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Recent phylogenetic reassessment of the lungless salamanders (Plethodontidae) confirmed a major life-history reversal-from direct development to an aquatic larval stage-in the dusky salamanders (Desmognathus) of eastern North America. This reversal initiated high rates of lineage accumulation, reputedly generating the species richness and ecological breath that now characterize Desmognathus. Certain important aspects of the radiation, e.g., ecomorphological evolution, have been identified through intense sampling effort of Appalachian Highland lineages. However, the research preoccupation on montane species has left overlooked a significant component of dusky salamander distribution-the Coastal Plain. We present the first molecular phylogeny for Desmognathus to incorporate extensive coverage from the Atlantic and Gulf coastal plains. We examined 38 Coastal Plain populations in conjunction with 45 additional populations, representing 16 of the 19 nominal species. Bayesian analysis of 88 mitochondrial cox1 haplotypes diagnosed eight independent population lineages within the Coastal Plain, a number at odds with the region's three currently recognized species. Desmognathus has apparently experienced a complex biogeographic history in this physiographic region, one involving multiple invasions and several ecological transitions from lotic to lentic habitats.  相似文献   

Adaptive radiations have served as model systems for quantifying the build-up of species richness. Few studies have quantified the tempo of diversification in species-rich clades that contain negligible adaptive disparity, making the macroevolutionary consequences of different modes of evolutionary radiation difficult to assess. We use mitochondrial-DNA sequence data and recently developed phylogenetic methodologies to explore the tempo of diversification of eastern North American Plethodon, a species-rich clade of woodland salamanders exhibiting only limited phenotypic disparity. Lineage-through-time analysis reveals a high rate of lineage accumulation, 0.8 species per million years, occurring 11-8 million years ago in the P. glutinosus species group, followed by decreasing rates. This high rate of lineage accumulation is exceptional, comparable to the most rapid of adaptive radiations. In contrast to classic models of adaptive radiation where ecological niche divergence is linked to the origin of species, we propose that phylogenetic niche conservatism contributes to the rapid accumulation of P. glutinosus-group lineages by promoting vicariant isolation and multiplication of species across a spatially and temporally fluctuating environment. These closely related and ecologically similar lineages persist through long-periods of evolutionary time and form strong barriers to the geographic spread of their neighbours, producing a subsequent decline in lineage accumulation. Rapid diversification among lineages exhibiting long-term maintenance of their bioclimatic niche requirements is an under-appreciated phenomenon driving the build-up of species richness.  相似文献   

Rapid diversification may be caused by ecological adaptive radiation via niche divergence. In this model, speciation is coupled with niche divergence and lineage diversification is predicted to be correlated with rates of niche evolution. Studies of the role of niche evolution in diversification have generally focused on ecomorphological diversification but climatic‐niche evolution may also be important. We tested these alternatives using a phylogeny of 298 species of ovenbirds (Aves: Furnariidae). We found that within Furnariidae, variation in species richness and diversification rates of subclades were best predicted by rate of climatic‐niche evolution than ecomorphological evolution. Although both are clearly important, univariate regression and multivariate model averaging more consistently supported the climatic‐niche as the best predictor of lineage diversification. Our study adds to the growing body of evidence, suggesting that climatic‐niche divergence may be an important driver of rapid diversification in addition to ecomorphological evolution. However, this pattern may depend on the phylogenetic scale at which rate heterogeneity is examined.  相似文献   

Rates of climatic niche evolution vary widely across the tree of life and are strongly associated with rates of diversification among clades. However, why the climatic niche evolves more rapidly in some clades than others remains unclear. Variation in life history traits often plays a key role in determining the environmental conditions under which species can survive, and therefore, could impact the rate at which lineages can expand in available climatic niche space. Here, we explore the relationships among life-history variation, climatic niche breadth, and rates of climatic niche evolution. We reconstruct a phylogeny for the genus Desmognathus, an adaptive radiation of salamanders distributed across eastern North America, based on nuclear and mitochondrial genes. Using this phylogeny, we estimate rates of climatic niche evolution for species with long, short, and no aquatic larval stage. Rates of climatic niche evolution are unrelated to the mean climatic niche breadth of species with different life histories. Instead, we find that the evolution of a short larval period promotes greater exploration of climatic space, leading to increased rates of climatic niche evolution across species having this trait. We propose that morphological and physiological differences associated with variation in larval stage length underlie the heterogeneous ability of lineages to explore climatic niche space. Rapid rates of climatic niche evolution among species with short larval periods were an important dimension of the clade's adaptive radiation and likely contributed to the rapid rate of lineage accumulation following the evolution of an aquatic life history in this clade. Our results show how variation in a key life-history trait can constrain or promote divergence of the climatic niche, leading to variation in rates of climatic niche evolution among species.  相似文献   

