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The distributions of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in the warm season were elucidated in ten lakes of different trophic types in Japan, Russia, and China. DOC showed similar vertical distributions in all the lakes in summer when thermal stratification occurred. DOC in the epilimnion was higher than the value of 0.8mgCl–1 found in the hypolimnion. In three Japanese lakes, hypolimnion DOC was negatively correlated with apparent oxygen utilization (AOU), reflecting the net oxidation of DOC using the dissolved oxygen in lake water. The DOC:O2 ratios (0.115–0.179), calculated by the slopes of the regression lines of DOC versus AOU in hypolimnion water, were as low as those of deep-sea water, which indicates low bioavailability of lake water DOC for heterotrophic bacteria. DOC and conductivity did not correlate well except in two Japanese lakes: one showed a positive correlation and the other a negative correlation, indicating DOC loading from the inflowing rivers. Eutrophic lakes tended to have higher DOC values than meso- and oligotrophic lakes, and DOC values in the surface water negatively correlated with Secchi depths.  相似文献   

Monthly observations performed on a typical harmonic-type lake, Lake Biwa (latitude 35°15′ N, longitude 136°05′ E, Japan), showed that the particulate aluminum concentration varied around a mean value of 0.8 μM, with occasional extraordinarily high values, whereas the dissolved aluminum concentration varied, in the surface layer of the whole lake, between a minimum of 0.01 μM and a maximum of 0.30 μM, depending on the season. Although the variation in dissolved aluminum paralleled the variation in the pH of the lake water, the variation in dissolved aluminum lagged behind the variation in pH by approximately 1 month. A series of laboratory incubation experiments suggested that the supply of dissolved aluminum from, and its removal by, the suspended particulate matter involved a slow, pH-dependent reaction. The stoichiometry and the apparent equilibrium constant of this reaction were evaluated by adopting a zeolite-like structure for the surfaces of the suspended particulates. Received: December 28, 2000 / Accepted: August 22, 2001  相似文献   

A comprehensive study on the dynamics of dissolved elements (Mg, Al, Si, P, Ca, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Zn, As, Sr, Y, W, and U) in Lake Biwa was carried out using a clean technique. Lake water samples (n = 523) were collected from six stations in the North Basin and three stations in the South Basin. River water samples (n = 178) were collected from 14 major rivers flowing into the North Basin. Rainwater samples (n = 89) were collected at Otsu. The river water was enriched with Mn, Al, Fe, P, and Zn and the rainwater was enriched with Zn, Al, Fe, and Mn compared to North Basin water during winter mixing. The residence times of dissolved species were estimated on the basis of input through the rivers and rain. The residence times for Ca, Mg, and Sr were about 8 years, the same as that for water. Mn, Al, Fe, and Zn showed the shortest residence times (0.05–0.19 year). A budget calculation suggested that more than 60% of the input of dissolved Si, P, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, and Zn was scavenged and retained in the lake sediments and/or discharged as suspended particles.  相似文献   

Distribution of dissolved organic carbon in Lake Baikal and its watershed   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
 Concentrations of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in Lake Baikal ranged from 90 to 110 μM C, considerably higher than those in oceanic environments. The DOC concentrations in the epilimnion were higher than those in the hypolimnion. Since particulate organic carbon (POC) concentrations in the pelagic waters of Lake Baikal were <10–40 μM C in the epilimnion and 2–5 μM C in the hypolimnion, DOC constitutes a major component of the organic carbon pool in Lake Baikal, especially in the deep layers. The DOC concentrations downstream of the Barguzin and Selenga Rivers were quite high (400–500 μM C). Probably because of the high concentrations of DOC in these rivers, the DOC levels in Barguzin Bay and offshore at the mouth of the Selenga River were higher than those in the pelagic regions of the central and south basins of Lake Baikal. The relationship between DOC and electric conductivity revealed the transport of DOC from rivers to the pelagic area in Lake Baikal. The spatial distribution of DOC suggested that a major part of DOC in the lake was allochthonous (land-derived). Received: July 26, 2002 / Accepted: September 16, 2002 Present address:Research Institute for Humanity and Nature, 335 Takashima-cho, Marutamachi Kawaramachi, Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto 602-0878, Japan Tel. +81-75-229-6167; Fax +81-75-229-6150 e-mail: yos@chikyu.ac.jp Acknowldgments The authors wish to thank Director Prof. M. Grachev and Dr. O. Timoshkin of the Limnological Institute, Siberian Branch, Academy of Science, Russia, for arranging the cruise on Lake Baikal. We are also indebted to Drs. V. Sinyukovich, I. Khanaev, and A. Zhdanov for their kind assistance during the expeditions. We wish to thank Ms. Y. Ito for measuring the DOC concentrations. This work was supported and financed by Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), Japan (No. 09041159) and for Scientific Research of Priority Area B (No. 11213101) and by the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP) at Nagoya University. Correspondence to:T. Yoshioka  相似文献   

