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Summary A multidisciplinary study of the carbon budget in the upper 300 meter of permanently stratified waters was started by two NECTAR-expeditions (North Equatorial Current Trans Atlantic Research) with HMS TYDEMAN in 1977 and 1978 (BAARS, ZIJLSTRA and TIJSSEN, 1979). In 1979 additional measurements were performed during the Gulf of Guinea-expedition with MS TYRO.Primary production in the nutrient depleted mixed layer of the North Equatorial Current estimated from the diurnal cycle in the O2 concentration (TIJSSEN, 1979) and in POC (POSTMA and ROMMETS, 1979) revealed values 4–10 times higher than the data from the14C method in the literature: 800–2000 against ca. 200 mg C/m2/day. Moreover,14C incubations performed in bottle volumes of 4 liter and over 2 hour periods, instead of the recommended 12 hours for oligotrophic waters, gave 5–15 times higher values as incubations in the commonly used 300 ml (or smaller) bottles (GIESKES, KRAAY and BAARS, 1979). In the latter bottles a dramatic decrease of chlorophyll concentrations was observed, suggesting either heavy damage to fragile microflagellates by glasswall contacts and/or insufficient nutrient recycling by the lack of zooplankton in small samples. This then could account for the phenomena of low production and decreasing algal stock in long incubations with small bottles. These results suggest that today's picture of the primary production in the world's oceans (DE VOOIJS, 1979) needs probably a thorough reexamination. On the other hand, experiments in the North Sea and in the Gulf of Guinea did not indicate an effect of bottle size on14C incorporation and the14C method gave comparable estimates of primary production as the high precision oxygen method (photometric endpoint detection in the Winkler titration,cf. TIJSSEN, 1979). However, in these waters nutrient concentrations are always clearly above detection levels so that all previous data from somewhat richer areas may have been correct. In relation to the large oligotrophic parts of the oceans a question remains about the fate of the probably high primary production. Is it consumed by the algae themselves by night (POSTMA, 1980), are bacteria and microzooplankton more important consumers than formerly thought, or is the daily ration of zooplankters much higher as expected from extrapolation of filtration experiments in more eutrophic waters? We hope to clarify this topic during the coming NECTAR'82 expedition.Another main objective of the programme concerns the character of the deep chlorophyll maximum in permanently stratified waters. This layer is in the North Equatorial Current located at the depth of the nitratocline and at ca. 1% of the incident light at the surface (SPITZER and WERNAND, 1981). Primary production in the layer seems to be negligible while detailed vertical profiles of zooplankton, obtained with a Longhurst-Hardy Plankton Recorder, revealed no obvious concentrations in the layer. Chlorophyll analysis by thin-layer-chromatography (GIESKES, KRAAY and TIJSSEN, 1978) demonstrated that more than half of the chlorophyll a in the layer consists of an isomer which bleaches rapidly when transferred to higher light levels. The hypothesis was formulated that the chlorophyll maximum layer, at least in this region of the Atlantic, is an accumulation of chlorophyll breakdown products with a quite long turnover time at low light levels. In contrast to these findings, chlorophyll maxima near West-Africa and in the Gulf of Guinea were located at 5–10% light and contained more living algal cells (most of them as small as 1–3 m) than the nutrientpoor mixed layer above it. Primary production profiles had therefore a bimodal shape, with peaks at 30–50% light and at the chlorophyll maximum. Chlorophyll isomers, now analysed with High Pressure Liquid Chromatography, were also in these waters present at nearly all stations and comprised 30–70% of total chlorophyll comparable to the situation in the North Equatorial Current (GIESKES and KRAAY, 1981). It could be shown that these isomers are not involved in primary production, so that well established relationships between chlorophyll, light and primary production, found in oceanographic literature, have to be reconsidered.  相似文献   

