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An a mating type mutant of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiaewhich expressed high sexual activities during vegetative growthwas isolated and characterized. Its constitutive sexual agglutinabilitywas higher than the sexual agglutinability of its parental straininduced by pheromone. It produced a pheromone and -pheromone-inactivatingsubstances in larger amounts than its parental strain. It alsoproduced large pear-shaped cells (shmooed cells) without pheromone,was more sensitive to pheromone, and grew vegetatively moreslowly than its parental strain. When the mutant was crossedto a wild type strain isogenic with the parental strain, amating type segregants with high constitutive sexual agglutinabilityshowed self-shmooing. However, in a mating type segregants self-shmooingwas not observed regardless of the degree of their sexual agglutinability.The cross between a and segregants, both of which carried themutation, had higher frequency of zygote formation than thecrosses between a and cells one of which or both of which wereof wild type. (Received September 9, 1985; Accepted February 8, 1986)  相似文献   

A segregated mathematical model was developed for the analysis and interpretation of cultivation data of growth of the recombinant yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae on multiple substrates (glucose, maltose, pyruvate, ethanol, acetate, and galactose). The model accounts for substrate consumption, plasmid stability, and production level of a model protein, a modified nucleocapsid protein of the Puumala virus. Recombinant nucleocapsid proteins from different Hantaviruses have previously been demonstrated as suitable antigens for diagnostics as well as for sero‐epidemiological studies. The model is based on a system of 10 nonlinear ordinary differential equations and accounts for the influence of various factors, e.g., selective pressure for enhancing plasmid stability by formaldehyde or the toxic effects of the intracellular accumulation of the heterologous protein on cell growth and product yield. The model allows the growth of two populations of cells to be simulated: plasmid‐bearing and plasmid‐free yeast cells, which have lost the plasmid during cultivation. Based on the model, sensitivity studies in respect to parameter changes were performed. These enabled, for example, the evaluation of the impact of an increase in the initial concentration of nutrients and growth factors (e.g., vitamins, microelements, etc.) on the biomass yield and the heterologous protein production level. As expected, the productivity of the heterologous protein in S. cerevisiae is closely correlated with plasmid stability. The 25 free model parameters, including the yield coefficients for different growth stages and dynamic constants, were estimated by nonlinear techniques, and the model was validated against a data set not used for parameter estimation. The simulation results were found to be in good agreement with the experimental data.  相似文献   

Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. aizawai produces 130-kDa and 135-kDa (CrylA(a)) insecticidal proteins. When Saccharomyces cerevisiae was transformed by the vector carrying a cryIA(a) gene, the gene expression could not be observed. When the 5′-upstream region from the initiation codon was removed using a synthetic oligonucleotide, the CryIA(a) protein was successfully synthesized in yeast. The yeast extract containing CryIA(a) protein had insecticidal activity against Plutella xylostella larvae.  相似文献   

利用PCR技术,从酵母染色体中扩增得到酵母豆蔻酰-CoA:蛋白质N端转酰基酶(YSCNMT)基因,并克隆到pBluescriptKS+载体中。由DNA全序测定表明,获得了YSCNMT编码基因。进一步构建了T7Promoter控制下的含上述完整YSCNMT编码基因的表达质粒pMFT7-5-NMT,转化大肠杆菌BL21(DE3),进行IPTG诱导表达研究。通过SDS-PAGE分析,观察到一与理论分子量一致的诱导条带(约53kD),占全菌蛋白的39%左右,且可溶性部分约占上清液中全部蛋白的34%。经一步P11磷酸纤维素阳离子交换柱层析,将其纯化到纯度达97%以上.纯化的表达产物经N端氨基酸序列分析,所测定的N端5个氨基酸的序列,与从克隆的YSCNMT基因推出的氨基酸序列完全一致(不含N端Met)。对所得的YSCNMT进行酶活力鉴定,观察到了明显的活力。  相似文献   

Yeast cell surface display is a powerful tool for expression and immobilization of biocatalytically active proteins on a unicellular eukaryote. Here bacterial carboxylesterase EstA from Burkholderia gladioli was covalently anchored into the cell wall of Saccharomyces cerevisiae by in-frame fusion to the endogenous yeast proteins Kre1p, Cwp2p, and Flo1p. When p-nitrophenyl acetate was used as a substrate, the esterase specific activities of yeast expressing the protein fusions were 103 mU mg−1 protein for Kre1/EstA/Cwp2p and 72 mU mg−1 protein for Kre1/EstA/Flo1p. In vivo cell wall targeting was confirmed by esterase solubilization after laminarinase treatment and immunofluorescence microscopy. EstA expression resulted in cell wall-associated esterase activities of 2.72 U mg−1 protein for Kre1/EstA/Cwp2p and 1.27 U mg−1 protein for Kre1/EstA/Flo1p. Furthermore, esterase display on the yeast cell surface enabled the cells to effectively grow on the esterase-dependent carbon source glycerol triacetate (Triacetin). In the case of Kre1/EstA/Flo1p, in vivo maturation within the yeast secretory pathway and final incorporation into the wall were further enhanced when there was constitutive activation of the unfolded protein response pathway. Our results demonstrate that esterase cell surface display in yeast, which, as shown here, is remarkably more effective than EstA surface display in Escherichia coli, can be further optimized by activating the protein folding machinery in the eukaryotic secretion pathway.  相似文献   

