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Deleted in liver cancer 1 (DLC1) is a tumor suppressor protein that is frequently downregulated in various tumor types. DLC1 contains a Rho GTPase activating protein (GAP) domain that appears to be required for its tumor suppressive functions. Little is known about the molecular mechanisms that regulate DLC1. By mass spectrometry we have mapped a novel phosphorylation site within the DLC1 GAP domain on serine 807. Using a phospho-S807-specific antibody, our results identify protein kinase D (PKD) to phosphorylate this site in DLC1 in intact cells. Although phosphorylation on serine 807 did not directly impact on in vitro GAP activity, a DLC1 serine-to-alanine exchange mutant inhibited colony formation more potently than the wild type protein. Our results thus show that PKD-mediated phosphorylation of DLC1 on serine 807 negatively regulates DLC1 cellular function.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli verotoxin, also known as Shiga-like toxin, binds to eukaryotic cell membranes via the glycolipid Gb(3) receptors which present the P(k) trisaccharide Galalpha(1-4)Galbeta(1-4)Glcbeta. Crystallographic studies have identified three P(k) trisaccharide (P(k)-glycoside) binding sites per verotoxin 1B subunit (VT1B) monomer while NMR studies have identified binding of P(k)-glycoside only at site 2. To understand the basis for this difference, we studied binding of wild type VT1B and VT1B mutants, defective at one or more of the three sites, to P(k)-glycoside and pentavalent P(k) trisaccharide (pentaSTARFISH) in solution and Gb(3) presented on liposomal membranes using surface plasmon resonance. Site 2 was the key site in terms of free trisaccharide binding since mutants altered at sites 1 and 3 bound this ligand with wild type affinity. However, effective binding of the pentaSTARFISH molecule also required a functional site 3, suggesting that site 3 promotes pentavalent binding of linked trisaccharides at site 1 and site 2. Optimal binding to membrane-associated Gb(3) involved all three sites. Binding of all single site mutants to liposomal Gb(3) was weaker than wild type VT1B binding. Site 3 mutants behaved as if they had reduced ability to enter into high avidity interactions with Gb(3) in the membrane context. Double mutants at site 1/site 3 and site 2/site 3 were completely inactive in terms of binding to liposomal Gb(3,) even though the site 1/site 3 mutant bound trisaccharide with almost wild type affinity. Thus site 2 alone is not sufficient to confer high avidity binding to membrane-localized Gb(3). Cytotoxic activity paralleled membrane glycolipid binding. Our data show that the interaction of verotoxin with the Gb(3) trisaccharide is highly context dependent and that a membrane environment is required for biologically relevant studies of the interaction.  相似文献   

The PKD1-encoded protein, "polycystin-1", has a large N-terminal extracellular portion, multiple transmembrane domains, and a short intracellular C-terminal tail with four tyrosine residues and two putative sites for serine phosphorylation. Its function in kidney development and autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) is still unknown. We have subcloned the cDNA encoding the polycystin-1 C-terminal domain (PKD1-CTD) into a prokaryotic expression vector, and site-directed mutagenesis was performed to target the four tyrosine residues and four serine residues in two putative phosphorylation sites. In vitro phosphorylation assays were conducted on both wild type and mutant PKD1-CTD fusion proteins. It was found that the wild type PKD1-CTD and all mutant fusion proteins, except S4251G/S4252G, could be phosphorylated by lysates from cultured normal human renal collecting tubule (NHCT) cells, as well as by commercially purified cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA). The phosphorylation of the PKD1-CTD fusion protein by NHCT lysates was greatly enhanced by cAMP and its analog 8-Br-cAMP, and inhibited by the specific PKA inhibitors PKI(6-22) and H-89. Activators and inhibitors of protein kinase C (PKC) had no effects on the phosphorylation of the PKD1-CTD fusion protein. Using commercially purified pp60(c-src) (c-src) it was also shown that the PKD1-CTD fusion protein could be phosphorylated by c-src in vitro, and that this phosphorylation could be abolished by a mutation Y4237F. By comparing the amino acid sequence at 4249-4253 (RRSSR) with the consensus sequence for PKA phosphorylation (RRXSX), we suggest that the serine residue at 4252 is the target of phosphorylation by a cAMP-dependent protein kinase in NHCT cell lysates. In addition, we suggest that Y4237 might be phosphorylated by c-src in living cells.  相似文献   

