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绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)可直接进行活体观察,它的这个优点可被用于监测转基因植物中选择标记基因的消除。为此,构建了植物表达载体pGNG,将绿色荧光蛋白基因(gfp)和卡那霉素抗性基因表达盒(NosP-nptll-NosT)一起克隆在两个同向的lox位点间,在第一个lox位点上游置有CaMV 35S启动子以驱动GFP表达,第二个lox位点下游置有不含启动子的大肠杆菌β-葡萄糖醛酸酶(GUS)基因。首先在含卡那霉素(Kan)的培养基上筛选出转pGNG的烟草,借助绿色荧光可容易地检出表达GFP的转化体。然后用另一转化载体pCambia1300Cre二次转化表达GFP的转基因植物,利用另一选择标记基因潮霉素抗性基因(hpt)进行筛选,在获得的再生植株中,Cre重组酶的表达消除了转化体中两lox位点间的gfpnptll。实验结果表明可借助GFP荧光的消失,快速选出nptII被消除的二次转化体,同时GUS(作为目的蛋白) 在CaMV 35S启动子驱动下获得表达。最后利用后代的分离将hptcre除去。  相似文献   

Genes conferring resistance to antibiotics have been widely used as markers for the selection of transformed cells in the development of genetically modified (GM) plants. Their presence in GM plants released in the environment or used as food or feed has raised concerns over the past years regarding possible risks for human health and the environment. Although these concerns have not been supported so far by scientific evidence, the implementation of selection approaches avoiding the presence of antibiotic resistance marker genes (ARMGs) in the final GM plant is increasingly considered by GM plant developers, not only to alleviate the above-mentioned concerns, but also to circumvent technical limitations associated with the use of ARMGs. In the current paper, we present the results of a three-step analysis of selectable markers and reporter genes as well as methods aiming at developing marker-free GM plants. First, based on a comprehensive review of the scientific literature, technical developments in this domain are presented. Second, a state-of-the-art of the current use of selection approaches is provided based on publicly available information on GM plants tested in the field or authorized for commercialization. Third, in order to get more insight in the underlying practical, scientific and/or regulatory arguments supporting the choice of selection approaches, we present the results of a survey directed at relevant developers and users of GM plants. The applicability, efficiency, operational access and biosafety of the various selection approaches is discussed and considered in light of their current use, and in perspective to the long history of use of ARMGs in plant biotechnology.  相似文献   

何勇  罗岸  母连胜  陈强  张艳  叶开温  田志宏 《遗传》2017,39(9):810-827
与细胞核基因工程相比,质体基因工程能更安全、精确和高效地对外源基因进行表达,作为下一代转基因技术已广泛用于基础研究和生物技术应用领域。与细胞核基因工程一样,质体基因工程中也需要合适的选择标记基因用于转化子的筛选和同质化,但基于质体基因组的多拷贝性和母系遗传特点,转化子的同质化需要一个长期的筛选过程,这就决定了质体基因工程中选择标记基因的选择标准将不同于细胞核基因工程中广泛使用的现行标准。目前,质体基因工程的遗传转化操作中使用较多的是抗生素选择标记基因,出于安全性考虑,需要找到可替换、安全的选择标记基因或有效的标记基因删除方法。本文在对质体基因工程研究的相关文献分析基础之上,对主要使用的选择标记基因及其删除体系进行了综述,并对比了其优缺点,同时探讨了质体基因工程中所使用的报告基因,以期为现有选择标记基因及其删除体系的改进和开发提供一定参考,进一步推动质体基因工程,尤其是单子叶植物质体基因工程的发展。  相似文献   

