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This is a study of the role of Para rubber cultivation in a system of swidden agriculture in Indonesian Borneo. Such smallholdings produce most of Indonesia’s rubber, which is the country’s largest agricultural generator of foreign exchange. Rubber integrates well into Bornean systems of swidden agriculture: the comparative ecology and economy of Para rubber and upland swidden rice result in minimal competition in the use of land and labor — and even in mutual enhancement — between the two systems. Rubber occupies a distinct niche in the farm economy: it meets the need for market goods, while the swiddens meet subsistence needs. The intensity of production on these smallholdings is, as a result, characteristically low (and may even vary inversely with market prices). This reflects the independence of these smallholders from external economic and political influences, which has been the key to their historical success. The special virtues of such “composite systems” merit greater attention by development planners. Penilitian ini mempelajari peranan karet rakyat sebagai pasangan bagi sistem perladangan di Kalimantan-Indonesia. Perkebunan karet rakyat merupakan penghasil utama karet Indonesia, yang merupakan penyumbang pertanian terbesar bagi devisa negara. Karet rakyat membaur dengan baik dalam sistem perladangan di Kalimantan: pembandingan ekologi dan ekonomi antara karet rakyat dan sistem perladangan menunjukkan persaingan yang minimum dalam pemakaian lahan dan tenaga kerja—dan bahkan saling menguntungkan—antara kedua sistem tersebut. Karet rakyat menempati kedudukan yang penting dalam ekonomi usaha para peladang: yaitu memenuhi kebutuhan barang-barang pasar, sedangkan sistem perladangan memenuhi kebutuhan pokok hidup. Intensitas produksi perkebunan karet rakyat oleh karena itu, brasanya agak rendah (yang kadang-kadang berbeda berbalikan dengan harga pasar). Hal ini menggambarkan ketidak-bergantungan petani karet pada pengaruh-pengaruh ekonomi dan politik dari luar, dan ini merupakan kunci sukses mereka. Hal-hal khususyang menguntungkan dari sistem terpadu inipatut mendapatkanperhatian yang lebih besar dari perencana-perencana pembangunan.  相似文献   

Eleven local varieties of sago palm (Metroxylon sagu Rottb.) in southeast and north Sulawesi and in northern Maluku were studied: one variety with a weak black band on the back of the petiole: three varieties with a brown band on the back of the petiole: seven bandless varieties comprising two spineless, four short spine and one long spine types. Large variation in morphological characteristics and pith dry-matter yield were estimated at 13 to 34% and 55%, respectively. The difference in pith dry-matter yield is mainly attributed to trunk diameter and dry-matter percentage of pith. Trunk diameter was not affected by the length of growth period, which might reflect the palm’s own characteristics, such as genetic background and growth environment. The dry-matter percentage of pith was not related to any characteristics measured. The pith dry-matter yield was highest in the short spine type, followed by the spineless and the long spine types.
Produksi Palma Sagu (Metroxylon Sagu, Arecaceae) Di Kepulauan Timur Indonesia: Keragaman Karakteristik Morfologi Dan Hasil Bahan Kering Empulur Batang
Résumé  Dalam survey tersebut dipelajari sebelas varitas sagu lokal (Metroxylon sagu Rottb.) di Sulawesi Tenggara, Sulawesi Utara, dan Maluku Utara: satu varitas dengan pita sedikit hitam pada bagian belakang dari tulang daun: tiga varitas dengan pita coklat pada bagian belakang belakang dari tulang daun: tujuh varitas tanpa pita terdiri dari dua varitas tanpa duri, empat varitas duri pendek dan satu varitas duri panjang. Terdapat adanya keragaman pada karakteristik morfologi dan hasil bahan kering empulur batang yang diperkirakan beriurut-turut berkisar 13 sampai 34% dan 55%. Perbedaan pada hasil bahan kering empulur batang terutama tergantung pada diameter batang dan proporsi kering empulur batang. Diameter batang tidak dipengaruhi oleh panjangnya periode tumbuh; namun nampaknya lebih terkait dengan gambaran karakteristik khusus, seperti latar belakang genetik dan lingkungan tumbuhnya.Persen bobot kering empulur batang tidak ada hubungannya dengan berbagai karakteristik yang diteliti. Hasil bahan kering empulur batang tertinggi adalah pada tipe duri pendek (511kg/batang), diikuti tipe tanpa duri (417kg/batang) dan tipe duri panjang (329kg/batang).

