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Wait, J. L., and R. L. Johnson. Patterns of shorteningand thickening of the human diaphragm. J. Appl.Physiol. 83(4): 1123-1132, 1997.To study how the human diaphragm changesconfiguration during inspiration, we simultaneously measured diaphragmthickening using ultrasound and inspired volumes using apneumotachograph. Diaphragm length was assessed by chest radiography.We found that thickening and shortening were greatest during a breathtaken primarily with the abdomen. However, the degree of thickening wasgreater than expected for fiber shortening, assuming parallel musclefibers and no shear. So, to clarify this unexpected finding, weconsidered geometric models of the diaphragm. How a muscle thickens asits fibers shorten is critically dependent on geometry. Thus, if a flatrectangular sheet of muscle shortens along one dimension, surfacearea-to-length ratio along this dimension should remain constant, andthickness would be inversely proportional to length during shortening.The simplest model of the diaphragm, however, is a cylindrical sheet ofmuscle in the zone of apposition capped by a dome; the ratio of surfacearea to radial fiber length in the dome is substantially less than theratio of area to length of the cylindrical zone of apposition; hence,as the zone of apposition shortens while the dome radius remainsconstant, the ratio of total surface area to combined length (i.e.,dome + zone of apposition) must decrease and thickening of the musclecorrespondingly must increase more than expected for a simplerectangular strip. A similar relationship can be derived betweenthickening and length in a muscle sheet with a wedge-shaped insertioninto a thin flat tendon. Comparison of calculations with these types ofmodels to data from human subjects indicates that the unexpectedthickening in the zone of apposition is explained by the peculiargeometry of the diaphragm. The greater thickening of the diaphragm inthe zone of apposition suggests that more of the muscle mass and more sarcomeres are retained in the zone of apposition as the dome descends.Physiologically, this greater thickening may have importance byreducing wall stress in the zone of apposition and reducing the work orenergy requirements per sarcomere.


Boriek, Aladin M., and Joseph R. Rodarte. Effects oftransverse fiber stiffness and central tendon on displacement and shapeof a simple diaphragm model. J. Appl. Physiol. 82(5): 1626-1636, 1997.Our previous experimental results (A. M. Boriek, S. Lui, and J. R. Rodarte. J. Appl. Physiol. 75:527-533, 1993 and A. M. Boriek, T. A. Wilson, and J. R. Rodarte.J. Appl. Physiol. 76: 223-229, 1994) showed that1) costal diaphragm shape is similar at functional residualcapacity and end inspiration regardless of whether the diaphragm muscleshortens actively (increased tension) or passively (decreased tension);2) diaphragmatic muscle length changes minimally in thedirection transverse to the muscle fibers, suggesting the diaphragm maybe inextensible in that direction; and 3) the central tendon isnot stretched by physiological stresses. A two-dimensional orthotropicmaterial has two different stiffnesses in orthogonal directions. In theplane tangent to the muscle surface, these directions are along thefibers and transverse to the fibers. We wondered whether orthotropicmaterial properties in the muscular region of the diaphragm andinextensibility of the central tendon might contribute to the constancyof diaphragm shape. Therefore, in the present study, we examined theeffects of stiffness transverse to muscle fibers and inextensibility ofthe central tendon on diaphragmatic displacement and shape. Finiteelement hemispherical models of the diaphragm were developed by usingpressurized isotropic and orthotropic membranes with a wide range ofstiffness ratios. We also tested heterogeneous models, in which themuscle sheet was an orthotropic material, having transverse fiberstiffness greater than that along the fibers, with the central tendonbeing an inextensible isotropic cap. These models revealed thatincreased transverse stiffness limits the shape change of thediaphragm. Furthermore, an inextensible cap simulating the centraltendon dramatically limits the change in shape as well as the membrane displacement in response to pressure. These findings provide a plausible mechanism by which the diaphragm maintains similar shapes despite different physiological loads. This study suggests that changesof diaphragm shape are restricted because the central tendon isessentially inextensible and stiffness in the direction transverse tothe muscle fibers is greater than stiffness along the fibers.