Quantitative and qualitative characterizations of dissolved organic matter (DOM) were carried out at the watershed level in central Japan by measuring dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentration and the three-dimensional excitation–emission matrix (3-D EEM). DOC concentration was low (mean 37 ± 19 µM C) in the upstream waters, whereas, in general, it increased toward the downstream areas (mean 92 ± 47 µM C). Significant variations in DOC concentration were detected among rivers and channels. DOC concentration in the epilimnion of Lake Biwa increased during the summer period and decreased during the winter period. The lake hypolimnion has lower DOC concentration (mean 87 ± 7 µM C) compared with the epilimnion (107 ± 15 µM C). Fulvic acid (FA)-like substances in the DOM were directly characterized by 3-D EEM. The fluorescence peak for upstream DOM was found in regions with longer wavelengths (excitation/emission 386 ± 6/476 ± 5 nm) compared with downstream and lake DOM (351 ± 12/446 ± 15 nm and 341 ± 6/434 ± 6 nm, respectively). The DOC concentration is correlated with fluorescence peak intensity of FA-like substances in DOM in river waters. Such a relationship was not found in lake DOM. A blueshift of the fluorescence peak from upstream to lake DOM was observed. A decrease in fluorescence intensities was also detected during the summer period. These results may suggest that the degradation of FA-like substances in DOM occurs from natural solar irradiation. Protein-like fluorescence was significantly detected in the lake epilimnion during the summer period. A linear relationship between DOC concentration and protein-like fluorescence indicated that an autochthonous input of DOM gave rise to the increase in DOC concentration in the lake epilimnion during the summer. These results may suggest that the 3-D EEM can be used as a tool for the investigation of DOM dynamics at the watershed level with concurrent measurement of DOC concentration and the fluorescence properties of fulvic acid-like and protein-like substances.  相似文献   

To determine the chemical and physicochemical characteristics of dissolved organic carbon in the Ado River and the Yasu River, the main rivers flowing into Lake Biwa, the adsorption behavior onto hydrous iron oxide (HIO) and the reactivity to KMnO4 oxidant were investigated in parallel with measurement of the distribution profiles of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) along the rivers. In one year of observation at the mouths of the two rivers, DOC concentrations were found to vary in the Ado over the range 0.28–1.21 mg C l−1 and in the Yasu over the range 1.01–2.68 mg C l−1. Act-DOC, one of the fractions separated from the total DOC by its adsorption-active character onto HIO at pH 4, was thought primarily to control the variation of total DOC, as in Lake Biwa. The int-DOC, another fraction separated by its adsorption-inert or -inactive character onto HIO, remained at almost a steady value around 0.18 ± 0.07 mg C l−1 in the Ado, which was lower than that (0.35 ± 0.05 mg C l−1) in Lake Biwa. The act-DOC in river waters was reactive to KMnO4 oxidant, showing a linear relation with the amount of permanganate consumed for the reaction (chemical oxygen demand: COD). In river waters, the relation can be approximated by a straight line expressed as COD (mg O2 l−1) = 0.64 × act-DOC (mg C l−1) − 0.02. In contrast, in the lake water the relation was COD (mg O2 l−1) = 0.97 × act-DOC (mg C l−1) − 0.50. Received: March 3, 1999 / Accepted: December 2, 1999  相似文献   