Cell lines of non-small cell lung cancer (nonSCLC) have been shown to contain activating mutation of the K-ras oncogene in about 30% of cases, whereas no small cell lung cancer (SCLC) cell lines displayed these mutations. Biochemically, these mutations result in the ras gene product (p21) being constitutively activated in its GTP-bound form and insensitive to the hydrolytic action of the ras-specific GTPase-activating protein (ras GAP). We hypothesized that, if tumor development is related to the p21 ras being in the active GTP-bound state, then a similar malignant phenotype may result from an inactivating mutation in the ras GAP gene in the region that interacts with ras p21 (so-called catalytic domain). To test this hypothesis, we screened a panel of SCLC and non-SCLC cell lines for major genetic alterations in the catalytic domain of the GAP gene with the Sothern blot technique, and for minor genetic abnormalities (e.g., point mutations) with denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis and single-strand conformation polymorphism. Mutations in the catalytic domain of the GAP gene could not be demonstrated by any technique in any cell line examined. We conclude that mutational inactivation of the catalytic domain of the GAP gene probably does not contribute to the development of lung cancer.  相似文献   

Botulinum neurotoxin A (BoNT A) is a substrate of the Src family of tyrosine kinases. Here, we report that the BoNT A light chain (LC) is phosphorylated in the tyrosine-71 located at N-terminus. Covalent modification of this residue notably increases the thermal stability of the endopeptidase activity, without affecting its catalytic efficacy. Similarly, mutation of this residue specifically affected the protein stability but not its endopeptidase function. Fusion of the Tat-translocating domain to the N-terminus of the enzyme produced a cell permeable, functional enzyme, as evidenced by immunocytochemistry and by the cleavage of cytosolic SNAP25 in intact PC12 cells. Noteworthy, truncation of cellular SNAP25 was reduced in cells when the Src kinase activity was inhibited with a specific antagonist, implying that tyrosine phosphorylation of BoNT A LC modulates the in vivo proteolytic activity of the neurotoxin. Taken together, these findings substantiate the tenet that tyrosine phosphorylation of BoNT A LC could be an important modulatory strategy of the neurotoxin stability and suggest that the phosphorylated neurotoxin may be a relevant molecule in vivo.  相似文献   

Caseinomacropeptide (CMP) is a 64 amino acid polypeptide corresponding to kappa-casein 106-169. CMP naturally exists in several forms due to extensive posttranslational modifications including glycosylation and phosphorylation. The aglycosylated, phosphorylated form of CMP has been shown to exhibit antibacterial activity. The aim of this study was to use matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization post source decay mass spectrometry (MALDI-PSD-MS) to identify the phosphorylation sites in the CMP sequence. CMP was isolated from a chymosin digest of casein by HPLC and then digested with endoproteinase Glu-C to generate peptides suitable for MALDI-PSD-MS analysis. This analysis showed that CMP is fully phosphorylated at Ser(149) and only partially phosphorylated at Ser(127.) Dehydroalanyl residues corresponding to the phosphoserines of CMP were detected upon MALDI-PSD-MS analysis suggesting that the phosphoryl bond in phosphoserine is very labile during PSD analysis such that the phosphoryl group may be lost before backbone fragmentation.  相似文献   

