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大环内酯类抗生素基因工程是近年来研究的一个新领域,迄今已合成了100多种新的聚酮类化合物。以糖多孢红霉菌A226基因组DNA为模板,用重叠PCR方法扩增出去除KR6酶域DNA的约3.2kb DNA片段,克隆于pWHM3载体,构建了同源重组质粒pWHM2201。PEG介导原生质体转化法将pWHM2201转入糖多孢红霉菌A226,并整合于染色体红霉素合成基因位点。整合体在R3M斜面上生长两代后,制备原生质体涂R3M平皿。利用PCR鉴定筛选出8株KR6敲除的突变体糖多孢红霉菌M(1-8)。ZabsPec Fab质谱鉴定,证实糖多孢红霉菌M1合成了3-脱氧-3-羰基-红霉内酯B,一种新的酮内酯类化合物。  相似文献   

大环内酯类抗生素基因工程是近年来生物工程领域研究的一个热点 ,利用基因工程改造大环内酯类抗生素合成基因 ,已经合成了 10 0多种“非天然”的天然化合物 ,为筛选新抗生素开辟了新的途径。本研究以糖多孢红霉菌A2 2 6基因组DNA为模板 ,先用PCR扩增出红霉素合成基因eryKR6两侧片段 ,再用重叠PCR将其拼接成去除KR6的约 3.2kbDNA片段 ,并克隆于pWHM3载体 ,构建了同源重组质粒pWHM2 2 0 1。用PEG介导将pWHM2 2 0 1转入糖多孢红霉菌A2 2 6原生质体。PCR鉴定和生物活性检测均显示pWHM2 2 0 1已重…  相似文献   

糖多孢红霉菌A226 的原生质体转化和染色体同源整合   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
糖多孢红霉菌的原生质体转化和染色体同源整合,是红霉素生物合成基因改造的重要途径。本研究对糖多孢红霉菌A226原生质体制备和转化条件进行了优化,结果表明以对数生长后期和稳定期菌丝体制备的原生质体转化效率较高;质粒、原生质体和PEG-T缓冲液体积比例为15:40:200(μl)时转化效果较好;比重小原生本的转化效率虽高,但在转化子中有效整合的比例较低;PEG1000和PEG3350对转化效率没有显差异;而Yamamoto转化系统优于Weber转化系统。PCR鉴定、抑菌活性鉴定和质谱分析均表明,转化质粒已整合到染色体红霉素合成基因位点。  相似文献   

糖多孢红霉菌同源片段长度与染色体重组率关系的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
为了探索同源片段长度与糖多孢红霉菌染色体同源重组率的关系,化学合成或用重叠PCR合成带有突变位点、在突变位点两侧长度为(26bp+27bp)、(500bp+576bp)和(1908bp+1749bp)的同源序列,克隆于糖多孢红霉菌同源重组载体pWHM3后,分别构建了pWHM1113、 pWHM1116和 pWHM1119质粒。以PEG介导转化糖多孢红霉菌A226原生质体,3个质粒分别获得每皿30个、69个和170个转化子,但pWHM1113质粒不能与染色体有效整合,pWHM1116质粒与染色体整合率为转化子的2%,而pWHM1119质粒与染色体整合率达到转化子的19%。 pWHM1116和 pWHM1119质粒均可进行有效的染色体二次重组,将突变位位点引入染色体。因此,同源片段长度为(500bp+576bp)或更长时,可与糖多孢红霉菌染色体进行有效的单重组和双重组。  相似文献   

目的为了在糖多孢红霉菌(Sac.erythraea)中表达透明颤菌(Vitreoscilla)血红蛋白基因(vgb),发挥其在贫氧环境下与氧结合形成氧合态,而改变限氧时细胞原有的代谢方式,将vgb克隆于糖多孢红霉菌表达载体中。方法利用PCR技术克隆vgb,利用基因重组技术构建含有vgb的重组糖多孢红霉菌表达质粒,电穿孔法将vgb转化置糖多孢红霉菌中,鉴定采用SDS-PAGE电泳。vgb在重组糖多孢红霉菌表达产物的生物活性检测用Western blotting分析表示。结果克隆了含有vgb的重组糖多孢红霉菌表达质粒(pBlueV),分子量6.033 kb,筛选了重组糖多孢红霉菌株,重组菌株表达的血红蛋白能与1∶300的VHb抗体呈显色反应。结论vgb在糖多孢红霉菌中获得了表达,这对继续研究生产红霉素的工程菌改造,解决工业发酵工程菌高密度培养具有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

