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Kuo-Chen Chou 《Proteins》1995,21(4):319-344
The development of prediction methods based on statistical theory generally consists of two parts: one is focused on the exploration of new algorithms, and the other on the improvement of a training database. The current study is devoted to improving the prediction of protein structural classes from both of the two aspects. To explore a new algorithm, a method has been developed that makes allowance for taking into account the coupling effect among different amino acid components of a protein by a covariance matrix. To improve the training database, the selection of proteins is carried out so that they have (1) as many non-homologous structures as possible, and (2) a good quality of structure. Thus, 129 representative proteins are selected. They are classified into 30 α, 30 β, 30 α + β, 30 α/β, and 9 ζ (irregular) proteins according to a new criterion that better reflects the feature of the structural classes concerned. The average accuracy of prediction by the current method for the 4 × 30 regular proteins is 99.2%, and that for 64 independent testing proteins not included in the training database is 95.3%. To further validate its efficiency, a jackknife analysis has been performed for the current method as well as the previous ones, and the results are also much in favor of the current method. To complete the mathematical basis, a theorem is presented and proved in Appendix A that is instructive for understanding the novel method at a deeper level. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the polymorphism of α-globin chain of hemoglobin amongst caprines, the linked Iα and IIα globin genes of Barbary sheep (Ammotragus lervia), goat (Capra hircus), European mouflon (Ovis aries musimon), and Cyprus mouflon (Ovis aries ophion) were completely sequenced, including the 5′ and 3′ untranslated regions. European and Cyprus mouflons, which do not show polymorphic α globin chains, had almost identical α globin genes, whereas Barbary sheep exhibit two different chains encoded by two nonallelic genes. Four different α genes were observed and sequenced in goat, validating previous observations of the existence of allelic and nonallelic polymorphism. As in other vertebrates, interchromosomal gene conversion appears to be responsible for such polymorphism. Evaluation of nucleotide sequences at the level of molecular evolution of the Iα-globin gene family in the caprine taxa suggests a closer relationship between the genus Ammotragus and Capra. Molecular clock estimates suggest sheep-mouflon, goat-aoudad, and ancestor-caprine divergences of 2.8, 5.7, and 7.1 MYBP, respectively.  相似文献   

The nervous system of nauplii of the crustacean taxon Cirripedia was analysed in the species Balanus improvisus Darwin, 1854 using for the first time immunocytochemical staining against serotonin, RFamide and α-tubulin in combination with confocal laser scanning microscopy. This approach revealed a circumoesophageal neuropil ring with nerves extending to the first and second antennae and to the mandibles, all features typical for Crustacea. In addition, RFamidergic structures are present in the region of the thoraco-abdomen. A pair of posterior nerves and a pair of lateral nerves run in anterior-posterior direction and are connected by a thoracic nerve ring and a more posteriorly situated commissure. A median nerve is situated along the ventral side of the thoraco-abdomen. The innervation of frontolateral horns and the frontal filaments are α-tubulin-positive. Several pairs of large neurons in the protocerebrum, along the circumoesophageal connectives and in the mandibular ganglion stain only for serotonin. Due to the almost complete absence of comparable data on the neuroanatomy of early (naupliar) stages in other Crustacea, we include immunocytochemical data on the larvae of the branchiopod, Artemia franciscana Kellogg, 1906 in our analysis. We describe several characteristic neurons in the brains of the nauplius larvae of both species which are also found in decapod larvae and in adult brains of other crustaceans. Furthermore, our data reveal that the naupliar brain of cirripedes is more complex than the adult brain. It is concluded that this ontogenetic brain reduction is related to the sessile life style of adult Cirripedia.  相似文献   

Plant α-amylase inhibitors show great potential as tools to engineer resistance of crop plants against pests. Their possible use is, however, complicated by the observed variations in specificity of enzyme inhibition, even within closely related families of inhibitors. Better understanding of this specificity depends on modelling studies based on ample structural and biochemical information. A new member of the α-amylase inhibitor family of cereal endosperm has been purified from rye using two ionic exchange chromatography steps. It has been characterised by mass spectrometry, inhibition assays and N-terminal protein sequencing. The results show that the inhibitor has a monomer molecular mass of 13 756 Da, is capable of dimerisation and is probably glycosylated. The inhibitor has high homology with the bifunctional α-amylase/trypsin inhibitors from barley and wheat, but much poorer homology with other known inhibitors from rye. Despite the homology with bifunctional inhibitors, this inhibitor does not show activity against mammalian or insect trypsin, although activity against porcine pancreatic, human salivary, Acanthoscelides obtectus and Zabrotes subfasciatus α-amylases was observed. The inhibitor is more effective against insect α-amylases than against mammalian enzymes. It is concluded that rye contains a homologue of the bifunctional α-amylase/trypsin inhibitor family without activity against trypsins. The necessity of exercising caution in assigning function based on sequence comparison is emphasised.  相似文献   