rap1GAP is a GTPase activating protein that specifically stimulates the GTP hydrolytic rate of the ras-related protein p21rap1.rap1GAP undergoes post-translational modification that causes a substantial change in its mobility on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels. At least part of this modification is due to the phosphorylation. Expression of a rap1GAP cDNA in insect cells labeled with 32Pi resulted in high level incorporation of radioactivity into serine residues of the expressed protein. Purified rap1GAP was phosphorylated in vitro by cAMP-dependent kinase and the cell cycle p34cdc2 kinase. The molar ratio of incorporated phosphate/rap1GAP was approximately 3 by cAMP-dependent kinase and 2 by p34cdc2. The sites of phosphorylation by both kinases were localized to a 100-residue segment contained in the carboxyl-terminal region of the predicted primary structure of rap1GAP. Highly favorable recognition sequences for the two kinases are contained within this fragment and are proposed as the sites of phosphorylation. Treatment of SK-MEL-3 cells with dibutyryl cAMP promoted phosphorylation of rap1GAP in vivo. Based on the results of comparative phosphopeptide mapping the sites of phosphorylation in vivo and in vitro are identical.  相似文献   

Specific antibodies against rap1A and rap1B small GTP-binding proteins were generated by immunization of rabbits with peptides derived from the C-terminus of the processed proteins. Immunoblot analysis of membranes from several mammalian cell lines and human thrombocytes with affinity-purified antibodies against rap1A or rap1B demonstrated the presence of multiple immunoreactive proteins in the 22-23 kDa range, although at strongly varying levels. Whereas both proteins were present in substantial amounts in membranes from myelocytic HL-60, K-562 and HEL cells, they were hardly detectable in membranes from lymphoma U-937 and S49.1 cyc- cells. Membranes from human thrombocytes and 3T3-Swiss Albino fibroblasts showed strong rap1B immunoreactivity, whereas rap1A protein was present in much lower amounts. In the cytosol of HL-60 cells, only small amounts of rap1A and rap1B proteins were detected, unless the cells were treated with lovastatin, an inhibitor of hydroxymethylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase, suggesting that both proteins are isoprenylated. By comparison with recombinant proteins, the ratio of rap1A/ras proteins in membranes from HL-60 cells was estimated to be about 4:1. An antiserum directed against the C-terminus of rap2 reacted strongly with recombinant rap2, but not with membranes from tested mammalian cells. In conclusion, rap1A and rap1B proteins are distributed differentially among membranes from various mammalian cell types and are isoprenylated in HL-60 cells.  相似文献   

The phosphorylation-specific peptidyl-prolyl isomerase Pin1 catalyzes the isomerization of the peptide bond preceding a proline residue between cis and trans isomers. To best understand the mechanisms of Pin1 regulation, rigorous enzymatic assays of isomerization are required. However, most measures of isomerase activity require significant constraints on substrate sequence and only yield rate constants for the cis isomer, [Formula: see text] and apparent Michaelis constants, [Formula: see text]. By contrast, NMR lineshape analysis is a powerful tool for determining microscopic rates and populations of each state in a complex binding scheme. The isolated catalytic domain of Pin1 was employed as a first step towards elucidating the reaction scheme of the full-length enzyme. A 24-residue phosphopeptide derived from the amyloid precurser protein intracellular domain (AICD) phosphorylated at Thr668 served as a biologically-relevant Pin1 substrate. Specific (13)C labeling at the Pin1-targeted proline residue provided multiple reporters sensitive to individual isomer binding and on-enzyme catalysis. We have performed titration experiments and employed lineshape analysis of phosphopeptide (13)C-(1)H constant time HSQC spectra to determine [Formula: see text], [Formula: see text], [Formula: see text], and [Formula: see text] for the catalytic domain of Pin1 acting on this AICD substrate. The on-enzyme equilibrium value of [E·trans]/[E·cis]?=?3.9 suggests that the catalytic domain of Pin1 is optimized to operate on this substrate near equilibrium in the cellular context. This highlights the power of lineshape analysis for determining the microscopic parameters of enzyme catalysis, and demonstrates the feasibility of future studies of Pin1-PPIase mutants to gain insights on the catalytic mechanism of this important enzyme.  相似文献   

