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Low-voltage (5-kV) transmission electron microscopy revealed a novel aspect of the pancreatic acinar cell secretory granules not previously detected by conventional (80-kV) transmission electron microscopy. Examination of ultra-thin (30-nm) sections of non-osmicated, stain-free pancreatic tissue sections by low-voltage electron microscopy revealed the existence of granules with non-homogeneous matrix and sub-compartments having circular or oval profiles of different electron densities and sizes. Such partition is completely masked when observing tissues after postfixation with osmium tetroxide by low-voltage transmission electron microscopy at 5 kV and/or when thicker sections (70 nm) are examined at 80 kV. This morphological partition reflects an internal compartmentalization of the granule content that was previously predicted by morphological, physiological, and biochemical means. It corresponds to the segregation of the different secretory proteins inside the granule as demonstrated by high-resolution immunocytochemistry and reflects a well-organized aggregation of the secretory proteins at the time of granule formation in the trans-Golgi. Such partition of the granule matrix undergoes changes under experimental conditions known to alter the secretory process such as stimulation of secretion or diabetes.  相似文献   

A home-made slam freezing device is presented that allows reproducible results in freezing various unfixed tissues. The heart of the device is an aluminium socket, which harbors a plunger that is set in motion by a spring. At the end of the plunger there is an electromagnet which holds the sample on a sheet metal planchette. During stop freezing the electrical contacts are interrupted and the plunger can be withdrawn leaving the specimen on the cooled copper block. This guarantees freezing of not only solid tissues, but also cell suspensions, such as blood or bone marrow.  相似文献   

The solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) spontaneously formed on anode surfaces as a passivation layer plays a critical role in the lithium dissolution and deposition upon discharge/charge in lithium ion batteries and lithium‐metal batteries. The formation kinetics and failure of the SEI films are the key factors determining the safety, power capability, and cycle life of lithium ion and lithium‐metal batteries. Since SEI films evolve with the volumetric and interfacial changes of anodes, it is technically challenging in experimental study of SEI kinetics. Here operando observations are reported of SEI formation, growth, and failure at a high current density by utilizing a mass‐sensitive Cs‐corrected scanning transmission electron microscopy. The sub‐nano‐scale observations reveal a bilayer hybrid structure of SEI films and demonstrate the radical assisted SEI growth after the SEI thickness beyond the electron tunneling regime. The failure of SEI films is associated with rapid dissolution of inorganic layers when they directly contact with the electrolyte in broken SEI films. The initiation of cracks in SEI films is caused by heterogeneous volume changes of the electrodes during delithiation. These microscopic insights have important implications in understanding SEI kinetics and in developing high‐performance anodes with the formation of robust SEI films.  相似文献   

A simple method to cultivate pollen tubes in a gelatin medium is presented. After the growth of the pollen tubes in the culture medium, they are fixed, dehydrated, and embedded in resin for ultramicrotomy. The method is easy and does not require the purchase of special materials beyond those needed for the usual techniques for studying biological specimens under transmission electron microscopy.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional electron tomographic studies of thick specimens such as cellular organelles or supramolecular structures require accurate interpretations of transmission electron micrograph intensities. In addition to microscope lens aberrations, thick specimen imaging is complicated by additional distortions resulting from multiple elastic and inelastic scattering. Extensive analysis of the mechanism of image formation using electron energy-loss spectroscopy and imaging as well as exit wavefront reconstruction demonstrated that multiple scattering does not contribute to the coherent component of the exit wave (Hanet al.,1996, 1995). Although exit wavefront restored images showed enhanced contrast and resolution, that technique, which requires the collection of more than 30 images at different focus levels, is not practical for routine data collection in 3D electron tomography, where usually over 100 projection views are required for each reconstruction. Using a 0.7-μm-thick specimen imaged at 200 keV, the accuracy of reconstructions using small numbers of defocused images and a simple linear filter (Schiske, 1968) was assessed by comparison to the complete exit wave restoration. We demonstrate that only four optimal focus levels are required to effectively restore the coherent component (deviation 5.1%). By contrast, the optimal single image (zero defocus) shows a 25.5% deviation to the exit wave restoration. Two pairs of under- and over-defocus images should be taken: one pair at quite high defocus (>10 μm) to differentiate the coherent (single elastic scattering) from the incoherent (multiple elastic and inelastic scattering) components, and the second pair to optimize information content at the highest desired resolution (e.g., 5 μm for (2.5 nm)−1resolution). We also propose a new interpretation of the restored amplitude and phase components where the specimen mass-density is proportional to the logarithm of the amplitude component and linearly related to the phase component. This approach should greatly facilitate the collection of high resolution tomographic data from thick samples.  相似文献   

