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Archaeolemur is a recently extinct genus of lemur that is often compared to some Cercopithecidae, especially baboons. This is due in part to their derived dentition, with large anterior teeth and reduced bilophodont molars. Research involving comparative morphology, analysis of coprolites, isotopes, and enamel structure, have suggested Archaeolemur had an omnivorous diet involving mechanically challenging items. Yet, microwear analysis of posterior teeth does not necessarily support this conclusion.

Materials and Methods

In this macroscopic study, dental chipping was recorded on permanent teeth of Archaeolemur from different localities (53 individuals; 447 permanent teeth; including both A. edwardsi and A. majori specimens). This study aimed to compare chipping patterns across the dentition of Archaeolemur with chipping in other primates.


The results show enamel chipping was prevalent on the anterior teeth of Archaeolemur (38.9% of anterior teeth showed at least one fracture) yet rare in posterior teeth (9%). There was a decrease in chipping frequency across the dentition, moving distally from incisors (50%; 20/40), through caniniform teeth (30%; 15/50), premolars (9.5%; 16/169), and molars (8.5%; 16/188).


The results support previous research suggesting Archaeolemur had a varied omnivorous diet in which the anterior dentition was used for extensive food processing. This likely included mechanically challenging items such as tough/hard large fruits, small vertebrates, and crustaceans. Such a high rate of chipping in the anterior dentition is uncommon in other primates, with exception of hominins.



The causes for the higher biodiversity in the Neotropics as compared to the Nearctic and the factors promoting species diversification in each region have been much debated. The refuge hypothesis posits that high tropical diversity reflects high speciation rates during the Pleistocene, but this conclusion has been challenged. The present study investigates this matter by examining continental patterns of avian diversification through the analysis of large-scale DNA barcode libraries.

Methodology and Principal Findings

Standardized COI datasets from the avifaunas of Argentina, the Nearctic, and the Palearctic were analyzed. Average genetic distances between closest congeners and sister species were higher in Argentina than in North America reflecting a much higher percentage of recently diverged species in the latter region. In the Palearctic genetic distances between closely related species appeared to be more similar to those of the southern Neotropics. Average intraspecific variation was similar in Argentina and North America, while the Palearctic fauna had a higher value due to a higher percentage of variable species. Geographic patterning of intraspecific structure was more complex in the southern Neotropics than in the Nearctic, while the Palearctic showed an intermediate level of complexity.

Conclusions and Significance

DNA barcodes can reveal continental patterns of diversification. Our analysis suggests that avian species are older in Argentina than in the Nearctic, supporting the idea that the greater diversity of the Neotropical avifauna is not caused by higher recent speciation rates. Species in the Palearctic also appear to be older than those in the Nearctic. These results, combined with the patterns of geographic structuring found in each region, suggest a major impact of Pleistocene glaciations in the Nearctic, a lesser effect in the Palearctic and a mild effect in the southern Neotropics.  相似文献   

Atlantic white-sided dolphins (Lagenorhynchus acutus) are highly social odontocetes with a poorly understood tendency to mass strand. With limited capacity to study social ecology in the open ocean, mass strandings provide an opportunity to improve our understanding of group structure. Our study of 32 mass stranding events that occurred on Cape Cod, Massachusetts, between 1999 and 2009 identifies aspects of social ecology that vary across the year. A greater number of mass stranding events occurred outside of the breeding season and there was evidence of age-structuring during the breeding season. We find generally low average intragroup pairwise relatedness assessed across eight microsatellite loci in a subset of 16 mass stranding events. Mass stranded groups do not show higher than expected relatedness when compared to a baseline estimate derived from single-stranded individuals. Overall, our integration of genetic estimates of relatedness with data on sex and maturity-class from stranded specimens suggests that Atlantic white-sided dolphins fall near the more fluid end of the continuum from short-term, highly fluid social associations to long-term, stable groups represented among the odontocetes. Despite their tendency to mass strand, stable, kin-based associations are not a defining feature of social group structure in this species.  相似文献   