糖多孢红霉菌多拷贝表达载体pZM的构建   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对糖多孢红霉菌染色体上红霉素生物合成基因进行改造 ,已经合成了多种红霉素类似物。在糖多孢红霉菌中对红霉素类似物进行结构修饰 ,以pWOR1 0 9质粒为基础构建糖多孢红霉菌多拷贝表达载体pZM。pZM载体带有PermE启动子、fd终止子、多克隆位点、硫链丝菌肽和氨苄青霉素抗性基因、以及在大肠杆菌和糖多孢红霉菌中复制的ColE1ori和pJV1ori复制子 ,系可在大肠杆菌和糖多孢红霉菌中扩增的穿梭质粒。在糖多孢红霉菌中 ,pZM可以表达氨普霉素抗性基因和绿色荧光蛋白基因 ,从糖多孢红霉菌中提取的表达质粒酶切图谱与转化前一致 ,表明pZM是糖多孢红霉菌中多拷贝、稳定的表达载体。  相似文献   

在I型聚酮合成酶(polyketide synthase,PKS)中,硫酯酶结构域(Thioesterase,TE)负责将聚酮长链从PKS上水解下来,并协助环化为大环内酯环.分别将红霉素TE、ACP6-TE和苦霉素模块6(PikM6)基因转入糖多孢红霉菌KR6突变体中表达,仅PikM6显著促进酮内酯类化合物的合成,表明TE只有融合于模块中才能充分发挥硫酯酶的功能.  相似文献   

红霉素为代表的聚酮类化合物已经成功的在大肠杆菌中实现了异源合成,但其产量仍然较低(仅~10 mg/L)。本研究基于大肠杆菌全基因组代谢模型iAF1260,利用通量平衡分析预测了红霉素母核6-脱氧红霉内酯(6-Deoxyerythronolide B,6-d EB)生物合成的关键靶点,通过合成调控RNA技术(Synthetic small regulatory RNAs,sRNAs)对预测的靶点进行验证。结果表明,以弱化lsrC(编码LsrABC转运蛋白)和ack A(编码乙酸激酶蛋白)为代表的关键靶点改造可以显著提高6-d EB异源合成,提高幅度可达48.7%。通过弱化靶点的组合,进一步改善了6-d EB的异源合成,产量最终可达22.8 mg/L,比出发菌株产量提高59.9%。本研究发现和确认了6个有效的调控靶点,最终成功地改善了6-d EB在大肠杆菌中的异源合成。研究表明,通量分布比较分析结合sRNAs技术是一种有效的方法提高6-d EB异源合成,也为改善其他代谢产物的异源合成提供了可供借鉴的研究思路。  相似文献   