选择标记的使用和残留可引起消费者对转基因生物环境安全和产品安全的担忧,建立消除选择标记的有效对策甚为必要.本研究的目标是评价Cre-LoxP重组系统删除内源性选择标记基因的效能,为猪安全转基因研究提供实验依据和技术支撑.本文所用的打靶载体ΔMSTN含有LoxP位点锚定的选择标记表达框(LoxP-CMV-NeoR-IRES-EGFP-LoxP). 经电穿孔将该打靶载体导入猪肾PK15细胞,经G418筛选,获得稳定整合该载体、EGFP表达均一的单克隆细胞系. 将Cre重组酶表达载体pTurbo-Cre导入该细胞系,借助流式分选(FACS)、终点PCR、荧光定量PCR、TA克隆与测序等手段,证明Cre-LoxP重组系统可在猪细胞内高效介导内源性选择标记基因的删除反应,EGFP水平的删除效率达到46.1 %,DNA水平的删除效率则达到97 %.本文的研究结果为消除选择标记的安全隐患提供了可靠的解决方案,为建立猪安全转基因技术提供了重要的科学依据.  相似文献   

叉角厉蝽Eocanthecona furcellata是一种在生物防治方面有重要作用和潜力的捕食性天敌昆虫,触角是昆虫进行信息交换的重要器官,而嗅觉相关基因则是调控天敌昆虫捕食行为的重要分子基础。为获得叉角厉蝽触角转录组数据库,挖掘叉角厉蝽嗅觉相关基因,本研究利用Illumina高通量测序平台对叉角厉蝽雌雄成虫与5龄若虫触角进行转录组测序。成功构建了叉角厉蝽触角转录组,获得了67 843条unigenes, N50长度为2 300 bp。与七大公共数据库比对注释到27 686条unigenes,其中NR数据库注释最多(33.33%),且与茶翅蝽Halyomorpha halys相似度最高(64.20%)。14 258条注释到GO数据库中,分为生物过程、细胞组分和分子功能3个大类42个亚类;KEGG代谢途径分析表明,7 703条形成282条代谢通路,其中被注释在信号传导通路中的unigenes最多(11.50%)。进一步基因注释分析,鉴定得到134个候选嗅觉相关基因,32个化学感应蛋白基因(Chemosensory protein genes, CSP),10个气味结合蛋白基因(Odor...  相似文献   

A selectable marker gene facilitates the detection of genetically modified plant cells during transformation experiments. So far, these marker genes are almost exclusively of two types, conferring either antibiotic resistance or herbicide tolerance. However, more selectable markers must be developed as additional transgenic traits continue to be incorporated into transgenic plants. Here, we used mercury resistance, conferred by the organomercurial lyase gene, as a selectable marker for transformation. The merB gene fromStreptococcus aureus was modified for plant expression and transferred to a hybrid poplar(Populus alba xPopulus glandulosa), using the stem segment-agrobacteria co-cultivation method. The transformed cells were selected on a callus-inducing medium containing as little as 1 μM methylmercury. Subsequent plant regeneration was done in the presence of methylmercury. Resistance to Hg was stably maintained in mature plants after two years of growth in the nursery. We suggest that this gene could serve as an excellent selectable marker for plant transformation.  相似文献   

Three natural somatic mutations at codon 304 of the phytoene desaturase gene (pds) of Hydrilla verticillata (L. f. Royle) have been reported to provide resistance to the herbicide fluridone. We substituted the arginine 304 present in the wild-type H. verticillata phytoene desaturase (PDS) with all 19 other natural amino acids and tested PDS against fluridone. In in vitro assays, the threonine (Thr), cysteine (Cys), alanine (Ala) and glutamine (Gln) mutations imparted the highest resistance to fluridone. Thr, the three natural mutations [Cys, serine (Ser), histidine (His)] and the wild-type PDS protein were tested in vitro against seven inhibitors of PDS representing several classes of herbicides. These mutations conferred cross-resistance to norflurazon and overall negative cross-resistance to beflubutamid, picolinafen and diflufenican. The T3 generation of transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana plants harbouring the four selected mutations and wild-type pds had similar patterns of cross-resistance to the herbicides as observed in the in vitro assays. The Thr304 Hydrilla pds mutant proved to be an excellent marker for the selection of transgenic plants. Seedlings harbouring Thr304 pds had a maximum resistance to sensitivity (R/S) ratio of 57 and 14 times higher than that of the wild-type for treatments with norflurazon and fluridone, respectively. These plants exhibited normal growth and development, even after long-term exposure to herbicide. As Thr304 pds is of plant origin, it could become more acceptable than other selectable markers for use in genetically modified food.  相似文献   

