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Methane emission and rhizospheric CH4 oxidation were studied in stands of Equisetum fluviatile, a common cryptogam in boreal lakes. The experiment was performed in mesocosms with organic sediment or sand bottoms under natural variation of temperature and light using the light-oxic – dark-anoxic chamber (LO/DA) technique. Net CH4 emission from the organic sediment during the growing season varied between 3.4 and 19.0 mg m–2 h–1, but from sand the net CH4 emission was only 3–10% of that measured from the organic sediment. In the organic sediment net CH4 emission was very significantly correlated with sediment temperature (r2 = 0.92). In the sand mesocosms the variation of net CH4 emission was better correlated with the shoot biomass than with sediment temperature variation during the growing season, indicating that methanogens were severely limited by substrate availability and were probably dependent on substrates produced by E. fluviatile. The proportion of the methane oxidized of the potential CH4 emission in summer did not differ significantly between the bottom types. The net CH4 emission during the growing season as a proportion of the seasonal maximum of the shoot biomass was significantly higher in the organic sediment mesocosms (6.5%) than in sand (1.7%). The high CH4 emissions observed from dense well-established E. fluviatile stands in the field appear to be more related to temperature-regulated turnover of detritus in the anaerobic sediment and less to CH4 oxidation and seasonal variation in plant growth dynamics  相似文献   

1. Spatial variation of methane (CH4) efflux from the littoral zone of a meso‐eutrophic boreal lake was studied with a closed‐chamber technique for three summer days in 22 vegetation stands, consisting of three emergent and three floating‐leaved species. 2. Between‐species differences in CH4 emission were significant. The highest emissions were measured from the emergent Phragmites australis stands (0.5–1.7 mmol m?2 h?1), followed by Schoenoplectus lacustris > Equisetum fluviatile > Nuphar lutea > Sparganium gramineum > Potamogeton natans. Within‐species differences between stands were not significant. 3. In P. australis stands, the stand‐specific mean CH4 emission was significantly correlated with solar radiation, probably indicating the role of effective pressurised ventilation on CH4 fluxes. The proportion of net primary production emitted as CH4 was significantly higher in P. australis stands (7.4%) than in stands of S. lacustris and E. fluviatile (both 0.5%). 4. In N. lutea stands, CH4 efflux was negatively correlated with the mean fetch and positively with the percentage cover of leaves on the water surface. There were no differences in CH4 efflux between intact N. lutea leaves and those grazed by coleopteran Galerucella nymphaeae. In S. graminaeum and P. natans stands, CH4 effluxes were not related to any of the measured environmental variables. 5. For all vegetation stands, the biomass above water level explained about 60% of the observed spatial variation in CH4 emission, indicating the important role of plants as gas conduits and producers of substrates for methanogens in the anoxic sediment.  相似文献   

Chitinase-A (EaChiA), molecular mass 36 kDa, was purified from the vegetative stems of a horsetail (Equisetum arvense) using a series of column chromatography. The N-terminal amino acid sequence of EaChiA was similar to the lysin motif (LysM). A cDNA encoding EaChiA was cloned by rapid amplification of cDNA ends and polymerase chain reaction. It consisted of 1320 nucleotides and encoded an open reading frame of 361 amino acid residues. The deduced amino acid sequence indicated that EaChiA is composed of a N-terminal LysM domain and a C-terminal plant class IIIb chitinase catalytic domain, belonging to the glycoside hydrolase family 18, linked by proline-rich regions. EaChiA has strong chitin-binding activity, however, no antifungal activity. This is the first report of a chitinase from Equisetopsida, a class of fern plants, and the second report of a LysM-containing chitinase from a plant.  相似文献   


Tharae rate of methane released from the sediment‐water interface and from the surface of the water of Lake Wingra, Madison, Wisconsin, was measured during the summer months for 2 years. The amount of methane escaping the lake is estimated to be an important factor in the carbon budget of the lake. Most rapid methanogenesis was in shallow water (less than 1 m deep) and in the uppermost 5 cm of sediment. The numbers of methanogenic bacteria were estimated by a most probable number technique to vary from approximately 102 to 3 × 104 methanogens per gram of dry weight sediment during winter and summer, respectively.  相似文献   