To the discussion on secondary succession in tropical forests, we bring data on three under‐addressed issues: understory as well as overstory changes, continuous as opposed to phase changes, and integration of forest succession with indigenous fallow management and plant uses. Changes in vegetation structure and species composition were analyzed in secondary forests following swidden agriculture in a semideciduous forest of Bolivian lowlands. Twenty‐eight fallows, stratified by four successional stages (early = 1–5 yr, intermediate = 6–10 yr, advanced = 12–20 yr, and older = 22–36 yr), and ten stands of mature forests were sampled. The overstory (plants ≥5 cm diameter at breast height [DBH]) was sampled using a 20 × 50 m plot and the understory (plants <5 cm DBH) in three nested 2 × 5 m subplots. Semistructured interviews provided information on fallow management. Canopy height, basal area, and liana density of the overstory increased with secondary forest age. The early stage had the lowest species density and diversity in the overstory, but the highest diversity in the understory. Species composition and abundance differentiated mature forests and early successional stage from other successional stages; however, species showed individualistic responses across the temporal gradient. A total of 123 of 280 species were useful with edible, medicinal, and construction plants being the most abundant for both over‐ and understories. Most of Los Gwarayo preferred mature forests for making new swidden, while fallows were valuable for crops, useful species, and regenerating timber species.  相似文献   

The composition of herbaceous vegetation was evaluated with the aim of characterizing forests at various ages of stand development. Herb stems were sampled in 250 4‐m² square plots distributed within six habitat types. A total of 36 herb species belonging to 15 families were recorded. Species richness did not significantly differ between habitat types. Most herb species occurred in all habitat types and were therefore generalists. However, a few indicator herb species were detected, and the results roughly suggested that herb species of the families Poaceae and Araceae were indicative of late successional forests; Zingiberaceae are indicative of early successional forests; and Commelinaceae, Costaceae, Cyperaceae and Marantaceae are indicators of flooded habitats. Species diversity and stem density of herbaceous plants did not change with forest succession as a decrease in abundance and frequency of occurrence of pioneer species in late successional forests was counterbalanced by the presence of generalist and late successional species. However, increasing proportions of dwarf stems in late successional forests translated to changes in the vertical structure of herbaceous plant communities. Herbivory pressure by gorillas did not have a notable effect on herbaceous plant community development. This study contributes to the definition of herbaceous ecological indicators of forest succession in different settings.  相似文献   

The post‐fire butterfly fauna in lowland dipterocarp forest of the Bukit Soeharto Education Forest (BSEF), East Kalimantan, Indonesia, was assessed during the period November 1998–April 2000 by means of consecutive Malaise trap samples, with supplementary field observations for March–April 1999. A total of 514 butterflies belonging to 61 species and representing six families were caught in the traps. Melanitis leda (Nymphalidae: Satyrinae), Charaxes bernardus (Nymphalidae: Charaxinae), and Danaus genutia (Nymphalidae: Danainae) were the species most frequently caught (60, 52 and 47 individuals, respectively), representing 31% of the total. These three species are generalists and “disturbance indicators” for tropical rainforest, being characteristic of disturbed or secondary forests, being distributed widely, and having larvae that feed on a wide range of host plants. In contrast, other species, such as Trogonoptera brookiana and Troides amphrysus, were recorded before the fires but were not recorded again afterwards. The pre‐ and post‐fire butterfly fauna of East Kalimantan were compared on the basis of butterfly specimens deposited in the Tropical Rain Forest Research Center that were collected in and around the Bukit Soeharto Education Forest before the fires (1988–1995). On the basis of the post‐fire survey, based on Malaise trap samples and field observations, only 43% of the butterfly species (not including Lycaenidae and Hesperiidae) were confirmed to have persisted. The data suggest that refugia that are not affected by fire are necessary for the conservation of specialist butterflies, as well as many other forms of wildlife.  相似文献   