In order to define the active site(s) of human tumour necrosis factor (hTNF), we mutagenized its gene at random and directly screened the resulting population for loss of cytotoxic activity on L929 cells. Four biologically inactive mutant proteins (Arg32----Trp, Leu36----Phe, Ser86----Phe and Ala84----Val) behaved similar to the wild-type in various physico-chemical assays. The residues were positioned on a 3D structural model and were found to cluster together at the base of the molecule at each side of the groove that separates two monomers in the trimeric structure. A very conservative mutation at one of these sites (Ala84----Val) almost completely abolished cytotoxic activity. Amino acid alterations in three other residues in close proximity to this receptor binding site were introduced: replacements at positions 29 and 146 clearly reduced cytotoxicity only when non-conservative alterations were introduced (Leu29----Ser and Glu146----Lys), suggesting an indirect influence on the active site. However, a conservative mutation at position 91 (Val----Ala) caused a significant drop (500-fold) in bioactivity which suggests that Val91 may also play a direct role in receptor recognition. Our results favor a model in which each TNF molecule has three receptor-interaction sites (between the three subunits), thus allowing signal transmission by receptor clustering.  相似文献   

K O Badellino  P N Walsh 《Biochemistry》2001,40(25):7569-7580
Inhibition of factor XIa by protease nexin II (K(i) approximately 450 pM) is potentiated by heparin (K(I) approximately 30 pM). The inhibition of the isolated catalytic domain of factor XIa demonstrates a similar potentiation by heparin (K(i) decreasing from 436 +/- 62 to 88 +/- 10 pM) and also binds to heparin on surface plasmon resonance (K(d) 11.2 +/- 3.2 nM vs K(d) 8.63 +/- 1.06 nM for factor XIa). The factor XIa catalytic domain contains a cysteine-constrained alpha-helix-containing loop: (527)CQKRYRGHKITHKMIC(542), identified as a heparin-binding region in other coagulation proteins. Heparin-binding studies of coagulation proteases allowed a grouping of these proteins into three categories: group A (binding within a cysteine-constrained loop or a C-terminal heparin-binding region), factors XIa, IXa, Xa, and thrombin; group B (binding by a different mechanism), factor XIIa and activated protein C; and group C (no binding), factor VIIa and kallikrein. Synthesized peptides representative of the factor XIa catalytic domain loop were used as competitors in factor XIa binding and inhibition studies. A native sequence peptide binds to heparin with a K(d) = 86 +/- 15 nM and competes with factor XIa in binding to heparin, K(i) = 241 +/- 37 nM. A peptide with alanine substitutions at (534)H, (535)K, (538)H, and (539)K binds and competes with factor XIa for heparin-binding in a manner nearly identical to that of the native peptide, whereas a scrambled peptide is approximately 10-fold less effective, and alanine substitutions at residues (529)K, (530)R, and (532)R result in loss of virtually all activity. We conclude that residues (529)K, (530)R, and (532)R comprise a high-affinity heparin-binding site in the factor XIa catalytic domain.  相似文献   

Mutational analysis of a ras catalytic domain.   总被引:48,自引:23,他引:25       下载免费PDF全文
We used linker insertion-deletion mutagenesis to study the catalytic domain of the Harvey murine sarcoma virus v-rasH transforming protein, which is closely related to the cellular rasH protein. The mutants displayed a wide range of in vitro biological activity, from those that induced focal transformation of NIH 3T3 cells with approximately the same efficiency as the wild-type v-rasH gene to those that failed to induce any detectable morphologic changes. Correlation of transforming activity with the location of the mutations enabled us to identify three nonoverlapping segments within the catalytic domain that were dispensable for transformation and six other segments that were required for transformation. Segments that were necessary for guanosine nucleotide (GDP) binding corresponded to three of the segments that were essential for transformation; two of the three segments share strong sequence homology with other purine nucleotide-binding proteins. Loss of GDP binding was associated with apparent instability of the protein. Lesions in two of the three other required regions significantly reduced GDP binding, while small lesions in the last required region did not impair GDP binding or membrane localization. We speculate that this latter region interacts with the putative cellular target of ras. The results suggest that transforming ras proteins require membrane localization, guanosine nucleotide binding, and an additional undefined function that may represent interaction with their target.  相似文献   