【背景】链霉菌属于放线菌科,在土壤环境中广泛分布。链霉菌具有复杂的形态分化和多样性的次生代谢网络,能产生大量具有生物活性的次级代谢产物,被广泛深入研究。【目的】天蓝色链霉菌是链霉菌的模式菌株,其脂肪酸合成代谢与次级代谢联系紧密,但目前脂肪酸合成代谢途径还不清楚,其长链3-酮脂酰ACP合成酶还未见报道。【方法】利用大肠杆菌FabF序列进行同源比对,发现天蓝色链霉菌A3(2)的基因组中,SCO2390(ScoFabF1)、SCO1266(ScoFabF2)、SCO0548(ScoFabF3)和SCO5886 (ScoRedR)具有较高的相似性,并具有保守的Cys-His-His催化活性中心,可能具有长链3-酮脂酰ACP合成酶活性。采用PCR扩增方法分别获得以上基因,连入表达载体pBAD24M后分别互补大肠杆菌fabB(ts)突变株和fabB(ts)fabF双突变株,并检测转化子的生长情况。以上基因与pET-28b连接后,在大肠杆菌BL21(DE3)中表达,并利用Ni-NTA纯化获得蛋白,体外测定其催化活性。将以上基因分别互补大肠杆菌fabF突变株后,GC-MS测定互补株的脂肪酸组成。【结果】4个同源基因中,只有ScofabF1能恢复fabB(ts)fabF双突变株42°C时在添加油酸条件下的生长,其他3个基因均不能恢复生长。而这4个基因都不能恢复fabB(ts)突变株42°C时生长。体外活性测定ScoFabF1具有长链3-酮脂酰ACP合成酶活性,其他3个蛋白都不具有该活性。仅ScofabF1能显著提高大肠杆菌fabF突变株的顺-11-十八碳烯酸(C18:1)比例,其他3个基因都不具有该功能。【结论】天蓝色链霉菌中ScofabF1编码长链3-酮脂酰ACP合成酶II,在脂肪酸利用过程中发挥重要作用。天蓝色链霉菌中没有发现编码长链3-酮脂酰ACP合成酶I的基因,其可能通过其他途径合成少量的不饱和脂肪酸。以上研究结果为进一步研究天蓝色链霉菌中脂肪酸合成机制奠定了基础。  相似文献   

【背景】海洋来源的天然产物近年来已成为小分子药物的重要来源。对海洋链霉菌Streptomyces sp. B9173的基因组分析显示,该菌包含多种天然产物的生物合成基因簇,具有产生多种新化合物的潜力。【目的】挖掘B9173菌株中未知的次级代谢产物,以期发现结构新颖或生物活性独特的化合物。【方法】利用HPLC/LC-MS结合的方法,排除了该菌株产生的已知化合物,确定3个未知化合物作为挖掘对象,然后利用正、反相硅胶柱色谱、葡聚糖凝胶柱色谱和高效液相色谱等技术对次级代谢产物进行分离纯化,最后得到化合物单体。利用质谱及核磁共振光谱技术对化合物结构进行解析和鉴定。【结果】确定3个化合物分别是色胺酮、甲基异靛蓝和N,N-二甲基异靛蓝,三者都属于2-吲哚酮生物碱。其中色胺酮具有非常广的生物活性,包括抗菌、抗肿瘤、抗炎症等,是药物开发的良好前体,这是首次在细菌中被分离得到。甲基异靛蓝是我国临床治疗慢性粒细胞白血病的药物,这是首次在微生物发酵液中被分离得到。目前这3个化合物均主要依赖化学合成。本研究结合B9173菌株的代谢背景,推测了3个化合物的生物合成途径。【结论】基于紫外吸收光谱和质谱特征,从B9173菌株的发酵液中分离鉴定了3个2-吲哚酮生物碱,丰富了微生物活性天然产物的种类,对3个化合物生物合成途径的推测也为进一步研究色胺酮和甲基异靛蓝的生物合成机制奠定基础,后续可利用合成生物学技术重构这类化合物的生物合成途径,提供更便捷、低成本的生物合成方法。  相似文献   

Five bacteriophages infecting only Saccharopolyspora erythraea (formerly Streptomyces erythreus) among 43 Streptomyces spp. tested were classified into two groups by phage-host relationships, restriction enzyme mapping, cohesive-end determinations, and Southern hybridizations. phi SE6, the most frequently isolated phage, produced clear plaques on all hosts tested, while phi SE45, phi SE57, phi SE60, and phi SE69 produced turbid plaques. phi SE6 DNA was linear, had a molecular weight of (27.6 +/- 1) X 10(6) and, like the DNAs of phi SE45, phi SE57, and phi SE69, lacked cohesive ends. The characteristic patterns of of ClaI and HindIII restriction digests of phi SE6 DNA and the results of Southern hybridizations with three different ClaI fragments of phi SE6 DNA as probes indicated that phi SE6 DNA was partially circularly permuted and terminally redundant, suggesting that it was packaged by a headful packaging mechanism. Southern hybridization data also showed that phi SE45, phi SE57, and phi SE69 were closely related to phi SE6. phi SE60 DNA, in contrast, had cohesive ends, and restriction mapping plus Southern hybridization data showed that phi SE60 was unrelated to the other four phages.  相似文献   