The evolutionary origins of Madagascar''s biodiversity remain mysterious despite the fact that relative to land area, there is no other place with consistently high levels of species richness and endemism across a range of taxonomic levels. Most efforts to explain diversification on the island have focused on geographical models of speciation, but recent studies have begun to address the island''s accumulation of species through time, although with conflicting results. Prevailing hypotheses for diversification on the island involve either constant diversification rates or scenarios where rates decline through time. Using relative-time-calibrated phylogenies for seven endemic vertebrate clades and a model-fitting framework, I find evidence that diversification rates have declined through time on Madagascar. I show that diversification rates have clearly declined throughout the history of each clade, and models invoking diversity-dependent reductions to diversification rates best explain the diversification histories for each clade. These results are consistent with the ecological theory of adaptive radiation, and, coupled with ancillary observations about ecomorphological and life-history evolution, strongly suggest that adaptive radiation was an important formative process for one of the most species-rich regions on the Earth. These results cast the Malagasy biota in a new light and provide macroevolutionary justification for conservation initiatives.  相似文献   

Recent and rapid radiations provide rich material to examine the factors that drive speciation. Most recent and rapid radiations that have been well-characterized involve species that exhibit overt ecomorphological differences associated with clear partitioning of ecological niches in sympatry. The most diverse genus of rodents, Rattus (66 species), evolved fairly recently, but without overt ecomorphological divergence among species. We used multilocus molecular phylogenetic data and five fossil calibrations to estimate the tempo of diversification in Rattus, and their radiation on Australia and New Guinea (Sahul, 24 species). Based on our analyses, the genus Rattus originated at a date centered on the Pliocene-Pleistocene boundary (1.84-3.17 Ma) with a subsequent colonization of Sahul in the middle Pleistocene (0.85-1.28 Ma). Given these dates, the per lineage diversification rates in Rattus and Sahulian Rattus are among the highest reported for vertebrates (1.1-1.9 and 1.6-3.0 species per lineage per million years, respectively). Despite their rapid diversification, Rattus display little ecomorphological divergence among species and do not fit clearly into current models of adaptive radiations. Lineage through time plots and ancestral state reconstruction of ecological characters suggest that diversification of Sahulian Rattus was most rapid early on as they expanded into novel ecological conditions. However, rapid lineage accumulation occurred even when morphological disparity within lineages was low suggesting that future studies consider other phenotypes in the diversification of Rattus.  相似文献   

The accumulation of exceptional ecological diversity within a lineage is a key feature of adaptive radiation resulting from diversification associated with the subdivision of previously underutilized resources. The invasion of unoccupied niche space is predicted to be a key determinant of adaptive diversification, and this process may be particularly important if the diversity of competing lineages within the area, in which the radiation unfolds, is already high. Here, we test whether the evolution of nectarivory resulted in significantly higher rates of morphological evolution, more extensive morphological disparity, and a heightened build‐up of sympatric species diversity in a large adaptive radiation of passerine birds (the honeyeaters, about 190 species) that have diversified extensively throughout continental and insular settings. We find that a large increase in rates of body size evolution and general expansion in morphological space followed an ancestral shift to nectarivory, enabling the build‐up of large numbers of co‐occurring species that vary greatly in size, compared to related and co‐distributed nonnectarivorous clades. These results strongly support the idea that evolutionary shifts into novel areas of niche space play a key role in promoting adaptive radiation in the presence of likely competing lineages.  相似文献   