Membrane proteins perform a variety of functions, all crucially dependent on their orientation in the membrane. However, neither the exact number of transmembrane domains (TMDs) nor the topology of most proteins have been experimentally determined. Due to this, most scientists rely primarily on prediction algorithms to determine topology and TMD assignments. Since these can give contradictory results, single‐algorithm‐based predictions are unreliable. To map the extent of potential misanalysis, the predictions of nine algorithms on the yeast proteome are compared and it is found that they have little agreement when predicting TMD number and termini orientation. To view all predictions in parallel, a webpage called TopologYeast: http://www.weizmann.ac.il/molgen/TopologYeast was created. Each algorithm is compared with experimental data and a poor agreement is found. The analysis suggests that more systematic data on protein topology are required to increase the training sets for prediction algorithms and to have accurate knowledge of membrane protein topology.  相似文献   

The spontaneous degradation of asparaginyl and aspartyl residues to isoaspartyl residues is a common type of protein damage in aging organisms. Although the protein-l-isoaspartyl (d-aspartyl) O-methyltransferase (EC can initiate the repair of l-isoaspartyl residues to l-aspartyl residues in most organisms, no gene homolog or enzymatic activity is present in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Therefore, we used biochemical approaches to elucidate how proteins containing isoaspartyl residues are metabolized in this organism. Surprisingly, the level of isoaspartyl residues in yeast proteins (50–300 pmol of isoaspartyl residues/mg of protein extract) is comparable with organisms with protein-l-isoaspartyl (d-aspartyl) O-methyltransferase, suggesting a novel regulatory pathway. Interfering with common protein quality control mechanisms by mutating and inhibiting the proteasomal and autophagic pathways in vivo did not increase isoaspartyl residue levels compared with wild type or uninhibited cells. However, the inhibition of metalloproteases in in vitro aging experiments by EDTA resulted in an ∼3-fold increase in the level of isoaspartyl-containing peptides. Characterization by mass spectrometry of these peptides identified several proteins involved in metabolism as targets of isoaspartyl damage. Further analysis of these peptides revealed that many have an N-terminal isoaspartyl site and originate from proteins with short half-lives. These results suggest that one or more metalloproteases participate in limiting isoaspartyl formation by robust proteolysis.  相似文献   

The target of rapamycin (TOR) signaling pathway is an important mechanism by which cell growth is regulated by nutrient availability in eukaryotes. We provide evidence that the TOR signaling pathway controls mRNA turnover in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. During nutrient limitation (diauxic shift) or after treatment with rapamycin (a specific inhibitor of TOR), multiple mRNAs were destabilized, whereas the decay of other mRNAs was unaffected. Our findings suggest that the regulation of mRNA decay by the TOR pathway may play a significant role in controlling gene expression in response to nutrient depletion. The inhibition of the TOR pathway accelerated the major mRNA decay mechanism in yeast, the deadenylation-dependent decapping pathway. Of the destabilized mRNAs, two different responses to rapamycin were observed. Some mRNAs were destabilized rapidly, while others were affected only after prolonged exposure. Our data suggest that the mRNAs that respond rapidly are destabilized because they have short poly(A) tails prematurely either as a result of rapid deadenylation or reduced polyadenylation. In contrast, the mRNAs that respond slowly are destabilized by rapid decapping. In summary, the control of mRNA turnover by the TOR pathway is complex in that it specifically regulates the decay of some mRNAs and not others and that it appears to control decay by multiple mechanisms.  相似文献   

Ascospore Formation in the Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Sporulation of the baker's yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a response to nutrient depletion that allows a single diploid cell to give rise to four stress-resistant haploid spores. The formation of these spores requires a coordinated reorganization of cellular architecture. The construction of the spores can be broadly divided into two phases. The first is the generation of new membrane compartments within the cell cytoplasm that ultimately give rise to the spore plasma membranes. Proper assembly and growth of these membranes require modification of aspects of the constitutive secretory pathway and cytoskeleton by sporulation-specific functions. In the second phase, each immature spore becomes surrounded by a multilaminar spore wall that provides resistance to environmental stresses. This review focuses on our current understanding of the cellular rearrangements and the genes required in each of these phases to give rise to a wild-type spore.  相似文献   

Special search for frameshift mutations, which are suppressed by the cytoplasmic [PSI] factor and by omnipotent nonsense suppressors (recessive mutations in theSUP35and SUP45genes), partially inactivating a translation termination complex, was initiated in theLYS2gene in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae.Mutations were obtained after exposure to UV light and treatment with a mixture of 1,6- and 1,8-dinitropyrene (DNP). This mixture was shown to induce mutations of the frameshift type with a high frequency. The majority of these mutations were insertions of one A or T, which is in good agreement with the data obtained in studies of DNP-induced mutagenesis in other eukaryotes. Frameshift suppression was shown on the example of the mutation obtained in this work (lys2-90), which carried the insertion of an extra T in the sequence of five T. This frameshift suppression was first shown to occur in the presence of the [PSI] factor (i.e., due to the prionization of the translation release factor eRF3) and as a result of mutations in genes SUP35orSUP45, which partially inactivate translation termination factors eRF3 and eRF1, respectively. Alternative mechanisms of programmed translational frameshifting in the course of translation and the possibility of enhancing the effectiveness of such frameshifting in the presence of the [PSI] factor are considered.  相似文献   


Develop a Cell Surface Display system in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, based on the construction of an expression cassette for pYES2 plasmid.