We report a selective, differential stimulus-dependent enrichment of the actin-associated protein α-actinin and of isoforms of the signaling enzyme protein kinase C (PKC) in the neutrophil cytoskeleton. Chemotactic peptide, activators of PKC, and cell adhesion all induce a significant increase in the amount of cytoskeletal α-actinin and actin. Increased association of PKCβI and βII with the cytoskeletal fraction of stimulated cells was also observed, with phorbol ester being more effective than chemotactic peptide. A fraction of phosphatase 2A was constitutively associated with the cytoskeleton independent of cell activation. None of the stimuli promoted association of vinculin or myosin II with the cytoskeleton. Phosphatase inhibitors okadaic acid and calyculin A prevented increases in cytoskeletal actin, α-actinin, and PKCβII induced by phorbol ester, suggesting the requirement for phosphatase activity in these events. Increases in cytoskeletal α-actinin and PKCβII showed differing sensitivity to agents that prevent actin polymerization (cytochalasin D, latrunculin A). Latrunculin A (1 μM) completely blocked PMA-induced increases in cytoskeletal α-actinin but reduced cytoskeletal recruitment of PKCβII only by 16%. Higher concentrations of latrunculin A (4 μM), which almost abolished the cytoskeletal actin pool, reduced cytoskeletal PKCβII by 43%. In conclusion, a selective enrichment of cytoskeletal and signaling proteins in the cytoskeleton of human neutrophils is induced by specific stimuli.  相似文献   

Sequences of 40 very diverse representatives of the α-crystallin–small heat-shock protein (α-Hsp) superfamily are compared. Their characteristic C-terminal ‘α-crystallin domain' of 80–100 residues contains short consensus sequences that are highly conserved from prokaryotes to eukaryotes. There are, in addition, some positions that clearly distinguish animal from non-animal α-Hsps. The α-crystallin domain is predicted to consist of two hydrophobic β-sheet motifs, separated by a hydrophilic region which is variable in length. Combination of a conserved α-crystallin domain with a variable N-terminal domain and C-terminal extension probably modulates the properties of the various α-Hsps as stress-protective and structural oligomeric proteins. Phylogeny reconstruction indicates that multiple α-Hsps were already present in the last common ancestor of pro- and eukaryotes. It is suggested that during eukaryote evolution, animal and non-animal α-Hsps originated from different ancestral gene copies. Repeated gene duplications gave rise to the multiple α-Hsps present in most organisms.  相似文献   

The chemokines RANTES (regulated on activation, normal T cell expressed and secreted) and SDF-1α (stromal cell-derived factor-1α) are important regulators of leukocyte trafficking and homing. Chemokines form insoluble inclusion bodies when expressed in Escherichia coli (E. coli), resulting in low yields of soluble protein. We have developed a novel chemokine expression system that generates a high amount of soluble protein and uses a simple purification scheme. We cloned different types of RANTES and SDF-1α fused to either maltose binding protein (MBP) or glutathione-S-transferase (GST) and expressed the fusion proteins in E. coli under various conditions. We found that the yield of soluble chemokine is influenced by the type of fusion partner. Fusion to MBP resulted in a higher yield of total and soluble chemokine compared to GST. Under optimized conditions, the yield of soluble MBP–RANTES and MBP–SDF-1α was 2.5- and 4.5-fold higher than that of the corresponding GST-fusion protein, respectively. Recombinant chemokine fusion proteins exhibited specific binding activity to chemokine receptors. These results demonstrate that the use of MBP-fusion proteins may provide an approach to generating high yields of soluble and functional chemokines, such as RANTES and SDF-1α.  相似文献   