Inositol 1,3,4,5-tetrakisphosphate (IP4), is a ubiquitous inositol phosphate that has been suggested to function as a second messenger. Recently, we purified and cloned a putative IP4 receptor, termed GAP1IP4BP[1], which is also a member of the GAP1 family of GTPase-activating proteins for the Ras family of GTPases. A homologue of GAP1IP4BP, called GAP1m, has been identified [2] and here we describe the cloning of a GAP1m cDNA from a human circulating-blood cDNA library. We found that a deletion mutant of GAP1m, in which the putative phospholipid-binding domains (C2A and C2B) have been removed, binds to IP4 with a similar affinity and specificity to that of the corresponding GAP1IP4BP mutant. Expression studies of the proteins in either COS-7 or HeLa cells showed that, whereas GAP1IP4BP is located solely at the plasma membrane, GAP1m seems to have a distinct perinuclear localisation. By mutational analysis, we have shown that the contrast in subcellular distribution of these two closely related proteins may be a function of their respective pleckstrin homology (PH) domains. This difference in localisation has fundamental significance for our understanding of the second messenger functions of IP4.  相似文献   

Focal adhesion kinase (FAK) is a widely expressed nonreceptor protein-tyrosine kinase implicated in integrin-mediated signal transduction pathways and in the process of oncogenic transformation by v-Src. Elevation of FAK's phosphotyrosine content, following both cell adhesion to extracellular matrix substrata and cell transformation by Rous sarcoma virus, correlates directly with an increased kinase activity. To help elucidate the role of FAK phosphorylation in signal transduction events, we used a tryptic phosphopeptide mapping approach to identify tyrosine sites of phosphorylation responsive to both cell adhesion and Src transformation. We have identified four tyrosines, 397, 407, 576, and 577, which are phosphorylated in mouse BALB/3T3 fibroblasts in an adhesion-dependent manner. Tyrosine 397 has been previously recognized as the major site of FAK autophosphorylation. Phosphorylation of tyrosines 407, 576, and 577, which are previously unrecognized sites, is significantly elevated in the presence of c-Src in vitro and v-Src in vivo. Tyrosines 576 and 577 lie within catalytic subdomain VIII--a region recognized as a target for phosphorylation-mediated regulation of protein kinase activity. We found that maximal kinase activity of FAK immune complexes requires phosphorylation of both tyrosines 576 and 577. Our results indicate that phosphorylation of FAK by Src (or other Src family kinases) is an important step in the formation of an active signaling complex.  相似文献   

Autophagy is a conserved, degradative process that has been implicated in a number of human diseases and is a potential target for therapeutic intervention. It is therefore important that we develop a thorough understanding of the mechanisms regulating this trafficking pathway. The Atg1 protein kinase is a key element of this control as a number of signaling pathways target this enzyme and its associated protein partners. These studies have established that Atg1 activities are controlled, at least in part, by protein phosphorylation. To further this understanding, we used a combined mass spectrometry and molecular biology approach to identify and characterize additional sites of phosphorylation in the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Atg1. Fifteen candidate sites of phosphorylation were identified, including nine that had not been noted previously. Interestingly, our data suggest that the phosphorylation at one of these sites, Ser-34, is inhibitory for both Atg1 kinase activity and autophagy. This site is located within a glycine-rich loop that is highly conserved in protein kinases. Phosphorylation at this position in several cyclin-dependent kinases has also been shown to result in diminished enzymatic activity. In addition, these studies identified Ser-390 as the site of autophosphorylation responsible for the anomalous migration exhibited by Atg1 on SDS-polyacrylamide gels. Finally, a mutational analysis suggested that a number of the sites identified here are important for full autophagy activity in vivo. In all, these studies identified a number of potential sites of regulation within Atg1 and will serve as a framework for future work with this enzyme.  相似文献   