The construction of an expression cassette containing the α-factor signal peptide and the C-terminal portion of the α-agglutinin protein was made and its sequence inserted into a plasmid named pYES2/gDαAgglutinin. The construction allows surface display of bovine herpesvirus type 5 (BoHV-5) glycoprotein D (gD) on S. cerevisiae BY4741 strain. Recombinant protein expression was confirmed by dot blot, and indirect immunofluorescence using monoclonal anti-histidine antibodies and polyclonal antibodies from mice experimentally vaccinated with a recombinant gD.


These results demonstrate that the approach and plasmid used represent not only an effective system for immobilizing proteins on the yeast cell surface, as well as a platform for immunobiologicals development.


Delivery of proteins to the vacuole of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae provides an excellent model system in which to study vacuole and lysosome biogenesis and membrane traffic. This organelle receives proteins from a number of different routes, including proteins sorted away from the secretory pathway at the Golgi apparatus and endocytic traffic arising from the plasma membrane. Genetic analysis has revealed at least 60 genes involved in vacuolar protein sorting, numerous components of a novel cytoplasm-to-vacuole transport pathway, and a large number of proteins required for autophagy. Cell biological and biochemical studies have provided important molecular insights into the various protein delivery pathways to the yeast vacuole. This review describes the various pathways to the vacuole and illustrates how they are related to one another in the vacuolar network of S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   

The activity of chitin synthase extracted from whole cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae shows reproducible changes during the course of batch cultivation. During exponential growth 5–10% of the enzyme occurs in the active form, whereas in the stationary phase no active enzyme can be detected. Of three yeast proteinases, A, B and C, only B is able to activate pre-chitin synthase and inactivate chitin synthase. A new model of the regulation is presented which accounts for the specific location as well as for termination of chitin synthesis during the budding cycle.These results were reported at the 4th International Symposium on Yeasts in Vienna, July 1974, and are part of doctoral thesis by A.H., University Freiburg (1974).  相似文献   

Inactivation of chitin synthase in Saccharomyces cerevisiae   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Site-directed mutagenesis and nucleotide sequence analysis were used to study the roles of the global and local contexts in suppression of the lys2-90 frameshift (FS) mutation inSaccharomyces cerevisiae. Global context features established for the LYS2 mRNA region containing the extra T (lys2-90) were similar to those characteristic of regions involved in translational frameshifting. These were a potential ability of the region to form a pseudoknot and the presence of heptanucleotide CUU UGA C with the hungry UGA nonsense codon in the pseudoknot. Some local context features proved to be essential for the phenotypic expression of FS suppression as a result of translational frameshifting. Two amino acid substitutions determined by the nucleotide sequence between the extra U and the UGA nonsense codon lacked expression. A dependence was observed between the efficiency of FS suppression and the type of the nonsense codon located at a particular position downstream of the extra nucleotide (UGA > UAG > UAA). When translation termination was inactivated, nonsense suppression and FS suppression correlated with each other. These results suggest that translational frameshifting, which underlies suppression in the case of inactivation of translation termination, most likely takes place on the nonsense codon arising as a result of insertion of an extra nucleotide.  相似文献   

In mammalian cells, extracellular signals can regulate the delivery of particular proteins to the plasma membrane. We have discovered a novel example of regulated protein sorting in the late secretory pathway of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In yeast cells grown on either ammonia or urea medium, the general amino acid permease (Gap1p) is transported from the Golgi complex to the plasma membrane, whereas, in cells grown on glutamate medium, Gap1p is transported from the Golgi to the vacuole. We have also found that sorting of Gap1p in the Golgi is controlled by SEC13, a gene previously shown to encode a component of the COPII vesicle coat. In sec13 mutants grown on ammonia, Gap1p is transported from the Golgi to the vacuole, instead of to the plasma membrane. Deletion of PEP12, a gene required for vesicular transport from the Golgi to the prevacuolar compartment, counteracts the effect of the sec13 mutation and partially restores Gap1p transport to the plasma membrane. Together, these studies demonstrate that both a nitrogen-sensing mechanism and Sec13p control Gap1p transport from the Golgi to the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

We investigated ultrastructural changes in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae when exposed to compressed ethylene gas. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) revealed that intracellular organelles in yeast cells treated with compressed ethylene at up to 0.640 MPa (6.4 atm), especially the nuclear and plasma membranes, were seriously damaged.  相似文献   

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