Kinematics and mechanics of midcostal diaphragm of dog   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Boriek, Aladin M., Joseph R. Rodarte, and Theodore A. Wilson. Kinematics and mechanics of midcostal diaphragm of dog. J. Appl. Physiol. 83(4):1068-1075, 1997.Radiopaque markers were attached to theperitoneal surface of three neighboring muscle bundles in the midcostaldiaphragm of four dogs, and the locations of the markers were trackedby biplanar video fluoroscopy during quiet spontaneous breathing andduring inspiratory efforts against an occluded airway at three lungvolumes from functional residual capacity to total lung capacity inboth the prone and supine postures. Length and curvature of the musclebundles were determined from the data on marker location. Musclelengths for the inspiratory states, as a fraction of length atfunctional residual capacity, ranged from 0.89 ± 0.04 at endinspiration during spontaneous breathing down to 0.68 ± 0.07 duringinspiratory efforts at total lung capacity. The muscle bundles werefound to have the shape of circular arcs, with the three bundlesforming a section of a right circular cylinder. With increasing lungvolume and diaphragm displacement, the circular arcs rotate around theline of insertion on the chest wall, the arcs shorten, but the radiusof curvature remains nearly constant. Maximal transdiaphragmaticpressure was calculated from muscle curvature and maximaltension-length data from the literature. The calculated maximaltransdiaphragmatic pressure-length curve agrees well with the data ofRoad et al. (J. Appl. Physiol. 60:63-67, 1986).


Mateika, J. H., and R. F. Fregosi. Long-termfacilitation of upper airway muscle activities in vagotomized andvagally intact cats. J. Appl. Physiol.82(2): 419-425, 1997.The primary purpose of the presentinvestigation was to determine whether long-term facilitation (LTF) ofupper airway muscle activities occurs in vagotomized and vagally intactcats. Tidal volume and diaphragm, genioglossus, and nasal dilatormuscle activities were recorded before, during, and after one carotidsinus nerve was stimulated five times with 2-min trains of constantcurrent. Sixty minutes after stimulation, nasal dilator andgenioglossus muscle activities were significantly greater than controlin the vagotomized cats but not in the vagally intact cats. Tidalvolume recorded from the vagotomized and vagally intact cats wassignificantly greater than control during the poststimulation period.In contrast, diaphragm activities were not significantly elevated inthe poststimulation period in either group of animals. We conclude that1) LTF of genioglossus and nasaldilator muscle activities can be evoked in vagotomized cats;2) vagal mechanisms inhibit LTF inupper airway muscles; and 3) LTF canbe evoked in accessory inspiratory muscles because LTF of inspiredtidal volume was greater than LTF of diaphragm activity.


Verbanck, S., D. Schuermans, A. Van Muylem, M. Paiva, M. Noppen, and W. Vincken. Ventilation distribution during histamine provocation. J. Appl. Physiol. 83(6):1907-1916, 1997.We investigated ventilation inhomogeneity duringprovocation with inhaled histamine in 20 asymptomatic nonsmokingsubjects. We used N2multiple-breath washout (MBW) to deriveparameters Scondand Sacin as ameasurement of ventilation inhomogeneity in conductive and acinar zonesof the lungs, respectively. A 20% decrease of forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1) was used todistinguish responders from nonresponders. In the responder group,average FEV1 decreased by 26%,whereas Scondincreased by 390% with no significant change inSacin. In thenonresponder group, FEV1 decreasedby 11%, whereasScond increased by 198% with no significantSacin change.Despite the absence of change inSacin duringprovocation, baselineSacin wassignificantly larger in the responder vs. the nonresponder group. Themain findings of our study are that during provocation largeventilation inhomogeneities occur, that the small airways affected bythe provocation process are situated proximal to the acinar zone wherethe diffusion front stands, and that, in addition to overall decreasein airway caliber, there is inhomogeneous narrowing of parallelairways.


