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We have investigated whether the developing spinal cord is intrinsically segmented in its rostrocaudal (anteroposterior) axis by mapping the spread of clones derived from single labelled cells within the neural tube of the chick embryo. A single cell in the ventrolateral neural tube of the trunk was marked in situ with the fluorescent tracer lysinated rhodamine dextran (LRD) and its descendants located after two days of further incubation. We find that clones derived from cells labelled before overt segmentation of the adjacent mesoderm do not respect any boundaries within the neural tube. Those derived from cells marked after mesodermal segmentation, however, never cross an invisible boundary aligned with the middle of each somite, and tend to be elongated along the mediolateral axis of the neural tube. When the somite pattern is surgically disturbed, neighbouring clones derived from neuroectodermal cells labelled after somite formation behave like clones derived from younger cells: they no longer respect any boundaries, and are not elongated mediolaterally. These results indicate that periodic lineage restrictions do exist in the developing spinal cord of the chick embryo, but their maintenance requires the presence of the adjacent somite mesoderm.  相似文献   

We examined whether chick embryos are a suitable experimental model for the evaluation of pluripotency of stem cells. Mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs) expressing the reporter gene, LacZ or GFP were injected into the subgerminal cavity of blastoderms (freshly oviposited) or the marginal vein of chick embryos (2 days of incubation). Injected mESCs were efficiently incorporated into the body and extra‐embryonic tissues of chick embryos and formed small clusters. Increased donor cell numbers injected were positively associated with the efficiency of chimera production, but with lower viability. A single mESC injected into the blastoderm proliferated into 34.7 ± 3.8 cells in 3 days, implying that the chick embryo provides an optimal environment for the growth of xenogenic cells. In the embryo body, mESCs were interspersed as small clustered chimeras in various tissues. Teratomas were observed in the yolk sac and the brain with three germ layers. In the yolk sac, clusters of mESCs gradually increased in volume and exhibited varied morphology such as a water balloon‐like or dark‐red solid mass. However, mESCs in the brain developed into a large soft tissue mass of whitish color and showed a tendency to differentiate into ectodermal lineage cells, including primitive neural ectodermal and neuronal cells expressing the neurofilament protein. These results indicate that chick embryos are useful for the teratoma formation assays of mESCs and have a broad‐range potential as an experimental host model.  相似文献   

Previous analyses of labelled clones of cells within the developing nervous system of the mouse have indicated that descendants are initially dispersed rostrocaudally followed by more local proliferation, which is consistent with the progressing node's contributing descendants from a resident population of progenitor cells as it advances caudally. Here we electroporated an expression vector encoding green fluorescent protein into the chicken embryo near Hensen's node to test and confirm the pattern inferred in the mouse. This provides a model in which a proliferative stem zone is maintained in the node by a localized signal; those cells that are displaced out of the stem zone go on to contribute to the growing axis. To test whether fibroblast growth factor (FGF) signalling could be involved in the maintenance of the stem zone, we co-electroporated a dominant-negative FGF receptor with a lineage marker, and found that it markedly alters the elongation of the spinal cord primordium. The results indicate that FGF receptor signalling promotes the continuous development of the posterior nervous system by maintaining presumptive neural progenitors in the region near Hensen's node. This offers a potential explanation for the mixed findings on FGF in the growth and patterning of the embryonic axis.  相似文献   

