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During endometrial differentiation the extracellular matrix (ECM) changes dramatically to prepare for implantation of the embryo. However, the genes regulating the ECM build-up in the uterine endometrium during early pregnancy are not well known. Using the PCR-select cDNA subtraction method, dermatopontin was identified in the uterus of a pregnant mouse on day 4 of gestation. Dermatopontin mRNA increased dramatically on day 3, and was at its highest level at the time of implantation. Administration of RU 486 significantly inhibited mRNA expression by day 4 of gestation, but ICI 182,780 did not. Progesterone markedly induced dermatopontin expression in ovariectomized uteri within 4 h of administration, whereas estrogen had little effect. In silico analysis revealed progesterone receptor binding sites in the dermatopontin promoter region. Decidualization did not induce expression of dermatopontin; instead dermatopontin mRNA became strongly localized at the interimplantation site. In situ hybridization revealed that expression gradually decreased in the luminal epithelial cells as pregnancy progressed, whereas it increased in the stromal cells. The pattern of localization and the changes of intensity of dermatopontin mRNA coincided with those of collagen. Collectively, these results strongly suggest that dermatopontin expression is steroid-dependent. They also suggest that, at the time of implantation, dermatopontin expression is primarily regulated spatio-temporally by progesterone via progesterone receptors, and is modulated by the decidual response during implantation. Dermatopontin may be one of the regulators used to remodel the uterine ECM for pregnancy.  相似文献   

The mouse placenta possesses a soluble oestrogen sulphotransferase activity which increases markedly from at least 12 days of gestation until term. At about 16 days of gestation, a similar activity is found in the uterus. This activity also increases until term and disappears rapidly post partum. The uterine enzyme activity appears to require the presence of the foetal unit for its onset, since unoccupied horns, whether their endometrial stromal cells are differentiated to decidual cells or not, are essentially devoid of it. Uterine cytosols from non-pregnant mice are also inactive in this respect. In late gestation, the uterine sulphotransferase is confined to the decidua basalis, the areas to which the placentas are attached. The sulphotransferase(s) of placenta and uterus has an absolute requirement for 3'-phosphoadenosine 5'-phosphosulphate, and possesses little activity in the absence of exogenous thiol groups. Stimulation is also seen in the presence of Mn2+, Mg2+ or Ca2+. Oestrone and oestradiol, and to a lesser degree oestriol, are substrates for the enzyme(s), whereas testosterone, cortisol and dehydroepiandrosterone are not. Oestrone and oestradiol at higher concentrations (1.0-1.5 microM) completely inhibit the enzyme(s). These enzymes could play a role in altering tissue concentrations of active oestrogens during gestation in the mouse. Oestrogen sulphotransferase activity is low or absent in reproductive tissues of the pregnant rat.  相似文献   

The success of pregnancy depends on the ability of trophoblast cells to infiltrate the maternal decidua and breach uterine vessels. To ask whether the antigenic phenotype of maternal endothelial cells (EC) in the vascular zone and central decidua basalis may reflect a specialized programming of these vessels for interaction with the trophoblast, we did a survey of several mouse EC differentiation antigens, including MECA-32, MECA-99, and endoglin. Our results revealed striking differences in the phenotype of endothelial lining of vessels in the distinct compartments of the pregnant uterus during Day 9 of pregnancy and at midgestation. Vessels in the central decidua basalis and the vascular zone showed strong expression of MECA-99 but only weak expression of MECA-32, contrasting with the MECA-99(lo), MECA-32(hi) vessels in the capsularis. The vascular zone in addition stained brightly with anti-endoglin. Importantly, invading trophoblast as well as trophoblast cells lining maternal blood spaces were MECA-99(+), MECA-32(-), and endoglin(-), suggesting that the expression of MECA-99 may reflect a specialized co-programming of these trophoblast and EC for future interaction, but also that trophoblast cells may mimic selected antigenic characteristics of endothelium in association with their role in lining maternal blood spaces. In the term pregnant uterus the expression of all differentiation antigens decreased dramatically, suggesting that trophoblast cells as well as maternal EC lose their selected antigenic characteristics when the process of placentation is complete.  相似文献   