Boriek, Aladin M., Charles C. Miller III, and Joseph R. Rodarte. Muscle fiber architecture of the dog diaphragm.J. Appl. Physiol. 84(1): 318-326, 1998.Previous measurements of muscle thickness and length ratio ofcostal diaphragm insertions in the dog (A. M. Boriek and J. R. Rodarte.J. Appl. Physiol. 77: 2065-2070,1994) suggested, but did not prove, discontinuous muscle fiberarchitecture. We examined diaphragmatic muscle fiber architecture usingmorphological and histochemical methods. In 15 mongrel dogs, transversesections along the length of the muscle fibers were analyzedmorphometrically at ×20, by using the BioQuant System IVsoftware. We measured fiber diameters, cross-sectional fiber shapes,and cross-sectional area distributions of fibers. We also determinednumbers of muscle fibers per cross-sectional area and ratio ofconnective tissue to muscle fibers along a course of the muscle fromnear the chest wall (CW) to near the central tendon (CT) for midcostalleft and right hemidiaphragms, as well as ventral, middle, and dorsalregions of the left costal hemidiaphragm. In six other mongrel dogs,the macroscopic distribution of neuromuscular junctions (NMJ) onthoracic and abdominal diaphragm surfaces was determined by stainingthe intact diaphragmatic muscle for acetylcholinesterase activity. Theaverage major diameter of muscle fibers was significantly smaller, andthe number of fibers was significantly larger midspan between CT and CWthan near the insertions. The ratio of connective tissues to musclefibers was largest at CW compared with other regions along the lengthof the muscle. The diaphragm is transversely crossed by multiplescattered NMJ bands with fairly regular intervals offset in adjacentstrips. Muscle fascicles traverse two to five NMJ, consistent withfibers that do not span the entire fascicle from CT to CW. Theseresults suggest that the diaphragm has a discontinuous fiberarchitecture in which contractile forces may be transmitted among themuscle fibers through the connective tissue adjacent to the fibers.


Thompson, Marita, Lisa Becker, Debbie Bryant, Gary Williams,Daniel Levin, Linda Margraf, and Brett P. Giroir. Expression ofthe inducible nitric oxide synthase gene in diaphragm and skeletal muscle. J. Appl. Physiol. 81(6):2415-2420, 1996.Nitric oxide (NO) is a pluripotent molecule thatcan be secreted by skeletal muscle through the activity of the neuronalconstitutive isoform of NO synthase. To determine whether skeletalmuscle and diaphragm might also express the macrophage-inducible formof NO synthase (iNOS) during provocative states, we examined tissuefrom mice at serial times after intravenous administration ofEscherichia coli endotoxin. In thesestudies, iNOS mRNA was strongly expressed in the diaphragm and skeletalmuscle of mice 4 h after intravenous endotoxin and was significantlydiminished by 8 h after challenge. Induction of iNOS mRNA was followedby expression of iNOS immunoreactive protein on Western immunoblots.Increased iNOS activity was demonstrated by conversion of arginine tocitrulline. Immunochemical analysis of diaphragmatic explants exposedto endotoxin in vitro revealed specific iNOS staining in myocytes, inaddition to macrophages and endothelium. These results may be importantin understanding the pathogenesis of respiratory pump failure duringseptic shock, as well as skeletal muscle injury during inflammation ormetabolic stress.


Cohn, David, Joshua O. Benditt, Scott Eveloff, and F. DennisMcCool. Diaphragm thickening during inspiration.J. Appl. Physiol. 83(1): 291-296, 1997.Ultrasound has been used to measure diaphragm thickness(Tdi) in thearea where the diaphragm abuts the rib cage (zone of apposition).However, the degree of diaphragm thickening during inspiration reportedas obtained by one-dimensional M-mode ultrasound was greater than thatpredicted by using other radiographic techniques. Becausetwo-dimensional (2-D) ultrasound provides greater anatomic definitionof the diaphragm and neighboring structures, we used this technique toreevaluate the relationship between lung volume andTdi. We firstestablished the accuracy and reproducibility of 2-D ultrasound bymeasuring Tdiwith a 7.5-MHz transducer in 26 cadavers. We found thatTdi measured byultrasound correlated significantly with that measured by ruler (R2 = 0.89), withthe slope of this relationship approximating a line of identity(y = 0.89x + 0.04 mm). The relationship between lung volume andTdi was thenstudied in nine subjects by obtaining diaphragm images at the fivetarget lung volumes [25% increments from residual volume (RV) tototal lung capacity (TLC)]. Plots ofTdi vs. lungvolume demonstrated that the diaphragm thickened as lung volumeincreased, with a more rapid rate of thickening at the higher lungvolumes[Tdi = 1.74 vital capacity (VC)2 + 0.26 VC + 2.7 mm] (R2 = 0.99; P < 0.001) where lung volumeis expressed as a fraction of VC. The mean increase inTdi between RVand TLC for the group was 54% (range 42-78%). We conclude that2-D ultrasound can accurately measureTdi and that theaverage thickening of the diaphragm when a subject is inhaling from RVto TLC using this technique is in the range of what would be predictedfrom a 35% shortening of the diaphragm.


