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Highly purified elongation factor 1 (light form, EF1L) from rat liver contains zinc as determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Analysis has been performed on the most active protein fraction from DEAE-Sephadex chromatography (estimated purity: 90%) and on the main band obtained from this fraction by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The data are consistent with a stoichiometry of approximately one g-atom of zinc per 54,000 daltons of EF1L protein. A functional role for Zn2+ is suggested by the fact that 0.3 mM 1,10-phenanthroline completely abolishes GTP binding by EF1L (measured by the nitrocellulose filter retention assay), while the isomeric non-chelator 1,7-phenanthroline has no effect. This inhibition can be overcome by the addition of excess zinc ion.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional NMR spectroscopic and computational methods were employed for the structure determination of an 18-residue peptide with the amino acid sequence of the C-terminal retroviral-type (r.t.) zinc finger domain from the nucleocapsid protein (NCP) of HIV-1 [Zn(HIV1-F2)]. Unlike results obtained for the first retroviral-type zinc finger peptide, Zn(HIV1-F1), [Summers et al. (1990) Biochemistry 29, 329], broad signals indicative of conformational lability were observed in the 1H NMR spectrum of Zn-(HIV1-F2) at 25 degrees C. The NMR signals narrowed upon cooling to -2 degrees C, enabling complete 1H NMR signal assignment via standard two-dimensional (2D) NMR methods. Distance restraints obtained from qualitative analysis of 2D nuclear Overhauser effect (NOESY) data were used to generate 30 distance geometry (DG) structures with penalties (penalty = sum of the squared differences between interatomic distances defined in the restraints file and in the DG structures) in the range 0.02-0.03 A2. All structures were qualitatively consistent with the experimental NOESY spectrum based on comparisons with 2D NOESY back-calculated spectra. Superposition of the backbone atoms (C, C alpha, N) for residues C(1)-C(14) gave pairwise RMSD values in the range 0.16-0.75 A. The folding of Zn(HIV1-F2) is very similar to that observed for Zn(HIV1-F1). Small differences observed between the two finger domains are localized to residues between His(9) and Cys(14), with residues M(11)-C(14) forming a 3(10) helical corner.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Growth cones at the distal tips of growing nerve axons contain bundles of actin filaments distributed throughout the lamellipodium and that project into filopodia. The regulation of actin bundling by specific actin binding proteins is likely to play an important role in many growth cone behaviors. Although the actin binding protein, fascin, has been localized in growth cones, little information is available on its functional significance. We used the large growth cones of the snail Helisoma to determine whether fascin was involved in temporal changes in actin filaments during growth cone morphogenesis. Fascin localized to radially oriented actin bundles in lamellipodia (ribs) and filopodia. Using a fascin antibody and a GFP fascin construct, we found that fascin incorporated into actin bundles from the beginning of growth cone formation at the cut end of axons. Fascin associated with most of the actin bundle except the proximal 6--12% adjacent to the central domain, which is the region associated with actin disassembly. Later, during growth cone morphogenesis when actin ribs shortened, the proximal fascin-free zone of bundles increased, but fascin was retained in the distal, filopodial portion of bundles. Treatment with tumor promoter 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA), which phosphorylates fascin and decreases its affinity for actin, resulted in loss of all actin bundles from growth cones. Our findings suggest that fascin may be particularly important for the linear structure and dynamics of filopodia and for lamellipodial rib dynamics by regulating filament organization in bundles.  相似文献   

Chromosomal localization of zinc finger protein genes in man and mouse   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
We have determined the mouse and human chromosomal location of a gene (Zfp-3) that codes for a protein that contains potential DNA zinc-binding fingers. An analysis of the segregation of restriction fragment length polymorphisms in recombinant inbred strains and in an interspecific backcross demonstrated that Zfp-3 is located on mouse chromosome 11. Zfp-3 is very closely linked to the Trp53-1 locus but unlinked to another finger protein gene Zfp-4 located on mouse chromosome 8. In humans ZFP3 has been localized to chromosome 17p12-17pter and thus is part of the conserved linkage group between this chromosome and the distal half of mouse chromosome 11.  相似文献   

In a 17-kb genomic fragment of Trypanosoma cruzi chromosome XX, we identified three tandemly linked genes coding for CX(2)CX(4)HX(4)C zinc finger proteins. We also showed that similar genes are present in T. brucei and Leishmania major, sharing three monophyletic groups among these trypanosomatids. In T. cruzi, TcZFP8 corresponds to a novel gene coding for a protein containing eight zinc finger motifs. Molecular cloning of this gene and heterologous expression as a fusion with a His-tag were performed in Escherichia coli. The purified recombinant protein was used to produce antibody in rabbits. Using Western blot analysis, we observed the presence of this protein in all three forms of the parasite: amastigote, trypomastigote and epimastigote. An analysis of cytoplasmic and nuclear cell extracts showed that this protein is present in nuclear extracts, and indirect immunofluorescence microscopy confirmed the nuclear localization of TcZFP8. Homologues of TcZFP8 in T. brucei are apparently absent, while one candidate in L. major was identified.  相似文献   