Gross and net primary production together with chlorophyll-a biomass were investigated with respect to depth and diurnal changes in three categories of inland waters (reservoirs, temporary ponds, brackish water lagoons) in Sri Lanka. Ten field sites, in both the dry and wet zones of the island, were investigated. Bimodal productivity profiles were recorded in two of the three reservoirs studied. The diel pattern of net photosynthetic rate varied between sites although peak photosynthetic efficiency occurred at solar noon. Surface photoinhibition was characteristic of the reservoirs and brackish water lagoons but not of the temporary ponds. Mean gross primary production was 3.02 g C m–2 d–1 but was higher in the temporary ponds than in the reservoirs. The gross primary production in the brackish water Koggala Lagoon at 0.08 g C m–2 d–1 is a record low for tropical lagoons and was 2.5 times less than the two other lagoons investigated. Variability in net primary production between sites was similar to the variation in gross production with a relatively low mean value for tropical inland waters of 0.495 C m–2 d–1. Mean maximum photosynthetic rate was 0.30 mg C m–3 h–1 but was lower in the reservoirs than in the temporary ponds and lagoons.  相似文献   

The physical and chemical environment, and the phytoplankton primary production of southeastern Brazil were studied in relation to the general oceanographic structure during two research cruises (winter and summer). In each cruise, a total of 91 stations were occupied. Data were collected on the spatial distribution of nutrients, phytoplankton biomass and photosynthetic capacity over the coastal, shelf and oceanic areas off São Paulo, Paraná and Santa Catarina States.During wintertime, the mixing processes between tropical warm waters of the Brazil Current and subantarctic waters of the Malvinas Current formed strong environmental gradients. The drainings of Rio de La Plata and Lagoa dos Patos are transported northwards by coastal currents, enriching the shelf waters off Santa Catarina State with inorganic nutrients and consequently increasing the chlorophyll a to the highest concentrations (> 3.5 mg m –3) measured during the two cruises. In slope waters chlorophyll values were always low (0.05–0.45 mg m –3). The chlorophyll within the euphotic layer varied from 8.8–36.7 and 1.2–18.5 mg m–2 during winter and summer, respectively.The surface photosynthetic rates during winter and summer cruises ranged respectively from 0.21–9.17 and 0.66–19.60 mgC/mgChl.a/h. The mean rates were higher in nearshore waters and decreased seaward.The thermal structure of the water column affected the vertical distribution of chlorophyll a and photosynthesis within the euphotic zone; During unstratified periods (winter) they were uniformly distributed but the occurrence of subsurface peaks of chlorophyll and strong photosynthetic inhibition of low light adapted cells in deeper layers are associated to the seasonal thermocline. Occasionally, upwelling of deep waters from shelf break enriched the deeper euphotic layers in offshore areas. Intensive upwelling was observed off Paranagua Bay (Parana State) and the mechanisms of its formation are discussed.  相似文献   

