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Dictyostelium discoideum alpha-actinin (D.d. alpha-actinin) is a calcium and pH-regulated actin-binding protein that can cross-link F-actin into a gel at a submicromolar free calcium concentration and a pH less than 7 [Fechheimer, et al., 1982]. We examined mixtures of actin and D.d. alpha-actinin at four pH and calcium concentrations that exhibited various degrees of gelation or solation. The macroscopic viscosities of these mixtures were measured by falling ball viscometry (FBV) and compared to the translational diffusion coefficients measured by gaussian spot and periodic-pattern fluorescence photobleaching recovery (FPR) of both the actin filaments and D.d. alpha-actinin. A homogeneous, macroscopic gel was not composed of a static actin network. Instead, the filament diffusion coefficient decreased to approximately 65% of the control value. If the D.d. alpha-actinin concentration was increased, the solution became inhomogeneous, consisting of domains of higher actin concentration. These domains were often composed of a static actin network. The mobility of D.d. alpha-actinin consisted of a major fraction that freely diffused and a minor fraction that appeared immobile under the conditions employed. This suggested that D.d. alpha-actinin binding to the actin filaments was static over the time course of measurement (approximately 5 sec). Under solation conditions, there was no apparent interaction of actin with D.d. alpha-actinin. These results demonstrate that 1) actin filaments need not be cross-linked into an immobile, static array in order to have macroscopic properties of a gel; 2) interpretation of the rheological properties of actin:alpha-actinin gels are complicated by spatial heterogeneity of the filament concentration and mobility; and 3) a fraction of D.d. alpha-actinin binds statically to actin in undisturbed gels. The implications of these results are discussed in relation to cytoplasmic structure and contractility.  相似文献   

Motile extracts have been prepared from Dictyostelium discoideum by homogenization and differential centrifugation at 4 degrees C in a stabilization solution (60). These extracts gelled on warming to 25 degrees Celsius and contracted in response to micromolar Ca++ or a pH in excess of 7.0. Optimal gelation occurred in a solution containing 2.5 mM ethylene glycol-bis (β-aminoethyl ether)N,N,N',N'-tetraacetate (EGTA), 2.5 mM piperazine-N-N'-bis [2-ethane sulfonic acid] (PIPES), 1 mM MgC1(2), 1 mM ATP, and 20 mM KCI at ph 7.0 (relaxation solution), while micromolar levels of Ca++ inhibited gelation. Conditions that solated the gel elicited contraction of extracts containing myosin. This was true regardless of whether chemical (micromolar Ca++, pH >7.0, cytochalasin B, elevated concentrations of KCI, MgC1(2), and sucrose) or physical (pressure, mechanical stress, and cold) means were used to induce solation. Myosin was definitely required for contraction. During Ca++-or pH-elicited contraction: (a) actin, myosin, and a 95,000-dalton polypeptide were concentrated in the contracted extract; (b) the gelation activity was recovered in the material sqeezed out the contracting extract;(c) electron microscopy demonstrated that the number of free, recognizable F-actin filaments increased; (d) the actomyosin MgATPase activity was stimulated by 4- to 10-fold. In the absense of myosin the Dictyostelium extract did not contract, while gelation proceeded normally. During solation of the gel in the absense of myosin: (a) electron microscopy demonstrated that the number of free, recognizable F- actin filaments increased; (b) solation-dependent contraction of the extract and the Ca++-stimulated MgATPase activity were reconstituted by adding puried Dictyostelium myosin. Actin purified from the Dictyostelium extract did not gel (at 2 mg/ml), while low concentrations of actin (0.7-2 mg/ml) that contained several contaminating components underwent rapid Ca++ regulated gelation. These results indicated : (a) gelation in Dictyostelium extracts involves a specific Ca++-sensitive interaction between actin and several other components; (b) myosin is an absolute requirement for contraction of the extract; (c) actin-myosin interactions capable of producing force for movement are prevented in the gel, while solation of the gel by either physical or chemical means results in the release of F-actin capable of interaction with myosin and subsequent contraction. The effectiveness of physical agents in producting contraction suggests that the regulation of contraction by the gel is structural in nature.  相似文献   