The following is the abstract of the article discussed in thesubsequent letter:

Verbanck, S., D. Schuermans, A. Van Muylem, M. Paiva, M. Noppen, and W. Vincken. Ventilation distribution duringhistamine provocation. J. Appl. Physiol.83(6):1907-1916, 1997.We investigated ventilation inhomogeneityduring provocation with inhaled histamine in 20 asymptomatic nonsmokingsubjects. We used N2 multiple-breath washout (MBW) toderive parameters Scond andSacin as a measurement of ventilationinhomogeneity in conductive and acinar zones of the lungs,respectively. A 20% decrease of forced expiratory volume in 1 s(FEV1) was used to distinguish responders fromnonresponders. In the responder group, average FEV1decreased by 26%, whereas Scond increased by390% with no significant change in Sacin. In the nonresponder group, FEV1 decreased by 11%, whereasScond increased by 198% with no significantSacin change. Despite the absence of change inSacin during provocation, baselineSacin was significantly larger in the respondervs. the nonresponder group. The main findings of our study are thatduring provocation large ventilation inhomogeneities occur, that thesmall airways affected by the provocation process are situated proximalto the acinar zone where the diffusion front stands, and that, inaddition to overall decrease in airway caliber, there is inhomogeneousnarrowing of parallel airways.


Darquenne, Chantal, Peter Brand, Joachim Heyder, and ManuelPaiva. Aerosol dispersion in human lung: comparison between numerical simulations and experiments for bolus tests.J. Appl. Physiol. 83(3): 966-974, 1997.Bolus inhalations of 0.87-µm-diameter particles wereadministered to 10 healthy subjects, and data were compared withnumerical simulations based on a one-dimensional model of aerosoltransport and deposition in the human lung (J. Appl.Physiol. 77: 2889-2898, 1994). Aerosol boluseswere inhaled at a constant flow rate into various volumetric lungdepths up to 1,500 ml. Parameters such as bolus half-width, mode shift, skewness, and deposition were used to characterize the bolus and todisplay convective mixing. The simulations described the experimental results reasonably well. The sensitivity of the simulations to different parameters was tested. Simulated half-width appeared to beinsensitive to altered values of the deposition term, whereas it wasgreatly affected by modified values of the apparent diffusion in thealveolar zone of the lung. Finally, further simulations were comparedin experiments with a fixed penetration volume and various flow rates.Comparison showed good agreement, which may be explained by the factthat half-width, mode shift, and skewness were little affected by theflow rate.


McKenzie, D. K., G. M. Allen, J. E. Butler, and S. C. Gandevia. Task failure with lack of diaphragm fatigue during inspiratory resistive loading in human subjects. J. Appl. Physiol. 82(6): 2011-2019, 1997.Taskfailure during inspiratory resistive loading is thought to beaccompanied by substantial peripheral fatigue of the inspiratorymuscles. Six healthy subjects performed eight resistive breathingtrials with loads of 35, 50, 75 and 90% of maximal inspiratorypressure (MIP) with and without supplemental oxygen. MIP measuredbefore, after, and at every minute during the trial increased slightlyduring the trials, even when corrected for lung volume (e.g., for 24 trials breathing air, 12.5% increase, P < 0.05). In some trials, taskfailure occurred before 20 min (end point of trial), and in thesetrials there was an increase in end-tidalPCO2(P < 0.01), despite the absence of peripheral muscle fatigue. In four subjects (6 trials with task failure), there was no decline in twitch amplitude with bilateral phrenic stimulation or in voluntary activation of the diaphragm, eventhough end-tidal PCO2 rose by 1.6 ± 0.9%. These results suggest that hypoventilation,CO2 retention, and ultimate taskfailure during resistive breathing are not simply dependent on impairedforce-generating capacity of the diaphragm or impaired voluntaryactivation of the diaphragm.