The spatial distribution and seasonal variation in the concentration and carbon isotopic composition of dissolved methane in a river–lake ecosystem were studied in Lake Biwa, Japan, and its tributary rivers. Methane concentrations in all subsystems examined were supersaturated with respect to the atmosphere. The epilimnion showed higher concentrations of dissolved methane than the hypolimnion in the pelagic zone. Peak methane concentrations were observed at the thermocline. The largest amount of methane in the pelagic water column was recorded at the end of a stagnant period, at which the bottom water of the sublittoral zone (30m in depth) exhibited increased methane concentration. Transect observation of dissolved methane revealed three methane peaks at different water depths in the lake, and river water and the sediments in littoral and sublittoral zones were suggested to be the corresponding sources. Water at the river mouth was replete with dissolved oxygen but also contained a high concentration of methane. The present results suggest that river water and littoral sediment are potential sources of dissolved methane in Lake Biwa, and other sources, such as internal waves, are responsible for increased methane in the pelagic zone at the end of stagnant periods. Carbon stable isotope analysis indicated that there were different sources of dissolved methane, although it was difficult to identify the origins due to high variation of the isotopic composition of methane from different sources.  相似文献   

To determine the origin of CH4, the vertical distribution of CH4 around the thermocline in the north basin of Lake Biwa and the horizontal distribution in the Yasu and Ado rivers were measured. In 1995, CH4 concentrations (ranging from 200 to 1000 nM) exceeding the saturation level were observed just above or in the thermocline in the pelagic region off the Yasu River. These values were higher than those just below the thermocline and in the hypolimnion. CH4 concentrations in the mouths of the Yasu and Ado rivers were much higher than at other stations, around 2500 and 2000 nM, respectively. Due to the drought in 1994 when there was no water from the Yasu River flowing into the north basin, CH4 concentration just above or in the thermocline in the pelagic region off the Yasu River ranged from 49 to 74 nM. It is thus concluded that the high level of CH4 observed in the mouth of the Yasu River is one of the sources of the high CH4 concentrations in the pelagic region off the Yasu River. On the other hand, the CH4 concentration in the pelagic region off the Ado River was about 50 nM. It is thought that water flowing in from the Ado River diffused readily into the lake water because the depth of the lake in the region off the Ado River declines steeply. The maximum concentration of CH4 in the river mouths indicates that these areas are important sites for clarifying the mechanism of the decrease in dissolved oxygen in Lake Biwa and the Yodo River watershed. Received: October 25, 2000 / Accepted: May 8, 2001  相似文献   

Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and NO3 are important forms of C and N in stream water. Hypotheses concerning relationships between DOC and NO3 concentrations have been proposed, but there are no reports demonstrating a relationship between them in stream water. We observed 35 natural streams in the Lake Biwa watershed, central Japan, and found an inverse relationship between DOC and NO3 concentrations. This relationship was also found in observations of their seasonal variations in the Lake Biwa watershed. Moreover, this relationship was also found to apply to watersheds in other regions in Japan. These results suggest that forest biogeochemical processes which control DOC and NO3 concentrations in Japanese streams are closely related. Excess N availability together with a C (energy) deficit in a soil environment may explain this relationship. DOC and NO3 concentrations in streams will thus be a useful index indicating C and N availability in catchments.  相似文献   

To clarify the roles of zooplankton in the sedimentation of seston from the epilimnion, the sinking flux of particulate carbon was measured along with primary production rate and zooplankton biomass from July 1996 to October 1997 at a pelagic site in the north basin of Lake Biwa. During the study period, the flux varied seasonally from 66 to 510 mg C m−2 day−1 and was low in summer when zooplankton, composed mainly of Eodiaptomus japonicus and Daphnia galeata, were abundant. Simple correlation analysis revealed that the sinking flux correlated neither with the primary production rate nor with the amount of sestonic carbon above the sediment trap. However, the particle elimination rate, estimated as the difference between the primary production rate and the sinking flux, correlated positively with the zooplankton biomass. These results suggest that zooplankton play a substantial role in decreasing the sinking flux in Lake Biwa. Received: March 6, 2000 / Accepted: October 7, 2000  相似文献   