Cell mechanics studied by a reconstituted model tissue   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
Tissue models reconstituted from cells and extracellular matrix (ECM) simulate natural tissues. Cytoskeletal and matrix proteins govern the force exerted by a tissue and its stiffness. Cells regulate cytoskeletal structure and remodel ECM to produce mechanical changes during tissue development and wound healing. Characterization and control of mechanical properties of reconstituted tissues are essential for tissue engineering applications. We have quantitatively characterized mechanical properties of connective tissue models, fibroblast-populated matrices (FPMs), via uniaxial stretch measurements. FPMs resemble natural tissues in their exponential dependence of stress on strain and linear dependence of stiffness on force at a given strain. Activating cellular contractile forces by calf serum and disrupting F-actin by cytochalasin D yield "active" and "passive" components, which respectively emphasize cellular and matrix mechanical contributions. The strain-dependent stress and elastic modulus of the active component were independent of cell density above a threshold density. The same quantities for the passive component increased with cell number due to compression and reorganization of the matrix by the cells.  相似文献   

Cholesterol 7 alpha-hydroxylase activity was completely inhibited by incubation with alkaline phosphatase in a reconstituted enzyme system containing a cytochrome P-450, NADPH-cytochrome P-450 reductase and phospholipid. On the other hand, cAMP-dependent protein kinase stimulated cholesterol 7 alpha-hydroxylase activity by 2.5-fold. The modulation of cholesterol 7 alpha-hydroxylase activity was dependent on the amount of phosphatase or kinase added. The phosphatase inhibited enzyme activity was partially reversed by the treatment with protein kinase. These experiments indicate that the reconstituted cholesterol 7 alpha-hydroxylase activity is reversibly regulated by phosphorylation/dephosphorylation mechanism.  相似文献   

L-type dihydropyridine-sensitive voltage dependent Ca(2+) channels (L-VDCCs; alpha(1C)) are crucial in cardiovascular physiology. Currents via L-VDCCs are enhanced by hormones and transmitters operating via G(q), such as angiotensin II (AngII) and acetylcholine (ACh). It has been proposed that these modulations are mediated by protein kinase C (PKC). However, reports on effects of PKC activators on L-type channels are contradictory; inhibitory and/or enhancing effects have been observed. Attempts to reproduce the enhancing effect of AngII in heterologous expression systems failed. We previously found that PKC modulation of the channel depends on alpha(1C) isoform used; only a long N-terminal (NT) isoform was up-regulated. Here we report the reconstitution of the AngII- and ACh-induced enhancement of the long-NT isoform of L-VDCC expressed in Xenopus oocytes. The current initially increased over several minutes but later declined to below baseline levels. Using different NT deletion mutants and human short- and long-NT isoforms of the channel, we found the initial segment of the NT to be crucial for the enhancing, but not for the inhibitory, effect. Using blockers of PKC and of phospholipase C (PLC) and a mutated AngII receptor lacking G(q) coupling, we demonstrate that the signaling pathway of the enhancing effect includes the activation of G(q), PLC, and PKC. The inhibitory modulation, present in both alpha(1C) isoforms, was G(q)- and PLC-independent and Ca(2+)-dependent, but not Ca(2+)-mediated, as only basal levels of Ca(2+) were essential. Reconstitution of AngII and ACh effects in Xenopus oocytes will advance the study of molecular mechanisms of these physiologically important modulations.  相似文献   

Dynamic interactions between cells and the extracellular matrix are essential in the regulation of a number of cellular processes including migration, adhesion, proliferation and differentiation. A variety of factors have been identified which modulate these interactions including transforming growth factor-beta, platelet-derived growth factor and others. Insulin-like growth factors have been shown to regulate collagen production by heart fibroblasts; however, the effects of this growth factor on the interactions of heart fibroblasts with the extracellular matrix have not been examined. The present studies were carried out to determine the effects of IGF-I on the ability of fibroblasts to interact with the extracellular matrix and to begin to determine the mechanisms of this response. These experiments illustrate that IGF-I treatment results in increased migration, collagen reorganization and gel contraction by heart fibroblasts. IGF-I has been shown to activate both the mitogen-activated protein kinase and phophatidylinositol-3 kinase pathways in isolated cells. Experiments with pharmacological antagonists of these pathways indicate that the mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway is essential for IGF-I stimulated collagen gel contraction by fibroblasts. These studies illustrate that IGF-I modulates the ability of fibroblasts to interact with the collagen matrix and that activation of multiple signaling pathways by IGF-I may produce distinct downstream responses in these cells.  相似文献   