Mixed-linkage (1-->3,1-->4)-beta-d-glucan (MLG) is a hemicellulose reputedly confined to certain Poales. Here, the taxonomic distribution of MLG, and xyloglucan, especially in early-diverging pteridophytes, has been re-investigated. Polysaccharides were digested with lichenase and xyloglucan endoglucanase (XEG), which specifically hydrolyse MLG and xyloglucan, respectively. The oligosaccharides produced were analysed by thin-layer chromatography (TLC), high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) and alkaline peeling. Lichenase yielded oligo-beta-glucans from all Equisetum species tested (Equisetum arvense, Equisetum fluviatile, Equisetum scirpoides, Equisetum sylvaticum and Equisetum xtrachyodon). The major product was the tetrasaccharide beta-glucosyl-(1-->4)-beta-glucosyl-(1-->4)-beta-glucosyl-(1-->3)-glucose (G4G4G3G), which was converted to cellotriose by alkali, confirming its structure. Minor products included G3G, G4G3G and a nonasaccharide. By contrast, poalean MLGs yielded G4G3G > G4G4G3G > nonasaccharide > dodecasaccharide. No other pteridophytes tested contained MLG, including Psilotum and eusporangiate ferns. No MLG was found in lycopodiophytes, bryophytes, Chara or Nitella. XEG digestion showed that Equisetum xyloglucan has unusual repeat units. Equisetum, an exceedingly isolated genus whose closest living relatives diverged > 380 million years ago, has evolved MLG independently of the Poales. Equisetum and poalean MLGs share basic structural motifs but also exhibit clear-cut differences. Equisetum MLG is firmly wall-bound, and may tether neighbouring microfibrils. It is also suggested that MLG acts as a template for silica deposition, characteristic of grasses and horsetails.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequences from two Pteridophyta species, a fern Dryopteris acuminata and a horsetail Equisetum arvense have been determined. These two sequences are more related to those of the Bryophyta species (88% identity on average) than to those of seed plants (84% identity on average).  相似文献   

Using 3'- and 5'-end labelling sequencing techniques, the following sequence for the cytoplasmic 5S rRNA of the horsetail Equisetum arvense could be determined: (sequence in text). This sequence exhibits all features expected for higher plant cytoplasmic 5S rRNAs, and can be fitted to the secondary structure model for 5S rRNA proposed by De Wachter et al. (15).  相似文献   

Soil respiration rates vary significantly among major plant biomes, suggesting that vegetation type influences the rate of soil respiration. However, correlations among climatic factors, vegetation distributions, and soil respiration rates make cause-effect arguments difficult. Vegetation may affect soil respiration by influencing soil microclimate and structure, the quantity of detritus supplied to the soil, the quality of that detritus, and the overall rate of root respiration. At the global scale, soil respiration rates correlate positively with litterfall rates in forests, as previously reported, and with aboveground net primary productivity in grasslands, providing evidence of the importance of detritus supply. To determine the direction and magnitude of the effect of vegetation type on soil respiration, we collated data from published studies where soil respiration rates were measured simultaneously in two or more plant communities. We found no predictable differences in soil respiration between cropped and vegetation-free soils, between forested and cropped soils, or between grassland and cropped soils, possibly due to the diversity of crops and cropping systems included. Factors such as temperature, moisture availability, and substrate properties that simultaneously influence the production and consumption of organic matter are more important in controlling the overall rate of soil respiration than is vegetation type in most cases. However, coniferous forests had 10% lower rates of soil respiration than did adjacent broad-leaved forests growing on the same soil type, and grasslands had, on average, 20% higher soil respiration rates than did comparable forest stands, demonstrating that vegetation type does in some cases significantly affect rates of soil respiration.  相似文献   