The pregnant specific uterus protein gene (Psup) is a novel mouse gene expressed in pregnant uterus. This paper describes the identification and expression of the rat homologue of Psup. The gene is highly expressed in the duodenum. Expression decreases in a proximal-distal gradient in the small intestine and was not detected in the cecum and colon. The pattern of expression in the mouse was similar. Expression of Psup in the mouse was localized to the epithelial cells in the intestine and pregnant uterus by in situ hybridization. The data show tissue-specific expression of Psup.  相似文献   

Summary A study was made with the light and electron microscopes of the granulated metrial gland cells of the decidua basalis of the pregnant mouse uterus, up to day 11 of pregnancy. The granulated metrial gland cells are large, up to 50 in diameter, mono- or binucleate and the glycogen rich cytoplasm typically contains many large glycoprotein granules which may be up to 5 in diameter. Morphological evidence is described in support of a lymphocyte-like cell being the precursor to the granulated metrial gland cell. This differentiation sequence is similar to that already proposed in the rat but differences between the ultrastructure of the mature metrial gland cells of rats and mice were noted.  相似文献   

Alpha-tocopherol transfer protein (alpha-TTP) was first described to play a major role in maintaining alpha-tocopherol levels in plasma, while alpha-tocopherol was primarily reported to be a factor relevant for reproduction. Expression of alpha-TTP is not only seen in the liver, from where it was first isolated, but also in mouse uterus, depending on its state of pregnancy, stressing the importance of alpha-TTP for embryogenesis and fetal development. The cellular localization of alpha-TTP in mouse uterus is reported here. By immunohistochemistry, alpha-TTP could be localized in the secretory columnar epithelial cells of the pregnant uterus on Days 4.5 and 6.5 postcoitum as well as in the glandular epithelial cells and the inner decidual reaction zone surrounding the implantation site. On Days 8.5 and 10.5 postcoitum (midterm of mouse pregnancy), alpha-TTP could still be detected in the uterine secretory columnar epithelial cells, while in alpha-TTP knockout mice, no immunostaining was visible. It is suggested that alpha-TTP plays a major role in supplying the placenta and consecutively the fetus with alpha-tocopherol throughout pregnancy. We conclude that alpha-tocopherol plays a role in the process of implantation and that alpha-TTP may be necessary for adequate alpha-tocopherol status of the fetus.  相似文献   

Summary A study was made with the light microscope of the cellular changes involved in the formation of the decidua in the pregnant mouse uterus up to day 11 of pregnancy. The differentiation sequence was similar to that found by previous workers but the morphology and development of the basal zone is described in more detail. In addition, the morphology of glycogen rich cells in an area termed the lateral decidual zone is described. The distribution of granulated metrial gland cells and their precursors is described. These cells are first found in the uterine stroma before the blastocyst has implanted. Later they occur in the decidua and in the circular smooth muscle zone beneath the mesometrial triangle prior to the formation of the metrial gland. Granulated metrial gland cells are also found in the maternal blood spaces of the implantation site.  相似文献   

