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The time course of [Ca2+]i, tension, and myosin light chain phosphorylation were determined during prolonged depolarization with high K+ in intact tonic (rabbit pulmonary artery) and phasic (longitudinal layer of guinea pig ileum) smooth muscles. [Ca2+]i was monitored with the 340 nm/380 nm signal ratio of the fluorescent indicator fura-2. The fluorescence ratio had a similar time course in both muscle types during depolarization with 109 mM [K+]o; after a transient peak, there was a decline to 70% of its peak value in tonic smooth muscle, and to 60% in phasic smooth muscle. Tension, however, continued to increase in the pulmonary artery, while in the ileum it declined in parallel with the [Ca2+]i. On changing [K+]o from 109 to 20 mM, tension and [Ca2+]i either remained unchanged or declined in parallel in the pulmonary artery. Phosphorylation of the 20-kD myosin light chain, measured during stimulation of muscle strips with 109 mM [K+]o in another set of experiments, increased from 3% to a peak of 50% in the intact pulmonary artery, and then declined to a steady state value of 23%. In the intact ileum, a very rapid, early transient phosphorylation (up to 50%) at 2-3 s was seen. This transient declined by 30 s to a value that was close to the resting level (7%), while tension remained at 55% of its peak force. A quick release during maintained stimulation induced no detectable change in the [Ca2+]i in either type of smooth muscle. We discuss the possibility that the slowly rising tonic tension in pulmonary artery could be due to cooperativity between phosphorylated and nonphosphorylated crossbridges.  相似文献   

Effects of MgATP, MgADP, and Pi on actin movement by smooth muscle myosin.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
To test the idea that the in vitro motility assay is a simplified model system for muscle contraction, the MgATP-dependent movement of actin filaments by thiophosphorylated smooth muscle myosin was characterized in the presence of the products MgADP and inorganic phosphate. The dependence of actin filament velocity on MgATP concentration was hyperbolic with a maximum velocity of 0.6 micron/s and an apparent Km = 40 microM (30 degrees C). MgADP competitively inhibited actin movement by MgATP with a Ki = 0.25 mM. Inorganic phosphate did not affect actin filament velocity in the presence of 1 mM MgATP, but competitively inhibited movement in the presence of 50 microM MgATP with a Ki = 9.5 mM. The effects of ADP and Pi on velocity agree with fiber mechanical studies, confirming that the motility assay is an excellent system to investigate the molecular mechanisms of force generation and shortening in smooth muscle. The rate at which rigor cross-bridges can be recruited to move actin filaments was observed by initiating cross-bridge cycling from rigor by flash photolysis of caged MgATP. Following the flash, which results in a rapid increase in MgATP concentration, actin filaments experienced a MgATP-dependent delay prior to achieving steady state velocity. The delay at low MgATP concentrations was interpreted as evidence that motion generating cross-bridges are slowed by a load due to a transiently high percentage of rigor cross-bridges immediately following MgATP release.  相似文献   

Ca+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaM kinase II) is regulated by calcium oscillations, autophosphorylation, and its subunit composition. All four subunit isoforms were detected in gastric fundus and proximal colon smooth muscles by RT-PCR, but only the gamma and delta isoforms are expressed in myocytes. Relative gamma and delta message levels were quantitated by real-time PCR. CaM kinase II protein and Ca2+/calmodulin-stimulated (total) activity levels are higher in proximal colon smooth muscle lysates than in fundus lysates, but Ca2+/calmodulin-independent (autonomous) activity is higher in fundus lysates. CaM kinase II in fundus lysates is relatively unresponsive to Ca2+/calmodulin. Alkaline phosphatase decreased CaM kinase II autonomous activity in fundus lysates and restored its responsiveness to Ca2+/calmodulin. Acetylcholine (ACh) increased autonomous CaM kinase II activity in fundus and proximal colon smooth muscles in a time- and dose-dependent manner. KN-93 enhanced ACh-induced fundus contractions but inhibited proximal colon contractions. The different properties of CaM kinase II from fundus and proximal colon smooth muscles suggest differential regulation of its autophosphorylation and activity in tonic and phasic gastrointestinal smooth muscles.  相似文献   