Bacterioplankton community composition in a boreal forest lake   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  

A 1100-year long record of lake ecosystem response to climate and catchment change with precise chronological control is reported. Diatom and pollen assemblages of an annually laminated (varved) sediment from a northern Swedish lake (Kassjön, Våsterbotten) were used as records of lake diatom communities and catchment vegetation. These data were compared with summer temperature estimates based on tree-ring records of the same geographical area to identify the effects of climate change and catchment disturbance on diatom assemblages in the lake. In a canonical ordination, 23% of the variability in the total diatom assemblages for the period AD1040–1804 was accounted for by changes in pollen data which reflect agricultural development in the catchment. Diatom species richness, however, exhibited a stronger relationship with summer temperature and, significantly, declined with the lower temperatures associated with the Little Ice Age minimum (early 17th century). Summer temperature accounted for 23% of the variability in diatom species richness 20 years later. The mechanism behind this time-lag is unclear, but may be related to catchment-mediated effects, given recent evidence for lags in the response of boreal-forest vegetation regeneration cycles to climatic variability. These results suggest that climate-related effects on lakes occurring over medium timescales can be resolved in lake sediments. Moreover, it is possible to identify these effects despite cultural-related signals, but as the latter become more extreme in the late 20th century the climate signal is obscured.  相似文献   

The emergent macrophytes were studied in two, small subarctic lakes in 1972–1980. One of the lakes, Hymenjaure, was fertilized with phosphorus in 1972–1974 and with both phosphorus and nitrogen in 1975. The emergent vegetation in the lakes consisted mainly of Carex rostrata Stokes and Equisetum fluviatile L. The maximum shoot biomass of C. rostrata varied between 12–25 g dry wt. m?2 during the investigation years, corresponding figures for E. fluviatile were 10–21 g dry wt. m?2. The yearly shoot production of the emergent macrophytes ranged from 6 to 21 g dry wt. m?2 during the study. The natural variations in growth of both species between the years were mainly regulated by summer temperature. Carex rostrata was able to benefit from increased phosphorus supply, when more shoots were produced within its stands. Growth of individual shoots, though, was still regulated by summer temperature. Equisetum fluviatile increased its phosphorus uptake as an effect of the fertilizations, but production was not affected.  相似文献   

Chlorophylls preserved in lake sediments have been used as a proxy to infer past trophic status. Recently, it has been demonstrated that visible-near-infrared (VNIR) reflectance spectroscopy can provide a rapid and non-destructive estimation of fossil chlorophylls from alpine lake sediments. The present study explores, (a) the applicability of VNIR reflectance spectroscopy to reconstructing historical productivity from boreal and saline lakes, and (b) the ability of an inference model combining all lake types to reconstruct historical chlorophyll concentrations from lake sediments. Results revealed that regardless of the lake type, a common sediment spectral feature of a reflectance trough centered near 675 nm, was observed. Additionally, the amplitude of reflectance in the VNIR region differs within and among lakes depending on their trophic states. The inferred concentration of total chlorophylls and derivatives from sediment spectral properties reflected a recent nutrient enrichment in most of the study lakes. Predicted chlorophyll concentration, when plotted against high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) measured concentration combining all lake types, was found to be statically significant (r 2 = 0.80, P < 0.01). Collectively, results from this study indicate that regardless of the lake type, a common chlorophyll absorption feature near 675 nm can be detected, which is associated with contrasting limnological settings and, therefore, can be used as a viable tool to reconstruct paleoproductivity. A similar approach can be implemented for rapid and non-destructive detection of historical lake water quality in a wide range of lake sediments.  相似文献   

