brain using a labelled antisense somatostatin RNA probe was employed as a model for these studies. The highest degree of sensitivity for in situ hybridization was obtained using paraformaldehyde fixation and vibratome sectioning. Optimal autoradiographic localization of mRNA was obtained within 7 days using [32P] labelled probes. However, due to the high energy emittance of [32P], precise intracellular localization of hybridization sites was not possible. [3H] labelled RNA probes gave more precise cellular localization but required an average of 18-20 days autoradiographic exposure. The addition of the scintillator, PPO, decreased the exposure time for the localization of [3H] labelled probes to seven days. We also report a method for combined in situ hybridization and immunocytochemistry for the simultaneous localization of somatostatin in mRNA and peptide in individual neurons.  相似文献   

To examine the behaviour of the receptor-acceptor system of androgen of different biopotencies, we compared the stability of receptor complexes of dihydrotestosterone (DHT), methyltrienolone (R1881) and testosterone (Test) in cytosols, nuclei and nuclear extracts from ventral prostate and seminal vesicle of rats. Liberation of ligand from receptor complexes bound to these ligands followed the first-order kinetics. The rate constant for ligand liberation at 25 degrees C varied with the ligand. The receptor complexes bound to Test were most labile, while the receptor complexes bound to DHT were relatively stable, and intermediate stability was observed in the receptor complexes bound to R1881 under the conditions employed in the present study. Thermodynamic characteristics of the stability of the complexes were also different in these three androgens. The Arrhenius plots of the rate constant for the liberation of ligand from R1881- and DHT-receptor complexes in cytosols and nuclei showed curvilinearities, but the plots for Test-receptor complexes were almost linear. In addition, the stabilizing effect of molybdate on R1881- and DHT-receptor complexes in cytosols was observed in the range of low temperature, while the effect on Test-receptor complexes was significant at the higher temperature. The differences observed in the present study seem to be related to the difference in the biological potency of these androgens.  相似文献   

A flavoprotein isolated in substantial yields from rat seminal vesicle secretion accounts for most if not all of the capacity of this fluid to catalyze the aerobic oxidation of a number of low molecular weight thiol compounds. The nature and possible physiological significance of this enzyme are discussed.  相似文献   

The effects have been examined of different methods and regimens for tissue fixation, preservation, permeabilization and immunostaining of different mRNAs detected by in situ hybridization in paraffin-embedded samples. The three main hormone mRNAs expressed in the thyro–parathyroid glands, namely thyroglobulin, calcitonin and parathyroid hormone mRNAs, were chosen as the target nucleic acid sequences to be detected using digoxigenin-labelled probes. Our results suggest that chemical fixation and permeabilization of tissue samples are restrictive steps. Thus, paraformaldehyde fixation provides excellent signal intensities and non-detectable background levels whereas routine formalin and Bouin's solution give unsatisfactory results. A clear linear correlation was also found between signal intensity and proteinase K permeabilization. Moreover, the optimization of immunohistochemical steps, such as anti-digoxigenin antibody concentration and colour development times, enhance the intensity and specificity of hybrid signals. Furthermore, our results show that, in contrast to some data in the literature, paraffin-embedded tissue is suitable for detection of mRNAs by in situ hybridization. It gives equivalent intensities of specific signal and superior histological and cellular resolutions when compared to cryopreserved tissue.  相似文献   

Rat seminal vesicle secretion (SVS) contains a variety of protein complexes that seem to be linked by interchain disulfide bonds. Upon reduction and analysis by sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) gel electrophoresis, this pattern resolves to 3 major high molecular weight (SVS I-100,000, SVS II-50,000, SVS III-37,000) and 3 major low molecular weight protein bands (SVS IV, V, and VI). A two-dimensional SDS gel (1st dimension unreduced, 2nd dimension reduced) permitted identification of the components of the cross-linked species. In the native secretion, SVS I forms a series of oligomers that include both SVS II and III. Essentially all of SVS III is involved in these complexes, while the bulk of SVS II occurs instead as an apparent homodimer. The smaller proteins (SVS IV-VI) are not involved in covalently crosslinked complexes. The reduced forms of the larger polypeptides were isolated by a variety of procedures involving agarose gel filtration in 6M guanidine hydrochloride, reversed-phase high pressure liquid chromatography, ammonium sulfate fractionation, and preparative polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Based on its size, solubility, and amino acid composition, SVS II was identified as the major clottable protein of the secretion.  相似文献   

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