One key tenet of the raft hypothesis is that the formation of glycosphingolipid- and cholesterol-rich lipid domains can be driven solely by characteristic lipid-lipid interactions, suggesting that rafts ought to form in model membranes composed of appropriate lipids. In fact, domains with raft-like properties were found to coexist with fluid lipid regions in both planar supported lipid layers and in giant unilamellar vesicles (GUVs) formed from 1) equimolar mixtures of phospholipid-cholesterol-sphingomyelin or 2) natural lipids extracted from brush border membranes that are rich in sphingomyelin and cholesterol. Employing headgroup-labeled fluorescent phospholipid analogs in planar supported lipid layers, domains typically several microns in diameter were observed by fluorescence microscopy at room temperature (24 degrees C) whereas non-raft mixtures (PC-cholesterol) appeared homogeneous. Both raft and non-raft domains were fluid-like, although diffusion was slower in raft domains, and the probe could exchange between the two phases. Consistent with the raft hypothesis, GM1, a glycosphingolipid (GSL), was highly enriched in the more ordered domains and resistant to detergent extraction, which disrupted the GSL-depleted phase. To exclude the possibility that the domain structure was an artifact caused by the lipid layer support, GUVs were formed from the synthetic and natural lipid mixtures, in which the probe, LAURDAN, was incorporated. The emission spectrum of LAURDAN was examined by two-photon fluorescence microscopy, which allowed identification of regions with high or low order of lipid acyl chain alignment. In GUVs formed from the raft lipid mixture or from brush border membrane lipids an array of more ordered and less ordered domains that were in register in both monolayers could reversibly be formed and disrupted upon cooling and heating. Overall, the notion that in biomembranes selected lipids could laterally aggregate to form more ordered, detergent-resistant lipid rafts into which glycosphingolipids partition is strongly supported by this study.  相似文献   

The temperature-dependent assembly and the interaction of Acanthamoeba contractile proteins have been studied in a crude extract. A cold extract of soluble proteins from Acanthamoeba castellanii is prepared by homogenizing the cells in a sucrose-ATP-ethyleneglycol-bis-(beta-aminoethyl ether) N,N'-tetraacetic acid buffer and centrifuging at 136,000 g for 1 h. When this supernate of soluble proteins is warmed to room temperature, it forms a solid gel. Upon standing at room temperature, the gel slowly contracts and squeezes out soluble components. The rates of gelation and contraction are both highly temperature dependent, with activation energies of about 20 kcal per mol. Gel formation is dependent upon the presence of ATP and Mg++. Low concentrations of Ca++ accelerate the contractile phase of this phenomenon. The major protein component of the gel is actin. It is associated with myosin, cofactor, a high molecular weight protein tentatively identfied as actin-binding protein, and several other unidentified proteins. Actin has been purified from these gels and was found to be capable of forming a solid gel when polymerized in the presence of ATP, MgCl3, and KCL. The rate of purified actin polymerication is very temperature dependent and is accelerated by the addition of fragments of muscle actin filaments. These data suggest that Acanthamoeba contractile proteins have a dual role in the cell; they may generate the forces for cellular movements and also act as cytoskeletal elements by controlling the consistency of the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

A model of single muscle contraction is proposed. The kinetics of two reactions have been used: interaction between the excitation mediator and the muscle membrane receptor, and the reaction of enzymatic mediator splitting. The muscle contraction parameters have been correlated with the concentration of the mediator-receptor complex.  相似文献   