Aim The geographical range size frequency distributions of animal and plant assemblages are among the most important factors affecting large‐scale patterns of diversity. Nonetheless, the relationship between habitat type and the range size distributions of species forming assemblages remains poorly understood. We examined how the mean latitudinal range sizes of species in Neotropical bird species assemblages shift during forest clearance and subsequent regeneration. We tested the hypothesis that bird species assemblages in early successional habitats tend to have larger latitudinal ranges than those in more mature forests. Location We considered breeding bird chronosequence data from six Neotropical forests. Results Breeding bird assemblages were found to have the species with the largest average latitudinal range sizes in cleared areas, intermediate in young secondary forests and smallest in old secondary and mature forests. Similar differences were also found when we compared congeners differing in their successional preferences. Sizes of regional ranges (within the Neotropics) did not, however, differ consistently among successional stages. The larger latitudinal (but not regional) ranges of early successional species was as a result in part of the tendency of early successional species to have ranges that extend beyond the Neotropical forest biome. Conclusions Our analysis of chronosequences suggests that as early successional habitats mature, a consistent shift from large‐ranged species towards more small ranged species occurs. Even relatively old secondary forests have bird species with larger average ranges than mature forests. As a consequence, conservation of secondary forests alone will miss many of the species most at risk of extinction and most unlikely to be conserved in other locations or biomes.  相似文献   

Little is known about the effect of El Niño Southern Oscillation‐induced fires on the genetic diversity of tropical rainforest species. Here, I report on the isolation and characterization of 10 microsatellite loci, five loci each, for two lycaenid butterfly species in East Kalimantan, Indonesia, namely Drupadia theda and Arhopala epimuta, which will be used to specifically study the impact of disturbance on genetic diversity. Microsatellite enrichment was carried out using streptavidin‐coated magnetic beads. Positive colonies were identified with the three‐primer polymerase chain reaction (PIMA). Cross‐species amplifications conducted both within and between genera were successful in 16 out of 20 tests.  相似文献   

为探明热带森林蚂蚁巢穴的分布特征及其影响因素, 采用样方法研究了西双版纳不同演替阶段热带森林定居巢穴蚂蚁的种类及其巢穴的密度、盖度和空间分布特征, 并分析了土壤理化环境与蚂蚁种类总数、巢穴密度及盖度的相关性。结果表明, 不同演替阶段热带森林蚂蚁种类总数、巢穴的密度及盖度大小顺序为: 小果野芭蕉 (Musa acuminata)群落>白背桐(Mallotus paniculatus)群落>思茅崖豆(Mellettia leptobotrya)群落, 并且热带森林的演替类型显著影响蚂蚁种类总数及巢穴密度, 而对巢穴盖度的影响未达到显著水平; 蚂蚁种类总数、巢穴密度与土壤总有机碳和水解氮显著正相关, 与土壤容重和土壤含水率显著负相关, 但所选择的土壤理化指标与巢穴盖度的相关性均未达到显著水平; 蚂蚁巢穴的空间分布呈随机分布格局。我们的数据表明, 不同演替阶段热带森林所形成的植被类型及土壤环境状况共同影响定居的蚂蚁种类总数与筑巢密度。  相似文献   

Concomitant with the rapid loss of tropical mature forests, the relative abundance of secondary forests is increasing steadily and the latter are therefore of growing interest for conservation. We analysed species richness of fruit-feeding nymphalid butterflies in secondary forest fragments of different age and isolation and in mature forest at the eastern margin of the Lore Lindu National Park in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. From April to August 2001 we collected 2322 individuals of fruit-feeding butterflies, belonging to 33 species. Butterfly species richness increased with succession, but was significantly higher in mature forests than in all types of secondary forest. Isolation of the forest fragments did not have a significant effect on butterfly species richness in the range of distances (up to 1700 m) studied. Rather it appeared to affect only a few species. Species richness of endemic species was higher than of non-endemic species. Although endemic species were most diverse in mature forests, many species captured were restricted to secondary forests. Our results show that mature forest is essential for the conservation of nymphalid butterflies and for the endemic species in this area. However, considering the relatively large number of species found in these rather small habitat islands, secondary forest fragments, especially older successional stages, can be taken into account in conservation efforts and thus contribute to the preservation of tropical biodiversity on a landscape scale.  相似文献   