In three intertidal sand bottom communities of the Königshafen (Island of Sylt, North Sea), the biomass production and respiration of phytobenthos, phytoplankton, macrozoobenthos, and in situ community metabolism were measured monthly during 1980. The study sites were characterized by different communities (Nereis-Corophium-belt, seagrass-bed,Arenicola-flat) and by a high abundance of the molluscHydrobia ulvae. Benthic diatoms are the major constituents of plant biomass in theArenicola-flat. In this community, gross primary productivity amounts to 148 g C m–2 a–1. 82 % of this productivity is caused by microbenthos, whereas phytoplankton constitutes only 18 %. In the seagrass-bed, gross primary productivity amounts to 473 g C m–2 a–1. 79 % of this is generated by seagrass and its epiphytes, whereas microphytobenthos contributes 19 %. In theNereis-Corophium-belt, only microphytobenthos is important for biomass and primary productivity (gross: 152 g C m–2 a–1). Annual production of macrofauna proved to be similar in theArenicola-flat (30 g C m–2 a–1) to that in the seagrass-bed (29 g C m–2 a–1). Only one third of this amount is produced in theNereis-Corophium-belt (10 g C m–2 a–1). The main part of secondary production and animal respiration is contributed by grazingH. ulvae. In the seagrass-bed, 83 % of the energy used for production is obtained from the grazing food chain. In theArenicola-flat and theNereis-Corophium-belt, the importance of non-grazing species is greater. A synchrony of seasonal development of plant biomass and monthly secondary production was observed. In theArenicola-flat and the seagrass-bed, where density and production of macrofauna are high, a conspicuous decrease in biomass of microbenthos occurs during the warmer season, whereas in theNereis-Corophium-belt primary production causes an increase in microphytobenthic biomass in summer and autumn. Energy flow through the macrofauna amounts to 69 g C m–2 a–1 in theArenicola-flat, 85 g C m–2 a–1 in the seagrass-bed and 35 g C m–2 a–1 in theNereis-Corophium-belt. Based on the assumption that sources of food are used in proportion to their availability, 49 g C m–2 a–1 (Arenicola-flat), 72 g C m–2 a–1 (seagrass-bed) and 26 g C m–2 a–1 (Nereis-Corophium-belt) are estimated as taken up by the grazing food chain. All three subsystems are able to support the energy requirements from their own primary production and are not dependent on energy import from adjacent ecosystems.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton biomass and primary production rates within semi-enclosed reef lagoons of the central Great Barrier Reef were compared with adjacent shelf waters. Chlorophyll concentrations and surface primary production rates were usually higher in lagoons although seasonal differences were only significant during the summer. Nitrate concentrations were higher in lagoons than in shelf waters year-round. Nano- (<20 m size fraction) or pico-phytoplankton (<2 m size fraction) dominated phytoplankton biomass and production within reef lagoons throughout the year. Net phytoplankton (>10–20 m size fraction), however, were relatively more important in both reef lagoons and open shelf waters during the summer. Biomass-specific production within lagoons (range 41–90 mg C mg chl–1 day–1) was high, regardless of season. Lagoonal phytoplankton production (range 0.2–1.6 g C m–2 day–1) was directly correlated with standing crop and inversely related to lagoon flushing rates. Phytoplankton blooms develop within GBR reef lagoons during intermittent calm periods when water residence times exceed phytoplankton generation times.  相似文献   

Ground-based measurements of stores, growth, mortality, litterfall, respiration, and decomposition were conducted in an old-growth forest at Wind River Experimental Forest, Washington, USA. These measurements were used to estimate gross primary production (GPP) and net primary production (NPP); autotrophic respiration (Ra) and heterotrophic (Rh) respiration; and net ecosystem production (NEP). Monte Carlo methods were used to calculate uncertainty (expressed as ± 2 standard deviations of 200–400 calculations). Live carbon (C) stores were 39,800 g C m–2 (34,800–44,800 g C m–2). The store of C in detritus and mineral soil was 22,092 g C m–2 (20,600–23,600 g C m–2), and the total C stores were 61,899 g C m–2 (56,600–67,700 g C m–2). Total NPP was 597 g C m–2 y–1 (453 to 741 g C m–2 y–1). Ra was 1309 g C m–2 y–1 (845–1773 g C m–2 y–1), indicating a GPP of 1906 g C m–2 y–1 (1444–2368 g C m–2 y–1). Rh, including the respiration of heart rots in tree boles, was 577 g C m–2 y–1 (479–675 g C m–2 y–1). Long-term NEP was estimated to be +20 g C m–2 y–1 (–116 to +156 g C m–2 y–1), indicating this stand might be a small sink. These estimates contrast with the larger sink estimated at the same site using eddy-flux methods. Several hypotheses to explain this discrepancy were explored, including (a) undetected biomass increases, (b) underestimates of NPP, (c) unmeasured losses, and (d) a temporal mismatch between the two sets of measurements. The last hypothesis appears the most likely.  相似文献   