SE-3 is a virulent bacteriophage isolated from a large-scale culture of Saccharopolyspora erythraea, an erythromycin producer. The host range of the phage is narrow, limited to some strains of this species. Another strain of Sac. erythraea, and a strain of Sac. hirsuta, are able to adsorb phage particles but do not sustain their complete multiplication. SE-3 is closely related to the phage SE-5 as shown by DNA restriction mapping. The differences between SE-3 and SE-5 genomes are apparently limited to two DNA segments flanked by short inverted repeats, visualized by electron microscopy.  相似文献   

We report the development of an electrotransformation method applicable to all strains of Saccharopolyspora erythraea examined to date. Vegetatively grown mycelia were rendered electrocompetent by subjecting mycelial suspensions to ultrasound pulses. The protocol provides an alternative route for the introduction of DNA into filamentous microorganisms otherwise recalcitrant to transformation techniques.  相似文献   

AIMS: To investigate the production of siderophores by Saccharopolyspora erythraea SGT2 and how this production is affected by the inoculum. METHODS AND RESULTS: When grown in a low-iron, chemically defined medium (CDM), the soil dwelling actinomycete S. erythraea secretes a substance that is reactive in the nonspecific chrome azurol S (CAS) assay. Importantly, the production of CAS-reactive substance is highly reduced upon the addition of 0.925 micromol l(-1) iron to the cultures and has a peak of production in the late-log to early stationary growth phase. In addition, the culture supernatants tested were negative in the Arnow and Rioux assays but positive in the Csáky procedure. Interestingly, we also found evidence that the production of this CAS-reactive substance in CDM was highly reduced, when inoculated with cells that had been previously grown to late-stationary phase. Conversely, inocula derived from late-log to early stationary cultures presented high levels of CAS activity. CONCLUSIONS: These results indicate that S. erythraea produces a hydroxamate-type siderophore that we have generically designated as erythrobactin. Additionally, the inocula growth stage plays a key role in siderophore production in S. erythraea. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: It is the first evidence for siderophore synthesis in S. erythraea and one of the first examples of non-polyketide secondary metabolite production by this organism.  相似文献   

Diketide N-acetylcysteamine (diketide NAC) thioester precursors were fed to 6-Deoxyerythronolide B synthase (DEBS) ketosynthase-1 inactivated (KS1 degree) Saccharopolyspora erythraea strains to produce 13-substituted erythromycin analogs. This direct feeding process potentially represents a simplified production process over the current analog production system. Titers of these analogs were observed to increase linearly with the diketide concentration up to a precursor-specific saturation level. However, the rate of product formation was lower and the rate of diketide consumption higher with S. erythraea than was previously observed with a recombinant strain of Streptomyces coelicolor. Several strategies were pursued to address the issue of these high diketide consumption rates: (1) elucidation of the locale of diketide degradation, (2) addition of beta-oxidation inhibitors to the cultures, and (3) addition of a sacrificial diketide enantiomer to occupy putative degradative enzymes. Additionally, repeated addition of diketide to an S. erythraea KS1 degrees culture indicated that the titer of these erythromycin analogs is also currently limited by a shorter production period than observed during erythromycin synthesis by the parent strain. These results indicate potential avenues for expanding the use of this precursor-directed system from the generation of limited quantities of erythromycin analogs to a large-scale production system for these compounds.  相似文献   

Data on the structure and stages of biosynthesis of erythromycins, relating to (1) successive addition of L-mycarose and D-desosamine to the lactones erythronolide B and mycarosyl-erythronolide B, respectively, and (2) biotransformation of erythromycin D to erythromycin A, are presented. Pathways of biosynthesis of L-mycarose, D-desosamine, and methylmalonyl-CoA and methylpropionyl-CoA precursors of erythronolide B are reviewed, along with the properties of genes coding the enzymes involved. Possible mechanisms of biochemical and gene regulation of erythromycin biosynthesis in Saccharopolyspora erythraea are discussed, including the role of factors ensuring predominant formation of the target product, erythromycin A.  相似文献   

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