The cerebellum is a highly conserved structure which exhibits patterns of gene expression and axonal connections that are organized into parasagittal domains. These aspects of the mature cerebellum are presaged during embryonic development by the expression patterns of vertebrate homologs of Drosophila segmentation genes. We wished to determine whether the parasagittal domains of gene expression are compartments of lineage restriction. To this end, a clonal analysis of the chick cerebellum was conducted with a complex retroviral library. From embryonic day (E) 8 to E12, clones derived from the more medial portion of the cerebellar ventricular zone (VZ) were observed to spread preferentially in the mediolateral direction, crossing the boundaries of the parasagittal domains of gene expression. In late embryonic and posthatch periods, VZ clones were found to comprise Purkinje cells, glial cells, or both types of cells. At these later times, clonally related glial cells formed tight parasagittal clusters, while clonally related Purkinje cells were scattered extensively in the anteroposterior direction. We propose that a subset of the cerebellar VZ clones, those with medial origins, undergoes a biphasic dispersion: an early phase of mediolateral dispersion and a late phase of anteroposterior dispersion. This novel pattern of clonal dispersion suggests that the cerebellar VZ is not partitioned into parasagittal domains of lineage restriction. It leaves open the possibility that the later dispersion along the anteroposterior axis results from the parasagittal patterns of gene expression in the developing cerebellar cortex.  相似文献   

Elongation of the mouse anteroposterior axis depends on a small population of progenitors initially located in the primitive streak and later in the tail bud. Gene expression and lineage tracing have shown that there are many features common to these progenitor tissues throughout axial elongation. However, the identity and location of the progenitors is unclear. We show by lineage tracing that the descendants of 8.5 d.p.c. node and anterior primitive streak which remain in the tail bud are located in distinct territories: (1) ventral node descendants are located in the widened posterior end of the notochord; and (2) descendants of anterior streak are located in both the tail bud mesoderm, and in the posterior end of the neurectoderm. We show that cells from the posterior neurectoderm are fated to give rise to mesoderm even after posterior neuropore closure. The posterior end of the notochord, together with the ventral neurectoderm above it, is thus topologically equivalent to the chordoneural hinge region defined in Xenopus and chick. A stem cell model has been proposed for progenitors of two of the axial tissues, the myotome and spinal cord. Because it was possible that labelled cells in the tail bud represented stem cells, tail bud mesoderm and chordoneural hinge were grafted to 8.5 d.p.c. primitive streak to compare their developmental potency. This revealed that cells from the bulk of the tail bud mesoderm are disadvantaged in such heterochronic grafts from incorporating into the axis and even when they do so, they tend to contribute to short stretches of somites suggesting that tail bud mesoderm is restricted in potency. By contrast, cells from the chordoneural hinge of up to 12.5 d.p.c. embryos contribute efficiently to regions of the axis formed after grafting to 8.5 d.p.c. embryos, and also repopulate the tail bud. These cells were additionally capable of serial passage through three successive generations of embryos in culture without apparent loss of potency. This potential for self-renewal in chordoneural hinge cells strongly suggests that stem cells are located in this region.  相似文献   

The earliest outgrowth of nerve fibers from identified spinal neurons labeled with horseradish peroxidase (HRP) was traced along surgically rearranged pathways in the central nervous system (CNS) of Xenopus embryos. Parts of the CNS were misaligned or inverted rostrocaudally by grafting a segment of labeled spinal cord in place of the same or different spinal cord segment of an unlabeled embryo or by joining two rostral half embryos (head-to-head) or two caudal half embryos (tail-to-tail), one half of which was derived from a labeled embryo in each combination. Donor embryos were labeled by injection of HRP into a selected blastomere at the 16- or 32-cell stage. Host embryos were unlabeled. Grafts from labeled donors to unlabeled host embryos were made at early neural tube stages before outgrowth of any nerve fibers had started (Jacobson and Huang, 1985). Routes taken by labeled nerve fibers growing into unlabeled CNS were observed at later stages, and the rates of nerve fiber elongation were calculated. Labeled nerve fibers were normal in appearance, and elongated without branching, at normal rates (22-71 micron/h). In head-to-head and tail-to-tail embryos and in embryos with inverted spinal cord grafts, nerve fibers continued elongating without branching in the direction opposite to normal in the CNS. Many fibers reached lengths that were far greater than normal. No reorientation of such maldirected nerve fibers was seen. These results indicate that nerve fiber elongation is not guided by axially polarized pathway cues or markers and that nerve fibers do not grow to predetermined lengths. However, neurites preferred to grow along stereotyped nerve fiber pathways even when forced to grow in the wrong direction or when confronted with nonneural tissue.  相似文献   