Maintenance of oxygen homeostasis is a key requirement to ensure normal mammalian cell growth and differentiation. Hypoxia arises when oxygen demand exceeds supply, and is a feature of multiple human diseases including stroke, cancer and renal fibrosis. We have investigated the effect of hypoxia on kidney cells, and observed that insulin-induced cell viability is increased in hypoxia. We have characterized the role of protein kinase B (PKB/Akt) in these cells as a potential mediator of this effect. PKB/Akt activity was increased by low oxygen concentrations in kidney cells, and insulin-stimulated activation of PKB/Akt was stronger, more rapid and more sustained in hypoxia. Reduction of HIF1alpha levels using antimycin-A or siRNA targeting HIF1alpha did not affect PKB/Akt activation in hypoxia. Pharmacologic stabilization of HIF1alpha independent of hypoxia did not increase insulin-stimulated PKB/Akt activation. Although increased insulin-stimulated cell viability was observed in hypoxia, no differences in the degree of insulin-stimulated glucose uptake were observed in L6 muscle cells in hypoxia compared to normoxia. Thus, PKB/Akt may regulate specific cellular responses to growth factors such as insulin under adverse conditions such as hypoxia.  相似文献   

The iodination of the tryosyl residues of αs1-casein has been studied and a spectrophotometric procedure for differentiating monoiodotyrosine, diiodotyrosine and tyrosine is described. The calcium-induced aggregation behaviour of the iodinated caseins has been investigated. The initial stages of the reaction are shown to be dominated by electrostatic charge effects. The iodinated caseins behave as native αs1-casein when the extent of conversion to diiodotyrosine is taken into account. The later stages of the reaction are found to be influenced by effects of the iodination not related to the change in charge.  相似文献   

Two α-ketoglutarate-dependent dioxygenases carrying enantiospecific activity for the etherolytic cleavage of racemic phenoxypropionate herbicides [(RS)-2-(2,4-dichlorophenoxy)propionate and (RS)-2-(4-chloro-2-methylphenoxy)propionate] from Delftia acidovorans MC1 were characterized with respect to protein and sequence data. The (S)-phenoxypropionate/α-ketoglutarate-dioxygenase (SdpA) appeared as a monomeric enzyme with a molecular weight of 32 kDa in the presence of SDS. N-terminal sequences revealed relationship to α-ketoglutarate-dependent taurine dioxygenase (TauD) and to 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetate/α-ketoglutarate-dioxygenase (TfdA). The (R)-phenoxypropionate/α-ketoglutarate-dioxygenase (RdpA) referred to 36 kDa in the presence of SDS and to 108 kDa under native conditions. Internal sequences of fragments obtained after digestion made evident relationship to TfdA and TauD. Two-dimensional electrophoretic separation resulted in the resolution of up to 3 individual spots with almost identical molecular weights but different isoelectric points with both RdpA and SdpA. The structural differences of these isoenzyme forms are not yet clear.  相似文献   

Plant β-thioglucoside glucohydrolases (TGGs or myrosinases) are a young class of enzymes in the glycosyl hydrolase family 1 and have a narrow distribution. TGG genes have mainly been cloned from crucifers, while TGGs in other species have received little attention. The TGG gene CpTGG2 and its recombinant protein from papaya were characterized in this paper. This is the first plant TGG gene without unusual intron splicing borders, as present in all other available TGG genes. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that plant myrosinases are divided into two major lineages. CpTGG2 is located in the lineage constituted by AtTGG4–6 from Arabidopsis thaliana, while the rest of myrosinases (including MA, MB and MC subfamilies) are grouped into another lineage. RT-PCR analysis indicated that CpTGG2 was specifically expressed in the root. The recombinant CpTGG2 expressed in yeast had a subunit mass of 70 kDa, and had low basal TGG activity without addition of ascorbate. Low concentrations of ascorbate stimulated CpTGG2 activity, while high concentrations were inhibitory. CpTGG2 was active in broad pH and temperature ranges, similar to AtTGG4 and AtTGG5. The apparent Km and Vmax were 2.24 mM and 24.3 μmol min−1 mg−1 when sinigrin was the substrate. The calculated kcat/Km value was 1.3 × 104 S−1 M−1. Our results reshaped and expanded the myrosinase family structure and provided clues to the evolution of myrosinase genes.  相似文献   