The time of appearance and the ultrastructural localization of the enzyme activity of alkaline phosphatase (AlkPase), 5′-nucleotidase (5′Nuc), Mg2+-ATPase, transport ATPase, cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase (cAMP-PDase), and adenylate cyclase (AC) were investigated in unfertilized eggs and in mouse preimplantation embryos. Enzyme activity was associated only with the plasma membrane. AlkPase activity appeared only in limited areas of the plasma membrane of one-cell embryos and increased in the eight-cell and morula stages. In blastocysts, the enzyme activity was concentrated mainly in the trophoblast cells. 5′Nuc activity appeared first in four- or eight-cell embryos and the highest activity was observed in trophoblast cells in the blastocyst and in plasma membrane between cells forming inner cell mass. Mg2+-activated ATPase activity was present in all embryos and in unfertilized egg plasma membrane. Transport (Na+K+)-ATPase appeared only in the closely apposed membranes of adjacent cells in morulae and blastocysts. A very low cAMP-PDase activity appeared between adjacent cells in two-cell embryos, and the highest activity was observed on the outer surface of the plasma membrane of trophoblasts. AC was the only enzyme whose activity was located on the inner (cytoplasmic) side of the plasma membrane and appeared as early as the one-cell stage embryo. The relation between the time of the appearance of enzyme activity and the preparation of embryos for implantation and upon embryonic proliferative activity is discussed.  相似文献   

The appearance and localization of the cytoplasmic phosphatases [acid phosphatase (AcPase) as a marker of lysosomes, TPPase as a marker of the Golgi apparatus, and NDPase (IDPase) as enzymatic marker of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER)] were cytochemically studied on the ultrastructural level in secondary oocytes and in preimplantation mouse embryos. The detectable AcPase activity, located on the inner surface of the membrane delimiting some cytoplasmic vacuoles (lysosomes and autophagic vacuoles), appears at the eight-cell stage and grows pregressively stronger up to the blastocyst stage. Golgi-associated reaction for TPPase was detectable in oocytes, dropped in one-cell embryos and became negative in the two-cell embryos. The reaction for TPPase and IDPase was present in plasma membranes of oocytes and early embryos and appeared in the delimiting membrane of some cytoplasmic vesicles in eight-cell embryos. Some activity of IDPase was found in small segments of the ER at the morula and blastocyst stage. The observed results suggest that the lysosomes are the first organelles in early embryos showing activity of the marker enzymes of the phosphatase type, while the activity of other marker enzymes is mainly concentrated in the plasma membrane of blastomeres. It cannot be excluded, however, that positive reaction for TPPase and IDPase in the plasma membrane results from nonspecific action of other phosphatases.  相似文献   

The concentrations of 15 methyl PGF2 alpha, progesterone and estradiol in the peripheral plasma were assayed sequentially and the resting and active pressures of the uterus were quantitated in 10 first trimester pregnant patients, treated with a vaginal suppository containing 3 mg U-36,384. The purpose of the study was to determine the sequence of the prostaglandin induced changes in regulatory profile and uterine function and thus expose further the mechanism of prostaglandin action. The temporal relationships of the changes revealed that the primary action of exogenous prostaglandin is the disruption of the normal endocrine function of the conceptus and that the delayed oxytocic effect of this compound is secondary, a consequence of the primary action. Apparently prostaglandins are only effective as postconceptional agents if they convert the refractory normal pregnant uterus into a reactive organ. The academic and therapeutic significance of this finding is discussed.  相似文献   

Prostacyclin lowers the tonus and reduces the spontaneous motility of isolated pregnant human myometrium. This effect seems to be related to coclic-AMP accumulation, since PGI2 increases the formation of this cyclic nucleotide in incubated minces of pregnant and non-pregnant uterus. The ability of this tissue to generate a labile substance which inhibits platelets aggregation, has been demonstrated and discussed.  相似文献   

Metastasis-stimulating activity in the mouse uterus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mouse uterine luminal proteins are thought to play important roles in inducing diapausing blastocysts to implant into the uterine wall. Employing a syngeneic teratocarcinoma cell line (402AX), we demonstrate that neoplastic cells are better able to invade and metastasize if they are coinjected with uterine fluid from pregnant or estrogen-primed mice. This metastasizing activity of uterine fluid was partially purified by using disc polyacrylamide electrophoresis and gel filtration chromatography. Preliminary experiments indicate that the post-albumin and albumin bands contain most of the bioactivity. Furthermore, these bands contain smaller molecular weight proteins (less than 14,000) than can be separated by detergent and mild acetic acid (0.1 N) treatment.  相似文献   

