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The 62-channel EEG was recorded while control non-alexithymic (n = 21) and alexithymic (n = 20) participants viewed sequentially presented neutral, pleasant and unpleasant pictures and subjectively rated them after each presentation. The event-related synchronization (ERS) to these stimuli was assessed in the theta-1 (4-6 Hr) and theta-2 (6-8 Hz) frequency bands. The obtained findings indicate that alexithymia influences perception of only emotional stimuli. In the upper theta over anterior cortical regions alexithymia vs control individuals in response to both pleasant and unpleasant stimuli manifested decreased left hemisphere ERS in the early test period of 0-200 ms along with enhanced ERS in response to negative vs positive and neutral stimuli in the right hemisphere at 200-600 ms after stimulus onset. The findings provide the first EEG evidence that alexithymia construct, associated with a cognitive deficit in initial evaluation of emotion, is indexed by disrupted early frontal synchronization in the upper theta band that can be best interpreted to reflect disregulation during appraisal of emotional stimuli.  相似文献   

The lateralization of emotion has been described in a variety of animals. The right hemisphere has been implicated in the processing of negative emotions while positive emotions are processed in the left. Most animal studies of this phenomenon to date have used intrinsically emotionally arousing stimuli and there are few examples of lateralized responses to learned emotional triggers. It is known that males and females may demonstrate different patterns of lateralization, and that these sex differences may interact with other variables. We investigated the lateralized response of male and female convict cichlids to emotionally conditioned stimuli. One stimulus was given an appetitive (positive emotional valence) association by pairing with food. The other stimulus was given an aversive (negative emotional valence) association by pairing with a chemical alarm signal. We found that males tend to be more strongly lateralized to aversive stimuli while females are more strongly lateralized when responding to appetitive stimuli.  相似文献   

随着社会竞争的日益加剧,人们在生活、学习、工作中都可能遇到各种与情绪有关的事件,如何根据情境的要求和个人的需要对情绪进行灵活性的反应,对每个人而言都至关重要.情绪灵活性的研究已成为情绪心理学、临床心理学、健康心理学等多个领域热衷讨论的课题.研究发现,左侧和右侧前额叶皮层半球不同程度地涉及加工和调节对情绪刺激的情绪反应,因此,额叶脑电图(EEG)偏侧化与情绪灵活性存在密切关系.但是,额叶EEG偏侧化是否是情绪灵活性的一个客观指标,以及额叶EEG偏侧化怎样预测情绪灵活性,至今仍不清楚.本研究测量了通过情绪电影范式诱发被试产生高兴、悲伤、愤怒、恐惧、厌恶等情绪过程中的额叶EEG活动.结果显示,情绪灵活性的激活模式反映的是情绪的动机维度,而不是情绪的效价维度.在静息状态下,对于与接近动机相关的情绪,额叶EEG左侧化的个体的左侧化程度增加;对于与回避动机相关的情绪,其左侧化程度降低.与之相对,静息状态额叶EEG右侧化的个体,无论对于与趋近动机相关的情绪还是与回避动机相关的情绪,额叶EEG偏侧化的程度没有发生改变.研究表明,额叶EEG偏侧化模式能够预测情绪灵活性,额叶EEG左侧化的个体有更灵活的情绪反应,额叶EEG右侧化的个体则有相对不灵活的情绪反应.  相似文献   

Considerable experimental evidence shows that functional cerebral asymmetries are widespread in animals. Activity of the right cerebral hemisphere has been associated with responses to novel stimuli and the expression of intense emotions, such as aggression, escape behaviour and fear. The left hemisphere uses learned patterns and responds to familiar stimuli. Although such lateralization has been studied mainly for visual responses, there is evidence in primates that auditory perception is lateralized and that vocal communication depends on differential processing by the hemispheres. The aim of the present work was to investigate whether dogs use different hemispheres to process different acoustic stimuli by presenting them with playbacks of a thunderstorm and their species-typical vocalizations. The results revealed that dogs usually process their species-typical vocalizations using the left hemisphere and the thunderstorm sounds using the right hemisphere. Nevertheless, conspecific vocalizations are not always processed by the left hemisphere, since the right hemisphere is used for processing vocalizations when they elicit intense emotion, including fear. These findings suggest that the specialisation of the left hemisphere for intraspecific communication is more ancient that previously thought, and so is specialisation of the right hemisphere for intense emotions.  相似文献   