Mathematical modelling was used to explore the seasonal and annual variability of primary, new and secondary production as well as sedimentation between 72° and 80°N in the central Barents Sea during the years 1981 to 1983. 1981 and 1982 were years with extensive ice coverage while 1983 experienced little sea-ice. The phytoplankton spring bloom started usually in April/May at about 75°N and was delayed from May/June in the south to August/September in the north as a function of thermal stratification and sea-ice dynamics. The model indicates that several, simultaneous spring bloom events, separated in space, can be found, especially during years with low ice coverage. The annual estimates of primary production, secondary production and sedimentation decreased on average from 73, 7.3 and 48 to 18, 1.8 and 9 g C m–2 year–1 between the southern and the northern part of the Barents Sea respectively. The annual estimates of particulate carbon flux were much higher in 1983 compared to 1981–1982, especially in the north where up to 6 times higher rates were calculated for 1983. The number of zooplankton species present in spring in the southern Barents Sea is governed by over-wintering success, but probably also influenced by advection of Atlantic water. The model was run for Atlantic water with 10,000, 3,000 or none copepods per m2 present in March, indicating that sedimentation can vary between 38 and 61 g C m–2 year–1 due to zooplankton grazing alone. This suggests that the supply of organic carbon to the aphotic zone of the Barents Sea is only partly determined by the strength and duration of phytoplankton blooms, but strongly influenced by zooplankton dynamics.  相似文献   

Almeida  M.A.  Cunha  M.A.  Alcântara  F. 《Hydrobiologia》2002,(1):251-262
We intended to evaluate the relative contribution of primary production versus allochthonous carbon in the production of bacterial biomass in a mesotrophic estuary. Different spatial and temporal ranges were observed in the values of bacterioplankton biomass (31–273 g C l–1) and production (0.1–16.0 g C l–1 h–1, 1.5–36.8 mg C m–2 h–1) as well as in phytoplankton abundance (50–1700 g C l–1) and primary production (0.1–512.9 g C l–1 h–1, 1.5–512.9 mg C m–2 h–1). Bacterial specific growth rate (0.10–1.68 d–1) during the year did not fluctuate as much as phytoplankton specific growth rate (0.02–0.74 d–1). Along the salinity gradient and towards the inner estuary, bacterio- and phytoplankton biomass and production increased steadily both in the warm and cold seasons. The maximum geographical increase observed in these variables was 12 times more for the bacterial community and 8 times more for the phytoplankton community. The warm to cold season ratios of the biological variables varied geographically and according to these variables. The increase at the warm season achieved its maximum in the biomass production, particularly in the marine zone and at high tide (20 and 112 times higher in bacterial and phytoplankton production, respectively). The seasonal variation in specific growth rate was most noticeable in phytoplankton, with seasonal ratios of 3–26. The bacterial community of the marine zone responded positively – generating seasonal ratios of 1–13 in bacterial specific growth rate – to the strong warm season increment in phytoplankton growth rate in this zone. In the brackish water zone where even during the warm season allochthonous carbon accounted for 41% (on average) of the bacterial carbon demand, the seasonal ratio of bacterial specific growth rate varied from about 1 to 2. During the warm season, an average of 21% of the primary production was potentially sufficient to support the whole bacterial production. During the cold months, however, the total primary production would be either required or even insufficient to support bacterial production. The estuary turned then into a mostly heterotrophic system. However, the calculated annual production of biomass by bacterio- and phytoplankton in the whole ecosystem showed that auto- and heterotrophic production was balanced in this estuary.  相似文献   

Granéli  Wilhelm 《Hydrobiologia》1992,(1):303-310
Sediment and seston oxygen consumption rates below the sharp halocline in the south-eastern part of the shallow Kattegat were measured and compared to calculated rates of carbon addition through the halocline. The mean rate of decrease in deep-water oxygen concentrations between March and September 1988 was 1.0 ml O2 M–3 h–1. Measurements of benthic oxygen uptake using laboratory-incubated sediment cores from depths 30 m gave a mean value of 7.8 ml O2 m–2 h–1. Below-halocline water (from 20 m, 30 m and 1 m above bottom) incubated in bottles showed oxygen consumption rates varying from 0.5 ml O2 m –3 h–1 in March to 2.8 ml O2 M–3 h-1 in late August. The sum of benthic and deep-water oxygen consumption was equivalent to a mean oxygen decrease rate of 1.7 ml O2 m–3 h–1 below the halocline. Of the total oxygen consumption below the halocline 65% was due to oxygen up-take in the water and 35% was due to benthic oxygen consumption. The sum of oxygen consumption measured in sediment cores and in bottles corresponds to a carbon utilisation of 80.1 g C m–2 (respiratory quotient (RQ), assumed 1.0 and 1.4 for water and sediment, respectively), while the decrease in deep-water oxygen concentration was equivalent to 43.0 g C m–2 (RQ assumed = 1.0). Using published values for the external N loading (including deep-water supply), 15NO3-uptake, 14CO2-uptake in combination with % 15NO3-uptake of total 15N-uptake (nitrate, ammonia and urea) and a Redfield C/N ratio of 6.6, rates of carbon addition (new or export production) through the halocline were calculated to 31.9, 46.7 and 36.3 g C m–2, respectively, with a mean value of 38.3 g C m–2 for the 8 month period March–September. This is somewhat less than the value (50.5 g C m–2) calculated from a published empirical relationship between total and export production. The fact that the calculated carbon addition through the halocline was appreciably less than the carbon equivalent of the measured below-halocline respiration may be an effect of sediment focusing (horizontal transport of sedimenting material to deeper areas), since the bottom area below the halocline is much smaller than the total area of the Kattegat. A lower observed decrease in the oxygen concentration below the halocline compared to the sum of measured sediment and deep-water oxygen consumption on the other hand indicates oxygen supply to below-halocline waters through advection and/or vertical entrainment.  相似文献   