In the vertebrate embryo, spinal cord elongation requires FGF signaling that promotes the continuous development of the posterior nervous system by maintaining a stem zone of proliferating neural progenitors. Those escaping the caudal neural stem zone, which is expressed to Shh signal, initiate ventral patterning in the neural groove before starting neuronal differentiation in the neural tube. Here we investigated the integration of D-type cyclins, known to govern cell cycle progression under the control of extracellular signals, in the program of spinal cord maturation. In chicken embryo, we find that cyclin D2 is preferentially expressed in the posterior neural plate, whereas cyclin D1 appears in the neural groove. We demonstrated by loss- and gain-of-function experiments that FGF signaling maintains cyclin D2 in the immature caudal neural epithelium, while Shh activates cyclin D1 in the neural groove. Moreover, forced maintenance of cyclin D1 or D2 in the neural tube favors proliferation at the expense of neuronal differentiation. These results contribute to our understanding of how the cell cycle control can be linked to the patterning programs to influence the balance between proliferation and neuronal differentiation in discrete progenitors domains.  相似文献   

We show that cells of the dorsal aorta, an early blood vessel, and of the myotome, the first skeletal muscle to form within the somite, derive from a common progenitor in the mouse embryo. This conclusion is based on a retrospective clonal analysis, using a nlaacZ reporter targeted to the alpha-cardiac actin gene. A rare intragenic recombination event results in a functional nlacZ sequence, giving rise to clones of beta-galactosidase-positive cells. Periendothelial and vascular smooth muscle cells of the dorsal aorta are the main cell types labelled, demonstrating that these are clonally related to the paraxial mesoderm-derived cells of skeletal muscle. Rare endothelial cells are also seen in some clones. In younger clones, arising from a recent recombination event, myotomal labelling is predominantly in the hypaxial somite, adjacent to labelled smooth muscle cells in the aorta. Analysis of Pax3(GFP/+) embryos shows that these cells are Pax3 negative but GFP positive, with fluorescent cells in the intervening region between the aorta and the somite. This is consistent with the direct migration of smooth muscle precursor cells that had expressed Pax3. These results are discussed in terms of the paraxial mesoderm contribution to the aorta and of the mesoangioblast stem cells that derive from it.  相似文献   

How genetic programs generate cell-intrinsic forces to shape embryos is actively studied, but less so how tissue-scale physical forces impact morphogenesis. Here we address the role of the latter during axis extension, using Drosophila germband extension (GBE) as a model. We found previously that cells elongate in the anteroposterior (AP) axis in the extending germband, suggesting that an extrinsic tensile force contributed to body axis extension. Here we further characterized the AP cell elongation patterns during GBE, by tracking cells and quantifying their apical cell deformation over time. AP cell elongation forms a gradient culminating at the posterior of the embryo, consistent with an AP-oriented tensile force propagating from there. To identify the morphogenetic movements that could be the source of this extrinsic force, we mapped gastrulation movements temporally using light sheet microscopy to image whole Drosophila embryos. We found that both mesoderm and endoderm invaginations are synchronous with the onset of GBE. The AP cell elongation gradient remains when mesoderm invagination is blocked but is abolished in the absence of endoderm invagination. This suggested that endoderm invagination is the source of the tensile force. We next looked for evidence of this force in a simplified system without polarized cell intercalation, in acellular embryos. Using Particle Image Velocimetry, we identify posteriorwards Myosin II flows towards the presumptive posterior endoderm, which still undergoes apical constriction in acellular embryos as in wildtype. We probed this posterior region using laser ablation and showed that tension is increased in the AP orientation, compared to dorsoventral orientation or to either orientations more anteriorly in the embryo. We propose that apical constriction leading to endoderm invagination is the source of the extrinsic force contributing to germband extension. This highlights the importance of physical interactions between tissues during morphogenesis.  相似文献   