The mechanism of contraction in motile models of teleost retinal cones has been examined by using N-ethylmaleimide (NEM)-modified myosin fragments (NEM-S-1 and NEM-heavy meromyosin [HMM]) to prevent access of native myosin to actin filaments during reactivation of contraction. In the diurnal light/dark cycle, retinal cones of green sunfish (Lepomis cyanellus) and bluegill (lepomis macrochirus) exhibit length changes of more than 90 mum. The motile myoid region of the cone contracts from 100 mum in the dark to 6 mum in the light. Motile models for cone contraction have been obtained by lysis of dark-adapted retinas with the non-ionic detergent, Brij-58. These cone motile models undergo Ca(++)-and ATP-dependent reactivated contraction, with morphology and rate comparable to those observed in vivo (Burnside, B.,B. Smith, M. Nagata, and K. Porrello, 1982, J. Cell Biol., 92:198-206). The cone myoids contain longitudinally oriented actin filaments which bind myosin subfragment-1 (S-1) to form characteristic “arrowhead” complexes which dissociate in the presence of MgATP (Burnside, B., 1978, J. Cell Biol., 78:227-246). Modification of S-1 or HMM with the sulfhydryl reagent, NEM, produces new species, NEM-S-1 or NEM-HMM, which still bind actin but which fail to detach in the presence of MgATP (Meeusen, R.L., and W.Z. Cande, 1979, J. Cell Biol., 82:57-65). We have used NEM-S-1 and NEM-HMM to test whether cone contraction depends on an actomyosin force- generating system. We find that reactivated contraction of cone models is inhibited by NEM-S-1 and NEM-HMM but not by the unmodified species, S-1 and HMM. Thus, reactivated cone contraction exhibits NEM-S-1 and NEM-HMM sensitivity as well as Ca(++)- and ATP- dependence. These observations are consistent with and actimyosin-mediated mechanism for force production during cone contraction.  相似文献   

We have examined the effect of epidermal growth factor--urogastrone (EGF-URO) on the response of isolated canine helical mesenteric arterial strips contracted by norepinephrine (NE), KCl, and transmural electrical stimulation (TES). Although EGF-URO alone did not affect resting arterial tone, contraction caused by all three modes of stimulation (NE, KCl, and TES) was inhibited up to 50% in the presence of EGF-URO. The action of EGF-URO did not depend on the presence of intact endothelial cells. The most pronounced effect of EGF-URO was observed on KCl-mediated contraction. The inhibitory effect of EGF-URO was maximal at about 15 min after addition of the polypeptide to the organ bath and persisted (e.g., electrical stimulation) for up to 1 h. A half-maximal inhibitory effect of EGF-URO was observed at a concentration of about 1 nM. Washing the tissue free of EGF-URO reversed its inhibitory action. Although in the presence of indomethacin (3 microM) EGF-URO caused a small, variable elevation in resting tension, the presence of indomethacin did not affect the ability of EGF--URO to inhibit contraction mediated by KCl. Under conditions wherein contraction in response to maximally effective concentrations of either NE or KCl was made dependent on the addition of calcium, EGF-URO was able to inhibit the response in the presence of KCl but not in the presence of NE.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

F L Ochoa 《Bio Systems》1984,17(1):35-50
A non-linear stability analysis using a multi-scale perturbation procedure is carried out on a model of a generalized reaction diffusion mechanism which involves only a single equation but which nevertheless exhibits bifurcation to non-uniform states. The patterns generated by this model by variation in a parameter related to the scalar dimensions of domain of definition, indicate its capacity to represent certain key morphogenetic features of multicellular systems formed by motile cells.  相似文献   

In previous studies we have observed changes in several functions of peritoneal macrophages from BALB/c mice with irreversible endotoxic shock caused by intraperitoneal injection of E. coli lipopolysaccharide (LPS) (100 mg/kg), which were associated with a high production of superoxide anion. Since antioxidants, such as N-acetylcysteine (NAC), are free radical scavengers that improve the immune response, in the present work we have studied different functions of peritoneal macrophages from BALB/c mice suffering the endotoxic shock above indicated and administered N-acetylcysteine (150 mg/kg i.p.) at 30 minutes after LPS injection. In the peritoneal macrophages obtained at 2, 4, 12 and 24 h after LPS injection, the following functions were studied: adherence to substrate, mobility, ingestion of particles, and production of superoxide anion and tumour necrosis factor (TNF alpha). The increase in adherence, ingestion and superoxide anion and TNF alpha production shown by macrophages from animals with endotoxic shock was counteracted by NAC injection. Moreover, the survival time of mice with endotoxic shock was increased in the presence of NAC. These data suggest that NAC, administered intraperitoneally, may be useful for the treatment of irreversible endotoxic shock by modulation of the function of macrophages with decreased superoxide anion and TNF alpha production and concomitant increase of survival time.  相似文献   