Summary Four major functional units have been identified in the Southern Ocean and the mechanisms that control the dynamics of nutrients and phytoplankton are detailed for the different sub-systems. The very productive Coastal and Continental Shelf Zone (CCSZ, 0.9 M km 2) can experience severe macronutrient depletion paralleling intense diatom-dominated phytoplankton blooming (maximum > 8 mg Chl a m–3) at the ice edge. In the Seasonal Ice Zone (SIZ, 16 M km 2), dramatic variations in the hydrological structure occur in surface waters during the spring to summer retreat of the pack-ice, changing from a well-mixed system to a stratified one within the reaches of the ice edge. Grazing activity of euphausiids limits phytoplankton biomass to a moderate level (Chl a maximum around 4 mg m–3). A shift from new production to a regenerated production regime has been demonstrated during spring, along with the key role played by protozoans in controlling high ammonium concentrations (maximum > 2 M) in the surface layers. The well-mixed Permanently Open Ocean Zone (POOZ, 14 M km 2) is characterised by variable N/Si ratios in surface waters along a north-south transect: at the northern border of the POOZ (N/Si = 0.25) silicate concentrations as low as < 10 M could help limit the phytoplankton growth. Although favourable conditions have been demonstrated for the initiation of blooms in spring in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, it appears that critical-depth/ mixing-depth relationships control maximum chlorophyll a concentrations < 1 g l–1 during summer. The POOZ is usually not influenced directly by euphausiids, except for the Scotia Sea and Drake Passage where migrations of krill from the adjacent SIZ are usual. Mesoscale eddies are typical of the Polar Front Zone (FPZ, 3 M km 2): significant increases in phytoplankton biomass have been reported in this frontal area (maximum Chl a = 2 mg m–3). Food web and biogeochemical cycles in this sub-system are poorly documented. The question of limitation of the primary production by eolian-transported trace-metals in these different sub-systems is still a matter of debate, although clear iron limitation has been evidenced for offshore waters of the Ross Sea.Data presented here were partly collected during the European Polarstern Study (EPOS) sponsored by the European Science Foundation  相似文献   

Photosynthetic activity by phytoplankton was measured during the ice-free seasons of 1984, 1985 and 1987 using the 14C radioassay in high altitude Emerald Lake (California). Relative quantum yield (B) and light-saturated chlorophyll-specific carbon uptake (Pm B) were calculated from the relationship of light and photosynthesis fitted to a hyperbolic tangent function. Temporal changes in Pm B showed no regular pattern. Seasonal patterns of B generally had peaks in the summer and autumn. Phytoplankton biomass (as measured by chlorophyll a) and light-saturated carbon uptake (Pm) had peaks in the summer and autumn which were associated with vertical mixing. Estimates of mean daily carbon production were similar among the three years: 57 mg C m–2 2 d–1 in 1984, 70 mg C m–2 2 d–1 in 1985 and 60 mg C m–2 d–1 in 1987. Primary productivity in Emerald Lake is low compared to other montane lakes of California and similar to high-altitude or high-latitude lakes in other regions.  相似文献   