In the state Meghalaya, northeast India, >80% of the forest lands are owned by local communities and managed by traditional institutions. These forests are under severe threats due to a number of human disturbances. The present study was conducted to assess the plant diversity and identify the community forests for priority conservation in Khasi Hills of Meghalaya. Floristic explorations carried out in the 87 forests reveals the presence of 1300 plant species of which 400 are either rare, endemic or threatened. Of the different forest categories, reserve forests had the highest number of species (1190), followed by sacred forests (987 species) and village forests (786 species). Majority of the forests (56) had high-species richness, irreplaceability level (42 forests) and vulnerability level (54). In terms of area, 13.8% (1666.8 ha) fall under low risk while 1855 ha under high risk zone. High risk zone was mostly represented by village forests. An area of 7661.56 ha of community forests falls under high priority category and hence calls for immediate conservation actions. The conservation priority map generated in the present study will help to concentrate the protection strategy to the demarcated and adjoining areas and help conservationists and planners to evolve effective strategies for conservation of the community forests.  相似文献   

Changes in terrestrial vascular plant diversity along a successional gradient were studied in a Costa Rican upper montane Quercus forest. In 1991 and 1992 species presence and cover were recorded in 12 successional 0.1 ha forest plots. A total of 176 species in 122 genera and 75 families were found. Asteraceae was the most speciose family. With the help of TWINSPAN three successional phases were classified: (i) Early Secondary Forest (ESF, 145 spp.), (ii) Late Secondary Forest (LSF, 130 spp.) and (iii) Primary Forest (PF, 96 spp.). Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA) species ordination using DECORANA illustrates that different ecological species groups can be distinguished along the time sequence. Alpha diversity (Shannon-Wiener index, among others) in ESF and LSF was significantly greater than in PF. This is probably explained by downslope migration of numerous sub(alpine) species to cleared and recently abandoned montane sites. Beta diversity applying Sørensen's similarity coefficients declined during succession. Using linear regression, the minimum time required for floristic recovery following disturbance and abandonment was calculated at 65.9 years. A comparison with other studies shows that secondary forests in upper montane Costa Rica can be as diverse as in neotropical lowlands.  相似文献   

We assessed the size of seed bank, species diversity and similarity between seed bank and standing vegetation in four oriental beech (Fagus orientalis Lipsky) community types of the central Hyrcanian forests of northern Iran. For this purpose a total of 52 relevés was established in two associations and two subassociations of the beech forests, and six soil samples (20 × 20 cm square and to a depth of 10 cm) were collected in each relevé in mid-spring, after the germination season had ended. Soil seed bank was investigated using the seedling emergence method. A total of 63 species, 57 genera and 36 families was represented in the persistent soil seed bank of the forest communities. The seed bank contained 28 species not found as adult plants in the vegetation, but these were mostly early successional species. Size of the seed bank ranged from 3740 to 4676 individuals m−2 in the Rusco hyrcani-Fagetum orientalis and Danae racemosae-Fagetum orientalis associations, respectively. Species composition of seed banks and aboveground vegetation had low similarity with an average of 24.3% in the four plant communities, because only 38% of the species were the same in the vegetation and the seed banks. Most seeds in the seed bank were from early successional species, and the only tree with a large persistent seed bank was the fast-growing pioneer Alnus subcordata. DCA ordination also demonstrated low similarity between soil seed bank and vegetation. The soil seed banks of the four beech communities did not differ significantly in size, composition, diversity and uniformity. Although above ground vegetation in the four community types is floristically distinct, there is considerable overlap among the soil seed banks because they contain in a similar way early successional species. Further, the absence of typical forest species in the soil seed bank indicates that restoration of forest tree species cannot rely on the soil seed bank.  相似文献   