This study examines the mechanisms of epithelial cell rearrangement during archenteron elongation in the sea urchin embryo using scanning electron microscopy, differential interference contrast videomicroscopy, cell marking, and fluorescently labeled chimaeric clones. Archenteron elongation involves two major processes: local shifts in position of cells in the archenteron wall and polarized motility of the cells as they rearrange. Fluorescently labeled chimaeric clones introduced into the archenteron of Lytechinus pictus are initially 4-5 cells wide; by the end of gastrulation the clones elongate and narrow, so that they are one cell wide in the narrowest region of the archenteron. The extent of clonal mixing indicates that cells in the archenteron change their relative positions by only 1-2 cell diameters during cell rearrangement. Cells at the blastopore rearrange concomitantly with cells in the archenteron, resulting in a 35% decrease in blastopore diameter. Endoderm cells undergo polarized, stage-specific changes in shape and motility as they rearrange; (1) they flatten markedly along their apical-basal axis throughout archenteron elongation; (2) just prior to the onset of cell rearrangement, basal surfaces of all cells in the archenteron extend long, polarized lamellipodial protrusions along the axis of extension of the archenteron; (3) as cell rearrangement begins, basal surfaces round up and the cells become isodiametric; (4) by the 3/4 gastrula stage the cells become stretched along the animal-vegetal axis, apparently due to filopodial traction, and finally (5) they continue to rearrange, returning to a less elongated shape by the end of gastrulation. Direct observation of gastrulation in the cidaroid Eucidaris tribuloides indicates that in this species cell rearrangement is accomplished by progressive circumferential intercalation of cells without upwardly directed filopodia. This intercalation is accompanied by explosive, apparently stochastic, cortical blebbing activity at the boundaries between cells, suggesting that in addition to whatever cell rearrangement may be generated by filopodial tension, such activity is an important component of the active rearrangement process.  相似文献   

The vertebrate body plan features a consistent left-right (LR) asymmetry of internal organs. In several vertebrate embryos, motile cilia generate an asymmetric fluid flow that is necessary for normal LR development. However, the mechanisms involved in orienting LR asymmetric flow with previously established anteroposterior (AP) and dorsoventral (DV) axes remain poorly understood. In zebrafish, asymmetric flow is generated in Kupffer's vesicle (KV). The cellular architecture of KV is asymmetric along the AP axis, with more ciliated cells densely packed into the anterior region. Here, we identify a Rho kinase gene, rock2b, which is required for normal AP patterning of KV and subsequent LR development in the embryo. Antisense depletion of rock2b in the whole embryo or specifically in the KV cell lineage perturbed asymmetric gene expression in lateral plate mesoderm and disrupted organ LR asymmetries. Analyses of KV architecture demonstrated that rock2b knockdown altered the AP placement of ciliated cells without affecting cilia number or length. In control embryos, leftward flow across the anterior pole of KV was stronger than rightward flow at the posterior end, correlating with the normal AP asymmetric distribution of ciliated cells. By contrast, rock2b knockdown embryos with AP patterning defects in KV exhibited randomized flow direction and equal flow velocities in the anterior and posterior regions. Live imaging of Tg(dusp6:memGFP)(pt19) transgenic embryos that express GFP in KV cells revealed that rock2b regulates KV cell morphology. Our results suggest a link between AP patterning of the ciliated Kupffer's vesicle and LR patterning of the zebrafish embryo.  相似文献   

Neural tube occlusion precedes rapid brain enlargement   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Histological examination of early vertebrate embryos during rapid brain enlargement (an event partially driven by fluid pressure) reveals that the spinal cord lumen is occluded. Occlusion (if it is not merely a fixation artifact) may confine neural tube fluid to brain regions and seal off the ventricles before posterior neuropore closure. We injected neural tubes of living chick embryos with dyes, asking (1) is occlusion real; and (2) does occlusion precede brain enlargement? Both questions were answered affirmatively. Experimental analyses of occlusion and brain enlargement are in progress.  相似文献   