Verbanck, Sylvia, Hans Larsson, Dag Linnarsson, G. KimPrisk, John B. West, and Manuel Paiva. Pulmonary tissue volume, cardiac output and diffusing capacity in sustained microgravity. J. Appl. Physiol. 83(3): 810-816, 1997.In microgravity (µG) humans have marked changes in bodyfluids, with a combination of an overall fluid loss and aredistribution of fluids in the cranial direction. We investigatedwhether interstitial pulmonary edema develops as a result of a headwardfluid shift or whether pulmonary tissue fluid volume is reduced as aresult of the overall loss of body fluid. We measured pulmonary tissuevolume (Vti), capillary blood flow, and diffusing capacity in foursubjects before, during, and after 10 days of exposure to µG duringspaceflight. Measurements were made by rebreathing a gas mixturecontaining small amounts of acetylene, carbon monoxide, and argon.Measurements made early in flight in two subjects showed no change inVti despite large increases in stroke volume (40%) and diffusingcapacity (13%) consistent with increased pulmonary capillary bloodvolume. Late in-flight measurements in four subjects showed a 25%reduction in Vti compared with preflight controls(P < 0.001). There was aconcomittant reduction in stroke volume, to the extent that it was nolonger significantly different from preflight control. Diffusingcapacity remained elevated (11%; P < 0.05) late in flight. These findings suggest that, despiteincreased pulmonary perfusion and pulmonary capillary blood volume,interstitial pulmonary edema does not result from exposure to µG.


Prezant, D. J., M. L. Karwa, B. Richner, D. Maggiore, E. I. Gentry, and J. Cahill. Gender-specific effects of dexamethasone treatment on rat diaphragm structure and function. J. Appl. Physiol. 82(1): 125-133, 1997.The effectsof long-term dexamethasone treatment on diaphragm muscle were studiedin female and male rats. Compared with pair-fed control animals,dexamethasone treatment did not significantly affect estrous cycling orpeak serum estradiol levels; however, testosterone levels weresignificantly increased in females and decreased in males.Dexamethasone significantly reduced body and costal diaphragm weights,but to a lesser extent in females than in males. Reductions indiaphragm weight were proportional to reductions in body weight. Infemales and males, dexamethasone treatment significantly decreaseddiaphragm fiber (types I and II) cross-sectional area and the relativeexpression of myosin heavy chain isoform 2B. With the exception of typeI fiber atrophy, these changes occurred to a lesser extent in females.Dexamethasone did not significantly affect specific forces.Dexamethasone significantly increased twitch one-half relaxation timeand fatigue resistance indexes in males but not in females. Inconclusion, the effects of long-term dexamethasone treatment weregender specific, with significantly fewer effects in females, andchanges in serum testosterone levels were associated with thesefindings.


Prezant, David J., Manoj L. Karwa, Helen H. Kim, DianeMaggiore, Virginia Chung, and David E. Valentine. Short- and long-term effects of testosterone on diaphragm in castrated and normalmale rats. J. Appl. Physiol. 82(1):134-143, 1997.The effects of short- and long-term testosteroneabsence or treatment on the diaphragm were studied in castrated andsexually normal male rats. Compared with control rats (untreated normalmales), testosterone absence or treatment did not significantly affect costal weight. In untreated castrated males, there were significant decreases in specific forces, type II fiber cross-sectional area, andmyosin heavy chain (MHC) isoform 2B after 2.5 wk. In castrated malesthat received testosterone, there were significant increases inspecific forces, type II total fiber proportional area, and relativeexpression of all adult diaphragm fast MHC isoforms(MHC-2all) after 2.5 wk. In normal males thatreceived testosterone, the only significant finding was an increase inMHC-2B after 2.5 wk. Across all groups, there was close correlationbetween increases in maximum tetanic forces and MHC-2all.Changes in diaphragm function and composition were closely related tochanges in serum testosterone levels at 2.5 wk. The lack of significantchange in diaphragm function at 10 wk occurred despite changes in serumtestosterone levels and diaphragm composition similar to those at 2.5 wk. These findings support our hypothesis that the effects oftestosterone are dependent on basal circulating androgen levels andstudy duration.


Allan, Douglas W., and John J. Greer. Pathogenesis ofnitrofen-induced congenital diaphragmatic hernia in fetal rats. J. Appl. Physiol. 83(2): 338-347, 1997.Congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) is a developmental anomalycharacterized by the malformation of the diaphragm and impaired lungdevelopment. In the present study, we tested several hypothesesregarding the pathogenesis of CDH, including those suggesting that theprimary defect is due to abnormal 1)lung development, 2) phrenic nerveformation, 3) developmentalprocesses underlying diaphragmatic myotube formation, 4) pleuroperitoneal canal closure,or 5) formation of the primordial diaphragm within the pleuroperitoneal fold. The2,4-dichloro-phenyl-p-nitrophenyl ether (nitrofen)-induced CDH rat model was used for thisstudy. The following parameters were compared between normal andherniated fetal rats at various stages of development:1) weight, protein, and DNA contentof lungs; 2) phrenic nerve diameter,axonal number, and motoneuron distribution;3) formation of the phrenic nerve intramuscular branching pattern and diaphragmatic myotube formation; and 4) formation of the precursor ofthe diaphragmatic musculature, the pleuroperitoneal fold. Wedemonstrated that previously proposed theories regarding the primaryrole of the lung, phrenic nerve, myotube formation, and the closure ofpleuroperitoneal canal in the pathogenesis of CDH are incorrect.Rather, the primary defect associated with CDH, at least in thenitrofen rat model, occurs at the earliest stage of diaphragmdevelopment, the formation of the pleuroperitoneal fold.