葡萄感霜霉病基因RAPD标记的序列分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用Wizard DNA clean-up system纯化葡萄感霜霉病基因RAPD遗传标记的DNA片段,用细菌质粒pGEM T-easy vector克隆该片段,采用自动荧光DNA测序仪对片段的核苷酸组成进行双向测序。来自欧洲葡萄粉红玫瑰的葡萄感霜霉病基因RAPD标记由835对核苷酸及其特定序列组成。所获的感霜霉病基因RAPD标记可以作为合成探针的基础,用于葡萄抗病育种过程中的早期选择及品种对霜  相似文献   

The xylose isomerase gene (xylA) from Thermoanaerobacterium thermosulfurogenes (formerly Clostridium thermosulfurogenes) has been expressed in three plant species (potato, tobacco, and tomato) and transgenic plants have been selected on xylose-containing medium. The xylose isomerase gene was transferred to the target plant by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. The xylose isomerase gene was expressed using the enhanced cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) 35S promoter and the translation enhancer sequence from tobacco mosaic virus. Unoptimized selection studies showed that, in potato and tomato, the xylose isomerase selection was more efficient than the established kanamycin resistance selection, whereas in tobacco the opposite was observed. Efficiency may be increased by optimization. The xylose isomerase system enables the transgenic cells to utilize xylose as a carbohydrate source. It is an example of a positive selection system because transgenic cells proliferate while non-transgenic cells are starved but still survive. This contrasts to antibiotic or herbicide resistance where transgenic cells survive on a selective medium but non-transgenic cells are killed. The results give access to a new selection method which is devoid of the disadvantages of antibiotic or herbicide selection.  相似文献   

He YK  Xue WX  Sun YD  Yu XH  Liu PL 《Cell research》2000,10(2):151-160
The experiment was performed to evaluate the progenies of plant lines transgenic for auxin synthesis genes derived from Ri T-DNA.Four lines of the transgenic plants were self-crossed and the foreign auxin genes in plants of T5 generation were confirmed by Southern hybridization.Two lines,D1232 and D1653,showed earlier folding of expanding leaves than untransformed line and therefore had early initiation of leafy head.Leaf cuttings derived from plant of transgenic line D1653 produced more adventitious roots than the control whereas the cuttings from folding leaves had much more roots than rosette leaves at folding stage,and the cuttings from head leaves had more roots than rosette leaves at heading stage.It is demonstrated that early folding of transgenic leaf may be caused by the relatively higher concentration of auxin.These plant lines with auxin transgenes can be used for the study of hormonal regulation in differentiation and development of plant orgens and for the breeding of new variety with rapid growth trait.  相似文献   

Statistical properties and extensions of Hedrick and Muona's method for mapping viability alleles causing inbreeding depression are discussed in this paper. Their method uses the segregation ratios among selfed progeny of a marker-locus heterozygote to estimate the viability reduction, s, of an allele and its recombination fraction, c, with the marker. Explicit estimators are derived for c and s, including expressions for their variances. The degree of estimation bias is examined for cases when (1) the viability allele is partially recessive and (2) the marker locus is linked to two viability loci. If linkage or viability reduction is moderate, very large sample sizes are required to obtain reliable estimates of c and s, in part because these estimates show a statistical correlation close to unity. Power is further reduced because alleles causing viability reduction often occur at low frequency at specific loci in a population. To increase power, we present a statistical model for the joint analysis of several selfed progeny arrays selected at random from a population. Assuming a fixed total number of progeny, we determine the optimal number of progeny arrays versus number of progeny per array under this model. We also examine the increase of information provided by a second, flanking marker. Two flanking markers provide vastly superior estimation properties, reducing sample sizes by approximately 95% from those required by a single marker.  相似文献   

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