Visual evoked potentials (VEP) in standard 16 EEG derivations were recorded in 26 young men and 20 women during recognition of facial emotional expressions and geometric figures. The stimuli were presented on a computer screen in the center of the visual field or randomly in the right or left vision hemifields. Peak VEP latency and mean amplitude in 50-ms epochs were measured; spatiotemporal VEP dynamics was analyzed in a series of topographic maps. The right hemisphere was shown to be more important in processing emotional faces. The character of the asymmetry was dynamic: at earlier stages of emotion processing the electrical activity was higher in the right inferior temporal region compared to the left symmetrical site. Later on the activity was higher in the right frontal and central areas. The dynamic mapping of "face-selective" component N180 of VEPs revealed the onset of activation over the right frontal areas that was followed by the fast activation of symmetrical left zones. Notably, this dynamics didn't correlate with the hemifield of stimuli exposition. The degree of asymmetry was lower during presentation of figures, especially in the inferior temporal and frontal regions. The prominent asymmetry of information processes in the inferior temporal and frontal areas was suggested to be specific for recognition of facial expression.  相似文献   

A positivity advantage is known in emotional word recognition in that positive words are consistently processed faster and with fewer errors compared to emotionally neutral words. A similar advantage is not evident for negative words. Results of divided visual field studies, where stimuli are presented in either the left or right visual field and are initially processed by the contra-lateral brain hemisphere, point to a specificity of the language-dominant left hemisphere. The present study examined this effect by showing that the intake of caffeine further enhanced the recognition performance of positive, but not negative or neutral stimuli compared to a placebo control group. Because this effect was only present in the right visual field/left hemisphere condition, and based on the close link between caffeine intake and dopaminergic transmission, this result points to a dopaminergic explanation of the positivity advantage in emotional word recognition.  相似文献   

The quantity of correct and erroneous identifications of human emotions was compared according to their intonational and mimical cues in the group of healthy persons (31 persons) and in the group of patients with lesions of different cortical parts of the left and right cerebral hemispheres (54 patients). It was established that the intactness of the temporal parts of both hemispheres is important for non-verbal recognition (choosing of appropriate photograph by the observer) of emotions by mimics. Correct verbal identification of emotions by mimics requires the integrity of the fronto-parietal parts of the left hemisphere while verbal identification of emotional intonation needs the intactness of the fronto-parietal parts of the right hemisphere. The significance of the temporal areas (especially of the right hemisphere) increases in case when the emotional colouring of the presented verbal communication does not coincide with its contents.  相似文献   

We studied modifications of EEG activity related to perception of visual stimuli (pictures) of the International Affective Picture System (IAPS) in women during different phases of the ovulatory (menstrual) cycle. We found that the woman’s brain is most intensely activated by both emotionally negative and positive visual stimuli during the follicular phase of the ovulatory cycle, while such activation is minimum during ovulation per se. Upon the action of neutral stimuli, cerebral activation was the most intense during the lutein phase (compared with that within other phases); manifestations of activation were concentrated in the right hemisphere. Cognitive and emotional components of perception of affective pictures were expressed to a greatest extent in the course of viewing positive stimuli during the follicular phase. Perception of emotionally pleasant stimuli during other phases was accompanied by lateralization of activation of sensory and analytical processes in the left hemisphere during the ovulatory phase and in the right hemisphere within the lutein phase. The viewing of emotionally negative pictures during the follicular phase led to a rise in the power of theta oscillations in the left frontal region and also to depression of the alpha activity in central/parietal parts of the left hemisphere, which can result from aggravation of anxiety and verbally shaped disturbing ideas upon the action of such stimuli. Presentation of erotically colored visual stimuli caused the most intense changes in the EEG, which depended on the phases of the ovulatory cycle, during post-stimulation time interval but not during the viewing of pictures itself.  相似文献   