Photolytic release of MgADP (25-300 microM) from caged ADP in permeabilized tonic (rabbit femoral artery-Rfa) and phasic (rabbit bladder-Rbl) smooth muscle in high-tension rigor state, in the absence of Ca(2+), caused an exponential decline (approximately 1.5% in Rfa and approximately 6% in Rbl) of rigor force, with the rate proportional to the liberated [MgADP]. The apparent second-order rate constant of MgADP binding was estimated as approximately 1.0 x 10(6) M(-1) s(-1) for both smooth muscles. In control experiments, designed to test the specificity of MgADP, photolysis of caged ADP in the absence of Mg(2+) did not decrease rigor force in either smooth muscle, but rigor force decreased after photolytic release of Mg(2+) in the presence of ADP. The effects of photolysis of caged ADP were similar in smooth muscles containing thiophosphorylated or non-phosphorylated regulatory myosin light chains. Stretching or releasing (within range of 0.1-1.2% of initial Ca(2+)-activated force) did not affect the rate or relative amplitude of the force decrease. The effect of additions of MgADP to rigor cross-bridges could result from rotation of the lever arm of smooth muscle myosin, but this need not imply that ADP-release is a significant force-producing step of the physiological cross-bridge cycle.  相似文献   

Tonic rabbit femoral artery and phasic rabbit ileum smooth muscles permeabilized with Triton X-100 were activated either by increasing [Ca2+] from pCa > 8.0 to pCa 6.0 (calcium-ascending protocol) or contracted at pCa 6.0 before lowering [Ca2+] (calcium-descending protocol). The effects of, respectively, high [MgATP]/low [MgADP] [10 mM MgATP + creatine phosphate (CP) + creatine kinase (CK)] or low [MgATP]/[MgADP] (2 mM MgATP, 0 CP, 0 CK) on the "force-[Ca]" relationships were determined. In femoral artery at low, but not at high, [MgATP]/[MgADP] the force and the ratio of stiffness/force at pCa 7.2 were significantly higher under the calcium-descending than calcium-ascending protocols (54% vs. 3% of Po, the force at pCa 6.0) (force hysteresis); the levels of regulatory myosin light chain (MLC20) phosphorylation (9 +/- 2% vs. 10 +/- 2%) and the velocities of unloaded shortening V0 (0.02 +/- 0.004 l/s with both protocols) were not significantly different. No significant force hysteresis was detected in rabbit ileum under either of these experimental conditions. [MgADP], measured in extracts of permeabilized femoral artery strips by two methods, was 130-140 microM during maintained force under the calcium-descending protocol. Exogenous CP (10 mM) applied during the descending protocol reduced endogenous [MgADP] to 46 +/- 10 microM and abolished force hysteresis: residual force at low [Ca2+] was 17 +/- 5% of maximal force. We conclude that the proportion of force-generating nonphosphorylated (AMdp) relative to phosphorylated cross-bridges is higher on the Ca2+-descending than on the Ca2+-ascending force curve in tonic smooth muscle, that this population of positively strained dephosphorylated cross-bridges has a high affinity for MgADP, and that the dephosphorylated AMdp . MgADP state makes a significant contribution to force maintenance at low levels of MLC20 phosphorylation.  相似文献   

The motor protein myosin binds actin and ATP, producing work by causing relative translation of the proteins while transducing ATP free energy. Smooth muscle myosin has one of four heavy chains encoded by the MYH11 gene that differ at the C-terminus and in the active site for ATPase due to alternate splicing. A seven-amino-acid active site insert in phasic muscle myosin is absent from the tonic isoform. Fluorescence increase in the nucleotide sensitive tryptophan (NST) accompanies nucleotide binding and hydrolysis in several myosin isoforms implying it results from a common origin within the motor. A wild-type tonic myosin (smA) construct of the enzymatic head domain (subfragment 1 or S1) has seven tryptophan residues and nucleotide-induced fluorescence enhancement like other myosins. Three smA mutants probe the molecular basis for the fluorescence enhancement. W506+ contains one tryptophan at position 506 homologous to the NST in other myosins. W506F has the native tryptophans except phenylalanine replaces W506, and W506+(Y499F) is W506+ with phenylalanine replacing Y499. W506+ lacks nucleotide-induced fluorescence enhancement probably eliminating W506 as the NST. W506F has impaired ATPase activity but retains nucleotide-induced fluorescence enhancement. Y499F replacement in W506+ partially rescues nucleotide sensitivity demonstrating the role of Y499 as an NST facilitator. The exceptional response of W506 to active site conformation opens the possibility that phasic and tonic isoforms differ in how influences from active site ATPase propagate through the protein network.  相似文献   