We have studied the localization of the proteins of Xeb1 and Xeb2, two homeobox (hbx)-containing genes that are expressed during the early development of Xenopus laevis. Both proteins are expressed in juxtaposed and partially overlapping domains along the antero-posterior axis of Xenopus laevis embryos, with clearly defined anterior boundaries. Xeb2 is predominantly expressed in the caudal region of the hindbrain, whereas the Xeb1 protein is located in the most rostral region of the spinal cord. Furthermore, both proteins are expressed in single cells dispersed in the lateral flanks of the embryo in positions that correlate with the expression domains in the neural tube. We suggest that these cells are migratory neural crest cells that have acquired positional information in the neural tube prior to migration. The Xeb2 protein was also detected in the most posterior branchial arches and the pronephros. In stage 45 embryos, nuclei of the IX-X cranial ganglia, the lung buds and cells spreading into the forelimb rudiment express the Xeb2 antigen. The Xeb1 protein was also detected in the lung buds and the forelimb rudiment. To examine the effect of retinoic acid on expression, gastrula embryos were treated with all-trans retinoic acid (RA). Increasing concentrations of RA caused progressive truncation of anterior structures. The most severely affected embryos lacked eyes, nasal pits, forebrain, midbrain and otic vesicles, and the anterior boundary of the hindbrain seemed to be displaced rostrally. This alteration correlates with a progressive displacement of the anterior boundary of the expression domain of Xeb2. On the other hand, 10(-6) M RA induces an ectopic site of Xeb1 expression at the anterior end of the central nervous system, located just anterior to the extended domain of Xeb2 whereas expression in the spinal cord remains unaffected.  相似文献   

Gastrulation in amniotes begins with extensive re-arrangements of cells in the epiblast resulting in the formation of the primitive streak. We have developed a transfection method that enables us to transfect randomly distributed epiblast cells in the Stage XI-XIII chick blastoderms with GFP fusion proteins. This allows us to use time-lapse microscopy for detailed analysis of the movements and proliferation of epiblast cells during streak formation. Cells in the posterior two thirds of the embryo move in two striking counter-rotating flows that meet at the site of streak formation at the posterior end of the embryo. Cells divide during this rotational movement with a cell cycle time of 6-7 h. Daughter cells remain together, forming small clusters and as result of the flow patterns line up in the streak. Expression of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor, P21/Waf inhibits cell division and severely limits embryo growth, but does not inhibit streak formation or associated flows. To investigate the role off cell-cell intercalation in streak formation we have inhibited the Wnt planar-polarity signalling pathway by expression of a dominant negative Wnt11 and a Dishevelled mutant Xdd1. Both treatments do not result in an inhibition of streak formation, but both severely affect extension of the embryo in later development. Likewise inhibition of myosin II which as been shown to drive cell-cell intercalation during Drosophila germ band extension, has no effect on streak formation, but also effectively blocks elongation after regression has started. These experiments make it unlikely that streak formation involves known cell-cell intercalation mechanisms. Expression of a dominant negative FGFR1c receptor construct as well as the soluble extracellular domain of the FGFR1c receptor both effectively block the cell movements associated with streak formation and mesoderm differentiation, showing the importance of FGF signalling in these processes.  相似文献   

