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The mechanisms that couple the control of initiation of chromosome replication and cell division to the mass increase of a growing cell are not understood. Here, models are considered in which replication and division are controlled through signals generated by completion of different morphological steps during cell cycle progression.  相似文献   

Labelling index after one or repeated intravenous injections of 3H-thymidine was measured for various subpopulations of lymphatic cells in different canine lymphoid compartments and correlated with cell morphology. High doses of tritiated thymidine were injected and exposure times of up to 211 days were used. The labelling indices of lymphoid blasts were comparable in all tissues investigated. Labelling index varied from 100% in immunoblasts to 4% in small-sized lymphocytes. Approximately 80% of immunoblasts were labelled 1 h after 3H-thymidine application and 100% labelling was obtained after 12 h repetitive 3H-thymidine labelling. In contrast with mediumsized and large lymphocytes, immunoblasts seem to be rapidly proliferating cells in the dog with almost no Go cells. Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG Grant SFB 112  相似文献   

A recent convergence of data indicating a relationship between cilia and proliferative diseases, such as polycystic kidney disease, has revived the long-standing enigma of the reciprocal regulatory relationship between cilia and the cell cycle. Multiple signaling pathways are localized to cilia in mammalian cells, and some proteins have been shown to act both in the cilium and in cell cycle regulation. Work from the unicellular alga Chlamydomonas is providing novel insights as to how cilia and the cell cycle are coordinately regulated.  相似文献   

BackgroundIron is an essential element for growth and metabolic activities of all living organisms but remains in its oxyhydroxide ferric ion form in the surrounding. Unavailability of iron in soluble ferrous form led to development of specific pathways and machinery in different organisms to make it available for use and maintain its homeostasis. Iron homeostasis is essential as under different circumstances iron in excess as well as deprivation leads to different pathological conditions in human.ObjectiveThis review highlights the current findings related to iron excess as well as deprivation with regards to cellular proliferation.ConclusionsIron excess is extensively associated with different types of cancers viz. colorectal cancer, breast cancer etc. by producing an oxidative stressed condition and alteration of immune system. Ironically its deprivation also results in anaemic conditions and leads to cell cycle arrest at different phases with mechanism yet to be explored. Iron deprivation arrests cell cycle at G1/S and in some cases at G2/M checkpoints resulting in growth arrest. However, in some cases iron overload arrests cell cycle at G1 phase by blocking certain signalling pathways. Certain natural and synthetic iron chelators are being explored from few decades to combat diseases caused by alteration in iron homeostasis.  相似文献   

Successful passage through the cell cycle presents a number of structural challenges to the cell. Inceptive studies carried out in the last five years have produced clear evidence of modulations in the lipid profile (sometimes referred to as the lipidome) of eukaryotes as a function of the cell cycle. This mounting body of evidence indicates that lipids play key roles in the structural transformations seen across the cycle. The accumulation of this evidence coincides with a revolution in our understanding of how lipid composition regulates a plethora of biological processes ranging from protein activity through to cellular signalling and membrane compartmentalisation. In this review, we discuss evidence from biological, chemical and physical studies of the lipid fraction across the cell cycle that demonstrate that lipids are well-developed cellular components at the heart of the biological machinery responsible for managing progress through the cell cycle. Furthermore, we discuss the mechanisms by which this careful control is exercised.  相似文献   