Speech and emotion perception are dynamic processes in which it may be optimal to integrate synchronous signals emitted from different sources. Studies of audio-visual (AV) perception of neutrally expressed speech demonstrate supra-additive (i.e., where AV>[unimodal auditory+unimodal visual]) responses in left STS to crossmodal speech stimuli. However, emotions are often conveyed simultaneously with speech; through the voice in the form of speech prosody and through the face in the form of facial expression. Previous studies of AV nonverbal emotion integration showed a role for right (rather than left) STS. The current study therefore examined whether the integration of facial and prosodic signals of emotional speech is associated with supra-additive responses in left (cf. results for speech integration) or right (due to emotional content) STS. As emotional displays are sometimes difficult to interpret, we also examined whether supra-additive responses were affected by emotional incongruence (i.e., ambiguity). Using magnetoencephalography, we continuously recorded eighteen participants as they viewed and heard AV congruent emotional and AV incongruent emotional speech stimuli. Significant supra-additive responses were observed in right STS within the first 250 ms for emotionally incongruent and emotionally congruent AV speech stimuli, which further underscores the role of right STS in processing crossmodal emotive signals.  相似文献   

Different kinds of emotional phenomena are related in a different way with the workings of the left and right hemispheres of the brain. Emotional reactions (phasic emotions), which appear on the basis of a cognitive loading (mental representation, recognition, play, prognostication, watching movies, reading of emotionally colored texts or separate words and so on) and which are tested with the help of electrophysiological methods, activate different regions of the left and right hemispheres of the brain depending on the complexity and novelty of emotiogenic situations as well as on the degree of subject's emotional tension. The tonic emotions individual background-mood, on which depends the emotional estimation (negative of positive) of the presented stimuli or events, are determined mostly by a prolonged, relatively stable, tonic activation of each hemisphere connected with subjects' individual characteristics. The predominance of the left hemisphere activity creates positive emotional background, whereas the predominance of the right hemisphere creates negative background.  相似文献   

It is well established that for most people linguistic processing is primarily a left hemisphere activity, whereas recent evidence has shown that basic odor perception is more lateralized to the right hemisphere. Importantly, under certain conditions, emotional responding also shows right hemisphere laterality. Hedonic (pleasantness) assessments constitute basic level emotional responses. Given that olfaction is predominantly ipsilateral in function, it was hypothesized that odor pleasantness evaluations may be accentuated by right nostril perception and that odor naming would be superior with left nostril perception. To test this prediction we presented eight familiar neutral-mildly pleasant odors for subjects to sniff through the left and right nostrils. Subjects smelled each odor twice (once through each nostril) at two different sessions, separated by 1 week. At each session subjects provided pleasantness, arousal and naming responses to each odorant. Results revealed that odors were rated as more pleasant when sniffed through the right nostril and named more correctly when sniffed through the left. No effects for arousal were obtained. These findings are consistent with previously demonstrated neural laterality in the processing of olfaction, emotion and language, and suggest that a local and functional convergence may exist between olfaction and emotional processing.  相似文献   

Emotions are expressed more clearly on the left side of the face than the right: an asymmetry that probably stems from right hemisphere dominance for emotional expression (right hemisphere model). More controversially, it has been suggested that the left hemiface bias is stronger for negative emotions and weaker or reversed for positive emotions (valence model). We examined the veracity of the right hemisphere and valence models by measuring asymmetries in: (i) movement of the face; and (ii) observer's rating of emotionality. The study uses a precise three-dimensional (3D) imaging technique to measure facial movement and to provide images that simultaneously capture the left or right hemifaces. Models (n = 16) with happy, sad and neutral expressions were digitally captured and manipulated. Comparison of the neutral and happy or sad images revealed greater movement of the left hemiface, regardless of the valence of the emotion, supporting the right hemisphere model. There was a trend, however, for left-sided movement to be more pronounced for negative than positive emotions. Participants (n = 357) reported that portraits rotated so that the left hemiface was featured, were more expressive of negative emotions whereas right hemiface portraits were more expressive for positive emotions, supporting the valence model. The effect of valence was moderated when the images were mirror-reversed. The data demonstrate that relatively small rotations of the head have a dramatic effect on the expression of positive and negative emotions. The fact that the effect of valence was not captured by the movement analysis demonstrates that subtle movements can have a strong effect on the expression of emotion.  相似文献   