The green seaweedMonostroma nitidum Wittrock is cultivated in brackish waters of southern Japan and an ecological survey of its cultivation was carried out in the estuary of R. Shimanto over three years. Artificial seed culture began by collecting many gametes in April. The zygotes adhered to a plastic settlement board (20–30 cm long and 10 cm wide). The cultivated zygotes in the indoor tank increased gradually in size from 8 to 40m till early September. Maturation of the zygote was promoted by providing dark conditions for 2–3 weeks. The production of a concentrated zoospore solution was achieved by adding freshwater 2–3°C above that of the zygote culture tank and a photon flux density of 100mol m–2 s–1).The culture nets were set our horizontally at a level exposed for 4 h and were harvested 3–4 times till March. The total production was approximately 6–10 kg dry weight per net during culture periods. The total production of nets harvested 3–4 times per year was greater than that of nets harvested only once.  相似文献   

Composition of the metazoan plankton was studied during R.V. Dmitry Mendeleev cruise 43 (February to April, 1989) in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean. Samples were collected from ten stations at six locations. Four of the locations were in open oceanic waters along the 15° W longitude. Two others were in the Bransfield Strait and in inshore waters near Elephant Island. At three locations at 15° W sampling was conducted twice or thrice. At all stations three different sampling gears were used to collect different size groups of Zooplankton: series of hauls were performed by 2001 water-bottle, mesoplankton net and macroplankton trawl for depths from 200 m to the surface. The average biomass of Zooplankton in open oceanic waters was 20.55 g · m–2 wet weight. Copepoda Calanoida dominated composing 54.8% of the total plankton, followed by Euphausiacea (19.8%), Ctenophora (9.7%) and Copepoda Cyclopoida (7.2%). Biomass of any other taxonomic group was less than 1g·m–2. The relative biomass of Calanoida had a tendency to decrease southward along 15°W from 86.1 to 68.1% in February and from 81.8 to 23.6% in March–April. The relative biomass of Euphausiacea increased in the same manner from 2.3 to 17.8% in February and from 3.7 to 41.6% in March–April. The average biomass of calanoids from February to March–April decreased from 77.3 to 31.2% and that of euphausiids increased from 6.2 to 33.8%. The contribution of copepods and euphausiids to the production of the plankton community in the Antarctic is discussed.  相似文献   

The distribution and abundance of phytoplankton within a sampling grid of 50×103 km2 around Elephant Island were determined from early January to mid-March of 4 successive years, 1990–1993. The number of stations where physical-optical-biological data were obtained from the surface to a maximum of 750 m ranged from 74 in 1990 to 206 in 1993. Contour maps of chlorophyll-a (chl-a) concentrations showed marked mesoscale patchiness that varied from month to month and also interannually. The distribution patterns for chl-a were similar when plotting surface concentrations or integrated values to 100 m. Three major zones could be distinguished that differed in both physical and biological characteristics. Stations in the northwest portion of the grid (Drake Passage waters) and in the southeast portion of the grid (Bransfield Strait waters) showed the most pronounced interannual variations, with phytoplankton biomass and rates of primary production being considerably higher in 1990–91 than in 1992–93. The central portion of the sampling grid, which included the major frontal system north of Elephant Island, showed the smallest interannual variations in both biological and physical parameters and the highest rates of primary production. Phytoplankton biomass and rates of primary production were correlated with depth of the upper mixed layer (UML), which in turn was correlated with the measured wind stress. The mean depth of the UML was 50 m, while the mean depth of the euphotic zone was 90 m. Using the measured mean surface solar irradiance (550 Einsteins m–2 s–1), the mean irradiance experienced by cells in the UML of 50 m would be around 105 E m–2 s–1, which is similar to the measured Ik (light saturation) value for photosynthesis (101 Em–2 s–1). The mean value from all cruises for chl-a in surface waters was 0.7 mg m–3, while the mean rate of primary production was 374 mg Cm–2 day–1.  相似文献   