Sinderby, C., S. Friberg, N. Comtois, and A. Grassino.Chest wall muscle cross talk in the canine costal diaphragm electromyogram. J. Appl. Physiol.81(5): 2312-2327, 1996.The present paper describes the influenceof cross talk from the abdominal and intercostal muscles on the caninediaphragm electromyogram (EMG). The diaphragm EMG was recorded withbipolar surface electrodes placed on the costal portion of thediaphragm (abdominal side), aligned in the fiber direction, andpositioned in a region with a relatively low density of motor endplates. The results indicated that cross talk may occur in thediaphragm EMG, especially during conditions of loaded breathing andlight general anesthesia. The cross-talk signals showed characteristicsthat were entirely different from the diaphragm EMG. Although thediaphragm EMG was typical for signals recorded with electrodes alignedin the fiber direction, the cross-talk signals were characteristic ofthose obtained with electrode pairs not aligned in the direction of themuscle fibers. Alterations in electrode positioning, interelectrodedistance, and/or electrode surface area cannot guarantee theelimination of cross-talk signals, whereas spinal anesthesia at a highthoracic level will paralyze the sources of the cross talk and henceeliminate the cross-talk signals. By taking advantage of thedifferences in EMG signal characteristics for the diaphragm EMG andcross-talk signals, an index that has the capability to detect crosstalk was developed.


Boriek, Aladin M., Joseph R. Rodarte, and Susan S. Margulies. Zone of apposition in the passive diaphragm of thedog. J. Appl. Physiol. 81(5): 1929-1940, 1996.Wedetermined the regional area of the diaphragmatic zone of apposition(ZAP) as well as the regional craniocaudal extent of the ZAP(ZAPht) of the passive diaphragm in six paralyzedanesthetized beagle dogs (8-12 kg) at residual lung volume (RV),functional residual capacity (FRC), FRC + 0.25 and FRC + 0.5 inspiratory capacity, and total lung capacity (TLC) in prone and supinepostures. To identify the caudal boundary of the ZAP, 17 lead markers(1 mm) were sutured to the abdominal side of the costal and cruraldiaphragms around the diaphragm insertion on the chest wall. Two weekslater, the dogs' caudal thoraces were scanned by the use of thedynamic spatial reconstructor (DSR), a prototype fast volumetric X-raycomputer tomographic scanner, developed at the Mayo Clinic. Thethree-dimensional spatial coordinates of the markers were identified(±1.4 mm), and the cranial boundary of the ZAP was determined from30-40 1.4-mm-thick sagittal and coronal slices in each DSR image.We interpolated the DSR data to find the position of the cranial andcaudal boundaries of the ZAP every 5° around the thorax and computedthe distribution of regional variation of area of the ZAP andZAPht as well as the total area of ZAP. TheZAPht and area of ZAP increased as lung volume decreasedand were largest near the lateral extremes of the rib cage. We measuredthe surface area of the rib cage cephaled to the ZAP(AL) in both postures in another six beagle dogs(12-16 kg) of similar stature, scanned previously in the DSR. Weestimated the entire rib cage surface area(Arc = AZAP +AL). The AZAP as a percentageof Arc increased more than threefold as lung volumedecreased from TLC to RV, from ~9 to 29% of Arc.