Aquatic plants of the genus Ruppia inhabit some of the most threatened habitats in the world, such as coastal lagoons and inland saline to brackish waters where their meadows play several key roles. The evolutionary history of this genus has been affected by the processes of hybridization, polyploidization, and vicariance, which have resulted in uncertainty regarding the number of species. In the present study, we apply microsatellite markers for the identification, genetic characterization, and detection of hybridization events among populations of putative Ruppia species found in the southern Iberian Peninsula, with the exception of a clearly distinct species, the diploid Ruppia maritima. Microsatellite markers group the populations into genetically distinct entities that are not coincident with geographical location and contain unique diagnostic alleles. These results support the interpretation of these entities as distinct species: designated here as (1) Ruppia drepanensis, (2) Ruppia cf. maritima, and (3) Ruppia cirrhosa. A fourth distinct genetic entity was identified as a putative hybrid between R. cf. maritima and R. cirrhosa because it contained a mixture of microsatellite alleles that are otherwise unique to these putative species. Hence, our analyses were able to discriminate among different genetic entities of Ruppia and, by adding multilocus nuclear markers, we confirm hybridization as an important process of speciation within the genus. In addition, careful taxonomic curation of the samples enabled us to determine the genotypic and genetic diversity and differentiation among populations of each putative Ruppia species. This will be important for identifying diversity hotspots and evaluating patterns of population genetic connectivity.  相似文献   

During Drosophila development, the formin actin nucleator Cappuccino (Capu) helps build a cytoplasmic actin mesh throughout the oocyte. Loss of Capu leads to female sterility, presumably because polarity determinants fail to localize properly in the absence of the mesh. To gain deeper insight into how Capu builds this actin mesh, we systematically characterized seven capu alleles, which have missense mutations in Capu''s formin homology 2 (FH2) domain. We report that all seven alleles have deleterious effects on fly fertility and the actin mesh in vivo but have strikingly different effects on Capu''s biochemical activity in vitro. Using a combination of bulk and single- filament actin-assembly assays, we find that the alleles differentially affect Capu''s ability to nucleate and processively elongate actin filaments. We also identify a unique “loop” in the lasso region of Capu''s FH2 domain. Removing this loop enhances Capu''s nucleation, elongation, and F-actin–bundling activities in vitro. Together our results on the loop and the seven missense mutations provides mechanistic insight into formin function in general and Capu''s role in the Drosophila oocyte in particular.  相似文献   

Correlations between the durations of adjacent open and shut intervals recorded from ion channels contain information about the underlying gating mechanism. This study presents an additional approach to extracting the correlation information. Detailed correlation information is obtained directly from single-channel data and quantified in a manner that can provide insight into the connections among the states underlying the gating. The information is obtained independently of any specific kinetic scheme, except for the general assumption of Markov gating. The durations of adjacent open and shut intervals are binned into two-dimensional (2-D) dwell-time distributions. The 2-D (joint) distributions are fitted with sums of 2-D exponential components to determine the number of 2-D components, their volumes, and their open and closed time constants. The dependency of each 2-D component is calculated by comparing its observed volume to the volume that would be expected if open and shut intervals paired independently. The estimated component dependencies are then used to suggest gating mechanisms and to provide a powerful means of examining whether proposed gating mechanisms have the correct connections among states. The sensitivity of the 2-D method can identify hidden components and dependencies that can go undetected by previous correlation methods.  相似文献   