Cryo-atomic force microscopy of smooth muscle myosin.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Y Zhang  Z Shao  A P Somlyo    A V Somlyo 《Biophysical journal》1997,72(3):1308-1318
The motor and regulatory domains of the head and the 14-nm pitch of the alpha-helical coiled-coil of the tail of extended (6S) smooth-muscle myosin molecules were imaged with cryo atomic force microscopy at 80-85 K, and the effects of thiophosphorylation of the regulatory light chain were examined. The tail was 4 nm shorter in thiophosphorylated than in nonphosphorylated myosin. The first major bend was invariant, at approximately 51 nm from the head-tail junction (H-T), coincident with low probability in the paircoil score. The second major bend was 100 nm from the H-T junction in nonphosphorylated and closer to a skip residue than the bend (at 95 nm) in thiophosphorylated molecules. The shorter tail and distance between the two major bends induced by thiophosphorylation are interpreted to result from melting of the coiled-coil. An additional bend not previously reported occurred, with a lower frequency, approximately 24 nm from the H-T. The range of separation between the two heads was greater in thiophosphorylated molecules. Occasional high-resolution images showed slight unwinding of the coiled-coil of the base of the heads. We suggest that phosphorylation of MLC20 can affect the structure of extended, 6S myosin.  相似文献   

The internal anal sphincter (IAS) tone is important for the rectoanal continence. The RhoA/Rho kinase (ROK) pathway has been associated with the agonist-induced sustained contraction of the smooth muscle, but its role in the spontaneously tonic smooth muscle is not known. Present studies compared expression of different components of the RhoA/ROK pathway between the IAS (a truly tonic SM), the rectal smooth muscle (RSM) (a mixture of phasic and tonic), and anococcygeus smooth muscle (ASM) (a purely phasic SM) of rat. RT-PCR and Western blot analyses were performed to determine RhoA, ROCK-II, CPI-17, MYPT1, and myosin light-chain 20 (MLC20). Phosphorylated CPI-17 at threonine-38 residue (p(Thr38)-CPI-17), MYPT1 at threonine-696 residue (p(Thr696)-MYPT1), and MLC20 at threonine-18/serine-19 residues (p(Thr18/Ser19)-MLC20) were also determined in the basal state and after pretreatment with the ROK inhibitor Y 27632. In addition, we compared the effect of Y 27632 on the basal isometric tension and ROK activity in the IAS vs. the RSM. Our data show the highest levels of RhoA, ROCK-II, CPI-17, MLC20, and of phospho-MYPT1, -CPI-17, and -MLC20 in the IAS followed by in the RSM and ASM. Conversely, MYPT1 levels were lowest in the IAS and highest in the ASM. In the IAS, Y 27632 caused a concentration-dependent decrease in the basal tone, levels of phospho-MYPT1, -CPI-17, and -MLC20, and ROK activity. We conclude that RhoA/ROK plays a critical role in the basal tone in the IAS by the inhibition of MLC phosphatase via the phosphorylation of MYPT1 and CPI-17.  相似文献   