Epithelial sheets often present a “cobblestone” appearance, but the mechanisms underlying the dynamics of this arrangement are unclear. In this issue, Choi et al. (2016. J. Cell Biol. http://dx.doi.org/10.1083/jcb.201506115) show that afadin and ZO-1 regulate tension and maintain zonula adherens architecture in response to changes in contractility.The textbook view of epithelial cells is that once such cells adopt a close, hexagonal packing, their “honeycomb” or “cobblestone” arrangement is static. This fixed appearance is misleading, as these cells are more like players in a rugby scrum, locked in a tussle in which the forces exerted by each of the players on the others maintains their seemingly static arrangement, but by a very dynamic force balance. How such balance is maintained in epithelia is a subject of substantial interest. A crucial role is played by F-actin and nonmuscle myosin II isoforms, which are deployed in contractile networks that transiently attach to cell–cell junctions to generate tensile forces along cell–cell boundaries (Lecuit and Yap, 2015). Contractile arrays of actomyosin are regulated by the monomeric G protein Rho, its upstream regulators, including Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factors (Quiros and Nusrat, 2014), and its effectors ROCK/Rho kinase and Shroom3 (Nishimura and Takeichi, 2008), but also by tension-mediated feedback between the myosin network and the junction (Lecuit and Yap, 2015). Cell–cell adhesion, including cadherin-dependent adhesion, also plays a crucial role in this process. As cells engage with one another via interactions of the extracellular domains of their cadherin complexes, they transduce forces to the actomyosin cytoskeleton through catenins. β-Catenin binds to the cytoplasmic domain of classical cadherins and recruits α-catenin, which binds F-actin.Given the dynamic nature of epithelia, the attachment of contractile actomyosin networks to junctions are also subject to regulation. One aspect of epithelial architecture that has received relatively little attention is that a typical epithelial monolayer (Fig. 1 A) displays two main types of cell–cell interfaces: bilateral junctions (BCJs), in which two cells establish a relatively long stretch of contact, and cellular vertices, which represent a confluence of three or more cell edges to form tricellular junctions (TCJs) or multicellular junctions. TCJs are not well understood, but are known to contain unique molecular components (Furuse et al., 2014; Flores-Benitez and Knust, 2015). In this issue, Choi et al. show that the multivalent scaffolding proteins afadin and ZO-1/2 regulate the spacing of and tension along lateral contacts in cultured cells, thereby shedding light on how contractile arrays containing bilateral and tri- or multicellular contact points are regulated in epithelia.Open in a separate windowFigure 1.ZO proteins and afadin regulate junctional tension and organization in cultured cells. (A) Untreated MDCK cells have sinuous cell boundaries, whereas ZO KD cells show extremely straight boundaries. When ZO proteins and afadin are knocked down, cells adopt contact zones of irregular length with other cells, sometimes clustering into foci (asterisks). Images courtesy of Mark Peifer (Choi et al., 2016). (B) A model for actomyosin organization at adherens junctions (adapted from Choi et al., 2016). Contractile actomyosin arrays run parallel to bicellular junctions and are anchored by side-on attachments (pink circles). At TCJs, end-on binding of actin, likely stabilized by afadin, anchors actomyosin filaments. In ZO KD cells, contractile elements and cadherin complexes collapse toward TCJs, and myosin minifilaments adopt a regularly spaced arrangement.Afadin and ZO-1/2 are far from new players at junctions. Afadin binds α-catenin, actin, and other cytoskeletal and junctional proteins and associates with the transmembrane protein nectin, which appears to form an alternative adhesion system at adherens junctions (Mandai et al., 2013). The zonula occludens proteins ZO-1 and ZO-2 are tight junction proteins that bind claudins and are required for tight junction formation (Itoh et al., 1999; Balda and Matter, 2008). In addition, ZO proteins also bind to α-catenin (Itoh et al., 1997), are involved in establishing the zonula adherens (ZA; Ikenouchi et al., 2007), and potentiate cadherin-dependent adhesion in Caenorhabditis elegans (Lockwood et al., 2008) and Drosophila melanogaster (Choi et al., 2011). Knockdown of ZO-1 and ZO-2 (ZO KD) in MDCK