Iridescent tissue colors are thought to be produced by iridophores through the optical phenomenon of thin-layer interference. Land and others have shown that structural features, predominantly reflecting platelet width and the cytoplasmic spacing between layers of platelets, determine the wavelength of light maximally reflected by this mechanism in iridophores. Some researchers have used interference microscopy to estimate these structural parameters, but the most direct measurement technique should be transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) has associated processing artifacts (particularly cytoplasmic shrinkage) that preclude direct measurement of ultrastructure, but if a number of assumptions are made, reflected wave-lengths can be predicted. A thin-layer interference model and its associated assumptions were tested using TEM measurements of iridophores from several brightly colored tissues of each of three lizards (Sceloporus jarroui, S. undulatus erythrocheilus, and S. magister). In all the instances examined when the contribution of the pigments present were accounted for, tissue color corresponded with predicted iridophore reflectances from the model. Finally, if the model and its assumptions are assumed to be correct, the amount of iridophore cytoplasmic shrinkage as a result of TEM processing can be calculated.  相似文献   

Conventional methods of chemical fixation are often inadequate for preserving yeast ultrastructure. The thick cell wall severely limits penetration of fixatives rendering poor detail of the cell wall, membranes, and overall anatomy. Dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) enhances penetration of chemicals and has been added to fixatives to improve cell preservation. At high concentrations (5 to 50%), however, it affects ultrastructure unpredictably. We found that adding 0.1% DMSO to fixatives greatly improved retention of yeast ultrastructure. Candida albicans, C. glabrata and Aspergillusfumigatus were fixed for 3 hr in 3% paraformaldehyde, 1% glutaraldehyde, 1 mil MgCl2, 1 mM CaCl2, 0.1% DMSO in 0.1 M sodium cacodylate buffer followed by 1% OsO4, 1% K2Cr2O7, 0.85% NaCl. 0.1% DMSO in the same buffer. Thin epoxy sections were post-stained in uranyl acetate and lead citrate. The multilayered character of the cell wall was distinct and well structured. Addition of ruthenium red or alcian blue to the fixatives further enhanced the outer fibrillar layer. The plasma membrane was contiguous and tightly adjacent to the inner manno-protein layer of the cell wall. The cytoplasm was well preserved and the overall preservation of the yeast ultrastructure was significantly improved.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Developing 2nd- and 3rd-generation schizonts of Eimeria tenella were found in the ceca of chicks infected orally with sporulated oocysts. Several free 2nd-generation schizonts, which varied in diameter from 11 to 21.6 μm, were found on the epithelial surface of the cecum. Some schizonts appeared to have lost merozoites. Other schizonts were intact, one of which was surrounded by an unbroken membrane that followed the contours of the merozoites. Third-generation schizonts, much smaller than 2nd-generation schizonts and with fewer merozoites, were found only on cut or fractured surfaces of the cecal tissue. Third-generation merozoites appeared shorter and thicker than those of the 2nd-generation and were attached to the schizont residuum. A form with conical protuberances and another with 4 triangular segments were found; they were believed to be developing stages 3rd-generation schizonts.  相似文献   

Plastination permits the preservation of anatomical specimens in a physical state approaching that of the living condition. We studied the possibility of using silicone plastinated fragments of spleen and pancreas for optical and electron microscopy, and found that with an adequate fixation protocol, plastinated specimens can be used for both light microscopy and ultra-structural studies. Deplastination with sodium methoxide permitted production of clean sections. Artifacts produced by plastination/deplastination could be nearly eliminated by glutaraldehyde/formaldehyde fixation. The (Biodur) silicone S10 polymer is transparent and stable in an electron beam, and plastinated tissues can be contrasted or colored similar to tissues embedded in Epon 812. In addition to being very life-like, plastinated tissues are stable and easy to handle. They can also be used for electron and light microscopic studies. This technique may also allow retrospective epidemiological studies of archived pathology specimens.  相似文献   