Smooth muscles are divided into slowly contracting tonic and relatively fast phasic muscles. In both cases Ca2+ is a key mediator of the contractile response. However, the appearance of a tonic component during sphincter or arterial muscle contraction and its absence in contracting visceral smooth muscle is characteristic of their difference. We have found that in chicken tissues phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate (PDBu) induces a sustained contraction in carotid arterial muscle, but provokes no contraction in phasic gizzard smooth muscle. Next we were aimed to find differences in PDBu-induced phosphorylation of the key proteins involved in regulation of smooth muscle contraction, i.e. caldesmon, myosin light chain kinase (MLCK), and the myosin light chain kinase-related protein (KRP, also known as telokin). Two correlative differences were observed. 1. PDBu stimulated phosphorylation of MLCK in tonic smooth muscle and had no effect on the level of MLCK phosphorylation in phasic muscle. Phosphopeptide mapping suggests the involvement of mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinases in phosphorylation of MLCK in situ. 2. PDBu induced phosphorylation of MAP-kinase sites in caldesmon in both types of smooth muscle, but this phosphorylation had no significant effect on caldesmon functional activity in vitro. For the first time we have shown that in gizzard PDBu also stimulates a yet unknown transitory caldesmon-kinase different from protein kinase, C, Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent kinase II and casein kinase CK2. 3. No significant difference was found in the kinetics of PDBu-dependent phosphorylation of KRP in tonic and phasic smooth muscles. KRP was also demonstrated to be a major phosphoprotein in smooth muscle phosphorylated in vivo at several sites located within its N-terminal sequence. Protein kinases able to phosphorylate these sites were identified in vitro. Among them, MAP-kinase was suggested to phosphorylate a serine residue homologous to that phosphorylated in MLCK. 4. p42erk2 and p38 MAP-kinases were found in phasic and tonic smooth muscles. Both were responsive to PDBu in cultured chicken aortic smooth muscle cells, and their role in phosphorylation of MLCK and low molecular weight isoform of caldesmon was evaluated.  相似文献   

W Fischer  G Pfitzer 《FEBS letters》1989,258(1):59-62
In intact smooth muscle strips from chicken gizzard, electrical stimulation and carbachol elicited brief, phasic contractions which were associated with a very rapid, transient phosphorylation of the 20 kDa myosin light chains. The phosphorylation transients reached their peak after 3 s and 6 s and preceded that of force. Phosphorylation was not significantly different from basal levels after 10 s and 30 s while force still amounted to 50% of the peak value. The rate of tension decline could be increased by cessation of stimulation or by addition of atropine, even at apparently basal phosphorylation levels suggesting a phosphorylation independent regulation.  相似文献   

Affinity chromatography of immobilized actin and myosin.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Actin and myosin were immobilized by coupling them to agarose matrices. Both immobilized G-actin and immobilized myosin retain most of the properties of the proteins in free solution and are reliable over long periods of time. Sepharose-F-actin, under the conditions used in this study, has proved unstable and variable in its properties. Sepharose-G-actin columns were used to bind heavy meromyosin and myosin subfragment 1 specifically and reversibly. The interaction involved is sensitive to variation in ionic strength, such that myosin itself is not retained by the columns at the high salt concentration required for its complete solubilization. Myosin, rendered soluble at low ionic strength by polyalanylation, will interact successfully with the immobilized actin. The latter can distinguish between active and inactive fractions of the proteolytic and polyalanyl myosin derivatives, and was used in the preparation of these molecules. The complexes formed between the myosin derivatives and Sepharose-G-actin can be dissociated by low concentrations of ATP, ADP and pyrophosphate in both the presence and the absence of Mg2+. The G-actin columns were used to evaluate the results of chemical modifications of myosin subfragments on their interactions with actin. F-Actin in free solution is bound specifically and reversibly to columns of insolubilized myosin. Thus, with elution by either ATP or pyrophosphate, actin has been purified in one step from extracts of acetone-dried muscle powder.  相似文献   