We have calculated the stability of decoy structures of several proteins (from the CASP3 models and the Park and Levitt decoy set) relative to the native structures. The calculations were performed with the force field-consistent ES/IS method, in which an implicit solvent (IS) model is used to calculate the average solvation free energy for snapshots from explicit simulations (ESs). The conformational free energy is obtained by adding the internal energy of the solute from the ESs and an entropic term estimated from the covariance positional fluctuation matrix. The set of atomic Born radii and the cavity-surface free energy coefficient used in the implicit model has been optimized to be consistent with the all-atom force field used in the ESs (cedar/gromos with simple point charge (SPC) water model). The decoys are found to have a consistently higher free energy than that of the native structure; the gap between the native structure and the best decoy varies between 10 and 15 kcal/mole, on the order of the free energy difference that typically separates the native state of a protein from the unfolded state. The correlation between the free energy and the extent to which the decoy structures differ from the native (as root mean square deviation) is very weak; hence, the free energy is not an accurate measure for ranking the structurally most native-like structures from among a set of models. Analysis of the energy components shows that stability is attained as a result of three major driving forces: (1) minimum size of the protein-water surface interface; (2) minimum total electrostatic energy, which includes solvent polarization; and (3) minimum protein packing energy. The detailed fit required to optimize the last term may underlie difficulties encountered in recovering the native fold from an approximate decoy or model structure.  相似文献   

The African clawed frog Xenopus laevis has been instrumental to investigations of both development and cell biology, but the utility of this model organism for genetic and proteomic studies is limited by its long generation time and unsequenced pseudotetraploid genome. Xenopus tropicalis, which is a small, faster-breeding relative of X. laevis, has recently been adopted for research in developmental genetics and functional genomics, and has been chosen for genome sequencing. We show that X. tropicalis egg extracts reconstitute the fundamental cell cycle events of nuclear formation and bipolar spindle assembly around exogenously added sperm nuclei. Interestingly, X. tropicalis spindles were approximately 30% shorter than X. laevis spindles, and mixing experiments revealed a dynamic, dose-dependent regulation of spindle size by cytoplasmic factors. Measurements of microtubule dynamics revealed that microtubules polymerized slower in X. tropicalis extracts compared to X. laevis, but that this difference is unlikely to account for differences in spindle size. Thus, in addition to expanding the range of developmental and cell biological experiments, the use of X. tropicalis provides novel insight into the complex mechanisms that govern spindle morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Nested association mapping (NAM) offers power to dissect complex, quantitative traits. This study made use of a recently developed sorghum backcross (BC)-NAM population to dissect the genetic architecture of flowering time in sorghum; to compare the QTL identified with other genomic regions identified in previous sorghum and maize flowering time studies and to highlight the implications of our findings for plant breeding. A subset of the sorghum BC-NAM population consisting of over 1,300 individuals from 24 families was evaluated for flowering time across multiple environments. Two QTL analysis methodologies were used to identify 40 QTLs with predominately small, additive effects on flowering time; 24 of these co-located with previously identified QTL for flowering time in sorghum and 16 were novel in sorghum. Significant synteny was also detected with the QTL for flowering time detected in a comparable NAM resource recently developed for maize (Zea mays) by Buckler et al. (Science 325:714–718, 2009). The use of the sorghum BC-NAM population allowed us to catalogue allelic variants at a maximal number of QTL and understand their contribution to the flowering time phenotype and distribution across diverse germplasm. The successful demonstration of the power of the sorghum BC-NAM population is exemplified not only by correspondence of QTL previously identified in sorghum, but also by correspondence of QTL in different taxa, specifically maize in this case. The unification across taxa of the candidate genes influencing complex traits, such as flowering time can further facilitate the detailed dissection of the genetic control and causal genes.  相似文献   