The Canary Islands have been a focus for phylogeographic studies on the colonization and diversification of endemic angiosperm taxa. Based on phylogeographic patterns, both inter island colonization and adaptive radiation seem to be the driving forces for speciation in most taxa. Here, we investigated the diversification of Micromeria on the Canary Islands and Madeira at the inter- and infraspecific level using inter simple sequence repeat PCR (ISSR), the trnK-Intron and the trnT-trnL-spacer of the cpDNA and a low copy nuclear gene. The genus Micromeria (Lamiaceae, Mentheae) includes 16 species and 13 subspecies in Macaronesia. Most taxa are restricted endemics, or grow in similar ecological conditions on two islands. An exception is M. varia, a widespread species inhabits the lowland scrub on each island of the archipelago and could represent an ancestral taxon from which radiation started on the different islands. Our analyses support a split between the "eastern" islands Fuerteventura, Lanzarote and Gran Canaria and the "western" islands Tenerife, La Palma and El Hierro. The colonization of Madeira started from the western Islands, probably from Tenerife as indicated by the sequence data. We identified two lineages of Micromeria on Gomera but all other islands appear to be colonized by a single lineage, supporting adaptive radiation as the major evolutionary force for the diversification of Micromeria. We also discuss the possible role of gene flow between lineages of different Micromeria species on one island after multiple colonizations.  相似文献   

Island biodiversity has long fascinated biologists as it typically presents tractable systems for unpicking the eco‐evolutionary processes driving community assembly. In general, two recurring themes are of central theoretical interest. First, immigration, diversification, and extinction typically depend on island geographical properties (e.g., area, isolation, and age). Second, predictable ecological and evolutionary trajectories readily occur after colonization, such as the evolution of adaptive trait syndromes, trends toward specialization, adaptive radiation, and eventual ecological decline. Hypotheses such as the taxon cycle draw on several of these themes to posit particular constraints on colonization and subsequent eco‐evolutionary dynamics. However, it has been challenging to examine these integrated dynamics with traditional methods. Here, we combine phylogenomics, population genomics and phenomics, to unravel community assembly dynamics among Pheidole (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) ants in the isolated Fijian archipelago. We uphold basic island biogeographic predictions that isolated islands accumulate diversity primarily through in situ evolution rather than dispersal, and population genomic support for taxon cycle predictions that endemic species have decreased dispersal ability and demography relative to regionally widespread taxa. However, rather than trending toward island syndromes, ecomorphological diversification in Fiji was intense, filling much of the genus‐level global morphospace. Furthermore, while most endemic species exhibit demographic decline and reduced dispersal, we show that the archipelago is not an evolutionary dead‐end. Rather, several endemic species show signatures of population and range expansion, including a successful colonization to the Cook islands. These results shed light on the processes shaping island biotas and refine our understanding of island biogeographic theory.  相似文献   

Conceptual models of adaptive radiation predict that competitive interactions among species will result in an early burst of speciation and trait evolution followed by a slowdown in diversification rates. Empirical studies often show early accumulation of lineages in phylogenetic trees, but usually fail to detect early bursts of phenotypic evolution. We use an evolutionary simulation model to assemble food webs through adaptive radiation, and examine patterns in the resulting phylogenetic trees and species' traits (body size and trophic position). We find that when foraging trade-offs result in food webs where all species occupy integer trophic levels, lineage diversity and trait disparity are concentrated early in the tree, consistent with the early burst model. In contrast, in food webs in which many omnivorous species feed at multiple trophic levels, high levels of turnover of species' identities and traits tend to eliminate the early burst signal. These results suggest testable predictions about how the niche structure of ecological communities may be reflected by macroevolutionary patterns.  相似文献   