Temperate old‐growth forests are known to have ecological characteristics distinct from younger forests, but these have been poorly described for the remaining old‐growth Picea abies–Abies alba forests in the eastern Carpathian mountains. In addition, recent studies suggest that old‐growth forests may be more significant carbon sinks than previously recognized. This has stimulated interest in quantifying aboveground carbon stocks in primary forest systems. We investigated the structural attributes and aboveground biomass in two remnant old‐growth spruce–fir stands and compared these against a primary (never logged) mature reference stand. Our sites were located in the Gorgany Nature Reserve in western Ukraine. Overstory data were collected using variable radius plots; coarse woody debris was sampled along line intercept transects. Differences among sites were assessed using non‐parametric statistical analyses. Goodness‐of‐fit tests were used to evaluate the form of diameter distributions. The results strongly supported the hypothesis that old‐growth temperate spruce–fir forests have greater structural complexity compared to mature forests, including higher densities of large trees, more complex horizontal structure, and elevated aboveground biomass. The late‐successional sites we sampled exhibited rotated sigmoid diameter distributions; these may reflect natural disturbance dynamics. Old‐growth Carpathian spruce–fir forests store on average approximately 155–165 Mg ha?1 of carbon in aboveground tree parts alone. This is approximately 50% higher than mature stands. Given the scarcity of primary spruce–fir forests in the Carpathian region, remaining stands have high conservation value, both as habitat for late‐successional species and as carbon storage reservoirs.  相似文献   

Background: Habitat loss and fragmentation have been argued to drastically alter the composition of tree assemblages inhabiting small forest fragments but the successional trajectory experienced by such edge-affected habitats remains controversial.

Aims: Here we examine whether small fragments (3.4–91.2 ha) support seedling assemblages more similar to those in 10–70-year-old secondary forests than to those in mature forests, in order to infer to what extent fragments move toward early successional systems.

Methods: Using 59 0.1-ha plots distributed in a fragmented landscape of Brazilian Atlantic forest, we evaluated species richness and functional and taxonomic composition of seedling assemblages in 20 small forest fragments, 19 stands of secondary forest and 20 stands of mature forests in the interior of an exceptionally large fragment (ca. 3500 ha).

Results: Small fragments presented the least species-rich seedling assemblages (17.2 ± 5.7 species), followed by secondary (22.5 ± 5.3), and mature forest (28.4 ± 5.3). Small fragments had seedling assemblages with functional and taxonomic composition more similar to those in secondary than in mature forest. Small fragments had a greater relative richness and abundance of pioneer trees (ca. 40% more), vertebrate-dispersed (6–25%), and those bearing medium-sized seeds (30–70%), while large-seeded species and individuals were reduced (>50% decrement) in comparison to seedling assemblages in mature forest.

Conclusions: By comparing seedlings across a wide range of successional habitats we offer evidence that small forest fragments are experiencing an alternative successional pathway towards an early-successional system with reduced plant diversity.  相似文献   

Hanging by a Thread: Natural Metallic Mordant Processes in Traditional Indonesian Textiles. Despite the availability of synthetic dyes and the impact of significant religious, social, and economic change, textile weavers in more remote areas of Indonesia continue naturally dyed textile production as a living tradition. This paper documents mordant plants in Sulawesi, West Kalimantan, and nine islands in eastern Indonesia (Bali, Flores, Java, Lembata, Nusa Penida, Rai Jua, Savu, Sumba, and West Timor). These plants, such as various Symplocos species, are hyperaccumulators of aluminum compounds. Other plants used as sources of alkaline ash, of saponifiable oils and fats and for ritual purposes in the dyeing process, are also recorded.  相似文献   

The Atlantic forests of southern Bahia in Brazil present great species richness and a high degree of endemism. A large part of these native forests were transformed into cacao plantations in an agroforestry system known locally as cabrucas, where native trees were culled and cacao was planted under the shade of remaining trees. The present study analyzed the influence of time of implantation (age) and time of abandonment of management practices on tree species diversity of cabruca plantations to evaluate the capacity for conservation and recovery of species richness of native Atlantic Forest trees in cabrucas. Phytosociological surveys were conducted in five cabrucas with different conditions of age and state of abandonment. All trees, including hemiepiphytes and excluding the cacao plants, with a minimum stem diameter of 10 cm at breast height, were surveyed within a 3-ha sampling area in each plantation. A total of 2514 individual trees belonging to 293 species and 52 families were recorded in the five cabrucas. The Shannon diversity index varied from 3.31 to 4.22 among the cabrucas and was positively correlated with the time of abandonment (r = 0.97). The new cabrucas showed the highest values of estimated total richness (Chao) and the highest proportion of late successional species than the old ones. All areas preserved a very high proportion of native forest species while the three old cabrucas showed a higher proportion of exotic species than the two new ones. Thus the exotic species seem to replace more of the native species in the long run because of management practices and local preferences. The cabrucas presented also a high capacity for the regeneration of tree species richness after abandonment. Simple alterations in management practices could improve the recruitment of late successional species in these areas. Economic incentives may be necessary for the farmers to adopt management practices to retain native species which bring no economic returns.  相似文献   