呼肠孤病毒在自然界广泛存在于脊椎动物、无脊椎动物和植物中.水产动物呼肠孤病毒感染曾见于鱼、贝、蟹.近几年随着对对虾病毒病害研究的日益重视,在对虾中也发现呼肠孤病毒的感染.Tsing等[1]最早于1987年在法国南部养殖的日本对虾(P.japonicus)幼虾中发现呼肠孤病毒感染.Krol等[2]于1990年在试验感染的南美白对虾(P.vannamei)中发现呼肠孤样病毒与对虾杆状病毒混合感染.中国大陆养殖的中国对虾自1993年全面暴发流行病以来,许多学者进行了对虾流行病的病原学、流行病学及诊断和防治方法的研究,部分学者曾在中国对虾(P.chinensis)中观察到呼肠孤样病毒颗粒[3],但未报道较详细的电子显微镜观察资料.  相似文献   

生物三维电子显微学在过去几年取得了巨大的突破,一些具有高对称性的病毒颗粒获得了准原子分辨率的结构,非对称性的生物大分子及其复合体的结构分辨率也有快速的提高。而要获得高分辨率的结构,获取足够多的高质量电子显微照片是其中的一个关键因素。近年来,自动化数据采集技术在电子断层成像术和单颗粒方法中都取得了很大的进展。其广泛应用将使结构测定更加快速并使结构分辨率提高到更高的层次。  相似文献   

利用透射电子显微镜(TEM)和原子力显微镜(AFM)观察流感病毒(H1N1),探讨AFM在病毒形态研究中的应用,为病毒形态学研究提供一种新型、简便、快捷的工具.TEM采用磷钨酸负染方法,AFM采用轻敲模式在大气常温下扫描成像,并对主要指标长度(直径)、Ra、Rq等进行测量.两种方法最终得到相似的形态学结果,流感病毒呈球状、丝状,并有一些形状介于两者之间.TEM提供了流感病毒二维图像,可见钉状突起,AFM则呈现了流感病毒三维图像,且可见病毒表面有凹凸不平的特征和边缘有齿轮状的突起,同时获得表面粗糙度等可以量化指标.与TEM观察相比,原子力显微镜是一种制样简单、观察直观的新型病毒形态学研究工具,其表征参数可以作为病毒形态学研究的量化指标.  相似文献   

Rechargeable batteries that make renewable energy resources feasible for electrification technologies have been extensively investigated. Their corresponding performance is strongly dependent on the structural characteristics and chemical dynamics of internal electrode and electrolyte materials under operating conditions. To enhance battery performance and lifetime, a comprehensive understanding of the structure-dynamics-performance correlation of such materials under different working conditions is of great significance. Fortunately, in situ transmission electron microscopy (TEM) encompassing high-resolution imaging, diffraction, and spectroscopic analysis, offers unprecedented insights into the nano/atomic scale structural changes and degradation pathways of rechargeable battery materials under operational conditions. Such insights are pivotal for a deep-rooted understanding of reaction mechanisms and the structure-activity interplay within battery materials. This work, therefore, highlights the advances in in situ TEM's utility in unveiling dynamic chemical and physical changes in real-time within battery materials of rechargeable batteries. Electrochemical processes and degradation mechanisms are systematically explored and summarized. Moreover, the technical progress, challenges, and valuable insights provided by in situ TEM techniques for addressing critical issues in battery materials are underscored. The work concludes with a discussion of emerging research directions that hold the potential to revolutionize the renewable energy field in the near future.  相似文献   

Hexamethyldisilazane treatment and subsequent air drying of spread plant chromosomes is compared with critical point drying. The two procedures are equivalent for preparing chromosomes for examination by field emission scanning electron microscopy at low voltage.  相似文献   

纤毛虫大核提取方法上的改进及其扫描电镜观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以包囊游仆虫(Euplotes encysticus)为材料,对Arikawa等报道的纤毛虫大核提取方法进行了改进,提出了一种更为简便有效的方法,即:用去垢剂Triton X-100处理细胞,结合玻璃微吸管的物理破碎,得到完整的大核后,应用扫描电镜观察。  相似文献   