More than sensory stimuli, odorous stimuli were employed to facilitate the evocation of emotional responses in the present study. The odor-stimulated emotion was evaluated by investigating specific features of encephalographic (EEG) responses produced thereof. In this study, the concentrations of the same odor were altered; viz., the changes in odor-induced emotional level were compared with the concurrently monitored EEG response features. In addition, we performed the mental task to evoke the arousal state of the brain and investigated the resemblance of response characteristics of the resting state to the post-mental task resting state. Subjects having no abnormalities in the sense of smell included 12 male undergraduate and graduate students (age range: 22-26 years). Experiment I involved 2 types of odors that induced favorable odorous stimuli (pleasant induction); test-solutions were either diluted 150 (easily perceptible odorous sensation) or 500 (slightly perceptible odorous stimuli) times. Experiment II had 2 types of odors that evoked unfavorable odorous stimuli (unpleasant induction), and test-solutions with dilution rates similar to those of pleasant induction were prepared. Odorless distilled water was used as the control in both experiments. From results of rating the odorous stimuli of our compounds used, the candidates were respectively found to be appropriate in inducing the pleasant and unpleasant smell sensations. The analyses of EEG responses on inducing pleasant and unpleasant smell sensations revealed that the EEG activities of the left frontal region were enhanced. This finding may establish the hypothesis of a relationship prevailing between the positive approach-related emotion evoked by the visual sensation and the left hemisphere (Davidson, 1992; Tomarken et al., 1989). In other words, it can be interpreted that the negative withdrawal-related emotion may be associated with activities of the right hemisphere. However, this hypothesis may not be applicable to the unpleasant odors, as the unpleasant emotions are activated by the unpleasant odors not only in the bilateral frontal regions but also over an extensive area of the brain. As such, the pleasant emotions are evoked in the left frontal brain region while the unpleasant emotions are incited in the bilateral frontal and extensive regions in the brain with the odorous stimuli. Moreover, intrinsic EEG activities in response to the pleasant and unpleasant inputs were not observed after performing the mental tasks. In other words, EEG responses reflecting central nervous system activities elevated by loading of the mental tasks as a result of exposure to the pleasant and unpleasant odors may not apparently be observed.  相似文献   

目的:研究结合延迟样本匹配任务和分视野范式,探讨负性情绪对言语和空间工作记忆的影响。方法:32名大学本科生参加实验,在中性和负性情绪图片呈现阶段,所有被试完成言语和空间工作记忆任务各160个trial。结果:言语工作记忆任务在右视野呈现时正确率较高,反应时较短,而空间工作记忆任务则在左视野呈现时表现出相似的反应优势;负性情绪状态下的工作记忆表现均优于中性情绪状态。结论:言语及空间工作记忆分别具有左、右半球的加工优势,且负性情绪对工作记忆具有促进作用。  相似文献   

Motor alimentary conditioned reflex was elaborated in Wistar line rats to presentation of various pairs of figures, those of larger area serving as positive signals. In tests on animals with intact brain and with unilateral hemispheric cortical inactivation, new pairs of figures were used besides basic stimuli. The level of analysis in testing experiment was lower than normal: by 5.6% at intact brain, by 16.4%--at right hemisphere inactivation, by 36.4%--at left hemisphere inactivation. Elimination of the left hemisphere produced prolongation of the conditioned reaction time, signs of frustration and aftereffect. In conditions of right hemisphere inactivation the level of discrimination of figures depended on their specific properties and the side of presentation. Conclusion is made on dominating role of the left hemisphere in analysis of abstract and concrete characteristics of visual stimuli, in control of temporal, spatial and emotional characteristics of reactions in situations when considerable abstraction and distinguishing of generalizing invariant sign "more-less" is necessary for elaboration of the conditioned reflex.  相似文献   