In this study we reconstruct phylogenies for deep sea amphipods from the North Atlantic in order to test hypotheses about the evolutionary mechanisms driving speciation in the deep sea. We sequenced five genes for specimens representing 21 families. Phylogenetic analyses showed incongruence between the molecular data and morphological taxonomy, with some morphologically distinct taxa showing close molecular similarity. Approximate dating of nodes based on available calibration suggested adaptation to the deep sea around the Cretaceous-Palaeogene boundary, with three identified lineages within the deep-sea radiation dating to the Eocene–Oligocene transition. Two of those lineages contained species currently classified in multiple families. We reconstructed ancestral nodes based on the mouthpart characters that define trophic guilds (also used to establish the current taxonomy), and show a consistent transition at the earliest node defining the deep-sea lineage, together with increasing diversification at more recent nodes within the deep-sea lineage. The data suggest that the divergence of species was adaptive, with successive diversification from a non-scavenging ancestor to ‘opportunistic’, ‘obligate’ and ‘specialised’ scavengers. We propose that the North Atlantic species studied provide a strong case for adaptive evolution promoted by ecological opportunity in the deep sea.  相似文献   

Divergent selection and adaptive divergence can increase phenotypic diversification amongst populations and lineages. Yet adaptive divergence between different environments, habitats or niches does not occur in all lineages. For example, the colonization of freshwater environments by ancestral marine species has triggered adaptive radiation and phenotypic diversification in some taxa but not in others. Studying closely related lineages differing in their ability to diversify is an excellent means of understanding the factors promoting and constraining adaptive evolution. A well-known example of the evolution of increased phenotypic diversification following freshwater colonization is the three-spined stickleback. Two closely related stickleback lineages, the Pacific Ocean and the Japan Sea occur in Japan. However, Japanese freshwater stickleback populations are derived from the Pacific Ocean lineage only, suggesting the Japan Sea lineage is unable to colonize freshwater. Using stable isotope data and trophic morphology, we first show higher rates of phenotypic and ecological diversification between marine and freshwater populations within the Pacific Ocean lineage, confirming adaptive divergence has occurred between the two lineages and within the Pacific Ocean lineage but not in the Japan Sea lineage. We further identified consistent divergence in diet and foraging behaviour between marine forms from each lineage, confirming Pacific Ocean marine sticklebacks, from which all Japanese freshwater populations are derived, are better adapted to freshwater environments than Japan Sea sticklebacks. We suggest adaptive divergence between ancestral marine populations may have played a role in constraining phenotypic diversification and adaptive evolution in Japanese sticklebacks.  相似文献   

Living amphibians exhibit a diversity of ecologies, life histories, and species‐rich lineages that offers opportunities for studies of adaptive radiation. We characterize a diverse clade of frogs (Kaloula, Microhylidae) in the Philippine island archipelago as an example of an adaptive radiation into three primary habitat specialists or ecotypes. We use a novel phylogenetic estimate for this clade to evaluate the tempo of lineage accumulation and morphological diversification. Because species‐level phylogenetic estimates for Philippine Kaloula are lacking, we employ dense population sampling to determine the appropriate evolutionary lineages for diversification analyses. We explicitly take phylogenetic uncertainty into account when calculating diversification and disparification statistics and fitting models of diversification. Following dispersal to the Philippines from Southeast Asia, Kaloula radiated rapidly into several well‐supported clades. Morphological variation within Kaloula is partly explained by ecotype and accumulated at high levels during this radiation, including within ecotypes. We pinpoint an axis of morphospace related directly to climbing and digging behaviors and find patterns of phenotypic evolution suggestive of ecological opportunity with partitioning into distinct habitat specialists. We conclude by discussing the components of phenotypic diversity that are likely important in amphibian adaptive radiations.  相似文献   

Patterns of diversification in species-rich clades provide insight into the processes that generate biological diversity. We tested different models of lineage and phenotypic diversification in an exceptional continental radiation, the ovenbird family Furnariidae, using the most complete species-level phylogenetic hypothesis produced to date for a major avian clade (97% of 293 species). We found that the Furnariidae exhibit nearly constant rates of lineage accumulation but show evidence of constrained morphological evolution. This pattern of sustained high rates of speciation despite limitations on phenotypic evolution contrasts with the results of most previous studies of evolutionary radiations, which have found a pattern of decelerating diversity-dependent lineage accumulation coupled with decelerating or constrained phenotypic evolution. Our results suggest that lineage accumulation in tropical continental radiations may not be as limited by ecological opportunities as in temperate or island radiations. More studies examining patterns of both lineage and phenotypic diversification are needed to understand the often complex tempo and mode of evolutionary radiations on continents.  相似文献   