The spatial distribution and seasonal variation in the concentrations in Lake Biwa of pesticides used in paddy fields were studied. Lake Biwa is the largest lake in Japan and is a recognized water resource for 14 million people in the Kinki district. Samples were collected nine times from April to December 2001 at ten sites within the lake and at the mouths of six influent rivers. Weekly sampling was also carried out at a single site on an effluent river. Among the 20 pesticides analyzed, the detection frequencies in surface water were almost 100% for simetryn, bromobutide, and isoprothiolane; around 75% for molinate and pyroquilon; around 30% for three herbicides and one fungicide; and almost zero for the remaining substances. The maximum concentrations of pesticides detected frequently in the lake were in the range 0.1–0.4µgl–1. The occurrence of a few pesticides below the thermocline may be explained by thermal stratification and vertical circulation. Although the thermocline suppressed vertical diffusion in spring and summer during pesticide application periods, a few pesticides remaining at the surface of the lake in winter were transported to the hypolimnion by vertical circulation and remained there even after the reestablishment of the thermocline. The half-lives of pesticides in the lake were estimated to be more than a year for simetryn, half a year for bromobutide, 1.5 months for molinate, and 1 month for dimepiperate. The main cause of elimination for molinate and dimepiperate was estimated to be degradation, that for simetryn was outflow, and for bromobutide both degradation and outflow were significant.  相似文献   

This study estimated the inputs of four paddy herbicides in the entire river inflow reaching Lake Biwa, the largest lake in Japan, which serves as a water resource for 14 million people. The Uso River and the Hino River, the main contaminated rivers among the inflow rivers, were selected as daily and hourly monitoring sites to provide data on the seasonal trends in the concentration and load of herbicides and to determine the effect of rainfall events on load. The monitoring was also performed four times in 15 inflow rivers. The total input to the lake was calculated from the loads during fine weather conditions and additional loads during rainfall events. The former based on the lumped load from the two rivers and by prorating for the 15 rivers, and the latter was estimated from the relation between precipitation and increased load rate. The annual losses of herbicide from the basin to Lake Biwa were estimated to be 14.5% for bromobutide, 3.0% for pretilachlor, 5.2% for molinate, and 8.8% for simetryn. The loads caused by rainfall events accounted for 9%–18% of the total annual loads.  相似文献   

Softwater lakes provide a habitat for isoetid macrophytes, which are vulnerable to eutrophication and acidification. In Ireland many catchments of such lakes are currently planted with exotic conifers. Management of these plantations can lead to increases in lake water phosphorus (P), threatening the survival of softwater macrophytes. Regional increases of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) may also have a detrimental effect on aquatic plants. The persistence of the macrophyte flora in lakes with managed forested catchments in Northern Ireland was investigated by comparing the macrophyte community of 12 lakes surveyed in 2007 with a 1988-1990 survey. Contemporary data were compared with plant macrofossil records pre-dating 1900. Macrophyte abundance generally remained unchanged but Littorella uniflora (L.) Asch. and Fontinalis antipyretica Hedw. showed a significant decline since 1988-1990. Water colour, alkalinity, silica, total P, total soluble P and soluble reactive P increased; conductivity and chlorophyll a decreased in the lakes over time. These changes coincided with increased pH in precipitation and potentially elevated exports of DOC to water. Conifer plantation management appeared to have less impact on the macrophyte flora than expected from the elevated lake P concentrations. It appears that a large regional increase in DOC is also a threat to macrophyte abundance and diversity in these upland catchments and conservation efforts may be more successful in lakes with longer water residence times.  相似文献   

Polar dissolved organic matter (DOM) was isolated from a surface-water sample from the Great Salt Lake by separating it from colloidal organic matter by membrane dialysis, from less-polar DOM fractions by resin sorbents, and from inorganic salts by a combination of sodium cation exchange followed by precipitation of sodium salts by acetic acid during evaporative concentration. Polar DOM was the most abundant DOM fraction, accounting for 56% of the isolated DOM. Colloidal organic matter was 14C-age dated to be about 100% modern carbon and all of the DOM fractions were 14C-age dated to be between 94 and 95% modern carbon. Average structural models of each DOM fraction were derived that incorporated quantitative elemental and infrared, 13C-NMR, and electrospray/mass spectrometric data. The polar DOM model consisted of open-chain N-acetyl hydroxy carboxylic acids likely derived from N-acetyl heteropolysaccharides that constituted the colloidal organic matter. The less polar DOM fraction models consisted of aliphatic alicyclic ring structures substituted with carboxyl, hydroxyl, ether, ester, and methyl groups. These ring structures had characteristics similar to terpenoid precursors. All DOM fractions in the Great Salt Lake are derived from algae and bacteria that dominate DOM inputs in this lake.  相似文献   