The development of the Daphnia longispina (O. F. Müller)population in a highly humic boreal lake was followed throughoutone growing season, and the amount of secondary production wasestimated in relation to primary production and available foodresources. The growth rate method was applied in the secondaryproduction measurements. Daphnia longispina did not appear inthe water column until 16 May, after which the animals werepresent throughout the growing season. The population showedthree density peaks; the first appeared in early June, and thesecond and third in mid-July and at the beginning of September,respectively. Somatic production followed a seasonal pattern,with highest production rates in midsummer. The maximum valueof 127 mg C m–2day–1 was recorded at the beginningof July. The total annual net production of D. longispina was7.9 g C m–2. During most of the growing season, the primaryproductivity in the lake was well below 100 mg C m–2 day–1and the total annual productivity of photosynthetic algae was5.0 g C m–2. We conclude that in this lake the zooplanktonpopulation did not rely on phytoplankton primary productionas a sole carbon source, but that most of the carbon must haveoriginated from bacterial production either directly or througha microbial loop.  相似文献   

Methane efflux was studied in stands of three emergent macrophyte species (Equisetum fluviatile, Schoenoplectus lacustris and Phragmites australis) commonly found in the littoral zone of boreal lakes. In vegetation stands with relatively low methane (CH4) emissions (<0.3 mol m?2 (ice‐free period)?1), the seasonal variation of CH4 efflux was better correlated with the dynamics of plant growth than variation in sediment temperature. In dense and productive vegetation stands that released high amounts of CH4 (2.3–7.7 mol m?2 (ice‐free period)?1), the seasonal variation in CH4 efflux was correlated with sediment temperature, indicating that methanogens were more limited by temperature than substrate supply. The bottom type at the growth site of the emergent plants significantly influenced the ratio of CH4 efflux to aboveground biomass of plants (Eff : B). The lowest Eff : B ratio was found in E. fluviatile stands growing on sand bottom under experimental conditions and the highest in P. australis‐dominated littoral areas accumulating detritus from external sources. The future changes expected in the hydrology of boreal lakes and rivers because of climatic warming may impact the growth conditions of aquatic macrophytes as well as decomposition and accumulation of detritus and, thus, CH4 effluxes from boreal lakes.  相似文献   

  1. Planktonic and benthic bacterial communities hold central roles in the functioning of freshwater ecosystems and mediate key ecosystem services such as primary production and nutrient remineralisation. Although it is clear that such communities vary in composition both within and between lakes, the environmental factors and processes shaping the diversity and composition of freshwater bacteria are still not fully understood.
  2. In order to assess seasonal and spatial variability in lake bacterial communities and identify environmental factors underpinning biogeographical patterns, we performed a large-scale sampling campaign with paired water and sediment sample collection at 18 locations during four seasons in Lake Balihe, a subtropical shallow fish-farming lake in mid-eastern China.
  3. Pelagic and benthic bacterial communities were distinctly different in terms of diversity, taxonomic composition and community structure, with Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Cyanobacteria and Alphaproteobacteria dominating lake water, and Acidobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Chloroflexi, Gammaproteobacteria and Deltaproteobacteria dominating sediment. Nevertheless, these two communities had stronger spatial concordance and overlap in taxa during spring and autumn seasons. Together, the main drivers of both the spatial and temporal variations in Lake Balihe bacterial communities were identified as water temperature, turbidity, nitrogen and phosphorus availability, and thermal stratification controlled by wind-mixing and activity of the dense farmed fish populations. Notably, populations affiliated with Firmicutes, known to be abundant in fish gut microbiome, were especially abundant in the summer season and locations where high fish biomass was found, suggesting a potential link between fish gut microbiome and the pelagic bacterial communities.
  4. Our findings demonstrated seasonal homogenisation of pelagic and benthic bacterial communities linked to marked shifts in a set of seasonally-driven environmental variables including water temperature and nutrient availability.