Indole-3-glycerol phosphate synthase (IGPS) is a representative of (β/α)8-barrel proteins—the most common enzyme fold in nature. To better understand how the constituent amino-acids work together to define the structure and to facilitate the function, we investigated the evolutionary and dynamical coupling of IGPS residues by combining statistical coupling analysis (SCA) and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. The coevolving residues identified by the SCA were found to form a network which encloses the active site completely. The MD simulations showed that these coevolving residues are involved in the correlated and anti-correlated motions. The correlated residues are within van der Waals contact and appear to maintain the active site architecture; the anti-correlated residues are mainly distributed on opposite sides of the catalytic cavity and coordinate the motions likely required for the substrate entry and product release. Our findings might have broad implications for proteins with the highly conserved (βα)8-barrel in assessing the roles of amino-acids that are moderately conserved and not directly involved in the active site of the (β/α)8-barrel. The results of this study could also provide useful information for further exploring the specific residue motions for the catalysis and protein design based on the (β/α)8-barrel scaffold.  相似文献   

The (1-->3)-beta-D-pentaglucoside was synthesized as its (R)-2,3-epoxypropyl glycoside via 2+3 strategy. The disaccharide donor 8 was obtained by 3-selective coupling of 2 with 4, followed by deallylation, and trichloroacetimidation. Meanwhile, the trisaccharide acceptor 12 was prepared by coupling of 10 with 4, followed by deacetylation. Condensation of 8 with 12, followed by epoxidation, and deprotection, gave the target pentaoside. The results of these bioassays demonstrated that the (1-->3)-beta-D-glucanase was obviously inactivated by 15 with k(app)=3.79 x 10(-4) min(-1). At the same time, we found that the 15 was more active as compared to the laminaripentaose in eliciting phytoalexin accumulation in tobacco cotyledon tissue, and it could be kept longer time than laminaripentaose, which indicated it is much more stable than laminaripentaose.  相似文献   

Cyclooxygenase‐2 (COX‐2) has been recently identified to be involved in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Yet, the role of an important COX‐2 metabolic product, prostaglandin (PG) I2, in the pathogenesis of AD remains unknown. Using human‐ and mouse‐derived neuronal cells as well as amyloid precursor protein/presenilin 1 (APP/PS1) transgenic mice as model systems, we elucidated the mechanism of anterior pharynx‐defective (APH)‐1α and pharynx‐defective‐1β induction. In particular, we found that PGI2 production increased during the course of AD development. Then, PGI2 accumulation in neuronal cells activates PKA/CREB and JNK/c‐Jun signaling pathways by phosphorylation, which results in APH‐1α/1β expression. As PGI2 is an important metabolic by‐product of COX‐2, its suppression by NS398 treatment decreases the expression of APH‐1α/1β in neuronal cells and APP/PS1 mice. More importantly, β‐amyloid protein (Aβ) oligomers in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of APP/PS1 mice are critical for stimulating the expression of APH‐1α/1β, which was blocked by NS398 incubation. Finally, the induction of APH‐1α/1β was confirmed in the brains of patients with AD. Thus, these findings not only provide novel insights into the mechanism of PGI2‐induced AD progression but also are instrumental for improving clinical therapies to combat AD.  相似文献   

Electron microscopy of two homologous giant proteins revealed that complement factor C3 and αi-inhibitor 3 have a common structural motif of a semicircularly bent string 18–20 nm long with two or three bumps indicating globular domains. C3 had a structure similar to the letter C with a small but distinct hole in the center. α1-Inhibitor 3 was a more complete ring sometimes ajar at one corner. When the latter was treated with a proteinase, it became slightly flattened and adopted a squarish C-shape.  相似文献   

The qualitative and quantitative carotenoid composition is reported for (i) a red and a green strain of Oscillatoria limnetica and a green strain of Spirulina platensis cultivated under identical conditions and (ii) a red and a green strain of Spirulina subsalsa grown under identical conditions. No correlation between colour and carotenoid content was obtained. However, differences in carotenoid composition within the Oscillatoria and Spirulina strains were observed. Both oscillol diglycoside ex Oscillatoria limnetica and myxol glycoside ex Spirulina platensis were mixed α-glycosides with chinovose-fucose present in ca 7:2 ratio. Analytical procedures are given. The chemosystematic implications for the current taxonomy of the genera Oscillatoria and Spirulina are discussed.  相似文献   

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