cells has previously been shown (Fanning et al., 2012) to lead to dramatic alterations of the ZA: F-actin and myosin IIs assemble into striking apical arrays at the ZA, spaced at regular intervals. In addition, the normally sinuous boundaries between cells give way to very straight borders (Fig. 1 A).Using superresolution microscopy, diffraction-limited junctional laser ablation, cell morphometry, kinetic analysis, and a whole-monolayer approach to contractility, Choi et al. (2016) now extend this story. To test whether contractility is increased after ZO KD, the authors first measured the recoil after laser ablation of ZO KD cells; an increase in recoil velocity indicated that the straight junctional boundaries between ZO-depleted cells are under tension. Imaging analysis of BCJs showed that the increase in contractility in ZO KD cells is associated with a strikingly dynamic behavior of the BCJs. Individual BCJs were found to undergo periods of shortening and elongation, whereas neighboring BCJs underwent compensatory, opposite changes in length. These changes in contractility have effects on the entire tissue sheet as well: whereas control cell sheets remained flat when detached from the substratum, ZO KD cells contracted into a cup-like shape. This constriction was blocked by the myosin inhibitor blebbistatin. Overall, these experiments indicated that ZO proteins regulate myosin assembly and contractility across the cellular sheet.To dissect the protein network mediating increased contractility in ZO KD cells, Choi et al. (2016) examined the role of ROCK and found that ROCK inhibitors abolished the straight BCJs, which became curvilinear. Additionally, Shroom3, which is known to recruit ROCK (Nishimura and Takeichi, 2008), was cytoplasmic in control cells but junctional in ZO KD cells. Transient Shroom3 overexpression led to ROCK recruitment to the ZA and drove formation of an actomyosin network similar to that in ZO KD cells. Conversely, Shroom3 knockdown resulted in loss of the actomyosin arrays in ZO KD cells. Collectively, these data indicated that Shroom3 is an effector of increased apical contractility in ZO KD cells.The researchers used ZO KD cells to test how tissue integrity is maintained despite elevated contractibility and how junctions are remodeled to maintain integrity when increased tension is present. Afadin is a good candidate: the Drosophila homologue of afadin, Canoe, plays roles in convergent extension and collective cell migration; in its absence, actomyosin networks at the apex of constricting epithelial cells in the embryo contract in a catastrophic, uncontrolled fashion (Sawyer et al., 2009), suggesting a potential role for afadin in the maintenance of tissue integrity during morphogenetic movements. Choi et al. (2016) therefore turned their attention to afadin. ZO KD cells have significantly more afadin at their adherens junctions and TCJs, a pattern reminiscent of the normal distribution of Canoe in Drosophila (Sawyer et al., 2009). Knocking down afadin by shRNA in ZO KD cells led to further defects in cell–cell boundary maintenance. In addition to the taut appearance of bicellular borders, cell boundary length became much more irregular, with occasional foci of highly contracted cells (Fig. 1 A). Velocimetry analysis and live-cell imaging indicated that loss of both ZO proteins and afadin led to large-scale cell movements within the monolayer not seen after ZO KD alone.New imaging techniques used by Choi et al. (2016) revealed further details about the changes in actomyosin arrays in ZO KD cells. Superresolution imaging of myosin light chain kinase staining via structured illumination showed that myosin II assembles into arrays of myosin minifilaments spaced ∼415 nm apart along bicellular contacts. Superresolution and transmission electron microscopy also revealed reorganization of F-actin and E-cadherin at TCJs in ZO KD cells. Lateral F-actin bundles appeared to terminate end-on at TCJs at sites where E-cadherin was present. ZO KD therefore induces assembly of a remarkably ordered actomyosin array along BCJs, and these arrays appear to be separate contractile units that anchor end-on at the ZA. Moreover, based on staining for vinculin and a specific epitope in αE-catenin that serve as markers for regions under high tension (Yonemura et al., 2010), the end-on attachments of actin cables to the ZA at TCJs experience significant tensile stress. Strikingly, although vinculin and αE-catenin accumulation at TCJs was relatively uniform after ZO KD, their