A collagen-based extracellular matrix is one defining feature of all Metazoa. The thick sheet-like extracellular matrix (mesoglia) of the diploblast, hydra, has characteristics of both a basement membrane and an interstitial matrix. Several genes associated with mesoglea have been cloned including a basement membrane and fibrillar collagen and an A and B chain of laminin. Here we report the characterization of a further three fibrillar collagen genes (Hcol2, Hcol3, and Hcol5) and the partial sequence of a collagen gene with a unique structural organization consisting of multiple von Willebrand factor A domains interspersed with interrupted collagenous triple helices (Hcol6) from Hydra vulgaris. Hcol2 and -5 have major collagenous domains of classical length ( approximately 1020 amino acid residues), whereas the equivalent domain in Hcol3 is shorter (969 residues). The N-propeptide of Hcol2 contains a whey acid protein four-cysteine repeat (WAP) domain, and the equivalent domain of Hcol3 contains two WAP and two von Willebrand factor A domains. Phylogenetic analyses reveal that the hydra fibrillar collagen genes form a distinct clade that appears related to the protostome/deuterostome A clade of fibrillar collagens. Data base searches reveal Hcol2, -5, and -6 are highly conserved in Hydra magnipapillata, which also provided preliminary evidence for the expression of a B-clade fibrillar collagen. All four of the H. vulgaris collagens are expressed specifically by the ectoderm. The expression pattern for Hcol2 is similar to that previously reported for Hcol1 (Deutzmann, R., Fowler, S., Zhang, X., Boone, K., Dexter, S., Boot-Handford, R. P., Rachel, R., and Sarras, M. P., Jr. (2000) Development 127, 4669-4680) but distinct from the pattern shared by Hcol3 and Hcol5. The characterization of multiple collagen genes in relatively simple diploblastic organisms provides new insights into the molecular evolution of collagens and the origins of the collagen-based extracellular matrix found throughout the multicellular animal kingdom.  相似文献   

The nerve cell is a eumetazoan (cnidarians and bilaterians) synapomorphy [1]; this cell type is absent in sponges, a more ancient phyletic lineage. Here, we demonstrate that despite lacking neurons, the sponge Amphimedon queenslandica expresses the Notch-Delta signaling system and a proneural basic helix loop helix (bHLH) gene in a manner that resembles the conserved molecular mechanisms of primary neurogenesis in bilaterians. During Amphimedon development, a field of subepithelial cells expresses the Notch receptor, its ligand Delta, and a sponge bHLH gene, AmqbHLH1. Cells that migrate out of this field express AmqDelta1 and give rise to putative sensory cells that populate the larval epithelium. Phylogenetic analysis suggests that AmqbHLH1 is descendent from a single ancestral bHLH gene that later duplicated to produce the atonal/neurogenin-related bHLH gene families, which include most bilaterian proneural genes [2]. By way of functional studies in Xenopus and Drosophila, we demonstrate that AmqbHLH1 has a strong proneural activity in both species with properties displayed by both neurogenin and atonal genes. From these results, we infer that the bilaterian neurogenic circuit, comprising proneural atonal-related bHLH genes coupled with Notch-Delta signaling, was functional in the very first metazoans and was used to generate an ancient sensory cell type.  相似文献   

RNase A forms 3D domain-swapped oligomers with novel enzymatic and biological activities. We study how crowding agents and osmolytes affect the formation and dissociation of RNase A oligomers. The crowding agents Ficoll and dextran were found to enhance oligomer formation, whereas the stabilizers sodium sulfate, glycine and trimethylammonium oxide (TMAO) do not. In contrast, TMAO significantly slows RNase A dimer dissociation, while the effect of Ficoll is small. These results lead us to propose that the mechanisms of oligomer formation and dissociation are different. In the RNase A “C-dimer”, the C-terminal β-strand is swapped between two subunits. The loop preceding this β-strand adopts a β-sheet which has been proposed to resemble amyloid structurally. Hydrogen/deuterium (H/D) exchange of the RNase A C-dimer reveal that the H-bonds formed between the swapped C-terminal β-strand and the other subunit are strong. Their rupture may be crucial for C-dimer dissociation. In contrast, H-bonds formed by Asn 113 in the novel β-sheet adopted by the hinge loop in the C-dimer are not strongly protected. Besides the fundamental insights obtained, the results represent a technical advance for obtaining increased oligomer yields and storage lifetimes.  相似文献   