We formulate and analyse a 1D model for the spatial distribution of actin density at the leading edge of a motile cell. The model incorporates nucleation, capping, growth and decay of actin filaments, as well as retrograde flow of the actin meshwork and known parameter values based on the literature. Using a simplified geometry, and reasonable assumptions about the biochemical processes, we derive PDEs for the density of actin filaments and their tips. Analytic travelling wave solutions are used to predict how the speed of the cell depends on rates of nucleation, capping, polymerization and membrane resistance. Analysis and simulations agree with experimental profiles for measured actin distributions. Extended versions of the model are studied numerically. We find that our model produces stable travelling wave solutions with reasonable cell speeds. Increasing the rate of nucleation of filaments (by the actin related protein Arp2/3) or the rate of actin polymerization leads to faster cell speed, whereas increasing the rate of capping or the membrane resistance reduces cell speed. We consider several variants of nucleation (spontaneous, tip, and side branching) and find best agreement with experimentally measured spatial profiles of filament and tip density in the side branching case.  相似文献   

By using a reconstituted glycolytic system and a highly active adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase), the metabolism during muscular tetanic contraction was simulated and observed. With an ATPase activity somewhat greater than can be maintained in muscle tissue, phosphocreatine was rapidly and completely utilized, lactate production commenced about 5s after the ATPase was added and after 15s adenine nucleotides were lost through deamination to IMP. By 40s, all metabolism ceased because of complete loss of adenine mononucleotides. With a lower ATPase activity, glycolytic regeneration of ATP was capable of maintaining the ATP concentration at its initial value and even by 80s, only one-half of the phosphocreatine had been utilized. No deamination occurred in this time. It is suggested that the metabolic events observed in the simulated system are basically the same as occur in muscle doing heavy work.  相似文献   

Contractions of uterine smooth muscle cells consist of a chain of physiological processes. These contractions provide the required force to expel the fetus from the uterus. The inclusion of these physiological processes is, therefore, imperative when studying uterine contractions. In this study, an electro-chemo-mechanical model to replicate the excitation, activation, and contraction of uterine smooth muscle cells is developed. The presented modeling strategy enables efficient integration of knowledge about physiological processes at the cellular level to the organ level. The model is implemented in a three-dimensional finite element setting to simulate uterus contraction during labor in response to electrical discharges generated by pacemaker cells and propagated within the myometrium via gap junctions. Important clinical factors, such as uterine electrical activity and intrauterine pressure, are predicted using this simulation. The predictions are in agreement with clinically measured data reported in the literature. A parameter study is also carried out to investigate the impact of physiologically related parameters on the uterine contractility.  相似文献   

Perilipin (Peri) A is a phosphoprotein located at the surface of intracellular lipid droplets in adipocytes. Activation of cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) results in the phosphorylation of Peri A and hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL), the predominant lipase in adipocytes, with concurrent stimulation of adipocyte lipolysis. To investigate the relative contributions of Peri A and HSL in basal and PKA-mediated lipolysis, we utilized NIH 3T3 fibroblasts lacking Peri A and HSL but stably overexpressing acyl-CoA synthetase 1 (ACS1) and fatty acid transport protein 1 (FATP1). When incubated with exogenous fatty acids, ACS1/FATP1 cells accumulated 5 times more triacylglycerol (TG) as compared with NIH 3T3 fibroblasts. Adenoviral-mediated expression of Peri A in ACS1/FATP1 cells enhanced TG accumulation and inhibited lipolysis, whereas expression of HSL fused to green fluorescent protein (GFPHSL) reduced TG accumulation and enhanced lipolysis. Forskolin treatment induced Peri A hyperphosphorylation and abrogated the inhibitory effect of Peri A on lipolysis. Expression of a mutated Peri A Delta 3 (Ser to Ala substitutions at PKA consensus sites Ser-81, Ser-222, and Ser-276) reduced Peri A hyperphosphorylation and blocked constitutive and forskolin-stimulated lipolysis. Thus, perilipin expression and phosphorylation state are critical regulators of lipid storage and hydrolysis in ACS1/FATP1 cells.  相似文献   

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