distribution was more heterogeneous after ZO/afadin KD. Differences in staining paralleled differences in cell border length and correlated with the level of tension measured at BCJs after laser cutting, suggesting that afadin contributes to the ability of cells to distribute forces at TCJ/multicellular junctions throughout the monolayer. Lastly, the researchers investigated whether internal cues downstream of ZO KD are sufficient for myosin recruitment or whether such recruitment depends on mechanical cues exerted by neighboring cells. They designed an assay mixing small islands of wild-type cells surrounded by ZO KD cells (or vice versa) and found that the development of the contractile array at the ZA depends on the contractility of neighboring cells; however, afadin recruitment to the ZA was less dependent on the sustained contractility of neighboring cells. Taking these data together, Choi et al. (2016) propose that cells respond to elevated contractility by increasing junctional afadin; because combined ZO/afadin knockdown dramatically alters cell shape and barrier function in response to elevated contractility, afadin acts as a robust scaffold that maintains ZA architecture most crucially at TCJs.Although many aspects of the model proposed by Choi et al. (2016) remain to be tested, their data suggest new features regarding the detailed assembly of actomyosin contractile arrays in confluent cells (Fig. 1 B). In control cells, actomyosin arrays presumably extend parallel to individual BCJs. Choi et al. (2016) propose that these actomyosin bundles act as separate contractile units that terminate near TCJs, allowing the generation of tension along BCJs. In ZO KD cells, excessive assembly of actomyosin filaments, perhaps exacerbated by the tendency of F-actin/myosin minifilament arrays to self-assemble, somehow leads to regularly spaced actomyosin arrays, and perhaps collapse of cadherin complexes and other components toward TCJs. There is a precedent for such lateral collapse of cadherin-dependent attachments: it is a prominent feature of cadherin complexes at sites of high tension in the epidermis of the C. elegans embryo (Choi et al., 2015). If the new model of Choi et al. (2016) is correct, then the foci seen in ZO KD/afadin KD cells may be similar to what happens in a game of tug of war when one team stops pulling. If some end-on attachments (assisted by afadin) fail, filaments might be expected to collapse along BCJs as the other, still tethered end of a set of filaments contracts toward the remaining attachment at the opposite cell vertex.Several other interesting questions remain. First, what is the relationship of the striking, regularly spaced bipolar myosin II minifilaments that form in ZO KD cells to myosin arrays in normal cells? It is clear that untreated cells have junctional actomyosin networks, but not with this strict periodicity. One possibility is that this spacing is simply an epiphenomenon; when not appropriately anchored along junctions, actomyosin networks may self-organize as they are known to do in other systems, such as in the contractile ring and in migrating cells (Srivastava et al., 2015; Fenix et al., 2016). More optimistically, the spacing may represent an intensified version of processes that operate in normal cells at bicellular and multicellular contact sites. If so, components of the model of Choi et al. (2016) will require further investigation. For example, the organization of F-actin along BCJs remains unclear, as are the proteins that mediate the side-on binding envisioned in this model. It is also uncertain whether proteins assist bundling of filaments and what role dynamic growth and shrinkage of actin filaments plays in end-on binding. In some contexts, junctions are capable of seeding polymerization of F-actin (Brieher and Yap, 2013), and it may be that actin dynamics are important in the processes studied here.A second question has to do with the community events within monolayers that Choi et al. (2016) describe. The neighbor effects on ZA morphology that they document are intriguing, as are the long-range accelerated movements of cells lacking both ZO proteins and afadin. Collective properties of monolayers are only beginning to be explored; connecting these properties with subcellullar events is an exciting future challenge. Whatever the answers to these new questions, the work of Choi et al. (2016) refines our understanding of the roles of key scaffolding proteins in organizing and anchoring junctions in epithelia.  相似文献   