The impact of conservation tillage practices on soil carbon has been of great interest in recent years. Conservation tillage might have the potential to enhance soil carbon accumulation and alter the depth distribution of soil carbon compared to conventional tillage based systems. Changes in the soil organic carbon (SOC) as influenced by tillage, are more noticeable under long-term rather than short-term tillage practices. The objective of this study was to determine the impacts of long-term tillage on SOC and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) status after 19 years of four tillage treatments in a Hydragric Anthrosol. In this experiment four tillage systems included conventional tillage with rotation of rice and winter fallow system (CTF), conventional tillage with rotation of rice and rape system (CTR), no-till and ridge culture with rotation of rice and rape system (NT) and tillage and ridge culture with rotation of rice and rape system (TR). Soils were sampled in the spring of 2009 and sectioned into 0–10, 10–20, 20–30, 30–40, 40–50 and 50–60 cm depth, respectively.Tillage effect on SOC was observed, and SOC concentrations were much larger under NT than the other three tillage methods in all soil depths from 0 to 60 cm. The mean SOC concentration at 0–60 cm soil depth followed the sequence: NT (22.74 g kg?1) > CTF (14.57 g kg?1) > TR (13.10 g kg?1) > CTR (11.92 g kg?1). SOC concentrations under NT were significantly higher than TR and CTR (P < 0.01), and higher than CTF treatment (P < 0.05). The SOC storage was calculated on equivalent soil mass basis. Results showed that the highest SOC storage at 0–60 cm depth presented in NT, which was 158.52 Mg C ha?1, followed by CTF (106.74 Mg C ha?1), TR (93.11 Mg C ha?1) and CTR (88.60 Mg C ha?1). Compared with conventional tillage (CTF), the total SOC storage in NT increased by 48.51%, but decreased by 16.99% and 12.77% under CTR and TR treatments, respectively. The effect of tillage on DOC was significant at 0–10 cm soil layer, and DOC concentration was much higher under CTF than the other three treatments (P < 0.01). Throughout 0–60 cm soil depth, DOC concentrations were 32.92, 32.63, 26.79 and 22.10 mg kg?1 under NT, CTF, CTR and TR, and the differences among the four treatments were not significant (P > 0.05). In conclusion, NT increased SOC concentration and storage compared to conventional tillage operation but not for DOC.  相似文献   

A monthly survey of dissolved concentrations of various trace elements was performed in Lake Biwa. Particulate concentrations of the elements were also measured in early autumn and winter. Based on these results, the geochemical behaviors of trace elements are discussed. The redox-sensitive elements Mn and Fe showed characteristic vertical distribution profiles. Profiles of Mn changed drastically with the progression of the stagnation period. The dynamics of Ba were affected by the redox cycle of Mn. Dissolved V concentration showed a clear seasonal variation. In contrast, dissolved concentrations of Sr, Mo, Cu, Zn, and Ni were almost uniform, i.e., not dependent on the season or the depth. The distribution ratios of these elements between lake water and Mn nodules formed in the lake were calculated to assess their geochemical behaviors.  相似文献   

Effects of summer drawdown on cyprinid fish larvae in Lake Biwa, Japan   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The effects of artificial water-level manipulations in Lake Biwa, initiated in 1992 to prevent flooding, on cyprinid fish larvae were assessed by measuring and estimating the topographic change in the reed zones. The shallow, litter-accumulated water in those zones was inhabited by larvae of two species, Carassius spp. and Cyprinus carpio. More than 70% (by volume) of these shallow areas in Lake Biwa was estimated to be lost when the water level was artificially lowered by 30cm from June to October 1997. During the low water level period, significantly fewer eggs of these cyprinid fishes were collected in a reed zone than in April and May of the same year, a comparison with a previous study suggesting that spawning of the fishes was inhibited during the period of low water level. The artificial reductions in water level probably resulted in a significant decrease in the volume of shallow water in the lake and may be linked to the drastic decline in these cyprinid fishes.  相似文献   