Voluntary components of the emotion perception were shown to be related to the left hemisphere temporal area in patients with focal lesions of postero-frontal and temporal areas of both hemispheres, whereas the involuntary components required involvement of the right hemisphere temporal area. The voluntary components of the emotion reproduction are associated with involvement of the left hemisphere postero-frontal area, whereas involuntary components of perception are related to work of the right hemisphere postero-frontal area. The data obtained suggest that the voluntary (conscious) recognition and reproduction of emotions are mainly related to the sensory and motor speech centres of the left hemisphere, whereas involuntary those involve symmetrical areas of the opposite hemisphere.  相似文献   

Event-related desynchronization (ERD) and synchronization (ERS) in response to neutral, positive and negative emotional IAPS stimuli were measured in narrow theta, alpha-1, alpha-2 and alpha-3 frequency bands in 22 healthy Ss. A high resolution 62-channel EEG was recorded while subjects viewed a sequence of pictures. The effects of valence discrimination related to hemispheric asymmetries are associated with increased theta and alpha-3 synchronization. Theta ERS revealed a significant valence by hemisphere interaction for anterior temporal leads in the time window of 100-700 ms after stimulus onset indicating a relatively greater right hemisphere ERS for negative and a left hemisphere ERS for positive stimuli in comparison to neutral those. In the alpha-3 band, negative stimuli induced a left hemisphere ERS increase (F7 site) in the time window of 800-1200 ms not observed for neutral and positive stimuli. The results obtained along with the earlier observations on EEG correlates of affective processing challenge the notion that effective anterior hemispheric asymmetries are reflected mainly in the wide alpha frequency band.  相似文献   

The efficiency of emotion recognition by verbal and facial samples was tested in 81 persons (25 healthy subjects and 56 patients with focal pathology of premotor and temporal areas of brain hemispheres). The involvement of some cortical structures in the recognition of the basic emotional states (joy, anger, grief, and fear) and the neutral state was compared. It was shown that the damage to both right and left hemispheres impaired the recognition of emotional states by not only facial but also verbal samples. Damage to the right premotor area and to the left temporal area impaired the efficiency of the emotion recognition by both kinds of samples to the highest degree.  相似文献   

To assess the involvement of different structures of the human brain into successive stages of the recognition of the principal emotions by facial expression, we examined 48 patients with local brain lesions and 18 healthy adult subjects. It was shown that at the first (intuitive) stage of the recognition, premotor areas of the right hemisphere and temporal areas of the left hemisphere are of considerable importance in the recognition of both positive and negative emotions. In this process, the left temporal areas are substantially involved into the recognition of anger, and the right premotor areas predominantly participate in the recognition of fear. In patients with lesions of the right and left brain hemispheres, at the second (conscious) stage of recognition, the critical attitude to the assessment of emotions drops depending on the sign of the detected emotion. We have confirmed the hypothesis about a correlation between the personality features of the recognition of facial expressions and the dominant emotional state of a given subject.  相似文献   

Averaged evoked potentials (AEP) to verbal (letters) and nonverbal (random shapes) stimuli exposed in the left and right visual fields were registered in healthy subjects with normal vision. Analysis of the later AEP latencies pointed to asymmetry in the temporal parameters of the interhemispheric interaction. The late AEP latency is shorter in the right hemisphere than in the left hemisphere. The difference is more pronounced in responses to nonverbal stimuli. The earlier development of the evoked potential in the right hemisphere (or the later one in the left hemisphere) accounts for the interhemispheric difference in the temporal parameters of the late AEP components. Comparison of the latency of the component P300 to verbal and nonverbal stimuli presented in the ipsilateral or the contralateral visual fields reveals a transfer of the results of the cortical processing of visual information in the course of interhemispheric interaction.  相似文献   

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