Binding of adenosine diphosphate to skeletal muscle myosin was studied using a range of concentrations from 0 to 2 mM. Up to 0.2 mM adenosine diphosphate two equivalent and independent nucleotide binding sites were detected, characterized by the single association constant of 5 x 10(4)M(-1). At greater adenosine diphosphate concentrations a decreasing binding capacity was noticed, bound nucleotide being essentially approximately 0.1 mol/mol at a 1-2mM adenosine diphosphate concentration. We tentatively propose that nucleotides act indirectly on myosin by promoting the perturbation of the solvent, which is supported by the fact that polyphosphates are known powerful kosmotropes.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine whether steric blockage of one head by the second head of native two-headed myosin was responsible for the inactivity of nonphosphorylated two-headed myosin compared with the high activity of single-headed myosin, as suggested on the basis of electron microscopy of two-dimensional crystals of heavy meromyosin (Wendt, T., Taylor, D., Messier, T., Trybus, K. M., and Taylor, K. A. (1999) J. Cell Biol. 147, 1385-1390; and Wendt, T., Taylor, D., Trybus, K. M., and Taylor, K. (2001) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 98, 4361-4366). Our earlier cryo-atomic force microscopy (cryo-AFM) (Zhang, Y., Shao, Z., Somlyo, A. P., and Somlyo, A. V. (1997) Biophys. J. 72, 1308-1318) indicates that thiophosphorylation of the regulatory light chain increases the separation of the two heads of a single myosin molecule, but the thermodynamic probability of steric hindrance by strong binding between the two heads was not determined. We now report this probability determined by cryo-AFM of single whole myosin molecules shown to have normal low ATPase activity (0.007 s-1). We found that the thermodynamic probability of the relative head positions of nonphosphorylated myosin was approximately equal between separated heads as compared with closely apposed heads (energy difference of 0.24 kT (where k is a Boltzman constant and T is the absolute temperature)), and thiophosphorylation increased the number of molecules having separated heads (energy advantage of -1.2 kT (where k is a Boltzman constant and I is the absolute temperature)). Our results do not support the suggestion that strong binding of one head to the other stabilizes the blocked conformation against thermal fluctuations resulting in steric blockage that can account for the low activity of nonphosphorylated two-headed myosin.  相似文献   

Urinary bladder (detrusor) smooth muscle is active in the absence of an external stimulus. Tone occurs even "at rest" during the filling phase, and it is elevated in patients with overactive bladder. This study examined the role of muscle length on tone and the level of basal myosin light chain phosphorylation (MLC(20P)). MLC(20P) was 23.9 +/- 1% (n = 58) at short lengths (zero preload; L(z)). An increase in length from L(z) to the optimal length for contraction (L(o)) caused a reduction in MLC(20P) to 15.8 +/- 1% (n = 49). Whereas 10 microM staurosporine reduced MLC(20P) at L(z), 1 microM staurosporine, a Ca(2+)-free solution, and inhibitors of MLC kinase, protein kinase C (PKC) and RhoA kinase (ROK) did not. However, 1 microM staurosporine and inhibitors of ROK inhibited MLC(20P) and tone at L(o). These data support the hypothesis that a Ca(2+)-independent kinase, possibly ZIP-like kinase, regulates MLC(20P) at L(z), whereas in detrusor stretched to L(o), additional kinases, such as ROK, participate.  相似文献   

Smooth muscle cells express isoforms of actin and myosin heavy chains (MHC). In early postnatal animals the nonmuscle (NM) actin and MHC isoforms in vascular (aorta) smooth muscle were present in relatively high percentages. More than 30% of the MHC and 40% of the actin isoforms were NM. The relative percentage of the NM isoforms decreased significantly as the animals reached maturity, with NM MHC less than 10% and NM actin less than 30% of the totals. Concurrent with this decrease in NM isoforms was an increase in the smooth muscle (SM) isoforms. The relative changes and time frame in which these changes occurred were very similar for the actin and MHC isoforms. In arterial tissue there were species differences for changes with development in the two SM MHC isoforms (SM1 and SM2). The ratio of SM1:SM2 in young rat aorta was approximately 0.5, while this same ratio was approximately 3 in young swine carotid. Both adult rats and swine had a SM1:SM2 MHC ratio of approximately 1.2. Rat bladder smooth muscle showed no significant change in NM vs SM ratio between young and old rats, while the SM1:SM2 ratio decreased from 2.7 to 1.7 between these age groups. The shifts in alpha and beta actin were similar to those in the vascular tissue, but of much smaller magnitude.  相似文献   

The actin-binding activity of myosin light chain kinase (MLCK) from smooth muscle was studied with special reference to the ATP-dependent interaction between actin and myosin. MLCK in the presence of calmodulin endowed sensitivity to Ca2+ on the movement of actin filaments on phosphorylated myosin from smooth muscle that was fixed on a coverslip. This regulatory effect was not attributable to the kinase activity of MLCK but could be explained by its actin-binding activity. The importance of the actin-binding activity was further substantiated by results of an experiment with Nitellopsis actin-cables in which MLCK regulated the interaction under conditions where MLCK was exclusively associated with the actin-cables.  相似文献   

Synthetic myosin filaments from vertebrate smooth muscle   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

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