Bacterial flagellar switching between counterclockwise and clockwise directions is mediated by the coupling of the chemotactic system and the motor switch complex. The conformational changes of FliG are closely associated with this switching mechanism. We present two crystal structures of FliG(MC) from Helicobacter pylori, each showing distinct domain orientations from previously solved structures. A 180° rotation of the charged ridge-containing C-terminal subdomain FliG(Cα1-6) that is prompted by the rotational freedom of Met245 psi and Phe246 phi at the MFXF motif was revealed. Studies on the swarming and swimming behavior of Escherichia coli mutants further identified the importance of the ???MFXF??? motif and a highly conserved residue, Asn216, in motor switching. Additionally, multiple conformations of FliG(Cα1-6) were demonstrated by intramolecular cysteine crosslinking. The conformational flexibility of FliGc leads us to propose a model that accounts for the symmetrical torque generation process and for the dynamics of the motor.  相似文献   

A genetic polymorphism in the vitronectin allele directs the production of two distinct forms of the 459 amino acid glycoprotein. A methionine present at position 381 favors production of the single-chain form of vitronectin, while threonine at this position increases the susceptibility of vitronectin to cleavage just beyond its heparin-binding domain at residue 379. This reaction gives rise to a disulfide-bonded, two-chain form of vitronectin. In order to investigate the functional significance of the vitronectin polymorphism, the baculovirus system has been used to express recombinant full-length vitronectin and a truncated form of the molecule that represents the 62-kDa fragment of two-chain vitronectin. Both forms of vitronectin bind and neutralize heparin anticoagulant activity. The proteins also bind PAI-1 and stabilize its active conformation. These experiments suggest that the C-terminal 80 amino acids do not confer a functional difference in the two allelic variants. Immunoassays and gel filtration experiments indicate that both full-length and truncated recombinant forms of vitronectin are multimeric. Together with other reports from this laboratory, these results provide information regarding the primary binding sites for two vitronectin ligands and further define regions that may be involved in multimerization of the protein.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of the complex formed between Deinococcus radiodurans RecR and RecO (drRecOR) has been determined. In accordance with previous biochemical characterisation, the drRecOR complex displays a RecR:RecO molecular ratio of 2:1. The biologically relevant drRecOR entity consists of a heterohexamer in the form of two drRecO molecules positioned on either side of the tetrameric ring of drRecR, with their OB (oligonucleotide/oligosaccharide-binding) domains pointing towards the interior of the ring. Mutagenesis studies validated the protein-protein interactions observed in the crystal structure and allowed mapping of the residues in the drRecOR complex required for DNA binding. Furthermore, the preferred DNA substrate of drRecOR was identified as being 3'-overhanging DNA, as encountered at ssDNA-dsDNA junctions. Together these results suggest a possible mechanism for drRecOR recognition of stalled replication forks.  相似文献   

Stripe rust, caused by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici , is a serious disease of wheat. The spring wheat cultivar Kariega expresses complete adult plant resistance to stripe rust, whereas Avocet S is susceptible. In former studies, quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis of doubled haploid lines derived from a Kariega × Avocet S cross revealed two major QTL ( QYr.sgi-7D and QYr.sgi-2B.1 ) and two minor QTL ( QYr.sgi-1A and QYr.sgi-4A.1 ) responsible for the adult resistance of Kariega in the field. Avocet S contains none of these QTL. In the present study, stripe rust development was compared, by means of fluorescence and confocal laser scanning microscopy, in flag leaves of Kariega, Avocet S and six doubled haploid (DH) lines, containing all four, none or one QTL. Depending on the QTL present, the infection types of the DH lines ranged from resistant to fully susceptible. No differences in fungal growth were observed during the first 5 days post inoculation (dpi), whereas the mean length of the fungal colonies started to differ at 6 dpi. Interestingly, MP 51 carrying QYr.sgi-7D responded with lignification to the fungal growth without restricting it, whereas MP 35 containing QYr.sgi-2B.1 did not show lignified host tissue, but fungal growth was restricted. RT PCR experiments with sequences of pathogenesis-related (PR) proteins resulted in a slightly stronger induction of PR 1, 2 and 5, known markers for the hypersensitive reaction, and peroxidases in MP 51, whereas a second band for chitinases was detected in MP 35 only.  相似文献   

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