As a part of a core project of IGBP (International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme), distribution, production, oxidation and transport processes of methane in bottom sediments and lake water in a mesotrophic lake (Lake Biwa) have been studied with special reference to the spatial heterogeneity of each process. In this study, we attempted to synthesize previously reported results with newly obtained ones to depict the methane dynamics in the entire lake. The pelagic water column exhibited subsurface maxima of dissolved methane during a stratified period. Transect observation at the littoral zone suggested that horizontal transportation may be a reason for the high methane concentration in epilimnion and thermocline at the offshore area. Tributary rivers and littoral sediments were suggested to be the source. Observations also showed that the internal wave caused resuspension of the bottom sediment and release of methane from the sediment into the lake water. The impact of the internal waves was pronounced in the late stage of a stratified period. The littoral sediment showed much higher methanogenic activity than the profundal sediments, and the bottom water of the littoral sediments had little methanotrophic activity. In the profundal sediment, most of the methane that diffused up from the deeper part was oxidized when it passed through the oxic layer. Active methane oxidation was also observed in the hypolimnetic water, while the lake water in the epilimnion and thermocline showed very low methane oxidation, probably due to the inhibitory effect of light. These results mean a longer residence time for methane in the epilimnion than in the hypolimnion. Horizontal inflow of dissolved methane from the river and/or littoral sediment, together with the longer residence time in the surface water, may cause the subsurface maxima, which have also been observed in other lakes and in the ocean.  相似文献   

鄱阳湖典型湿地土壤有机碳分布及影响因子   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在南矶湿地国家级自然保护区设置采样带,对鄱阳湖典型湿地土壤有机碳分布及影响因子进行了研究。结果表明:1)湿地土壤0~15、15~30、30~50cm有机碳含量分别为1.07%~3.52%、0.31%~1.96%、0.27%~0.92%,有机碳含量自表层以下急剧降低。2)湿地土壤0~50cm有机碳密度变化范围为3.02~10.19kg·m-2,其中,表层0~15cm约占42.5%~72.6%;土壤有机碳含量、碳密度均以苔草植物群落最高,其他依次为南荻群落、南荻+苔草群落、芦苇群落、水蓼群落。3)土壤水分与植物生物量是鄱阳湖湿地土壤有机碳分布的2个主要影响因子,土壤水分能解释湿地表层0~15cm有机碳40%的变异,总生物量则能解释28%的土壤有机碳变异。4)鄱阳湖湿地碳密度与长江中下游地区的湖泊湿地类型具有较好的可比性,远低于若尔盖、三江平原等冷区泥炭湿地类型。  相似文献   

Distributions of molecular size and fluorescence properties of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in the Lake Biwa and Lake Baikal watersheds were investigated using the cross-flow ultrafiltration technique and three-dimensional fluorescence measurements. From the fluorescence properties, protein-like substances were usually found in the 0.1 μm-GF/F fraction (the Durapore membrane retentate of the GF/F filtrate) of the lake DOM. The results indicated autochthonous production of protein-like organic-matters in the lake environment. Fulvic acid (FA)-like components were composed of two fractions with respect to fluorescence properties and molecular size. Two FA-like fluorescence peaks, which showed different fluorescence peak positions in the excitation-emission matrix (EEM), were partly fractionated by the molecular size of 5000 daltons (5 kDa). The FA-like fluorescence peak position of the <5-kDa fraction was observed at the shorter wavelength region compared with that of the fraction between 5 kDa and 0.1 μm (5 kDa20.1 μm fraction). A blue shift of the FA-like fluorescence peak position as well as a decrease in the molecular size of the DOM was observed in lake samples. The relative contribution of the <5 kDa fraction to the DOC concentration was high in lake waters (68%–79%) compared with river waters (44%–68%), suggesting characteristic changes in molecular size between riverine and lacustrine DOM. DOM of the 5 kDa–0.1 μm fraction was relatively higher in river waters than in lake waters. These findings coincided with in situ distributions of the fluorescence properties and molecular size of DOM found in both stream and lake environments. These results indicate that FA-like substances from forested watersheds are decomposed qualitatively and quantitatively in the river-lake environment by photochemical and biological processes.  相似文献   

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