Brimioulle, Serge, Philippe Lejeune, and Robert Naeije.Effects of hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction on pulmonary gasexchange. J. Appl. Physiol. 81(4):1535-1543, 1996.Several reports have suggested that hypoxicpulmonary vasoconstriction (HPV) might result in deterioration ofpulmonary gas exchange in severe hypoxia. We therefore investigated theeffects of HPV on gas exchange in normal and diseased lungs. Weincorporated a biphasic HPV stimulus-response curve observed in intactdogs (S. Brimioulle, P. Lejeune, J. L. Vachièry, M. Delcroix, R. Hallemans, and R. Naeije, J. Appl.Physiol. 77: 476-480, 1994) into a 50-compartment lung model (J. B. West, Respir.Physiol. 7: 88-110, 1969) to control the amount ofblood flow directed to each lung compartment according to the localhypoxic stimulus. The resulting model accurately reproduced the bloodgas modifications caused by HPV changes in dogs with acute lung injury.In single lung units, HPV had a moderate protective effect on alveolaroxygenation, which was maximal at near-normal alveolarPO2 (75-80 Torr), mixed venousPO2 (35 Torr), andPO2 at which hemoglobin is 50%saturated (24 Torr). In simulated diseased lungs associated with40-60 Torr arterial PO2,however, HPV increased arterial PO2 by 15-20 Torr. We conclude that HPV can improve arterialoxygenation substantially in respiratory failure.


Sinaasappel, M., and C. Ince. Calibration ofPd-porphyrin phosphorescence for oxygen concentration measurements in vivo. J. Appl. Physiol. 81(5):2297-2303, 1996.Quantitative measurement of oxygenconcentrations in the microvasculature is of prime importance in issuesrelated to oxygen transport to tissue. The introduction of thequenching of the Pd-porphyrin phosphorescence as oxygen sensor in vivoby Wilson et al. (J. Appl. Physiol.74: 580-589, 1993) has provided in this context a major advance inthis area of research. For in vivo application, the dye is coupled toalbumin to restrict the dye to the circulation and to measure oxygen in the physiological range. In this study a phosphorimeter with a gatedphotomultiplier is presented and validated. Furthermore, anonlinear-fit method using the Marquardt-Levenberg algorithm is used tocalculate the decay time. With this new phosphorimeter, calibrationmeasurements were performed to investigate the effects of pH,temperature, and diffusivity. The results present a preparation methodfor albumin coupling of the dye that eliminates the pH dependency ofthe quenching kinetics. Furthermore, the decreased oxygen diffusivityof serum was compared with that of water, and it was shown thatcalibration constants measured in water can be extrapolated to serum.


Diaphragm disuse reduces Ca2+ uptake capacity of sarcoplasmic reticulum   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Howell, Sandra, Wen-Zhi Zhan, and Gary C. Sieck.Diaphragm disuse reduces Ca2+uptake capacity of sarcoplasmic reticulum. J. Appl.Physiol. 82(1): 164-171, 1997.Chronic phrenictetrodotoxin (TTX) blockade and phrenic denervation (Dnv) of hamsterdiaphragm result in decreased maximum specific tension, prolongedcontraction time, and improved fatigue resistance (W. Z. Zhan and G. C. Sieck. J. Appl. Physiol. 72:1445-1453, 1992). An underlying increased relative contribution oftype I fibers to total muscle mass appears to be consistent with, butdoes not completely account for, changes in contractile and fatigueproperties. The present study was designed to evaluate a potential rolefor altered cellular Ca2+metabolism in the adaptive response of the diaphragm to chronic disuse.An analytic method based on simulation and modeling of long-term45Ca2+efflux data was used to estimateCa2+ contents (nmolCa2+/g wet wt tissue) and exchangefluxes (nmolCa2+ · min1 · g1)for extracellular and intracellular compartments in the in vitro hamster hemidiaphragm after prolonged disuse. Three groups were compared: control (Con, n = 5),phrenic TTX blockade (TTX, n = 5), andphrenic denervation (Dnv, n = 5).Experimental muscles were loaded with45Ca2+for 1 h, and efflux data were collected for 8 h by using a flow-through tissue chamber. Compartmental analysis of efflux data estimated thatthe Ca2+ contents andCa2+ exchange fluxes of thelargest and slowest intracellular compartment (putative longitudinalreticulum) were reduced by ~50% in TTX and Dnv muscle groupscompared with Con. In addition, the kinetic model predicted significantdecreases in total intracellularCa2+ and total diaphragmCa2+ in TTX and Dnv muscles. Weconclude that the data support the hypothesis that the capac- ity ofthe sarcoplasmic reticulum for Ca2+ sequestration is reduced inchronic diaphragm disuse. The impact of this effect on diaphragmcontractile and fatigue properties is discussed.


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