Biomass and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) productivities were investigated in a flat panel airlift loop reactor ideally mixed by static mixers. Growth with ammonium, urea and nitrate as nitrogen source were performed at different aeration rates. Cultures grew on ammonium but the decay of pH strongly inhibited biomass increase. On urea biomass productivity reached 2.35 g L–1d–1at an aeration rate of 0.66 vvm (24 h light per day, 1000 mol photon m–2s–1). Aeration rates between 0.33 vvm and 0.66 vvm and maximal productivities on urea were linearly dependent. Productivity on nitrate never exceeded 1.37 g L–1d–1. In the range of maximum productivity photosynthesis efficiency of 10.6% was reached at low irradiance (250 mol photon m–2s–1). Photosynthesis efficiency decreased to 4.8% at 1000 mol photon m–2s–1. At these high irradiances the flat panel airlift reactor showed a 35% higher volume productivity than the bubble column. At continuous culture conditions the influence of CO2concentration in the supply air was tested. Highest productivities were reached at 1.25% (v/v) CO2where the continuous culture yielded 1.04 g L–1d–1(16 h light per day, 1000 mol photon m–2s–1). The average EPA content amounted to 5.0% of cell dry weight, that resulted in EPA productivities of 52 mg L–1d–1(continuous culture, 16 h light per day) or 118 mg L–1d–1(batch culture, 24 h light per day).  相似文献   

We have investigated a subset of restoration practices applied to a degraded pasture at Fazenda Nova Vida, a 22000 ha cattle ranch in Rond^onia, Brazil. Nitric oxide (NO) and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from soils were measured in conventional tillage and current pasture sites to assess N and C losses. Mean daily NO emissions from tilled plots were at least twice those from the pasture. Nitric oxide emissions from the tilled sites showed a strong diurnal pattern, while those from the pasture sites did not. Mean daytime NO emissions from the tilled sites were 9.7 g NO-N m–2 h–1, while mean nighttime emissions were 29.7 g NO-N m–2 h–1. In the pasture sites, NO emissions were 7.6 g NO-N m–2 h–1 during the day, and 7.7 g NO-N m–2 h–1 at night. Surface soil temperature was a good inverse predictor (r 2=0.75) of NO emissions from the tilled sites. Carbon dioxide emissions from the tilled sites were generally larger than CO2 emissions from the pasture sites. The mean CO2 emission rate from the tilled sites was 179 mg C m–2 h–1, while it was 123 mg C m–2 h–1 from the pasture sites. There was no distinct diurnal pattern for CO2 emissions. We found that the very high temperatures measured at the soil surface in the tillage plots, in the range of 40–45°C, reduced the rate of NO emission. The reduction in NO emissions may be because of the sensitivity of autotrophic nitrifiers to high temperatures. This study provides insights on how land-use change may alter regional NO fluxes by exposing certain microbial communities to extreme environmental conditions. Future studies of NO emissions in tropical agricultural systems where soils are bare for extend periods need to make diurnal measurements or the daily fluxes will be substantially underestimated.  相似文献   

We measured CO2 efflux from stems of two tropical wet forest trees, both found in the canopy, but with very different growth habits. The species were Simarouba amara, a fast-growing species associated with gaps in old-growth forest and abundant in secondary forest, and Minquartia guianensis, a slow-growing species tolerant of low-light conditions in old-growth forest. Per unit of bole surface, CO2 efflux averaged 1.24 mol m–2 s–1 for Simarouba and 0.83 mol m–2s–1 for Minquartia. CO2 efflux was highly correlated with annual wood production (r 2=0.65), but only weakly correlated with stem diameter (r 2=0.22). We also partitioned the CO2 efflux into the functional components of construction and maintenance respiration. Construction respiration was estimated from annual stem dry matter production and maintenance respiration by subtracting construction respiration from the instantaneous CO2 flux. Estimated maintenance respiration was linearly related to sapwood volume (39.6 mol m–3s–1 at 24.6° C, r 2=0.58), with no difference in the rate for the two species. Maintenance respiration per unit of sapwood volume for these tropical wet forest trees was roughly twice that of temperate conifers. A model combining construction and maintenance respiration estimated CO2 very well for these species (r 2=0.85). For our sample, maintenance respiration was 54% of the total CO2 efflux for Simarouba and 82% for Minquartia. For our sample, sapwood volume averaged 23% of stem volume when weighted by tree size, or 40% with no size weighting. Using these fractions, and a published estimate of aboveground dry-matter production, we estimate the annual cost of woody tissue respiration for primary forest at La Selva to be 220 or 350 g C m–2 year–1, depending on the assumed sapwood volume. These costs are estimated to be less than 13% of the gross production for the forest.  相似文献   