A primary challenge for modern phylogeography is understanding how ecology and geography, both contemporary and historical, shape the spatial distribution and evolutionary histories of species. Phylogeographic patterns are the result of many factors, including geology, climate, habitat, colonization history and lineage‐specific constraints. Assessing the relative influences of these factors is difficult because few species, regions and environments are sampled in enough detail to compare competing hypotheses rigorously and because a particular phylogeographic pattern can potentially result from different evolutionary scenarios. The silky anoles (Anolis sericeus complex) of Central America and Mexico are abundant and found in all types of lowland terrestrial habitat, offering an excellent opportunity to test the relative influences of the factors affecting diversification. Here, we performed a range‐wide statistical phylogeographic analysis on restriction site‐associated DNA (RAD) markers from silky anoles and compared the phylogeographic patterns we recovered to historical and contemporary environmental and topographic data. We constructed niche models to compare niche overlap between sister lineages and conducted coalescent simulations to characterize how the major lineages of silky anoles have diverged. Our results revealed that the mode of divergence for major lineage diversification events was geographic isolation, resulting in ecological divergence between lineages, followed by secondary contact. Moreover, comparisons of parapatric sister lineages suggest that ecological niche divergence contributed to isolation by environment in this system, reflecting the natural history differences among populations in divergent environments.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal heterogeneity in environmental factors can have profound effects on diversification in species that are tightly linked to their environments. The Caddo Mountain Salamander (Plethodon caddoensis) inhabits a unique physiographic section of the Ouachita Mountains in central North America, a region in which Pleistocene climatic fluctuations have been implicated in driving lineage diversification in two other closely related salamanders. We examined P. caddoensis to determine whether it was similarly impacted by historic climatic changes and test whether physiographic features unique to the area also contributed to its diversification. We found that P. caddoensis is composed of four highly divergent, geographically distinct lineages that abut one another along an east-west axis. Phylogeographic structure was significantly related to both geographic distance and stream drainages, indicating that connectivity of streams and stream-associated habitats (e.g., talus) influence patterns of interpopulation gene flow. Lineages originated during the Middle Miocene and population size decreased in all lineages during the Pleistocene. Surface Geology and precipitation were the most important variables predicting the species distribution. Our results show that the unique physiographic features of the area coupled with species response to climatic factors have driven lineage diversification and phylogeographic structure in P. caddoensis. Variation in responses to historic climatic fluctuations among salamander species in this region underscore the importance of integrating species ecology with other factors such as geology and hydrology in order to better understand the effects of climate change on species with close associations to their environments.  相似文献   

We present a phylogeny of the Cyprichromini, a lineage of cichlid fishes from Lake Tanganyika, showing progressive adaptation towards pelagic life style. Our study is based upon three mitochondrial gene segments, 443 bp of the control region, 402 bp of the cytochrome b gene and the entire NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 gene (1047 bp). The topologies obtained by different tree building methods subdivide the Cyprichromini into four distinct lineages: the Paracyprichromis-, the Cyprichromis zonatus-, the Cyprichromis microlepidotus-lineage, and a lineage comprising Cyprichromis pavo and Cyprichromis leptosoma. Our study thus corroborates the distinctness of C. zonatus which was recently described formally. Concerning ecology and mating behavior, a clear evolutionary trend towards progressive adaptation to the pelagic zone emerges during the evolution of the Cyprichromini. The linearized tree analysis further shows that the four lineages have split almost contemporaneously. The mean Kimura-2-parameter distance among the four lineages emerging from the primary radiation of the Cyprichromini amounts to 7.21% and is in close agreement to that previously found for the primary radiation of the tribe Tropheini (7.01%), a lineage of rock-dwelling cichlids endemic to Lake Tanganyika. To date, the influence of lake level fluctuations as promoters of diversification has been demonstrated only for rock-dwelling cichlids. Based on the agreement in temporary patterns of diversification, we suggest that Pleistocene lake level changes have left a similar genetic imprint in a group of cichlid fishes that progressively colonized the open water during their radiation.  相似文献   