S. M. McLachlan 《Hydrobiologia》1971,37(3-4):521-530
Summary Two experiments were carried out to determine the rate of release of ions to lake water from dry grass (largely Eragrostis species) and dung from elephant, impala and buffalo. The ions released most rapidly were PO3 3- and K+, followed by NO3 - and Ca2+ + Mg2+; the smallest increase was shown by Na+. In general, dung derived from grass released ions more rapidly than grass itself; the results are discussed in relation to ash analyses of grass and dung. The possible importance to Lake Kariba of the nutrients released by grass and dung following immersion under natural conditions is considered.
Résumé On a procédé à la réalisation de deux expériences visant à déterminer la vitesse de libération des ions dans l'eau d'un lac à partir d'herbe sèche (appartenant principalement à l'espèce Eragrostis) et de crottin d'éléphant, d'impala et de buflle. Par ordre décroissant, on mesure les vitesses de libération des ions les plus grands pour PO4 3- et K+, et ensuite pour NO3 - et Ca2+ + Mg2+; Na+ manifeste l'augmentation de concentration la plus faible. En règle générale, le crottin formé à partir d'herbe a libéré les ions à vitesse plus grande que l'herbe elle-même; les résultats sont interprétés par rapport à des analyses de cendre d'herbe et de crottin. On a cherché à estimer l'importance que peuvent présenter, pour le lac Kariba, la libération de ces éléments nutritifs après immersion dans des conditions naturelles.

Present address: Biology Department, Chancellor College, University of Malawi, Limbe, MalawiN  相似文献   

Methanotrophic bacteria play a key role in limiting methane emissions from lakes. It is generally assumed that methanotrophic bacteria are mostly active at the oxic-anoxic transition zone in stratified lakes, where they use oxygen to oxidize methane. Here, we describe a methanotroph of the genera Methylobacter that is performing high-rate (up to 72 μM day−1) methane oxidation in the anoxic hypolimnion of the temperate Lacamas Lake (Washington, USA), stimulated by both nitrate and sulfate addition. Oxic and anoxic incubations both showed active methane oxidation by a Methylobacter species, with anoxic rates being threefold higher. In anoxic incubations, Methylobacter cell numbers increased almost two orders of magnitude within 3 days, suggesting that this specific Methylobacter species is a facultative anaerobe with a rapid response capability. Genomic analysis revealed adaptations to oxygen-limitation as well as pathways for mixed-acid fermentation and H2 production. The denitrification pathway was incomplete, lacking the genes narG/napA and nosZ, allowing only for methane oxidation coupled to nitrite-reduction. Our data suggest that Methylobacter can be an important driver of the conversion of methane in oxygen-limited lake systems and potentially use alternative electron acceptors or fermentation to remain active under oxygen-depleted conditions.  相似文献   

Analysis of the ferredoxin of the primitive vascular plant Equisetum indicates that the cysteine residue normally found at position 18 of plant-type ferredoxins is replaced by a valine, although the spectroscopic properties of the ferredoxins are unaffected. It is concluded that the iron--sulphur cluster in plant-type ferredoxins is attached to cysteine residues 39, 44, 47 and 77.  相似文献   

Hydrological parameters can potentially have an overwhelming influence on sedimentary assemblages of Cladocera at certain sampling sites that can cause problems for palaeoenvironmental reconstructions. We applied a previously developed Cladocera-based inference model of water depth and a mean July air temperature transfer function developed in this study to a surface sediment dataset of fossil Cladocera from a lake in eastern Finland aiming to investigate the influence of stream flow and water depth on reconstruction results. The developed temperature-inference model, using the weighted averaging-partial least squares technique, had relatively favourable performance statistics suggesting that it is valid in means of performing temperature estimations. When the temperature model was applied to the intralake samples, the lotic samples had inferred values mostly within the model??s prediction error and only one lotic sample showed an underestimated temperature. Samples taken from depths over ~3 m inferred generally underestimated temperatures, although most of the values were within the model??s prediction error. The water depth reconstructions correlated significantly with the measured water depth, but the shallowest samples and most of the lotic samples yielded overestimated inferred values and the samples taken from depths >5 m showed underestimated values. In both reconstruction sets, the inferred values were underestimated in samples taken from deeper sites. Based on the present results, it may be recommendable that downcore sediment samples should be taken from intermediate depths, where also the diversity is higher, and deepest sites and inflows should be avoided. However, more research is needed to validate these results in a larger geographical context.  相似文献   

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