High-pressure liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection was used to identify and measure catecholamines in rat, rabbit, sheep, guinea-pig and human uteri and follow changes with pregnancy. Noradrenaline was consistently the major catecholamine and pregnancy caused a regionally specific fall in its concentration which, in rat, rabbit and guinea-pig, was associated with a decline in total content. Adrenaline was undetectable (less than 10 pmol/g myometrium) in all species and at all gestational ages studied. Dopamine and its metabolite 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC) were detected at high concentrations in guinea-pig and particularly sheep uterus. In guinea-pig uterus the dopamine/DOPAC ratio fell dramatically with pregnancy, suggesting that increased quantities of dopamine were released and catabolized. The dopamine/noradrenaline ratios suggested that dopamine is stored with noradrenaline in adrenergic neurones in guinea-pig myometrium and within an additional neuronal or cellular store(s) in sheep uterus.  相似文献   

F A Moustafa 《Acta anatomica》1988,132(4):310-316
The present study was undertaken to investigate the structural changes in both cholinesterase (ChE)-positive nerve fibers and adrenergic nerves with formaldehyde-induced fluorescence in pregnant and postpartum uteri of both the albino rat and guinea pig. Particular attention was directed to the relationship between these changes and the local factors associated with the growing fetus. ChE reaction was absent in the control and pregnant uterus of the guinea pig. In the albino rat, there were signs of degeneration in pregnancy. These were evidenced by vacuolation of large nerve trunks and the presence of focal segments with very faint reaction along the course of the nerve bundles. Myometrial segments from fetus-containing horns showed some fragmented nerve fibers, but at the same time some other normal ones. Most of the fine nerve bundles gave a weak reaction. Three weeks after delivery, multiple ChE fibers were found in the uterus of the albino rat. The normal appearance was, however, not regained and some nerve fibers were still fragmented. Noradrenergic (NA) nerve fibers were disintegrated and markedly reduced in number in the myometrium of the pregnant uterus of both the guinea pig and albino rat, particularly in the uterine horns that were distended by fetuses. The number of NA fibers was not significantly reduced in the tubal ends of the albino rat uterus. Three weeks after delivery, normal NA fibers were seen in the myometrium of both the albino rat and guinea pig uterus. Nerves with reduced fluorescence reaction were observed less frequently.  相似文献   

The energy status of the cell is mainly dependent on adenine nucleotides and can be expressed as energy charge (EC). EC is known to be kept at narrow limits near 0.90 under normal conditions in most cells. We recently reported remarkably low EC values in the human uterus under apparent steady-state conditions. The present paper is an extension of previous work. It shows that EC varies in different regions of the uterus in that the isthmic part in pregnant women displays a higher EC than the fundus of the uterus. There were no intergroup differences between non-pregnant and term pregnant women, nor between those who were in active normal labour, dysfunctional labour or those who were not in labour at all. On the other hand, EC in uterine muscle of post-menopausal women showed a significantly lower EC value. Human uterus seems to manage its metabolic requirements under different functional conditions in spite of low ATP and EC values. This suggests that ATP occurs in sufficient amounts to pertinent enzyme reactions, especially ATPases, which means Km values adapted for this unusually low ATP concentration.  相似文献   

Angiogenic activity was known to be intensely dynamic during pregnancy with a geometric orientation towards the site of implantation. Therefore this study was designed to test whether the uterine lining of pregnancy, the decidua, induces angiogenic activity on the chorioallantoic membrane (CAM). Twenty-three decidual specimens obtained during legally induced abortions were implanted into the 9-day-old chick CAM. All decidual specimens showed strong angiogenic activity as measured by 9-fold increase in radial blood vessels, with a geometrical formation of 'spokewheel' pattern extending over a range of 1.2 cm within 48 h.  相似文献   

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