Mercury budget of an upland-peatland watershed   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
Inputs, outputs, and pool sizes oftotal mercury (Hg) were measured in a forested 10 hawatershed consisting of a 7 ha hardwood-dominatedupland surrounding a 3 ha conifer-dominatedpeatland. Hydrologic inputs via throughfall andstemflow, 13±0.4 g m–2 yr–1over the entire watershed, were about doubleprecipitation inputs in the open and weresignificantly higher in the peatland than in theupland (19.6 vs. 9.8 g m–2 yr–1). Inputs of Hg via litterfall were 12.3±0.7g m–2 yr–1, not different in thepeatland and upland (11.7 vs. 12.5 g m–2yr–1). Hydrologic outputs via streamflow were2.8±0.3 g m–2 yr–1 and thecontribution from the peatland was higher despiteits smaller area. The sum of Hg inputs were lessthan that in the overstory trees, 33±3 gm–2 above-ground, and much less than eitherthat in the upland soil, 5250±520 gm–2, or in the peat, 3900±100 gm–2 in the upper 50 cm. The annual flux of Hgmeasured in streamflow and the calculated annualaccumulation in the peatland are consistent withvalues reported by others. A sink for Hg of about20 g m–2 yr–1 apparently exists inthe upland, and could be due to either or bothstorage in the soil or volatilization.  相似文献   

Temperature, dissolved oxygen and dissolved methane profiles were measured during autumn and summer, in a shallow floodplain lake in south-eastern Australia to determine the effects of water-column stability on methane and oxygen dynamics. The water column was well mixed in autumn. Strong thermal stratification developed in the late afternoon in summer, with top-to-bottom temperature differences of up to 6 °C. Methane concentrations in surface waters varied over a daily cycle by an 18-fold range in summer, but only by a 2-fold range in autumn. The implication of short-term temporal variation is that static chambers deployed on the water surface for short times (less than a day) in summer will significantly underestimate the diffusive component of methane emissions across the water–atmosphere interface. There was a marked diel variation in dissolved oxygen concentrations in summer, with the highest oxygen values (commonly 5–8 mg l–1) occurring in the surface waters in late afternoon; the bottom waters were then devoid of oxygen (< 0.2 mg l–1). Because of high respiratory demands, even the surface water layers could be nearly anoxic by morning in summer. The concentration of dissolved oxygen in the surface waters was always less than the equilibrium value. When the water column became thermally stratified in summer, the dissolved oxygen and methane maxima were spatially separated, and planktonic methanotrophy would be limited to a moving zone, at variable depth, in the water column. In summer the whole-wetland rates of oxygen production and respiration, calculated from long-term (5 h) shifts in dissolved oxygen concentrations over a diel period, were approximately 6–10 and 3–6 mmol m–3 h–1, respectively. These values correspond to net and gross primary production rates of 0.7–1.2 and 1.0–1.9 g C m–3 day–1, respectively.  相似文献   

Experiments of primary production were carried out at weekly intervals in the surface waters at one station (maximum depth of 20 m) in the Saguenay River, near Chicoutimi, during May–December 1978. The photic zone was very thin (maximum depth of 2 m). Phosphates are very low during the season sampling (maximum of 0.1 µat-g.–1). Maximum of production rates and biomass are respectively 3.5 mg C.m–3.h–1 and 3.7 mg.m–3. The river receives both industrial and urban runoff. Trace metals (Mercury, Copper, Lead, and Iron) seemed to be one of the important limiting factors for phytoplankton growth.

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