Two papers in this issue show that dynein-binding proteins may regulate the G1-S transition through an effect on cilia. Nde1, a known partner of dynein light chain LC8, controls ciliary length in vitro and in zebrafish, and influences the G1-S progression. The phosphorylation of Tctex1, a dynein light chain, modulates cilia length and accelerates G1-S, thereby regulating proliferation-differentiation decisions in the developing mouse neocortex.  相似文献   

Increasing evidence suggests that the eukaryotic cell cycle is controlled at several checkpoints by different members of a novel class of protein kinase, the cyclin-dependent kinases. To phosphorylate their substrates, these enzymes bind to proteins of the cyclin family--proteins that are synthesized and degraded at specific points in each cell cycle. The most well known of these kinases is the 34 kDa product of the cdc2 gene in fission yeast, p34cdc2; however, several putative cyclin-dependent kinases have now been cloned or identified. Some of these closely resemble p34cdc2. Here we review these new proteins, their potential roles in the cell cycle and the cyclins with which they may interact.  相似文献   

Intestinal epithelium undergoes a rapid self-renewal process characterized by the proliferation of the crypt cells, their differentiation into mature enterocytes as they migrate up to the villi, followed by their shedding as they become senescent villus enterocytes. The exact mechanism that regulates the intestinal epithelium renewal process is not well understood, but the differential expression of regulatory genes along the crypt-villus axis may have a role. Heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) is involved in endothelial cell cycle progression, but its role in the intestinal epithelial cell turnover has not been explored. With its effects on cell proliferation and its differential expression along the crypt-villus axis, HO-1 may play a role in the intestinal epithelial cell renewal process. In this study, we examined the role of HO-1 in the proliferation and differentiation of Caco-2 cells, a well-established in vitro model for human enterocytes. After confluence, Caco-2 cells undergo spontaneous differentiation and mimic the crypt to villus maturation observed in vivo. In preconfluent and confluent Caco-2 cells, HO-1 protein expression was determined with the immunoblot. HO-1 activity was determined by the ability of the enzyme to generate bilirubin from hemin. The effect of a HO-1 enzyme activity inhibitor, tin protoporphyrin (SnPP), on Caco-2 cell proliferation and differentiation was examined. In preconfluent cells, cell number was determined periodically as a marker of proliferation. Cell viability was measured with MTT assay. Cell differentiation was assessed by the expression of a brush border enzyme, alkaline phophatase (ALP). HO-1 was expressed in subconfluent Caco-2 cells and remained detectable until 2 days postconfluency. This timing was consistent with cells starting their differentiation and taking the features of normal intestinal epithelial cells. HO-1 was inducible in confluent Caco-2 cells by the enzyme substrate, hemin in a dose- and time-dependent manner. SnPP decreased the cell number and viability of preconfluent cells and delayed the ALP enzyme activity of confluent cells. HO-1 may be involved in intestinal cell cycle progression.  相似文献   

Besides the implication of ascorbate and glutathione in the defence against oxidative stress, these two compounds are involved in plant growth and cell cycle control. Ascorbate metabolism is closely linked to the development of embryos and seedlings. Furthermore, ascorbate stimulates cell cycle activity in competent cells, while the oxidised form, dehydroascorbate, blocks normal cell cycle progression. Several possible mechanisms have been proposed to explain the effect of these compounds. The links between glutathione and the cell cycle are less clear. It has long been assumed that both compounds are closely linked by way of the Halliwell–Asada cycle. Any hypothesis concerning the pathways by which ascorbate or glutathione influence cell division, should take this connection into account. However, other mechanisms have been proposed for ascorbate-mediated cell cycle control, e.g. via the thioredoxin pathway.  相似文献   

PKCβI, a member of the classical protein kinase C family, plays key roles in regulating cell cycle transition. Here, we report the expression, localization and functions of PKCβI in mouse oocyte meiotic maturation. PKCβI and p-PKCβI (phosphor-PKCβI) were expressed from germinal vesicle (GV) stage to metaphase II (MII) stage. Confocal microscopy revealed that PKCβI was localized in the GV and evenly distributed in the cytoplasm after GV breakdown (GVBD), and it was concentrated at the midbody at telophase in meiotic oocytes. While, p-PKCβI was concentrated at the spindle poles at the metaphase stages and associated with midbody at telophase. Depletion of PKCβI by specific siRNA injection resulted in defective spindles, accompanied with spindle assembly checkpoint activation, metaphase I arrest and failure of first polar body (PB1) extrusion. Live cell imaging analysis also revealed that knockdown of PKCβI resulted in abnormal spindles, misaligned chromosomes, and meiotic arrest of oocytes arrest at the Pro-MI/MI stage. PKCβI depletion did not affect the G2/M transition, but its overexpression delayed the G2/M transition through regulating Cyclin B1 level and Cdc2 activity. Our findings reveal that PKCβI is a critical regulator of meiotic cell cycle progression in oocytes.

Abbreviations: PKC, protein kinase C; COC, cumulus-oocyte complexes; GV, germinal vesicle; GVBD, germinal vesicle breakdown; Pro-MI, first pro-metaphase; MI, first metaphase; Tel I, telophase I; MII, second metaphase; PB1, first polar body; SAC, spindle assembly checkpoint  相似文献   

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