Autophagy is a conserved, degradative process that has been implicated in a number of human diseases and is a potential target for therapeutic intervention. It is therefore important that we develop a thorough understanding of the mechanisms regulating this trafficking pathway. The Atg1 protein kinase is a key element of this control as a number of signaling pathways target this enzyme and its associated protein partners. These studies have established that Atg1 activities are controlled, at least in part, by protein phosphorylation. To further this understanding, we used a combined mass spectrometry and molecular biology approach to identify and characterize additional sites of phosphorylation in the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Atg1. Fifteen candidate sites of phosphorylation were identified, including nine that had not been noted previously. Interestingly, our data suggest that the phosphorylation at one of these sites, Ser-34, is inhibitory for both Atg1 kinase activity and autophagy. This site is located within a glycine-rich loop that is highly conserved in protein kinases. Phosphorylation at this position in several cyclin-dependent kinases has also been shown to result in diminished enzymatic activity. In addition, these studies identified Ser-390 as the site of autophosphorylation responsible for the anomalous migration exhibited by Atg1 on SDS-polyacrylamide gels. Finally, a mutational analysis suggested that a number of the sites identified here are important for full autophagy activity in vivo. In all, these studies identified a number of potential sites of regulation within Atg1 and will serve as a framework for future work with this enzyme.  相似文献   

Zhai L  Kumar N  Panebra A  Zhao P  Parrill AL  Khurana S 《Biochemistry》2002,41(39):11750-11760
We have previously shown that villin, an epithelial cell actin-binding protein, is tyrosine phosphorylated both in vitro and in vivo and that villin's actin-modifying functions are regulated by phosphorylation. Here as a first step toward understanding the role of villin tyrosine phosphorylation, we sought to identify the major phosphorylation site(s) in human villin and study its role in actin filament assembly. We generated a series of carboxyl-terminal truncation mutants of villin and cloned them in the prokaryotic expression vector pGEX-2T. Full-length villin and the truncation mutants were expressed in TKX1 cells, which carry an inducible tyrosine kinase gene. Using this approach, we identified a region in the amino-terminal actin-severing domain of villin as the site of phosphorylation (amino acids 1-261). Five phosphorylation sites were identified by direct mutation of candidate tyrosines (Y) to phenylalanine (F), namely, Y46, -60, -64, -81, and -256. Changing all of these sites to phenylalanine resulted in a villin mutant that neither was phosphorylated in TKX1 cells nor was a substrate for c-src kinase in an in vitro kinase assay. Using a pyrene actin-based fluorescence assay, we mapped the various phosphorylated tyrosine residues with the actin-nucleating and -depolymerizing functions of villin. Phosphorylation of any one of the identified sites inhibited the actin-nucleating function of villin, whereas phosphorylation at Y46 and/or Y60 increased the actin-severing activity of villin. Since there is significant homology between the amino-terminal end of villin and other actin-severing proteins, the results provide a structural basis for the actin-severing mechanism and help understand the relationship of phosphorylation with this function.  相似文献   

We have studied the functioning of rat liver Connexin 32 (C x 32) at the single channel level in presence of ATP. It was observed that ATP regulates the functioning of the channel by running down the junctional conductance. A non-specific exogenous protein phosphatase (alkaline phosphatase) reversed the rundown of junctional activity to its normal functioning state. Autoradiograhic studies demonstrate autophosphorylation of rat liver C x 32. These findings indicate a self-regulatory mechanism of the channel.  相似文献   

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