The study of island community assembly has been fertile ground for developing and testing theoretical ideas in ecology and evolution. The ecoevolutionary trajectory of lineages after colonization has been a particular interest, as this is a key component of understanding community assembly. In this system, existing ideas, such as the taxon cycle, posit that lineages pass through a regular sequence of ecoevolutionary changes after colonization, with lineages shifting toward reduced dispersal ability, increased ecological specialization, and declines in abundance. However, these predictions have historically been difficult to test. Here, we integrate phylogenomics, population genomics, and X-ray microtomography/3D morphometrics, to test hypotheses for whether the ecomorphological diversity of trap-jaw ants (Strumigenys) in the Fijian archipelago is assembled primarily through colonization or postcolonization radiation, and whether species show ecological shifts toward niche specialization, toward upland habitats, and decline in abundance after colonization. We infer that most Fijian endemic Strumigenys evolved in situ from a single colonization and have diversified to fill a large fraction of global morphospace occupied by the genus. Within this adaptive radiation, lineages trend to different degrees toward high elevation, reduced dispersal ability, and demographic decline, and we find no evidence of repeated colonization that displaces the initial radiation. Overall these results are only partially consistent with taxon cycle and associated ideas, while highlighting the potential role of priority effects in assembling island communities.  相似文献   



Adaptive radiation, the evolution of ecological and phenotypic diversity from a common ancestor, is a central concept in evolutionary biology and characterizes the evolutionary histories of many groups of organisms. One such group is the Mustelidae, the most species-rich family within the mammalian order Carnivora, encompassing 59 species classified into 22 genera. Extant mustelids display extensive ecomorphological diversity, with different lineages having evolved into an array of adaptive zones, from fossorial badgers to semi-aquatic otters. Mustelids are also widely distributed, with multiple genera found on different continents. As with other groups that have undergone adaptive radiation, resolving the phylogenetic history of mustelids presents a number of challenges because ecomorphological convergence may potentially confound morphologically based phylogenetic inferences, and because adaptive radiations often include one or more periods of rapid cladogenesis that require a large amount of data to resolve.  相似文献   

Aim Endemism in the flora of the Azores is high (33%) but in other respects, notably the paucity of evolutionary radiations and the widespread distribution of most endemics, the flora differs markedly from the floras of the other Macaronesian archipelagos. We evaluate hypotheses to explain the distinctive patterns observed in the Azorean endemic flora, focusing particularly on comparisons with the Canary Islands. Location Azores archipelago. Methods Data on the distribution and ecology of Azorean endemic flowering plants are reviewed to ascertain the incidence of inter‐island allopatric speciation and adaptive, ecological speciation. These are contrasted with patterns for the Canary Islands. Patterns of endemism in the Azores and Canaries are further investigated in a phylogenetic context in relation to island age. beast was used to analyse a published molecular dataset for Pericallis (Asteraceae) and to investigate the relative ages of Azorean and Canarian lineages. Results There are few examples of inter‐island allopatric speciation in the Azorean flora, despite the considerable distances between islands and sub‐archipelagos. In contrast, inter‐island allopatric speciation has been an important process in the evolution of the Canary Islands flora. Phylogenetic data suggest that Azorean endemic lineages are not necessarily recent in origin. Furthermore, in Pericallis the divergence of the Azorean endemic lineage from its closest relative pre‐dates the radiation of a Canarian herbaceous clade by inter‐island allopatric speciation. Main conclusions The data presented do not support suggestions that hypotheses pertaining to island age, age of endemic lineages and ecological diversity considered individually explain the lack of radiations and the widespread distribution of Azorean endemics. We suggest that palaeoclimatic variation, a factor rarely considered in macroecological studies of island diversity patterns, may be an important factor. Palaeoclimatic data suggest frequent and abrupt transitions between humid and arid conditions in the Canaries during the late Quaternary, and such an unstable climate may have driven the recent diversification of the flora by inter‐island allopatric speciation, a process largely absent from the climatically more stable Azores. Further phylogenetic/phylogeographic analyses are necessary to determine the relative importance of palaeoclimate and other factors in generating the patterns observed.  相似文献   

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