采用组织匀浆免疫沉淀后负染、免疫组化块染后包埋、原位包埋等免疫电镜技术,研究丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)。组织匀浆、免疫沉定、负染后在电镜下观察到与HCV相关的类病毒颗粒,形态与披膜病毒相似,大小多在55~65nm,圆形,有包膜,边缘略有突起或比较平滑,有胶体金结合在此种颗粒上及其周围。无关单抗阴性对照无类似颗粒及胶体金。免疫酶染电镜下还见到成堆可疑颗粒。此外,HCV-E区抗原染色后原位包埋,尚发现胶体金大多结合于大小50nm左右圆形结构的内部,表明E区单抗针对的特异性抗原位点位于这种结构的内侧。  相似文献   

Atomic‐resolution imaging of halide perovskites (HPs) using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) is challenging because of the sensitivity of their structures to the electron beam. In this article, recent achievements in this area are reviewed, covering both all‐inorganic and organic–inorganic hybrid HPs, with an emphasis on the specific imaging conditions that have proven to be effective in avoiding electron beam‐induced structural damage. The discussion focusses on the total electron dose that HPs can bear before being damaged and the effects of different imaging modes, accelerating voltages, and temperatures. The crucial role of a direct‐detection electron‐counting camera in reducing the required electron dose is outlined, which is indispensable for imaging extremely sensitive organic–inorganic hybrid perovskites. In addition to reviewing published works, the results of initial attempts to perform atomic‐resolution elemental mapping for an all‐inorganic HP and image a hybrid HP using scanning TEM are introduced. The preparation of a TEM specimen from macroscopic crystals or devices of HPs, which is very important for practical applications but has not yet received attention, is also discussed. This article aims to provide guidance on the acquisition of atomic‐resolution TEM images of HPs and inspire the development of more imaging technologies for sensitive materials.  相似文献   

The recent development for in situ transmission electron microscopy, which allows imaging through liquids with high spatial resolution, has attracted significant interests across the research fields of materials science, physics, chemistry and biology. The key enabling technology is a liquid cell. We fabricate liquid cells with thin viewing windows through a sequential microfabrication process, including silicon nitride membrane deposition, photolithographic patterning, wafer etching, cell bonding, etc. A liquid cell with the dimensions of a regular TEM grid can fit in any standard TEM sample holder. About 100 nanoliters reaction solution is loaded into the reservoirs and about 30 picoliters liquid is drawn into the viewing windows by capillary force. Subsequently, the cell is sealed and loaded into a microscope for in situ imaging. Inside the TEM, the electron beam goes through the thin liquid layer sandwiched between two silicon nitride membranes. Dynamic processes of nanoparticles in liquids, such as nucleation and growth of nanocrystals, diffusion and assembly of nanoparticles, etc., have been imaged in real time with sub-nanometer resolution. We have also applied this method to other research areas, e.g., imaging proteins in water. Liquid cell TEM is poised to play a major role in revealing dynamic processes of materials in their working environments. It may also bring high impact in the study of biological processes in their native environment.  相似文献   

Chlorosomes are the light harvesting structures of green photosynthetic bacteria. Each chlorosome from green sulfur bacteria houses hundreds of thousands of bacteriochlorophyll molecules in addition to smaller amounts of chlorobiumquinone and carotenoids. In electron microscopy studies, chlorosomes exhibit different appearances depending on the fixation method used. Fixation with osmium tetroxide results in electron-transparent chlorosomes. Fixation with potassium permanganate results in clearly delineated electron-dense chlorosomes. This fixation method features an electron-transparent area in the interior of the chlorosome. In addition to electron density patterns that can be considered compositions of rod-shaped elements, chlorosomes exhibit a striation pattern that is oriented parallel to the longitudinal axis. Treatment with osmium tetroxide followed by potassium permanganate treatment results in a more diffused density distribution that outlines connecting elements between the chlorosome and the cytoplasmic membrane, and connecting elements between the cytoplasmic membrane and the outer membrane, which act as a diffusion barrier for electron density.  相似文献   

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