Activation of the Evi-1 zinc finger gene is a common event associated with transformation of murine myeloid leukemias. To characterize the gene product, we developed antisera against various protein domains. These antisera primarily detected a 145-kilodalton nuclear protein that bound double-stranded DNA. Binding was inhibited by chelating agents and partially restored by zinc ions.  相似文献   

Elongation factor (EF)-1 beta, a 26 kDa protein, is the eukaryotic equivalent of bacterial EF-Ts, the nucleotide exchange factor in protein synthesis. EF-1 beta catalyzes the exchange of guanine nucleotides bound to EF-1 alpha; the latter protein is the eukaryotic equivalent of bacterial EF-Tu. Limited proteolytic cleavage studies on EF-1 beta lead to the following picture: the protein is composed of two domains, an aminoterminal and a carboxyterminal domain, connected to each other by a stretch of hydrophilic, charged amino acids situated in the middle of the molecule. The carboxyterminal domain supplies the catalytic site for the nucleotide exchange reaction, whereas the aminoterminal domain interacts with EF-1 gamma, the third component of elongation factor 1. The regulatory, serine phosphate residue, Ser-89, localized in the hydrophilic stretch of EF-1 beta, does not appear to be necessary for the basic exchange reaction. The fourth component of the high molecular weight elongation factor complex (EF-1H), named EF-1 delta or 28 K protein, is homologous to EF-1 beta and contains regions very similar to the carboxyterminal part. EF-1 delta was found to be active in the nucleotide exchange reaction.  相似文献   

A monomeric actin bundling protein with a native molecular weight of approximately 50,000 (ABP-50) has been isolated from amoebae of Dictyostelium discoideum. ABP-50 cross-links F-actin to form tightly packed bundles, some of which are highly ordered. It exhibits a Kd of 2.1 microM and a molar ratio to actin of 1:1 in bundles. Calcium and ATP at physiological concentrations have no effect on these activities. ABP-50 is immunologically unrelated to 30-kDa protein, a previously described bundling protein from Dictyostelium. Immunofluorescence with affinity-purified polyclonal antibodies indicates that ABP-50 is localized in regions of the amoeboid cell cortex containing actin bundles. The molar ratio of ABP-50 to actin is approximately 1:5 in vivo. Therefore, the abundance of ABP-50 suggests that it may be responsible for the majority of the bundling activity in these cells.  相似文献   

Myopodin is an actin bundling protein that shuttles between nucleus and cytoplasm in response to cell stress or during differentiation. Here, we show that the myopodin sequence 58KKRRRRARK66, when tagged to either enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) or to enhanced cyan fluorescent protein-CapG (ECFPCapG), is able to target these proteins to the nucleolus in HeLa or HEK293T cells. By contrast, 58KKRR61-ECFP-CapG accumulates in the nucleus. Mutation of 58KKRRRRARK66 into alanine residues blocks myopodin nuclear import and promotes formation of cytoplasmic actin filaments. A second putative nuclear localization sequence, 612KTSKKKGKK620, displays much weaker activity in a heterologous context, and appears not to be functional in the full length protein. Thus myopodin nuclear translocation is dependent on a monopartite nuclear localization sequence.  相似文献   

We investigated the biochemical characteristics of the 51-kDa protein that is a major mitotic apparatus-associated basic protein of sea urchin eggs (Toriyama, M., Ohta, K., Endo, S., and Sakai, H. (1988) Cell Motil. Cytoskeleton 9, 117-128). The amino acid composition of the 51-kDa protein was apparently different from those of tubulin, actin, histones, and myelin basic protein; yet it was similar to those of polypeptide elongation factors 1 alpha (EF-1 alpha). In addition, antibody to EF-1 alpha from yeast cross-reacted with the 51-kDa protein. [3H] GTP binding activity was detected in the phosphocellulose-purified fraction (PC fraction) which predominantly contained the 51-kDa protein and was shown to be specific to GTP, GDP, guanylyl imidodiphosphate, and ITP. Photo-affinity labeling using [alpha-32P]8-azidoguanosine triphosphate (8-azido-GTP) demonstrated that a 51-kDa polypeptide in the PC fraction specifically bound 8-azido-GTP. This GTP-binding polypeptide was bound to a GTP affinity column, could be eluted by the addition of GTP, and was immunoreactive with anti-51-kDa protein antibodies. When the PC fraction was applied to a gel filtration chromatography column, GTP binding activity was completely coeluted with the 51-kDa protein. Furthermore, the PC fraction and the gel filtration-purified fraction had EF-1 alpha activity: [14C]Phe-tRNA transferring activity to ribosomes in the presence of poly(U) and ribosome-dependent GTPase activity. The results indicate that the mitotic apparatus-associated 51-kDa protein is a GTP-binding protein and suggest that it is structurally and functionally related to yeast EF-1 alpha.  相似文献   

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