Labelling of Hensen's node in a 6-somite stage chick embryo by the quail/chick chimera method has revealed that, while moving caudalwards as the embryo elongates, the node leaves in its wake not only the notochord but also the floor plate and a longitudinal strand of dorsal endoderm. The node itself contains cells endowed with the capacity to yield midline cells (i.e. notochord and floor plate) along the whole length of the neural axis. Caudal node cells function as stem cells. They are responsible for the apical growth of the cord of cells that are at the origin of the midline structures since, if removed, neither the notochord nor the floor plate, are formed caudally to the ablation. The embryo extends however in the absence of midline cells and a neural tube develops posterior to the excision. Only dorsal molecular markers are detectable on this neural tube (e.g. Pax3 and Slug). The posterior region of the embryo in which the structures secreting Shh are missing undergo cell death within the 24 to 48 hours following its formation. Unpublished results indicate that rescue of the posterior region of the embryo can be obtained by implantation of Shh secreting cells. One of the critical roles of floor plate and notochord is therefore to inhibit the cell death programme in the axial and paraxial structures of the embryo at gastrulation and neurulation stages.  相似文献   

The role of perchloric acid-soluble protein (PSP) was investigated in chick embryos. Fluorescently labeled anti-chick liver (CL)-PSP IgG was injected into the yolk sac in ovo at embryonic day 3, and became localized in neuroepithelial cells. Within 12 h, morphological changes were observed in 37.5% of anti-CL-PSP IgG-injected embryos, and the neuroepithelial cells formed a wavy line. No significant changes were observed in embryos injected with non-immune IgG or PBS. Increased expression of PCNA and decreased expression of neuronal class III beta-tubulin were observed in the spinal cord after anti-CL-PSP IgG injection. These results suggest that PSP controls the proliferation and differentiation of neuroepithelial cells in chick embryos.  相似文献   

Summary The histogenesis of the dorsal root ganglia of chick embryos (ages 3 to 9 days) was followed in three different tissue culture systems. Organotypic explants included dorsal root ganglia connected to the lumbosacral segment of the spinal cord or isolated explants of the contralateral ganglia. Additionally, dissociated monolayer cultures of ganglia tissue were established. The gradual differentiation of progenitor neuroblasts into distinct populations of large ventrolateral and small dorsomedial neurons was observed in vivo and in vitro. Neurites developed after 3 days in the presence or absence of nerve growth factor in the medium. In contrast, autoradiographic analysis indicates that [3H]thymidine incorporation in neuronal cultures differed significantly from intact embryos. In vivo, the number of neuronal progenitor cells labeled with [3H]thymidine decreased in older embryos; in vitro, uptake of [3H]thymidine label was not observed in ganglionic progenitor cells regardless of the age of the donor embryo or the type of culture system. Lack of proliferation in ganglionic progenitor cells was not due to degeneration because vital staining and uptake of [3H]deoxyglucose indicated that neurons were metabolically active. Furthermore, the block in mitotic activity in vitro was limited to presumptive ganglionic neuronal cells. In the ependyma of the spinal cord segment connected to the dorsal root ganglia, neuronal progenitor cells were heavily labeled as were non-neuronal cells within both spinal cord and ganglia. Our results suggest that in vitro conditions can promote the differentiation of sensory neurons from early embryos (E3.5–4.5) without proliferation of progenitor cells.  相似文献   

Quail-chick chimeras have been used extensively in the field of developmental biology. To detect quail cells more easily and to detect cellular processes of quail cells in quail-chick chimeras, we generated four monoclonal antibodies (MAb) specific to some quail tissues. MAb QCR1 recognizes blood vessels, blood cells, and cartilage cells, MAb QB1 recognizes quail blood vessels and blood cells, and MAb QB2 recognizes quail blood vessels, blood cells, and mesenchymal tissues. These antibodies bound to those tissues in 3-9-day quail embryos and did not bind to any tissues of 3-9-day chick embryos. MAb QSC1 is specific to the ventral half of spinal cord and thymus in 9-day quail embryo. No tissue in 9-day chick embryo reacted with this MAb. This antibody binds transiently to a small number of brain vesicle cells in developing chick embryo as well as in quail embryo. A preliminary application of two of these MAb, QCR1 and QSC1, on quail-chick chimeras of neural tube and somites is reported here.  相似文献   

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