水力结构是植物应对环境形成的与水分运输相关的形态策略.探索不同演替阶段和群落不同高度层植物的水力结构特征, 有助于理解植物的水分运输和利用策略.该研究以浙江天童常绿阔叶林演替前中后期群落的上层木(占据林冠层的树种)和下层木(灌木层物种)为对象, 测定了演替共有种(至少存在于两个演替阶段的物种)和更替种(仅存在于某一演替阶段的物种)的枝边材比导率,叶比导率和胡伯尔值, 以及边材疏导面积,末端枝总叶面积和枝条水势, 分析植物水力结构在群落上层木和下层木间以及在演替阶段间的差异, 及其与枝叶性状的相关关系.结果显示: (1)上层木植物边材比导率和叶比导率显著高于下层木植物(p < 0.05); (2)上层木和下层木的边材比导率与叶比导率在演替阶段间均无显著差异(p > 0.05); 上层木的胡伯尔值在演替阶段间无显著差异, 下层木的胡伯尔值随演替显著下降(p < 0.05); (3)上层木共有种仅边材比导率随演替进行显著降低(p < 0.05), 更替种的3个水力结构参数在演替阶段间无显著差异; 下层木共有种水力结构参数在演替阶段间无明显差异, 更替种仅胡伯尔值随演替减小(p < 0.05); (4)植物边材比导率与枝疏导面积和末端枝所支撑的总叶面积显著正相关(p < 0.01), 胡伯尔值与枝条水势及末端枝总叶面积显著负相关(p < 0.01).以上结果表明: 天童常绿阔叶林演替各阶段上层木比下层木具有更大的输水能力和效率; 随着演替进行, 上层木与下层木的共有种和更替种边材比导率的相反变化表明上层木水力结构的变化可能由微生境变化引起, 而下层木水力结构特征的变化可能由物种更替造成.  相似文献   

Aims Hydraulic architecture is a morphological strategy in plants to transport water in coping with environmental conditions. Change of hydraulic architecture for plants occupying different canopy layers within community and for the same plant at different successional stages reflect existence and adaptation in plant's water transportation strategies. The objective of this study was to examine how hydraulic architecture varies with canopy layers within a community and with forest succession.Methods The study site is located in Tiantong National Forest Park, Zhejiang Province, China. Hydraulic architectural traits studied include sapwood-specific hydraulic conductivity, leaf-specific hydraulic conductivity, Huber value, sapwood channel area of twigs, total leaf area per terminal twig, and water potential of twigs. We measured those traits for species that occur in multiple successional stages (we called it "overlapping species") and for species that occur only in one successional stage (we called it "turnover species") along a successional series of evergreen broadleaved forests. For a given species, we sampled both overstory and understory trees. Hydraulic architectural traits between overstory and understory trees in the same community and at successional stages were compared. Pearson correlation was used to exam the relationship between hydraulic architectural traits and the twig/leaf traits.Important findings Sapwood-specific hydraulic conductivities and leaf-specific hydraulic conductivities were significantly higher in overstory trees than those in understory trees, but did not significantly differ from successional stages. Huber value decreased significantly for understory trees, but did not change for overstory trees through forest successional stages. For overstory trees, a trend of decreasing sapwood-specific hydraulic conductivity was observed for overlapping species but not for turnover species with successional stages. In contrast, for understory trees, a trend of decreasing Huber values was observed for turner species but not for overlapping species with successional stages. Across tree species, sapwood-specific hydraulic conductivity was positively correlated with sapwood channel area and total leaf area per terminal twig size. Huber value was negatively correlated to water potential of twigs and total leaf area per terminal twig size. These results suggest that water transportation capacity and efficiency are higher in overstory trees than in understory trees across successional stages in evergreen broadleaved forests in Tiantong region. The contrasting trends of sapwood-specific hydraulic conductivity between overlapping species and turnover species indicate that shift of microenvironment conditions might lead to changes of hydraulic architecture in overstory trees, whereas species replacement might result in changes of hydraulic architecture in understory trees.  相似文献   

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